Relaxing With A Movie

Story by Greyhawk on SoFurry

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Shane was all but beating his head against the wall. "Dude, I'm fucking bored."

John looked up at the tiger across the room from him. Shane had been sitting down, typing on his computer, standing up, pacing the room to tidy things up, sitting back down and trying to read, then getting up and going to the kitchen to get a drink, then sitting back down, then going into the bedroom, then going out to the porch for a bit, then..... "What is your problem?" John asked grumpily, looking up at Shane without even bothering to hide his irritation at the hyperactive feline.

"I'm bored. Soooo fucking bored!" Shane complained.

"So find something to do. I'm finishing this paper for class tomorrow," John growled in irritation. "Don't you have practice tonight or something?"

Shane sighed and flopped down on the couch next to the wolf. "Naw. Coach gave us the night off as a reward for winning by 7 touchdowns against the team with the best record." He sighed again and rest his head on John's shoulder.

John shook his head and closed his laptop, putting it aside. He leaned over and kissed Shane gently on the cheek. "Go get something presentable on and we'll catch a movie, okay?" He couldn't help but chuckle to himself when Shane's ears perked up and the tall tiger with an extremely well-muscled, tough-looking physique all but skipped across the living room to go get into some clean clothes.

When he returned, Shane was wearing a white wifebeater, proudly showing off his muscles, and a pair of jeans. His tail twitched behind him as he leaned against the doorframe, smirking at John who had gone back to typing away on his computer. "C'mon, wolfie. You promised me a date."

John stood up and grabbed his keys off the TV stand. "C'mon, let's go." He slipped his arm around Shane's waist and smiled up at him. Shane returned the smile, "I was a bit worried you were mad at me."

John shook his head and wrinkled his nose. "Naw, I'm just frustrated at this paper. It's had me all kinds of pissed off all day. Just haven't really been able to relax."

Shane nodded as they reached the car. "Then it's just as well we're getting out of there."

John nodded and climbed in the driver's seat. "Probably."

By the time they got to the theater, parked, got their tickets, and got in to see the movie, the only seats the previews had started, so they quietly slipped into the empty back row of the theater. John pulled the candy bars he'd smuggled in from his pocket and handed one to Shane. When the feature finally started, the house lights went down and they settled in.

A few minutes into the movie, Shane glanced over at John and an idea began to formulate in his head. Keeping his eyes forward on the screen, one of his paws discreetly reached over and began to unbutton the wolf's pants. John, suddenly looking quite alarmed, looked over at Shane and swatted his paw away. "What...are you doing?!" he hissed out quietly, desperately trying not to draw attention to them.

Shane gave a small smirk and held a finger from his free paw up to his muzzle, signaling John to be quiet as he opened his mate's pants and slowly, silently unzipped the fly. Slipping his paw inside the denim and under the boxers within, he rubbed the warm pads of his fingers against John's sheath, feeling the stirring within as John coughed and shifted a bit in his seat.

Sliding his paw down a bit farther, Shane gently wrapped his fingers around John's sac, purring as he caresses and feels the heavy orbs, gently squeezing them just hard enough to earn a soft gasp and pleased shudder from the lupine.

Shane rolled John's balls around in his paw a few more moments before teasingly running a single claw up the length of the furred sheath and over the rapidly growing maleness emerging from it. John closed his eyes and couldn't help but make a soft moan, mercifully timed with explosions in the movie to hide the sound.

John leaned over, panting softly as the feline wrapped his paw around his now hard shaft and began to slowly stroke up and down. "C...c'mon, hun..."

Shane smiled and leaned in, nuzzling his mate's silvery fur, "Shhh..." He continued to stroke the throbbing maleness in his paw, feeling John's knot beginning to swell and a few drops of precum helping to slicken things up a bit. He rubbed the warm, soft pads of his paws over the sensitive wolfhood, occasionally brushing his palm over the tip, eliciting a pleased growl from John whose eyes were by closed softly and panting.

Knowing when his mate was near his limits, Shane squeezed the shaft in his paw tightly, stroking it faster, using the precum to help keep his strokes nice and smooth, every stroke bringing his fingers up to tease the tip of John's length. As soon as he felt John tense beside him, Shane wrapped his free paw over the head of the wolf's length leaned over and kissed him fiercely, stifling his groan as his member began to twitch and spasm, thick, warm, musky seed spilling into the tiger's paw.

Shane held the kiss, which John eagerly returned, their muzzles opening slightly as Shane slid his tongue forward, exploring the inside of John's muzzle and caressing his tongue. When he finally felt hit mate begin to relax, Shane broke the kiss with a soft, loving nuzzle and pulled his paws back. John sunk down into his chair, panting heavily as he watched Shane luxuriate in lapping all of his cum off his paw.

John leaned over and whispered to Shane, "I think I needed that."

Shane winked. "Well, you did say you had to relax," he whispered back. " might wanna put that away, much as I hate the thought."

John blinked and looked down, instantly turning a deep shade of red beneath his fur as he realized he was still hanging out of his pants. Zipping and buttoning his jeans he glanced over at Shane with a mischievous grin, "Want to cut out early and go home and help take care of that and help me relax a bit more?" He glanced down between the legs of the obviously excited tiger. He'd hardly gotten the words out before Shane returned the grin and the two of them were quickly making their way out of the theater.

The door to their apartment wasn't even fully latched before John had Shane pressed tightly to the wall, kissing him passionately before moving his muzzle down to nip and nibble at Shane's neck and throat, earning a growling moan from the tiger. John slid his paws under the tiger's shirt and pulled it up, breaking his kisses and nibbles only to tug the shirt off and over his mate's head.

He nuzzled his way down to Shane's chest, murring softly as he nuzzled into the cream-colored fur and muscles, kissing his breastbone softly before doing the same to one of his nipples. John pressed his lips to the sensitive flesh, softly suckling as his tongue teased the hardening nipple. His arms slid around the tiger's back, fingers running through the orange and black-stripped fur, rubbing and softly kneading the strong muscles that rippled beneath his paws.

Slowly, John sank down to his knees, his paws trailing down Shane's side to rest on his hips as the wolf leaned in and used his sharp teeth to sharply nip along the edge of Shane's pants before nuzzling into his crotch, breathing the musk of his aroused mate, the muted scent only making him nuzzle in more, cruelly teasing them both.

It wasn't long before the teasing became too much and John pulled open the jeans before him and pulled them and the boxers beneath down for Shane to step out of. He admired the maleness before him, jutting proudly from the sheath and full sac. Closing his eyes, John leaned in and pressed his muzzle into that maleness and the balls beneath, nuzzling them, breathing the heady scent of his mate's musk with a soft moan.

He began to lick softly at the furry balls, lapping at them softly and savoring the weight and feel of them as Shane groaned loudly above him. Drawing one into his mouth, he heard a soft thunk as Shane leaned his head back against the wall and began to gently suckle it. Drawing the second one into his muzzle as well, he felt the large feline above him tremble and felt some precum dripping down atop his muzzle.

Letting the sac fall from his muzzle, he nuzzled his way up the shaft before him, softly lapping at it with his tongue, shivering at the familiar flavor of his mate's length. When he reached the tip, he closed his muzzle over the very tip and slowly began to press down, taking more of the length deep into his muzzle. Shane moaned above him, his strong paws caressing John's head, scratching his ears and running through his headfur.

John ran his tongue over the throbbing tigerhood in his muzzle, growling in pleasure as he savors the rich flavor of the precum and maleness. He explored the bumps that covered the head, Shane gasping as the sensitive barbs are teased.

Both of them unable to take it any longer, John stood up and quickly stripped off his clothes as Shane pressed him down to the ground right were they stood. Again, they locked muzzles as John spread his legs wide, wrapping them around Shane's waist as he felt the hot, slick meat brushing against his tailhole.

He moaned loudly, arching his back as Shane began to press forward, opening him wide as he slipped inside the wolf's tight, hot hole. As soon as his head popped inside, Shane pressed forward, hilting himself in one smooth stroke, making John gasp in surprise.

The two lovers growled passionately as they ground their hips together, arms wrapped around each other as they nuzzled, licked, and nipped at one another. Shane began to rock his hips back and forth, thrusting in and out of the wolf beneath him. John squeezed his muscles around the maleness which pressed deeply into him so easily, but he could feel the barbs pulling on him, rubbing his most intimate places every time Shane drew his hips back.

They set a steady rhythm together, panting and groaning as they strained in unison. It wasn't long before Shane's thrusts came harder, faster, more urgent. John grunted as his tailhole began to ache warmly.

Suddenly Shane threw his head back and roared, slamming himself as deep into John as he could as he came, his mate moaning as he felt the hot, thick cream spraying deep inside him.

The two finally collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily with their eyes closed, the scent of sex and male filling the air as they held each other tightly. "I love you," James panted out, nuzzling Shane as he hugged him tightly.

"I love you too, dear," Shane purred back in response. "And you know what the best part is?"

"What's that?" John asked as he kissed Shane gently.

The tiger grinned. "I'm not bored anymore."