Prom Night Delight

Story by Ogi on SoFurry

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Writers Notes- This is sort of like a clipping from a story that I am writing. It is of the Adult Nature. This will not actually take place in the full, actually story. The reason for this is because after writing this, I got different ideas for the story, which sort of made this entire bit irrelevant. However, I decided to share it. This is the first adult themed story I've ever written, so I hope you all enjoy. I am always happy to receive helpful critique and of course, if you like it let me know so I can have a bit of an ego boost. If you have something negative to say, keep it to yourself. If you want to, please remember to comment and give feed back. Both will be much appreciated.


Warning- Contains slight Stomach Bulge (From Cock), and Cherry Pop (Virgin losing Virginity)

Though those two things aren't too serious, I feel it's proper to give warning. 


Prom Night Delight, By Teddy Hex


Teddy looked down at the girl who his paw was linked around his: Alice Renay Porter, A female husky, high school cutie, funny and full of innocence. She had short, pale chestnut colored hair, which reached her shoulders. Her muzzle was chest nut colored as well, along with her paws and foot paws.  The rest of her fur was brown, except for the patch of fur on her belly, which was also chestnut. Her pale blue eyes were always shinning with happiness. Though she was relatively short -Especially compared to him- She had looks that could kill. A rather alluring bosom which usually showed her cleavage no matter what she wore. Besides those tight training bras which he never understood. Her face was soft and fare. Clean and sharp, her teeth always glinted when she smiled. She was so care free. The two of them had been dating for four years now...And he still could not decide on a reason why she was with him. 

Teddy himself was a tall, over weight bear/wolf mix. He was not in shape. He never had been, to be honest. He had always been the chubby kid. Besides that fact, he was always awkward when it came to being social. Plus, he couldn't talk anyway, the reason for this being the fact that he had been born with a birth defect that affected his speech. He blushed way too much, and was easily embarrassed. His hair was a similar color to hers, a bit darker but still similar. At the moment he had it spiked into a Mohawk, with the sides shaved down. It wasn't one of those serious like, skinny rocker Mohawks. It was basically like he had cut the sides of his hair, and then jelled what was left. His fur was brown, though darker than hers. His eyes were a deep purple color. 

Why Alice was with him, he did not know. He tended to question it because he simply didn't understand it. He disliked not understanding things. Every time he questioned her about it, all she would do is smile, and then kiss him, tangling her fingers in his hair playfully, sometimes nibbling on his ear. This would usually take his mind off of his question, something he wished he could possibly work on. She was just so damn sexy when she did that...

The two of them arrived at the hotel she had picked out for them to spend the night. He smiled as he looked down at her, her returning the smile warmly. She had already made reservations herself, which he was thankful for, considering his whole position when it came to verbal communication. After checking in at the reception desk, the two of them got into the elevator, going up to floor eight. Their room number was number 10 on that floor. After opening the door, he looked around the room slowly. This place was very luxurious! The more comfortable on the bed was a nice sage green with gold colored lace tangled around the bottom. The lighting was somewhat dim. He looked down at her as he suddenly felt her thumb stroking the side of his hand. She had another one of those looks in her eyes. The one that made him blush and gulp. He did just that as she let go of his hand and went to the door of the bathroom connected to their room. She looked back at him, grinning over her shoulder. "When I get back, I want those clothes off sweetie~" He forced a smile as she disappeared into the room. She still seemed intent on the idea. She still wanted to have sex...

He was not sure either or not he wanted to. He loved her, he truly did. But he knew how her parents were, and although they had been very kind to him when he stayed with them during the summer...He knew that they really were not the type to go for sex before marriage. He also knew that she was the rebellious type, despite her innocent looks she always gave, and she didn't seem to give a damn about what her parents wanted her to do. The truth was, he DID want to have sex but...He was still nervous about it none the less...It would be the first time for both of them..

Apparently he had not been fast enough in stripping out of his clothing, for suddenly the bathroom door opened again. He stared at her, his jaw open despite him knowing it. She was wearing nothing but a pink bra and a pink thong, which he had seen riding up her back when she wore those short jeans of hers. This was the first time he had seen her so close to being naked though... He could feel the groin of his pants getting tighter, and he groaned inwardly. She smiled seductively before walking across the room to him. He found himself back up slightly, and then he felt the backs of his knees touching the bed. She traced his chest with her finger and winked at him. 

"I said off with the cloths you." she said before reaching up on her tip toes and began undoing the buttons to his shirt herself. He stared at her, a look of confusion on his face as she worked her way down the buttons to his stomach. The blush on his cheeks was bright, and he licked his lips nervously as she reached his pants. With a small grin, she yanked his shirt from where it was tucked into his pants, and finished un-buttoning it. He suddenly found himself in a sitting position on the bed, having been softly forced down by Alice. He reached for his notepad which was next to him on the bed. He was going to ask her if she was sure. However, she placed her hand on top of his, and stared at him.


"Teddy, sweetie, I'm sure. Now stop worrying, and being all nervous. I want this to be hot." she said before grinning and pressing her lips against his in a passionate kiss. He tied his tongue with hers between their lips with her small, soft tongue rubbing against his rough and large one. She pulled away, a small strand of saliva stringing from his lips to hers. She continued grin as he stared at her, slightly dazed by the kiss.

"Your part wolf and part bear Teddy," she said, before sitting on his lap and rubbing a hand on the back of his neck, before she kissed his cheek softly, and then made her way up to his ear, which she licked slowly, before taking a moment and nibbling on it. He moaned lowly as she did so. Damn, he loved it when she did that. She stopped after a moment before blowing in his ear softly. "Show me the animal I know you really have inside..." A moment later, he found himself with his back against the mattress, with her sitting on his lap grinning down at him. The look in her eye made him slightly nervous. If he wasen't so sure that the both of them where virgins, he would assume that she had done this before. 'She may have watched a lot of porn...' His own thought made him chuckle inwardly, however, the moment of comedic affect was over, because he soon felt her tongue in his mouth again. She had her hands on his cheeks, and she was kissing himdeeply. It felt like she wanted to taste the inside of his mouth, or sort of. 

Despite his extreme nervousness, he was actually enjoying this. He always enjoyed it when they made out. Kissing was actually something he could appreciate. He enjoyed the intimacy, and he could feel the passion behind her lips. Though, this was the first time that they had been this close to being naked together. He could feel his dick pressing into her stomach through his pants. He felt slightly awkward, though, after a minute or two, he put his arms around her in a delicate way, holding her close. And after a few minutes more, he began to rub her back slowly. When his hands found her bottom, he got a brief mischievous thought, and gave her a nice squeeze. This caused her to squeak suddenly, and she broke the kiss before looking down at the now grinning bear, who was still blushing. She stared at him for a moment, before narrowing her eyes and grinning back.

"That's more like it.~" she said with a seductive grin before standing up off of him and walking off of the edge of the bed. He sat up to get a better view of what she was doing. She was now sitting on her knees between his legs. He gulped hard as she outstretched a claw and ran it down the length of his bulge, causing him to gasp lightly, and causing his dick to twitch inside his pants. She grinned up at him, before she reached around the bulge and grabbed the button and undoing it, and then grabbing the zipper, and pulled it towards her, releasing his dick from his pants. For a moment, he noticed her staring at the large piece of meat infront of her. Though his penis was not fully erect just yet, the organ already stood at a nice six inches. A bead of pre was on the tip, and after she grinned and decided to blow on his cock, the bead of pre ran down the underside. Alice looked up at him, still grinning.

"Ah...There's that piece of meat I've only seen while you were sleeping." she said before giggling slightly. He blushed at her shyly from his sitting position on the bed. He rubbed the back of his head slowly, feeling slightly nervous. He could honestly say that he was pretty proud of his size. 


His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a large wave of pleasure that started in his groin, and ran through his body. He exhaled, suddenly shocked, and he looked down to see Alice grinning up at him, her tongue hanging from her mouth slightly. He also noticed her paw wrapped around the base of his cock, though, her fingers didn't connect around it all the way. He gulped again before he blinked a few times. She just grinned at him again, before taking her tongue and dragging it up his shaft and to the head of his cock. She did this multiple times, taking it slow and giving long, rough strokes of her tongue. Teddy grunted lowly as she did this, his hands tensing and digging into the blankets on the bed. He closed his eyes, enjoying the blissful feeling he was experiencing. Someplace off in his head, he was wondering why he had waited so long to just have sex. This was wonderful! That's when he suddenly felt a rather lengthy bit of his manhood be engulfed in a warm embrace. His eyes popped open, and he looked down to see Alice taking a considerably large amount of his dick into her mouth. For a moment, he wondered if she might choke or something. He certainly didn't want that to happen. His dick was fully erect now, standing at it's full eight and a half inches. He was always the one to be considerate... His mind was soon wiped blank once more, as she soon began pumping her head up and down, taking in as much of his cock as she could. As she did this, both of her hands wrapped around the base of his shaft, and pumped with her mouth. 

It wasn't long before he felt a certain tight feeling in his balls that he knew well enough. It wasn't like he had never masturbated before. He bit his lower lip softly, his face becoming red with blush. He fleeced his fingers more as he began to whimper lowly. Alice took notice, and soon he felt a light grip on his balls, her rolling the two of them in one hand, while the other still held his shaft. He felt himself growing closer to that moment of release. He shook himself out of his daze long enough to think about the fact that Alice may not appreciate it if he blew his load straight down her throat. He looked down at her through half closed eyes, for a moment considering not mentioning his ever growing climax. He didn't want the pleasure to stop, but, he didn't want Alice mad at him later either. He reached towards her head with one of his large paws and tapped her softly. Her eyes looked up at him, though she didn't stop what she was doing. He snapped his fingers loudly, trying to signal that he was about to finish. Though most of her mouth was stretched around his cock, he noticed a light turn up on her cheeks. He was a bit confused. Was she smiling? He suddenly felt teeth clamp onto his cock, though, she did not bite hard enough to puncture the skin or anything, just enough to do what she wanted to do. She had taken note of his slight enjoyment with pain, when she had been nibbling on his ear, and once got to enthusiastic, and made it bleed. While she had been nibbling, he had not been paying much attention, he himself in his own personal state of pleasure. She had taken note of his erection through his pants, and had since nibbled with his ears a bit harder, on purpose.

Of course, the light bite on his cock was just enough to push him over the edge after all of the stimulation he had received before that. He clenched his toes and dug his fingers into the bed, his claws extending and puncturing the mattress. He felt his balls clench, and he bit his lip harder as his orgasm washed over him. He felt it as every individual shot of cum left his cock, and went down her throat. He felt it every time her tongue had spasms around him when she swallowed. Her teeth clammed down a bit harder as he got the orgasm, leading him to enjoy the act. A moment later, she pulled off, though her paw kept working his shaft, spurts of cum still leaving him. He had his eyes closed in ecstacy, so he did not actually see how much he may have let out. He felt as she continued to lick at his cock, getting up what had not gone down her throat. Eventually, he left his high, and opened his eyes to look down at Alice, who had released his cock and was slowly licking cum from her paws. 


Teddy drew heavy breaths as he stared down at her, his fingers finally unclenching from the sheets. Blush still covered his face, and his purple eyes were half open as he stared at her. Sweat beaded on his forehead. He was doing his best to just try and keep his breathing level. Alice looked up at him and grinned as innocently as she always did. He gave back a slightly embarrassed smile, before raising his hands and signing 'Thank You' to her. Alice giggled lowly before getting up from her knees and sitting on his lap, just in front of his cock, which, to his surprise, was not yet losing it's hard on. She grinned before running a hand through his Mohawk, and then around his ear.

"Your very welcome my sweet Bear, Wolf boyfriend." she said with a wink. Teddy couldn't help but grin back. Though to be honest, he was too happy to care about much right now. He noticed that, despite her cleaning efforts, she had missed some of his mess. There was a spot on her cheek, as well as...Up on her ear? 'How the hell did that happen?' He shrugged off the thought mentally, before opening his mouth, and taking most of her ear in a nice, soft bite. He ran his tongue through the rim of her ear softly, before pulling his mouth off, and then he licked her cheek clean. He didn't particularly care that he was technically eating his own jizz, it was his after all. Alice giggled at him before pressing her lips to his and kissing him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back, their tongues dancing between their locked lips. He stood up after a moment, picking her up and turning around to where he was looking at the bed. He laid her down, and she scooted herself back, spreading her legs to him. Apparently, she thought he was ready to get down to the finish of things. She would soon discover how wrong she as at the moment.

'I'm a gentle man. I think I'll return the favor...' His thoughts passed through his head, causing him to grin widely. His pants had already hit the floor, so he took care of his boxers himself. They had cum on the front of them. He'd have to remember not to put his pants on over them. He grinned at her before grabbing her legs and pulling her to the edge of the bed. She was a bit taken aback by his sudden roughness, though the grin from her that soon followed his act was enough to convince him that she didn't mind. 

"Taking charge are we? Wonderful!" she said with a slightly giddy tone. Teddy just grinned at her from the position above her. He took his time getting down on his knees in front of the edge of the bed. Looking straight ahead, he could spread her legs apart, and looked at her pink panties. He got a sudden grin that she had never seen him wear, and one that he did not even know that he was wearing. It was a slightly dirty grin, with a tinge of seduction in it as well. No wasting any time, he leaned forward until his muzzle was between her legs, and his nose was right in front of her lowers. He could smell the want for him rolling off of her in waves, her want for sex. Suddenly he pressed his nose against her panties and into her crotch, taking a deep, ragged breath. That sweet, musky scent was tantalizing, and slightly hypnotic to his mind. He let the breath out heavily, his breath being hotter than he had thought. He could faintly feel his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Without another thought, he dragged his heavy, wet tongue against her panties, causing him to hear a sharp exhale from her. He pressed his muzzle forward roughly, and clamped his teeth around her panties, and grinded his teeth into them softly, tasting her from there. He jerked his head back, and tore them off in a rather savage way. He looked up at her with her torn panties between his teeth. He must have really looked interesting. Little did he know that he was actually giving off one of the sexiest faces Alice had ever seen him wear. He could see her blushing, though; he paid it little attention at the moment.

He dropped her panties from his teeth, and then turned back to her sweet, untouched flower. He pressed his muzzle into it again, taking another sniff of that sweet scent, before he took hold of her thighs with his large paws, to keep her in place. Another moment and he found himself dragging his tongue over her slit, tasting her. 'It tastes as good as it smells...' Teddy's thoughts were distant in his own mind at the moment. Almost everything was. Besides that scent, that taste and the low moans from Alice that filled his ears. Licks soon turned into kisses, and the kisses soon became him sliding his tongue inside of her, tasting her inner walls. His sharp teeth would brush her clit from time to time, which brought even sharper gasp and moans from her. Those sounds from her, where like music to his ears. They empowered him, and pushed him on, making him lick and suck her slit harder. His tongue swirled around inside of her slowly, and moved in and out. Her cunt was becoming increasingly wet as he worked her with his tongue. He tightened his grip on her thighs and pressed his muzzle farther into her pussy, he himself getting aroused again as he did this. He could feel his erection returning, and pressing into the mattress. 

Suddenly his work was interrupted by Alice snapping her fingers. He looked up at her, the husky blushing like mad with sweat running down her forehead.


"H-hold on there, Teddy...Let's try something, alright?" she said through shaky breaths. It was apparent that she had been getting close to her climax. He estimated that pretty soon she would have an orgasm. He nodded to her request before standing up and sitting down on the edge of the bed next to her. He was curious as to what she wanted to do. She sat up completely before crawling into his lap again, and wrapping her arms around his neck before kissing him once again. Teddy grinned as he returned the kiss gratefully. 'God I love kissing her.' He felt his head hit the mattress, their tongues still tied in passion. After a moment more, the husky female sat up and grinned down at him, before she licked her lips slowly. He stared at her from his position on the bed under her, his own grin meeting hers. She giggled softly before running a paw across his chest slowly.

"I think I want another taste of meat..." she said before turning around on top of him. He exhaled again as his cock was taken into her mouth once again, the warmth being welcome to him. Looking forward, he could see her bottom right in his face. He stared for a moment, before grinning. He raised his arms and took a firm hold over her bottom, squeezing both of her cheeks before he pulled her slightly closer to himself, and pushed her pussy down onto his muzzle. A nice portion of his muzzle was buried inside of her as he began working his tongue inside of her once more, while she continued working his dick in her mouth. He felt her tongue running up the side of his dick, and then sometimes, she would tease his head with her tongue, occasionally pressing it into the hole. (Though of course it didn't go in deep or anything)

For a while their joined efforts went on, until finally he felt her body begin to tense slightly. He grinned to himself, before doubling the roughness of his tongue strokes. Deciding to be a bit playful he rose pinched her ass softly, causing her to gasp around his cock. The vibrations from her mouth were pleasant. He was tempted to do it again. Suddenly her vagina contracted around his tongue, and he felt her body spasm. He clenched his grip on her bottom as a sudden rush of sweet fluid left her, and began to flood into his mouth. He was a bit shocked at first by the sudden torrent, though; he adjusted quickly, and made it easy to swallow. Alice, meanwhile, had stopped sucking his cock, and was lying atop him breathing heavily. He was pleased that he could bring her pleasure like this. It made him feel...Accomplished. He felt her body shift softly, and he watched as she turned herself to face him before laying her head on his chest. For a while, the two of them laid there in silence. He could feel her heart beat against his skin. She must have really been excited, though truth be told, he himself felt like that after an Orgasm as well.

He had closed his eyes after a while, taking a moment to think, when he suddenly felt a flick on his nose. He opened his eyes quickly, and noticed her staring at him.

"You are not going to sleep yet Teddy Hex. We aren't done yet." she said before narrowing her eyes and giving him a seductive grin. He was slightly suprised that she was still up for more, even though her heart had been beating as if she had run a mile. She sat up on his chest, before sliding off and onto the mattress next to him. He sat up before rubbing his neck slowly, still a bit nervous about this part. Personally, he didn't understand his nervousness considering he had just licked her till she had her orgasm. Alice was laying on her back, her legs spread, and a hand slowly rubbing her own clit. She grinned at him from her position before she spoke again.

"Show me some more of that Animal of yours." she said with a grin. "Fuck me." Her words once again took him by surprise. Again, he couldn't help but wonder if she had done this before. Though, he was sure she hadn't, she spoke as if she knew exactly what to say. He took a moment to crawl over to her. She had taken the time to grab a pillow and put it under her back, and another for her head. She smiled at him, though he was not looking to confident. To be honest, he was slightly afraid of hurting her. She was considerably smaller than he was, in both height and girth. He didn't want to crush her or anything... She seemed to notice his nervousness, and she reached up and grabbed his cheek, making him look directly at her.

"Teddy, you aren't gonna hurt me. But if you start to, i'll tell you, okay?" she said before grinning again. Though he was still unconfident, he nodded his head. They had come this far now, there would be no point in turning back now.


Taking a deep breath, he grabbed hold of his shaft and guided it to her slit slowly. He pressed it against her opening, and, after taking another breath, began to press forward. He heard her exhale sharply, and then noticed her grab the sheets on the bed with both hands. 'I guess I'm doing it right.' He pushed forward some more, to where about half of his cock was inside of her. He was beginning to forget about his caution, the pleasure of being inside being stronger than his thoughts. It was so warm and soft and TIGHT. He didn't think it would be that tight. He was slightly afraid to press forward; he didn't want to tear her or anything. He pulled what he had inside almost completely out, though he stopped at the head, and then pressed back me with the same amount. She exhaled again, before her breathing began to get a bit faster. "Deeper..." she said lowly, her eyes closing after a moment. He obeyed her command, letting go of his shaft and putting the same hand next to her head. The other hand, he slide under the fore of her back, lifting her off of the bed slightly. He wanted to make sure he didn't put too much of his weight on her, though he wanted to be sure he could get in good. By now, he had lost his own thoughts for caution. Once his cock reached the point to where her thighs were against his groin, he began to speed up, pulling out and thrusting in a rhythmic patter. He took a moment to look down at his cock and her pussy, and noticed a lump in her stomach. 'Is that me?'  Though the answer was obvious, he was still a bit shocked. He had seen things like that in porn but, he had never expected it to happen with Alice. However, she didn't seem to be hurting so, he wasn't worried. He leaned his head down towards her and kissed her, their tongues tangling sloppily in their passion. She wrapped one of her arms around his neck, holding him closer as he continued to thrust, her panting going right into his ear. Her breath was hot. He pressed his muzzle against her neck and took a deep breath. She smelled wonderful, sweaty and hot. He licked the scruff of her neck softly, matting the fur there more than her sweat was. He felt his balls smacking against her bottom as he began to growl lowly. His thrust became more refined, aimed and more efficient. He swapped between heavy, slow thrust, to slightly lighter and faster thrust. He was in a bit of a haze, his eyes half open as he did as she had asked and fucked her. Her breaths became moans, and her moans soon became all out yells of ecstacy. Faintly, on the border of his mind, he wondered if maybe she should quiet down a bit. However, he personally did not care at the moment. His head was craned next to hers, since she was holding him down some. He could hear her heart beat, and he felt like he could smell her essence. Suddenly she winced and gripped around his neck tighter. He felt something warm and wet around his cock while inside of her. The scent of blood began to fill his nose. He knew what had happened. He opened his eyes to look at her, to check if she was okay. Her face made him think of bliss. Her tongue was hanging out of the side of her mouth, and both of her eyes were closed, her moans and yells still leaving her throat.

He began to feel the base of his shaft begin to swell. He knew what was coming next, and he longed for it. However, his better judgment began to work its way into his head. 'I should pull out. Can't...Go off inside...' Apparently, Alice felt his hesitation, because she suddenly thrust herself towards him, making the small, unfinished knot slip into her vagina. He groaned at the pleasure of his entire cock being inside. He knew that he should maybe try and get his knot out before it got to big, but the thought seemed distant at the moment. Finally, he swelled to the point to where it was too late. They'd be like this for a while, and he couldn't just stop now. Since he couldn't pull out all the way, his thrust became shorter, though he didn't drop the force. He felt her body spasm, and knew that she was going through another orgasm. She cried out his name, and he grinned, very pleased with himself. Suddenly, he felt a slight pain on the side of his neck, and noticed that she was biting him. He was not sure why, unless things were just that intense on her end. However, the pain was enough to finish him off as well. He growled lowly as he kept thrusting until finally he felt his balls tighten. He cried out in a deep, heavy howl, his orgasm going off deep inside of her. She let go of the scruff on his neck, and cried out, though her cry was slightly drowned out by his howl. He had not meant to be so loud, but he couldn't help himself. His orgasm lasted longer than he had expected. The amount of liquid from her Orgasm and his began to push around his cock and out of her, and down his balls. He could feel the massive amount of mess that was the fruit of their labors. It was pooling under them a bit.

The two of them looked at each other, before smiling warmly, and kissing softly, in a more passionate than lustful way.

"That was wonderful Teddy. I knew you had some aggression in you..." she said before giggling softly and kissing him again, He blushed, slightly embarrassed, though he returned the kiss happily. "I love you Teddy." she said with a warm smile. He grinned at her before mouthing the words, and then kissing her again. That's when the two of them suddenly heard a knock from the other side of their wall. The two got quiet. "Hey! You two don't need to be so loud! Everyone knows its Prom night!" The two of them looked at each other for a moment, before she broke into a low fit of laughter. His body moved as if he was laughing, though, nothing came out. Yes, their night had indeed worked out quite well.