Froofy Puffs and Romantic Shellac - a Birthday Story

Story by Fox_Fusion on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissioned Works

The interior of Kevin's Kitchen won the best design award in the four star restaurant category three years in a row, and was likely going to win this year too. Each wooden chair was hand carved and decorated, similar in style yet completely different on close inspection. Some had a few more curls along the back, or an extra knot in the wood on the arm rest. But when they were all grouped together, each chair looked identical to the other - mahogany polished to a shine with a thin layer of shellac to keep it protected, the seat covered by a royal purple cushion stuffed with downy feathers. No more than two chairs ever surrounded a table, the legs of the chairs tucked up against the cedar supports of the table. Candles burned throughout, each faintly scented with vanilla that could be missed under the fragrance of onions frying that wafted in from the kitchen when the door swung open for the waiters carrying trays of sizzling food. Chandeliers graced the carpeted ceiling, the lights set to dim to make the candles more impressive. Should somebody desire a party greater than two, the maitre'd would sit the group at one of the booths along the back wall. These larger seating areas had all the accoutrements of a normal table, save that the benches were immobile. To compensate, the backs of the benches were covered in the same purple cushions as the seats.

Diners enjoyed their meals in peace, to the sounds of a string quartet playing in the corner. It was not unusual for a guest to propose to his or her significant other while enjoying their meal, so the band was well trained in an assortment of wedding themed tunes. The head chef would take part in these events as well, allowing the newly engaged couple to enjoy a complimentary dessert of pastry shaped into two swans kissing, the backs of the birds filled with strawberry and lemon ice cream. Considering the exorbitant price of the menu, and the relatively small portion of the special dessert, the establishment could easily afford to treat its customers to a little something extra now and again. After all, that more than anything was likely to bring back business, the owner Kevin felt. "Make the customers feel like kings and queens", he told the interviewer of a cooking magazine, "and you will guarantee return business. People love to be pampered."

The patrons certainly proved the owner correct. They would dress in their best, sit up right and stare straight ahead. Not a person slouched, nobody put their elbows on the glass table tops, everybody chewed with mouth closed. It was a place of decorum, etiquette, and refinery, visited by those with enough money to throw it away, or those desperate to impress their significant other. Either the customers fit in, or they were turned away at the door and politely told to return when they knew how to tie a bow tie properly.

Normally this was the case.

Ziude sat comfortably in the chair, absolutely loving the soft fabric against his rounded butt. He was wearing a tuxedo that was rented for the occasion, though the wolf had insisted on a few extra little things for it to be to his liking. The sleeves of his white shirt ended in froofy puffs like one might expect a snooty french noble to wear. The pink suit was bright enough to attract attention, though not painful on the eyes. In the low light of the restaurant, it matched rather nicely with the purple cushions. It did, however, have the side-effect of screaming gay. The cuffs only helped that particular image, though the wolf didn't care in the slightest. It was his birthday, after all, and he was going to do what he wanted and how he wanted.

"Make sure you eat as much as you want," the fox on the other side of the table said. "I'm paying for everything, so don't go feeling like ordering the most expensive stuff on the menu is going to hurt my wallet."

Ziude wasn't really paying attention. His off coloured eyes - one brown and one blue - were staring at his dining partner's exposed chest. The fox bulged with sinew, every muscle plump and obvious in its delineation. The wolf knew that if he tried, he could probably fit his muzzle into the crevice of those pecs that kept the fox from looking down at the eight pack the titan sported. The pristine white table cloth covered the view of anything below the belt of the fox, but on the walk over Ziude had seen enough to know what was hiding. There wasn't all that much covering it.

There had been several incidents since the pair had reached the establishment. For one thing, the fox couldn't fit through the door. At nearly 13 feet, he couldn't duck through the entryway. Even then, should they have extended the height of the door, his thick body would never have been able to squeeze through, his broad shoulders more than twice the width of the door. When he turned sideways, his chest alone couldn't get through. They had to go around through the service entrance, where the trucks normally pulled up, to enter. Once inside, however, the ceiling was tall enough that the fox only had to crouch only a little bit to keep from his head bumping the roof.

Then there had been the issue of his dress. The maitre'd balked at the sight of the fox, intimidated by the size of the behemoth, but more than anything outraged by his audacity. "You can't come in here wearing... wearing that!" the border collie had shrieked, his faux french accent cracking. "It's scandalous!"

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" the fox asked. "Ziude thinks it's a wonderful outfit, right?" The wolf nodded as he clung to the exposed thigh of his companion, bumping against the package of the fox, the only body part that was covered on the hulk. Aside from the glistening black speedo which covered a bulge that stuck out farther than his chest and hung down to his knees, the fox wore nothing but a matching black bow tie that was tied expertly around his neck. Both the bow tie and the speedo looked like they would snap if the fox so much as thought about flexing, the stretched out latex too thin to cover up the glutes of the beast, the strap riding up along the crack.

"Monsieur Zev," the maitre'd began to say. He stopped when he noticed the expression of the two guests. Ziude almost looked like he was in tears, his eyes wide and watering. Towering above that was the scowling visage of a fox that could very easily lift up the maitre'd with one hand, The border collie faltered. "What I mean to say is, we would be delighted to make room for you."

Once they were finally at the table, another problem became apparent - no chair was going to be able to fit the oversized fox. He could simply not fit his ass between the arm rests, and when he tried, he ended up breaking the thing to splinters. The waiters whispered among themselves, wondering who let such a monster inside, and how they were going to be able to find a place for him to sit. Two chairs was out of the question, they weren't going to risk having anymore broken. In the end, Zev sat on the floor, his height making up for the difference that he lost by not having a chair. His bulge pushed up at the underside of the table, slanting it slightly towards Ziude.

With all said and done, though, the pair were ready to order their meals. The menu they received came along with a basket of bread, the contents of which quickly disappeared into the fox's mouth. Ziude had been quick enough to grab at least one hot and crusty bun before the rest was devoured. "Save some for the rest of us, greedy" Ziude said, sticking his tongue at Zev before digging into the last bun.

"Sorry, I'm just really hungry," Zev said, reaching behind his ears to scratch, a nervous habit he'd developed over the years. The simple action made his bicep mound and peak to a size that made his own head look rather small. "I haven't eaten anything since we left an hour ago. Gotta keep myself going until they bring the food. You know how long it takes for these kinds of places to actually provide you with anything substantial to eat."

The menu itself included the standard orderves that had become common place in restaurants since cooking became mainstream on television: pan seared scallops, lightly dressed salads, and other sorts of tiny morsels that just weren't enough to be filling, and yet whet the appetite perfectly before the entree. Zev skipped over ordering anything from there, though Ziude was rather fascinated by a particular salad specialty that they offered, a three bean salad topped with a spicy chili.

"You should try it!" Ziude said, forcing the menu into Zev's hands. "I know you love beans."

"Only when you make them," the fox retorted with a grin. "Besides, you know how quickly those things go through me."

"Exactly," Ziude beamed. "Come on, do it for me on my birthday."

Zev relented. He just couldn't say no to a request like that. They had decide on the rest of their meal first, however, and that took a little bit more time and deciding. The waiter stood beside their table for a good five minutes before Ziude finally declared that he would be getting the beef wellington.

"What's your largest steak size?" Zev asked after the wolf ordered.

"That would be the 64 oz steak in a tereyika sauce." The waiter was visibly shaking as he took the fox's order.

"Can I get five of those then, please?" Zev handed the menu back to the stunned waiter, who almost asked if the fox was joking before thinking better of such an idea. The waiter nodded and hastily made his way to the kitchen, where the nearby patrons could hear the cook's sudden scream of agony.

As they waited for their meal to arrive, the pair exchanged friendly banter, telling stories about their school days and laughing at the sort of silly pranks they pulled.

"This one time," Zev was saying just as their appetizers showed up, "a bunch of my friends from school and I took all the pots and pans from the school kitchen out on to the main downtown street, in the middle of winter, and pretended to be the school band. We even had a little donation cup so people could support us. All we did was bang things together and pretend we knew what we were singing. Eventually somebody from the store we were in front of told us to move, so we went across the street. The store owner there said we were great for his business!"

Ziude laughed appreciatively. "Well if you looked like you do now back then, no wonder! I'd want a hunk of fox in front of my store too!"

Zev shook his head and smiled. "I'm afraid not. I didn't really get into lifting and bulking up until I was in university. Back in high school I was just starting to lose a lot of weight. Can you believe I was 188 pounds and barely 5 foot 3 at one point in my life?" His laugh caused his chest to bounce, drawing Ziude's undivided attention. "I wouldn't be like this now without a lot of help from some great friends, too. But that's way too much about me. It's your birthday, and we should be celebrating you." Zev reached across the table to give Ziude a playful pat on the head.

"But I want to hear more about you," Ziude said. Zev was already digging into the bean salad, trying to manipulate the tiny fork and knife with his large hands. The first bite made him rumble with enjoyment, which made Ziude realize that there was food for the wolf to eat as well. Ziude sniffed at the salad - it reminded him a lot of the food he was used to preparing, though the variety of beans was different. A forkful of the salad went into his mouth, the chili barely noticed. "I've had spicier."

"You mean you've made spicier," Zev said, having already finished off the plate. The cross fox's white fur on his face looked a little bit flush, and Ziude thought he noticed a bit of dampness on the black stripe that ran between the fox's eyes. "Still too hot for me, I'm going to be sweating in a minute."

The wolf could smell what Zev meant before he could fully see the effects of it. The scents in the air, the pleasant vanilla candles and the broiling meat, seemed to fade away and were quickly replaced with a strong musk. It was more powerful than those Ziude had sniffed out in the gyms he'd managed to go to in the past, and a lot more foul. As potent as it was, however, the wolf didn't mind the smell even slightly. He found it rather to his enjoyment, in fact, sort of sharp, and more than a little arousing. The table cloth moved slightly to cover up the wolf's legs.

Other diners began to notice the aroma, and were quite displeased by it. The waiters attempted to cover the smell by leaving the kitchen door open and lighting more candles. All that managed, however, was to make the musk have a slightly vanilla scent to it. When Zev caught his own order in his nose, the added flavour of meat on the air just made him hungrier, his stomach growling. "I hope they get here with the food soon, I could eat this table out of starvation if they don't hurry."

Somebody must have heard him, because the waiters quickly scrambled into the kitchen. They were out again in another minute, carrying between them five 4 pound steaks on novelty sized plates that completely clashed with any of the other cutlery. Zev didn't care. He just wanted to eat something, and eat it now. He grabbed the first steak as soon as it was in reach and took a bite out of it, downing half of the rare cooked cow in one gulp. "Now that is what food should taste like," he said with a satisfied grin before finishing off the first piece. The waiters put down the other four plates and ran to serve the other customers.

While Zev ate his meal like somebody who hadn't seen food for a month, Ziude more calmly ate his own entree of beef wellington, savouring the way the dough covered meat melted on his tongue. The stench emanating from the fox only intensified throughout the meal, prompting some of the other patrons to request nose plugs from the staff, who were all too eager to have an opportunity to leave the vicinity and purchase the requested objects. When Ziude finished off, Zev was busy picking at his teeth with a claw, trying to pull out the last little bit of flesh stuck between his fangs. The fox's stomach gurgled, loud and low. "Urg, told you I shouldn't have eaten that salad."

Ziude watched with a bit of a grin as the fox rubbed over his abs, trying to sooth his uncomfortable belly. One of the waiting staff, a rather brave raccoon who had managed to stay sedate in the turmoil of the night, picked exactly the wrong moment to pass behind Zev. Ziude giggled as the waiter fell to the floor, twitching almost, and the embarrassed look on the massive fox's face just furthered the laughing fit. The rest of the patrons quickly requested that they have their cheques handed to them before they suffer a similarly unfortunate fate.

Zev held the door open for the nearly half sized wolf, who walked into the house with a bounce in his step. The entire walk home, Ziude had been carried beneath Zev's arms, giving the wolf the perfect opportunity to sniff and smell at the rank pits. His erection had only gotten more urgent through the trip, and now the wolf wanted nothing more than to just get his hands all over the beast of a fox that was going to be spending the night with him.

"Think of it as a birthday present to make up for the previous one," Zev had insisted. Dessert - a beautiful chocolate cake coated in white chocolate icing - had been hastily consumed in order to keep the cook from calling a hazard control specialist to forcibly remove the offending stench of the fox. Zev felt bad that they couldn't enjoy their meal in silence, and so had offered to keep Ziude warm and comfortable for the rest of the night. The wolf's wagging tail was the only answer that Zev got.

Now they were in Ziude's house, Zev having just barely squeezed through the garage. There was no way that they would be able to get upstairs, however - the fox simply would not be able to make it up the staircase, and in all likelihood his weight would cause the steps to collapse beneath him. When Ziude apologized about not having a bed available for somebody so large, Zev smiled before grabbing the wolf and giving him a hug.

"I'm used to sleeping on the floor," Zev said as he licked the wolf's face. "And I'll be your bed tonight, so just get comfortable on top of me, and do what you want."

Ziude didn't really need the invitation. He was already clambering over the fox, testing and poking at the various muscle groups that could be reached. Zev carefully lay down on the floor, making it easier for Ziude to crawl over the heap of fox flesh. The speedo covered bulge bounced against the fox's legs.

To his credit, the wolf spent a good minute on just lying still over Zev, enjoying the company of a warm body to cuddle with and sleep on top of for the night. But it was only a minute. Then the wolf was busy rubbing and prodding along the package, trying to feel just how soft the contents were. "What's inside this?" he asked, poking at it, making the fox moan softly. "Is this my birthday present? Can I unwrap it?" Ziude gave the massive bulge a hug, his muzzle rubbing against it.

"You'd better hurry..." Zev groaned with pleasure, feeling the onset of arousal. The spedoo stretched impossibly thin for a moment before it snapped off, flying into the ceiling and leaving a dent where it smacked into the roof. What greeted the wolf's hungry eyes was everything he had hoped for: a cock big enough that the wolf could lie across it and still have room to shuffle up and down. The fox's dick hardened rapidly as Ziude continued to apply sensations to it, soft hand rubbing over the shaft, feet tickling at the swollen testicles that roiled and churned with the seed contained inside them. Zev stammered a little, trying to speak, until the head of his member bumped into his muzzle, having reached its full hardness. Then the fox was too busy moaning and licking himself to communicate beyond grunts and sexual expletives.

Ziude shed himself of excess articles of clothing, which for the wolf's current purposes was everything he was wearing. The froofy shirt and the pink tuxedo were stripped off and tossed aside, left to lie on the coffee table that had been pushed to the corner when the fox lay down. Naked and horny, Ziude wedged himself between the huge schlong and Zev's abs. The warmth that surrounded Ziude made him whimper like a happy puppy who just got a treat for the first time. With his arms around as much cock flesh as he could, Ziude began to stroke and grind himself into the fox's member.

The fragrance of sex and musk filled the room, the strong scent of the fox driving them wild with desire. Ziude was happy to lick the heated pole in front of him, his excitiment rising by the moment. When the trail of pre first met his tongue, Ziude stopped to savour the taste of it, salty and unmistakably male. He was all business after that, using the pre to help his endeavour in getting the fox to orgasm. The coating of fluid seeped over the wolf, making Ziude's fur a slimy mess that helped his body to glide along the sensitive pillar pushing down on him.

Zev, intoxicated by his own smell, desired more of it. He lifted his arm above his head so that he could shove his muzzle right into his own armpit, his nose getting wet with the sweat trapped underneath. Not content with scent alone, he wanted the taste. What started as just his tongue licking along the crevices of his muscles to gather the sweat turned into a full on make-out session with his own underarm. The noisy slurping and kissing caught in Ziude's ears, the curious wolf stopping his pleasuring for a moment to see what the hulk he was lying atop of was doing. When he saw the fox practically trying to eat his own armpit, Ziude moaned, his own arousal hitting its peak. He mounted Zev's dick and began to hump it, howling as he hit his climax, his cum mixing into the fox's pre.

It took Zev a little bit longer than that, but within another two minutes he was roaring as his own orgasm hit, his hand furiously stroking as much of his meat as it could manage. The first blast fired past his head and smashed into the wall, the plaster chipping from the force of his cannon. The second shot punctured a hole right through it into the kitchen. After that, his dick throbbed and bounced as it continued to release his load, coating the living room with his spunk. The pink tuxedo was completely ruined by the semen, which meant they would not be getting a return on their deposit. At the moment, neither could possibly think about that: Zev was experiencing sexual euphoria while Ziude was holding on to the bucking bronco for dear life. When his orgasm finally finished, Zev was panting, his eyes closed as he tried to relax, some of his own cum seeping into his mouth as it dripped off his nose.

There they lay, in a room totalled by semen, the pair taking in slow breathes as they recovered from their sexual bliss. All they could smell was the stink of cum and musk, powerful enough that it was preventing either of their erections from going down. They just didn't have the energy at the moment to go for another round, but no doubt in the middle of the night they would find themselves rutting again. Zev reached over to Ziude, stroking along the wolf's back. "Did you have a good birthday today?"

Ziude looked up at the fox and smiled. "Sure did, hun. But there's just one more thing I want before it's over. Could you roll over?" Ziude pulled himself off of the hot cock and stood beside the fox, hands pushing into the sturdy sides to try and encourage the fox to fulfill the request. Confused, Zev obliged, his cock wedged between his own bulk and the floor. The pressure on it made him moan with desire, a spurt of pre shooting out and adding to the mess. "Perfect!" Ziude said before quickly getting on the fox's back.

Zev had no idea what was going on up there until he felt something slightly cold and wet poke at his butt. When he felt it twitching, and the feeling of the wolf's tail smacking against his lats, Zev realized what was happening and laughed. "Enjoy the smell there, Ziude. And a happy birthday to you."