The Sleepover

Story by Ink-arrow on SoFurry

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#2 of The Surprise

he told himself. "But maybe... I wonder if he'll have eaten yet?" He shivered with excitement. Get a hold of yourself! he thought, and took a deep breath. _Get yourself worked up and he'll be suspicious, you idiot! _

Now fully dry, the wolf padded back to his room naked, because he basically lived alone. He put on a black t-shirt and some cargo pants and checked the clock again--6:47. He decided it wouldn't hurt to be a little early.

He soon pulled into Nic's driveway and parked his car. He strolled up to the door and rang the bell. The same bunny from earlier came to the door. Her eyes widened just a little and she held back a blush. She was obviously quite impressed by him. "What do you want, pretty boy?" she teased. "Not me, no! You're after my little brother, aren't you?"

"Yeah," he laughed. "So how is it that he's your brother? Step-brother maybe?" he asked.

"No. He's my adopted brother. His mom died when he was still really young. I don't know if he had any other family or not, but my parents found him on the streets. He was so traumatized by it, he can't remember anything from before we found him. Poor guy," she sighed.

"I'm sorry... I didn't..."

"No, it's okay." She put on a smirk. "Unless you're apologizing for being so mean to me," she pouted.

"No," he laughed again. She sure was one tenacious girl! She is really pretty, though, he admitted. _I bet she's used to being the one turning people down. She's getting all flustered about it. _ He chuckled softly.

"Wh-what?" she demanded.


"Hey! I thought I heard the doorbell. You're early, you know," said the fox, who had just appeared behind his sister.

"Then let's get going already!" Axel shouted.

"Fine, fine. Don't get your panties in a bunch!" Nic teased.

"What's your sister's name, Nic?" the wolf asked,

"You can call me anything you want," the bunny said in a seductive voice.

"Like idiot?" Nic joked. "She's Violet, but I call her Vi."

"You mean the way I call you Nicolaus instead of Nic?" she retorted, intent on embarrassing him.

Axel glanced over to his friend, who was blushing furiously, ears plastered down against his head. He apparently didn't like being called by his full name, which was, in Axel's opinion, a nice name. It was cute how embarrassed he was getting though.

"Let's go," the fox commanded.

"Yes, sir," Axel said, standing up straight and making a salute. Nic let out a laugh, and they both got into the car and drove off. Vi stood on the doorstep watching them go.

They were about halfway to Axel's house when the wolf spoke up. "Wait a tic," he said, stopping at a corner, "are you hungry?"

"Huh? Yeah, sure," Nic replied.

"Wanna grab a pizza somewhere?"

"Why not?"

"Great!" the wolf said, showing a bit more enthusiasm than he had intended. He started driving to a nearby pizza place. His friend idly looked out the window, lost in thought. Stupid! He's definitely wondering why I'm so excited...better make up an excuse... "Sorry I'm a little hyper. I was tired, so I grabbed an energy drink on the way out.

"Huh," Nic grunted. He was still a little lost in thought.

Maybe he's not as suspicious as I thought, Axel thought to himself, relieved. He glanced over at the fox, who was dressed in a tight, white t-shirt and tight jeans. Damn! He whistled in his head. He let his eyes roam over the unsuspecting fox boy. Why do the straight boys always have to be so damn hot!? he wondered.

Axel looked back to the road, realizing he'd been enthralled by the fox. He slammed on the brakes and swerved to avoid a little dog boy who had gone after his ball into the street. Nic immediately snapped back and shouted at Axel. "What the hell--?"

"Sorry. I got distracted," he said honestly. "Everything's okay."

"Maybe I should drive," Nic chuckled, remembering what Vi had said to him earlier.

"No sass out of you, boy, or you're walking," Axel threatened.

"That's fine by me. I like walking."

"Well we're here anyway, so forget it."

The climbed out of the car and entered the restaurant. Axel walked up to the front register and asked for a table for two. The waitress, a mouse in her early twenties, showed them to their table. "Here you are, sir," she said to Axel, blushing. It's too bad I'm so popular with the ladies, he thought, smiling.

"What do you want?" he asked the fox.

"Uh...pepperoni, I guess."

"You heard the man," Axel said to the waitress. "Make it large."

"Large pepperoni pizza," she said, writing it down, "six ninety-seven,"

"Wait, miss. The large pizza costs twice that!" Axel corrected her.

"Oh. There's a special tonight, though," she told him. "Half price for cute guys who give me their number," she said, grinning,

_Why not play along? It can't hurt could actually help me out, too! _ He scrawled down a phone number on a slip of paper and handed it to her. It was a made-up number, but he figured the waitress would just think he made a mistake. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, after all. He was doing this as a cover, anyway, just in case.

After a few minutes, the pizza was brought to them by the same waitress, who handed Axel a piece of paper: her number. He was about to discard it, but a confused look from Nic caused him to rethink his plan. He turned it into a flourish and put the paper into his pocket. Nic grinned at his friend's display.

They started eating right away, as teenage boys tend to do. When most of the pizza was gone, Axel stopped and looked up at Nic. "Hey. You met my friends earlier today, so why don't you tell me about yours?"

Nic told the wolf about Tori, Kari, and Billy, his closest friends. He laughed about how Tori had a crush on Ms. Bree, their homeroom teacher. He talked about how Kari was a huge history buff and how she knew close to everything about European history especially.

Axel interjected by bringing up his Mythology class, and how many things it applied to in literature. He hit a snag though, as Nic laughed a little and sighed. "I don't read a lot of books. The fiction ones at least," he added.

"Oh well. Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome were cool places anyway. Did you know that homosexuality was accepted much more back then? It was even sometimes expected!"

Nic choked on his drink. "Really!?" he asked, shocked.

Crap! I shouldn't have blurted that out. I just keep digging this hole bigger and bigger! Thought the wolf to himself.

Nic cleared his throat and continued, "That's really bizarre! It's too bad people can't be more accepting of gays. I'm straight, but I'm cool with it."

"Y-yeah?" Axel stammered, in his excitement taking the fox's comment as meaning he was open to experimenting.

"Yeah," he repeated, confused. "I don't care about someone's preference--I care about what they're like as a person. It's like hating someone who likes green instead of blue! It's ridiculous," the fox said, caught up in a rant.

I like green, the wolf thought lazily, looking into the fox's bright green eyes. _Okay, so I misunderstood him, but at least he's not a homophobe. That could've complicated things. _ The wolf sat there, nodding whenever the fox paused. He enjoyed being able to sit there and just look at the cute foxy sitting across from him.

After a couple more minutes, the waitress brought the bill to the table. Axel reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He took out a ten and went to pay the bill, letting his friend stay at the table. He brought the rest of the change back to the table and set it down, adding another one from his wallet to the tip.

Nic looked surprised. "Why'd you tip her so much? Do you have the hots for her? It's not like she serviced us much exactly."

Axel smiled at him. "I paid her for an inconvenience. That's all."

"What inconvenience?" Nic asked, even more confused.

"Never mind. You didn't notice, so it's not a problem."

"Whatever," the fox mumbled, giving the wolf a prying gaze.

The two furs left the restaurant and drove back to Axel's house. Axel unlocked to door and opened it. There were no lights on inside, and twilight was creeping up outside. The interior of the house was dark as a result. "Mom must not be home yet," the wolf said as he flicked on the lights and gestured for Nic to enter as well.

"How late does she work?" Nic asked, looking around his friend's house.

"I don't know exactly. Late in any case. She works long hours to keep us comfortable here. I don't really get to see a lot of her, but no worries. You'll be keeping me company tonight!" he said, grinning toothily.

"You mean you're usually alone here? Maybe I should come over more often, then!" the fox suggested.

Axel was quick to reply, "Yeah! I'd like that."

"Then just tell me when you want to hang out in chemistry or at lunch."

"I might as well just drive you home from school every day. Then I can just kidnap you whenever I want," he chuckled.

"Really? But are you sure?"

"Yeah. Your house isn't too far from mine anyway. It'd be my pleasure."

"Cool. So where's your room, anyway?"

"Oh. It's upstairs. C'mon, I'll show you." He led Nic up the stairs and down the hall to his room. He opened the door and showed the fox in. "Voila."

"Oh. Ta chamber est un peu sale, mais elle a l'air de confort," Nic said in French, unable to resist showing off at his friend's casual use of a French word.

"Wait. What?" Axel asked, dumbstruck.

"I said it's a little messy, but it seems comfortable."

"Oh. You take French, then?"

"Yeah. Third year."

"I like it. I've just never had the time to take it. Oh well. So what do you want to do now?"

Nic thought for a moment. "Got any good movies?"

"Yeah. What'll it be?"

"Um... how about Shaun of the Dead? It's always good for a laugh."

"Okay. You're in luck. I just bought it a couple weeks ago."

Axel popped in the movie and they watched it on the couch in the living room downstairs. In the dark, the wolf was able to get a few nice glances of the cute fox sitting next to him without being noticed. He had to be careful not to let himself get carried away, though. He didn't want to make his scent noticeable, otherwise Nic would get weirded out.

When the movie ended, it was pretty late, although thankfully it was Friday, so it didn't matter. It just meant the two were tired. Nic yawned loudly once Axel turned the lights back on, and the wolf laughed.

Nic blushed. "So where am I sleeping?"

Axel hesitated. He wanted very badly to sleep with the fox, but he couldn't make it too apparent. "Well...there's the couch, but you'll get a backache tomorrow, plus it's always a little chilly. You could sleep in my room," he offered.

"Okay," agreed the fox. The trudged up the stairs into Axel's room once again. "So where now?"

"What? Oh. Well I hate to say it, but we don't have extra blankets around, you know..."

"No, that's okay. I understand. Nobody can have everything, right? That's fine. I don't think I'll get too cold if you can just give me a pillow to sleep on the floor with," Nic said, a little embarrassed that he was being a burden on the less wealthy family.

"You can sleep in my bed if you want, though--it's a queen size. I mean, you'd prefer a little awkwardness to real discomfort, right?"

"Yeah, of course," the fox said, smiling.

"Cool. I usually sleep nude, but I'll keep my underwear on for you, okay?"

"You're so thoughtful!" Nic teased.

Axel stripped off his shirt and pants and stood in his boxers. He turned around to see Nic slipping off his jeans. He watched the fox's tail swish in the air once the jeans were pulled over it, the fox not bothering to undo the snap. The jeans slid off the boy's rump, and Axel caught a nice shot of his tight ass. He gasped a little uncontrollably.

"What is it?" Nic asked, turning to face the older boy.

Axel quickly turned around and made a show of latching the window. "I...the window was open, and air conditioning is expensive," he said, making it up on the spot.

"Of course," said the fox, fortunately not noticing that Axel had been watching him undress. Axel flicked off the light switch and jumped onto the bed, pulling the covers up over him. Nic laughed a little and got into the bed from the other side, careful to leave room between them.

"Night!" Axel said, and he turned over and closed his eyes. He heard the fox get comfortable and then lie still. He peeked open his eyes and saw the fox slowly falling asleep. He waited for some time, to make sure the fox was completely asleep. He scooted a little closer to the fox. Finally, he thought to himself, getting excited, his heart pounding in his chest.


Nic lay in bed for a while with his eyes closed. He was relaxed enough, but it had been a while since he had slept in a bed other than his own. The foreign bed was not as easy to fall asleep in, especially with another boy lying in it with him. That didn't bother him too much, though, to tell the truth. He was comfortable enough with Axel as a friend to not might sleeping in the same bed with him. He felt somewhat safe around the wolf, probably because he was older and more mature.

As he lie in bed waiting for sleep to come, he felt Axel shift around in his sleep. Then, suddenly, he felt a paw brush across his crotch, groping it a little. He gasped and opened his eyes. For a moment, he thought he saw the blue of Axel's eyes, but then realized that it was just the moonlight reflected off the wolf's silver fur.

The fox grumbled and rolled over, turning away from the wolf. He's already so far asleep, he having dreams, he thought. _I'd better get to sleep too. _ And he slowly drifted off to sleep, watching the full moon through the window.


Axel woke up, a little groggy. He looked next to him and saw the fox boy sprawled out on the bed, having kicked off the sheets. He looks so cute lying there. I wonder if he actually caught me last night, he wondered, already growing nervous. He looked over the red furred body, especially the boy's white belly. It looks so soft! he exclaimed in his head. Then his eyes wandered down and saw the fox's tented boxers. _Morning Wood? How...convenient. _ Axel noticed that Nic was quite well-endowed for a fox. _He's almost as big as I am! I thought he was big when I touched him last night, but I thought I was just imagining things. _

"Nic?" he asked quietly. The fox merely lie there, completely oblivious. _I'd better not pass up this opportunity. He won't wake so easily this time..._the wolf thought, his muzzle spreading into a toothy grin like that of a child's on Christmas morning.

I like to leave a little open to the imagination, if you can't tell.

I'm sorry for those who want more yiff: it'll be a while... T-T