"Oh god I am so fucking dead!" - An Anthro Husky Brother on Sister Incest Tale

Story by JA Red Wolf on SoFurry

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Within a small rural Alaskan house located just thirty minutes away from Soldotna, out in a countryside area, a young adult Malamute husky male around 17 years of age named Sumo, was tossing and turning in his bed and oddly enough was trying to cover his muzzle with his old sweaty gym socks.

This is just pure torture! Sumo thought to himself as he was trying his best to get some sleep but due to his sister being in heat and whose right now in the room just next door, it was driving him nuts! God these socks reek! Too bad they don't reek bad enough to drown out that sweet smelling... Sumo stopped in mid thought and with an angry growl, he tossed his socks across the room and chastised himself for almost thinking such things about his own sister. "God damn it!" Sumo whined as he rubbed his eyes and maw with his paws. Looking down he noticed that he had a raging hard on bulging under his sheets. He reached under the covers and indeed felt himself to be painfully hard within his sheath and leaking pre from his tip. Removing his paw from under the sheets, he quickly felt it was very sticky from the hot fresh pre as he rubbed his fingers together. He felt very guilty and ashamed at himself for being excited about his own sister being in season.

"Fuck man...my own sister!" Sumo whined and tried to think of something to get his mind off the scent...unfortunately did not work. All he could do was cut off all thoughts in mid review as each one lead to one thing...himself mounting his own sister or worse! All these dirty thoughts made his hard-on throb harder and deep inside his chest he could feel his heart beating very fast as it was excited by the idea that a female nearby and was ready to mate...family bonds be damned! His body screamed to him to find her and mate her, but at the same time his mind screamed so loud, it gave him a headache "NO!" What a pity the body knows nothing about morality and obligations on decency.

Sitting up in his bed and deciding he was not going to get any sleep at all, he got out of his bed, walked to his bedroom door wearing nothing but his shorts and headed into the next room. God she smells so good! A thought escaped his control and he quickly covered his muzzle with one paw to shield out the smell that excited his senses and rushed into the kitchen to grab a midnight snack.

* * *

"Mmmmmm...Peanut butter!" He said aloud as the taste of warm melted peanuts greased his tongue as he took a spoon full of peanut butter into his maw. "Almost better then sex!" He giggled to himself as he took another spoonful and just lapped at it. Just sitting there at the kitchen room table and lapping peanut butter was helping in getting himself under control, until suddenly a female voice coming from the hallway leading into the bedrooms said, "I see you couldn't sleep either." Oh no... Was all Sumo could think as the sight of his sister sashayed past him as he sat there at the table, slapping him almost teasingly and or purposely with her curved up fluffy husky tail and to his dread, he swore for a second she wasn't wearing any panties at all! He had closed his eyes just at the split second he saw his sisters bear buttocks.

The smell of her heat assaulted his nose ten fold and he was fighting with all his strength to resist the urge into sneaking a peek under her tail to see if she was indeed without any panties. Just one peek! Come on Sumo! Just one look and you can shut your eyes again! _ Sumo whined to himself quietly as he felt his self-control wane and his left eye slowly ease open. _God I hate myself! Sumo thought to himself as he looked over to see his sister bent over with her head in the refrigerator looking for something to munch on.

She indeed wasn't wearing any panties; the only thing she had on was a pink concert shirt she used as a sleeping gown. God this is not right at ALL! He thought to himself as his hungry eye took in full view of her bent over fluffy round ass and high raised tail that was just mocking him by allowing him to see her tight pink tail hole and very puffy heat swollen pussy. Sumo suddenly felt himself biting down very hard on the metal spoon and was close to breaking his teeth.

"You pig!" His sister snapped at him from the fridge and it was just enough to snap him out of the ecstasy in looking at her under orifices. Right now felt as guilty as the fox caught red pawed in stealing chickens in the chicken cope. "WHAT?! WHAT?!" Sumo squeaked as his sister turned her head, looking over her shoulder and all the while oddly keeping her tail high as she said, "You ate all the left over Pizza you pig!" Sumo let out a deep sight of relief.

"Second shelf, behind eggs! Mom moved it to allow room for the soda." Sumo pointed out as he was trying not to sound worried as well as surprised. "Oh...Silly me!" His sister giggled and pulled out a slice or two of the Pizza they had just had for dinner a couple of hours ago and seated herself down in front of him. Before she began chewing on the first slice, she opened conversation by saying, "So my dear brother..." She mumbled with a maw full of pizza as she continued with the next part, "Oh excuse me..." She said then said and finished chewing. After she swallowed, she resumed, "So my dear brother...why can't you sleep hmmmm?" Said to him in what seamed like a seductive voice.

She's teasing me the bitch! Sumo thought to himself as he glared dangerously at her as she was all the while smiling a big seductive smile that she always uses when she's chatting with someone in which she fancies. He knew she was indeed teasing him for he could hear her tail swinging left and right in her seat, which she always dose when she's having a goodtime and or is pulling a fast one over her brother.

"You know perfectly well why I cannot sleep Nuka!" He replied and pretended he wasn't interested in her as he resumed eating his peanut butter. "Oh I do, do I?" She said to him, "Well...refresh my mind big brother!" She teasingly said to him and eyed him up and down as they both sat there. _Oh my god! Is she ogling me? _ Sumo wanted to feel disgusted but couldn't...awkwardly enough it was flattering him. "What are you staring at?" Sumo demanded trying to sound annoyed. "I could ask you the same thing when you were looking under my tail as I was bent over!" She replied with a giggled and winked at him. _God this is not fair or right at all! _ Sumo whined in his head and suddenly lost his appetite due to the guilt that was building up inside himself.

"I'm not hungry anymore..." Sumo said with a sad tone as he dropped his spoon on the table, pushing himself from it he sat up and said, "I'm just going to go back to bed." Just as he turned his head, he caught a glance of his sister face and strangely enough, she looks disappointed. Normally she would have a big glowing smile in victory from her successful tormenting of her brother, but this time...it looked almost like a look of sadness. Maybe she realized that it isn't funny teasing me like this...awe well...back to bed.

* * *

Stretching himself out on his bed in the dark he tried thinking of something to help distract him from the guilt he was feeling and hoped he would just drift off to sleep. Well...at least the guilt is helping me deal with the desires. He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, Every cloud has its silver lining I guess. He took a moment and found something to focus on in his mind and just as he closed his eyes, he heard his sisters light footsteps walk down the hall and suddenly stopped at his door. Keep walking! Just keep walking! He tried to think aloud. He heard the doorknob turn and as his bedroom door opened slowly, the light from the hallway invaded into the darkness of his room. Oh for fuck shakes Nuka! Can't you wait until tomorrow to apologies? Sumo snarled in thought to himself, I'll just pretend to be asleep and maybe she'll just go away! He reasoned to himself as he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"Sumo?" His sister called out quietly to him and he didn't reply. "Sumo?" She called out again this time a little louder and continued, "Are you asleep?" Maybe I should snore...nah...even Nuka isn't that gullible! I'll just pretend I'm relaxed and asleep. On that thought he resumed his pretending. "Sumo please..." She continued and this time in an earnest tone of voice. Sumo let out a long loud groan and finally said, "What is it Nuka?" Nuka hesitated for a moment and then to Sumo's surprise she asked, "Can I sleep with you?"

"Please Mr. Fox! Please come bite my head off and eat me!" Said the very foolish chicken to the hungry fox! Sumo suddenly quoted in his head at that question. "Nuka...it's very late and it's not a good idea with you being in heat and all! You know how mom and dad felt about leaving you here alone with me when they went out on that emergency run! If they were to find you here in bed with me the fur will fly!" Sumo took a deep breath and with a sigh as he continued, "I'm also mad at you for that little stunt you pulled in the kitchen!" Sumo rolled over onto his side, "I feel guilty enough as it is! So please go back to your own room and leave me alone!"

The door to his room closed shut and he was once again alone in the dark solitude of his room...or so he thought. Just as he was about resume his attempt at getting back asleep, he heard footsteps approach, followed by the feeling of a light body joining him on the bed and two arms suddenly wrapped around his chest, pulling him into the feeling of two luscious female breasts that pressed into his back._ God I hate you so much Nuka!_ Sumo whined in thought as he felt his eyes roll back in his head and his toes curled at the feeling of a warm female body pressing up against his with her arms locking around him. "I'm so sorry I made you feel guilty Sumo! Do you forgive me?" Suddenly he felt his sister nuzzle into his neck fur the way she always dose when he's mad at her and she knows his anger melts when she dose this. "Please big brother!" She then said in a puppyish voice and jiggled him as she held him, "Please, pretty please!" She then nuzzled his neck again and with a groan he replied, "Yes Nuka I forgive you!"

Nuka giggled and resumed holding him tightly close to herself, "I have a confession to make..." She then said and then asked, "You want to hear?" The sooner you let her have her way, the sooner she will leave you alone and go back to bed! He reasoned to himself and replied, "What is it Nuka?" There was a long pause, but then she moved close to his ear and whispered into it, "I was trying to get you to fuck me!" She then licked it and giggled.

I didn't hear that right! Sumo reasoned in his head and could only ask in a dumfounded voice, "What?" Nuka bite her lip for a moment and then repeated, "I said I was trying to get you to fuck me!" Ok...that dose it...I'm asleep and this is some kinky wet dream and or nightmare! "WHAT? Why Nuka?" Was all he could muster to ask. "Why do you think Sumo?" Was the only replied she gave for that question. "What are you talking about Nuka? I'm your brother for fuck shakes!" Nuka let out a sigh and tightened her grip around him with her arms. "Because I'm in heat, because you're the only male mom and dad will let me be around because I'm in heat and also because..." She then whispered into his ear, "Because I love you!"

"I love you too Nuka...but that doesn't make it right that you want me to..." She shushed him and repeated the words, "Because I love you Sumo...I REALLY love you, LOVE you Sumo!" Good lord...the heat has fried her brain! Sumo thought to himself as he shook his head.

* * *

A long quiet pause settle within the darkness of Sumo's bedroom as his sister held him tightly into herself and all the while Sumo was shaking his head in disbelief of his sister's confession. "Sumo?" she asked and continued, "Can I...um..." She giggled nervously and from the sudden rise in warmth, he could tell she was blushing. "Can you what Nuka?" Sumo asked still in denial of what he had herd and she resumed, "Can I...um...can I..." She bit her lip as she summoned up enough courage to ask, "Can I touch it?" She then let out a light female "I cannot believe I just said that!" type squeal as she buried her face into his shoulder in embarrassment.

It...only one thing in a females mind has the name "It" and it's not my navel! Sumo thought long and hard as he was fighting both his bodies desire and minds decency. He wanted to say no but to his horror what escaped his maw was, "Sure!' Oh god...what did I just say? His mind screamed in horror as his body cheered in victory in the battle of control. "Really?" His sister asked in a surprised sharp tone, he replied with a nod, and wide eyes of surprise at what he allow her to do. He felt one of her arms loosen its grip as it eased down his belly, over his navel and down to his privet area. She quickly took hold of what she was after in one motion as she ran her paw inside his underwear. Oh god! He thought to himself as his eyes once again rolled back in his head and his toes curled as she took hold of his very hard-sheathed cock in paw. "My god Sumo...you're so big!" Only a murr escaped his maw as he was in ecstasy of having a female paw gripped around his cock. "God I want it...I want you!" She muttered and began motioning up and down his full length with her paw, giving slow milking motions, which soaked his bed and sheets with hot pre.

"Nuka..." Sumo said in a passion-filled voice and was tried not to give in fully, "You're going too far...please...you must..." I cannot say it...this is pure heaven...even though it's so wrong! _ Nuka started breath harder and from the feeling of her body motions. She was rubbing herself into him; her nipples were very hard as he felt them grind into his back through her shirt. _God that feels so good! He thought as he was intoxicated by the moment. She then started kissing his neck and started working over the lips of his muzzle. "Nuka please!" Sumo said but she ignored him as she shot a leg around his waist and pulled him onto his back, "Nuke please stop!" He said again as his desire and ecstasy suddenly changed into fear as he felt her straddle his hips. "Nuka this is going too far!" He continued but this time in a fearful voice and within that moment he felt her sink onto his cock and took it full length with eased effortlessly into her hot welcoming pussy as it exploded from his sheath at her downward motion.

Nuka gave out a loud moan as she was just about to start bouncing on his lap and begin mating with him, but suddenly he gave out a loud yelp and yelled, "STOP!" He pushed her off himself, his cock popped loudly from her greedy snatch like prey escaping the jaws of death as he shot up from his bed. He was shaking uncontrollable and trying to catch his breath as he leaned into the nearby wall. He quickly heard his sister rush over to the light switch and suddenly a bright flash stung his eyes. He let out a quiet yip as he shielded his eyes with his paw.

"You ok Sumo?" His sister asked in a worried tone. Sumo only nodded and was still shaking and panting heavily. "You just..." He took a few deep breaths before continuing, "You just went too far is all Nuka." Nuka looked embarrassed as fidgeted standing there. "Yes...I did go too far didn't I?" Sumo nodded again and chuckled. "Let's...just pretend this didn't happen and tell no one about it ok?" Sumo asked and his sister nodded as she opened the door to his bedroom. Before she left she said, "Doesn't change the fact that it did happen Sumo and that I still want you!" Before she stepped outside his room she said one more thing, "If you want to Sumo...I'll be next door." She looked him in the eye from across the room and continued, "I'll let you do it...err...I mean...have...sex with me I mean...all you have to do is visit me in my room! I love you!" On that note, the door closed.

That was...fucking scary! Sumo thought to himself as he panted hard, Exciting but very fucking scary! Sumo sat down and curled himself into a ball as he gripped his legs and gently rocked himself as he tried to come with terms what had just happened. She was going to fuck me! Just like that! She was going to ride my cock and not give a shit I'm her brother! Sumo rubbed his eyes as they adjusted to the light._ God this is not right at all! She says she wants me but really...it's just the heat talking and not her! _ Sumo let out a long sigh and said aloud in a quiet tone as he looked at the door, "I want you too Nuka...and I love you also." Nevertheless, you are my sister and it is just not right at all! His mind reasoned to him as he rocked himself there on the floor.

* * *

About an hour had passed since the incident and right now Sumo found himself standing there wearing nothing but his shorts in the bedroom hallway. His heart was racing fast within his chest and every inch of fur upon it jerked with each hard thump. "This isn't going to stop and it's pointless to deny the truth of it all." Sumo reasoned quietly aloud to himself as he stared at his sister's bedroom door. Looking at the light that was coming from underneath the doorway, he knew his sister was still awake. He reached for the doorknob and before he turned it he took a deep sigh and muttered, "God forgive me!"

He opened the door and stepped inside closing it behind himself. He looked over in the direction of his sister who was sitting there upon her bed wearing only her pink concert shirt and reading a Popular Male K9 magazine. She was listening to music on her iPod as she wore ear buds. She looked up, closed her magazine and as she removed her ear buds from her K9 ears, she looked up at him, waged her tail as she smiled and asked, "You ready?"

God damn it...she's was expecting me. How do females do that? Know what you are going to do before you do? "Well...there is no denying what we feel for each other and what we both want from each other..." Sumo took a gulp and continued in a shaky voice, "If you are sure this is what you want to do then I'm..." Nuke stood up from the bed before he finished his sentence and removed her shirt reviling her entire nakedness to him and was unashamed to do so. She was a fine looking specimen of a female Husky. Gorgeous red and white fur and she had bright pink nipples on her plump and very mature breasts.

Looking down her belly there was a long milky white trail that ran the whole length, merged in with her red fur on each side of her body, and looked as though it was pointing downward at her very swollen, ready to mate pussy. Drops of female excitement glistened as the light of the room reflected on the drops of her female wetness. "Every night before I go to bed, I press my ear up to the wall and listen to hear if you are pawing yourself off!" She then moved her paws suggestively over her body, first toying with her breasts and tugging at the nipple before moving downward to the area which Sumo's eyes were right now locked upon as he looked hypnotized by what he was looking at. "I touch myself every time I hear you moan and try to bring myself into an orgasm as you do so yourself!"

Sumo whined in desire as his cock throbbed from within both his sheath and shorts. "You...you know it's only the heat talking right Nuka?" Sumo said as he allowed his decency to try one last attempt at trying finding a way out. Nuka giggled and as she approached him, she put her arms around him and brought him close to herself until they were nose to nose. "I have another confession to make Sumo! Want to hear?" She then licked his nose teasingly and all he could do was nod as he was transfixed by looking into her miss matched brown and blue eyes. "I've been doing this long before I came into my first heat Sumo!" After she said that she pecked his lips with hers and continued, "Ever since that day when we played I'll show you mine if you show me yours at grandma's house! Remember?" Nuka giggled and pulled him into a loving hug and murred as she rubbed her body into his, an instinctive mating action in exchanging musk with your mate.

Sumo indeed remembered that day. Sumo was just starting to become sexually aware and for some strange reason he remembers himself asking if Nuka would show him her breasts. Reluctantly she did but only if he would show her his fully exposed cock and knot. He agreed and gave her what she asked for when she fulfilled her end of the bargain first.

"Yes I remember...then you asked if I would paw off in front of you!" Sumo blushed as he suddenly remembered that. "Well I would have fingered myself for you if you did Sumo!" She giggled again and then said, "But you said fuck no and ran away with your tail between your legs!"

I did not! It was just...weird is all...just like now is really weird but... Sumo then giggled as he returned his sisters warm loving embrace and asked, "Is it my fault you feel this way for me Nuka?" Nuka murred and as she buried her face into his chest and neck and savored the feeling of his fur making contact with hers. She then replied, "It was both our faults Sumo!" Nuka then moved her paws down his body and took hold of his shorts with her fingers. "The only reason I showed you my breasts that day was because I have always wanted to see your cock!" She giggled for a moment and continued, "I showed you mine...now its time you..." She then ran his underwear down, "Show me yours!" She giggled again and just then, she slid herself down his front and could only guess what was going to happen as she was now on her knees and nose to nose with his cock and balls. He let out a loud moan as he felt her take hold with her paw and drew back the skin of his sheath all the way back. He gave out a small yelp as she forced the opening of his sheath over his fully formed knot, it hurt but that was quickly forgotten when he felt her hot tongue slide up and down his shaft. "Oh god..." He moaned as his eyes rolled back in his head and murred all the while.

"I cannot tell you how much I wanted to do this Sumo!" He heard his sister say in an intoxicated voice as she surrendered herself to pleasure as she ran her tongue up and down her brother's shaft, even kissing his knot and nuzzling his sac, then returned to licking his shaft. "I have wanted to take you cock into my muzzle for almost a whole year now!" She gave his shaft a passionate kiss before she continued, "Sometimes I even thought of sneaking into your room as you're asleep and..." The next part was told in the feeling of her muzzle nomming his knot. She then took hold of his sac with her tongue, pulling it into her maw and suckled for a moment as she held both his testicles in the mercy of her teeth, but allowed them to escape without harm and turn her attention back to his shaft. The feeling of that made his knees buckle as he muttered nonstop string of, "Oh god!'

A short while latter the sensation of his sister's tongue easing up and down his entire length changed into feeling of being taken into a warm wet orifice. The sensation of suction soon followed as his sister began suckling his shaft like a starving pup working away for its mother's milk...but in this case...his sister working away for her brother's seed.

Taking hold of his sister's ears in each paw, he massaged them in sync as she took long hard sucks and even swallowed as her muzzle was filled with his rich and very warm K9 semen. "I'm close!" Sumo announced as he felt his seminal jetting quicken and was just seconds away from giving his sister was she was suckling away at his cock for. Just then his sister looked up at him with her blue and brown eyes and pulled back hard on his cock with a long suck and let his tip pop free of her muzzle. "No...Not yet Sumo!" His sister giggled and on that note she crawled on over to her bed, got in the classic dog style submission position.

She wiggled her ass at him with her tail raised high in the air, reviling both her tail hole and pussy. She didn't have to say anything, the intentions were very loud and clear. She wanted Sumo to mount her and mate with her. "This is not a good idea..." Sumo said to himself as he stepped out of his shorts that were now around his ankles. "I just hope mom and dad never find out!" After he said that to himself he approached his sister from behind and keeping in tradition he first tasted her pussy. Long standing tradition for all mating males is to taste the lips of where his pups where to be born from. He tongued at her pussy for a moment, allowing her wetness to saturate his muzzle and intensify his sex drive ten fold. His sister moaned and shuddered as he did so.

What he did next was not part of tradition but he could not resist the opportunity, moved upward, and allowed his tongue to pass over her tail hole._ I have always wanted to try this...maybe she will let me..._ He thought to himself as he started rimming her. The minute his tongue made contact with her tight pink hole, it puckered as he assaulted it with the tip of his tongue. This made his sister twitch and squeal as her tail shot up full length at the sensation of her brother's tongue in her ass. She giggled and asked, "What the fuck are you doing?" Sumo replied in a giggle of his own, "Kissing your ass! What dose it look like?" He resumed assaulting her tail hole, making her all the while twitching and giggling all though it. "Yay! I got my brother to kiss my ass!" She joked and waged her tail the whole time he tongue fucked he pucker.

* * *

Now that his fantasy in rimming a female's tail hole was out of the way as well as some small foreplay, it was time for some serious mating. Sumo mounted his sister, ran his arms around her waist, over her belly, and eased them up as his paws instinctively took hold and cupped her breasts in his palms. Nuka closed her eyes and murred loudly as she felt the warmth of his palms embrace her breasts and roughed over her very hard nipples. Giving into her female instincts, she shot her tail to the side, pushed herself back into his groin and allowed him maximum penetration opportunity. I have often had fantasies of doing this with Meeka... Sumo thought to himself as he took a long deep whiff of his sister's musk and kissed up her spine. But not with my own sister!

Almost automatically, his hips began thrusting and without a second thought, he prodded and pumped. His cock felt around for its mark...which did not take long. The second his tip breached the opening of her vaginal lips he gave a very hard instinctive hip thrust forward, "OH SUMO YES!" Nuka let out a loud passion filled yell as she felt him slam his entire length deep inside her womb. She gave out a loud female passion cry as his knot popped in without problems and locked himself with her in a mating lock.

Sumo's gripped very tightly upon her breasts as he continued to pound himself inside her, instinctively trying to dive his cock deeper into her womb. "AH GOD!" Sumo yelled aloud as he grit his teeth tightly. His breath quickened as his face changed into an almost painful expression as he pounded his cock faster and more furiously inside her. There moans and cries of passion become one and his climax started to build. He eased himself up and as he releasing the hold he had upon her breasts, he took hold of her hips on each side. He instinctively began pulling her into himself as he pounded his cock inside her and in that split moment he felt his prostate erupt and spilled forth his vital seed, sending it straight from within his own body into his sister womb and it was within that split second she was bred by her own brother.

"FUCK! GOD! FUCK!" Sumo yelled at the top of his lungs as he was hit hard by the intenseness of his orgasm. Nuka only gave out a very loud cry of passion as she felt her brother's sperm fill the inside of her womb. "Oh fuck yah!" Sumo said at the same time he let out a sigh of relief that it was over and he was well spent. He collapsed with a flump onto his sister's back, and basked in the warm after glow as they both panted hard. His veins felt like they were filled with hot melted butter instead of blood, his stomach butterflies and his mind was in Nirvana.

Sumo and his sister murred loudly together as his body continued to impregnate her with every drop he had within himself. His cock pulsated in ten second intervals as he felt his hot seminal liquid escape from the tip of his cock. Her vaginal wall clamped down upon his male hood, helping in milking him dry of everything he could surrender from inside himself. "I hope you know your going to have to take a morning after pill now!" Sumo mustered to say to his sister between the hard panting and then motioned with his weight for his sister to collapse on her side with him, which she did without complaint; being exhausted from the mating and all.

Sumo pulled his sister tightly to himself, not so much because he was still locked with her, but because he wanted to show her love and appreciation for letting him mate with her. "Don't worry about it Sumo..." His sister then said with a tired voice and continued after she gave a yawn, "I've been taking a contraceptive for about a week now." She murred as she felt her brothers arms lock tightly around her and savored the feeling of his male hood still being locked deep inside herself.

"How the hell did you manage that?" Sumo asked and was very much relieved that she was. He nuzzled her neck as he would a lover and murred loudly. Nuka giggled and replied, "You remember mom being very upset about something missing from her room? Well you see...I stole her birth control pills!" Sumo also giggled at that and jokingly said, "No wonder dads been so grumpy lately! He hasn't been getting any!" The both laughed at that and were just about to give into falling asleep, still knot locked and with her brother embracing her lovingly in his arms when the unthinkable happened...

"Sumo! Nuka! Were home!" Sumo and Nuka shot up as the voice of there mother echoed down the hall and was followed by their parents footsteps. OH GOD! NOT GOOD! NOT GOOD AT ALL! Sumo's mind screamed. His sister shot forward and tried forcing herself free of the knot lock but it pointless. He was buried too deep inside her to pop free from force. "OW NUKA! STOP IT!" Sumo snarled at his sister as she panic and dragged him around and all over her bed as she tried to break free! "THAT FUCKING HURTS! STOP IT! OW GODDAMN IT! STOP!" He snarled again, this time taking a pillow and slapped her hard with it. She snarled back and started slapping and beating him with her fists as she barked obscenities a million miles an hour at him before she then resumed trying to brake free. "What's going on in there?" They heard their mother voice call down the hall and was followed by the echo of her footsteps. "You feeling alright Nuka dear?" Nuka yelped in fear as she stopped trying to break free and cling herself tightly to Sumo...if she could, she would have crawled inside him to hide. She whined loudly as the doorknob rattled.

Sumo clinched his face tightly in pure dread as the door to his sister's room swung open and all he could muster was two simple words and thought to himself,

"Hi Mom!" Oh god I am so fucking dead!

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