Show Me Your Teeth: Direction

Story by Meruk777 on SoFurry

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#4 of Show Me Your Teeth

DISCLAIMER: Implied gay sexual activity. Warning.

~Got no direction, just got my vamp~

It's been almost a week since I had my life changed forever. My master, Nike, always leaves for his classes before I wake up so I get the days to myself during the week. As a side note, it is amazing to me that I can sleep in someone's arm while he and his roommate snore so god damned loudly. The only thing he lets me wear is his boxers. Thanks to the special collar around my neck, I can't leave the dorm suite unless Nike allows it. To be honest, I don't know what will happen if I try to leave, but I am far too scared to find out. What I've heard is that the collar gives off a terrible pain if you disobey your master's orders. All day I clean up the room, not because Nike tells me to, just because I hate a messy room. Nike loves to come home to a clean room after a long day of school and Tennis practice.

When my master gets back to the dorm, he just turns on the TV and his laptop and sits in his bed. Then he'll tell me to remove his shoes and socks with my teeth. The first couple of times, I would groan, but after realizing that I would have to do it every day, I just accepted it as a normal chore. I would put away his shoes and tennis equipment afterwards and throw his socks into the laundry pile. Demonik always came in later at night. I asked Nike where he went after practice, and he told me that he hangs out with their best friend, Fang, in his room and that Fang and Demonik would come into their room, but since I was here, they were letting me get used to the place.

I think Nike looks up porn on his laptop whenever he gets on it. I say "think" because the only hint is that he will paw off right there, in front me, not 5 minutes after getting on his computer. He would just cum onto his chest and I always pretended to be busy with something, anything. Afterwards, he would go take a shower. This happened on Tuesday, it happened on Wednesday, and it happened once again on Thursday. But, yesterday, He gets home, turns on the TV, leaves his laptop shut, and sits up on his bed. Once again, he orders me to get his socks and shoes off. I do as I was instructed to do. When I get his left sock off, he tells me, very bluntly, to give him a paw job. I felt my cheeks turn red and my eyes turn lavender.

I had no choice but to do it. The entire time, I was blushing, looking away from Nike, and couldn't keep a steady rhythm. In hindsight, it probably made it easier to unexpectantly speed up and slow down. After he came, he grabbed my hand and licked off the cum that dripped onto it. I can remember how embarrassed I felt and having my ears pinned down to my skull. It wouldn't be a leap of faith to guess that you could see my blush through my silver fur. He pulled me up to him, chest to chest, and planted a kiss on me. My eyes quickly widened, then they closed in bliss. I loved it when this wolf kissed me, when this male wolf kissed me. I still can't believe that I was a slave for someone. I lucked out when it was a hot and kind fur. He chuckled and said, "You know that you are so cute, right?" Again, I blushed and looked away.

"No, I'm not." I said. I remember the emotion - no, let's say the feeling of modesty being present.

Nike reached his paw to my face, and made me look at him in the eye. He got this reaction of...shock, maybe? He said, "First of all, know that you are the most adorable thing I have ever set eyes on." He punctuated his sentence with a kiss to my forehead. "Also, I thought your eyes only changed from blue and purple, but they were just green. Well, before my little kiss."

"What are you talking about? My eyes have never been green before in my life." I said.

He shrugged. "Maybe they have but you never looked in a mirror with them and everyone else thought you already knew. What emotion was it, modesty? Or, maybe they change green when you lie." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Don't you have some cum on your chest that you need to wash off?" I said in a very smart ass tone.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind and said, "Yeah, but you're joining me. Seems that you got a little on your stomach from our make out session, Pet." Adding emphasis on the name Pet. Giving me no time to react, he began to drag me into the bathroom. I tried to decline, but that damned collar was a constant reminder that I could never say no to the snow white lupine.

You get a story and a journal post in one nice package.

Short I know. The reason that this chapter took so long is simple: major procrastination. Then last night, I'm talking to my friend and we start talking (I started ranting) about how I wrote a lot of scraps in the last couple months and how the reason nothing is going to happen with those is that I got the idea for scenes, not stories. I have released 9 stories in my internet history, 4 on here alone, and most of them were written becuase of 1 scene. Nothin' Else I Can Say, which you should totally read if you haven't already :D , just happened to work out becuase the one scene I wanted to write was at the very end. This story was more a series of scenes I wanted to write, which makes it work a bit better.

I started working on this chapter months ago. It was originally going to be set the day after the last chapter. While talking to my friend last night, I realized that when I started this series, it wasn't supposed to be a day by day thing.This will be more apparent in later chapters.

Thanks for reading!! Rate and Comment if ya want :P

Without This Scheiße (Preview)

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