My Saving Grace

Story by UnknownSpecimen41 on SoFurry

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#1 of Katie Herm Series

Hello everyone, UnknownSpecimen41 here. This literally is my first story ever written on Sofurry; it's my first adult themed story ever as well.

I'm sure it will be quite short, but I hope to impress a few people. I don't have anything planned. I've put no thought into it. I'm just writing on a whim and as it comes to me. Any advice is welcome. Other than that, enjoy! (Don't be too harsh.)


Monday - 4pm, March 12th

Dear Diary,

It's me again, Katie. This year in high school has been difficult. The other kids treat me poorly. I'm a sophmore now but people still don't like me very much. What have I done to deserve this? Just because I dress in a little darker clothing, wear a little darker makeup - that doesn't mean they get to pick on me. It's not fair. But I try my best to stay postive. I really enjoy my classes and I get decent grades. My parents are fighting again. My father thinks herms are an abomination, and he blames my mother for the extra flesh between my legs. He doesn't even acknowledge my existance. I wish he would just go away already. When I look at myself in the mirror, at my petite bunny figure, I don't feel like an abomination. I feel attractive. Almost normal. It's time for supper. I hope to write again soon.

Thursday - 6pm, March 15th

Hello Diary,

I have exciting news! Today, at lunch, a girl sat with me. Her name was Gracetta Stevens, but she told me to just call her Grace. She's new to school. She's a freshman and she is a gorgeous red vixen. She was getting looks from every guy in the cafeteria. I was kind of jealous. Her breasts are a little bigger than mine. I don't know why she chose to sit with me. I mean, I'm just a lonely nobody. But I really hope we can get to be closer friends. It turned out that we even had 7th period gym class together. I was kind of scared afterward. Nobody knows that I'm a herm. I've kept it from them. But that means that after gym, I don't shower. Some of the other girls pick on me for it. But when Grace saw that, she just put her towel away and skipped a shower with me. I've only known her for one day but I'm really starting to trust her. We're actually going to hang out this weekend! I'm so excited.

Saturday - 2am, March 17th

Good evening Diary,

It's been an exciting day. We went to the mall. Summer is coming soon so we went to check out the new bathing suits. We even joked around a bit. She tried on this white bikini that made her green eyes sparkle. Mine are a boring, dull blue. She's so pretty. I've been having confusing feelings about her. Am I attracted to her? I mean. I guess I technically have a, err, male appendage. But I've always felt and dressed like a girl. I've never had feelings for a girl before. But seeing her in that bikini actually made me hard. I was so embarrassed. I was afraid she'd see. For a second I thought she might have caught a glimpse at my bulge before I got a chance to adjust myself, but she just smiled and kept on talking, so I'm sure she didn't see. We have a whole bunch in common. We both love Hello Kitty and Invader Zim. We share favorite flavors in icecream - chocolate! Plus, we both really hate jocks. I found that out when a bunch of the football guys tried to hit on her at the mall. She didn't even look at them and kept walking right by them. I thought their heads were going to explode! Haha.

Anyways, she asked her mom and was allowed to sleep over. We watched a whole bunch of horror movies and ate popcorn. She fell asleep in my bed during the last one. That was about an hour ago. I just watched her for a while. Her chest lifted and fell with each breath. It was alluring, almost captivating. I felt the impulse to touch her and kiss her neck. But I didn't. I decided to write in my journal instead. I don't want to do anything to scare my only friend away. She's just wearing a shirt and panties. The shirt is rather short, too. I kept getting a good look at her butt. Why did that turn me on? I'm so confused. I hope I can figure this out. I'm going to lay next to her now. For once, I actually can't wait to wake up.

Monday - 5pm, April 3rd

Sorry Diary,

I know I haven't written in a while. But I've been so busy hanging out with Grace. We're bestfriends now, just like I had hoped. We've been spending a lot of time together after school. Sometimes we just walk around the park or go see a movie. We even went to a school dance. It was a lot of fun. They played some music that we both liked. She even convinced me to dance a bit. And for one song, we slow danced.

"It'll freak out all those obnoxious, horny guys oogling us." She joked. But once we started dancing, she wrapped her arms around me and put her head on my shoulder. I'm not sure if she was acting. She was stunning in her dress though. It was sleek, red, and extremely form fitting. When I got home that night, I was more hard than I had ever been. I even touched myself.

I'd never done that before. I was so used to being called a freak and being put down because of it, I didn't even acknowledge that my member existed. But that night I couldn't stop thinking about Grace's body as I stroked myself. It felt sooo good. My throbbing, pink member tensed in my hand - I keep going faster and faster. I didn't realize how much of a mess I would make though. It's a good thing I was in the bathroom and there was plenty of toilet paper to wipe it up off the floor. It was super sticky in my hands too. I smelled it and it was kind of gross.

I think it's safe to say that I'm completely, intensely attracted to Grace. If I wasn't afraid of ruining our friendship I would make a move..

Saturday - 11am, April 8th

I have big news. Really big. Something happened between me and Grace last night. I'll tell you the whole thing from the begining:

Grace and I had come home from school together. She was going to spend the night. Everything was going perfectly fine. But this time I was having really strong feelings, I was hard from the second we got in the door. I don't know why. I couldn't force dirty thoughts out of my head. My parents had gone on some business meeting in another town and weren't going to be home for the night.

It was dark and we were getting ready to settle down. She had just finished taking a shower. It was my turn to take one. I was just getting finished, fighting the urge to touch myself while I washed the soap off. I turned the water off and stepped out, getting ready to towel off. When I did, Grace burst into the bathroom -

"Hey, Katie. Do you have any Q-tips.." She trailed off when she saw me standing there, completely naked, with my member standing at full attention between my legs. It was begging to be stared at, almost screaming Look at me! I tried to cover it with my towel.

"Oh my god, Grace. I'm so sorry you had to see this. You had to see that I'm a herm freak." I started to tear up. "I didn't want you to find out. I didn't want you to know. Why would you ever want to be friends with a monster like me?" I fell to the ground and started to bawl. I was postive Grace would leave. She would run away and tell the whole school about how weird and gross I really am. Nobody would ever talk to me again..

So you can imagine my surprise when she walked over to me. She knelt down and put a hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up at her deep green eyes.

"Katie. I always knew." She leaned in suddenly and pressed her lips to mine. My eyes closed as our tounges colided. They swirled and danced, studying each other. They clashed like an epic, romantic, passionate battle. It felt like ages when she broke the kiss.

"I saw, that day in the mall. You got an errection when you saw me in that white bikini. At first I thought it was a little strange.. But I realized that you're more a girl, and a furson, than any of those other losers at school. I noticed the looks you've been giving me lately. I could tell you wanted to kiss me. I wasn't sure I was okay with it. And then the more we hung out, the more I wanted it too. And to be honest, I want a little more.. if that's okay." She winked and flashed a brillantly white smile.

"..Grace.." I didn't know what to say. So I just kissed her again. Our lips parted and our tongues greeted one another again, this time having a bit of a rythm to them. She pushed with the hand on my shoulder, making me fall onto my back.

"I'm going to try something, just relax and trust me." She kissed my neck, then my shoulder. She used one hand to slide her fingers across my waist, sliding them down to grab my thigh. My member stood straight up, straining hard into the air. I started squirming my hips a little as she flick her tongue against my small, pink nipple. A moan escaped from my mouth as she slid her tongue down my stomach, nipping below my navel. Her other hand glided up my chest, grabbing at my breast. Her fingers toyed with my nipple, causing it to harden. My breathing got quicker as my member seemed to be growing red hot with anticipation. My hips bucked as she bit my inner thigh, close to my sack.

"Mmm, Grace.. I never thought.."

"Shhh. Just enjoy." She grabbed at the base of my shaft, licking the rest of my exposed member. I grabbed the towel with one hand, squeezing as she started to slide her hand up and down my length. I was in a state of pure ecstasy. Suddenly she lick my balls, and I thought I was going to lose it. Her hand grabbed at my thigh, rubbing as she licked and stroked my full member. Suddenly I felt something pressing against my ass. She was sliding a finger into me. It was weird. But, I kind of liked it. There was so much going on at once, I felt like I could take it anymore. I moaned again, louder than any others. She must have taken it as a sign, because at the point she took my whole head into her mouth and started bobbing.

"Are you sure you want me to?.. To, uh.."

"Mmmhm.." She muffled, not slowing. My hips bucked into her one last time as I shot my hot, sticky gift into her mouth, moaning as I did. My chest heaved as I layed there and watched her swallow my bittersweet load and lick her lips.

"Poor Katie. That was a lot. Haven't you ever done this before?" All I could do was shake my head. She rested her head on my chest, and I instictively started to stroke her hair. We both fell asleep right there on the bathroom floor.

I just now woke up and absolutely had to write about it. She's still sleeping. I hope she gets up soon. I'd love to play some more, and try to return her favor last night. I think I love her. I only know one thing for sure; this is going to be a good school year.