They Are My Friends: Brothers in Arms part 2

Story by DracoMancer on SoFurry

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#4 of They are my Friends

Oliver woke up as the morning light reached his eyes. He rolled over to see Leigh on his b...

Oliver woke up as the morning light reached his eyes. He rolled over to see Leigh on his back, asleep and snoring peacefully. He got up and stretched as he walked to the bathroom. He turned the shower on and hopped in. it had only been a month and a half since he met Leigh and already his life had taken a turn for what seemed like the best. Leigh had protected him, helped him, and taught him. He was happy know, and even his best friend accepted that he was gay. He washed himself, turned the water off, and hopped out. He wrapped a towel around his waist and looked outside. Leigh was still asleep and Oliver, still wet, jumped on his chest.

He gasped for air as Oliver laughed on top of him. "You couldn't just shake me awake? Oh, look you're soaking wet too, great." Oliver just giggled and kissed him. Leigh gladly accepted the kiss and they laid there kissing. Oliver could feel Leigh about to pull off his towel when they heard the door open. They broke the kiss and looked towards the entrance. It was Leigh's brother, Draco, holding a bag in his hand.

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked smiling. Oliver got off Leigh.

"No," he said

"Yes," Leigh told him getting up. Oliver went to his bag to get the only spare clothes he had at the place.

"Good, now Oliver, I'm going to need you to get out for awhile. I need to be with Leigh for awhile." He said. Oliver complied without asking any questions and walked outside. Jeremiah walked out of Veolis's cabin with a slight limp.

"Looks like you had fun last night." He said as he walked over to him.

"Well your boyfriend wasn't exactly easy on me you know."

"Well you've had your fun with him so now; if you touch him you're losing some fingers."

"That's pretty violent don't you think?"

"All's fair in love and war." The bunny laughed

"There's still a few traces of the old Oliver that did nothing but read in there." He said.

"But I'm serious, don't touch Leigh or your losing the ability to use your fingers."

"Sure, sure I can do that. Just stop threatening me, it scares me."

"Good, as long as were on the same page, mind telling me again about this competition?" he asked starting to walk away with Jeremiah following him.

"I don't know much about it; I just saw a kickass trophy and prize money. But then again, isn't that all anyone pays attention to?"

"So you didn't even pay attention to the rules, you just saw a flier or a poster or something and decided that you wanted to enter?"

"I don't think you understand Oliver, first place was five-hundred dollars! Do you know what I could do with that kind of money?"

"Knowing you, you'd probably spend it on something stupid." Jeremiah laughed and pulled a paper out and handed it to Oliver.

"Here are the rules for your little tournament. The dude running the thing isn't Japanese or whatever and just likes seeing people kick each other's ass so the rules are a little more lenient and a lot less complicated than the others. He's even giving up a thousand dollars for the winner, so that lets you know that this guy must be loaded, or just hasn't gotten his priorities straight."

"Great, just letting you know, if I win something you're not getting anything from me."

"I'm sorry I was too busy pick-pocketing you to listen." Oliver looked at his friend who was counting a few bills in his hand. He checked his pockets which were empty.

"What the hell man give me back my money!" he yelled. Jeremiah ran off and Oliver chased yelling threats at him. At one point he had climbed up a tree and Oliver followed but the rabbit was much faster than him and on top of that he was jumping from tree to tree avoiding him.

"How the hell are you getting away from me?!" Oliver yelled struggling to keep up.

"Like a boss that's how!" Jeremiah stopped when he saw Oliver jump down.

"I'll be back for you!" he yelled turning away towards the direction they came from intending to get Leigh to help him.

"Can I keep your money?" he asked as Oliver walked off towards the clearing. When he got back he headed towards Leigh's cabin. The door opened as he walked to it and he ran into a wall of black scales. He looked up to see a smiling dragon looking down at him.

"Oh, sorry I was-" he was cut off by a kiss. It was then when he got angry. He felt his fist ball up and fly towards the dragon's face. Next thing he knew his target was on the ground.

"Ah fucking hell Oliver, what did I do?!" he froze. That wasn't Draco's voice. He noticed the shade of gray on his chest. The real Draco came running towards the other downed dragon.

"Leigh?" he said as Draco helped him back trying to keep from laughing.

"Guess I should have warned you or something, I'm kind of regretting teaching you how to punch so hard."

"Shit Leigh I'm sorry," he said moving closer to him

"Nope, stay away! You've been officially registered as a threat to my well being now." He told him.

"Your fault, you could've warned me you know. By the way I need your help with something."

"So you're going to punch me in the face and then ask me to help you with something?"

"Pretty much," Oliver replied casually getting a laugh from both the dragons.

"And what would that be exactly?" Leigh asked

"Jeremiah stole my wallet and I need you to get it back for me, He's jumping through the trees like a goddamn ninja and I can't keep up with him." Leigh laughed again.

"First, that made you sound a bit like a child and second, I can help you with that but only if you pay me back for my pain."

"Sure whatever just get my wallet from him, I had something near twenty dollars in there."

"Honestly Ollie," Leigh started going the opposite way from where Oliver come from "I don't know how you got yourself involved with us and how you get yourself into random situations like this."

"That's good and all but you're going the wrong way!" he yelled back at Leigh as he started to go into the tree line. Leigh turned around and began walking back.

"I knew that, I just wanted to make sure you knew."

"Yeah right big guy." Oliver said leading Leigh towards the right direction.

"Are you coming LD?" Leigh asked Draco as they left.

"Nah, I'm going to stay here and explore a little, I remember this place. It looks like you spruced it up since I first saw it a long time ago."

"Yeah sure just don't try and burn anything down again alright?"

"I was twelve and just found out I could breathe fire!"

"Yeah, yeah just don't do it again all right." Leigh said as he walked away with Oliver. As they went through the tree line Oliver asked:

"How long have you known about this place?"

"Since I was about fifteen so that's about seven years now."

"Why did you start spending all this time and money on it?"

"Things arose in my life that changed what I wanted to do and what I could do. Like when I met Dante in my first year of college, camped here for awhile and he decided to build his own little cabin."

"What made you want to even renovate the thing in the first place?" he asked. Leigh sighed

"That's not important," he said and stayed quiet leaving Oliver to wonder why. It wasn't long before they heard Jeremiah's cheerful whistling. He took one look at Leigh and smiled.

"I thought you'd get your boyfriend Ollie!" he yelled down at him laughing. Oliver looked at Leigh. Leigh just smiled and started going up the tree. The bunny looked down and laughed.

"Is that the best you're going to do?" he started to jump from tree to tree again; Leigh just laughed and jumped off the tree and began to fly, following the rabbit. It wasn't long before Oliver heard yelling and saw Leigh flying back with a struggling Jeremiah in his hands. Leigh landed and Oliver walked over to him and looked through his pockets he found his money and Jeremiah's wallet. He took the money out of there and began to walk away.

"Hey that's mine!"

"Not anymore it is," Jeremiah made a move to get Oliver and Leigh got in the way. "Fine, fine you can keep it." he said putting his hands up a little intimidated.

"C'mon let's get back and make sure my brother didn't burn anything," Leigh said stopping everything. They walked back, with Jeremiah occasionally trying to get his money back only to be stopped by Leigh each time. At some point they could hear Draco in the distance.

"Fuck! FUCK!" he yelled. Then there was the sound of water going on fire. Leigh ran ahead making the others run to catch up to him. When he stopped he began to laugh. Draco was at Benjamin's cabin holding a bucket over a few purple flowers and his window. "I was messing around, and then this happened, oh shit I'm sorry. They weren't important were they?"

"You're lucky that those were just hortensia, Ben has plenty of those. If it had been more of his favorite plants he would have kicked. Your. Ass." Leigh continued to laugh as his brother became more and more relaxed.

"Why does he have so many plants anyway?"

"Benjamin has an affinity for plants; therefore he studied to become a botanist." Leigh told him. "He's the one that found the properties of valerian and hortensia for us. But what were you doing anyway to even start a fire?" He asked

"I was setting mosquitoes on fire and one decided to screw me over and fly into the plants." he said making Leigh laugh again.

"Come with me," Leigh started after he calmed down. "I have something to show you. You, Jeremiah, can stay right here and do whatever. I really have nothing for you so for the next few weeks you are gonna be alone unless V decides to fly in at some point. Until then, you're on your own." Leigh turned around and his brother followed. Oliver stayed behind and looked at the rabbit.

"You go ahead Ollie, I can live by myself for a little while." He told him. Oliver smiled and ran to catch up with the dragons. It wasn't long before they reached the trail to Leigh's small training pagoda as he called it. When it finally came into view Draco was impressed.

"Leigh, where do you get the time and money to do all of this?!" he asked him.

"Well considering that I've got my degree in computer science and prominent in martial arts, from time to time I'd do a small job there and a competition somewhere else. Whatever pays my rent mostly, because I'm amazing."

"This right here is still a little bit more expensive no matter what you do."

"Well I do have a few sources..." He replied

"Like who?" Oliver asked him

"I'm not telling anyone until I'm on my deathbed." He told him

"That's a little extreme don't you think?" his brother asked.

"Not at all, you guys would freak if you saw them anyway. But anyhoo let's get back to this building I have here. LD you burn this down, I'll kill you myself. Just because you're a dragon doesn't mean you shouldn't play with fire."

"Shut up Leigh I know what I can do here."

"I highly doubt it..." Oliver left while they bickered. He had no part in this conversation anyway and decided to look around where he hadn't been able to before.

"Hey, if I start burning stuff down it's your fault. You're the one who taught me everything I know about it."

"Yeah but it doesn't mean you just randomly going around starting fires now does it?"

Their voices began to become muffled as Oliver went farther back. He was bored and there was really nothing to do with his Leigh and his brother arguing about whatever in the front. Something caught his eye in the corner. It was a small wooden chest, not much different from a jewelry box. He walked over to it and opened it. Inside was a silver pendant in the shape of a dragon and rubies for eyes which looked very old. Under it was an old journal. Oliver knew that he probably shouldn't be looking through it but his curiosity got the better of him and he opened it to a random page

March 19, 2008

I've moved in with my new roommate, Benjamin. He's a bear and seems to be a nice guy, said he wants to become a botanist and keeps plants around. Not only that but the one of the newspaper places, whatever you call them, he's the editor-in-chief's son. He's told me to be careful around here 'cause a few of the plants here are poisonous. I'm not even sure if he's allowed to have these things here, hortensia he calls them.

Oliver flipped the pages back.

February 28, 2006

In fear of someone finding this I'm not going to put every detail down or explain what my abbreviations are but as I was near the mountains looking for something Kyrim lost, I saw something in the corner of my eye. In the sky was a large red dot in the sky, not much different from the color of my scales but this one had a different way of flying than all of the dragons I've met. I flew up and followed as he or she began to fly higher into the mountains. When he landed I did. After this it seemed like a few sentences were erased completely. His name was Seraph, he and his family live here but for them it seems like they can smell treasure or something. He wanted me not to tell anyone he was here, to keep it secret. He gave me a sapphire necklace and told me I could come back anytime.

May 7, 2011

I think the guys know about my relationship with Oliver. I can understand Dante with him being a wolf he could probably smell sex on me a mile away but he's not one to talk about these kind of things. The others, I don't know, maybe how me and Oliver always seem a little closer than we should be? I just don't know.

"Oliver!" he heard Leigh calling him from the front. He quickly put everything back and ran towards the front. He and Draco were holding kendos. "C'mon, take this," he said holding one of them out "It's time you learned how to use this thing properly." Oliver took it and followed the two dragons into the adjacent room. "If you're going to want to do this, you're going to have to know the rules."

"I have them right here," Oliver said pulling out the paper from his pocket. Leigh took it from him and looked it over and after reading it he set it on fire and threw it in the stone furnace. "What the hell Leigh?!"

"It was crap, for all you know we could get one of those old school Japanese eastern dragons as a ref or something of the sort, you'll listen to me and me only. Not Draco, not Jeremiah, me. C'mon LD I'm sure you know what to do."

"Of course," he replied. They both walked about ten steps away from each other and turned around.

"First things first Oliver, The only places you can hit are the top of the head, wrist, throat, and of course the torso." He told him. Leigh and Draco began swinging at each other, both trying to get the other one to go down. At one point Leigh had began to stop fighting back and just dodge every single one of Draco's attacks. "Now this," he explained still dodging his brother's attempts to hit him. "would be a penalty for wasting time. Right now I'm just telling you the basics 'cause really everything should be relatively easy to understand once we get there." After he finished talking Draco managed to hit him on the wrist. He howled in pain

"What the fuck Draco?!"

"Your fault," he said laughing. At that point Leigh hit his arm making him yell in pain at that point they both growled and started going all out on each other it probably wasn't a good idea but Oliver got in between the two and kept them from fighting. The two dragons were staring each other down but they got over it quickly, returning to their usual relaxed mood.

"Shouldn't we be wearing some kind of protection?" Oliver asked at one point.

"We should but frankly, I don't like to wear it because it makes people look ridiculous. You'll get to see it when the day comes."

They practiced for hours, the only problem that they had was that Leigh and Draco had almost gotten in another fight which Oliver again defused. At the end of the day as the sun was going down, they went back to the clearing and to their surprise they saw Veolis sitting and laughing with Jeremiah.

"Uh, why am I seeing two black dragons and no Leigh." He asked when he saw them

"Draco, dyed him black." Oliver told him

"V, What are you doing here?"

"Well the crazy thing is that his grandma kicked me out because apparently, I eat too much." He explained making them all laugh.

"Well as long you're here you could keep the bunny company."

"Yeah sure, seeing as I've got nothing else going on right now." They all laughed and conversed. When it had gotten dark Draco had flown to a nearby store and gotten them hot dogs. They ate and laughed and had a good time. The routine was basically the same for the next three days but on the fourth day, their friend Drake came in. Draco said he had called and led him away towards the clearing. When he came back he was chuckling and refused to tell Leigh or Oliver what he had done. Even though he knew it was wrong, Oliver began reading Leigh's journal when the dragon was being distracted elsewhere. He had found out how he met the guy and discovered their similar interests, like Dante. He had saved him from a dragoness in heat. He had found out about Dante's axe play abilities when he had taken him home drunk from a night hitting clubs. When he took him inside Dante had become hostile and grabbed an axe from nearby and actually tried to kill Leigh. Before Dante could actually do some damage he passed out.

Benjamin he had met in college and learned about his hobby when he had gone to his house and seen his collection. Veolis is an archery lover and always wanted to do archery in the Olympics. Leigh also put down that if that didn't work out he was going to become an architect and is planning on going back to school for his masters. The shark, Cammirell, was actually introduced through spears through Leigh. He wasn't initially into anything off the sort, but when he had Leigh's friends he had felt a little left out and always out for something new chose the spear. On one day while Oliver was reading Leigh's journal he heard footsteps coming into the room. He quickly put everything back into its place and tried his best to look relaxed. Draco walked into the room and looked around.

"Hey Oliver, what are you doing here?" he asked

"Oh hey, just passing time." He replied as his heartbeat began to slowdown seeing as it wasn't Leigh.

"Really now," he said walking up to Oliver "what's this then?" he asked pointing to the chest that contained the necklace and Leigh's journal.

"I don't know." he quickly replied, his heartbeat speeding up. The dragon walked up beside him and opened the chest. He picked up the journal, looked through the pages and finding nothing interesting put it back in. The necklace however, caught his eye. He picked it up and began to laugh.

"I've been wondering where he's kept it all these years." He said. At that moment Leigh came in and looked at Draco.

"Oh hey Leigh, look what I found. You've been trying to hide this from me eh?" Draco asked teasingly. Leigh growled, Oliver didn't know what the value of that necklace was but it now seemed important.

"Just give that back and we won't have any trouble." He told him.

"Come and get it," he said laughing. He jumped out a window and ran off still laughing. Leigh roared and ran off after him. Oliver ran after him feeling that this could be somehow his fault and that should he help. When he finally caught up with him, he and Draco were fighting. Leigh kept grabbing at the pendant but Draco would move back and run farther away. At one point Leigh had managed to trip Draco and sat on his back. He grabbed the necklace from Draco's hand and laughed.

"This is mine and it will be on my neck the day I die!" he told him

"That won't stop me from trying to make it mine." Draco grunted. Leigh got up and helped up his brother.

"C'mon Oliver," Leigh said.

"Leigh, what is so important about that necklace?"

"Grandpa gave it to us. He said it was a gift from his granddad A'semn Ferrum Ascendit. We fight over who gets to keep it as I'm guessing grandpa wanted us to."

"Ok, second question what's with the strange names that I'm seeing with most dragons now?"

"You are just without any knowledge about dragons aren't you? Tradition, like mine, Leigh Caeruleus Fire-scaled. Meadow of blue fire in dragon terms, I was told by my grandfather. Most dragons who have the more common names that everybody else uses have dismissed their heritage as folly." Oliver thought about this for a moment.

"Like Steven?"

"Like Steven," he answered.

"Ok last one, what the hell is meadow of blue fire supposed to mean?"

"Hell if I know, my grandpa had to get all elder dragon about it and say something like 'Our names are labels, plainly printed on the bottled essence of our past behavior'." he said with mock voice of his grandfather. Draco ran up beside them.

"Leigh," he started "it looks like it's going to rain soon. Should we head back?" he asked. It was true, the clouds overhead were dark and somewhat blocking the sun.

"Its fine, don't worry." He said calmly. At that point there was a clap of thunder and Oliver jumped. Leigh only laughed. "Those clouds just have a sick sense of timing they're alright."

"Well while you and your denial get wet, I'm staying where its dry. Bye now, have fun!" he said turning around. "You coming Oliver?"he asked.

"Sure," he said before feeling something pull him back.

"No you don't," he heard Leigh say "the otter's mine Draco. You can go now." He told his brother. Draco just smiled and walked away.

"Leigh, since when do you make decisions for me?" he asked.

"Since I began protecting you, now your protector says come with me."

"What if I just go this way?" Oliver asked beginning to walk away. Leigh quickly grabbed him and put him over his shoulder and fight as he would Leigh would not let go. Eventually Oliver stopped and just let Leigh carry him the rest of the way. When they reached the small building it began to rain. "There goes your expertly guessed weather prediction." Oliver told him sarcastically. Leigh just smiled and put him down.

"There's a reason for everything I do." He explained

"So I'm stuck in a small building in the middle of a thunderstorm stuck with you for what reason?" There was another thunderclap making Oliver jump again. "You also know that thunder scares me." Leigh just smiled.

"I bought you here because I want you right now." He told him before kissing him. "I would've done this sooner," he started after breaking the kiss "but my brother had to interrupt." Oliver felt Leigh grope his butt. "But right now, this is mine." He said before kissing him again. Oliver was easily subdued by Leigh's kiss and let him do as he pleased. He could feel Leigh's hands unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off his body. He put his hands into the dragon's pants and rubbed the prominent hard on making him moan. The otter felt his shorts become undone and dropped to the floor along with his boxers revealing his pink cock fully out of its sheath. Leigh grabbed it and began stroking it making him moan loudly. He saw Leigh about to move down and stopped him.

"Not this time big boy," he told him. Oliver got onto his knees and undid the dragon's pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. Oliver licked the tip of his black cock making it dribble pre onto his tongue. Oliver savored the new taste and returned to the job in front of him. Getting encouraging moans from Leigh he let his length enter his mouth and licked every inch of it with his tongue getting a jet of pre from the dragon. He felt Leigh put his hand on the back of the otter's head, controlling his movements, making him go down further. Oliver would push Leigh near over the edge then stop to prevent it only to continue. Leigh reluctantly pulled him off.

"On your back now so we can finish this right." He told him. Oliver quickly followed the command knowing what was about to happen. He felt Leigh begin rubbing at his entrance making him whimper. Leigh grabbed his needy shaft and began to stroke it making him begin to moan. Leigh put the tip of his shaft against his ass and pushed in lubed only by pre and saliva. Oliver began to cry out in pleasure while Leigh pushed in and out harder each time until he could push his whole length into his otter.

"Fuck Leigh, I'm so close!" Oliver yelled as he felt Leigh begin hitting his prostrate. Leigh pushed even harder in response and he felt himself begin to orgasm and cum hit his and Leigh's bodies. Leigh felt Oliver's depths begin to tighten around his cock and couldn't hold back his own orgasm. He hilted Oliver and filled him with his cum. When Leigh pulled out he kissed Oliver one more time and let himself fall next to him. Oliver hugged him and moved closer.

"I love you Leigh," he told him

"As you should," Leigh replied. Oliver giggled and passed out on Leigh's chest. He woke up to clap of thunder. Leigh was still beside him, asleep and shook him awake. Leigh looked around, saw Oliver and smiled.

"C'mon," he said "we should go get cleaned up."

"But it's still raining," he told him.

"Don't tell me an otter is afraid of a little water. Plus you could use a little water on your body." He teased. "Now c'mon," Leigh got up and began putting his clothes back on and Oliver did the same. When they had their clothes on and Leigh opened the door, it was still raining hard. Leigh ran out with his wings outstretched and over his head. Oliver ran out after him, grabbed one of his wings, and put it over his head.

"Get your own wings!" he said laughing

"It's much more fun this way." He told him seeing as he was the one getting wet now. "Can't you fly us through this anyway?"

"That would be a death wish." He told him still laughing "If you had wings you'd know this so just leave this to the dragon." By the time they got back it was still raining. Oliver was relatively dry from staying under Leigh's wing but Leigh himself was soaking wet. Only having one wing to cover himself didn't work well for him. When he opened the door his brother burst out laughing.

"Not funny Draco," he growled. Draco couldn't speak he was laughing so hard.

"Look at... look at you!" he said in between bouts of laughter "I was actually about to come and get you but seeing you now let's me now that it was a good idea not to!" Leigh growled and jumped at his brother. He caught his brother by surprise and managed to grab him, push him outside and lock the door. Draco began to beat the door yelling to let him in. Oliver and Leigh laughed seeing as Draco would probably be stuck out there for awhile. Leigh and Oliver headed to the bathroom and stripped before turning on the water. Stepping into the shower, Leigh looked at Oliver and pulled him closer.

"You know you're my little otter right?" he told him

"If that's true then you're my big dragon." Leigh chuckled

"I want you to tell me something Oliver,"


"I want you to tell me, how does it feel when I, uh, enter you?" he asked.

"Well," Oliver started moving his hand slowly behind Leigh as to not let him notice. "It feels something like this!" Oliver caught Leigh by surprise and pushed his finger into Leigh's anal ring. At first he tightened up but then he relaxed.

"I may have to let you take me one day," he said moaning.

"How about now?" Oliver asked pulling out. Leigh suddenly grabbed him and playfully pushed him on the wall.

"Nope," he said "because right now I'm the dominant one." He kissed Oliver. "But don't worry," he started after breaking the kiss. "you'll get the chance." Soon after washing Leigh let his brother in and laughed at him just as he did to Leigh. While his brother was in the shower Oliver climbed into bed with Leigh. He moved closer to the dragon's soothing heartbeat and fell asleep.

The next day went by quickly, and it was only a week until they had to go to the competition. On Sunday, Draco vanished. They looked around for him but couldn't find the dragon. Leigh had decided that he would come back. It wasn't until during practice that Leigh stopped what he was doing and went into the back room.

"What? Is something wrong?" he asked. Leigh opened the chest that his journal and the pendant were kept, at least where it used to be kept. The pendant was gone, and they had a good idea on who took it.

"That sneaky bastard," Leigh said smiling. "C'mon Oliver, you're going to help me retrieve what's mine."

"Well if what you told me is true, it's his right now." He replied

"Not for long," he said. Oliver followed Leigh outside. Leigh picked him up, jumped into the air and flew off. He headed for the park back in the city.

"What makes you think he's here?" he asked.

"LD always comes here when he wants to hide." After saying that they heard someone shouting at them.

"Hey Leigh! He's down here!" they heard. Leigh immediately began descending. When he landed, he felt something fall against him and push him backwards into a hole.

"Take the fox!" he heard before looking up to see an arctic fox on top of him. They got up and the fox looked up at him.

"Wait I remember you! You're the dragon who made me fall into that lake!" Leigh couldn't help but smile as Oliver peered over his shoulder.

"Actually, that was me." He said laughing "Now, is there any way to get out of here?" the hole was pretty small and Leigh was taking up most of the space. The black dragon Leigh recognized as Drake looked over the edge of the hole

"You guys alright down there?" he asked

"Well it's kind of a tight fit down here, mind helping us out?" Sal asked in reply

"Sure grab my hand." He told them.

"Come on Oliver you first," Leigh said as the gray furred otter climbed up his back. He took Drake's hand and was pulled up. "C'mon you next," the dragon said as he clasped his hands together and put them down so he could get up. Sal stepped up and got onto his shoulders. He grabbed Drake's hand and scrambled to the top. Drake looked back down at Leigh.

"I don't know about you, you look pretty heavy." He told him

"Then get your boyfriend to help." He said. He saw Sal look over the edge and hold his hand out along with Drake's. Leigh grabbed them and they tried to pull him up without avail.

"Okay this isn't going to work. How bout we leave you there until you starve and lose weight?" he jokingly suggested.

"No you're not," Oliver said "He's my ride home."

"Okay just get the rope from that tree up there and tie it to a closer one. I can just climb that. Hurry we have to get Draco!" Drake walked over to the tree and untied the rope and went over to the tree closest to the hole. He threw the rope in and Leigh proceeded to climb up. "Who dug that hole anyway and why?" he asked when he got up. Drake looked at Sal.

"Um, that was me. I had to get Drake back for something he did to me a while back." He said a little embarrassed.

"Well I hope you got him, but do any of you mind helping me catch my brother? When we fell down I kinda lost him."

"Sure if he's going to sacrifice me to another dragon might as well try and get him back. I'm in."

"So am I you helped me out so I'll help you out. What do you need?"

"Well I need you, Drake, to find and lead Draco to this clearing. You Sal can jump on his back when you see him. That would give me and Oliver here a chance to catch him."

"That sounds like fun, what'd he do anyway?"

"He has something of mine that I always like to keep with me. Now Drake go, before he gets somewhere we can't find him. You, Sal, can get up into that tree right there. We'll be waiting Drake so don't take long." He said as he started to climb a tree. Drake left leaving Leigh, Oliver, and Sal to converse.

"So you're the person that gave Drake a deadly weapon?" Sal asked.

"Nope that was probably my brother, Drake came in one day and LD lead him away and I guess gave him the stuff that he used on you that somehow lead to this. Do you mind telling me what he did exactly to make you both do all this?"

"Uh, I'd like to keep that to myself."

"That's alright, as long as it didn't kill me." They began to hear the rustling of leaves and whispering. They hushed and waited for them to come out. They saw Drake come out first, then Draco. At the first hint of Leigh's brother noticing what was going on Sal jumped. Draco opened his wings seeing that he had fallen into an ambush, trying to get away. Oliver was the next to jump on Draco making him fall to the ground. Leigh walked out and pulled something off of his brother's neck

"No one takes this thing off of me." He said holding up a silver necklace in the shape of an old wild dragon in flight with red gems in its wings and eyes. "Thanks guys," he said putting it around his neck.

"Uh, Leigh what is that and why is it so important?" Drake asked him.

"Let's just say that it's an old family artifact that he and I are usually fighting over. It's really important in our family and it's kind of a contest to see who gets to keep it." He helped up his brother who was still smiling and Oliver jumped on his back. He jumped up, followed by his brother, into the air "I'll see you again sometime!" he yelled back at them.

"LD," Leigh started moving closer to his brother "the next time you try to steal this from me will not end well. I know where you live so you can't hide from me."

"Or I could take it from you like I did it today and have you not notice until it's too late." Draco replied laughing. When they landed they began practice again and Oliver could actually notice that he was getting better as he was able to beat Draco many times. Leigh however, was not so easy. Leigh obviously had more skill in the art than his brother. For the next week Oliver managed to beat Leigh a few times and it made him confident about the upcoming competition. The day of the competition Leigh woke them up early to get ready and let Draco put another coat of dye on his scales. Thinking about Veolis, they changed his black feathers to a sandy yellow. They went to the address that luckily Jeremiah remembered since Leigh burned the written one. There were a lot of different people, mostly eastern dragons, and once everyone had been gathered they gave them an introduction and handed out the gear. Leigh was right, the gear did make them look a little stupid. It was only black cloth on top of thick leather with a facemask not much different looking then the ones used by umpires in baseball.

They called names over a P.A. system and first up, Draco against a wolf. Oliver watched with Leigh in a waiting room with the other contestants. The wolf was fast trying to take advantage of his size, thinking he could get him from behind but the black dragon was well trained and scored the first point after catching him by surprise after the wolf had gotten behind him. On the second round the wolf went straight for the hit being blocked by Draco easily, an example of impatience, and then hit in the back. Oliver heard a few of the others laugh, including Leigh. It didn't take long for Draco to score the third point when he had dodged a swing from the agitated wolf and hit his wrist.

Draco came back a while later smiling happily.

"Don't get too excited LD," Leigh told him "He was just impatient. The others will probably be a whole lot harder to beat."

They watched the TV as more names were called and as Leigh said there were strict eastern dragon referees calling fouls that were not on the pamphlet Leigh burned. Leigh's name was called over the P.A. and he walked out of the room towards the arena. He went up against another dragon like him only smaller. Leigh was quick to start and attack his opponent. The dragon wasn't expecting it and barely got away in time before Leigh turned around and kept attacking. Oliver could see what he was doing, staying on the offensive giving the opponent little time to think or react. The moment the dragon stumbled Leigh went in and got his chest. The rest went on like this, Leigh's opponent only managing to hit him once on the wrist.

By the time Oliver went up he could see that most of these people had the same style of fighting. Of course there were a few who had different fighting styles and they usually came up on top but after his fight he asked Leigh about it.

"They're using a more tournament oriented style, most teachers, such as mine, discourage doing such a thing but people do it in hopes of winning." He explained. "I personally don't care, it just makes it more familiar to me and easier to beat them." He got laughs from that around the room. They progressed to the semi-finals with Leigh ending up facing his brother and Oliver an eastern dragon. Leigh and Draco had a good laugh over this.

They're fight went up first with Leigh making the first move. It was a fun to watch the two go at each other, both of them laughing all the while. Leigh was dodging and blocking Draco's moves like an expert while his brother tried his best to get at him. Leigh managed to catch his kendo with the flat of his and quickly moving it along with his hands to get at his chest. The next round Draco moved first and rushed Leigh. He only sidestepped and was about to counter before Draco turned around suddenly and managed to get his wrist. The next two rounds went on for awhile before ending with another point for the both of them. They fought vigorously, the both of them moving swiftly and countering each others every move. It was when Draco missed a move when Leigh saw his chance and went in going for his brother's neck. Draco quickly moved but Leigh changed his direction and hit his wrist. There was a moment of silence and the audience gave a deafening applause. Leigh and Draco left the arena laughing.

Next up was Oliver's fight with the dragon. When the fight started he let Oliver get the first move. He was quicker than Leigh, easily managing to get behind him and barely giving him a chance to block. He was using his lithe speed and serpentine figure against him. He began moving around with such speed that it was hard for Oliver to attack let alone block. Before long his opponent had hit him and scored the first point. Oliver had a hard time fighting back and began to feel fatigued as he moved around him making Oliver waste his energy before getting him again on his chest. In the third round, it wasn't long before Oliver, tired and slow, lost. There was an applause for the dragon and Oliver left. When he changed back into his clothes Leigh came up behind him.

"Hey Oliver, you alright?" He asked sympathetically.

"Yeah, just a little depressed." He answered turning around to face the tall dragon. "I really had my hopes up on this Leigh."

"Don't be so down about it. How about this, I'll kick his ass just for you. Would you like that?" Oliver giggled hearing him say that.

"Yes, I'd love that Leigh." He said beginning to smile.

"That's the smile I love to see." He said after giving him a kiss "Now, they're giving us a break. We can go see how the bunny and bird are doing. I gotta tell you though; I probably won't understand a single thing that is going on but it might be fun to watch." He said as he turned around to leave. Oliver noticed that he had changed from his protective gear back into his regular clothes.

"You sure?" Oliver asked following him out the room.

"Well it's either going to be that or incredibly boring and I'm telling you this now, if that's true we are coming straight back here and finding something more interesting to do." They both laughed. On the way there they met Jeremiah.

"Hey there, shouldn't you be back with Veolis?" Leigh asked him.

"Oh no, I lost horribly," he said. He didn't sound very disappointed like Oliver had "turns out these guys are a whole lot better than I could have taken." He laughed.

"Why were you coming back over here?" Oliver asked.

"To see you of course!" he answered with his usual cheerful demeanor. "How are you two doing so far?"

"Well Oliver lost and I'm going up against the guy he lost to. Unlike you he was depressed about it for a little while." Leigh told the rabbit embarrassing Oliver a little. Jeremiah looked at Oliver.

"Really Oliver? You should know by now from hanging around with me and Leigh that it pays to not get disappointed over these kinds of things." He told him

"Yeah I know, just stop pestering me about it." Leigh laughed and put his hand on Oliver's shoulder.

"C'mon, let's go see how V is doing right now. Lead the way Jeremiah." Leigh said

"Sure thing," he replied. They followed him outside and walked a long distance before reaching a large field set up with different types of archery challenges. They saw Veolis on the field with four others, each one preparing to shoot through three rings and hit an awaiting target at the other end. They stepped into the stands at the top with the watching audience who were quiet as to not break the archers' focus. An individual that Oliver guessed was the referee gave a sign and all five of them released their arrows. All but one went through the three rings and only Veolis's and a hawk hit near the center of the target. Although it was quiet it was still pretty fun to watch. Sometime near the end Leigh leaned over towards him.

"I have to go, they'll be starting again soon." He whispered. Oliver kissed him.

"Good luck," he said before watching him leave. He and Jeremiah watched as Veolis and the others went through the last challenge. Shooting moving targets through obstacles to block them, all inside a two minute time limit. Something that looked relatively easy to Oliver but was harder than it looked based on what Jeremiah told him. Each one took their own turn and Veolis was last to go. He adeptly notched arrows and shot them into the moving targets, sometimes missing, sometimes having his arrows hit too weakly and drop to the ground. The clock beeped, telling that his time had gone up. The archers lined up and the judges gave the scores. Veolis had gotten second, and the hawk had gotten first. There was an applause and the awards were handed out. The competitors shook hands and after awhile the crowd began to disband. Veolis walked up to them as they got down.

"So guys, did you enjoy the show?" he asked smiling.

"Sure V, now let's see if we can hurry and get back to see Leigh." Oliver told him. They ran back to the building where Leigh was competing in the finals. When they got inside to the stands they saw Leigh and the dragon that had beaten Oliver on the arena. They found Draco and sat next to him.

"It's the final point for the both of them, they've both been fighting for a long time now and they're tired." He explained. Oliver looked back at them. They were both slouching slightly and when they lunged at each other there moves were slow and not as concentrated. He could see how fatigued they were as they moved. Leigh was strong and able to focus his attacks a little quicker but his opponent was faster and able to dodge all of them. The eastern dragon stumbled and Leigh took his chance and went for it hitting the dragon square in the chest. First there was silence, then deafening cheering. The two of them went to each end of the arena and bowed to each other. Leigh went to the center as his opponent got off as was given his prize, a trophy and the check for five-hundred dollars. The person who sponsored it gave a short speech that Oliver paid no attention to. After everything had ended Leigh met them outside.

"Good job Leigh, I think you got lucky this time." His brother said.

"Don't be so jealous LD, just because you couldn't beat me doesn't mean you should complain about it." they all laughed.

"C'mon, let's get back home. It's getting late and I'm starving!" Draco said.

"Yeah well can we like catch a cab or something? I've was fighting for a while and frankly, I'm tired."

"Sure Leigh," Oliver said.

"Well, seeing as you are the only ones tired me and Jeremiah here will meet you at the house." Veolis said.

"Wait, what?" Jeremiah asked as Veolis suddenly picked him up and flew off with the struggling bunny.

"C'mon, let's go." Leigh said going towards the street. Draco called a cab company and they waited for the taxi. As soon as it pulled up they got in and headed straight for Draco's house. Getting there they stopped and Draco paid. They went inside to see Veolis in the kitchen helping Lily cook.

"So V, since when do you cook?" Leigh asked.

"I'm no chef but my mom taught me a few things!" he replied pouring a liquid onto vegetables cooking on a pan. The scent made Oliver's stomach growl and it seemed it was having the same affect on the others. They were forced to wait while they made dinner for them. When it was finally cooked everyone had rushed to the table and the eagle passed out the plates. Everyone dug in, and Leigh practically swallowed the whole plate.

"Well guys, I need to go, Aevynne is probably worried about me, plus I need a place to stay.

"Who's Aevynne?" Jeremiah asked.

"His girlfriend," Leigh answered smiling "the starling he just loves to talk about."

"Sure do, and I plan on keeping her. Lily, thanks for the food, guys bye to the lot of you. Are you coming Jeremiah?" He asked going to the front door.

"Nah, I think I'll stay for a little while." He told him. They gave their goodbyes and he left.

"Well, I am going to bed." Leigh said getting up. "Night LD."

"Goodnight Leigh. Jeremiah, there's a guest bedroom upstairs at the left end of the hallway."

"Thanks Draco," he said leaving. Oliver followed Leigh upstairs and into the bedroom. He and Leigh stripped down to their boxers and got into bed. Oliver moved closer to the dragon and fell asleep happy to be with the dragon.

Leigh woke up sometime near midnight. He looked to his right and was happy to see Oliver sleeping peacefully on his arm. He pulled the otter closer and tried to go back to sleep when he heard something. 'Probably nothing.' He thought. Then it happened again, unmistakable muttering. It wasn't Draco's, Lily's, or Jeremiah's. He reluctantly got up and tried not to wake Oliver. He quietly crept into Draco's room and woke his brother up.

"Draco, there's someone downstairs and it sure as hell isn't anyone we know." he told him

"You sure?" he asked groggily. He got up and followed Leigh downstairs. To their surprise someone actually was down there, a black furred wolf.

"Where is the fucker," he was muttering "this is his entire fault. If I can't have her no one can." Draco was quick to react, immediately going for the wolf. He pushed the wolf to the wall.

"Why are you here?" he said through gritted teeth. "I thought I had gotten rid of you!"

"What's going on down here?" a voice asked. It was Lily. "John?!"

"Go back upstairs, Lily, and call the police." Draco told her. At that moment the wolf pulled a gun.

"Move!" Leigh reacted quickly, hitting his brother, making him drop the wolf to the floor. A bullet was fired and the crack went through the night. Oliver was woken by a loud crack and yelling. He turned to see that Leigh was not next to him. He quickly got up and ran to the stairs past a shocked Lily. Jeremiah had already been woken and was on his way downstairs. He saw a wolf getting up and Leigh was holding his arm, as he got up. Jeremiah jumped on the wolf's back. the wolf reacted and began banging his back onto walls. He managed to grab him and throw him onto the table. The table broke beneath him and he didn't get back up. Draco started punching the wolf but he wouldn't go down. Leigh picked up Jeremiah and started to run upstairs.

"Why won't you go down!" Draco yelled

"C'mon!" Leigh shouted down at him. Draco wouldn't stop though the wolf was beaten and bloody, he was still standing. His eyes were a milky white. Leigh put Jeremiah on the ground and rushed downstairs to pull his brother away from his victim while he was stunned. Oliver helped Lily pick the rabbit off the ground and they ran to the master bedroom while Leigh held his brother back. Leigh closed and locked the door behind them

"Why'd you pull me away?!" Draco asked angrily

"Idiot, did you not see his eyes?! The guy's gone feral! He wouldn't feel a damn thing you did to him, he's got a lust for blood!" he yelled back. Leigh and Draco argued back and forth at each other. Oliver had never seen Leigh so mad and it scared him. The room was chaos, Lily was on the phone calling the police, the two dragons were arguing and the wolf had begun trying to break in. he heard a voice next to him, it was Jeremiah.

"Oliver... what's going on?" he asked.

"Jeremiah, are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Well, besides the fact that I can't feel my right arm or leg I'm just dandy." He tried to chuckle but cringed in pain. Oliver smiled, even in trouble he finds time to make a joke.

"Try not to move too much, you look like you're hurt badly." He told him. There was a sudden sound of splintering. The door had broken and the wolf was holding the gun up. He gave no warning and started shooting. It all happened to fast, he closed his eyes in fear. When the shooting stopped he opened his eyes. Jeremiah was next to him, unharmed. There was a shadow cast over the both of them.

"You two owe me big time." Came a strained voice.

"Leigh?" he asked

"The one and only," he replied. He looked back to see the dragon smiling but in pain. He began to fall back and his head hit the wall with a loud thump. He immediately moved towards him. His eyes were closed but Oliver saw him mutter something inaudible

"Leigh, no... NO!" he yelled as he shook him trying to make him open his eyes. His eyesight began to blur with tears. His brother looked on in disbelief, then turned on his brothers assailant. For Oliver, time began to rush past his eyes. He remembered that Draco had begin breathing fire, he himself had gone feral. The police had come along with paramedics. Draco and the wolf whom he now knew as John had been placed in straitjackets. He had stayed with Leigh the whole way.

"Can you stop playing that damn thing. You've only got about four songs and I've been stuck listening to it for the last two or three weeks and its getting pretty tiring." Benjamin told the wolf.

"It's the only music I have you know, besides that radio I have of course." Dante replied, still playing "Plus, I do not have only four songs. I have five." He told him beginning to change the song.

"Wait, you have a radio,"


"That can play music that isn't violin,"


"and you've been keeping it away from me all this time?!"

"Yes I have, I've been listening to the news. They're still looking for us you know. They've even gotten us a name. The Big Five they're calling us."

"Screw it, I'm going to find your radio. I don't even know how you hid it from me, we've been living in the same cabin the whole time."

"You do that," Dante told him, uncaring. The bear went inside to look for the radio. It wasn't long before he heard him call him.

"Dante! You need to come down here quick!" he yelled.

"What, did you break it?" he asked on the brink of laughing, or can you not find it?" when he entered the room the wolf had found the radio and he had turned it onto the news. The static made the words abstract, but it wasn't hard to understand.

"... Shooting at suburban house... Red dragon who... at a camping trip for a high school. He is currently being..." it sputtered out.

"We have to go, now!" Dante said suddenly. He ran out and Benjamin followed him to the car. They jumped in and Dante was rushing to start the car up.

"When we get there, what can we do?"

"You're his blood type, O-, remember? I don't want you to not be there if they need blood." He told him "Call Cammirell and tell him what's happened." He started the car and sped off. Benjamin called Cammirell and told him exactly as they heard and he said he'd meet them at the hospital.

Oliver was told to wait in the front as they performed surgery on Leigh. They said he had suffered an incredible concussion and his friend Jeremiah had gotten an arm and a leg broken. His parents came in and tried to comfort him but he couldn't listen. Draco and John had been sent to a feral ward which was just a small asylum for them to be kept there until they reverted back into their civilized selves. Lily had decided to stay with Draco even though she couldn't help to see him like that.

"Oliver..." A familiar voice said. It was his friend, Sandy. She was with Cammirell, the shark, and Veolis. She looked saddened to see him like this.

"How did you know?" he asked.

"Benjamin and Dante called. They told me what had happened and I had to come. I picked up Veolis on the way." Cammirell explained. The TV in the room was already showing news on what had happened to Leigh only an hour ago, showing what few pictures or sketches they had of the others, and trying to get more of the story.

"Stevenson?" Oliver heard his last name called and looked behind him to see the doctor.

"Please, tell me he's okay." He begged getting up.

"Well we managed to get the bullets out of his back." he said and Oliver let held breath escape his lungs. "But the thing is," he started again "the concussion made him comatose." He told them almost grimly. Oliver began to feel tears begin to well up into his eyes.

"I want to see him." He told him. His parents decided to wait for him in the front and they followed the doctor through busy hallways and stairs and Oliver even saw the room where they had Jeremiah in. he was resting from sedatives they probably had him on. When they got to Leigh's room, Oliver was saddened even more than he already was. Seeing Leigh near lifeless, connected to machines made him cry again. He went beside Leigh and held his arm, hoping that by just some miracle, he might wake up. He heard Cammirell talking with the doctor.

"Do you have any idea how long he's going to be like this?" he asked.

"No, you can't tell with these types of things." He told him. After a few moments of silence the doctor left them alone. Moments after Dante and Benjamin came in. Dante came up behind Oliver and put his hand on the otter's shoulder.

"How's he going?" Benjamin asked

"He's alright except for the fact that he's comatose." The shark told them.

"What did he do to get shot?" Dante asked them.

"He took a bullet for me. More than one..." Oliver explained. Oliver sat down and Dante took a seat next to him. After a while Dante's ears perked up.

"Veolis, the window." he said. Veolis went without question and opened the window, quickly put his arm through, and pulled in a struggling female blue jay. She was young, couldn't have been only a few years older than Oliver.

"What were you doing out there?" Dante asked almost angrily. She was quickly scared by the group of large guys around her.

"My name is Kathryn. I'm an intern at one of the local news stations, my boss told me to come up here and get pictures since I am a bird." She said shyly. Dante got angry and punched a wall.

"I'm tired of this!" he growled "I'm going down and fixing this right now, c'mon guys, you too Kathryn."

They left the room leaving Oliver with Leigh.

"Leigh, why did you have to do it?" he asked sadly "Why did you have to do something so stupid?" he balled his fist as he felt tears hit his hand. He heard footsteps and looked up to see Draco and Lily.

"Leigh..." Draco said when he saw his brother. He walked over to Oliver and sat down. "He hasn't been like this for a long time." He told him "I remember the last time... it's not important." Oliver said nothing. "He must have really loved you." There was a moment of silence and for Oliver, it was too much. He got up, feeling a renewed stream of tears, and left. He kept walking until he saw his parents again.

"I want to go." He told them. They didn't ask any questions, got up and led Oliver to the car. He saw a crowd in the distance near the hospital and knew immediately it was the others. His parents drove off, and took him home. He immediately went inside and pulled down the ladder to the attic. He usually secluded himself anyway so it was nothing new for his parents. They knew that he preferred to be alone at times like this. He climbed up seeing all his books and paintings. Painting was one of his hobbies, one he was great at but preferred to keep it to himself. Only he and Jeremiah knew about them. They were nothing special to him, just a few landscape paintings, an abstract or two and a self portrait. He opened a half empty box full of paint. He decided to paint again, just to keep his skill alive. He hoped that it could pull his mind away from thoughts of Leigh. He began reading and for the time being it felt like before the trouble, before Leigh.

It stayed like that for three weeks, Oliver would go check on Leigh every day though it saddened him to see him like that. The day he finished the painting, he finally paid attention to it and it saddened him. He left it to dry and went off to see Leigh. He passed a dismal looking red and yellow wyvern on the way and upon arriving into Leigh's room, saw flowers in a vase next to his bed. Probably left there by Draco, or one of the guys Oliver thought. He went up to Leigh and looked at him. He couldn't cry anymore, he felt as if he had cried all his tears. He began to feel lonely again without hearing the dragon's voice. He climbed in with Leigh only wanting to feel his scales again, knowing that he could probably get into trouble for this and fell asleep.

Leigh's eyes opened slowly and the first thing he noticed was a small but painful feeling in his back. He was dizzy and could barely understand what was going on around him. He tried to move up but felt something on his chest. He looked down and saw gray but didn't understand what it was. It began to move,

"Leigh?" he heard. It took him awhile to register it before he remembered it as his name. he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Before he knew it he felt someone hugging and kissing him. "Hold on I'll get someone!" he told him excitedly. He ran off and left him alone for awhile before he realized he was in a hospital. Someone walked back into the room.

"Ah, you're awake. Good." The doctor said

"What's wrong him? He looks confused." Oliver said.

"He is, and will be probably for the rest of the day. This isn't like Hollywood makes it, where someone wakes up from a coma and is instantly better. For awhile it will take them awhile to react to their surroundings and talk again. Then to be able to walk again depending on how long they've been asleep, though he hasn't been asleep along he should be able to do so very soon." He pulled out a scalpel from a pouch on his coat. "Leigh if you can feel this I want you to move your feet." He told him. He pushed the scalpel softly into the sole of Leigh's foot and moved it around. Leigh, in response, moved his foot away. "Good, should be back up very soon. We'll have to keep him here for a week though."

"So by tomorrow he should be able to talk again?" Oliver asked

"Yes, but it might just be between intervals and, his voice may be kind of strained." He answered. Oliver walked over to Leigh and hugged him.

"I'll see you again tomorrow." He said. He looked back at Leigh as he left and was surprised to see him smiling back. He left happily, knowing that Leigh was going to be okay was enough for him. He hopped into his parent's car and drove home. Upon arriving home, he saw that his mom was still there. He ran up to her and hugged her.

"Leigh's going to be alright mom." He said with tears of joy beginning to well into his eyes "He woke up today." His mom stood there for a moment, then smiled and hugged him. Afterwards he ran upstairs to his room. He had calls to make, he had to call everybody.

The next week, Leigh had made a full recovery. They wanted to keep him a little longer to make sure he's okay but said everything looks fine. Everyone had gone to see him after he was able to talk normally again and after everyone had left, Oliver stayed with Leigh. He climbed in with the dragon and let Leigh hold him.

"So what now?" Oliver questioned.

"What do you mean?" Leigh asked in reply.

"After you leave the hospital, what will we do then?"

"Simple," he said "you're moving in with me."

"What?" Oliver asked in surprise

"You heard me," Leigh said "you know you want to." There was a pause.

"I'd love that," Oliver said before laying his head onto Leigh's chest and falling asleep. When he woke up it was incredibly dark. The only light was coming in through the window from the streetlights outside. He heard humming. "Leigh?" he asked

"Yes?" came the dragon's reply.

"What time is it?"

"I don't know, sometime around midnight maybe."

"What am I still doing here?" he asked getting up.

"I convinced them to let you stay."


"Well sitting in a boring hospital with nothing to do all day but let my mind wander off and sleep has made me think of you, and other things, and you sleeping here on top of me hasn't helped a bit. You are my cute little otter after all." Leigh told him beginning to nuzzle him. "The doctors are done making their rounds for the night you know?"

"Leigh, we're in a hospital." He said worried about getting caught.

"I guess we'll have to be quiet then." He said before going to work with his skilled hands. Oliver let Leigh do as he wanted, and he had to admit, he wanted this after being deprived of this for so long. He felt Leigh's hard on under his gown as the dragon's hands undid his pants. After having his pants and boxers pulled off he could see his glistening, pink shaft peeking out of its shaft. Leigh grabbed it and began to stroke up and down. Oliver bit his lips to keep from moaning. He could feel Leigh's other hand rubbing at his entrance before pushing in and he arched his back, pushing down to get more pleasure from it. he could feel his orgasm approaching already and before he could cum, Leigh put his hand over Oliver's shaft. Oliver bit back a moan and came, letting it spurt over Leigh's hand. Leigh let go of Oliver's softening cock and pulled up his hospital gown. He began rubbing Oliver's seed over his shaft until it covered his length before lifting Oliver and lowering him back down on top of it.

"Ready?" he asked. Oliver nodded and began to feel Leigh's long length pressing against his entrance. It pressed into him and he felt it stretch him out and he couldn't keep himself from moaning. Leigh sensed this and put his hand over Oliver's mouth, making his moans come out muffled and quiet. He felt pre coat his insides and loved every second of it as Leigh went deeper. Soon Leigh couldn't hold back anymore feeling Oliver's depth tightening around him. He growled slightly and pushed inside Oliver as far as he could before filling the otter with his cum with a hushed growl. He pulled out, spent.

"You know, you're going to have to put your pants back on. I don't think the hospital staff will take kindly to us having sex in here." He said after a few moments of silence, panting.

"Please Leigh, just hold me a little longer." He begged.

"I can do that." Leigh replied pulling him closer. Soon the otter was asleep.

"Oliver?" Leigh asked getting only a light snore in reply. 'Oh well,' Leigh thought 'I'll just wake him up before morning comes'

Author's Note - Amyways, I'm thinking about doing a backstory on Leigh. Just something to give a little more info about his life, the guys, and why he does what he does. Tell me what you think of that in the comments or PM me if you have suggestions.Want to say that I love to see comments from you guys whether it is feedback, appraisal or whatever. As always vote and favorite!