Chronicles of Cavt, sub-1

Story by Gebrull on SoFurry

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#2 of Cavt

This is subchapter 1 for Chronicles of Cavt. You don't have to read this to understand the story, but I don't know how boring you find the main storyline. So here you go, enjoy.

Vurba groaned. "Where..." She remembered tryls. She remembered their long arms and legs, and their disgusting slimy scales and their wicked sharp claws and teeth. She tried to figure out where she was. She could see the mouth of a short cave at her feet- it couldn't be higher than three feet, she figured. Still, there was enough space in the cave for her to move around. She looked down at her body. Her tunic and boots were missing, but her wounds were bandaged. She still had her underwear on, so someone was trying to keep her alive. She was also soaking wet. Her red hair was plastered to the mossy floor, and the moss was slippery because of it. She didn't see her sword, either. She tried to get up. "Sonova biscuiteater!" One of the tryls had gotten her good- its claws were sharp enough to tear through her tunic like butter, and the claws went deep. Kahlæ had hacked into it with flare right after, but the damage had been done. She couldn't sit up from the pain in her side. She breathed a few times and tried to get an idea of where she was. All she could see from this cave was it raining on the river and a tiny piece of bank between the cave and the water. "No caves near Norlan, might I have drifted?" She remembered everything going hazy from the blood loss, so when she ran to the pier, she might have fallen in. Someone downstream must have-

"No," she remembered, "a tryl pulled me in." She couldn't remember anything after that. Just the slimy grip on her ankle and a tug. Still, she wasn't eaten, and someone had bandaged her up. Tryls didn't know how to do that, so she decided she was safe enough. She hoped her rescuer returned soon with food. She was hungry. She laid her head down and went back to sleep.

She awoke at night. She smelled something fruity and looked around. On a leaf within her reach were some berries and nuts. She vaguely recognized the berries from somewhere, but she knew the nuts were safe to eat. She wolfed down those first, then she studied the berries. Since the food was on a leaf, she figured it was a hermit who had saved her, someone without a plate. If it was a hermit, they probably knew which berries were safe to eat. She scarfed them down and wiped her mouth off with the leaf. She succeeded in sitting up more this time, and she relaxed on her elbows. She was cold. There was no blanket in the cave, and she hadn't realized she was cold before because she was worrying about other things. She looked for something to cover up in... and then she felt her arms, legs, and neck... get weaker. She couldn't explain it, but the strength she had recovered seemed less all of a sudden. She didn't feel a sharp pain, but she didn't feel tired, either- just really weak. She was wondering why she could barely sit up anymore when it hit her- the berries were safe enough to eat, but her father snuck them into animals' food to knock them out before he butchered them! She struggled to stay conscious, but she realized that wasn't a problem- she was completely awake. She started breathing and tried to move her feat, but she could only drag her legs. That's when she saw it.

A tryl was crawling into the cave.

She tried to scream, to get up, to anything, but her body was sluggish. She couldn't fight. The tryl entered the cave

and walked right by her without looking at her. She turned her head and watched it as it moved a rock and grabbed some bandages. A tryl had bandaged her. She gasped. This monster was a lot more intelligent than she thought.

It returned to her and placed its cold slimy hand on her bandage. She tried to scream, but it came out only as a high pitched whimper. It pulled the bandages off of her body despite her struggling and wrapped the new bandages around the wound. Suddenly, it grabbed her red hair and forced her to look it in the eyes.

Vurba felt fear. This thing's expression was just as cold as ever, but she realized now that these things were not the simple goblins the fairytales spun them as. She was close enough to see her freckles in its eyes.

The tryl walked to the mouth of the cave. There wasn't much light left in the cave, but thanks to a phosphorescent fungi she could make out the silhouette. It was on all fours, making motions like it was barking. She had heard that they could communicate with sounds humans couldn't hear, but she had never believed it. Looking now, though, she wasn't so sure.

She watched it for a few minutes. It stopped the barking motion after just a few barks, then it stayed there for a few minutes, still. For a few suspenseful minutes, the only noise in the cave was them breathing and the wind passing through the cave. Finally, it turned back around and started crawling into the cave. She saw motion behind it. Another one was coming in. She started sweating, despite the cold. Behind that one, another one came in. She began wondering just how long she was going to live. Common sense told her that since they just bandaged her, they planned on keeping her alive for a while. It also asked why. The first tryl walked up to her and positioned itself above her. It put its face within inches of hers, and she looked up. Its visage was terrifying- she tried to back away, but all she succeeded in doing was lying the rest of the way down. It put its hand on her forehead and held her head down as it sat back up. It slowly released her head, making sure she didn't sit back up. She started crying. She didn't know why, but she was very, very afraid.

Then she felt something between her thighs. She moved her head to look up, but the tryl's long arm was holding her head down. She trying to look up and rolled her head to the side. Her eyes widened.

She had never seen a tryl's penis before- she thought they reproduced like frogs. She realized now how wrong she was. She tried to struggle and kick the thing off of her, but it had already cut her lower underwear off. It wasted no time removing her bra after that- it snatched it off her chest with a flick of its wrist. She tried to move, but one of the other tryls put her head between its legs and put his knees on her arms. She couldn't move. She laid back and looked at the tryl, furious for a moment and afraid the next- its penis was out, too. Arms weren't all they had bigger than humans'. She felt something round and cold touch her nethers. She tried to look up, but the one on her arms wouldn't let her- it just lorded its manhood over her face, tiny drops of slime falling off of its testicles onto her face. The tryl between her legs slowly pushed forward into her. Half an inch in, she was gritting her teeth, trying to fight the invasion. Then it thrust forward. She opened her mouth in pain and surprise, which was exactly what the monster at her head was waiting for. It grabbed its dick and aimed it down, and shoved its penis into her throat. She tried to bite it, but all she could do thanks to the berries was put her mouth firmly around it- much to the tryl's pleasure. The one at her legs starting slowly pulling out and pushing in. She groaned, trying to reject it, knowing it was impossible. The tryl at her head bent down and started licking her breasts. She gasped in surprise as its tongue wet her nipple- its tongue was cold and wet, and the sensation was amplified by it breathing on her. She tried to get more air so she could fight the monsters off, but with the monster's dick going in and out of her throat all she could do was suck it deeper down. She tried to bite it again, but her muscles were still drugged. It started producing more of the slime, and she sucked it off again. It tasted sweet.

She shook her head. Sweet? Disgusting! The slime was coming off a monster's dick! She noticed the one between her legs had picked up its pace. She refused to acknowledge how good it felt, it was revolting. "I will get out of this," she told herself, "and I will kill this thing for doing this to me-" She stopped moving. It wasn't moving anymore- she had been humping it for the last few seconds. She stopped sucking and humping, disgusted with herself, for a full four seconds before her muscles started moving again. She squinted her eyes and cried, trying to regain control of her body. She stopped it once more, but then she started humping the one between her legs again and sucking the slime off the dick in her mouth even harder. She tried to think about how wrong it was, but she couldn't get a coherent thought in her head- it just felt too good, tasted too scrumptious. She couldn't think with words, but she still had instinct. Subconsciously, she figured she had to get them to cum as soon as possible. The faster they came, the faster she'd be able to escape. She started humping and sucking even faster, pulling as much into her as she could. The one beneath her legs mercifully started humping back, pushing in and out of her a little bit faster. The one she was sucking on had started sucking hard on her breasts, spiking electricity through her mind. She inhaled deeply with her nose now, and she realized it even smelled sweet- she had always thought it was disgusting. She worked her tongue around the base of the monster's penis, swallowing its head into her throat every other second. She just had to make sure she got all the slime off, it was too good to waste. She started synchronizing with the one between her legs- it was slamming into her with every thrust, and she wanted him to get in deep as possible. As soon as they came, she told herself, she'd be able to think. Thirty seconds later, she didn't even have this subconscious thought. She lost sense of time as pleasure dragged its fingers through her brain, stroking her to keep her going. A few minutes later, they were still slamming into her. She kept sucking the one at her head dry and kept the pace up with the one between her legs. Finally, after using up what strength she had left to suck and fuck the two tryls, they came. She didn't know which one came first, but the one in her throat felt more powerful. Its jets flew down her throat, and she swallowed the large white streams as they poured downwards. It was warm in her throat, and that felt as good as the slime. Stream after stream went down, and she gulped and gulped. She didn't know if it was five or six streams, but she felt she must have swallowed twenty times- they were bigger than her. The one between her legs spasmed into her, sending load after load into her. She was a little disappointed, too- she had been so close to orgasming. They both pulled out, and she looked around for the third one. But something was wrong with her eyes. She rubbed them to make sure nothing was in them. No, she told herself, nothing was wrong with her eyes- the other three must have come in while she was with the other two. Two of the four others went over to her and picked her up. She didn't struggle this time, still rather tired from just seconds before. They held her up between them, and the one in front of her put its dick in her pussy. She bit her lip and sank as low as she could, pulling as much of him in her as she could, sinking on its slimy organ. The one behind her put its tip up to her rear, and it spread its slime on her anus. She paused, suddenly aware of its cold member. The one behind her was doing something interesting...

It put its dick in just a little bit, but it was enough to make her gasp. The one in front held her still while the one behind pushed further and further in. She sucked on her lip, loving the feeling. She tried to push down with her rear to pull the rest of him in, but she could only go so far. He pushed all the way up into her anus and held it there. She laid back against its chest, breathing heavily. The cold slime lining the inside of her felt amazing. The one in front grabbed her legs and wrapped them around its waist and started humping with the one in the back. She began moaning, pushing down against them with her legs squeezing the one in front. "That's okay," she thought to herself, "I'll plan a way to get out of here as soon as I'm done here. Then I'll probably try to escape." Her mouth opened and her eyes rolled up in her head as the two monsters began moving. They pushed in deep, hard, fast. She felt something in her tensing up, building up pressure. She started bouncing herself up and down as fast as she could, trying to build up that feeling. The monster in front of her placed both hands on her breasts and began squeezing, pulling them up and down as the two monsters moved her. Finally, halfway through the treatment, her body convulsed, squeezing tightly on the cock in her pussy. Her back arched, her mind felt like it melted, and the pressure that had been building up her orgasm all released itself in powerful ripples through her body. Juice flowed down the legs of the monster in front of her, splattering on the ground on its feet. When the orgasm was finished and had taken its toll, she looked in front of her. The monster was still going on strong, fucking her like it had been before. She smiled. She wasn't happy with just one orgasm, she needed more. When the two monsters were done with her, they laid her on the ground and moved on. The last two monsters walked towards her and picked her up, this time in a different position. One got behind her and stuck its cock all the way up her ass, making her squeal- the cold sensation lining her again felt better than before. It grabbed her arms and lifted, pulling her entire body up with them. The other monster stood in front of her and held her nose. Unable to breathe, she opened her mouth to let its cock in her mouth. As it stuck it in, she adjusted her throat so she could get as much in as she could. It thrust forward and she stretched her lips around the base of its penis, reaching for every last drop of the delicious slime. She started swallowing more of the aphrodisiac down. "Maybe I'll leave," her subconscious thought. "Maybe not." Behind her, six more tryls crept into the cavern and began waiting for their turn. The night was far from over, and none of them planned on it being anywhere near the last. The drugged up redhead wouldn't have it any other way.