The Hunter's Thesis

Story by Black_Fang on SoFurry

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Crickets chirped noisily as the damp air of the forest clung to everything, as small bank of mist gently swirled as an invisible form treaded lightly through it. Only footprints could be seen spontaneously appearing in the misty and damp soil, these footprints belonged to none other than Vonn Marlovik, a wandering arcanist and graduate from Grand Hall University. He was far away from his university, this being his first mission since graduation from his formal training. A small village weeks away from the village had experienced a great number of disappearances, it was Vonn's mission to find out what was behind the abductions and to stop it at all possible.

His form blended completely with the surrounding area, invisibility was a mainstay for reconnaissance and scouting, that was common knowledge to all graduates in the field. He walked slowly through thickets and bushes, wondering all the while what sort of savage creatures would call such rough terrain home. He managed to stumble awkwardly out of the overgrowth into a large clearing. In front of him flowed a large waterfall collecting into a pool that divided and trickled away into several little streams. Right beside the falls was a decent sized cave; a fire glowed gently beside it with a spit and some mystery meat hanging over the simmering coals. Nothing stirred around the area, Vonn presumed that the area was currently unoccupied assuming that whatever was here had stepped out for a while judging by how far the fire had gone out. Vonn walked forward and then stopped abruptly, the hair on his neck bristled as his deep blue eyes met a pair of feral eyes glaring at him from within the cave. Vonn yelped in fear, whoever those eyes belonged to, they knew he was there...Vonn just knew it. He didn't waste any time in introductions before uncloaking and unleashing a ball of light that appeared as a fist sized spark before it whistled to it's target and detonated in a resounding boom. Vonn smiled as his ears caught up with the sound of a high pitched yelp, he walked forward slowly as the smoke cleared. Nothing remained save a crater and singed and smoking weeds. Vonn smiled in satisfaction thinking that his work was over.

"Flashy, little human, very flashy" came a voice directly behind Vonn

His blood froze as he turned slowly, enough just to catch what had complimented his display of violence. Behind him stood a well muscled wolf...but it wasn't quite a wolf. He stood tall on two legs, his body shaped in almost a humanoid shape. It hit Vonn after a moment as to what the creature was; a lycanthrope. He had studied them at the university, they were intelligent creatures capable of communication, carnivorous by nature but most preferred hunting rather than the eating of humans or livestock. The wold smiled, revealing his long muzzle of razor shark bone white teeth. He stood calmly, his thick corded arms crossed together.

"You singed my fur human, you're the first to get that close...I have to say that I'm rather impressed." He said still standing calmly

"H-h-how did you see me, your eyes...I my spell was perfect, there wasn't any way you could have-"

"I didn't see you" the wolf interjected, "why would I need to see you, your scent is so strong I could have found you while blinded and upwind" The wolf took a moment for his words to sink in before he continued. "So I would imagine you're here to slay the terrible monster that's been kidnapping villagers eh?"

Vonn nodded at the wolf's words "that I am and I refuse to stand by and let a savage creature threaten innocent lives"

The wolf only rolled his glowing yellow eyes "Typical, how very typical. I take it you're referring to myself as this monster hmm little human? As I were to recall you attacked my without provocation and now you have the gall to call me a murderer of humans?" the wolfs words slowly built in agitation, soon he spoke in the guttural growl of an angry dog "so presumptuous, but please allow me to enlighten you...I have nothing to do with slaying of humans, I hate the taste of their meat more than the ignorant swill that spews from their, I'm not the one you're after, your targets are some giants, which by now are probably drowning in a pool of their own blood."

Vonn cocked his head in confusion "what do you mean?" he asked

The wolf replied with a smile "you're a magician, I can tell from the blast you tried to hit my with, you ought to know that lycans travel in packs and right now mine is disposing of what's left of the giants.

Vonn stood there for a moment, completely dumbfounded. He realized the gravity of his mistake, being so close; no spell could protect him from being shred into ribbons.

"Well..." he began, in a wavering conversational tone "I guess you took care of what I needed to do here and I ought to head back and report my findings" Vonn turned and began to cautiously walk away before a large clawed paw rested itself on one of his shoulders, another fell on his other as the wolf's sheer strength easily picked Vonn up and turned him to face the wolf

"I don't think you'll be leaving so soon" the wolf said as he smiled mischievously. "It was very rude of you to singe my fur like you did, and I think you owe me a favor to make up for it"

At that point Vonn looked lower down on the wolf, he was darker grey on his back with a lighter and fluffier grey on his stomach, he looked lower, noticing the wolf's large sheathe and balls. He held his gaze only momentarily before quickly snapping his head upwards to meet the wolf's gaze. The wolf held onto both shoulders and turned Vonn so his back was facing him, he began to lead the terrified arcanist back to the cave. They stopped inside as the wolf dropped his muzzle onto Vonn's shoulder and gently whispered "the clothes, take them off" into his ear.

Vonn silently obeyed, taking off his boots followed by the socks and then the belt. His cloak came next, falling quietly to the ground with a muffled swoosh, he ducked his head into his shirt which slid gently off his back ruffling his already messy tan hair. The pants came last, they dropped quickly and before they could even be kicked out from around his legs Vonn felt the warmth of fur rubbing against his back. He jumped as he felt the wolf's cock emerging slowly from it's sheath, it grew bigger and harder as it pressed firmly against his backside.

"come now" the wolf cooed "after all that grief you caused me the least you can do is hold still and enjoy this" He clutched Vonn closer and licked the back of his ear a he began thrusting his throbbing cock into Vonn's ass. Vonn grunted as his body was rocked back and forth in tune with the wolf's frantic humping. The wolf was lost in a wave of lust, his pelvis worked furiously, pumping in and out of the mages ass, precum dripped slowly out of Vonn's ass as the wolf worked his way of to climax. The humping got harder and faster as the wolf began to growl as his body was wracked with waves of pleasure. The thrusts slowed but persisted in their hardness, his final thrust brought the wolf over the edge as he screamed in pleasure, hot cum gushed out coating them both as the two collapsed in a heap onto a pile of furs layed out as bedding. Vonn panted slowly alongside the wolf, he had never felt this immense sense of pleasure before, he looked down to see he too was worked up, he had hit climax around the same time the wolf did.

"There...I guess I helped you out enough, I'll lay a while longer but after than I'm free to go right?"

The wolf only smiled, his cock was growing and was already large enough to be stuck for the tie, the feeling was more pleasurable than any Vonn could have ever felt, but he knew there was no escape at that point and time

"you're not going anywhere for quite some time little human, we have a rule in my little group, you owe one member of the owe every member of the pack" he finished his sentence as howls began playing off in the distance, the wolf smiled "and here they come now"

To be continued