Night Above (By Jeeves)

Story by Antoneth on SoFurry

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#13 of A New Acquisition

This story was written for Antoneth as part of his 'Stories for a month' auction win! :3 It contains romantic, playful luvvins between a male and a herm dragon. :3

Night Above

What had started as a romantic lakeside walk in the wake of one of the most special moments in Sky and Storm's life, their first time together as lovers, was now becoming something wonderful and memorable in its own right.

Storm shrieked with laughter as Sky sprinted after her along the soft, springy grass which bordered the large lake within the grounds of their mistress' property. Her breasts bounced freely, her eyes shone with excitement and a vibrant zeal for life, and her naked body trembled with glee as she darted out of the way of the male dragon's clutching fingertips. She hadn't meant to push him into the lake, really she hadn't! But when he'd started to flail like that, pretending to lose his balance as he stood upon one foot by the water's edge, he really hadn't given her any choice in the matter.

The female dragon was fast, her agile form darting back and forth as she ran in order to avoid Sky's outstretched and swiping hands, but fast as she was the four inch height advantage which Sky had over her was telling. His legs were just a little bit longer than hers, his arms able to reach just that slight distance further, and when Storm's long, sweeping tail was taken into consideration it really wasn't that hard at all for Sky to snag her. Indeed he probably could have done so almost instantly, but hearing Storm's giddy giggles and watching her smiling and moving with such vital, positive energy had kept the male from closing the net around his prey at first. It was only now, some three or four minutes after his dunking, that Sky found himself considering taking Storm down. And so, with a roar of effort and one last violent shriek of mirth from Storm, Sky launched himself forward with wings outstretched and tackled his beautiful draconic lover directly from behind.

"Got you..."

Rolling the now captive Storm over beneath him, the male's larger form straddling her waist, Sky pinned Storm's wrists to the soft, springy earth with his own hands. He leaned down over her squirming body and beaming features, his lips drawn back to reveal two rows of sharp, pearly white teeth, and kissed Storm tenderly. She fought violently against his restraining touch, back arching and a muffled groan escaping from between their interlocked muzzles, but returned his lip-lock with glee. A louder, even more urgent growl escaped Storm when their lips parted, and that growl erupted into a fully fledged, passionate cry as Sky's lips turned their attention to a point further down the female's body. He kissed her neck, her collarbone, and then planted a fond peck on the tip of one heaving breast. His tongue lashed out across the female's deep purple scales, not making contact with her stiffened nipple but circling around it teasingly, and Sky grinned as he felt Storm's writhing beneath him increase.

Suddenly, without warning, Storm's body ceased its struggling. Her eyes widened for a moment, and a soft gasp escaped her lips, then her expression grew cloudy, her eyes fluttered closed, and she fell limp beneath the more dominant male's body.

Sky growled. He wasn't going to fall for that.

"Storm... you really think that's gonna work on me? C'mon! Tali tricked me with that two weeks after I arrived here, and Luna the day after her."

The dragoness didn't move.


Sky released her wrists, and he moved one hand to the female's shoulder, nudging her body gently at first, then more vigorously.


His voice grew more urgent. Desperate. Fearful.


Her eyes snapped open, her snout bursting with a dazzling, mischievous grin, and with a savage snarl she threw her weight to one side and rolled the two of them over until she was the one in the dominant position. Storm's arms pinned Sky's wrists to the ground, just as hers had been till a few seconds ago. Her body straddled his, and her face grinned devilishly down at that of the wide eyed, disbelieving male.


Sky shook his head, stunned.

"I... I've created a monster."

His muzzle twitched upwards at the corners, and his eyes twinkled with mirth. Storm giggled. Her chest swelled with pride, and inwardly she made a mental note to tell Tali and Luna that at last she'd done what they'd asked her to try almost a month ago.

"Did I really fool you?"

Sky groaned softly as he stared up at the beaming, blushing, beautiful dragoness sitting astride him. It may have only been an hour or so since the two of them made love, but if she kept on looking like that... so alive, so excited, so gorgeous, he was going to have a hard time trying to keep his body's rapidly renewing urges under control.

"Ask me again, o-once my heart's started beating again."

With another proud, happy giggle from Storm the purple scaled dragoness leaned down and planted a kiss upon Sky's muzzle, just as he had to her a short while before. Her lips travelled down his neck and onto his chest, and she delighted in peppering his firm, scaled torso with little playful pecks and nibbles while he lay passively, not even attempting to struggle, beneath her. Before long she began to speak between kisses, as though striking up a casual conversation without any awareness that what she was doing was driving Sky wild. Her soft lips against his scales tickled wonderfully, but more so than that, such an open, playful show of affection from Storm was once again reminding him just how much confidence their recent love making had instilled within her. She'd been coming on in leaps and bounds already, but now... now she seemed ready to face almost anything.

"Sky, what you said earlier... creating a monster. You'd tell me if I went too far, right?"

The very fact Storm could ask such a question directly, rather than simply assuming she'd done wrong and retreating back into herself, spoke volumes about the confidence boost which today had granted her.

"Of course I would. Anyone in this house would, just like we'd want you to tell us. But, Storm... you know I was just being silly when I said that, right? I just meant that what you did there, tricking me into letting you loose... that's the kind of thing Tali or Luna would do. Seeing you taking a leaf out of their book; playing, taking the initiative like that, it's really great. I can't imagine how amazing it'll be... the four of us all playing together, and Jen too, of course."

Storm blushed, but Sky's warm smile persisted.

"I don't even mean that sort of playing. At least, not yet. I just mean... well, I can't wait to see their faces when you try that sort of thing out on them. Luna's gonna hit the roof if you manage to trick her, and Tali... Tali would probably hug you and refuse to let go for about an hour."

The female dragon nodded, giggling. She had a contented, wistful expression set upon her face, and a faraway look in her eyes. She'd stopped kissing Sky's chest now, and the two scaled slaves were simply resting face to face, eye to eye, Storm still pinning the larger dragon to the soft, lakeside ground.

"Do you really think I could be like everyone else here someday? S-so free in everything I do... not afraid, not worried about anything."

Sky chuckled. He slipped a hand free from Storm's grasp, the dragoness not really trying to hold him down anymore and he himself no longer fighting to be free, and caressed one of her cheeks. She blushed.

"We all get afraid, Storm. We all worry about things. Me, Tali, Luna, even Jennifer gets afraid sometimes. You know that."

The dragoness opened her muzzle to say something, but Sky slipped one finger of the hand caressing her face across her lips before she could.

"But... I know that's not what you meant. I know you know that. So my answer is yes. Yes, I think you could be like that someday. Someday much sooner than you probably think. Just look at all you've accomplished today. Look at everything you've done. Everything you've said. Look at how far you've come, Storm. You should be really proud of yourself. I know we all are."

Storm's cheeks flushed crimson beneath her purple scales, and she murmured happily as Sky craned his neck up towards her, securing yet another long, lingering kiss. When their lips parted again, she sighed peacefully. For a short while no-one spoke, and as Storm released Sky's arms and laid her body down flat against his own their postponed wrestling match turned into a loving, gentle embrace. Sky's arms encircled the female's body, his ankles hooked loosely around the backs of her own legs, and Storm's head came to rest gently upon his slowly rising, slowly falling chest.

It was there, resting body to body, apparently so peaceful and at rest, that the two dragons felt their bodies beginning to respond to one another's presence in a sexual manner once again. Sky's fingers caressed the length of Storm's spine, running up and down her back in a way that made the female squirm and gasp. Her soft exclamations and happy writhing set him off in turn, for there was no sound more erotic and stimulating to Sky than the sounds of someone he cared for enjoying themselves; the sound of someone having fun in whatever context happened to fit, whether light hearted and innocent, more lewd and lustful, or a delicious combination of the two.

The dragoness didn't speak, but her eyes widened and her contented shivering as Sky caressed her spine took on a more urgent note when she felt something beginning to swell beneath her. Directly against her crotch, pushing up against it as though already seeking to make love to her, she felt the male's erection begin to swell. Like herself Sky too said nothing to indicate he was aware of this fact, but it was painfully obvious that both of them were, lying in ever more heated silence as a swollen seven inches of sky blue manhood rose and began to twitch hungrily between them, as though demanding to be acknowledged.

What truly forced the dragons to accept that their physical attraction for one another had risen with a vengeance once more however was not the presence of Sky's dragonhood, nor indeed the squirming and shuddering of Storm astride him. In fact that deciding moment came about thanks to yet another first for the two dragons, and one last important step forward for the female of the pair on this night of discovery and freedom from past shame. A muffled, nervous whimper escaped Storm as she felt a switch turn inside herself; a switch which until recently had been kept locked away in a dark room behind kilometres of solid rock and chained, snarling, bloodthirsty tigers. She might have pulled away from Sky, but his arms wrapped around her not only prevented that escape but also filled her with such a sense of warmth and belonging that she dared not tear herself away from that comfort now of all times. Instead she simply lay there, eyes closed and a series of low, nervous moans issuing from her snout as her own maleness began to swell and stiffen directly against Sky's own.

At first, neither dragon dared acknowledge what they were feeling. Sky knew how much of a big deal this was, far bigger than him wrapping a hand around it in the slime pit, and he couldn't imagine how much bravery Storm was calling upon just to do as she was doing now; holding herself still astride him and not seeking to hide herself away. Indeed just as he had suspected Storm was simply focusing on maintaining her composure as she grew and grew against the other warm, sexual draconic form beneath her. She felt her member, obscenely long, thick and hard, twitch and throb against Sky's own cock, and felt him strain and throb against her in return. How he could stand such stimulation from her body she couldn't even begin to understand, but the very fact that he could, and that he was holding her tighter and closer than ever rather than pulling away from her in disgust, was proving more of a boost to Storm's self-image than Sky could possibly have known.

At some point down the line, Sky kissed Storm upon the forehead. It wasn't meant as anything more than a fond gesture, not one of comfort or sexuality or any sort of meaning beyond his general love and affection for the dragoness. Yet it was that single, simple crane of the neck and peck of lips against scales which triggered all that followed.

A pale streak of lightning criss-crossed Storm's body at the touch of the male's lips, the almost invisible markings upon her deep purple scales flaring momentarily with a pale, moonlight silver. Her body stiffened, her erection flexed, and a subtle wisp of a moan escaped her lips and floated through the cool night air.


Storm's voice faltered almost as soon as it had begun, the sound of her own vocalisation after such protracted and near-complete silence striking her dumb with shock. It was only another gentle kiss from Sky, a little longer and more firm in its contact, which coaxed her into making a second attempt.

"I want t-to..."

She swallowed. She shivered. She closed her eyes, and took the plunge.

"I want to show you... m-my body."

Her voice cracked, tears spilling down her cheeks in a sudden rush of emotion.


Sky squeezed her tightly, so tightly it hurt his arms and forced all but a little of the air from Storm's lungs. They both appreciated it though. They both needed that kind of comfort right now.

"...b-but, I'm not ready. At least... n-not ready to show you like this."

The dragoness never once opened her eyes as she spoke those heartfelt words, but she and Sky could see one another clear as day. Ever since they'd been together in the slime pit, there had been a low level of telepathic contact constantly passing between them. It was barely noticeable, barely conscious in the manner it was maintained, but now it blossomed into a fully fledged link for the second time that night. Storm and Sky saw one another in their minds' eye, not as physical embodiments of themselves but as coalescing, swirling balls of ideas; emotions, memories, dreams and fears. What they heard next however as Storm switched from physical speech to true telepathy was as clear, as solid and unambiguous as if she'd said it aloud.


Sky growled. It wasn't a command that the female had issued, nor a request, nor a plea. She had no expectations of him, and yet the compulsion to follow the wish of that resounding thought was more powerful than if Jennifer had directly asked him to switch to his feral form.

One moment, Sky lay beneath Storm as a five foot seven, anthropoid dragon.

The air crackled with magic. The very stars above seemed to glow brighter for a moment. Sky's body shook, and from between each of his scales a bright, brilliant internal glow seemed to burst forth into reality.

The next moment, Storm found herself resting atop the stomach of a vast feral dragon, at least twice Sky's normal size, more if you included his neck and tail. His powerful forelegs were wrapped tenderly, carefully around her body, and even as Sky let loose a deep, powerful rumble from somewhere in his throat the feral dragon's wings swept around to encircle Storm in what felt like a warm, living blanket.

For just a few seconds Storm lay astride the mammoth male unchanged and trembling with joy. Once before today she had marvelled at how safe Sky could make her feel, and now yet again he made her heart swell with gratitude as his large, powerful heart thundered beneath the point where her head lay flat against him. He could have crushed her with a single squeeze of his arms, and yet as she lay wrapped up in this feral male's unbelievably gentle embrace Storm felt that it was the rest of the world, not her, who needed to be afraid.

Had the female been less on edge at that moment, she might have taken the time to take note of the equally impressive member astride which she was now practically sitting. Almost two feet of thick, rigid blue flesh twitching just an inch or so away from the curve of her rump. Perhaps thankfully though, for on this occasion her unchanged mind might not have been ready for such a sight, she was focused on other matters. Matters such as her own change.

In a single, brilliant flash of white light which coursed across Storm's body via her lightning-like markings, the female dragon changed to match the male's scale. She was still smaller than him, smaller by a far more noticeable margin than the usual four inches, but that didn't matter. Indeed very little mattered now that they were changed, for while they retained complete knowledge of who they were and complete control of their bodies and magical abilities, there was something so very different about being changed that only another dragon could truly understand.

Storm growled, tossing her head back and roaring as she spread her wings and beat them violently through the air. She lifted off, her weight vanishing from its position astride Sky, and as she swept up into the air and began to truly take flight another ear-splitting roar echoed out across the grounds of Jennifer's mansion. That roar said not one concise comment or phrase, but conveyed multiple meanings to Sky; one of only a few furs within hundreds of miles capable of understanding that non-telepathic, truly not even language based cry.

_Chase me.

Catch me!

It's time to play._

As Storm wheeled up into the sky, flying up over the lake and gliding across its vast, shimmering expanse while she waited for Sky to catch up, she reflected upon how much she needed this. There was no better boost to confidence than changing; than feeling all the magical power locked away within her small, female body unleashed and given physical form. In this form, she didn't care if Sky saw her. Indeed she wanted him to see the stiff, silver member protruding from her scaled loins, and of course the pink, slightly glistening slit beneath it. She wanted him to see it, and to want it.

But if he truly did want it... he'd have to catch her first.

Out of the corner of one eye, Storm watched a shining blue streak hurtling towards her. She roared in delight, darting to the left and delighting in the rush of air which buffeted her body when Sky streaked past. The dragoness turned in the air, beating her wings fiercely to stay airborne in the exact same spot, and growled happily as she watched Sky bank, turn and fall into a similar hover some distance away. Her sharp eyes took in the sight of his swollen manhood. His took in the sight of hers, and the damp, pink tinged slit beneath it. In the moonlight, Storm watched a thin trickle of drool run down from the corner of the male dragon's snout. He bared his teeth, growling lustily. That growl echoed across the lake, and Storm shuddered as the shockwave surged through her like a heavy stone dropped into water. Much like her first playful roar, that growl also held its own multitude of passionate meanings.

_I want you.

I will have you.

No magic, yours or mine, can prepare this world for what will happen when I..._

Indeed, even Storm and Sky didn't truly know how to comprehend the last part of that third meaning entwined and interlaced within the male's frankly horny growl. They could have tried to put it into words they'd understand, but it would have been doing a grave injustice to the passion and desire locked away within that vocalisation. Besides, translated or not, they both knew the intent of Sky's comment.

The chase began anew soon after that heated exclamation from the male, his hormones and deep seeded emotional longings for Storm growing too much for even his powerful form to bear. Once more Sky threw himself through the air towards the female, and once more she flew in the opposite direction, her long, lithe tail sweeping through the air in a tempting fashion, allowing him brief flashes and glimpses of her damp slit and stiff member. Over and over Sky called out after her, savage roars and snarls that very nearly tempted her into turning round and allowing him to catch her, but the chase itself was far too fun to bring to an end in so voluntary a manner.

Far up into the air the two soared in their attempts to drive one another wild with longing, never truly leaving the bounds of the lake but wonderfully freed by the addition of a third dimension; that of height, to their play. Had anyone been travelling up the long private road to Jennifer's mansion, and glanced up at the vast, nearly full moon which shone in the sky that night they might well have seen a figure or two silhouetted against its glow; wings spread wide or pounding through the air savagely in an attempt to catch or escape their equally agile airborne partner. Or, soon after, they might have seen two large shapes drop like stones out of the sky; plummeting one after the other towards the earth like a pair of living torpedoes.

In actual fact it was more like a stone or a bomb rather than a torpedo that Storm fell, her wings tucked in and the wind whistling deliciously past her erect and rather non-aerodynamic member. Behind her Sky plunged with equal determination, their minds ringing with their telepathic whoops, cries and heady peels of gleeful laughter. At the last moment though, just as Storm was about to dive down into the lake, she spread her wings and jerked her body violently forward. A cry of shock and ecstasy tore itself from her muzzle as the tip of her erection did actually brush the surface of the water, an incredible sensation made all the more pleasurable by the fact it was entirely unexpected, but besides that one slight under-estimation her body did glide perfectly across the surface of the lake.

Little by little she rose through the air, until her body was perhaps ten feet or so above the water, and it was at that height Storm remained. She watched herself reflected in the water, a vast shimmering dart with bat like wings, and couldn't help but feel rather struck by her own beauty. It wasn't vanity that made her feel that way though, but rather the fact that until today she had never really considered what those around her... Jennifer, Luna, Tali, and Sky of course, saw when they said that she was a beautiful woman.

Some distance away now, having not dared to plummet quite so far as Storm thus unable to allow his speed to reach such a dramatic high as hers, Sky watched the dragoness fly with pride, joy and savage longing. Even as he admired her though his mind never stopped working, never stopped thinking of new and wonderful ways to ensure that before long he would pin her body beneath his and beg for the right to mate her. It was clear, though he was loathe to admit it to anyone but himself, that the smaller, more aerobatically agile dragon was more than a match for him in a chase. When it came to other aspects of their draconic abilities though... the myriad magical powers they were able to exhibit for instance, Sky was convinced they would be at the very least evenly matched, if the advantage was not weighed a little in his favour by all the training he had received from Jennifer, Tali and Luna.

Reaching out with his magic, Sky explored the waters beneath Storm and growled happily as he realised that his target was flying almost directly down the middle of the lake, over the series of submerged fountains which Jennifer had installed some time ago but remained turned off when no-one was in the gardens to observe them. It was the work of but a moment for the dragon to trigger the electronic pump resting in the dark depths of the lake, and mere seconds later a vast spout of water surged up from the calm lake's surface and impacted along the sleek underside of Storm's airborne body.

The water sprayed Storm from neck to tail, catching both her male and female genitalia in its path and causing the dragoness to roar in a manner that sounded violent, but translated to what was effectively a ticklish, pleasure ridden squeal! The sensation of the powerful water jet against her strong scales was delightfully unbearable, and to have that jet pulsing even momentarily over her stiff maleness and warm, pink treasure was a wonderfully intense feeling in itself. She didn't veer of course though, much to Sky's glee, and so in a matter of seconds was roaring in draconic laughter and longing all over again as a second, then a third fountain sprayed her sensitive underside. However, after one final, fourth spray hit Storm so perfectly that she momentarily faltered in her flightpath; interrupted mid-wingbeat by a burst of water which hit home with such perfect accuracy she could feel it pushing against the slit of her nether regions, striking out at the far more sensitive flesh within, she couldn't willingly carry on that path any longer.

As Storm banked sharply to the left, away from the next fountain which Sky was in the process of setting loose upon her, the male dragon took advantage of her reduced speed and new course. Within what felt like seconds he was upon her, his four sharply clawed feet clutching at her torso from above. She barrel rolled in mid air, still flying, and struck back with her own claws amid a tirade of savage snarls and growls. It wasn't long before they found themselves at a stalemate though, clutching at one another's claws as they spiralled up and down, side to side, warring fruitlessly in what they both knew were the final moments of their playful conflict.

With a combined roar of delight, of passion and of heated anticipation, Sky wrapped his wings tightly around the female's body while she did the very same to him. Once again the pair dropped like stones out of the sky, admittedly at an angle this time due to their missile-like horizontal trajectory, and with an almighty splash vanished, clinging to one another tightly, beneath the rippling but otherwise calm waters of the lake.

A moment passed. Bubbles rose from the depths.

Seconds ticked by.




Forty five.

Nothing... not a single ripple, a single sign.

A minute passed, but only just, for it was in the sixty first second that quite a distance away from the spot of their crash-down two wet, glistening, roaring dragons burst free from the water and dragged themselves up the grassy bank at that side of the lake. Storm was the first to make land, though Sky was hot on her heels, and it was clear that whatever they had been doing beneath the water's surface it hadn't been innocent or independent by any stretch of the imagination. They knew what they were doing, they knew it so accurately that only telepathic communication could have accounted for such a hurried and yet perfectly executed plan.

Right there on the bank, Storm allowed her front legs to seemingly cave in beneath her, allowing her head and neck to slump down lazily upon the grass while presenting a tempting target in the form of her now raised, exposed rear end. Her tail swung up and out of the way to one side, and using her long neck she looked around to watch Sky scrambling hurriedly towards her, wings tucked in and a savage, hungry gleam in his eyes.

Shamelessly, acting every bit the feral that he appeared to be, Sky rose up onto his hind legs and stumbled forward until he was straddling Storm. His upper body crashed down once again upon the smaller dragoness, but she bore his weight with no more than a grunt of effort and a blaze of silver lightning across her flanks. Two strong draconic forelegs wrapped themselves as best they could around Storm's torso, and as they squeezed her forcefully, though with an over-abundance of affection, the dragoness tossed her head and roared pitifully while a telepathic plea echoed in Sky's mind.

'_Please! Please! _'

When Sky's own stiff length of manhood did strike out at Storm moments later, the combined roar from the two dragons echoed far and wide across the grounds of Jennifer's mansion. Foxes, rabbits, deer, owls and roosting birds, all manner of wildlife fled in terror, but had they understood those fearsome sounds they would have known they didn't have anything to be afraid of. Under normal circumstances Sky and Storm wouldn't have hurt a fly without cause, certainly not a cute, innocent creature like a bunny! But right then, as Sky buried himself deep within the woman he adored and his fevered attestations of her beauty rang long and loud within the red faced dragoness' mind, they wouldn't have stopped what they were doing for anything or anyone, friendly, cute or otherwise.

This time, unlike their first, there was nothing held back.

Their bodies were strong; able to withstand their most fevered wishes.

Their minds were ablaze with feral draconic instinct and rich with the wild power of their magic.

Their hearts thundered with a longing that had only grown since their first bout of passionate sexual contact, and now found itself overflowing for the second time in a single evening.

Amid those fevered thrusts and lavish, frantic roars of pleasure, Sky told Storm exactly how beautiful she was. How sexy. Her heart and her mind. Her body. Her tight treasure, so hot, so wet around him. Her thick, rigid member; bigger than his, harder than his, denied pleasure for so long but so very ready and eager to change that. It was all so beautiful. She was so goddamn beautiful, and he refused to hide that from her anymore!

Storm clawed at the soft, grassy ground as she tossed her head, howling in fresh bliss while the dragon mounting her struck fiercely at all she feared and despised about herself. He tossed those worries aside and tore great chunks out of those that remained with merciless savagery, not for his own gratification, not so he could continue to ride her long and hard, again and again after this night was over, but so that she would be able to enjoy every moment and every sensation while he did so.

Never in her life had Storm felt so wanted.

Never in her life had Storm felt so connected; to herself, to her body and the pleasure it was generating. To another body. A whole host of bodies in fact, for while only Sky was here with her right now she knew deep down that everyone in this household felt the way Sky did about her to some degree. They too wanted her happy, and they too wanted her to be able to enjoy everything in life which they did.


Storm's inner voice screamed into her lover's mind as her aching erection rubbed against the soft, wet grass of the bank beneath her. It was such a strange sensation; so relaxing and cooling and yet so violently arousing too! The more she felt it, the more she was addicted to feeling more of it, and when all of that was added to the rough ploughing with which her feral dragon partner was providing her clutching, tight treasure... Storm didn't know how she'd ever managed to run and fight Sky for this mating, even in the playful, passionate manner they had done.


Her roars and grunts of pleasure were nothing compared to the volume and ferocity of her telepathic cries, the female's frenzied needs blocking out all other thoughts which might have crossed Sky's mind as he mated her, forcing him to run on instinct and lust alone. Thankfully that was just what Storm seemed to need at that moment in time, not to mention what the male dragon's own body was craving rather dramatically amid its own howls and snarls.

It wasn't Sky who enjoyed the culmination of his and Storm's lakeside love-making most of all though, and, shockingly, it wasn't Storm either. ***************

As the female dragon's body began to spark and burn with silver lightning, her silvery cock glowing while it began to pulse and throb in near-orgasmic bliss, a trembling, red faced figure stood some distance away with one hand grappling firmly at the trunk of a tree and the other pressed firmly down the crotch of her hand tailored, pristine condition and several thousand dollar valued suit trousers.

Jennifer hadn't intended to pry on her slaves, but when she'd seen their airborne bodies silhouetted against the moon as she drove up the long driveway of her home, curiosity had gotten the better of her.

Now, curiosity and excitement had utterly overwhelmed the vixen. She trembled every time one of their fierce roars echoed through the air around her, and as the fingers of her busy paw rubbed at her clitoris her eyes drifted between the point at which Sky's own manhood was disappearing into Storm, and of course the beautiful, shimmering silver cock which belonged to her newest slave.

"Please... o-ohh please, Sky..."

Jennifer moaned under her breath as she watched, captivated, rendered entirely powerless by the sight of her slaves caught up in this most primal, feral state of ecstasy.

"...m-make her happy."

The vixen drew in a ragged breath, pressed harder against her aching clit, and said what she really meant by those last words.

"Make her cum."

She knew, no matter what Storm and Sky were doing here or what else they'd done while she was away, that the dragoness wasn't ready yet. Not to engage in sex with other furs; with Luna, Tali or herself. She knew that, and Jennifer was totally fine for things to stay that way until Storm was finally ready. She knew that even watching, if Storm had known she was there, would likely have brought an end to this truly beautiful and carnal scene. But still she stayed, unable to tear herself away from this tree and the sights which her presence behind it were granting her. She swore to herself she wouldn't push Storm, and that she wouldn't ever try to seek them out and pry on what she knew had to be a private, personal process given all that the dragoness had been through. She promised herself and everything she held dear that she would do the right thing, and give Storm the time she needed before asking her to do anything either with her or in her presence.


But until that time came... at least Jennifer could have this.

This one moment.

This one memory of her two dragons together, roaring, humping, bringing one another such joy beneath the shining stars and glowing moon in the deep, beautiful night above.

A violent flare of silver light made Jennifer's breath catch in her throat, and when it faded, though admittedly only slightly, she gasped in amazement and longing at what she was seeing.

Storm was cumming. Her body rigid, trembling. Her muzzle open, grunting and roaring savagely. Her back arched, her cock flexing and spilling rope after rope of rich seed between her own deep purple scales and the soft green grass beneath her.

Her other beloved dragon, Sky, was surely in the midst of his own orgasm; clutching hungrily at Storm's body, growling deeply as his hips jerked against the dragoness and his half lidded eyes fluttered in time with the twitching of not just his, but both the dragons' tails.

A deep, joyous whimper escaped Jennifer a split second after she stuffed the hand previously wrapped around the tree into her muzzle, barely stifling the potent orgasm which swept over her as she voyeuristically watched her two scaled slaves share their bodies and souls for what unbeknownst to her was the second time rather than, for all she knew, the very first. The vixen shuddered and squirmed, her thighs squeezing tightly around her own fingers, as she felt herself quivering and clutching over and over in pure pleasure, fluids dripping down her fingers and into her unbuttoned but otherwise stationary trousers and the sexy velvet panties she had planned on stripping down to the moment she set foot in her home.

Leaning against the tree which served as her cover with one shoulder, the vixen rode out the remainder of her orgasm in time with Sky and Storm's draconic cries. Then, as she watched the two dragons slump down side by side onto the moist lakeside grass and shrink back to their normal, anthropoid forms, she pulled her now dampened paw from between her legs and wiped it bashfully against the left leg of her already ruined garments.

Storm rolled over where she lay, and though their vocalisations were far less loud or echoing now that they had returned to their smaller, supposedly more civilised form Jennifer was certain that she heard the dragoness giggle as Sky wrapped his arms around her, and she around him in turn.

The dragons began to kiss, lightly, playfully, and a warm smile crossed the female fox's muzzle. From what she had just seen, Storm was in good hands both sexually and emotionally. Now all that Jennifer needed was to find someone, or perhaps two someones, to cuddle up to her and bring her to a similar state of sexual and emotional glee by the time she fell into slumber that night. After all, that orgasm she'd just experienced had done more to arouse her than it had to placate her body's desires, and it would take many more before the beautiful image of Storm tossing her head back in dual orgasmic glory would cease to make her loins throb with desire.

Reaching into her trouser pocket with a paw that was admittedly still rather damp, Jennifer pulled out her personal cell phone and hit the second speed-dial button. One was the main house line. Two through five were the cell phones of her slaves. As a rule Jennifer didn't like phones in her household, but she made an exception for these ones. Only she held the numbers to her slaves' private cells, which they were supposed to keep on them at all times while clothed. Of course, admittedly that wasn't very often, but usually Luna at least was good at keeping hers within some easy measure of reach.

And, sure enough...

"Luna, it's Jen. I'll be at the house in about five minutes."

The vixen glanced back towards Storm and Sky, smirking as she saw Sky standing in front of Storm with the female's legs wrapped under one arm, tickling her feet mercilessly while she beat the ground with her fists and batted her wings furiously to try and escape. Now that she stopped to pay attention, the air was ringing with the sounds of Storm's wild laughter, and her cheeks flushed as Luna's sharp ears caught those background sounds and queried as to their source.

"It's... it's nothing to worry about. Just... just get Tali, go up to my bedroom, a-and dig out a selection from the toy chest that'll last us long into the night."

Again Luna asked a question, again Jennifer's cheeks reddened.

"No, don't worry about Sky and Storm. I..."

She couldn't say that she knew where they were. Not without letting on that she knew what they'd been doing. And if she told Luna and Tali, or rather, if she told Tali what she'd seen there was no way in the world that the skunk would be able to stop herself from squealing, giggling and squeezing the living daylights out of Storm and Sky the very first time she set eyes upon them after that moment.

"I... I'd like to have some time for the three of us. I'm sure they'll understand."

The fox beamed as Luna murmured an affectionate word or three down the phone.

"I love you too, Luna. Now go on, and remember what I said. Make sure you get a good selection from the toy chest. Believe me, you're gonna need all the help you can get to handle me tonight."

Leaving her strong, sexy wolf to mull over precisely what she meant by that last comment, Jennifer ended the call. She took one last look past the tree, barely stifling a giggle of her own as she saw Storm sitting astride a writhing, kicking, ticklish Sky with a vengeful grin spread across her muzzle. Upon tearing her gaze away from the playfully warring dragons however Jennifer finally forced herself to leave the shelter and support of the tree, heading back towards the driveway upon which her car was idling silently on eager, albeit slightly unsteady paws. She slipped behind the drivers seat, blushing as she felt her wet trousers slide against the smooth leather interior, gently closed the door and began to inch quietly up the smooth road towards the house itself.

Just a little further. Just a little longer, and she too would be privy to the same delights in which it seemed that Storm and Sky had been rather vigorously indulging.

A needy, longing shiver ran down Jennifer's spine as she saw within her minds eye another glimpse of Sky and Storm together; cumming, roaring, writhing in bliss. Her foot pressed down on the accelerator, and now that she was a little further from a point where her engine might be overheard, the vixen made good use of the fact that this was a private driveway without a speed limit.

"Ohh god..."

Jennifer found herself imagining Storm not in her feral form, but still with that glowing, drooling cock standing proud and erect before her. She whimpered as she slammed on the brake, coming to a rather skewed, skidding halt before the front steps of her mansion home, and fumbled hurriedly with the car's door while she shut off the engine with her other hand.

By the time Tali met her on the far side of the front door, Jennifer had already torn three buttons off the front of her own pure silk blouse. Within twenty seconds she was naked, rushing towards the stairs which led to her bedroom with Tali wide eyed and struggling to keep up behind her.

Before Jennifer had even been back in her home for a single minute, she threw the doors of her bedroom wide open, and stared hungrily at the wolf lying in wait upon her bed with a large, long, silver vibrator humming in her right hand.

The vixen licked her lips, and whimpered in glee as she imagined how it would feel to throw herself down upon that bed, and have Storm and Sky ravage her from both ends. The male's stiff blue erection in her muzzle, and Storm's silver maleness buried deep inside her nether regions. From that fantasy, her gaze shifted back to reality and to the buzzing toy in Luna's paw. Tali had joined the wolf upon the bed now, having selected a smaller, manually operated dildo as her own weapon of choice. By coincidence, or perhaps not, the skunk's chosen toy was a light shade of blue.

Jennifer groaned in glee as she half walked, half staggered towards her deliciously eager and wonderfully willing slaves.


She was so glad to be home again.

By Jeeves