What Universe Am I In? Chapter 3

Story by James Matrix on SoFurry

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Here is the third Chapter!

As usual, I don't own any rights to Start Trek (though I wish I did!) or its stuff. They get the kudos for that. My characters are mine though. Please comment, vote, critique, or fave to your hearts content. I enjoy constructive feedback, and a little nice stuff is okay too. Enjoy y'all!

Chapter 3

Admiral Matrix sat back in the chair and stared at the console. Her son was really dead? She re-read the message a couple more times before she noticed a new message, similarly signed to her.

"Hey, mom.

Just getting back to you. I'm doing well. Policing is a lot less dangerous than battlefields and ships. It's a large city, but the central district includes the Old Quarter, and that's fairly quiet. Having my own squad has been good. It took more time getting used to though. I have less people, but I can't treat them like we are in a war zone. I have found myself being easier on them too lately. Keeping them busy though. It's nice to be home finally. Hope all is well with you and dad.


Sergeant James Matrix, London Metropolitan Police, Central District"

She took a deep breathe, and tried to calm. She took a second breathe but it ended with a slight sob. She brought her knees to her chest and stared at the screen, quietly crying.


"So." Orias said, after we had long, comfortable silence. "If you don't mind me asking, what's it like being in the Alliance Marines?"

"It can be either very dull, or exciting, or terrifying."

"You said you enlisted when you were 18?"

"Yup. My first assignment was on a medical frigate. Mostly doctors and technicians. Hates it, mostly because it reeked of disinfectant, but also just a hint of sickness that never went away. I was nineteen when I saw my first combat." I said, as I told him the story.


I was angry. I had passed all my training with flying colors, and then some, and got posted on a medical frigate running supplies to the colonists who called this butthole of space home. I was convinced it was my mother's fault. Put the admiral's pup in the safest, most boring post ever, and no one has to explain to her why they got him killed. My sister never had this problem. She was a helm officer though, not a combat marine. If anything, people hoped she would be as brilliant an officer as her mother, and as smart as her father. Marine grunts don't need to be proficient in tactics, or genius physicists, they just follow their orders and do what their told. On the CMV Apollo, two platoons of marines protected seventy crew and over three hundred medical professionals and their equipment.

Today I got the honor of standing in the CIC for nine hours. There is nothing more boring than watching the ship make FTL jump after FTL jump, just to dump off supplies to dumpy little backwaters. Not one acknowledged me, all I got was a nod or two from crew, and ignored by the stuffy doctors and their equally stuffy staff. I was a wall ornament to them right now, but hey, if pirates boarded, who is supposed to stand between them and the bullets and make the mean, murderous pirates go away? Me. Selfish fuckers would probably piss themselves. At this rate, pirates would be welcome. Get some action, though this pisshole isn't worth them risking military retaliation.

"Sir, unidentified vessel on approach, looks like a frigate." The female ocelot at the ops station reported, her paws deftly operating the orange, holographic panel.

"Course trajectory?" The captain asked, walking up to the holographic CIC dislay.

"Straight toward New Brussels. It looks like a pirate raiding party.

"Any patrols in the area?"

"The CSV Rio Grande is about two hours out at FTL."

"Damn. Send a message to the colony, warn them. They probably don't have the pirates on their scope yet."

"Yes sir!" The comm officer said, following his orders immediately.

"Go to yellow alert."

"Captain! The frigate has changed course. It will intercept us in two minutes!"

"Red alert! All hands to action stations! Shields up!"

Now that the action was about to happen, I began to rethink my earlier wishes. On a frigate or cruiser I would be excited, but this was a medical frigate. It was well shielded, but its weapons were very minimal. It looked just like the regular Duke-class medium frigate that the Alliance used in almost all theatres, but its two main batteries were gone, as were most of the mass drivers. The Apollo only had two forward mounted RE-21 Medium Rail Guns, and four MD-30 Mass Drivers. It was enough to fight off the occasional light pirate skiff and runabouts, but not a fully armed frigate, even an outdated one.

"Unidentified vessel, this is the CMV Apollo. You have entered restricted Alliance Space. Cease your course and power down you weapons." The captain hailed them, knowing full well they wouldn't answer. It was law though to give them the chance.

"No response." The ops officer reported. "They're opening fire!"

"Return fire!" The captain ordered, barely audible over the klaxons and explosions. The lights dimmed as the frigate fired salvo after salvo on the loan medical frigate, tearing through her shields and hull quickly. Another blast and I was knocked off my paws, my helmet protecting my head as it smacked against the bulkhead.

Shouts and screaming and explosions filled my ears as someone helped me up. My eyes focused on a medical technician, one paw lifting me by the arm, one holding a med kit. I got up and looked at the bridge. Smoke and fire filled my vision as I ran over to the captain. I placed my paw on his neck, but felt no pulse.

"Shit! The captains down!" I reported, spotting the female ocelot and a wounded helmsman still at their stations.

"That last blast overloaded our main systems! Their sending boarding parties on two shuttles!" The ocelot reported to no one in particular. I was a mere private, the captain was dead, the commander not in sight, and the com officer was dead as well, the lone EMT was working on the helmsman as he tried to maneuver the badly damaged frigate. Thinking quickly, I ran to the coms, shoving the dead officer out of his seat, glass and metal shards protruding from his neck and body.

"Sorry sir." I said, keying internal coms. "All hands, prepare for boarding parties. Repeat, all hands, prepare for boarding parties." I keyed it off and turned to the med tech, "Where is the medical team?"

"Hull breach in the main hall, it will take time for them to access the bridge through the secondary hall. They will have to use the maintenance tubes" He said, moving to another injured crew member.

"One of the shuttles in attaching to the deck one airlock, the other is moving to deck ten."

"Shit!" I said, keying the com. "Intruder alert! Intruder alert on decks one and ten! Repeat! Intruder alert on decks one and ten!" I checked my rifle and my sidearm, both were fine.

"We cannot let them take the bridge! They will hold the crew hostage and make off with all the supplies. We need to hold them off." The med tech said, grabbing the rifle off the dead marine who was guarding the CIC with me. Her corpse was badly burned, she was killed when the overload caused the main power conduit to explode.

"The rifle is a no go." I said, seeing that it was damaged, so I grabbed her sidearm and handed to the med tech, Gomez, a wiry ferret. "Sorry, Leena. The sidearm is okay. We can set up at junction six, just outside the maintenance door."

"Right. Don't worry, I can use this. My dad taught me." He said, checking the clip and grabbing the second undamaged one.

"Good, let's go." I swiped my keycard and punched in my personal code at the CIC doorway that led to the hall. It hissed open and revealed the main hallway, the blast doors midway down the hall sealed against the vacuum of space.

"Matrix." The ops officer's voice buzzed in my ear, "They are carving in through the escape pod bank airlock, trying to cut us off from reinforcements and escape. They will be inside the ship within the minute. Get in there and hold them off as long as you can."

"Yes ma'am." I said, suddenly absolutely terrified. I froze for a second but pushed the fear away with the memory of my training. Taking a deep breath I raised my rifle, making my way down the main corridor. I heard shouts and gunfire, and began to sprint down the hall towards the noise. I halted at junction five, knowing it was too late to make a stand at six. I peered around the corner to see two pirates stripping a pair of doctors and a nurse of the pistols and rifle they were armed with. They didn't see me as they laughed.

"Heh. These doctors are trying to fight us. Where are the marines? I want a real fight!" The furthest one sneered, right as he and his buddy received several of our bullets to the head and torso.

Two more pirates appeared from the escape pod bay's doorway, opening fire on our position. I ducked back just as the bullets pelted the corner and the wall the end of the T junction. They poured out fire, and just as they reloaded, I darted from cover, firing my rifle. I darted into a doorway alcove, perfect for a firing position to hold them off. I aimed down my rifle and fired again, finishing off the pirate I wounded and sending the other behind cover. Using the distraction, Gomez darted to my position.

"The two of us can't hold out forever!" He said, as we both fired down the corridor.

I didn't answer. We traded fire with the pirates, who now numbered at four, for a few more minutes. I was on my last clip when I heard more gunfire. The pirates fell under a barrage of bullets. One managed to limp into the hall, but I gunned him down. The shooting stopped, and it was fairly silent.

"Marines!" I heard a shout from the pod bay.

"Private Matrix here!" I shouted back. Two marines walked into the corridor, guns still ready.

"Report private!" The lead marine said, Gunnery Sergeant Takoya.

"Sir! The bridge is secure. The captain is dead, as is most of the crew on duty. It's me, Gomez, Lieutenant Coin, and Ensign Rino. The medical staff of sickbay two is dead."

"Damn." He said, shaking his head. "All clear!" He shouted over his shoulder, prompting a doctor and a wounded Commander Zimmerman to appear. "Sir, looks like you're in charge."

"Thanks gunny, private, Gomez." He said nodding to us, his good arm holstering the pistol he carried. "I need a status report from all decks. Marines and engineers will sweep the ship to look for any hidden intruders and sabotage..."


"Wow." Orias said, looking at me with his eyebrows raised, "Sounds brutal."

"When is combat not brutal? Whether it's watching a ship crumple with its crew, or seeing a man or woman get gunned down, its brutal." I said, cracking my neck.

"Still, impressive. A medical frigate held out against a pirate attack."

"Not really. Thirteen marines, out of forty four, were still alive. Out of seventy crew members, thirty five remained. Out of eighty doctors, only twenty, out of two hundred and forty nurses and technicians, fifty six survived. Only a few were uninjured. Unless you were completely debilitated, you did something. The commander had a shattered arm and still took command. Most of the survivors were badly wounded, and most of the medical facilities were too badly damaged or ..... unsanitary.... for them to be used. Thirty minutes after the pirates left, the core cooling system collapsed. We were looking at a full core breach. We had to get all the wounded to the escape pods. We did, and floated in space for three hours till the Rio Grande picked us up. They got jumped too and had their own wounded, ended up setting up a triage at a medical clinic in the nearest colony. That was from a system wide pirate attack. When the Genji hit, that was when shit really hit the fan."

Orias just stared at me, his face awash with concern and worry. He squeezed my shoulder.

"I can't imagine. I'm sorry."

I took a deep breath.

"No. I'm sorry. It's not fair to unload like this. I have a shrink for that. Guess all the stress brought some stuff back." I said, getting back to my goofy, impatient self.

"Hey, it's okay. Till you get back, you might want to see our councilor. He's a very good."

"Thanks, I'll think about it. I think I just need to relax a bit." I said, walking back into my quarters. "Say, can I check on our equipment and patrol car. If I get back and something is missing, McClyde will write me up, interdimmensional trip or not."

"Sure. It's all in a storage bay. It has been checked over by us, and Neven has cleared it. You can check on it, but just not your weapons."

"Good enough for now." I said.

We walked into the storage bay where my skycar was parked. Amongst the crates, I saw it. It was a silver Range Rover RSR400 Interceptor. Four doors, rear cargo hatch, altitude of 900 meters, speed up to 600 kph, three quarter inch ablative armor, and a Maratech Mk3 Light Kinetic Barrier. She was a silver beauty. Walking up, I inspected every inch. I ran my paw over the blue and yellow checkers that stretched along the lower half of the skycar's sides and across the Metropolitan Police seal on the door till I reached the driver door handle. Giving it a twist, the door unlatched and opened upward. Climbing in, I took the driver seat.

"Nice vehicle." He said, peering into it and looking around. I didn't answer, I just hit the button and the Rover started up with a growl and purr. "Don't think you're going to be going anywhere in that anytime soon though."

"Just checking the systems." I said, running a quick diagnostic. All of the controls were responding, the computer functioned, and the tank was still nearly full, since we were only just beginning our patrol before the incident. "Get in."

"Okay." Orias said, getting into the passenger side. "Why?"

"Testing the siren." I said, flipping a few switches on a small back box mounted on the dashboard.

The light bar lit up, blue and red lights filled the bay, as did the whooping siren. I flipped them again and the noise and light stopped.

"That was loud." Orias said, "I think the whole base heard us."

"They are very loud and piercing when we are flying, they turn down when we near a street or walkway. We don't go around deafening the populace."

I checked a few more things in the car before moving on to the equipment in the back. The weapons and ammo were all missing, even the bean bag shotgun and tear gas launcher, but the riot shields and helmets were still there. After a few more minutes, I was satisfied that, so far, all our stuff was confiscated gently. How nice.

"I'm going to head to bed. How about you?" I asked.

"Same. Got a long shift today." He said, before yawning. "Say, how would you like to go swimming tomorrow?"

"In a pool?" I asked.

"No. Well, not an artificial one anyway. I mean a real one. That canyon that carves through the plateau has a river running through it that is lined with trees. It has some nice swimming holes."

"Sure!" I said smiling, my tail wagging at the idea of more recreation with Orias, especially outdoors on such a gorgeous planet.

"Great! I'll drop by tomorrow after my shift. G'night!"

"Night!" I said, entering my quarters. I began to whistle happily as I undressed and got in bed. In a few minutes, I finally relaxed, realizing just how exhausted I was. I quickly fell into a deep dreamless slumber.


The husky woke from where she was curled on the couch. At some point she, or someone, had drawn a blanked up around her. She sat up, letting her paws touch the floor. She sighed as she assessed herself. He head was stuffy and hurting from the crying, and her face and neck were sticky and crusty from the tears. Her maw had a terrible, tacky taste. She probably looked like hell, she guessed.

She stood up carefully, her head swimming a bit and her joints loosening up. After a stretch, she entered her bathroom. She did look like hell. Her long white head fur was rumpled and tangled, her facial fur matted and crusty, and her eyes were bloodshot and dull.

"Fuck." She breathed. "Fuckfuckfuck."

She slammed her fist on the counter.

"Pull yourself together Jenna-Lee. You have work to finish, a job to do, the gate won't finish itself. You've cried, you've vented enough for now. Shower, dress, and march onto that CIC as you always have."

She coughed a bit, her throat dry. She lapped water from the sink till she wasn't thirsty, getting rid of the tacky taste and feel. Taking a deep breathe, she undressed ad entered the shower alcove. Using her favorite coconut shampoo, which she rarely used since it was the last bottle, she washed her fur. She let the lather sit as she began to brush her shampoo filled fur. After about half an hour, she was brushed, and the shampoo had settled. She rinsed it out and turned off the hot water. After exiting the shower, she entered the fur drying alcove. With a comforting wiirrrr, the hot air dried and fluffed her fur.

After a quick cup of coffee and a meat pie sent up from the galley, she dressed in her cleanest, best pressed uniform. Fully dressed in the olive uniform, she braided her head fur. Half an hour later, a long, snow white braid rested between her shoulder blades. A hair bun was regulation, but a braid wasn't unprofessional, and it was practical, and besides, she was the fleet admiral. Topping it off her cap, she exited her quarters. Taking the turbo lift up to the CIC, she fully pulled herself together.

The lift stopped, and the door slid open.

"Admiral on deck!" One of the marines guarding the door barked, causing everyone not doing something vitally important to stand to attention. That included most everyone but two engineers elbow deep in a conduit. They nodded respectfully. The admiral saw no reason for anyone to endanger themselves or their work for tradition.

"At ease ladies and gentlemen." She said back with her own salute, returning the CIC and bridge to their busy hum as she walked amongst the officers.

"Admiral." She heard from her right. She followed her ears to their source, that being Commander Edmund, her first officer. "Everything alright?"

"Yes, thank you commander. Everything operational?"

"Yes ma'am," That knowing, well hidden concern disappearing into full business mode.

Admiral Matrix knew who the mystery blanket coverer was. He had likely quietly sneaked away to check on her when she was late. Out of respect, he kept it quiet. Some may have had a feeling or guess why the admiral was late, had her hair in a braid instead of a bun, and smelled of coconut instead of the standard issue female shampoo, but no one spoke of it. Out of sheer respect and trust, no one gossiped, or worried. Jenna-Lee knew that, and it filled her with pride and appreciation.


Beep beep doop!

"Ugh" I mumbled, rolling over.

Beep beep doop!

"Fuck." I mumbled, sitting up. "Coming."

The door slid open and Orias stepped in.

"I said coming! Not come in." I said, covering myself with a pillow for Orias' sake.

"I thought Tanya was exaggerating when she said you were still asleep." He said.

"Guess I needed it." I said, stretching, my joints popping agreeably at the movement.

"Yeah, I'll wait till you dress, again." He said, spinning on his heels and walking out.

I quickly dressed in the light blue and white bathing trunks the tailor had provided, as well as a white tank top. Grabbing a towel, I exited the room.

"Ready." I said, meeting Orias in the hall. "Is anyone else joining us?"

"Not till later. Tanya and Stella are enjoying a holonovel with Doctor Sanders, they'll join us if they finish up in the next couple hours." He said.

"Sounds good!" I said, controlling how much my tail wagged and my ears flicked at the prospect of spending more alone time with my new buddy.

"It's about a thirty minute hike, just so you know. In case you want to get boots."

"I'm fine." I said, smiling at him. I lingered a bit, drinking in his physique. He was very muscular, his navy blue T-shirt hugged his frame. He was a very handsome man. His dark brown hair cut short, his roguish, chiseled features, his deep, kind hazel eyes, were all very appealing. I loved his smile, his dimples gave him a good humored, mischievous look. His butt was nice too. Without a tail, I easily enjoyed the view of his muscled ass.

"Yoo hoo, this waaayyy..." He called to me. I snapped out of my daydreaming, and trotted up to where he was. I gave him a goofy grin, hoping my fur hid my blushing, as he shook his head.

We exited the outpost compound, and began to follow a trail through the grasslands, after only a kilometer I could hear the river, another two kilometers or so I saw the canyon, nothing remarkable about it from this point of view.

"We carved a staircase from the stone and put up some railing." He said, walking to the edge. Sure enough, a staircase carved into the cliff face led down the eighty meters or so into the canyon. I could see the riving flowing quickly, but gently, through the canyon. The river was lined with trees and flowers, and the cliff walls displayed vines with large flowers, the same ones that adorned the high rises in the city. Sniffing the air, I now distinctly smelled a rosy, grassy scent. We continued down the staircase to a small rocky trail between the thin tree line and the cliff wall. We walked to an opening in the cliff wall, and I took in the sights before me.

"Welcome to the grotto James." Orias said, grinning at me.

It was beautiful. A large, cavernous grotto opened up before me. River water filled the grotto with the clearest water I had ever seen. It was mostly about waste deep, but in some areas it was probably about three meters deep. The pool was about the size of two Olympic swimming pools, and the ceiling rose up to about four meters at the highest. The sun reflected off the river and into the grotto, where waves of light and shadow danced of the light brown stone ceiling. Even in here, I could see plants all along the edge of the water, roots deep into the stone. The flowers were an odd, dark, milky blue, some a sickly green, others also various, sickly, milky colors. I didn't find them appealing at all. Still, it was breath taking.

"We come here all the time to relax. Though today is a busy day, so I'd bet we're going to be the only ones for at least a few more hours. You should see it at night too."

"Why, what happens?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said, with a mischievous, dimpled grin.

"Fine." I said, giving him a fake cross look.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" He said, taking off his shirt and shoes before diving in.

I quickly took my shirt off too and dove into the water as well. It was cool, refreshing, and very relaxing. After a minute under water I surfaced.

"It's smells so good!" I said, realizing the rosy, grassy scent was from the water.

"Yeah, the abian trees have their roots deep into the river and caverns. The oil gets in the water, making it smell so good. It's an export of the city." Orias answered, as he wiped water from his eyes and turned around.


"What are you laughing at?" I turned to him.

"You! All your fur is matted down. Hahahahah!" He kept snickering at my expense.

"Well, that's what happens to wet Dogs!"

"Heheheheehee-" His laughing was cut off as a wall of water hit him square in the face, making him cough and splutter. It was my turn to laugh at him.

He retaliated, though he didn't have the benefit of surprise.

"Got ya!" He said, laughing again. This time I dove under the water and swam up to his feet. I grabbed at his ankles as he tried to dodge me, and I pulled him in. I surfaced as he did.

"Got-oof!" He tackled me before I could barely stand up. We wrestled and rough housed for a while, but got tired after about an hour.

I sat down in a shallow area and leaned back on my elbows. Orias swam up and rested too, both our chests heaving from the work out.

"Damn this planet is nice." I said, giving him a lopsided grin as my tongue slipped out a bit from panting.

"Yeah, it really is. I might live here after I retire or quit Starfleet."

"It isn't London, but I could totally get a flat here if I had the means"

"I know what ya mean."

My ears perked up as I noticed something.

"Orias," I said sitting up, "What time is it?"

"Twenty two hundred hours." He said, eyes closed and head resting in a smooth rock.

"It's already getting dark."

"Well, we were up most of the night and you slept fourteen Elesin hours."

"Oh yeah." I said, chuckling. "I hate sleeping the day away."

"You needed it apparently." He smiled, eyes still closed.

"Yeah I did." I said, smiling at him, even though he couldn't see me.

Once again, I found myself checking him out. He was still partially submerged, but the perfectly still water didn't distort his gorgeous body. I had never seen a body not covered in fur or scales or feathers, those that got shaven for surgery were always pink or pure milky white. His body had hair, between his pecks, and some around his lower abs, leading down to the treasure trail. His pecks were beautiful, his six pack ripped, and his legs and arms bulged with power and grace, even unmoving. After a minute or so, I leaned back and rest my head as well, smiling, happy to be in such good company.

I dozed a bit, but awoke after a few minutes. The sun was going down and the grotto was getting dark. I was about to ask Orias if he had light, when I spotted something glowing dimly in the corner of my eye. I turned to see a few of the milky blue flowers, two of the smaller ones were glowing a light blue, slowly getting brighter. The larger ones were dimmer, as if they took longer.

"Orias." I gasped. He awoke and sat up next to me.

"I told you that you'd see it later." He smiled, his hazel eyes flickering with life and a little of the new light.

I turned back to the flowers and vines. More and more were slowly lighting up, becoming the bright, happy versions of the milky, dark colors I saw during the day. Red, lime green, bright blue, yellow, and bright purple plants filled the grotto. Each plant and color had its own patches scattered about, their light begging to reflect off the water, lighting up the ceiling of the cave.

"Watch this." Orias said, grabbing a handful of rock and throwing them in the water near the plants, splashing them. When the plants were hit by the water, they flashed, pulsed with color and gyrated. Combined with the disturbed water, the ceiling lit up in a phantasmagoric natural light show. We threw in a few more rocks to light up the other plants, and soon leaned back down, watching the waves of color dance on the ceiling.

"Wow, this is just...epic." I said, grinning, my tail wagging furiously.

"I know. I'm glad I could show it to you. The first time seeing it is always the best."

"Especially with an awesome friend." I said, smiling at him, scooting a bit closer to him.

We watched the light show for about half an hour before we threw a few more rocks in, this time in different places, creating a new, one of a kind dance.

I sat back, smiling, when I heard Orias' breathing pick up. With a light scuffling sound, His face appeared above mine. I gulped, and my heart beat louder, my breath leaving my chest. He moved a little closer when I didn't protest, causing a cold, nervous lump to form in my chest. He exhaled, and leaned in, his lips brushing mine before pulling back a bit.

I blinked at him, chest heaving with a cold, nervous energy. He leaned in again, his lips touching mine. This time, I brought my head up, our lips meeting in full. His lips were warm and soft, asking instead of demanding. We drew away for a second, our eyes opening and meeting. His eyes gazed at mine, seeking approval. I reached up with a paw, gently placing it on the back of his head and drew him in, giving him the approval we both sought.

We kissed again, and again, our heads moving lightly as we explored each other's lips with a curious, gentle patience. He moved slightly again, drawing himself on top of me as we kissed. The warmth of his lips and his body drove away the cold, nervous lump in my chest, and I relaxed, sighing at the feel of his warm, strong presence. My body melted into his as I opened my maw slightly to his tongue. His mouth tasted foreign, alien, and slightly sweet. Our kissing grew in passion and earnestness as our chests met, his smooth chest to my furry.

I moved my paw from the back of his head, to his neck, messaging it a bit. I guided my paw down from his neck, following his spine down to the small of his muscular back. I lightly drew three of my blunt claws across the small of his back, causing him to moan into our intertwined tongues as his back arched downward, pressing himself into me. I moaned as well, enjoying the immense heat between our lower bodies.

He brought a hand from where it rested next to my head, where it supported his upper body, and placed it firmly on my left pectoral. As I played gently with his back, he began to message my chest, clenching and unclenching his fingers, gently tugging at my thick, white fur.

"You're so soft." He whispered, drawing away from my lips. He lowered his head next to mine, and drew his cheek across, mine. I sighed, at the erotic touch. I was enjoying his massaging when he bucked his hips into mine, causing me to moan aloud as his hips abs drew across by suit covered arousal, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body. We locked lips again, when he bucked his hips a second time. I brought my paw back to his neck and firmly gripped it as I moaned into his mouth, my hips bucking up in response. I broke the kiss, bucking my hips into his, causing us both to moan in pleasure and need. I gently placed a paw on his chest and firmly pushed him up, just enough. I leaned in, drawing my cool nose up his sternum to his neck, drinking in his spicy musk and salty sweat. Our hips were grinding in rhythm now, keeping us both in a state of sexual pleasure. I drew my nose across his chest again, getting drunk off his masculine scent, causing him to sigh at the cool sensation. I placed my nose near his armpit, where his scent was even stronger. I freed my tongue from my maw, and tasted his bare flesh. The salty moisture, and spicy musk drove me onward.

In one, long slow lick, I traced my tongue down and to the right, and arrived at his right nipple. I brought my rough tongue across the sensitive pink nub, causing him to arch and shudder at the feeling. I circled the pink nub twice then moved on. I brought my tongue to his sternum, licking up and down, like a paintbrush, enjoying his moans, and the tickle of his hair on my lips and tongue. I then moved to the next nipple, repeating the lick and two circles. After my tongue bath, I drew him back down to me, locking our lips and tongues, sharing the taste of his sweat and musk.

I lifted my hips after a few more quick thrusts, and rolled us over. I growled in need, and pulled from his mouth. I looked into his eyes, and saw a world of pleasure and need that we shared. I lowered my head, and licked across his throat, than down his sternum, enjoying the tickle. I lapped at each pink, sensitive nipple, before moving down to his abs. I traced each ab with my tongue and nose, giving him the dual pleasure of cool and hot. I drew lower, below his belly button, and lapped at the hair there. With one paw I quickly untied his suit strings.

Crouched between his legs, I continued my muscle worship as I gently drew his suit down to his knees, freeing his manhood. I gazed at the hard flesh that throbbed in need. I had never seen a human penis. Orias' manhood stood at an impressive seven inches, thick and smooth, a creamy pale tan. I reached up and took it in my paw, it throbbed as his hips bucked at the touch.

"Oh god...." He moaned. "I need it." He begged.

With a firm but gentle grip, I pumped my paw downward, drawing the flesh down, revealing the swollen head. I smiled lightly at him, his needy gaze locked with my smoldering eyes. Never breaking the eye lock, I brought my paw up, partially covering the head with the skin. I drew my tongue lightly across the head. Orias cried out as that one lick sent pleasure rippling through his muscular, glistening body.

I licked across the head again, then wrapped my lips and suckled it, enjoying the even stronger musk. I suckled the head, drinking down the salty spurt of pre that landed on my tongue. I drew off the head with a moan. Lowering my head again, I lapped at his balls lightly, tickling the flesh. Burying my nose in his musky scrotum, I drew my tongue from behind his balls, up between them, suckling at the scrotum, up his cock, to the head, swirling my tongue on the tip.

I opened my maw, and took in his manhood in one go, burying my nose in his musky, smooth bush while his dick tapped the back of my throat. I moaned around his dick as I became sex drunk on his musk and the taste of his cock on my tongue. He moaned, bucking his hips, pushing his shaft a little deeper. I drew up slightly, just enough for his head to sit on my tongue. I moaned and growled again, drunk with lust and musk.

Orias, in his erotic haze, hadn't forgotten about me. He brought his foot up to my crotch, and rubbed it along my previously ignored shaft. I groaned and cried out around his shaft, the vibrations bringing him closer to the edge. Feeling his build up, I drew up a bit more, sucking on his shaft and swirling my tongue around the swelling head. As his foot massaged my own cock, I brought my paw back to his shaft. I drew up the rest of the way till only my lips were wrapped around the head, my paw gripping the base. I brought my paw up, bringing the flesh with it. I tickled the tip of his penis with my tongue before wrapping it around the head. Drawing the flesh up, it enveloped both my tongue and his glans. He cried out and tensed at the sheer pleasure brought him to the climax. Both his feet messaged my dick as his balls drew up, the fire leaping up his shaft and into my maw. I drank down spurt after spurt of ropey cum as he squirmed in ecstasy. I moaned and humped as his ministrations brought my knot to its peak size. As his climax died, mine began. The pleasure rocking my body drew me off his dick. I lifted my head as I climaxed. I took in a deep breath as I howled in pleasure, paw still wrapped around Orias' manhood.

My climax ebbed back, and I collapsed on Orias' belly. I pulled myself up onto him as he wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head in the crook of his neck, sharing our heat and musk. I sighed as we both fell into an afterglow induced sleep. We laid in an embrace, under the dancing lights of the grotto.