Lucien's Tale-Chapter One:Fear and other feelings

Story by Zi Garu on SoFurry

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  Lucien, a lucario dressed in the old white uniform, a button up blazer and some slacks, he did some sewing that the back to make a cross like pattern on the center in pure black trend and the slacks were all covered in zipper and half way up to the knees of them are dyed in black to make the same cross pattern at the back of the blazer but thinner, a grey messenger bag that his side, and round glasses. He comes in Mrs. Cross's art class with a smile on his muzzle and takes a seat next to a zoroark dressed in girls clothes it almost fooled him but he knew who it was, Kira also know as Zoe. Mrs. Cross was running here mouth for; a weavile she sure has a big mouth but that's beside the point, the class was half dead from not drawing or painting a thing. King, a ninedoking dress in the new and pain green uniform was falling half asleep, Lucien throws a paper ball that his friend to wake him up and waves that him. King was shock to see Lucien here because he does not have art this period. Mrs. Cross stops talking and goes to the desk Lucien's sitting that and slams her claws on it shocking him and waking up Kira. "Mr. Yagami, what do you think you're doing here," she question in loud voice age by time.

"I'm here to learn that's why I'm in school."

"That's not what I mean."

"Oh, just came here to say "hi" to King," he throws he's chair to King who's sitting that the way back and waves, "Hi, King," he then gets up, walks behind King and slips a notebook in his bag and walks away, "Cheek your bag, "he whispers in his friend's ear and walks out. Mrs. Cross then looks that King, "Mr. Luna, was there something you were planning with Mr.Yagami?"

"No, "King said and looks that Lucien as he walked away. He then puts his green backpack on the table and looks inside to find a notebook with the name Artie. He takes the notebook out and places it on the table and looks that Artie sitting next to him.

Artie, another lucario and Lucien's twin brother. Artie was drawing in his sketch pad like all ways; he was wearing the same uniform as King is, unlike his brother. Thou they are twins the two were never seen as one, Lucien was all ways care free and being quaint in every way while Artie was just seen as the silent artist in the background. The only thing you could compare the two as being twins were, their last name, both being great artist, and how they look. Everything else was all different but oddly the two have been mistaken as one another.

King nudges Artie with one of his claws, "I believe this is yours, "he says holding the notebook in his other paw. Artie turns his head to the side and looks that King, "Um...thanks, "he says meekly and takes the notebook putting it into his grey messenger bag. Artie says nothing else and goes back to drawing, King looks away and peeks that what he is drawing, a picture of a lucario in the shadow another in the light."If that's how you feel then say something to him, "King says to Artie. Artie says nothing and looks away covering his drawing."Come on Art, your brother would understand."Artie stays silent, writes on piece of paper and passes it to King; he takes the note and reads it to himself.

"'He wouldn't, he's prefect."

"No he's not, "King says. Artie takes the note back, writes again, and passes it to him again." 'Yeah right', "King reads."You don't even know he's secret, your brother's in the closet."

"He is," Artie exclaimed which rarely happens, "He's gay too, "he whispers into King's ear."Don't tell me you're gay too, "King asked and Artie nods answering his question.

King snickers a bit, "No wonder your species are mostly male, you're all mostly gay."Artie blushes, "That's not true," Artie says still blushing."Na, I'm just joking you know."Artie giggles and falls silent again, like nothing happen. King laughs loudly and Mrs. Cross yells that the two to be quite.

Out in the hallway, Lucien was five feet away from his algebra class before the speaker echoed in the hallways and classes, "Ahem, Calling all sports' player newcomers and returning veterans, "a female voice said, "Sign up right now of the sport of your choice after first period at the gym, Same goes for cheerleading, "she said and the speaker goes off. Lucien looks that his watch, "Hehe, three, two, one," the bell rings and he walks away before the halls became filled with other students. Lucien walks in the gym with his sight that the ceiling lights, he bumps into something that felt like a wall but it was soft and fluffy."Hey, it's it little Lu," a male voice said. Lucien looks up to see an ursaring, Kiba, with a grin on his maw.

"Hi, Kiba," Lucien says as if something killed his mood."So, what's a fag, like you doing here, "Kiba question."I'm here to join track, like I had been doing since middle school."

"Yeah, running is what fags like you are mostly known for."

"I'm not a gay, you giant plush bear!"

"Yeah, right, you're the reason why Couch Birdie is in jail."

"The little pup he rape, wasn't me, just leave me alone okay, "Lucien leaves blushing acting like what Kiba said was not true even thou it was.

He walks towards the table saying sign up for track on it to find King and Artie waiting for him in front of it."Guys, "Lucien yelled and ran towards them, "What are you two doing here?"

"Remember, I'm all ways their when you sign up," Artie answered."Well I just follow Art for fun, "King answered, "And your brother has something to say."Artie hugs Lucien tightly, "I know your little secret."

"King, did you tell him, "Lucien asked and King nods followed by his sigh.

"So, are you a shame of me Art, "Lucien asked, "Did you tell him how I found out."

"No, I thought you would like to tell him yourself, "King said."Tell me what and I don't care if your gay, cause I'm gay too," Artie laughs. Lucien surprise that his brother, it was like if he was a new person, "Just let me sign up and I'll tell you both okay."

"Hold on, Tyler might want to hear this as well, "Artie said and ran off to get Tyler."Oh, great he's going bring back that stupid femme back, "King said followed by a scoff.

"I don't get it, why do you call him a femme when he has a girlfriend, "Lucien said and walks towards the sign up table with a weavile sitting up front."Good to see you again Lu, hey is the old battle axe giving you BS in art, "he said."Oh, hey Vile and blah, your ma knows how to kill art," Lucien answered and the two laughs."So, I'll see you soon," Vile said with a wink making Lucien blushes."I swear, are you gay are just joking around," Lucien said and walked back to King.

Mean while Artie exits the gym and bumps into a typlosion dressed in the same white uniform like his brother, Tyler."Oh, isn't it little blue doggie," Tyler said with a cheerful tone."Hiya, Ty,"Artie exclaimed."Why you so fired up?"

"Cause my brother has something to tell."

"Oh, really, what is it or wait maybe the girls would like to hear about that the table?"Artie shrugs and takes Tyler into the gym too meet the others.

King spots the two coming and sighs," Remind me why we hang out with him, "he asked." Well because he has photos of you sleeping with a lucario doll and we get discounts that the movies, Thanks to his dad, "Lucien answers, "And why do you hate him so-,"Tyler pounces at him."Cause of that, "King says."Howdy, gays," Tyler said and King sighs. Artie comes in smiling.

"So, how you guys getting along."Lucien pushes Tyler off, "Just like a spark in my heart."

"And what does that mean Lucien."

"What, King your mad cause you can't be that spark in his heart."

"Shut up you femme!"

"What Mr. I am in the closet and have to bash on the guy that's dating someone."Lucien shouts quieting King and Tyler, while Artie just sat on the ground cross legged drawing on the wooden floor with a pencil he got out his pocket.

Artie looks up smiling and Lucien sighs."So, what do you have to tell Lu, just wait till lunch, Ember, Chi, and Rao might want to hear this?"

"God, that's the last thing I want to do in my life, tell them my dark tale."King laughs, "I bet Ember would hold it over your head, Lu."

"Hey she wouldn't do that!"

"Hell yes, she would she's evil like Princess Peach in Mario Party and besides she's only nice to you and the other girls you, femme!"The two enemy/friends kept yelling that each other, Lucien sits down next to his brother and the two began to draw around King and Tyler on the floor with pencils from Artie's pocket.

Vile, the weavile sitting behind the track team's sign up table gets up and walks towards the party and yells making the two stop fighting."Can you two stop, gee what are you two girls?!"

"Oh, hi Vile, "Tyler looks that him and then looks back at King."Hey," King says not looking that him."They have been that this like what a decade."

"That's funny, then should we be working for the man by then."Tyler and King drown out Vile with their fighting which was finally broken up by the school bell for second period.

The friends say their good bye and head to their class; King went to algebra and Tyler to art. The two brothers and Vile stayed that gym and head into the locker room."Great we have gym again."

"Cheer up, "Vile said and slaps Lucien's but making him blushes, "You get to mess around with the freshmen."

"Mess around, why?"

"Yes, Artie, Mess around as in grab their new bee asses."Artie blushes as it's his first year in gym class because of his schedule change and he hope that he's not counted as a new bee.

The two brothers shared a locker and Vile took the one next to them. Lucien takes off his uniform to show his red tank top and unbuckles his belt dropping his pants to show he's white shorts. Artie sits down on a bench and looks nervously at everyone undressing, he blushes and looks away. Lucien hears his brother's whine and looks that Artie worried.

An arcanine, buff and handsome walks towards Artie and sits next to him and wraps his big strong arms around him and bring him close to his chest, he was wearing shorts and black tank top unlike your normal arcanine, he walked on two legs and was more human like. He is Arthur also known as The Ark Runner, Ark for short. He got this name being the one of the fastest in the cross country team."Hey Lu, do you want to mess with the new bees."Artie stays silent and blushes.

"What's wrong, Lu?"Arthur starts to stroke Artie's chin making him whimper louder."N-n-no,"Artie says and moans a bit, "I-I'm not."Lucien rushes to his brother's aid and grabs him taking him into the restroom, "You okay?"Artie nods and blushing knowing that his twin knows what's going though his mind."Here stay, I'll get your clothes, "Lucien exits the stall and walks back in the locker room, everyone was looking that him and Arthur walked up to him. He realizes who that lucario was and he says his apologizes to Lucien. Lucien scoffs and walks to their locker and gets his brother's gym clothes, sweatpants and a white shirt.

Arthur walks next to Lucien, "I'm sorry, I thought that was you."Lucien says nothing still mad that his friend and slams his locker shut then walks away."I'm sorry okay, I didn't know he was a fag like you," Arthur exclaims loudly everyone hearing .The others in room mutter to themselves debating what the famous Ark Runner just said. Lucien growls and stomps his paw creating a fissure crying the arcanine into the shower room, the mutters stop and everything went silent. Lucien goes into the restroom joining his brother.

"What happen?"

"Nothing, here's your clothes," Lucien hands him the gym clothes neatly folded, "Hurry up and change."

"Can you go out, please, brother?"


"It's just...I'm shy."

"Your, shy," Lucien laughs a bit, "We take baths together when we were young and in fact you asked me to bath with you last night."Artie looks shy away blushing.

 "Oh, so he really does have a nice touch."Artie went silent. Lucien laughs and his brother blushes, thinking of Arthur's gentle touch. "Hello, are you fantasizing about him and how big he is?" 

"Oh shut it I wasn't thinking about that till you said," Artie drools thinking of Arthur naked in the shower later that class. "Yeah, right." Artie blushes and shoves his brother outside and locks the stall door and opens it a few minutes later dress in the sweatpants and the white shirt, the shirt was stretch to cover his waist.

 Lucien looks that his brother and tilts his head to the side, "Trying to cover something hard?"Artie says nothing and goes out to meet the rest of the class followed by his brother. Mean while, when the two brothers were talking to one another, Vile was making friends with a freshman, riolu named Rika, inside the gym while the classes wait for the other students and their teachers. The students sat on the floor talking to one another trying to make time pass. Vile came out the locker room dressed in a black shirt and red shorts to match he's fur color, he sits on the ground next to Rika,who's topless and only wearing sweatpants.

 "Hey, new bee put on a shirt."

"Oy, why should I?"

"Cause, I'm Vile an upper class men and you have to do what I say, new bee!"

"Nun bee, what's that...aye anyways 'm Rika."

"Cute name for a boy."

"Thanks, Cute, does this mean ya gay?"

"Gay," Vile laughs," If I'm gay then you're a girl." Rika looks oddly that him and finally the rest of the class came and so did the teacher, Mr.Rudy.

 Mr. Rudy, the couch of track team and a single male, for gallade he all ways seems to get flattered by the female students and staff. He's kind hearted but if you make him made he would make you feel sorry for getting on his bad side. He came up to his class with a clip board dressed in shorts and a green shirt. "Okay, kiddies roll call, you know the drill." Artie and Lucien sneak in and sit next to Vile. 

 "Andy Mark," Mr. Rudy calls out names and students reply with a paw in the air."Okay now, where going get out and start with our three mile jog like all ways and we'll play some soccer after." Artie nudge's his brother's arm and whispers in his ear," Only if Tyler was here he'll love to play football."

"Don't you mean play with your balls with his foot?"

"You're sick!"Mr. Rudy hears the brothers talking and shuts them up with a loud tone.

 Like all ways the classes end quickly and the gym classes come back in the sweet air conditioning ten minutes before the bell. Vile and the two brothers' head back to the locker rooms. While Rika, worried about Ziggy sits that the bleachers alone, tried and dripping in sweat. Mr. Rudy sees Rika sitting alone and walks towards him, wondering about what is wrong with the transfer student.

"Is it all too new for you, Rika?"

 Rika looks that his teacher and faces him, "No, 'm just worried about Ziggy."

"Who, Ziggy Sage?"

"Yeah, I did something and 'm feeling he hates me now."

"Huh, you know what happen to him, do tell."

" can 'all say this well've hurt him." Ziggy walks in before Mr. Rudy could say something. "There he is, I'll be leaving you too be, kay," Mr. Rudy says and walks away into the locker room.

 The bell rang and Lucien and Art rushed out of the gym, clean and back in their uniforms to their table. Lucien jumps on top of the table shocking, Ember, Rao, and Tyler. King was not surprise at his friend's action, "Do you ever get tried doing that Lu?" Artie sits down next to Tyler and Ember on the left side of the table. "No way King, it's fun."

"Just stop it, you no good twin," Rao exclaim, she is a gardevoir wearing a black and white uniform. "Just let the dumb ass hurt him," Ember said in a cold tune. Ember, a charizard dress in the same uniform like Rao.

 "Hey, don't be mean to my brother like that."

"Art speaking, did he get laid," Ember says and laughs. "No, honey, he finally came out of the closet with his brother."

"No Shit, Tyler your joking right."

"Ahem, he's right there you Zardtard," Lucien say and almost took a fire punch if King did not pull him down next to him. "Okay okay, don't kill anyone, Femme keep your girlfriend in check." Rao sighs and Artie fell silent as the other four were auguring.

 "Okay, let's get this all straight out before I leave, So Art and Lu and gay, is that true you two?"

"Rao, it's a dead give way, duh."

"Yep, true..."

"There was that so hard."

"No, it isn't, but Lu said he had a story for us."

"Story, story!"

"Claim down femme."

 Ember growls at King, "Okay, lu tells your story." Tyler gets closer, leaning on the table to hear clearly. "Um, ahem it's just."

"What's wrong brother, tongue tied you don't have to tell us anyways." Tyler gasp, "No, no he must tell."

"Shut up femme," King says followed by Ember's growl. Lucien clears his throat and looks that his friends.

 "Okay okay, I use to give guys blow jobs before."

"Boo, that isn't a story."

"I never knew you were down to do that brother."King snickers," Can I ask for something after school, lu?"

"Oh King is going ask Lu out."

"Shut it femme."

 Artie looks away to see the football players, taking a peek at them before Rao caught him."See something you like, Art?" Artie blushes, ", your brother seems cute."

"Artie, I'm sorry to break it to you but he's not on your team, if you get what I mean."

"But do you think he'll fool around."Rao says nothing and laughs to herself. King, Lucien, Tyler, and Ember where just going about like any other day; bicthing, moaning, whining, and/or moaning.

 The bell rang ending lunch, the party left for their classes. The classes for all six of them were the same; boring as hell. School ends, everyone happy as can be for Friday."Ah yes, Friday thank god," Ember exclaim.

"Ah, honey now we can get busy with you and me," Tyler smirks and laughs loudly. The two go outside and wait near the door like they done since the start of the school year.

 Rao and Artie was stuck in a crowd. A gallde,Edge,broke trough and got next to his sister. "Hey sis,can you belive this?" Rao looks at her brother, "Yeah, every year this school gets more and more stundents." Artie sees Edge and blushes," H-hiya Edge." Edge looks at the lucario and says nothing. "Sis,tell the old man I'm going be late kay,I'm hanging out with some friends for a drink." Rao nods and her brother leaves.

 "That was odd,he dosen't seem to even know you,"Rao said and put an arm around her friend knowing that he was dispointed. "B-but I have him every class, h-how can't he remember me,"Artie falls silent and pounders at the thought way. "Like I said not on the same team." Artie stayed silent the whole way out of the school. They meet Ember and Tyler to wait for Lucien and King.

  Lucien was walking alone in an empty hallway,humming a tone. King then runs by his side,panting. "H-hey Lu."

"Oh, hey so what were you going ask me?" King clears his throat, "Are you going tell your parents?" King's question rang in Lucien's mind scaring him a bit. "Yeah," he said half heartedly not thinking how his mother would feel he she finds out one of her prodigies was a fag.

 King looks at his friend worried and starts to laugh trying to make him feel better. Lucien smiles hearing his friend's laugher. King stops, "Feeling better Lulu?"

"Lulu, what dose that mean?"

"It's because your gay and every gay guy needs a fake girl name." Lucien punches his friend in the arm and laughs. King was happy his best friend was better and hurting from his punch. 

 King looks at he friend then looks away shyly. "Huh, what's wrong King?"

"Well, it's just...when you tell your mom, call me okay," King runs away. King joins the other four outside. Lucien was confused at what just happen and walks around with his eyes on the lights; day dreaming.

 History repeats itself and Lucien bumps into Kiba again. "Huh, why the hell you keep bumping into me fag," he shouts and shoves Lucien to a wall. The thud echo through the hallway, no one was left but the two enemies. "Stop calling me a fag!" Lucien gets up and growls in anger. "What's wrong, are you going fight me or run away?" Lucien was sick and tried of Kiba's senseless bullying and he was not going back down any more.

 "Don't you get tried of the same old thing?" Kiba smirks and cracks his knuckles, "What do you want something else."

"Yeah, I think you need just the same no?" Kiba drops he's bag on the ground and so dose Lucien. Kiba moves quickly for his size and pins him to the wall,choking him. Lucien gasp as his throat was being crushed. Lucien kicks Kiba off and gasp for air as he fell to his knees holding his throat.

 Kiba punches Lucien in the maw knocking off his glasses. Lucien doges another punch and got close to Kiba's stomach. "Aura Sphere!" Lucien puts his palms on his belly and fires the sphere sending him falling and knocking him out. Lucien finds his glasses,grabs his bag and walked out to meet up with the gang.

 Lucien walks out and King runs next to him. "What took you so long you?" King sees some blood dripping from his maw, "What the hell happen to you?"Lucien says nothing and grabs his brother's paw and walks to the a waiting bus. They got in the bus and minutes later they got home. They got on the bus and start to walk home.

 "Brother,what happen."

"Kiba, he tried to beat me up but I knocked him out with a Aura Sphere."

"You did,you could have killed him."

"So." Artie shakes his head and walked ahead towards the front door and opens it. "We're home," Artie yells as both he and Lucien came in.

 The two go to their room and Lucien gets on his bed. Artie sits on his bed on the left of Lucien's bed. "Brother when are you going tell mother."

"I don't want to think about it maybe later." Artie frowns knowing how his brother's feeling right now. Artie takes his bag off and lays down on his bed."Brother, I'll tell her for both if you want." Lucien says nothing and rolls to his side. Lucien's mind was thinking about how much as happen today; telling his friends about he's gay, getting into his first fight, and so to be to tell his mother  about him and his brother. He just wanted things to go smoothly but he knew and so did Artie that would not happen.