furry inc 3-alex's story

Story by Nightshade on SoFurry

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by nightshade

"ohhhhh, oh fuck yeah." Sabrina sighed as she came down from her screaming cum. "mmmm, youre so good at eating pussy, Angel." the fem skunk lifted her muzzle from the vixen's soaking cunt and grinned, licking her lips. "thanks." Sabrina lifted her up and kissed her, tasting her cum. "see you tommorrow." with a pat on the ass, she sent Angel off home.

the grey fox returned to her nearby mansion and sighed. 'mmmm, feels good to get home.' Sabrina thought to herself as she stretched. 'lots of fun at work, but still...' she stepped into the shower and dried the days cum and sweat off her fur, murring happily as the hot water soaked her grey fur, relaxing, running her paws over her breasts and belly, smiling to herself as she heard the bathroom door open.

'god, she's so beautiful,' Alex thought, watching as his mistress showered. "come in Alex." she called and he stepped in, dressed only in his collar. "ummm mistress, may i ask a favor?" "what is it?" she asked lightly, then saw how serious he was. "are you alright Alex?" he gulped "may i remove the collar? i want to speak to you seriously." she nodded. "yes of course." taking it off, he tossed it aside, taking her paws in his. "Sabrina, theres something ive been wanting to say, since i started working for you." he took a deep breath. "Sabrina Foxtail. i love you, with all my heart." a bit startled, she turned the water off. "wh, why didnt you say anything before?" he grinned. "wasn't in character, submissives dont say those sorts of things." she thought, letting her mind replay the events of the past few years. 'he's right.' she realized, remembering the extra attention, the kind words, the soft smiles. she reached up and touched his handsome face "oh Alex, i love you too!" his face lit up with hope. "really?" she threw her arms around his neck, kissing him. "really. i realize now i always have."

he picked her up, carrying her sodden body into the bedroom, laying her on the bed "youll ruin the sheets!" she squealed as the water spattered over them. he chuckled deeply, licking her neck "so, youve got 6 other bedrooms." she giggled, moaning as he nibbled the sensitive spot on her neck. he ran his paws over her breasts and her breathing grew faster. "ohh Alex." she panted. "youre so lovely Sabrina." he rumbled, caresssing her wet fur. he moved down, licking and kissing up her feet, legs and thghs, as she stroked his short ears and moaned."i love you so." she murred and bit back a gasp as he placed a tender kiss on her cunny lips. his tongue licked and swirled over her tummy and when he suckled softly on her nipples, she arched slightly, her breathing in short pants, her pussy dripping. "my love." he murmured, as he slowly prssed his shaft into her eager sex. she groaned. at just under 10 inches he wasnt quite as long as some of the other males at the studio, but still quite respectable and his 4 inch thickness stretched her sooo wonderfully. "hhuuhhhh." she panted and ran her paws over his shoulders and back as he began to move inside her slowly. they had made love many times before, but this time, it was better than ever. the room was full of moans and soft murmurs of love, as they moved as one. his hips pressed deep and soft yips came from her throat as his shaft carressed the walls of her passage. he kissed her deeply and she shivered, her body full of pleasure as she came. she gripped his fur with her fingers and gave a soft cry of love and devotion. he played her like an instrument and she loved every second as he brought her to several shivering peaks. she moaned and mewled as he pressed as deep as he could and his shaft delivered a thick long load of creamy bear -seed deeply into her womb.

as they lay in the afterglow, holding each other lovingly, Alex sighed. "darling, i realize that you never really knew the whole story behind my submissive fantasy." she raised up a bit on one elbow, her breasts moving in a very pleasant way to the bear's eye. "i'm listening, my love." laying back, one paw behind his head, the other softly stroking her left nipple, he began.

"i was born the youngest of three cubs, and the sickliest too. i was never really strong enough to assert myself, so i tended to let my siblings ride roughshod over me. even as i grew older, and with a lot of work, stronger, i still lacked self-esteem." he smiled tenderly and kissd her nose. "then i met you. you're so confident, so outgoing. i think i loved you from almost that moment. at first i was too shy to really show you how i felt, so i did the best i could to serve you as your slave." he smiled. "though as i grew in confidence, i was able to add things, like little surprises and kind words." she nodded, sighing as her nipple stiffened under his paw. "mmmhmmm, i remember, like those cups of tea, and bringing me those papers on your own." he agreed. "yes. at last i was strong enough, ready to reveal my true feelings." he kissed her, murring. "and here we are."

"will all staff please gather in the assembly hall." Candy's voice came over the PA. "any idea what it's all about?" Lynith, the lynx, asked Angel, as they filed into the hall. "nope, but i'm sure its cool." the skunk answered. Sabrina stood upon the stage, Alex next to her. "we have an important announcement to make. as most of you know, Alex has been a very faithful and helpful sub during his time here. i have come to the conclusion therefore, that he has earned his freedom." with a flourish, she formally removed his collar and dropped it to the floor. a cheer broke out, especially when Alex took the vixen in his arms and kissed her soundly. after an especially long kiss, Sabrina turned her head to the podium mic, grinned and added. "oh yes, and we're also in love." louder cheering and clapping filled the room as all celebrated the happy event.

that night, Angel was snuggled in the arms of Roger, her skunk boyfriend. "mmmm honey?" she asked, licking gently over his chest. "yes sweetie?" he murred, stroking her hair. "i spoke to Sabrina. she said you can come in tommorrow to audition." he smiled down at her. "thank you darling." he carressed her furry cheek "you know this won't change anything. i love you with all my heart." she giggled softly, and kissed his nose. "i know."

the next morning Roger came to work with Angel. "hello Rojer." Sabrina smiled, taking his paw. "Angela has told me all about you." "everything?" he asked and Sabrina laughed. "no, not EVERYTHING." Angel kissed his cheek "have fun honey. i'll see you later kay?" he watched her go, admiring her swinging ass. Sabrina giggled. "yes i know. cmon...what name would you prefer?" she asked and he blushed. "oh, umm Roger please." she nodded. "Roger, it shall be."

Angel opened the door to the room, smiling as she saw the three females laying in disorder on the desk, table and chair. Roger was panting hard as he sat back, his cock soaking with fem cum, the girls dripping semen from their cunts, asses and mouths. without a word he stood up and took her into his arms, and they kissed deeply and hungrily.

"welcome home" Alex rumbled as he hugged Sabrina close and kissed her. "mmm good to be home." she murred, running her paws over his chest. he chuckled and picked her up over his shoulder, making her squeal happily as he carried her into the master bedroom. "don't you ever ohh! get enough?" she panted as he stroked her thighs and nipples, laying her on the bed and undressing her skillfully. "never enough with you my beloved." he rumbled and she keened as he buried his face between her thighs....

"ohh unhhh oh Alex..." the vixen panted as his huge shaft slowly softened in her tight asshole. "i love you Sabrina." the bear moaned as he licked the back of her neck. "will you marry me?" her breath caught a moment in her chest then she sighed blissfully. "i thought you'd never ask me." one of her paws unclenched from the sheets and she fumbled a bit in the dresser drawer, bringing out a small box. "i accept my darling, so long as you promise me two things." he chuckled and pumped her ass a few times with his still half hard cock. "and what would nhh those things be?" she bit her lip and groaned loudly, the box falling open by her heaving breast. "that we ohh wear these rings." she grunted, the light glinting off the two golden rings in the box. "and the other?" he rumbled in her ear, as he resumed pumping her steadily, his shaft stiffening fast. "that , uhhh that oh gods youre so huhhh big." she whimpered. "that you ohhhh never stop f, fucking meeEEE!" she gasped out, rising rapidly towards an explosive orgasm.

the next morning, the vixen settled a bit gingerly behind her desk and sat back with a sigh as Angel came in with a huge smile on her face. "Sabrina, guess what?" the skunk giggled, bouncing excitedly. "youre engaged." Sabrina chuckled and Angel stopped in mid bounce. "how, how did you know?" the vixen held up her own paw, showing off the ring. "we both wear engagement rings." Angel burst into a huge grin and hugged her boss and friend tight. "oh Brina thats wonderful!"

Sabrina cut the ribbon with the scissors in her left paw. "i now declare the daycare center open." amidst soft clapping the doors were opened by Matilda, the newly hired nurse and operator, a striped bandicoot. her own infant daughter peeked out of her pouch and she smiled as the various parents brought in their children, such as Sasha the wolf and her twins, and Saja the squirrel with her five offspring.

it was a double wedding, Sabrina and Angel side by side as they mated their handsome males, both feeling so happy. at the reception, Saja and Meric held paws as they watched the happy couples dance, their own five offspring gurgling and wriggling in their strollers. Angel snuggled into Roger's arms as they danced, giggling to herself as she saw Sasha the wolf and her two fox husbands Rodd and Todd, tending their year old vixen twins, Sali and Anli. Angel felt her cunny twitch as she remembered what they were doing when she'd first seen them, the heavily pregnant wolf being doubled by her mates. Candy the mouse danced past with her date, Artie the lion, pinching Alex on the ass as they moved past, making him jump a bit. Sabrina giggled and shook her head with a wry smile. as the evening went on, several couples would sneak off to the rooms for a bit, coming back with their clothes a bit rumpled, and blissful smiles on their faces. Candy picked up the bouqet she had caught and walked past Artie, flicking him with her tail. the lion blushed deeply under his fur, nervously fiddling with the garter he'd caught, by accident, earlier as well. she winked over her shoulder and soon they too were hurrying of to one of the rooms.

"mmmm, cat and mouse." Candy giggled as Artie held her close, closing her eyes and moaning as he licked along her neck with his rough cats tongue. she ran her paws down his back, scritching through his soft fur and he laid her back on the bed, smiling down at her. "hi." she smiled up at him, her jet-black hair spread out over the pillow, her soft brown eyes sparkling. "ive been wanting you for a long time Candy." he purred and kissed her with savage passion. she locked her legs round his waist, gasping into the kiss as his hardness gently prodded, then slid deeply into her hungry wetness. he was soo long, the mouse panted harshly as she felt the long cat cock slide in and out of her, gradually speeding up. "Artie, unhh oh yes lion fuck this mousie, fuck HER GOODD!!" the mouse arched off the bed and screamed as she came, and hard. "EEEEIIEEE!" she squeaked and howled, her cunny milking at his cock as he came with her, his thick cream surging into her cunny. they lay together for a moment, then Artie started to move again. "ah, ahhGGG againnnUHhhHH?" Candy gasped with wide eyes as she felt his cock still hard. she closed her eyes and eeked softly as he sped up again. he was not moving quite as fast this time and soon she was gripping his shoulders with her paws, her face a grimace of pleasure as she felt him keep her on the edge of a hard cum. he ground into her for a few moments, and she toppled into the abyss, howling as she bucked under him. he gifted her with more cum and she moaned as she felt her womb begin to fill up. he stayed stretched out over her, both of them panting, then he pulled out of her. she whined at the empty feeling then churred with delighted surprise when he put her on all fours and entered her again from behind. the bed rocked and her paws dug into the sheets as she lowered her head and keened at an orgasm, then another. she couldnt seem to stop, every time she slowed down he would twist his hips, or lift her off the bed a moment and set her off again. "ArrrRRttIiiEEEE!!!" she squealed. "i, i hhUhhHH cant cant sttooOHPPpp cuh cuh CUH... CccUUmmUMMMiiiiNnnNGGGGG!!" she yowled and shreiked into the pillow as he pushed his deepest, yet more lion semen surging into her. she shuddered and bucked, and even when he slowed to a stop, she was still quivering and sobbing with joy. "hhnnnhh god huhh mmm nnn hhh oh god lion, never had huhh such a great fuck." she churred, half curled up in his arms, as he licked tenderly at her neck.

when the reception was done,and all the guests had left, Angel and Roger, and Sabrina and Alex, embraced and kissed hungrily in their extra large honeymoon suite. "mmm, love you mrs foxtail bruin." Alex murred and held Sabrina close as Angel stripped in front off Roger...

"Candy, will you bring in the sales reports please?" Sabrina asked over the intercom, smiling as she heard the answer. "yuhh yesssnnhhh rrrrr, right awa, awa awaAAYY!" she closed the connection and shook her head, then called again. "on second thought, have Saja bring them in." the answer was as expected. "thanhhhhthank you, huh huh ohh gooODDSSSS!!" accompanied by sharp squeaks and a long squealing scream. shortly, Saja the squirrel brought in the folder. "Artie again?" the vixen said and her executive assissant chuckled. "of course. they can't get enough of each other." Saja leant a bit over the desk. "i wouldn't be suprised if there wasn't another wedding here before too long." the vixen smiled. "nor would i."

the end

authors note-ah the joys of love. ive been working towards the marriage of alex and sabrina ever since furry inc 1 and i welcomed the chance to show why he liked being a submissive. i know i'm a hopeless romantic, but you cant argue with the results.