Encounter with an Alien

Story by Chalmrah on SoFurry

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#1 of Encounter with an Alien

This story is actually very close to me, because I have longed for this to happen. I've been feeling very draconic lately and pushed this out in a day. Its my own story. Its me.

It was just a normal day at school. Not much happened. I went there, sat in class, had lunch, sat in class some more then went home. I'm a pretty average eighteen year old, six foot one and a lean build with dark hair. I don't do much physical stuff, my hobbies are mainly in the computer and art areas. I managed to convince my parents to buy me a computer with a really good monitor and graphics card just so I could use a very expensive tablet properly.

It was a Friday night and I was working on a very arousing piece, 2 dragons going at each other in a feat of carnal passion. I was just drawing and talking on Skype to some friends over the net when I heard a loud bang from downstairs. I was alone in the house this weekend, because my parents had gone somewhere together and taken my little brother with them. I stopped the call and started sneaking downstairs, grabbing the hockey stick my brother owns on the way. I'd been up and down the stairs so many times that I knew which ones were the ones that squeaked, so I avoided them. I poked my head around the door to the kitchen and both my jaw and the hockey stick dropped at the same time.

In the kitchen was a large, green scaled creature with a tail and wings, rummaging around. It hadn't noticed me yet so I leant on the wall for a moment, wondering what I should do. My body however had different plans, as it snuck up on me and bypassed my head. I couldn't stop it because I didn't know it was coming, and I sneezed. The creature in the kitchen stopped and walked out of the kitchen, easily finding me. I backed up against the wall and it looked at me, studying me with its yellow eyes. It hissed at me and I saw its forked tongue and the sharp teeth in its mouth. It blinked then opened its mouth again, "Do you have any food?"

I blinked, "What do you want?"


"OK, but I want to know some things first."

"What would you like to know?"

"Your name, where you're from and why you're here."

"My name would be unpronounceable in your tongue so call me Klaris. It's my nickname. I am from a far off world and my mission is to investigate this planet and its dominant species."

"Good. I'll get you some food now." I said, happy with the answers I got. I noticed Klaris had a very reptilian touch to his voice, dragging out the letter s and soft c's. He was about 6 foot 8, and didn't have any horns. "Are you the only one on Earth?"

"No. There are others doing what I am doing."

"How can you speak and understand me?"

"It is a primitive enough language to learn easily. Your broadcasts into space aren't as unnoticed as most humans might think."

I opened the freezer and took out some pork and beef. Klaris poked it, "Is it supposed to be eaten like that? We are supposed to try local foods rather than bringing our own."

"How do you know you can eat it?"

"We have microscopic robots that maintain our bodies. They break down the food and take everything to use."

I threw the frozen meat into the microwave and looked at the mess. There were pots and pans everywhere as well as cutlery. "Lets go into the living room while the meat defrosts."

I showed Klaris to the living room and we both sat down on the sofa. I closed the curtains so no one could see inside while I was with the alien. I relaxed and looked at him, "So Klaris, what would you like to know?"

Klaris asked and I answered every question as best as I could until a ding was heard. He asked me about all sorts of things, from myself to the area I live in to the politics of Earth. The meat was defrosted now and I gave Klaris his meal, which he dug into happily. I saw his teeth tear it apart and noted not to get on his bad side. He swallowed down the last of it then looked at me again, "I think we have most of the questions covered, but there is one area we haven't discussed yet."

"What's that?"

"Reproduction." Klaris stated.

I took a deep breath and started explaining the way humans work and what they do, then moved on to how humans can have sex for pleasure and have same sex relationships too. Klaris looked somewhat intrigued but the look faded as soon as I finished. "Could I ask something of you?"


"Could you show me around your house?"

I nodded and stood up as Klaris did, then showed him every room in the house. We walked into my bedroom and my PC was still running with the picture of the 2 dragons on the screen. I ran and locked the desktop and turned off the monitors, but Klaris had seen it already.

"What do you think of interspecies relationships?"

"I wouldn't know. I haven't met another sentient species, until I met you." I replied as I walked back to him. He went and sat on the bed, "Well I am very curious about humans in that area."

I blinked, still not getting it. He sighed and stood up, grabbing my arms and pressing against me. "Would you have sex with me? I want to know what it feels like to be with a human."

I blushed, never having had sex before with either gender. I was curious about males though, only having fingered myself in the bathtub a few times. I also had a massive fetish when it came to the art of anal pleasure, rimming. If I got a boyfriend, I would have wanted so badly to push my tongue into his ass while he jacks off. I put my hand on Klaris' shoulder and rubbed his scales gently, "I'd love to try, but I want to rim you before you take me."

He blinked and raised an eyeridge, "What is that?"

"Basically I use my tongue to stimulate your butt."

"My tailhole?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled, hoping the big reptile would let me satisfy a long burning lust of mine. Klaris thought it over for a minute, wondering if he wanted to try it before smiling and licking my cheek gently, "OK then, what do you want me to do?"

I smirked and stripped as fast as I could. I noticed he didn't have anything on apart from a wristband that I guessed was his communication and ride back home. I went to take it off when he retracted his arm from my grasp and hissed at me. I took a step back, "I just don't want it getting in the way, not to steal it. Put it on my desk if you want, I'd just rather not accidentally break it or something."

Klaris licked me again and pulled me onto the bed after throwing his wristband onto the bedside table, his strength surprisingly strong. He licked my neck more and I moaned, the organ between my legs stirring and getting thicker. I kissed him in return and rubbed that round scaly rump of his, "Get on all fours and lift your tail."

He let go of me after licking me again and did as instructed, seeing his hot pink hole under his tail. "You said those robots take everything. Does this mean your tailhole is useless?"

"Yes. We have no use for it anymore."

"Good. This means you wont have to be cleaned out." I said before pressing my face to his rump and licking over that tight hole of his. He hissed softly and I licked more, getting the scales around it soaked with my drool. Klaris was getting aroused by this immensely. I knew because I could smell his very strong musk. I slipped a hand between his legs to have my suspicions confirmed when I felt the tip of his member poking out of his slit and getting bigger by the second. My tongue worked around the reptiles pucker gently, my hot breath washing over his butt before I pushed my tongue against him and spread his hole open, finding a good use for his rear as I pushed deeper. Klaris was enjoying himself thoroughly, a paw between his legs meeting my hand and helping me stroke his own member. I was already fully hard and ready but the alien was just getting there.

My tongue pushed deeper into him and explored the aliens rump, making sure to feel all the walls as he whined louder and louder, getting more and more aroused. His paw grabbed my hand and guided it to his almost ready member, stroking the length gently and letting me feel what would soon be in my own butt. He gasped and suddenly pulled away from me, my tongue left hanging out. He sat down and looked at me while feeling his wet tailhole, "My turn, human."

He smirked and growled as I kissed his neck gently, rubbing his shaft a little more and making it shoot a little pre from the dark red tip. I took a moment to look at his organ and admire it. It was about ten inches long and at the base was about 2 inches thick. It grew in thickness as you went further away from the tip, which was tapered to a point. Along the spine of his meat were several ridges and small bumps to stimulate its partner. I leant in a licked the tip, tasting the sweet flavour of the aliens pre before being pulled up by Klaris and getting kissed by him. His tongue pushed into my mouth and I allowed him to play with mine, sharing the passionate moment. He broke the kiss again and I got on all fours, wiggling my tight virgin ass at him. He responded by swiftly burying his cock in my ass and pushing in slowly. Inch by inch he pushed in and spread me. The pain was a lot but the pleasure was so much more and overwhelmed me. I dripped pre onto the bed, my meat throbbing without any attention despite being in control at the moment. A scaly paw working its way around my waist soon fixed it as it grasped my manhood and tugged on it gently, increasing my pleasure even more.

Klaris filled me up and had managed to get all ten inches into me and started to pull out again before pushing back in harder, thrusting into my tight butt. I moaned with every thrust, relaxing myself and allowing him to thrust harder into me. I could feel his heartbeat through his member, which slammed into me harder and harder as he tried to fill me with his hot reptilian seed. He thrusted a few more times and I cried out in orgasm, shooting several hot jets of my potent load over the bed, my ass convulsing as I went through my orgasm, causing Klaris to roar and slam all ten inches of his hot rod into me before it exploded in a torrent of his thick seed. I felt his arms wrap around my chest and hold me so hard I lost my breath. He held on tight for minutes as jet after jet was released into me. He finally let go and I gasped for air while I felt him pull out. I turned to face him when he kissed me again, having had a very good experience with a human. I stroked his meat and went to taste some of his leftover seed when I noticed it was purple. I looked at him and showed him my finger, "Purple cum?"

"Yes? Why? What colour is yours?" He replied

I shifted and pointed at some of mine on the bed, "White."

He snorted and licked me, "Not everything in the universe makes sense, plus you're the weird one. You've got the white seed!"

I licked his cum off my finger then licked his meat for some more. His cum was incredibly sweet and thick, like toffee but way better. I moved up again and kissed him, tasting his mouth now and exploring, feeling those sharp fangs he had and his forked tongue. The kiss only broke when I collapsed onto the bed, with his seed in my butt and the taste of him flooding my mouth. He laid next to me and held me close, knowing that I was incredibly tired, as he was as well. With our manhoods covered in fluids, we both fell asleep with my body nestled against his.

I woke to the sight of Klaris looking around the room, investigating it and playing with everything he could find. He hadn't yet touched my computer, because my phone would have bleeped. I had set it up so that if my screensaver was disturbed, my computer would send me a text to alert me that someone was attempting to use my computer. It was a good measure to keep my nosey brother out of the folders filled with about the same amount of sexual energy as Klaris had last night. I yawned and stretched, feeling the dried cum in my ass and on my meat. Klaris heard me and sat on the bed next to me, "Is there a place where I can wash? I don't want to go back to my ship with seed all over me."

I nodded and rubbed his muscled chest, "Let's have a shower together Klaris."

He grinned and I stood up, my meat now soft and smaller. Klaris took my hand in his larger paw and looked at my flaccid member, "You haven't got a slit like me?"

"Nope. It hangs loose and free." I replied. He smiled and we went to the bathroom connected to my bedroom. I had my own en suite with a shower in it so I could have some privacy in the house. I turned on the shower and got it nice and hot before inviting my big scaly friend inside. He checked the water before stepping in with me. There was plenty of space for both beings, so we started washing each other, rubbing against each other when we could. He pulled his flaccid member out of his slit and I cleaned it lovingly, making sure to give it a few squeezes and rubs, eliciting a sensual growl from the reptile. He petted me and rubbed my wet hair. I blushed and hugged him tight, "You think you've learnt enough about the human race?"

"More than enough."

I smiled and held the big reptile close, "Whats the name of your race?"

"Our race?"

"Your species Klaris."

"We are the Chalmrah Nation." Klaris said. He smiled and I knew he felt pride. I turned off the water and dried myself off, throwing a spare at Klaris, "There you go."

Klaris nodded and dried himself off, taking particular care of his wings. He looked at me and put a scaled paw on my shoulder, "I have to go back to my ship today."

My smile fell and I hugged him close, "Really? Can't you stay with me?"

"No. I have to report back to the ship." he replied.

"But I don't want you to!"

"It's not yours nor my choice to decide that."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I buried my head into Klaris' chest. He rubbed the back of my head and held me close, "I'm sorry, but I have to go. I cannot remain on Earth."

I whimpered and gently rubbed his side. He growled and held me close, desperately trying to find an excuse to stay, but coming up short. My own mind was racing to find a reason to get him to stay with me, when I realised that I was looking at this the wrong way. Klaris had come to the same realisation and looked down at me with his reptilian eyes, "You know how you said you always felt different to everyone else, like an outsider?"

I nodded, knowing where he was going, but letting him come to it himself. He thought for a moment, "Would you like to come with me?"

I smiled and grabbed his head, pulling him into a kiss filled with passion. He held my naked body against his and we shared a moment where nothing else mattered. It felt so good to be with Klaris and now I was gonna be with him for years to come. He smiled and we walked out of the bathroom and laid on the bed next to each other. I stroked his tail gently while his claws softly massaged my back. He was so good at using his claws. They could probably tear me apart but I had him pampering me. The look in his eyes said he cared about me and I hoped I was right, because I was falling in love with an alien.

The time came and he put on his wristband again then pushed a few buttons on the touchscreen interface. He handed me something that looked like a USB stick and closed my hand around it, "If I get permission, then the light on it will go green and I will return. We'll pack up what you want and leave together. I have a large enough house for both of us."

Tears welled up in my eyes again and rolled down my cheeks. He wiped them off and licked me, "At least we have a chance now." He said. I nodded but still cried, "But what if we don't see each other again Klaris?"

"That will not happen. I will make sure of it. You hear me? I will see you again." He replied. He kissed me again and took a step back, disappearing in a flash of white light. I threw myself onto my bed and buried my head into the pillow, sobbing.

Many hours had passed and I had taken to dismantling my computer and packing it in a box. I had also taken my laptop and all the tech I thought I would need if Klaris came back. I packed a large sports bag with clothes and sat on the edge of my bed, looking at the key and waiting for the little red light to turn green. Night fell and it was still red. I fell asleep on my bed, clutching the key close to me when I felt a hand on my side. I woke up and threw myself off the bed, falling on the other side. I stood up and could make out a pair of wings before Klaris turned the light on. A huge smile broke out and I leaped over the bed and smashed into him, holding him tight as I could. He hugged me close and licked my neck again. "You can go. They are willing to let you come with me back to my home."

"Where is your home anyway?"

"On a moon of the Chalmrah homeworld."


"You know. The big thing that floats around a bigger planet?"

I laughed and kissed him again, "No. I mean you made the moon habitable?"

"Yes. Its only for the wealthy apart from 1 large city on it with about 200 million residents in that city."

"You live in the city?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I live in one of the big houses for the wealthy."

"Then why do you work?"

"The fun of it. I can get you a Chalmrah ID and a non-Chalmrah permanent security pass."

"I can stay with you?"

"After ten years of habitation on a Chalmrah Nation protected planet you can opt for genetic modifications so you can become one of us if you want to as well."

"I love you Klaris."

"I love you too, and don't forget it my dear human."

"I'm gonna make sure you are a happy Chalmrah."

"And I shall make sure you are a happy Chalmrah as well. I shall show you all our race has to offer and show you the expanse of our realm."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

My name is Michael Summers, and I'm a Chalmrah.