Duel Monsters: Fate of Two Worlds Ch.1

Story by TNP Featherz on SoFurry

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Tried my hand at a Duel Monsters Story after reading ones done by Vampire Panther, this st...

Tried my hand at a Duel Monsters Story after reading ones done by Vampire Panther, this story will be a sort of collaboration with him. I tried to keep dialogue short enough but without neglecting effects so i hope it's not too long winded in places. I hope you enjoy.

Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters

Fate of Two Worlds

by Dragon Knight Arkwright (Feat. Vampire Panther)

Chapter One: Welcome to the Academy

"It's all your fault you know." McKenzie grumbled,

"I wasn't aware that the experiment would have such a... explosive result." Ark sighed,

"I thought you were supposed to be smart?" McKenzie said as he folded his arms,

"You can't know everything. If i did i wouldn't be in pursuit of knowledge." Ark snapped back defiantly.

While they were arguing the Secretary came over and told them that the Chancellor would see them. Feeling a sudden wave of nervousness come over the both of them they stopped fighting and headed into the Chancellors office to see what fate awaited them. The office was fairly large with a desk that dominated the far wall which just so happened to be a large window with a view of the concourse below. Chancellor Redmond sat behind the desk with a somewhat cheerful expression despite the reason of their meeting right now. Dr Beckett stood just to the side, though she seemed somewhat less cheerful as the Chancellor.

"Are these the two 'miscreants' Dr Beckett?" The Chancellor asked still maintaining his cheerful expression,

"Yes they are Chancellor, these are the delinquents who blew up my science room." Dr Beckett said almost exploding with rage,

Chancellor Redmond just carried on smiling as he turned to the two RA Yellow Students before him, "Care to tell me what happened?"

Ark took a step forward deciding it was mostly his fault for the accident and began to recite what had happened during the science lesson.

"I pushed my limits and tried to experiment with matters unknown to me at the time... and now i know that is probably a bad idea for the future." Ark said finishing his tale,

"Yes and my lab had to be sacrificed for your little adventure." Dr Beckett huffed,

"Now now Beckett, the pursuit of knowledge is what we strive for in this academy, it should never be stifled... though i must admit we will be without the use of our science facilities for some time." Redmond said looking a little more serious,

"What do you propose we do to these vandals Chancellor?" Dr Beckett asked,

"Well i know one way to settle this, i leave the decision in your hands Dr Beckett..." Redmond began,

"I know exactly what to do to these two." Dr Beckett grinned,

"I was going to say if you can beat them in a duel you can decide their fate. If they win they are cleared, what do you say?" Redmond said taking on his cheerful appearance once more,

"I'll be willing to take that challenge." Ark said stepping up,

"I suppose if that's what must be done." Dr Beckett said visually sagging with disappointment,

"I'll schedule the duel for this afternoon." The Secretary said as she left.

The arena was full of students eagerly awaiting the match that was about to begin, in the centre of the ring stood Dr Beckett and Ark shuffling each others decks before the match begins. They returned their decks to each other and went to stand in their respective areas as the Chancellor announced the duel.

"Welcome students to a spectacular match, the winner of this duel will decide the fate of our two young students. Will they be punished or forgiven? Only the duel will tell us, Begin." Redmond said,

"Lets Duel." Ark and Beckett said simultaneously.

As their duel disks activated and sprung to life the life point counters set to 4000 and their opening hands were drawn and Dr Beckett had opening move privileges.

"Lets begin a little slowly so you have a chance to process all this shall we." Beckett said looking closely at her hand, "I play one monster in defense mode and set 2 cards face down. Thats all for now."

"My draw." Ark said drawing a card and examining his hand, "I play Magnet Warrior Sigma Plus (1800,1500) and launch the first assault."

The Magnet Warrior launched itself forward and struck the face down monster which flipped it face up and destroyed it.

"Thank you very much, when my Batteryman Microcell is flipped face up i can summon another Batteryman monster from my deck as long as it's level 4 or below." Beckett said as a new monster appeared on the field, "I choose my Batteryman D (0,1900), also my Microcells second ability, after it's flipped face up and destroyed in battle i can draw an extra card."

"I set 3 cards face down on the field and pass the floor to you." Ark said remaining calm and collected,

"Yes very good, now i summon another Batteryman D. With two Batteryman D's on the field you can no longer attack any of my Thunder type monsters... including either of them." Beckett laughed.

There was commotion from the crowd of spectators at Dr Becketts move, in a single move she'd stopped Arks ability to retaliate with his monsters. But Ark stood defiantly calculating his moves a few steps ahead so he was never taken by surprise.

"I hope you're not too disheartened my dear boy, i'm sure a duelist such as yourself can work your way out of this little mess." Dr Beckett said in a condescending way,

"I'm certain i can and all it takes... is a little common sense. I summon Magnet Warrior Omega Minus to the field in attack mode (1900,600) then i activate Magnet Force Plus." Ark said as his trap sprung into play, "This card equips itself to one of your monsters and it becomes a 'Plus' monster, and you know what they say about opposites attracting. Now your Batteryman must do battle with Omega Minus."

The Batteryman leapt forward but was easily brushed aside by the more powerful Magnet Warrior. Dr Becketts Life Points took a 1900 point hit leaving him with only 2100 left, he was stunned at the quite remarkable play.

"I now sacrifice Magnet Warriors Sigma Plus and Omega Minus to the graveyard to summon Conduction Warrior Linear Magnum Plus Minus (2700,1300) to the field." Ark grinned widely as one of his most powerful monsters took to the field, "I now attack your remaining Batteryman."

The battle was swiftly over as the powerful monster broke through the defence of the Batteryman and destroyed it.

"I set one last card and defer to you." Ark smiled a cocky grin,

"I'll teach you to think you've beaten me so easily. I activate the spell card Battery Charger, with it i can ressurect a Battery from my graveyard... at the cost of 500 points that is. I bring back my Battery D and sacrifice it to summon my more powerful Batteryman Charger (1800,1200) also when he's summoned i can summon another battery from my hand or deck, so i choose Batteryman AA (0,0) this little fellow gets 1000 attack points for every Batteryman AA on the field giving him 1000 attack points right now. I also reveal my face down cards Wattcannon, when a Thunder type mosnter is summoned to the field i can hit you for 600 points of damage, and since there is 2 of them you get double the trouble. I play another Battery Charger to bring Batteryman D to the field" Beckett laughed as the cannons fired at Ark.

The two Wattcannons had left their mark dropping Arks life points down to 2800, Ark also realised with 3 Batterymen on the field Batteryman Charger had enough Attack points to attack his monster head on. Which is exactly what happened... Batteryman Charger sped in and landed a punishing blow on Linear Magnum but recieved a blow itself and both monsters were destroyed.

"I now attack your lifepoints directly with my Batteryman AA." Beckett commanded her Battery monster.

Arks lifepoints sank down to 1400 which left the score at 1400 - 1100.

"I end my turn with that playing heavily on your mind." Beckett said nodding with overconfidence,

"Not before i activate my facedown card." Ark said flipping one of his facedown cards up, "It's called Miracle's Wake and it allows me to summon a monster that was destroyed in battle this turn. So return to me Conduction Warrior Linear Magnum Plus Minus."

With the cards effect activated Arks monster rose up to grace the field once again.

"Now it's my turn." Ark said with a look of certainty in his eyes, "It is the last move and i won't hold back, i sacrifice my Linear Magnum to summon up my Plasma Warrior Eitorn (3000,1600)."

"Now wait just a minute." Beckett cried nervously,

"His ability allows me to halve his attack points so he can strike you directly. Go Plasma Warrior Eitorn, attack him with Atomic Blast!" Ark yelled.

Dr Beckett cried out as Plasma Warrior Eitorn launched his direct attack against her bringing the Doctors lifepoints down to 0. The duel ended and the crowd cheered for the victor, Ark stood waving at the crowd he wasn't one for showboating but hardly got the chance to show his skills to such a large crowd so he relished the chance to be recognised for the duelist he was. With the crowd settling down a little Chancellor Redmond stepped onto the platform accompanied by McKenzie.

"That was a thrilling duel and as promised you can decide yours and McKenzies fate." Redmond grinned on cheerfully,

"I wish no repurcussions to fall upon us, though i feel responsible and will accept whatever i must but i ask you to leave McKenzie out of it the fault is mine alone to bear." Ark said,

"A noble heart indeed, i will accept your request but i will not be handing out any punishment today. I wish to ask you to participate in a field exercise at the newly discovered Ruins of the Rainbow Caste." Redmond chuckled heartilly,

Arks eyes lit up with enthusiasm, "Thats very generous of you Chancellor, i would be honoured."

They both shook hands as the crowd cheered once more.

The Dawn of Destiny: Chapters 17-22

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The Dawn of Destiny: Chapters 13-16

**_Chapter Thirteen - Last Leg of School_** **_Dixon_** _Hurrah for holidays, school is coming to its last stretch. It'd been a while since the episode that happened at the park and we hadn't heard from the South Side school since, I don't know...

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The Dawn of Destiny: Chapters 9-12

**_Chapter Nine - Late Night Party Animals_** **_Sil'ferr_** _Dixon had been outside for a long time when Vivian decided to go and see what was up, I just hoped it wasn't me that had upset him somehow that was the last thing I wanted. Vivian...

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