Later That Day

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Hey everyone! Sorry about the time it took for me to upload the second chapter to this story! Once again, I will only post the next chapter to this story if the response to it is okay. And keep the comments coming, I think my writing has improved very slightly! I am trying out a new style of writing I suppose in this one. On every ****** It changes to a different charactor. Anyway, enough of me babling on about nothing here is the story! =========== My 14th Birthday Chapter 2 Later That day =========== I groaned loudly as I woke to find myself on my own soft bed, my head facing to the right side to make me look across at the muscular wolf body of my foster brother who was lying on his own much larger bed. I turned my head slightly to look up a little so that I could see the alarm clock sitting on the bedside table, noticing that I had only been asleep a few hours. My problems had barely started. David was beginning to wake, his eyes fluttering softly, and his body turning over slowly as I sat up. I rubbed my furry head softly. I was fairly sure that I hadn't liked what had happened to me earlier, up till then I was sure I was straight, but now my mind was flooded with questions. I slowly reached down with my left paw, rubbing at my still tender and sensitive tailhole; I flinched as my touch was greeted with a slight pain. I looked up at my foster brother, now it was time for me to have some fun, and possibly get my revenge. I quickly ran out my room down the hall and into my foster parent's room and into their walk-in wardrobe, grabbing a selection of leather belts and then bolting back up the hall to mine and my foster brother's room. On entering the room I could see him beginning to sit up, I ran to his side, placing my paw on his chest and gently pushing him back as I whisper to him "not time to get up yet brother." He went back down onto the bed with surprising ease. I smirked softly at him as he hit the soft pillow, a soft smile on his muzzle. I reached down to the spot where I had dropped the leather belts. Picking up one of the black ones and tying his left paw to the bed post and his right paw to the bed post on the other side. His eyes slowly began to open as I finished off his second paw. He opened his muzzle slightly to object but he was quickly silenced by the same red ball-gag he had used on me. At first he had seemed confused then as he began to realize what was going on he began to thrash madly on the bed, kicking his legs and trying to growl at me. ********************************************************************* I growled and thrashed around in the bed, staring angrily at my foster brother. How could he do this? I thought he had enjoyed what I had done to him earlier. I stared up at Jordan angrily as I continued to thrash and kick, only managing to tire myself quickly, my body breaking into a heavy sweat and my chest heaving up and down as I breathed. Pretty soon, I had run out of energy. All I could do is lay and watch, my muscles aching heavily and my lungs burning from the restriction on my breathing from the gag. Jordan stood up, walking toward me slowly and bending over next to the bed and picking up a brown belt and a red one, a sly smirk spread across his face as he moves swiftly over to the box containing my 'gifts' for him. I had always thought that he would enjoy what I had done. I did not expect him to hate it so much he would retaliate like this. He smiled down at me "Don't worry bro, your going to love this." He smirked to himself as he came back over with his one paw behind his back. He climbed back onto the bed slowly, the smirk still on his face as he took his paw slowly out from behind his back. In his paw was the dildo, he placed it next to my left leg as he climbed up onto the bed, sitting down with his legs spread under my spread legs. I began to struggle as best I can, just managing to move around very slightly as I stared at him in slight fear. ****************************************************************** I smirked down at my foster brother, feeling myself becoming aroused slowly, my sheath beginning to swell slowly, a hint of pink appearing at the tip. Was I actually enjoying this? Had I enjoyed what he had done to me earlier? He was right and it was only just dawning on me, I looked down at my sheath for a moment, then back up at him, I could see he was aroused by the fact that his length was beginning to slide from his sheath and knew he must be enjoying this almost as much as I was, or more. I leant over his muscular lupine body, smiling softly as I licked slowly at his soft and furry chest, my hands slowly sliding down his muscular body and picking up the ribbed dildo. I looked up at David to find his eyes tightly shut and his ears twitching and flicking. My smile turns to a smirk as I feel his full length rub and throb against my stomach. I suddenly pushed the dildo as hard as I could into his tailhole, dry and unlubed, I felt the ribs hit into his anal ring and then slide past, one inch....two...three, four, five, then it stopped. I stopped applying pressure as David gasped loudly, his eyes suddenly opening fully and his breathing through his nose increased. ***************************************************************** My eyes shot open as I felt the ribbed dildo enter my tailhole dry. My chest heaving in and out, my breathing still slightly restricted from the gag. My tailhole felt raw as it clenched down on the dildo and throbbed slowly. The only reason my brother had stopped was my body had stopped him, my intestines refused the dildo and he didn't have the strength to push it past into them. I looked down at Jordan; he was looking up at me, his paw still on the dildo, his chest was heaving up and down slowly as he looked at me wide eyed. God he looked so fierce, yet so cute. His other paw slowly reached up to my throbbing lupine length. His small paw wrapped around my length slowly and it felt so good, thick sticky pre was dribbling from the tip of my length by this point, my body was covered in sweat. I closed my eyes slowly and dropped my head down to my pillow. ***************************************************************** I looked up at my foster brother as his head hit his soft pillow, faint growls of pleasure emitting from his muzzle. My small paw not even able to reach fully around his large length. My other paw just beginning to push on the ribbed dildo again, feeling that I can't get it any deeper I begin to move it and wriggle it inside him, trying to make it touch and rub his prostate, a slight flinch and whimper from his muzzle told me when I had hit it. I began to relentlessly thrust the dildo in and out of him, hitting his prostate with every thrust in, causing my foster brother to whine and moan, his large wolf length throbbing, pre was just about streaming from the tip of his length, pooling on the bed after matting down the fur on his crotch and stomach. I took my hand off his length and slowly began to pump my own painfully erect length, small amounts of pre dribbling from the tip of my length. "You are l-loving this aren't y-you!" I shouted down at the muscular wolf figure in front of me. I buckled over suddenly, having unknowingly brought myself to climax, my eyes shut closed as my mouth lands open over the tip of my brothers length as he hits his own much more intense climax. **************************************************************** I howled loudly in climax, my eyes opening and my body thrusting upwards, feeling the warm insides of my younger brother's mouth around my throbbing length. I felt myself pumping huge loads of my hot sticky cum into his mouth, most of it being coughed and spat out back onto my crotch and member. My body slowly relaxed, dropping back down onto the bed, my head slowly turning to the side, the bed under my cold and wet with the sweat from my body, I panted and groaned softly, my body aching from having struggled so hard earlier. My eyes slowly closed, I could feel the ribbed dildo slowly being pulled from my tailhole. Then the bindings holding me in place being removed one by one. I next felt the small frame of my younger foster brother climbing up and onto my body, lying still with his head on my chest. My length slowly retreating back into my sheath. ***************************************************************** I could still taste the salty and bitter taste of the much larger wolf's cum and pre in my mouth as I looked up at him, smiling a little and gently resting my head on his chest, dropping the dildo down onto the bed next to us. I was confused, questions and emotions flooding over my brain, I felt filled with pleasure and happiness, but at the same time strong feelings of guilt and self loathing. What was going on? Do I like boys? Did this really just happen or was I dreaming. Confused feelings continued to flood my mind. Tears began to run from my eyes, matting down the large canine's chest fur. I felt his large paws and muscular arms slowly reach around me and hold me close to him, he sat up and cradled me in his arms like his own cub and then carried me over to my bed, placing me down softly and climbing into the bed too, wrapping the covers around us both and hugging me close to his chest as I continued to cry. "Don't worry little brother, sleep." I heard him whisper into my long lupine ears. My body relaxed as he spoke, my eyes stayed closed but too relaxed; I felt my body fill with warmth as my mind slowly drifted into a gentle dreamless deep sleep. ***************************************************************** I sighed softly, beginning to feel bad for what I had pushed the small rabbit that was my foster brother to. I continued to hold his body against mine as comfortingly as I could. I knew I should have waited till he was older, but I couldn't resist him any longer. I was afraid that I might have pushed him a too far past his limits and confused him too much for his age. I kissed the top of his head lightly as I eventually let go of his body, climbing out of his bed and walking back over to my own, picking up the belts and wiping them down with paper towels that I kept in my bedside cabinet and then carrying them back to my parents room and hanging them up on the belt rack again. On returning to the room I put the dildo, lube and the red ball gag into a draw in my bedside cabinet. I took the sheets off my bed. Carrying them down the stairs and into our freshly redesigned and refitted kitchen, it had been rebuilt and replaced after an incident with the washing machine that had something to do with me and a guy friend of mine. I opened up the washing machine and shoved my sheets in, closing the door to it and putting the soap into the correct slot. I turned the machine on and sat atop it as it started up. I sighed loudly and looked up at the ceiling as thoughts slowly went through my head about what to do next. A couple moments later I sniffed my fur and winced. As much as I loved the smell of cum and pre, after a few hours it gets to even the best of noses, I jumped from the top of the washing machine and headed into the downstairs bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. The bathroom smelt and looked fresh and clean as always. My mother was a real clean freak. I stepped into the shower and twisted the hot tap and then the cold one, shuddering as the couple moments of icy cold water you get before you get the hot hit my fur and soaked it down to my skin. Closing my eyes as I closed the shower door and stepped fully under the water. I stand still and let the warm water soak my fur from head to toe. I can't help but let out loud murrs of relief. The warm water of a shower always helped my calm myself and relax. I reached out slowly to pick up the shampoo, getting my brothers children's shampoo instead, picking it up and looking at it, tears beading in my eyes in regret for what I had done, leaning against the white tilled wall and letting a few tears flow from my eyes before putting down his shampoo and picking up my own and rubbing it into my fur. I gave myself a good washing, scrubbing my fur harder than usual until eventually I rinse the shampoo out, climbing out of the shower and picking up a towel, wrapping it around myself and drying myself off slowly, my fur puffing up as it always does after I dry myself. I sigh loudly, unlocking the door and walking back into the kitchen. The washing machine was doing its usual little dance of happiness due to the slight slant of the kitchen floor. I sat down at the kitchen table until it dinged a few times to signify its ending. I pulled the sheets from the machine and threw them into the dryer and turned it on. I yawned loudly, finally beginning to feel tired from the earlier ordeal. I slowly began to climb the stairs. My head hung low down, feeling ashamed for what I had done to my younger brother. On arriving at the room the door was closed, I looked up, not having remembered closing the door. I just figured I had forgotten that I had done it. I placed my paw on the handle and pushed it down, gently leaning against the door, it opens slowly and I walk into the room, my foster brother no longer asleep in his bed but standing up in the middle of the room with his blanket clutched to his chest. My ears perked up as I see him. I look down at the floor slowly and sadly, my ears drooping down again. "I-I'm sorry..." I say softly, closing my eyes. Next I feel his small arms wrap almost fully around my waist, he was hugging me? But why? I had been so rough; I had pushed him when I shouldn't have. "W-What are you doing?" I opened my eyes and looked down at him. ***************************************************************** "I am giving you a hug" I said up to him, a warm smile spread across my face. "I was scared when you weren't here, I closed the door." I continued to hug him, eventually felling him lift me off of my feet and hug me back. "I-I thought you hated me..."The large lupine looked at me sadly, a tear in his one eye, of joy or sadness I couldn't tell. I shook my head at him. "N-no, it just took me a while to r-realize that I do like b-boys and girls..."I said happily to him. "I think this is going to start off a wonderful set of events lil bro'." The wolf said to me softly. * * *

I didn't understand what it meant, but I was sure I was going to find out, and not in too long a time either. ================= Thank you for reading my story, please vote and leave comments to help me improve my work!