What are friends for?

Story by Fated Snowfox on SoFurry

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"You have no new matches." Story of my life, I thought as I brushed the touch-sensitive bezels of my twin monitors; the harsh glare casting my muzzle into shadow giving way to the softer, muted pool of light from my desk lamp. Reaching down to turn the base unit off, I wondered how long my life would be like this; hoping every e-mail would be the one to propel me out of this rut, this dry spell that made the Gobi look moist. I leaned back in the ergonomically-designed, sleek black chair; listening to the gas struts compensate and I contemplated.

Yeah. I'm a geek, I know that; A typical snowcrash reading, no-I-will-not-fix-your-PC teeshirt wearing geek. Oh, I didn't just do computers. I could turn my mitts to anything that was technical, I had an affinity that way. Shame it didn't extend to people though. My vulpine nature betrayed me at every turn; skittish and nervous, I could barely talk to anybody. I just did my work and did my best to blend in. I did it so well in fact, I was pretty certain nobody knew I existed. My one true friend, my accomplice in thick and thin suggested I try this anonymous dating site, as he put it "Maybe getting your end away might loosen you up a bit." Crass, true, but I think he might have had a point. I think 23 years of fucking my own paw every night was giving me a bitter outlook on life (and calluses.) I knocked up an advert that night. It wasn't any big shakes, just the bare bones about me; the average fox in every average way. I don't know thing one about selling myself, people tell me I can turn a phrase but when it comes to me, I'm, well, average. Six months had passed and my mediocrity hadn't impressed anybody. I'd take the ad down tomorrow.

I almost jumped six feet vertically when I heard the soft rapping at the door; who would be knocking at this hour? I glanced at the satellite clock mounted to my workstation. It blinked 0100, too late for errant pizza delivery or anything of that sort. Ears pricked, I rose and padded softly to the door, thankful for the thick carpet beneath my feet, I didn't want my claws betraying my approach - I kept myself to myself, let them think I wasn't in. I hit the button by the door and a small LCD panel lit up - the 21st century equivalent of those old spyholes. I had a pinhole camera over the door, giving me a fish-eye view of the entire corridor. It was empty. I chided myself "You're hearing things, pup." I growled at myself, turning back to my study to finish up for the night. Then I saw the envelope; cream cardstock contrasting against the charcoal grey woollen rug. I could see, even in the gloom of the hallway it was expensive paper. I stooped, picked it up. Blank. No writing, no marks, no nothing. Instinctively, I brought it up to my muzzle, sniffing it curiously; the ghost of a scent, a whisper of something unfamiliar but welcoming titillated the back of my muzzle. Sliding a claw under the flap, I slit the top of the envelope with a deft flick of my wrist. A piece of thick paper slid out into my grasp, weighted somehow. I turned the page and started to read.

"30 year old, bisexual fox. New to all this and not sure where to start; likes..." It was an excerpt from my dating site advert! How on earth had somebody traced that back to me? It was so generic, so faceless. So... Boring. Yeah. Boring. I scanned down the page, the rest of the ad reproduced in high quality laser print. The end of the page... A key? There was a key taped to the paper. "#2203 - Let yourself in." Apartment 2203 was directly above mine, occupied, I thought by a petite, lithe feline of some kind. I'd bumped into her in the lobby once or twice while she was collecting her mail. She'd smiled at me, I think. I was too busy scurrying off to notice, not wanting to risk being placed in a situation where I might have to make the most dreaded of all things, small talk.

Carefully I peeled the key away from the paper, turning it over in my hand. It was fresh, bright, newly cut; the edges sharp against my pawpads. I stood, not knowing what to do. I honestly thought about picking up the phone and calling my friend. I could hear his voice in my head, chiding me. "Unh, wha? Oh, for fuck's sake Alex; only you could get an offer like that and /not/ know what to do! Man up, go up and avail yourself of what sounds like some mighty fine pussy!" I knew he'd laugh at his own joke. Fuck it. I didn't need to phone him. He was right. I should just do it. I picked up my keys and snapped the new one to the ring. Putting my paw on the latch, I reached down and patted my pocket, feeling the outline of my wallet; unable to resist a little smirk "Just in case, pup. Just in case."

I slipped quietly out into the hallway, the heavy fire door closing softly behind me. The hall lights were soft, muted, in night mode. I took the stairs to the floor above, my heart thundering, not knowing what to expect. I stood outside the door, hackles raised & ears perked for what seemed like hours, listening and waiting. I swallowed, took a deep breath & slowly unlatched the door. The key fit like a dream, the latch sliding back with the softest of snicks. I stepped inside and the door whispered closed.

The hallway was dark, save for a small lamp; in the feeble glow of a night light I could just make out another folded piece of cardstock. "Follow your nose, puppy." My nose? I breathed deep, that scent again, the same as on the paper only stronger this time and something... Something more familiar but I couldn't pin it down. A slight air current carried the scent down the hallway from a room at the end. I'd come this far, I complied.

Again, I waited. Paused outside the door with adrenaline coursing through my veins, I could flee. Pretend I was never there, but that scent. I had to know. I pushed the door slowly open, my eyes adjusting to candlelight. "What took you so long, pal?" A voice asked. I didn't answer, my mouth opened but there were no words. The scene before me was breath-taking: A large, silverblack wolf, dominated the bed, familiar steel blue eyes watching me mirthfully as my eyes travelled down his naked, muscular torso to the cat straddling his hips, her petite, lithe frame arched toward him, thrusting her perky breasts forward, her sex stretched against the fully engorged wolfhood. She purred coyly at me, a sound of supreme satisfaction.

"Close the door, there's a good chap!" The wolf spoke again. "It's draughty in here and, well, we don't want to catch a cold, do we?" I was still dumbfounded. My best friend! What on earth was he doing here? "Still not quite clicked, eh, Alex?" He chuckled. "Well, come over here and I'll fill you in, so to speak." I shuffled forward, not knowing where to look. I settled for my feet, too shy to meet my friend's gaze.

"You might say, Alex, that this is an intervention. You need a little tinkering in the old love life department, mate. I've known you for years and you've been the eternal bachelor. You've never even made a pass at me, and I'm your best friend. I've seen you looking though... But you're right, before you speak, we know each other too damned well. This gorgeous specimen here, however, has been trying to get your attention for weeks and you're too bloody dumb to notice." The kitten giggled and mewed bashfully, batting a paw in the direction of the lupine nose. "Now. You're letting the side down, you're far too overdressed. Strip. Now."

"I've never..." I found myself saying.

He looked at me almost fondly, a wry smile contorting his muzzle "I know, Alex. We've talked about it enough though, haven't we? Put some faith in me and get undressed." He looked back at the kitten and winked "I told you he was cute, didn't I Sarah?" She purred, nodding keenly, her long, blonde hair spilling around her shoulders as she moved. "Alex. You're still dressed. Maybe you need a paw." A strong, muscled arm shot out & snatched, rending my teeshirt into shreds "There. I think you can manage the rest. "

I gulped, unhooked my jeans and slowly pushed them down, my tail tucked down between my legs, embarrassed at how vulnerable I was feeling... And how aroused I was; I can't remember the last time I was that hard. I felt eyes on me and a soft, approving whistle. "Fuck me, Alex. You were holding out on me! Now, why don't you take that vacant spot down there?" I looked. The kitty had moved, Sarah was laying on her back against the wolf's broad, muscular chest, her legs splayed against his sides. The wolf looked at me again then down to the jutting member; glistening with the sex I had missed. He was right. I had looked, and I had wondered. Shyly, I straddled him, resting the cleft of my behind against his arousal, feeling it's heat against my fur. The wolf growled, softly, playfully. "Sarah here is a friend of my sister's. We've known each other for years, and we've spoken about you so much. I think you two are going to get on quite well... But I want my chance first." He leaned down and kissed the cat softly "You ready to give him his surprise, missy?" She smiled at me "I'm ready, puppydog, are you?" I nodded my assent. She languidly stretched, pushed her hindpaws against my chest, rocking me back against the throbbing wolfhood.

The pain was intense. I had toys, sure, but nothing as big as my new lupine lover. I gasped, arching involuntarily, my claws gripping hard against the bedsheets, feeling them give under the sharp tips. The wolf growled louder, thrusting up as I was pushed back; my virginity taken in a powerful, fluid buck of lupine hips "Don't fight it, Alex. You know you've wanted to at least try this." I nodded, I had. "Just let us do the work, and oh.. Enjoy the show." Sarah giggled, a shy, erotic sound as she reached for a lupine paw, guiding it over her soaked sex, bucking her hips against the touch eagerly, working herself against the thick, furred digits. In a matter of strokes their rhythms had synchronised, rocking me back against my friend's engorged shaft as his hips came up to meet me, his knot kissing the tight ring of my pucker. I reached down, my own arousal throbbing uncomfortably; I was leaking unashamedly all over my friend, needing release. I stroked myself teasingly, not wanting the moment to end. A warning glance from the kitty stayed my hand "Not yet, puppydog... That's my treat, but I do have something for you." She purrrred, a deep, primal note, encouraging the wolf to paw her faster, harder; the guttural noises building into an almost ear-splitting yowl, slapping his paw out of the way she arched, screaming my name as she sprayed; a combination of sweet nectar and the slightlier more masculine note of my friend's spent seed spattering up my front, over my muzzle; her body pulled taut like a bowstring as her orgasm crashed through her, the force pushing me back hard against the firm bulb of my friend, my lover's knot. I yelped, my vision dimming as I felt him drive back up against me, tying me hard. My head was reeling. I was dimly aware of the warmth flooding my behind, but more than that, the feeling of someone slipping their arms around my neck, legs around my waist. A small rough tongue brushed over my muzzle & I opened to receive it, Sarah kissing me longingly, her hips grinding over my throbbing shaft. I could take no more; I held her tight as her moist lips coaxed my orgasm, my sac pulling up hard as I came, rivulets of thin canid seed spraying up between us, matting my fur even further, marking the three of us with the heady scent.

I think I passed out. The rest is a blur. I came to as dawn was breaking, Sarah and I were alone, spooned as tight as newlyweds. On the nightstand I could see the silhouette of a card. I nodded gently and Sarah stirred. I kissed her neck lightly, breathing her scent. A sleepy paw reached down to my sheath & grasped it. With a gentle bite, I woke her.

The note could wait.

For now.