Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 35 - "No one"...

Story by MrGimp21 on SoFurry

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#36 of Gortoz 'A Ran

People say the eyes are the gateway to a person's soul... And whenever I looked in Terry's eyes, I saw something that I never saw before... Sincerity... To be able to find someone who shares the exact same feelings for you... I know I didn't make it easy for him... Apart from Blain, Terry's the only guy I ever wanted to stay with me... I know Blain's a great guy to be around with... But not the one for me... Terry was the only one who ever treated me how I wanted to be treated... And even though he's so sweet, it was a big deal for me to take that step... Though it might seem easy to do so, the simplest of things were difficult enough for me... After all these months, after all the fights and the misunderstandings we had, it finally happened... Well, not all the way as you might know but it was still a big deal to me... Being nude in his presence made me feel special... The way he touched me and the way he looked at me made me feel as if I was the most beautiful being on the planet... He always whispered quietly in my ear that I was and I'm normally not so easily flattered but I felt how my cheeks were turning red every time he did that... Terry and I had a lot of those loving moments together... But that night, I finally managed it... And to tell you the truth, I was very nervous about it... All of our talks we had led to it in the end... It started as an impulsive thought while taking a shower... But it ended as another milestone in my life... I remember the look on his face when it happened and each time I think about it, it just makes me smile... That moment we had together was all worth it... It was a little awkward to say the least... Asking so many questions and being so naïve about it... But I figured that I would learn in due time... No need to rush... I had a wonderful boyfriend who'd show me a thing or two... Because trust was the key to everything...

It was a huge milestone in my life that night... Something that I've accomplished of which I thought I was never able to... But I can honestly say that it was the best thing I ever did... Not only was it gonna help me reach a stable love and sex life but it also made me see things differently in life... To me, it felt as a closure of things that happened a long time ago... People always tell you that you shouldn't change for anyone, to stay who you are but they never tell you that changes can be a good thing... Back then, I didn't know who or what I was and Terry slowly changed me into the girl I've always wanted to be... He took away my doubts, my fears and gave me happiness in return... And ever since that night, I swore myself that I'd do anything to make him happy... To change my way of living... To go out more, to meet new people and to have fun, like people always told me to have... But back then, I was still a bit of a sourpuss and a pessimist... Terry made me realize in order to enjoy life, you'll have to look at things from a different perspective... I knew I had to change things in order to make a difference for myself... And like most things, it starts out small...

The sun wasn't shining that morning... The room was dark and I heard the rain hitting the windows quietly... No one made a sound so early in the morning... A cold breeze was waving through the window I left ajar the night before which sent a shiver down my spine... It was around half passed six in the morning when I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Terry, who was still asleep... I just watched him while I caressed his forehead... What happened the night before was so surreal to me... So emotional and yet... I couldn't help to think to myself that it was the best thing I ever did... And of course I took a great risk by doing so... But I was glad that I did... Things would've been different if I didn't gave in to it... I looked at Terry and realized how lucky I was for being with someone so sweet as him... And even though I wanted it all back, I decided it was best not to wake him... So I waited... Waited for a long time for him to open his eyes... Longing for a quick stare in his beautiful blue eyes that tell me a thousand words... After what seemed to be an eternity, he finally opened his eyes... Drowsy, yes, but still looked at me with a weak smile while I held him even closer and gently nuzzled my snout in his neck... 'Morning, beautiful...' 'Hey... I didn't wake you, did I...?' 'Naah... How you feeling?' 'Good... You...?' 'I'm feeling great...' 'Heh...' 'You know what you wanna do today?' 'I feel like staying in bed all day...' 'Hm... You say it like it's a bad thing...'

Terry moved over to me and put his strong arms around me as I caressed his soft, warm chest-fluff... He let out a big yawn and kept staring at me with a weak smile as his eyes were still drowsy... But once more, I found myself in a situation I just couldn't help but to think over and over again... Terry moved closer to me and held me even closer as he rubbed his muzzle over my cheek... His strong arm clenching on to me... I felt safe and comfortable in his arms and yet... I didn't know, there was just something that didn't felt right... I stared at the ceiling while so many thoughts ran through my head, wishing for an answer, not knowing where to go next... 'I'm gonna go take a shower and then we'll head off to town to get some breakfast, okay...?' 'I thought you said you wanted to stay in bed...?' 'Well, not if my stomach is growling...' 'Hehehe...'

I got out of bed and got some underwear from my drawers and some clean towels when I made my way to the bathroom while my mind stayed blank... I turned the shower on and while I waited for the water to run hot, I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I was going to fuck everything up again... My pessimistic state of mind was starting to put a strain on Terry and I knew he got tired of all the bullshit I was putting him up with... But what was I supposed to do...? I've been looking for answers for years but never found them and didn't expect an answer now... Just a simple answer to a question I've been asking myself for years... What the fuck am I supposed to do...? It felt as if everything came to a dead end and that there was no point of return... I wasn't able to turn that switch off in my head and it was driving me crazy... I often thought that it was best for the both of us that we would go our separate ways... I thought that I was never able to make Terry happy... It felt as if it could only get worse... And just when I was about to close the door of the bathroom, something stopped it and it opened by itself... Terry held the door and made his way inside the bathroom as he placed his hands on my waist and gently pressed his lips against mine... The two of us were nude but that didn't seemed to be the issue for me... The actions that were supposed to take place next were the things that were bothering me the most... And as he was gently driving me back in the shower-cabin, he gave me a sweet tender kiss... Once Terry and I were in the shower cabin, he closed the door behind him and whispered sweet little things in my ear as he held me close, followed by a passionate kiss once more... But I didn't face Terry after that... 'What's wrong...?' 'No, nothing's wrong... It's just... I'm just wondering...' 'About what...?' 'I get the feeling you're just sick and tired of all the bullshit I'm putting you up with... And I understand... I mean...' 'There's nothing wrong with that, you know...' 'It's not wrong but it's not right either, Terry... Not for me anyway... See, the things that you do and the things you say to me make all the difference there is... And I appreciate that, I really do... And I know you're holding yourself back because of everything I told you but the truth is...' 'Yes...?' 'The truth is that I don't want you to... I don't want you to hold back... There's this switch in my head that needs to be turned off except I'm not able to... I can't help but to think of it all the time and I just can't do it on my own... Someone else needs to turn that switch off for me instead because I can't... It's difficult enough for me as it is... And I need your help... I just can't do it on my own...' 'I'm here for you if that's what you mean...' 'I know you are but that's not it... It's not until last night I started to realize something...' 'What do you mean?' 'Knowing whether it's right or wrong isn't determined by the questions you ask yourself but... rather on how you feel about it when it happens...'

I looked in his eyes for a while but there was no response... No reassuring gesture, nothing... So I did what I thought was right to do even though it didn't felt like that... I closed my eyes and kneeled in front of him and saw his penis dangling in front of me... I've seen it many times and this is the way how it was supposed to happen... I was on my knees for a reason of which I wasn't so sure of... An impulsive thought perhaps...? It might've been... But like all impulsive thoughts, this one wasn't very thought through... And while I was on my knees, I felt like attempting to give him a blowjob was much like eating vegetables... You don't want to put any of that stuff in your mouth but there's always someone who'd expect you to... When I looked up to Terry, I could imagine what he was thinking... "Suck it... Suck it real good now..." And right that very second, I just collapsed under the pressure even though he wasn't forcing me at all... I was forcing myself into it... So I got up and looked down so that I didn't had to face him as I quietly whispered that I was sorry... And then something happened that totally turned everything upside down for me... His hands were going from my waist slowly to my butt-cheeks, gently caressing them... And then he got on his knees instead while he was feeling my buttocks with one hand and the other was caressing my pussy lips... I bit my upper lip and looked down on him as I saw everything happening in front of me... Watching his every move so that I would be able to intervene if that was necessary... Even when he was caressing my inner thighs I felt the need to watch him closely... Every once in a while, Terry looked up and something just told me that he enjoyed every minute of it... He started to lick my inner thighs... Going up and down slowly while his fingers were fondling my pussy lips again... It might've been a little symbolic to me whenever I looked down... A male, down on his knees while his only intention was to bring pleasure to me... It really made me feel as if I was being worshipped by him... And the longer he spent time down on his knees in front of me, the more confident I started to feel... I knew I had control over everything... I was the one standing, he was the one down on his knees... He said he will take care of me which was something I truly believed in... And when he started to kiss between my legs, I knew what I had to do... "Let it all just happen..." He placed my legs over his shoulder and spread them a little wider so that he had more room for himself while he started to kiss it once more... 'Hmm... That tickles...' 'I thought you weren't ticklish?' 'I lied...' 'Thought you were... Could you move the showerhead for me? I'm practically drowning down here...' 'Sure thing...'

So I did... And once I moved it away from him, he continued where he left off... I bit my upper-lip the moment he started to use his tongue more... And then I felt the tips of his fingers were gently prodding me... Once it loosened up a bit, his fingers went inside me without much resistance... Slowly going in and out of me... And once he started to use his tongue again, I felt myself drifting away... I took a deep breathe and tried to relax as much as possible when he did... Gently going over the same spot, over and over again... And I can honestly say I really missed that... It's been so long since anyone did this to me... I almost forgot what it felt like... And yet it still felt different... It felt so much better than I remembered... Terry knew how to treat a girl... How to make her feel like she's everything in the world worth having... And I just can't explain what he did to me... I just can't... I closed my eyes and let all of these wonderful feelings rush over me, catching my breathe every once in a while... I could hear my own breathing echoing on the stone tiles of the shower-cabin... Every time I let out a quiet little squeak of pleasure, Terry looked up to me and I saw his eyes were filled with a certain satisfaction... Whatever his motives were, I was glad that he did... So I caressed his head while I whispered quietly for him to continue... And every once in a while, I felt a contraction of my abdomen and each time it did, a short quiet moan came out of my throat... It's obvious that he did this many times before... But at some point, he stopped and placed my feet back on the floor again while he scraped his throat a couple of times... I bit my upper-lip again and smiled at him as he got a washing cloth and rubbed my back with shower-gel... I did the same to him and while we were washing each other, Terry couldn't help himself to feel between my legs again... So I touch him between his legs as well... 'How's that for a first impression? Haha, you should've seen your face...' 'Good... Heh... You know how long it's been since anyone did that to me...?' 'Long enough I suppose...' 'Yeah... But I've always loved it...' 'Hehehe, I can imagine... The way you were giggling just then...' 'I wasn't giggling...!' 'Haha, yes you were!' 'No, I wasn't...! Those were just little squeaks of... pleasure...' 'Well, whatever it was, it sounded very cute...'

While we were washing each other, there was a question that kept going through my mind... "Will he do it again...?" But I didn't had the guts to ask him, feeling quite embarrassed to ask him that... But after we were done washing each other and all the foam went down the drain, we were making out once more while we were fondling each other between our legs... And just like that, Terry turned the shower off and stepped out of it while he started to dry himself off... I was a little disappointed to say the least, thinking he would do it again... So I was a little flabbergasted when he got out of the shower just like that and all he did was giving me a little wink... And with that, he walked out of the bathroom to my room... Once I got in my room, I saw that Terry was getting dressed... All I could do was to smile nervously at him while I was getting dressed myself...

I didn't had the guts to ask him, I can tell you that... So no questions were asked... Once we got out of the door, life resumed normally for the two of us and it always had me questioning things about us... At night, when the two of us were alone, it felt to me as if Terry and I were distant from each other but during the day, we were the complete opposite... Each and every time we went out, we were laughing and having fun... We talked a lot and the things the two of us were doing made all the difference there is... But whenever we were spending the nights together, I still felt as if I had to give him something I didn't had... What happened the night before and in the shower that morning was something I really enjoyed... Just like that, it happened... Was it going too fast again for me? It didn't felt like that... Throughout the day, I kept thinking about what happened... And I wanted him to do it again... Except I still didn't had the guts to ask him...

´What, with the sarcastic attitude you have? How can it not be funny? Hahaha... I can hardly believe it, Ceylan...' 'It's true! I just got the habit of blurting things out like that, hurting other peoples feelings... I'm not intending to be funny or something but I don't want to hurt them either. ' 'Well, you should!' 'Hurting people?' 'No, to be funny.' 'Me?! Haha...! And making an ass of myself when I do so?! Oh no, definitely not...!' 'I want to see you act silly.' 'No! Haha...' 'Yes! Come on, say something silly!' 'Hallabaloo...' 'What? Not good enough, dude...' 'What do you want me to say then?' '... Tell a joke.' 'A joke... Oh god, I suck at jokes...' 'Let's hear it!' 'Alright, alright, I do know a good one.' 'Aight...' 'Alright... So a feline and a canine walk into a bar... And...' 'And?' 'Uh...' 'Haha! I think I heard enough...!' 'I forgot how it goes but it was real funny. Oh, oh! I know another one!' 'Do share.' 'Why is a blonde always crawling on the floor of a supermarket?' 'Why?' 'Because she's looking for the lowest prices!' 'Hehehe...'

That Saturday evening, the night after Terry stayed over at my place, he took me to the lagoon... And I figured he wanted to start things over because the first time he took me there, things didn't go as planned... But that night, all was wonderful... Terry and I were talking about the fact that I had to loosen up a little and that I had to act more silly to have fun, like he does... And I know he was right... I never really let myself go, always being so serious and so cynical about everyone and everything... Pessimistic, if you will... The only thing that mattered was that the two of us were just having a really good time... Terry acts silly and childish all the time and sometimes, it made me laugh... It made me wish that I could be a little more like him... To enjoy every little moment and to be able to have fun wherever you were going... But that night, I found out that it wasn't so difficult at all to be like that... Just as long as I was with him...

I let my feet down in the water as Terry sat behind me and clenched his arms around my stomach while he gently kissed my neck... It's like he knows all the right places... I felt so relaxed and so comfortable in his arms that night... Moments like those made it all worth while... I gently rubbed my feet against his in the water, while I was staring at the full moon... 'You know, Terry...' 'Hm...?' 'I'm thinking about working out again... Haven't done that in quite some time, you know... I'm getting a little tummy...' 'You're tummy's fine as it is...' 'It's not that... I just miss doing the things I love doing the most... I haven't been in a gym for well over a year and... Samantha and I used to go all the time but ever since she left...' 'You don't have a buddy anymore to accompany you.' 'Yeah... I don't like going in alone.' 'Well, no one does. Hey, here's a crazy idea. Let's go together.' 'You mean it? You wanna be my sparring partner?!' 'S-Sparring partner?? Uh... Well...' 'You said that you used to box...' 'Only for two years! I thought that you wanted to work out, as in, cardio training or... lifting weights or doing chin-ups and stuff...' 'I used to be able to do thirty chin-ups...' 'Seriously...?' 'Hm-mm... I just wanna keep myself in shape, you know...? I think it'll do me very good...' 'Yeah...' 'So you'll do it...? Please...?' 'I'll think about it... I'm still traumatised of when you almost popped my arm of my socket...' 'Awww... You're afraid of me...! That's so cute!' 'Am not.' 'I know why you don't want to be my sparring partner.' 'Oh really?' 'Yes... You don't like it when you get beat up by a girl...! That must've hurt your ego...' 'Oh, come on...' 'No, I'm serious...! You don't like it when a girl is able to take you on...!' 'Uh-huh...' 'Honestly, how many girls have you met that were capable of defending themselves? And I'm not talking about some bitch fight or slapping someone with their purse.' 'None... But that's why I like you so much. No one tells you what to do unless they want a foot in their face.' 'You like my foot in your face too, don't you...? I didn't hear you complain last night...' 'Oh, those sexy but lethal feet of yours...' 'Hehehe, awww...'

While Terry rested his head on my shoulder, I nudged my muzzle to his and closed my eyes for a short moment when I felt I was drifting away again... What I felt that night was nothing but an overwhelming happiness and I wished it could've last forever... But if there was one thing that life has taught me, it has to be that you should enjoy every little moment together because it could be over the next... It's the reason why I have such a different view on life than most people have... People are so caught up with all of their worries that they forget what it actually means to be alive... I live my life by the day because tomorrow has worries of its own... And even though its difficult to accomplish that sometimes, I still felt that I owed that to my mother and my father... And so I did, especially that particular Saturday night with my dearest pup... 'Look at the moon, Terry... It's so beautiful...' 'Yeah, it is, isn't it...? Hehe, my dad and I used to howl all the time at night when I was little, much to the neighbours annoyance...' 'Howl? You mean at the moon?' 'No, no, that's just some stupid myth about canines.' 'So... Why do canines howl?' 'Inviting people over for tea and biscuits... Asking how you're doing, pretty much everything... My dad and I used to do that because it always was a lot of fun.' 'Really?' 'Yup.' 'I never knew that...' 'Hehehe, it's like, getting in touch with our ancestors...' 'What else is a canine myth?' 'That we're stupid.' 'Ooooh, I didn't know.' 'Hey, what did I say about sarcasm?' 'Hehehe...' 'Psh, you felines are all the same...' 'It's in our blood.' 'What, to be lazy?' 'No, no, that's a myth.' 'Is it now?' 'Well I have to admit that I can be pretty lazy... I guess it's partial true... But you can act pretty stupid though...' 'At least canines are loyal to those who are closest to them.' 'Yeah but felines are smarter...' 'Canines are fearless...' 'Felines are sexier...' 'Canines are way better at socializing...' 'Felines are very affectionate...' 'Canines are more confident...' 'Felines are way more independent...' '... We make an awesome couple...' 'Haha, you just ran out of things to say... But yeah, you're right. We make an awesome couple...' 'Hmm... They'd probably lynch us if we were together a hundred years ago...' 'But we're not...' 'No, we're not...'

It stayed silent for a moment as the two of us were looking at the scenery... The palmtrees were gently waving in the wind as you could hear the ocean water hitting the shores of the beach while the moon reflected itself on the water in thousand little sparkling diamonds... But as a thought was running through my mind, I couldn't help but to chuckle quietly...' 'Hahahahaha... "Fearless"...' 'Stop laughing.' 'Awww... So you're my loyal fearless charismatic confident pup in shining armour...' 'Bet you can't say that ten times in a row...' 'What, it's a good thing...!' 'Dunno about the shining armour thing though...' 'Would you rather go in the nude then?' 'Just to impress you, yes...' 'I'm not that easily impressed, Terry...' 'But you were this morning...' 'Hihihi... Yes... Surprised was more like it...' 'Hmm...' 'What time is it, by the way...?' 'Half passed one... Are you tired...?' 'Yeah, a little... It's also getting a little chilly...' 'Hm-mm...'

It stayed silent for a while again as the two of us were enjoying the scenery... But at some point, I could hardly keep my eyes open... So I leaned back in his arms and closed my eyes... 'Hey Terry...?' 'Yeah babe...?' 'Do you want to stay over for just another night...? With me...?' 'Uh... Well, I'm supposed to meet up with a friend tomorrow morning but uh...' 'You're meeting up with Nicole...?' 'No, with Jarod...' 'Oh... Well, it's okay then... Go see your friend tomorrow...' 'Yeah, but uh...' 'I don't want to keep you away from your friends... When was the last time you saw them...?' 'Uh, several weeks ago... But hey, it's okay, I'll call it off... I'll just text him that something came up... I'll stay with you...' 'Really...?' 'Sure thing...' 'Are you sure...?' 'Yeah dude, definitely...'

I turned around and looked at him for a moment while all he did was smiling at me... So I kissed him as I held him close... His arms clenched around me and... I just felt so happy that night... Just to hear that he was going to stay with me meant the world to me... After a while, he stood up and gave me a hand to get me up... And with that, we made the long walk back home while I kept thinking how to pull it off...

It was around a quarter passed one in the morning when we finally got to my place... Once we got inside, I locked the door behind me and noticed in the living-room that the answering machine had a blinking red light, meaning that there were new messages. Seeing as it was late, I didn't listened to the messages and checked everything before going upstairs. But once we got upstairs in my room, I was the first one to get undressed myself... Until I was completely nude in front of Terry... He sat down on my bed and I didn't know what I was feeling... I just looked at him and there was something so totally irresistible about him that I just can't place... It felt as if he threw a lasso around me and slowly pulled me towards him... I placed my hands on his shoulders and sat on his lap when I gave him a gentle kiss... 'You know, you were right when you said that felines are sexier...' 'Hihi...' 'Especially this one...' 'Heh...'

I felt how his hands were firmly gripping on my butt-cheeks and when I looked at him, he bit his upper lip and gave me a cheeky smile as he squinted his eyes... And well, that expression was so hilarious to see that I just started to laugh at him... I think he did that on purpose... But once he pulled his normal face again with that cute smile he always has, I looked at him and felt my cheeks were turning red once more... I guess every girl wants to hear that they're beautiful and sexy, even when they're not... People always told me that I am but despite that, I was very sceptic about that... There are things about myself that I really like and things I don't like at all... Just because I'm perfectly happy with my psychical appearance doesn't mean I consider myself beautiful and sexy... But the eyes of a certain pup told me otherwise... And perhaps that was the reason why I was blushing in the first place... I caressed the back of his head as I placed my hand on his cheek... 'Terry...?' 'Yes...?' 'Did any of your girls ever asked you to do something...?' 'Like what...?' 'Well, you know...' '... Oh! Oooooh... Uh... Yup...' 'Was there ever something they asked you to do that you didn't like...?' 'Well there once was a girl who forced me to dress up in a banana suit and made me suck corncobs out of her asshole.' 'You serious...?' 'Haha, no of course not, I'm just kidding.' 'Oh, uh... Hehehe...' 'Why do you ask...?' 'No, no reason... Heh... I just...' '... I know it can be a little awkward to ask.' 'Ask you what...?' 'You knooooooooow...' 'Uh... Heh... I-I uh...' 'Oh, you DO know what I'm talking about...!' 'Yes, hihi... It's been on my mind all day...' 'About that "thing" that happened in the shower...?' 'Yes... Do you really like it that much...?' 'Hm-mm... You can always make things a little more interesting with whipped cream or chocolate sandwich spread...' 'I-I don't have any of that...' 'Then again, its not necessary...'

It stayed silent for a while again as I just looked at him, waiting for him to talk some more about it... But all he did was kicking back on my bed and looked at me with a cheeky smile... I didn't get the hint just then... 'Whadda ya waiting for...? Go on, do your thing...' 'W-What thing...?' 'Go fresh yourself up, dude...' 'You mean you'll do it...?' 'Well yeah, that's what you're aiming for, right?' 'Oh...! Uh, y-yeah...! Of course...! Don't go away, I'll be right back...!' 'I'm not going anywhere...'

I gave Terry a quick kiss on his forehead and got as fast as I could to the bathroom... And while I was there, I didn't know what I was feeling... A strange mix of some certain satisfaction and confidence... Feeling a little anxious about things to come... Feeling happy and a little scared at the same time... I grabbed a washing cloth from the bathroom wardrobe and a whole stack of towels fell down from the shelve... So I quickly picked them up and all this time, there was just one thought running through my mind... "Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod!!" I still couldn't believe that "thing" that was about to happen and I can honestly tell you that I've never felt so nervous in my life before... But it happened before even though it didn't last very long... So why would I hesitate to let him do the things he already did...? This tingle I felt in my stomach kept coming back each time I thought of it... And it was so strange for me, you know, because I felt an overwhelming anxiety... But nevertheless, I placed a towel on the ground and soaked that washing cloth in warm water as I squeezed a bottle of shower gel on the washing cloth... The scent of delicious eucalyptus penetrated my nostrils and I quickly rubbed the shower gel to foam on the cloth... I felt cold when I stood there in front of the mirror... When I gently started to wash between my legs, I rubbed it up and down and rinsed it with warm water several times... My vagina wasn't gonna get any cleaner than that... Once I closed the tap and hanged the cloth to dry over the sink, I used a towel to dry myself between my legs... I looked at myself in the mirror again and I remember what I was thinking when I did... "This is it, Ceylan... No matter what happens tonight, it will change everything for the both of you..." I felt confident when I stood in the mirror like that... But the closer I got myself to the door, the more that nervous feeling took over me...

I got out of the bathroom and slowly made my way to my own bedroom... Leaning against the doorpost and peeking around the corner, I saw that Terry got undressed in the mean time in his boxershorts and was waiting on my bed... So I slowly approached him with a certain hesitation... And I think that Terry was able to see that... He sat on the edge of my bed and gestured me to sit on his lap... So I did... And when I sat on his lap, I wasn't facing him... 'You're nervous, aren't you...?' 'Very much so... Yes...' 'Why...?' 'Because you always tell me that things like these "just" happen... But I get the feeling that it's not going to be the case with us...' 'You think sex is a case of "ask and thou shall receive"...?' 'Yeah...' 'Well maybe tonight but... Once you get passed that, it'll all come naturally...' 'I hope so... And I know you want me to do the same but I can't, not just yet...' 'No worries...' 'Heh...' 'So... How would you like it...?' 'Hm...?' 'You want to sit on my face or do you wanna lie down on the bed or...' 'Whatever works best with you, I guess...' 'You still want this, right...?' 'Yeah...! I mean... Yeah, of course I do...' 'Alright then...'

And with that, he got down on the bed, resting his head on my pillow... I looked at him for a moment and smiled nervously when he gestured to come closer... So I got on top of his face as his hands were gently caressing my butt and my feet... He looked straight back at me as I caressed his hair... Both of his hands were gripping on my butt-cheeks and he slowly let them down over my thighs when he started to kiss it... I looked down on Terry who had his eyes closed... I felt how his lips were gently touching my vagina, covering all those little sensitive spots... Seeing it happening right in front of me sent a tingle throughout my entire body... I took a deep breathe and tried to relax as much as possible as I exhaled slowly... It didn't take long before he started to use his tongue... It looked as if he was making out with me, except these were different kind of lips he was kissing... And I really enjoyed what he did but I had the feeling that I had to tell him what I really liked... 'T-Terry...? Can I ask you something...?' 'What's up...?' 'Could you... Uh... C-Could you give it a little more pressure...? With your tongue...? Against my clitoris...?' 'Sure thing... You want it slow or fast...?' 'Slowly...'

He used his fingers to spread my pussy lips and just like that, it popped out from under the hood... Without further questions, he did what I asked him to do... Feeling the pressure of his tongue in the most desirable place... I placed my hands against the wall and leaned towards it as I spread my legs a little wider so that he had more room... The way he got down on me was something I never felt before in my life... To have someone who's experienced in these kind of things taking good care of you was something I wanted the most... And just like that, he turned the switch off in my head... The moment I closed my eyes felt as if all the worries and the insecurities I felt just drifted away... Terry might've considered it having a jolly good time with his girlfriend but it meant so much more to me that night... I looked down on Terry and every once in a while he took his breath... I caressed his hair and whispered quietly in his ear how much I loved it... Terry said to me that sex doesn't have to be a bad experience... And I think he did everything he could to make me believe that... And he was right... It doesn't have to be... With each passing minute, my squeaks of pleasure were getting louder... Basically, I was just gently riding his face... I looked down on his face and his eyes just begged me to please him in any way possible and I started to feel a little guilty seeing him like that... So at some point, I stopped riding his face... 'W-Wait...' 'What's wrong?' 'Nothing, just gimme a sec...'

I stood up and turned around as I sat on his face again, resting my head on his thigh. The position I assumed looked like a sixty-nine except I wasn't intending to put it in my mouth, if you know what I mean... 'How's that...?' 'I like where this is going but I swear, if you crack a fart, I'll throw you off faster than you can say "hallabaloo"...' 'What...!? Haha, I'm a lady, Terry, I don't fart...!' 'Well you don't fight like one...' 'What are you insinuating...? The proof is right in front of you to see...' 'I know, I've been tasting it the whole time...' 'Convinced...?' 'Yes ma'am...' 'Hihi...'

Terry continued where he left off as I enjoyed it quietly... But all I did was looking at his massive bulge in his boxershorts... And I was a little curious to say the least... I've seen Terry naked a few times but I just couldn't keep my eyes from his package each time I saw it... I forgot to tell Terry that felines are also very curious creatures... While Terry was doing his thing, I saw that the shaft of penis was twitching in his boxershorts every once in a while... As if it was trying to break free from his cotton prison or something... So figured I'd give it a hand... Literally... The moment I pulled his boxershorts down, I imagined some cartoon sound effect the moment it popped out... And I thought that it would be erect like a pole in the ground or something but it wasn't... His penis rested on his stomach and seemed to be in a semi-erect state... I think Terry was so busy with other things that he didn't even noticed that I freed his "little" friend... And I just kept looking at it while Terry was gently licking my pussy... Such an aroused feeling was just slowly building up in my stomach and I just cant explain what it did to me, you know... His boxershorts had a damp spot and each time I saw his penis twitching, I saw how it was squirting a little... I still felt it twitching the moment I was gently caressing it... Caressing his fuzzy balls... And then slowly started to stroke him up and down... That went on for a little while but the longer he kept licking my pussy, the more difficulty I had to focus on the stroking despite the fact that I'm a female and that I should be able to multitask... The little squeaks of pleasure became louder once more once he gently started to lick me up and down again, putting the pressure right where I wanted... 'Hey, dude...?' 'Y-Yeah...?' 'Could you move on your back...?' 'Yeah, okay...'

So I did... I got on my back and he quickly got up and buried his face between my legs again, continuing where he left off again... But after a while, he did something totally different... Something I didn't expect... Terry told me to move my feet up in the air... He placed his hands underneath my butt-cheeks, lifted it up in the air and my lower back rested on his knees as he sat on them... So my ass was in the air and he gently started to finger me while he gave me these gentle licks... I saw it happening right in front of me and loved every second of it... All I could do was to utter quietly that I wanted him to continue as I firmly grasped on the bed sheets... Then another finger joined as his tongue was going around in circles around my clitoris... It felt as if I was starting to lose control over my own body... And I loved it... Those quiet little squeaks of pleasure weren't so quiet anymore... He kept doing that for a long time... And then all of a sudden, he pulled his fingers out of me... When I opened my eyes to see what was happening, I saw that Terry was making himself comfortable while he placed his hands on my butt-cheeks again... And what he did next something no one ever did before... He licked my pussy for a moment until he pressed his tongue against my tight little hole, gently forcing its way in... While it was inside of me, he gently made these circular motions as he gently caressed my clitoris again with his thumb... It didn't take long after that... I wasn't screaming or yelling in pleasure but I wasn't exactly quiet either... The feelings in my stomach slowly started to build ever since he started but several moments after his tongue went inside of me, I had the feeling my stomach could explode any minute... And then it happened... I felt intense spasms all over my body and my vagina pulsating in sync with my heartbeat... It felt as if there was a big flash of heat and intense tingling going down from my head to my toes and exploded all over my body with such intensity... And well... I squirted when I did... Right in his face... I felt embarrassed of course but he didn't seem to mind seeing as he was just smiling at me... I closed my eyes as my body was trembling and I really had to recover... Terry got down next to me and muzzled his snout against mine as his fingers were gently fondling between my legs... 'Your vagina just sneezed in my face...' 'Hahaha... Yeah... I noticed... I'm sorry...' 'You're a difficult kitten to please...' 'I know, Terry... F-Fucking hell... That was amazing...'

Every word that came out of my throat was uttered with a tremble in my voice... I felt so relaxed and so soothed after that amazing experience... I looked in his eyes while he smiled innocently at me... And I just couldn't believe we did this way sooner... It might've saved a lot of time and effort in the past... But it happened eventually and things that happened before were not relevant to us anymore... That night I realized that things could only get better for the two of us... But all of a sudden, he got up, pulled his boxershorts up and walked towards the door of my bedroom... 'T-Terry, where you going...?' 'To drink some water, my mouth is dryer than the Cinquechiro desert... Be right back...'

I closed my eyes and several moments later, he came back when he started to cuddle me again... I held him close and gently pressed my lips against... Feeling his strong arm around me... 'I'm so tired...' 'Just close your eyes then...' 'Not just yet...'

I kept making out with Terry in my bed... But I felt so exhausted that I had a hard time to keep my eyes open... And at some point, I gave in and closed them while still feeling his strong arm around me... It didn't take long for me to fell asleep... Because I knew that he was watching over me as I was safe in his arms...

I saw the clock on the nightstand before I fell asleep and realized it took well over half an hour for me to reach my climax... And it was very special to me, more than you'll ever know... I was so overwhelmed that night... That experience was so mind blowing that it totally turned everything upside down for me... And I owed Terry for that... He opened a door to new possibilities once more for me... I tried for so long to turn the switch off in my head and I wasn't able to... Terry had to do that... Someone else had to take the initiative for once to make me see that sex doesn't have to be a bad experience... For years, I've been trying to find the answer to the questions I've always been asking myself. For years, I've been living with the idea that people can only hurt you... For years, I've been living with the idea that no one can be trusted... For years, I've been trying to find someone to prove me wrong... Most people weren't able to convince me... But Terry proved me wrong in just two days... I felt as if I had everything even though I realized I still had a few obstacles to overcome. But those obstacles weren't nearly as big as they once seemed to be... They were hardly any obstacles for me at all... For the first time in my life, I felt as if things between Terry and me would all come naturally... To be intimate with Terry didn't felt like a burden anymore... Even though Terry and I still had a short path to follow, I figured we'd get there eventually... No one could stop me... No one could come in between us... No one would ever tell me otherwise... Absolutely no one...