Pj and Pete chapter 10

Story by BAYOKKO on SoFurry

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#10 of Pj and Pete

Early November...

Mr. Wey hummed his favorite song as he exited the back of his house a ice cold glass of ice tea in one hand and a plate of pastrami sandwiches in the other. The Hippo was in a good mood for once. His latest copy of gardener's fancy had come in the mail and his pride and joy, his garden was looking more beautiful then ever. All he had to do now was sit on his patio and wile the rest of his day away in luxury.

The middle aged man was about to do just that slowly easing into the comfort of his favorite lawn chair when suddenly the shrill sound of a drill echoed through the area and broke the pleasurable atmosphere of his garden. Mr. Wey was so surprised by the sudden noise that he lost his balance and fell head over heals over the back of his chair and landed on the stone floor of his porch with a considerable thud.

"What the hell!" The large man cursed as he slowly got to his feet. The sound rang out once more making his ears ring and his glass of ice tea crack. Instantly he knew what was going on. "D'CAHT!!!!"

On the other side of the fence Pj and Moose cringed at the sound of the upset man. Moose dropping the cordless drill he had been using and Pj slapping himself on the forehead. "Who the fuck was that?" The gorilla asked.

Pj sighed. "Mr. Wey." he explained looking over to the fence that separated his home the hippos. "I wonder what it is this time."

As if on cue Mr. Wey poked his head over the fence and gave them a angry look. "What the heck are you doing over here boy!?" he demanded. "Can't you see I'm trying to get some... PEACE AND RELAXATION!"

Again Pj and Moose cringed. The hippo certainly knew how to yell. Mustering up his courage Pj answered the older mans question. "Sorry Mr. Wey we're just putting up these security cameras for my dad. We didn't mean to disturb you."

"Cameras?!" Mr. Wey asked. He looked over his neighbor's house notice several small cameras attached to the walls. "Why the hell does he need those for?"

"We really don't know sir." Pj shrugged. "We're just doing what he told us to do."

Mr. Wey growled in annoyance. "Just hurry up and finish so that I can get back to my relaxing." he huffed. He turned to leave but spun back around. "Hey who's the other boy there?" he asked suspiciously.

"I'm Moose, Moose Clancy sir." The taller boy answered.

"Oh yeah the boy Pj's was tutoring right?"

Moose looked over to the younger boy confused. At seeing Pj pantomiming he got the message and grinned at Mr. Wey. "Um, Yeah that's right." He began "Pj's a real smart kid taught me all about biology and the...reproductive system." the ape looked past Mr. Wey finding amusement in the dirty look Pj was giving him.

Mr. Wey was about to ask why the ape was there now helping install these cameras when Pete appeared at of his back door. "Hey monkey boy yer dammed phone is ringing!" The gruff man growled as he stepped out. He tossed the small electronic device to the gorilla. "Woke me the hell up from my beauty-a-cation sleep."

Moose grabbed the phone mid air and looked down at the display. He sighed when he saw his father's number on it. "Sorry about that Mr. D. I'll...I'll be right back." He walked away hitting the ok button and grimly muttering "Hi dad" as he answered.

Pj watched the other boy leave wondering why he was suddenly upset. His attention shifted though when he heard his dad begin to fight with Mr. Wey. "Wey!? What the hell are you doin' lookin' over m' fence?" he asked glaring at the other man.

Mr. way scowled back. "It's my fence too D'caht I have the right to look over it if I want to!

"Oh is that so!" Pete flipped the hippo the bird. "Like what yer seeing now?"

"Why you ignorant son of a bitch! I should jump over this fence right now and beat the living hell out of you!"

"I'd like to see you try two tons!" Pete stuck his tongue out at Mr. Wey. "Bet you'll cause an earthquake when yer fat ass falls off the thing!"

"That's it, that's it! I'm going to make you sorry you ever moved in here you bloated chain smoking idiot!" The large man yelled rattling the fence.

Pj rolled his eyes and turned away from the spectacle of two adult men fighting like a pair of eight year olds going over to where Moose had retreated to. As he approached the ape he heard him saying good by to whoever it was on the line and click his phone shut staring at it sadly. "Who was that on the phone?" Pj asked softly.

Moose snapped out of his funk and looked over to Pj. "Oh... that, that was just my dad."

"Your dad?"

"Yeah he called to tell me that he can't make it to my game next Friday." Moose picked the drill he had dropped. "Should have expected he hasn't gone to one of them in a long time. Hey give me some screws will ya?"

Pj took some of the screw out of their package and handed them to the other boy. "He doesn't come to your games?" he asked

"No." Moose said getting back to work. "He used to when I was a freshmen and a sophomore but he stopped after that." he climbed up the ladder and began drilling in a screw.

"Sorry to hear that Moose." Pj said taking hold of the ladder and steadying it. "Must suck not having him at your games."

The gorilla just shrugged as he began to drill in another screw. "Don't bother me one bit."

Despite what the older boy had just said Pj could feel that he was upset. "You know... maybe I could come to your game." he suggested. He knew it was no way near the same but he had to try something.

"Your kidding right?" Moose asked.

"N, Nope It sounds like fun. "Pj said smiling. "In fact I promise to be there."

Moose stared at the shorter man for a few seconds. Little guy was full of surprises. But he knew Pj being the big nerd he was hated sports. "You do know that this game is an away game."

"It is?"

Moose nodded. "Yup all the way in St. Canard."

Pj pursed his lips. That was a long way away. He would have to get his father to drive him. Looking over to his dad the younger man groaned as he watched him begin spraying a very, very angry Mr. Wey in the face with their garden hose. "Moose can you excuse me for a moment?" Pj said. "I have to go and make sure my dad doesn't get himself arrested again."

"Again?" Moose quirked as Pj quickly made his way over to his dad turning off the water as he passed the spicket.

"What the?" Pete looked down to his now useless hose then over to his son. "Why the hell did you go and do that!"

"Because dad remember, we can't afford another lawsuit." Pj told him.

His father just huffed at this explanation and went back to harassing Mr. Wey. The hippo was cursing up a storm as he wrung the water out of his soaking wet shirt. "Hope you like the shower I gave you Wey." Pete mocked. "Trust me you needed one.

"I'll...I'll... I'll get even with you bastard believe me!" Mr. Wey threatened as he walked away. "Just you wait!" he screamed just before slamming his door shut.

"And that son is how you deal with a pain in the ass Neighbor." Pete said proudly as he dusted off his hands.

"Sure it is sir." Pj shook his head embarrassed that he was the son of the man in front of him. He was going to have to make peace with Mr. Wey later that was for sure. But first Moose. "Um... dad can I ask you something.

Pete looked down to the younger man. "What do ya want brat?"

"Could...could you give me a ride somewhere next Friday?" he asked hesitantly.

Pete raised an eyebrow. "A ride? Ta where?

"Ah... Saint Canard."

"SAINT CANARD!" Pete laughed. "For cripes sake boy, I ain't doin' that!"

"I know it's far away sir but-"

Pete slapped Pj on the back of the head gently to shut him up. "Why the fuck do you want ta go there fer anyway?"

"Well... Moose has a game there I sort of wanted to go see him play." Pj responded

"I thought you hated sports boy." Pete snapped. Then something came to mind. He had noticed the pair of boys being more friendly then usual. "Oh I get it trying to suck up to the monkey." A grin crossed the older mans face. "You tryin' ta make'um yer queer little boyfriend or something'?"

"What... no!?" Pj's a blush forming on his cheeks. Him and Moose? "Almost Friends" yes but Boyfriends... no. "I just wanted to support him is all since his dad can't make it."

"Well ain't that just sooooo sweet." Pete said sarcastically. "But that don't matter one bit cause I'm goin' ta be busy." he began walking towards the houses back door. "Going to be hosting a poker game with my buddies that night since our little pet can't make it over."

"A poke game?" Pj asked in disappointment. He hated when his dad had threw those. It usually meant that he was confined to his bedroom for the entire night.

"Yup a poker game." Pete opened the back door. "Hey, after you two finish up with them security cameras I want you to come upstairs you come upstairs and give daddy a little afternoon delight."

"Ok dad we'll be right up after we finish." Pj said sadly as he watched his father close the door. "Should have known better."

"Yeah you should have Pj." Moose who had finished with the last camera walked over to the other boy and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Mr. D's not one to do anything if it's too much trouble."

"True but I at least thought he'd entrain the idea." Pj sighed. "Sorry I couldn't get him to take me."

"Ah... it's alright like I said I don't mind." Moose shrugged. "Besides it's not like a lot of people from our school are going to be there. What with St. Canard being so far away. Just going to be the players and coaches mostly."

Pj eyes lit up. "Hey maybe I could get a ride with you? " He suggested. "I'd pay my way."

Moose rolled the eyes. The shorter boy just wasn't giving up. "Sorry fatty Coach Macalla says only players on the bus. You have to be on the team to ride and I don't think you have the body for football." The ape patted Pj on the stomach it jiggling slightly from the force.

"Guess your right about that." Pj chuckled weakly. "...Um, what about water boys? Maybe I could do that?"

"Already got three of those." Moose told him. "In fact the only job that is open is the mascot. Last one sort of went nuts from heat stroke."

"Mascot?" Pj cringed. The Spoonerville Strikes mascot was Gnarly the weasel, a hideous creation with psychedelic fur, a clownish outfit, and googly mismatched eyes. To wear that thing was to be ostracized by the whole school. But he had promised moose that he would go to his game. So with great trepidation the younger man said. "Alright then I'll become the mascot."

"Peeje you don't really mean that." The gorilla told him.

"Yes I do." Pj reaffirmed him. The younger boy sealed his words by closing his eyes and folding his arms. "I don't care how many people laugh at me I promised you I would go so I am!"

Moose shook his head chuckling at the serious declaration. "I swear D'caht your makin' it hard not to like you." He placed an arm around Pj. "Ok If you insist on this stupid idea then tomorrow why don't you come into the locker room after practice and talk to Mr. Macalla."

Pj pried open one eye and peeked over to the taller boy. "Alright then I will"

"Good luck." Moose bent down and whispered into Pj's ear. "and if you do get the job then maybe we could convince him to give us the same hotel room. I have a tradition of getting myself laid on the night before a big game."

"Me and you? In a hotel room!?"

"Yup me and you." Moose said smugly. "That is if we survive today that is." He pointed up to the second story window where both boys observed Pete as he polished a rather large dildo then checked it as if he were checking the sights on a gun. "I think Mr. D Has some sick plans for us."

The next day, Monday...

Pj had to cover his nose as he entered the boy's locker room. It was just after the teams practice so there was plenty of stink concentrated in that one little room. There was also a concentration of sweaty well toned bodies all of which made Pj start to sweat worst then the men around him. He knew there was certain etiquette to being in a locker room but he couldn't help it as his eyes wondered around the room. All the players were in various states of undress. Some still in their uniforms others buck naked and strutting around the room roughhousing and talking to their friends.

Pj let out a small gasp when his eyes fell upon Tony tarn. The young bull was only in a tight fitting jockstrap and was casually talking to Billy and Moose as he rummaged through his locker. Pj though about how much the younger man looked like his father as he eyed the boys backside and began to wonder if he was similar to his father in...other areas.

Pj was snapped out of his lustful daze when Tony turning around noticed the interloper in their private domain. "Hey Pee-gay! What the hell are you doing here?" He shouted across the room. "Thought sissies like you weren't allowed in here."

"Knock it off Horn head." Moose snapped slapping his lackey on the back of the head. "He's here cause he's going to be our new mascot. Aren't you fatty?"

"Yeah I am." Pj said shyly.

"Him the mascot now that's funny." Tony said with a laugh.

Billy who was sitting on a bench close by completely naked added. "Yeah funny." the whole room soon joined in all of them laughing at the thought of Pj wearing the silly costume.

"Knock it off will you you're making him nervous." Moose shouted above the clamor. "PJ go on Mr. Macalla is in his office over there."

"Th...Thanks Moose." Pj said quickly as he walked through the locker room keeping his eyes down as to not see the naked football players around him.

Tony gave a dismissive snort as he watched Pj walk past him. "Why are you suddenly being so nice to that fat nerd?" He asked Moose. "I thought you hated him."

"I never hated him he was just fun to pick on is all." Moose told him. "And you know why I'm "playing" nice."

"Ah the things a man will do for a good ride." The bull laughed.

"Yeah good ride." Billy added. The pair was referring to the lie Moose and Pj were spreading around school every time someone asked about their sudden friendship. That the ape was just repaying Pj's dad for a deal he gave him on his new car. It worked but there was still some position here and there.

Meanwhile across the room Pj hesitantly knocked on the wooden door to Mr. Macalla's office. The nervous young man didn't know what to expect from this meeting. He had never spoken to Mr. Macalla before in fact he had never even seen him. The man didn't teach normal gym instead leaving the job to his assistant Mr. Wren a nervous looking Orangutan. From what Pj had heard from Moose and some of the players in the halls Mr. Macalla was a strict coach and had a nasty temper once you got him mad.

He dreaded having to be interviewed by such a scary sounding man. His fear however turned to confusion when after he had knocked the door opened and he was met by the sight of a man a foot shorter then him with grey fur, small rounded ears, and a big bulbous nose.

"Hello may I help you?" The man asked with a slight Australian accent.

"Mr. Macalla?" Pj asked not believing his eyes. Mr. Macalla was a koala? How could this cuddly looking bear be the terror of the locker room the players spoke about.

"Yup that's me." the Koala said opening the door fully. "Now I'll say again what can I help ya with?"

"Oh...Oh yeah!" Pj said snapping out of his suprise. "I'm here to see about becoming.... The new mascot."

"You are?" He asked in disbelief. When Pj nodded a yes he sighed. "Ok then let's get this over with. Come on in Mr.-" The Koala stepped to the side ushering the boy into his small office.

"It's Pj D'caht and thank you sir." Pj said demurely as he went into the small room. When he was inside Pj had to stop himself from yelping in shock. On the far wall was a large window which looked out into the boy's showers. Giving anyone inside the small space a unobstructed view of the football players as they soaped themselves up and cleaned their bodies.

"Quite a surprise ain't it." Mr. Macalla chuckled. "Nearly gave this one soccer mom a heart attack when she came fer a parent-teacher meeting."

"Um...Bet that was really funny." Pj said absentmindedly.

Mr. Macalla released a stressed breath. This was going to be annoying. "Now if you're done gawking son how about we start this interview." The sorter man sat down at his desk then pointed over to a chair across form him. "Take a load off Mr. D'caht."

Pj dragged his eyes away from the soapy men and sat down in the chair. "Ok where do I start?" he asked.

"How about you tell me why I should make you the new mascot Pj." Mr. Macalla said flipping through some paper work.

"Well... I think I'd be really good at it." Pj began lamely.

"Really now?" Mr. Macalla asked raising his eyebrow. "Hope that's true cause the last boy I gave the job to was a real bludger."

That was a new word. "Bludger?" the younger man asked

"You know lazy, out of shape, all that stuff." The bear explained. "You are in shape right? Cause the fella who wears the suite has to jump around and dance all during the game."

"Yeah Sir I'm in prefect shape." Pj lied. The other man didn't need to know that he spent his free time sitting on his but and reading comics.

"Strange cause and pardon my rudeness you seen a little..." Mr. Macalla chuckled implying the rest of what he was going to say.

"Sir I promise you that I'll dance, hop, even summersault if you make me the new Gnarly the weasel." Pj pleaded. "It's... sort of been... a dream of mine since-

The Koala couldn't keep his composure after hearing that he broke out into laughter. "-Ok son that's enough of that." he said through his amusement. "Though I have to admit it this was the best act yet."

"Excuse me sir?" Pj asked. What was the other man talking about?

"D'caht I know the real reason you're here."

"You do?"

Mr. Macalla nodded. "Yup I do. You're here cause you want to be around all these fine athletes. And you're thinking that if you pal around with them you'll convince one of them to throw you the ol' bone."

"Mr. Macalla that's not it." Pj said his face blushing again. "I was just trying to-"

The Koala raised his hand to stop the younger man. "No need to try and deny it. I saw the way you looked at them boys over there." He pointed to the glass window. "And trust me you aren't the first gay kid to come in here asking to be the water boy, mascot, or in one special case jockstrap inspector."

Pj frowned he had been found out so quickly by the koala. But he couldn't give up now. He wanted to go with Moose to his game. "Sir please let me become the mascot. I promise this isn't about me eyeing the players honest."

"Then tell me what it is all about kid."

"It's about my friend that's on your team." Pj admitted. "His dad can't make it to the game Friday and I want to be there and cheer for him."

Mr. Macalla sighed. "If that's really true then that's real sweet son but I'm afraid that isn't enough. Now please leave so I can do this dammed paper work and find some way to blow off some of this stress I have from practice."

Pj had to think fast there had to be some way to get this man to agree to let him become the mascot. But he had nothing to offer. That was except for... "Mr. Macalla how about we make a deal?" Pj began. He was going to be ashamed at himself tomorrow for doing this but he had promised Moose.

Mr. Macalla looked up at Pj anger starting to sink into his feathers. "Look kid I said no besides what could you possibly say or do that would make me agree to any sort of deal."

(I still don't completely know why I was trying so hard to do something I really didn't want to do. Maybe it was because Moose for better or for worst was the closest thing I had for a friend since Max left. Maybe it was because we had sex I don't know. All I cared about right then was getting the mascot job and cheering him on at his game. And really thinking about it I've had sex with so many men the last month or so what difference would this make.)

Answering Mr. Macalla Pj looked away and shyly muttered. "I...I could help you blow off that stress of yours. If you know what I'm say...what I'm saying."

Mr. Macalla blinked a few times then opened his mouth. Did this little ankle biter just say what he thought he had said. "Well that's a new one." he said with a low whistle. "But no. I'm into the sheilas, not men."

"Sir we don't have to do anything too extreme." Pj pleaded. "I could just give you head you know."

The older man stopped for a second thinking about reviving a blowjob. It was appealing his girlfriend had refused to give him head ever since they moved in together a few months back. Maybe he should take the offer. The boy obviously wanted this mascot job badly why not take advantage of that.

"What the hell am I thinking." Mr. Macalla said shaking the idea off. "Mr. D'caht... get out! Don't make me call security on you." He threatened. The short man stood up and walked around his desk grabbing Pj by the wrist trying to show him out

But when the bear wasn't looking Pj did something desperate. He reached out with he free hand and cupped to other mans crouch squeezing it. "I won't tell anyone." Pj promised him. "This will be between just you and me."

"Kid..." The koala bear started weekly. The hand on his manhood sure felt real nice. But how could he do this the kid was just trying to butter him up. It was wrong... but... "Ok boy you win." Mr. Macalla said in a hushed tone. "I've got to be out of my mind."

Pj breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll make you glad you agreed to this sir." He smiled at the coach. "When did you want to do it?"

"Right now boy before I come to my senses."

"But...but...but what about them" Pj said pointing to the showering football players. "They'll see us?"

Mr. Macalla gave Pj a sly grin. "Having second thoughts kid?"

Pj shook his head furiously. "No sir it's just that I really don't want an audience.

"Neither do I." Mr. Macalla went over to the large window tapping on it gently. The boys on the other side seemingly looked at them for a moment then went back to what they had been doing. "This here is one way glass I can see in by they can't see out. Now unless you want to call it quits come over here and do what you promised."

Pj looked down to his lap taking a deep breath then slipped out of his chair and got onto his knees. "If you say so sir." he replied shuffling over to the Koala. When he was finally in front of the short man Pj raised his hand and hooked his thumbs in the coaches brown khakis. Licking his lips in both nervousness and anticipation he slowly pulled them down depriving the coach of modesty and revealing the koala's bright red jockstrap. "Wow." Pj said an unexpected giggle issuing from his lips.

"Don't you laugh kid." Mr. Macalla said equally amused by he chubby boy's laughter. "They was a give from my mother."

"Well they're really nice sir." Pj lowered his head and slowly nosed the prominent lump under the bears underwear after taking in a good wife of the older mans sent he ran his tongue across the bright red fabric. The bitter taste of sweat cascading across his tongue as he moved the organ across the moist area. Soon he found himself growing to like the strange taste and he began mouthing the coach's cock through the fabric.

As he was nibbled on Mr. Macalla closed his eyes letting the chubby boy do his work. It felt nice to have a warm mouth on his cock again after so many mouths. The kid had an expertise he hadn't come across in a great while. But he wanted a blow job not nibbling. "Quite teasing son and do what you said you would." he reminded Pj with a pat on the head. Hoping to make the kneeling man get to his goal faster Mr. Macalla bent over and pushed down his jockstrap himself kicking the article of cloth off oh him with a flick of his leg. "Now there you go son, suck away."

Pj gulped as the man's modest but wide cock bobbed up and down in front of his nose. The smell wafting up from the organ a mixture of sweat and pre was intoxicating and made his head spin. Pj couldn't wait to get his lips around the wondrous thing. 'Man I really am a slut like dad said.' Pj thought to himself as he lowered his head and took that hard cock into his mouth suckling on it with as much muster as he could provide.

"Crikey!" Mr. Macalla cursed slowly as his penis was swallowed up. The boy sure did know how to give good oral he took him right down to the root in one fell move. Placing both his hands on the sides of Pj's head the football coach began to thrust slowly into that sucking mouth. Reveling in the sensation of his shaft sliding in and out and the feel of the boys tongue working the underside.

Soon the Koala was so lost in the blowjob that he started to moan and began to really force Pj down on his dick. He moved his hands behind the younger mans head and began really slamming into him wet slurping sounds filling the room as his gray furred balls slapped up against the boys chin. He was going to blow his load real soon and he wanted to see if his little friend would swallow it. Wondering how far he would go. "That's it son your doing real well. You're earning your place on this team fine and dandy."

'Good...good." Pj thought as he was assaulted by the short man. This had to be the roughest blowjob he had ever given even harder then his dad even. Luckily he could feel the older man's balls begin to tighten their brew boiling over. He was relieved that this would soon be over and he could get himself home.

But just as the short man was reaching his zenith a knock on the door startled the pair. Causing Pj fall backwards onto his ass and Mr. Macalla to rush over to the door holding it closed so that whoever was trying to get in couldn't. "What the hell do you want?" The koala bear shouted through the door his voice full of rage.

A shuddering voice came from the other side. "It...it ..it's me Roger." Mr. Macalla sighed when he heard who it was. His assistant coach Mr. Wren. "I...I was wondering if you finished that paperwork." the orangutan finished.

"I'm doing it right now!" Mr. Macalla fumed. "That is if I can get enough peace and quiet to finish!!"

"S, s, sorry I disturbed you sir." The orangutan yelped. "Just come see me once you finish."

Mr. Macalla pressed his rounded ear up against the door listening as the annoying man hurried away. "That was close." He said releasing the breath he didn't realize he had been holding.

"Yeah it was." Pj agreed leaning back

Roger made sure the door was locked then turned around chuckling when he caught sight of the prominent tent the boy had in shorts. "Well now looks like you enjoyed our fun as much as I did." He remarked. "You really get into this don't you?"

Pj hated to admit it but he said. "Yes sir I'm sort of prev I guess."

Roger approached the boy and patted him on the head. "Nothing wrong with that son." He laughed. "I'm a bit of one myself." He looked down to his now soft cock. "How about we try this again."

"I'd like that." Pj said sitting back up and returning to his suckling.

"Good kid." The Koala scratched the side of his bulbous nose. "Hey... you do more then blowjobs?"

Pj stopped dead in his tracks and peered up at the short man his cock still between his lips. He should have known it come to this it always did. "Yeah I do." Pj stated letting slip from his mouth.

"Well in for a penny in for a pound." The man cheered. "I've always been curious why you lot like having a naughty with other men." He stepped back and pulled off his shirt. Letting his strong looking but beer bellied body to come into view. "What do you say buddy?"

"It's fine with me sir." Pj said taking in the sight before him. Mr. Macalla was sort of cute with all that gray and white fur and bulbous nose. He wouldn't mind letting the man have sex with him. "I'm sort of used to doing this after all

"Ah yes I bet Clancy gives you a real work out." Mr. Macalla said with a smug grin. At Pj's stunned look. "What you didn't think I knew Moose was your special friend?"

Crap he figured it out. "Um...no."

The older man put his hands on his hips. "Nothing get's past old Roger." He grinned at Pj "So he your boyfriend or something?"

(Again with the boyfriend thing)

Pj shook his head no. "Sir we're just friends... special friends like you said." He added

"Well I don't care about that right now. In fact Ol Moose is part of the reason I'm going to try and fuck you. Walked in on him fucking one of his fans once." Roger shook his head "But 'nough of that get naked so that we can do this."

Pj gave the man a small smile and did as he had been told slipping off his clothing as the other man watched. As he undressed he took notice to the appreciative looks he received from Mr. Macalla. Strange as it was coming from a strait man but he seemed to enjoy seeing him expose himself to his greedy eyes.

Once Pj was completely naked the koala stepped up to him and ran his hands over his chest. "Don't know why I'm saying this but you sort of look good." He squeezed Pj's chest. "You go some nice ones here bigger then my girls. Turn around."

Pj gave him a worried look but spun around anyway. "Humm... nice ass too." The man continued. "Can't wait to see how it feels." He pushed Pj towards his desk. "Bend over for me boy real nice like." he said sternly

Pj surprised by the sudden roughness whimpered a little but did as commanded placing both his hands on the flat surface and leant forward presenting himself to the older man who would soon mount him.

After he had done this he heard Mr. Macalla tisk-tisk. "I'm afraid this isn't going to work?" he said.

Pj looked over his shoulder "Why isn't it going to work sir?" He asked. He hoped the koala wasn't having second thoughts about this.

"This is why boyo." Roger stepped up behind Pj his small beer coming into contact with the boy's backside. "Not tall enough."

"Oh..." This was a problem. "Do you want me to get on the floor or something?"

The koala patted the boy on the bottom. "Naw I got a better idea?"

What was just said that made Pj a little nervous? When ever a man said that to him it meant that he was literally about to be fucked over in some way. Braving the answer Pj said. "What would that be?"

The boy soon found out what he meant when he found himself laying on top of Mr. Macalla's desk sideways and on his back holding his legs up in the air. "Sort of a pretty sight there." Mr. Macalla remarked from his spot between the boys thighes. He held the younger mans dick between his thumb and forefinger. Swiping the thicker digit across the tip he chuckled when he hear a soft moan. "You're really excited about this."

"Ye...yes sir I am." Pj panted.

"You know being called sir really isn't my thing. How about you call me coach you little tramp." The koala said huskily. He was getting turned on from the idea of fucking this boy. A part of him had always wondered how it would feel and having to look at all those naked young men as they showered every day didn't help his fantasizing.

Pj moaned again as Mr. Macalla began to stroke his cock slowly. "Alright Coach." He said with a small huff. Pj closed his eyes and leaned his head back getting lost in the sensations he was feeling. When he opened them again he was reminded where he was by the sight of the showers on the other side of the window above him. The boys inside had changed Moose now being among them. Watching the ape handle himself made him gasp.

Roger had noticed the sudden gasp as soon as it left Pj's mouth and smiled when he realized what caused it. "Thought you said you weren't going to ogle my boys."

"Sorry sir...I, I mean coach I'll look away."

"Naw don't." The older man stopped stroking the other mans dick and lowered his hand slipping it between Pj's ass cheeks and locating his hole. "Bet you'd love having them all as lovers aye boy?" he said as he screwed one of his fingers into his partner. "Each of them taking you off somewhere and fucking your ass real good."

Pj could only moan at the thought of it and imagine all of those men having sex with him.

"That's what I thought you little tramp." Roger grinned. The Koala really liked dirty talk it always got his motor running. Though he had to admit he was a bit lost doing it for a gay man usually it was his girlfriends. But the reactions he was getting told him he was doing it right. "Humm... on second thought maybe you'd rather have them all going at you at once. Putting you on the locker room floor and gangbanging you until you end up covered in all their...sp, spunk."

"Oh god coach!" Pj moaned.

Mr. Macalla added another finger. "Shush boy they're going to hear you." He laughed. When Pj stiffened he added "Don't worry boy no one will hear you my office yused to be a bomb shelter. So scream all you want when I'm in ya." The dirty talk and fingering continued for several more minutes the koala slowly prepping the boy at his mercy. Finally after making Pj almost cum from his ministrations he felt the kid was ready. "You want my dick now son?"

"Yeah coach please." Pj pleaded. He sounded like just what he had been called... a tramp. But he didn't care in that moment all he wanted was for the shorter man to fuck him.

"Then on your belly and get ready." Macalla ordered. He watched with greedy eyes as Pj carefully rolled over onto his stomach and arch his back presenting himself and making those wonderfully full cheeks part exposeing the tight hole he had so skillfully prepared. "Good kid, good." The bear got back between the boys legs and placed the tip of his manhood at his entrance.

Pj felt him shiver in anticipation almost screaming for the man to just shove that stubby penis into his awaiting body. "Coach..." he groaned out needy.

Mr. Macalla chuckled at the wanton behavior. "Here it comes D'caht!" He announced. The short man placed both his hands on the larger mans back and thrusted forward his cock sinking into the boy's warm pulsing heat. The football coach couldn't help the grunt of pleasure the escaped his mouth. This was much better then fucking a woman so tight or intense and the little tramp under him was actually wiggling his ass trying to get him to go deeper. He gladly obliged him ramming the entire length into that needy ass. "Fucks alive you little... fuck that's good! ...wiggle it some more boy feel that grade-A Australian meat up inside of you."

"Yes sir coach!" Pj said back as he moved his hips from side to side moaning as the older mans wide dick moved around inside of him. Being penetrated by this sort of tool was new to him. His dad was big; Mr. Tarn, Benny and Moose were big. But the girth this man on him had was amazing.

Mr. Macalla growing tired of letting Pj do all the work started to grind his hips into the kid's ass enticing a series of curses and grunts from his own mouth as he took the boy. He could grow to like this. Fuck his girlfriend and her prude attitude if fucking guys was like this he wouldn't miss her. A sudden burst of energy made the koala hop to his feet and start fucking the laying boy in a squatting position. Digging his dull claws into the younger mans hips as he continued his assault filling the room with the sounds of his heavy pounding.

"AHHHH MR. MA, MA, MA, MA, MA, MACALLA!" Pj screamed out as he was jack hammered into. His teeth were rattling, the desk was squeaking up a storm and the large window was beginning to fog from the sauna like heat they were producing. But all that was on his mind was the blunt head of the bears cock as it worked it's way in and out of his ass again and again.

The noises Pj was making and the sound of his name escaping his lips were music to Mr. Macalla's ears. He could feel the cum boiling in his balls as he pounded away if this kept up the whole game would be over soon. But being a little greedy he decided that he couldn't have that he needed to prolong this as much as he could. With great reluctance he slowed down to a tortuous craw that made Pj moan in disappointment. "I ain't going to let you off that easy sheila." The man informed the whining boy. "Now just stay there and enjoy it." he slowly pumped into Pj a few times taking his time with every stroke and making sure the younger man fell every inch of his cock. "...Tell me Pj does your buddy Moose pound his snag into you like this?" he thrust forward hard to emphasize his point.

"No... He never slows down once he gets going." Pj responded between grunts.

"Didn't think so." The other man laughed. "Clancy likes to charge right in with no thought. makes him a bit of a disaster sometimes on the field. Now as for me I've got experience. I know that to win the game you have to sometimes take things slow." He rocked his hips from side to side. "Use the things you've learned about the opposition to catch them-' He thrust forward again stabbing Pj's prostrate and making the boy keen like a foghorn. "-Other team unaware."

"Please..." Pj couldn't handle another one of those. "Please Mr. Macalla please go easy-ahhhh!"

"I'm the coach boy." The older man reminded. "And I know what's best for my boys. I'll work you to the bone till I'm sure you're the right stuff to be on my team." he returned to his previous pace picking up speed and slamming into Pj witch such force that all that could be heard was their dual moans and grunts of the tow men and the sloppy wet slapping sounds of their connection. The pounding was primordial, savage and rapid both of the men getting so much satisfaction out of their fucking. Soon however things reached their natural conclusion Pj bit on his forearm and let out a muffled scream as his cum stained the coaches desk his hole tightening around the invading dick of his conqueror when he climaxed.

Roger didn't last long after that slamming into Pj one last time and falling onto his ass as he came. Thick milky cum shooting out of his flaring tip of his dick and landing on Pj's used ass staining the black fur white. "Wooo!" The Koala whooped as he caught his breath. He swung is legs over the edge of the desk and began chuckling. "Fucking hell boy that was something wasn't it!"

"It certainly was sir." Pj nearly to tired to move rolled over on his side and faced the other man. "So..."

"You're the new mascot kid believe me you earned it." Roger said hopping to the floor. "Get your drawers on and I'll show you where I keep the Gnarly the weasel costume."

'Ok... coach." Pj said a lazy smile crossing his face.

"You had sex with Coach Macalla to get the job as our mascot!?" Moose asked in utter disbelief.

"Yeah I did." Pj said for the second time. It was after school and he and Moose were sitting in the older boy's car as it drove down the street. "I know I shouldn't have but it was the only way."

"Wow Pj... that's sort of cool."

"You really think so?" Pj asked.

Moose grinned over at him. "You bet it is. You and him screwing while you watch me and the guys shower. Never knew you were such a randy little slut."

"I beginning to think that's all I am." Pj bemoaned. "Feels like I've slept with almost the entire teaching staff at school."

"Yup you have. But don't worry being a slut can be fun I'm a little bit of one myself remember." the gorilla laughed. "And look at it this way you did it for me. Which I'm really thankful for."

"Your welcome." Pj said shyly. "Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you. I got Mr. Macalla to agree to put us in the same room when we're in St. Canard."

He, he. See there's always a plus side." Moose remarked. "Besides the sex that is. I'm going to make sure and thank you thoroughly when we're in that room."

"Good." Pj looked into the backseat at the gnarly the weasel costume which stared back at him googly eyes rattling as the rode. "Cause I think I'm going to need an awful lot of cheering up after dancing around in that thing."

To be continued.

Next time Mr. Wey catches Pj and Pete during their special father-son time

Pj and Pete chapter 11

**Here's the next chapter in My Pete X Pj story. Sorry it took so long to get it posted. Got lost playing Skyrim for a bit. I was up late editing this so tell me if there's a mistake and as always if you like what you read please leave a...

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Pj and Pete chapter 9

**Well here's the next chapter in My Pete and Pj story. I hope you all like it. Had a bit of writers block with this one which is why it's so late. As always if you enjoy the story please leave a comment and please excuse any spelling and grammar...

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Pj and Pete chapter 8

**Well here is the next story to my Pj and Pete series. Please forgive the Cajun accent I gave Bubba I'm a bit bad with writing accents. Besides that I hope everyone enjoys it. And thanks you for everyone who's faved, commented, voted, and watched me...

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