My Love

Story by Twistedlogic on SoFurry

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Just some crap I cooked up during an emo moment I had recently. I am pretty lonely irl, I don't have that many friends, and I've only ever had one gf, and we split up after about 3 months.

I would call you every day,

I would listen to all your problems,

And talk to you about that film we both love.

You would inspire me to find the words

That would cheer you up when you are sad.

You would let me cry

When I was upset or hurt.

You would let me lean on your shoulder,

You would give me the strength I needed.

You would show me that I was something more than nothing.

I would smile whenever you looked at me,

And hold you close and tenderly.

You would show me things that I had never seen before,

And you would teach me how to love them.

I would make myself better for you.

You would laugh with me,

And I would pretend for one day,

An hour,

A glorious, golden minute,

That you existed.