Alien Invader
Disclaimer: This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy. I would just like to thank my friend Vincent for helping me write this story and for using his character Zack.
- * * Zack had left his home planet in his small space ship,since he was an outcast on his home planet ,near the core of the galaxy.He was your avarage looking Fenned,with black eyes,sand brown fur and head fur and he didn't have anything out of the ordinary looking on him. The fact,why he was an outcast among his own kind,was because even at young age,he had discovered that he liked other males.It haden't bothered him,when he was a cub,but once he and the other cubs of his age had grown up and started looking for mates he had found out,that instead of looking the females,he had caught himself looking the other males.At first he had tried to force himself to look the females,but as he grew older,he found himself more and more attracted to the males,untill finally he couldn't stand it anymore and he told his partents about it. On the planet,where Zack lived,homosexuality was unknown untill now.Maybe it was just pure coincidence or a twist of fate,that Zack had became one.But since no one had ever heard of anything like that,the planets goverment had decided to outcast him and send him off the whole palnets,to stop teh wierd disease from spreading. So they had given him a small space ship,food enoguh to last him for few years(since their technology was very advanced,they could easily pack all the food into really small space)and vowed him to retrun to the planet,unless he would be cured of his disease. So relucantly he had left his planet and just randomly flew his ship towards the edge of the galaxy,untill he had been hit by a random small meteor,that had penetrated the ships hull and broken the hyperspeed engine and most of the steering mechanisms.He was lucky enough to find a medium sized yellow sun,with a small,habitable,blue planet orbiting it.He had steered his ship towards it and made,a rather unspectacular,crash land on it. After recovering from the crashing a bit,he had crawled out of the ship and was about to start exploring his new interior,when his hypersensitive hears had picked up movement and he had hidden behind a tree. Alan was just a normal human minding his own business when he saw a flash of light in the forest behind his house. Curious he left his house and went to investigate since the light hadn't been to far away. Soon he arrived at a small clearing with a small crater in the middle. Looking around he saw something hiding behind a tree. "Come out I won't hurt you." From his hideout,he had studied the wierd looking animal,that had arrived on his charsh site. Once he head the animal speak with soem strange language,which even tough didn't sound treathning,Zack still panicked and just froze on the spot,not knowing wether to run or try to get his translator device,wich was able to translate any from of communication,but studying the language by itself,and try to speak with this alien being. Alan was amazed to see a wierd fox like creature come out from behind the tree. When he tried to talk to it it froze. Alan guessed it couldn't understand him and was frightened so he sat down on the ground with his hands in the air to show me meant no harm. Zack watched the wierd creature sit down on the ground and rise it's hands on the air.He observed it for nearly full 5 minutes,but once it didn't move from it's sitting positon,he tought that maybe it was safe to try and get the translator from his ship.He started slowly moving towards his ship,keeping his eyes fixed on the creature and his large ears scanning the surroundings for any suspicious noices.He got to the ship and since he didn't hear anything and the creature hadn't moved,he quickly looked the ship and once he found 2 translators,he put one in his right ear and started to slowly walk towards the creature,his paws risesd like the creatuers,with the other translator in his right paw. Alan watched the wierd creature stare at him for a while knowing it was listening and watching for any signs of danger when it didn't sense any he watched it walk over to a small ship that he hadn't noticed before and search it. Once it found what it was looking for it put one it's ear and held the other one out to him still suspicous. Guessing the fox wanted him to take it he held out his hand palm up while waiting for the fox to place the device in his hand. Zack looked the creature hold out his hand and after making sure,that it didn't have any kind of weapon in it,he slowly moved infront of it,stopping nearly every second step to listed all the nightly sounds of the forest,that only now had started again afer the crash,and placed the translator on his hand and made gestured for him to place it in his ear. Alan placed the strange device in his ear wondering what it could be probably a hearing aid or something. After the creature had placed the translator in it's ear,Zack started to make gestures of speaking,pointing at things to ask what they were,in order to get the creature to speak, so the translator could regocnise the language and they could communicate properly. At first Alan was confused by what the creature wanted him to do but he got it eventually. "I'm Alan and this is the planet Earth. What's your name and where are you from?" It took only few second for the translator to make the creatures short speahc understandable to Zack and he quickly replied. "Nice to meet you Alan.My name is Zack and i'm from planet Xarux.please use more words,so(here the communicator couldn't really translate,so Alan only hears set of yips and barks)better" Now Alan understood "Okay well i'm what you call a human and to us humans you would be a fox yet our foxes walk on four legs and can't talk. Why are you here and what happened to your here and what happened to your ship?" Zack became more than a little ankward,by these guestions.since he didn't really want talk about his "disease" to this human,that called himself Alan,and who he had met only few minutes earlier. "My ship got hit by a meteor and i was forced to crashland on your planet",he said and looked away from Alan to prevent his facial expressions giving out,that he wasn't telling everyting.He had always been a terrible liar. "And what you mean that the foxes here can't talk and walk on for legs...aren't foxes the ruling race on this planet?" Alan got the feeling that Zack was hiding something but didn't feel like pressing him since they just met. "No acutally humans rule this planet but not all of them are nice some are wicked and corupt plus they are destroying the planet and nobody is doing anything some times i wish i lived somewhere else. Hey maybe if we fix your ship you can take me to your planet i always loved canines." Zack was litle taken back from Alans straightness.He had always been the guiet type,mosty because he had so hard tried to cover his attraction to males,by not talking to them,on his home planet,that he had became nearly antisocial. "But i really need the help to fix my ship.From what i unerstand from his description of his own specie,i don't want to spend any more time on this planet than neccesary", Zack tought. "And he don't look half bad,even tough his appearance IS bit wierd...maybe i could take him with me",he subconsiously muttered under his breath. Alan smiled "My ears may not be as good as yours but you do mumble pretty loudly. And i would love to come with you this place is full of too many painful memories of my ex and i want to see whats out there." Alan got onto his knees and made cute puppy dog eyes "Please take me." Alan begged trying to act cute. Zack's jaw just dropped,when Alan kneeled before him and made a look,that he found just adorable.His large ears were burning so badly in embarrasment,that he tought they'd start glowing in the dark forest. All he could do was just stare at Alan and open and close him muzzle,without any sound coming out for nearly two minutes,untill he managed to gather his composure enough to say. "Okay.If you help me fix my ship,i'll take you to any planet you want to".Because he was WAY too shy to confess,even to himself,that he was starting to find Alan attractive. Alan jumped for joy "Yay this is a dream come true i get to go into outer space with a cute foxie." Alan turned to Zack and asked "What needs to be fixed first." "well",Zack said, glad of the change to change the subject. "First thing is propably to dig out my ship,to see how badly it was damaged in the crash.The steerign will be easy to fix and i can do it with the spare parts in the ship,but for the hyperspeed i'm gona need some parts.Any decently equiped spaceship carage should have few of them in stock,so not a big problem in that either",Zack said and turned towards his ship,to get out and program the small work bot,that would clear the soil from around the ship. Alan stopped jumping for joy and said with a sad tone "Actually there is a problem humans don't have a spacecraft carage because we've only gotten as far as our moon. We didn't even know there were other life forms out there but some of us have always hoped there was." As Zack leaned over to get something out of his ship Alan couldn't resist looking at his ass. Zack programmed the bot,that looked like football,floating few feets off the round and when it started moving slowly around the ship,the soild just practically flew off the ship,thrown out by the low frequency vibrations the bot created. Zack was shocked to hear,that humans didn't have any decent space technology.from where came,even the most primitive races had atleast discovered the effecient interplanetary traveling inside their own solar system. "Well.i might still be able to fix the current hyperspeed engine,the meteor didn't completely destroy it.You least have places,that sell antimatter generators and energy concetration lenses...don't you?" Zack asked hopefully. Alan pulled his gaze away from Zack's cute ass to stare at him confused "Uhhhh... what?" Zack's ears dropped,as soon as he haerd the Alans confused guestion. "You mean,that you humans haven't even invented the cheapest and single most effecient energy source of the universe yet?What DO you use all your time and energy to do?" Zack asked and his voice got the annoyed note,since he was afraid that he couldn't fix his ship with the technology here and would be forced to spend the rest of his life on this planet. Alan looked down towards the ground in shame "Please don't hate me for what my race does i'm not like them but only people high up can handle stuff like that and they just find new ways to kill each other i don't know why but i can't do anything about it." In his nearly panicked state,he didn't even remeber,that Alan,wh seemed really nice and easy to trust person,was the member of the same race,Zack had grown to fear. Zack shruddered at the tought.Sure,his race had weapons that could whipe out entire cities in the blick of an eye,and had even used them a few times.But those had been invented more like the side effect of other,more humane researches.But a race,that used all it's effort of finding new ways to kill others,that was someting Zack couldn't understand. After thinking frantically for what seemed like an eternity to him,he finally came up with an idea.Maybe they had discovered atleast some way,to produce significant ammounts of energy.Since even he knew,tought he had never even seena gun,much less knew how they worked,that more powerfull weapons meant more energy was needed.So maybe he could build some replacing way to produce the energy for his hyperspeed drive. He quickly explained his idea to Alan and hoped,that the idea would work. Alan had to think for a moment "It should work but we would need a nuclear device of some sort and they are very dangerous and are under the toughest and strongest security we humans can come up with." Zack was nearly ovetr joyed by this news,even tough he understood,that it would be extremely hard to get the parts he needed,but atleast now he had a chance.So by impulse,he threw his arms around Alan's midbody and tighly hugged him. Alan was shocked when he felt Zack hug him but he hugged back loving the feeling of Zach's warm fur on his body. "So do you have a tools that'll help us get this stuff?" Zack felt Alans arms wrapping around him only then he realised,what he had done and quickly let go of Alan,slipped under his arms and backed away a few steps,his eras so red,that even the white fur inside them had turned into deep red.Mosty,because he realised that he had liked the feeling of his slightly larger body againts his. "Even tough it would be much nicer,if he'd have fur",Zack tought to himself. "Yeah.I think i have some things,that could help us",he said and went to his ship,that had by now been totally digged out by the bot,to find some thins he tought could be useful. He found one stun gun,that would render humand sized target immoble for least three hours,tough it could only be fired few times in hour,or it would over heat an possibly explode.Few small capsules full of greenish acid,that would corrode holes into nearly everything.One cloack blanket,that reflected the light in suck ways,that it would make everything wrapped in it invisible,unless some one would look really close and two mechanical arms,that could be placed over the wearers real arm and bost his strenght immensly, allowing them to carry extremely heavy weights or ever hit throguht concrete walls. As Zack pulled away from the hug and started pulling things out of hus ship Alan said blushing "You're much cutier when you blush and your fur is very soft." When Zack heard Alan compliment like that,his ears perked up and he froze to the spot.Only his tail twitching erratically showed,that he hadn't passed out oh his feet or someting. He dropped all the stuff to the ground,making sure not to break the acid capsules tough,turned around and just stard at Alan for few seconds,before hesitantly asking. "You have the disease too?" Alan was a little worried when he heard Zack ask him if he had a disease but he didn't feel sick so he asked "What disease?" Zack was terrified,that he had been wrong and had some how insulted ALan,but after mustering all teh courage he could, he decided to press the issue. "You know.The disease,that makes like other males" Alan couldn't help but laugh. "That's no disease. There are plenty of people on this planet who feel that way it's just a feeling that people choose to act on. I can't really explain it but i tell you that both of us are completely normal and healthy." "Really!?You mean it's normal for some one to want to be with other males,like they should be with females?" Zack nearly shouted and looked at Alan in nearly utter disbilief. He just couldn't believe it.If it was natural,then why didn't anyone else at him home planet feel like it,or did they just hide it so well.Maybe if he could fix his ship,he could go back to his planets with Alan and convinience the goverment,that he wasn't ill and they'd let him stay home with Alan. "Well I'm not sure when it all started but yes on this planet many people like other males or like both males and females. Those that like males are called Homosexuals or gays and those that like both males and females are called Bisexuals or just bis. Why do you looked so shocked?" Alan asked curious. "Well.On my planet,i think i was the only one,who liked other males,so they tought it had to be some kind of new disease and tried to cure me from it,but once they couldn't,they decided to send me off the planet,to prevent me from infecting all the other males",Zack said and after thinking it a while, he continued. "I don't think they wanted me any harm or hated me,least not most of them,but just wanted to protect our species." Alan was a little surprised but guessed this is what Zack was hiding from him earlier. "Well i don't know what to say except when do you want to leave theres a government faclilty not far from here and they might have some nuclear bombs or something." Zack snapped out of his tought,when he heard Alan mention leaving.He picked out all the stuff he had gathered from the ship and took the bot with him too,figuring it might prove usefull at some point. "Yeah,lets go.The less tie i have to spend here the better.Judging from what you've told me about your species,i don't want to get caught here",Zack said and handed Alan the other cybernetic arm and two of the acid capsules,telling him to be carefull with them. Alan nodded "That is a good idea and if you have any cloaking technology i would use it before we get out of these woods so nobody sees you i just have to grab my keys from my house then we can go but make sure you can't be seen and once we get there we're both going to have to be hiden. Understood?" Zack just nodded,put the stun pistol into one pocket and the three remaining acid capsules into other.then he wrapped cloack over his body.Making extra sure,that his tail and muzzle were cloacked too. "I'm ready",he said Alan just nodded not sure if the fox had moved or not but said "Just stay close and follow me everybody should be asleep but i'd rather not take any chances." Alan then started walking back down the trail he had come from until he got to his back yard. "Go around front and wait there i'll meet you in a second." Alan then went through his back door grabbing his car keys and locking all his doors he then opened the garage door and said "Get in here Zack." He then opened the passeneger door and went around getting into the drivers side before starting up the car. "You in Zack?" Zach had followed Alan not two steps behind him the whole trip to his house and just lowered the cloack enough,to let his head be seen,to let Alan know he was in the car. "Okay shut the door and pull that cloak back over your head." After the door was closed Alan drove the 40 minute drive to the government facility that had no name in silence. Turning his headlights off he pulled along side the wire fence and said to Zack "Here we are now how do you plan on breaking in and is there anything you would like to know about their security?" Zack was deep in his tought the whole car trip and was suprised to see,that they were already there. "Well.Frist think i need to know,if that fence is electrified and if it had some kind of alarm system for cutting.The second is,if they got any sort guard animals,that could smell us,since the cloack makes us incvisible to all sorts of camers,including infra red and heat signatures.Third is,where do they keep the nuclear devices and how many actual guards or other persons are in the facility.the acid we got should be able to make hole to any kind of doors they have,but we don't really have much of it as you know." "Hmmmm I bet the fence is electrifed but i know they don't have any dogs or animals but inside the lace is swarming with guards and cameras. Th good news is that the nuclear stuff is being kept somewhere on the first floor. I have a buddy who drank to much one night and told me. Most thieves would head to the bottom when it's right on top the while time. Problem is i don't know where but if we can get in it shouldn't be too hard to find as long as we aren't caught." Zack tought about this information for a while,before he nodded and said. "The guards and the cameras shouldn't be a problem,with the cloak since it's just big enough to hide us both,unless we run head first into one" He then took one of the acid capsules from his pocket and accurately threw it,so it break just on the top of the fence,the greenish liquid started making hissing sounds,as it swiftly corroded a large hole into the fence. "Come on.Press close to me,so the cloak'll cover us both",Zack said,before he realised what he had actually said and then his ears turned bright red again. Alan smiled "You are so adorable when you blush but he shut off the car and got close to Zack breathing in his musky scent before they both opened the door and went through the hole in the fence. "Zack i should lead i know what the place looks like and i don't think you can read signs." Zack just nodded,feeling more than a litle ankward,pressed this close to another male he now knew he was attracted to.So he just nodded in aknowlegment and started to scan their surroundings for any suspicious sounds with his large ears. Alan led the two of them to the back of the building where he took out a acid capsule and threw it against the wall. Luckly the room they now entered was empty. Alan crept up to the door and slowly opened the door making sure no one was around he opened the door all the way grabbing Zack and rushing through the door before quietly closing it. Walking down the long hallways he read the small signs posted on each door until he came to one that said Janitors Closet Alan quickly opened the door pulling both of them into the room and shutting the door moments before a guard came around the corner. Listening to make sure nobody was rasing the alarm Alan stepped out from underneath the cloak looking around the room. It was a huge warehouse with tons of bombs and drums of a green foul smelling liquid. "Zack do you think you could find the nuke's?" When they entered the storage,Zack's heart felt like it was trying to pound it's way out of his chest.He had never been this afraid of his life,not even when he had crashed to this planet.And the funny part was,he wasn't that much afraid for himself,but for Alan and what would happen to him,if they were caught. He looked around the storage and activated the bot he had been carrying on his back the whole time.He programmed it to find optional energy source for the hyperspeed drive and after only few sedonds of searching,the bot stopped infront of two large metal chest locked behind a heavy metal bars,with some sort of warning text and a picture,that was propably a warning sign,on them. Alan having watched the liitle bot stepped over to Zack when it stopped. Reading the labels these were nuclear warheads and were extremly senstive but these would have to be dropped from at least 5 feet to go odd. "Zack these are nuc alright but the problem is how are we going to get them out?" Zack tok one of the adcid capsules and threw it at the bars,but unlike the fence and the facilitys wall,the adic just dripped down the bars,without even leaving a mark into them.But when the acid hit the floor,it started hissing and thick,black smoke started to rise from the places where the acid hit the floor. The smoke soon nearly instantly set off the super sensitive fire alarms of the storage and only in few seconds a man in lab coat and ID tag rushed into the room. The scientist just started at them said "What the hell are you two doing in here and what the fuck is that thing!" Alan was running out of ideas when he saw the gun hooked to Zack's belt he quickly grabbed it and fired a shot at the scientist. It hit him square in the chest causing him to collapse to the ground. "Is he dead?" Alan asked shocked at what he just did. Zack was even more stunned than Alan,but still managed to reply to him. "No,he just can't move for few hours.Maybe he's got someting with him,we can use get those nukes out",Zack said as he looked at the unconious scientist and a small screen on the wall,next to the bars securing the nukes,that looked almost like some kind of lock. Alan should have relised when he saw what Zack was looking at. "Your right now hurry up and help me get him over there we need his finger print." Once they had the scientist close enough Alan grabbed his thumb and put onto the small screen after a couple of beeps the bars fell right off revealing two small nuclear bombs. Just then they heard a shout from the door "Guards we have intruders!" The next thing they knew there were two guards running towards them. "Zack grab one and lets get out of here." Alan then grabbed the second one and pulled Zack behind him. As they ran Alan couldn't help but look over his shoulder to see the two guards gaining on them. Thinking quickly Alan grabbed a nearby tub of liquid and pushed it into the path of the guards spilling most of it all over himself but he had no time to worry about that as he ran towards the exit with Zack right behind him. "Zack hurry get to the car we need to get away from here and fast." Zack ran like mad,having really no clue,where they were going and just blindly following Alan's lead. As they got to the car,he quickly placed the nuke on the back seat and then jumped on the passangers seat. He then programmed the bot,that he had remeber to take with him despite all the hazzle,to emmit a hologram of Alans car and sent it to the exact opposite direction of Alan's house,to give them more time to get away and fot him to fit the nukes as the new power source for the hyperspeed engine. Alan was scared yet he still somehow managed to put the nuke in the back seat and take off for his house not turning the lights on until he was sure they weren't being followed. The two sat quietly thinking about how close they were to being caught. About a block from Alan's house he parked the car and grabbed a nuke having Zack do the same before slipping the cloak over both of them and walking quietly back to his house and into the woods. Once they were back at the ship Alan asked "Okay we need to do this quickly what should i do to help?" Zack pulled out a large pack of tools and opened the maintenence hatches to the hyperspeed engine and manouvering. "Can you fix the manouering?All you really need to do,is to change the damaged wires to new ones and switch that one damaged circuit to this new one",Zack said,while pointing a circoit,that had been shattered to pieces by the meteor passing straight throught it and handing hima new one and few toold for replacing the wires. "Just pull the old one out and push the new one in and it should be good",Zack instructed him,while starting to tear out damaged parts from the engine. Alan still a little confused quickly did what he was told replacing the old wires with new ones and replaced the circut with it's replacement. "All done" Alan said sneaking a quick glance at Zack's ass "How about you are we all set?" Zack was struggling to fit both the nukes to the hastily prepared magnet field,that would hopefully contain the nuclear explosion and turn it into energy for the engine,instead of collapsing and the blast turning them both into a puff of smoke. "Almost,just need to attatch these last few wires and set the engine to work on minimal power possible and we should be able to make it to the nearest planet,i know has the technology to properly fix this ship",he said and let out a frustrated bar,as the rather futuristic screwdriver slipped and made a small cut in his paw. It took him some 30 more minites to get it all set up and once he was done,he just tossed the tools into the small storage space,secured the maintenance hatches and said to Alan. "The ships is only really designed for one,so it'll be a tight fit for both of us.You go sit on the seat first,so i can sit in your lap and use the controls properly" And even tought the practicality of the situation,he couldn't help but to blush fiercly at the tought of sitting in Alan's lap. As Alan watched Zack fix the ship his head began to spin and he felt really hot and when Zack told him the ship was repaired he stood up and almost fell to the ground. "Uhhh... Zack i don't feel to good." Alan's whole body began to itch and tingle and his skin felt like it was on fire. Alan couldn't help but moan in pain. Zack pretty much freaked out,when he saw Alan fall to the ground and start letting out long,pained moans. He frantically rummard throught the ships storage space,to find the medical kit.He just kept throwing the things in it to the forest,untill he found the medical kit,wich was at the very bottom. He rushed to Alan and set the small spotlights all around him,to get a better view of him in the dark.Only then he noticed the greenish liguid matted on most parts of his clothes.At first he tough,that the second acid capsule had broken in his pocket.But since his clothes weren't corroding,he just went throught his pockets,till he found the capsule he tossed it into the forest along with the other stuff. He just ore away his clothes with his sharp claws and then took out a small bio scanner from the medical pack and started systematically scanning Alan's body with it,to find out what was wrong with him. At first everything seemed quite normal,but once he got to the spot,where the green stuff had matted throught his closthes,he found something really unusual. The green stuff had actually affected not his cells,as Zack would have expected,but his very DNA and had started rapidly mutating him. The bio scanner could barely keep up with the mutating DNA structure and the longer the mutation went on,the more Alan's DNA started resembling Zack's own. There were some major differences,but the basic structure was the same and Zacks jaw practically fell off. "You're turning into a canine!" Zack shout out loud in schock. Alan was glad when Zack tore off his clothes but his body was still heating up and when Zack told him he was becoming a canine he wanted to jump for joy but the pain was increadible. As he squirmed on the ground he could feel fur growing all over his body and where the fur grew his body changed. It began at his feet which lengthened and became thinner. Alan's toes shortened and grew long sharp nails. The fur spread up his legs causing them to shift and become more canine like. Alan groaned in pleasure when the changes reached his penis. HIs balls became furry and swelled to twice their size while his dick disappeared into a 5 inch sheath only to come right back out again this time longer and a dark red in color. Alan's chest became packed with muscule as did his arms. His hands didn't really change much except for the pads and sharp nails. Alan knew he was almost done and couldn't wait to see what he looked like as fur covered his neck and face. His ears grew pointy and moved to the top of his head while his eyes turned a deep yellow increaseing his hearing and vision. Lastly Alan's mouth stretched and grew away from his face forming a muzzle full of razor sharp fangs and a thick tongue. Once the changes were complete Alan stood up and began looking over his new form. He was now a tall grey anthro wolf turning to Zack he asked with a huge grin "How do I look?" It took Zack quite some time to answer,since he was too busy drooling after Alan's new body. His eyes wandered all over his grey furred body,especially stopping to admire his tighly packed chest and arms,wich caused his sheath to stir a bit and when his gace reached Alans's new sheath,he actually began to drool and his tight piloting pants became uncomfortably tight. Once he finally managed to stop staring at him he,blushed so badly,that it could actually be seen through his light brown face fur. "Incredibly sexy",was all that Zack could say. Alan grinned and laughed at the site of Zach drooling over his body and as much as he wanted to try it out right then and there he figured it was time to leave. "As much as i would love to fuck that cute ass of yours we should probably be getting out of here don't you think. And if your lucky I may get to fuck your ass after all. Didn't you say i could sit with you in my lap?" Alan just grinned wondering how the fox was going to deal with that. Zack just stood there,staring at Alan and upening and shuttiong his muzzle in total shock. He couldn't believe,that Aland had actually said that out loud,and even less how horny the mere tought of Alan's thick wolf cock in his virgin tailhole made him. But the sound of aproaching cars and helicopers made him snap out of it.Guess the people at the base had figured out that there was someting to do with an alien creature running around their base,stealing nukes and a "meteor" falling from the sky not far away the very same night. "You right,we should hurry", Zach said and gestured Alan to get onboard the spaceship. Alan quickly got on board the ship almost hitting his head on the low ceiling. Zack was right behind him and began starting up the ship. Zack nercously placed himself on Alan's lap and started pushing the buttons,starting up the normal ion engine for planetary takeoff,deactivating all but the vitally important systems,so get all the possible power for the shields,incase the humans would try to shoot at them.once all was ready,he hit the button,that set off the two nukes and just closed his eyes,waiting something to happen. The whole ship shook violently,but the magnetic field just and just managed to contain the explosion. The ships engines jumped to life,with a blinding blue flash and Zack puched them to full thurst,the blue ion trail scroching many of the nearby trees,as they bolted to the sky,that had just began to show the few first signs of dawn. The helicopters,that had been searching the forest for them,tried in vain to catch them as they rapidly gained altitude and soon broke the atmosphere. Zack then shut off the ion engines and started setting their course to the planet staggering 4397 lightyears away. And even tough the hyperspeed drive was at minimal power,that trip would only take them some three weeks.As soon as the cordinates were set,Zack startedthe hyperspeed engine and jsut watched as the space seemed to stretch and the glow of the sun just disappeared from behind them.leaving Zack and Alan in nearly complete darkness. In the darkness Alan grinned and said "Now if this is anything like the movies we could be here for a while what to do what to do. Ahh yes." Alan then began to use his new strength and grabbed Zack by the waist oukking and pushing him over his sheath arousing him. Once his cock was fully erect he said "Now Zack why don't you take off those pants for a poor horny wolf and let him try out his new equipment." Zack was shaking in anticapation,as Alan rubben him againts his sheath and when he heard Alan tell him to underss,he nearly came there and then. He squiremed in the tight cockpit,to hastily remove his pants.Since he had never had sex before,he didn't really know what to do and after managing to remove his pants,he just sat it Alans lap,his jacket and shirt still on. Alan pulled off Zack's shirt and jacket leaving completely nude. "This may hurt at first but try and enjoy it." Alan then pulled Zack so that his cock was touching his hole. Alan began to slowly push Zack down moaning as his cock was engulfed by his warm moist hole. Zack whimpered softly,as he felt his tailhole stretched open for the very first time and it hurt a fair bit,but the mind blowing pleasure soon overwhelmed the pain and discomfort and he started to moan softly and push himself down on Alans shaft. Alan chuckled as he felt Zack push himself father down his shaft so he began to pick up his pace thrusting harder and faster his climax building up. When Zack felt Alan start thursting back in him,he moaned out loud and had to use all his concentrations to hold back from cumming.He stopped riding Alan's shaft and just sat there,shivering and his own shaft drooling pre all over on his groins and balls. Again using his new found strength Alan continued to thrust into Zack while at the same time he reached around and started stroking Zack's cock in time with his thrust knowing that both of them were close to orgasm. Zack felt Alan's paw wrap around his shaft and he just lost his voice,his tongue lolling out of his open muzzle and making short thurst into his paw.It did't take him long to his,especially when combined Alan still thrusting into his tailhole,that was finally starting to stretch enough for Alan to fully fit into him and Zack just let out a loud moan as his shaft started to spasm and shoot his load all over Alan's paw,his stomach and chest and even on his jaw. As Zack released his load Alan groaned in pleasure as Zack's tail hole clamped down on his member causing him to orgasm into Zack's bowels howling in pleasure. "That was great." Alan panted into Zack's ear. All Zack could do was pant,as he sat there on Alan's lap with his member still deep inside his back passage.He turned his head,so that he could nuzze Alan's muzzle with his own and whisped back. "I love you",before he drifted off to sleep,exhausted. Alan smiled and whispered "I love you too." The next thing Alan knew he was asleep his head on Zack's shoulder. As he slept all he could think about was life with Zack. Zack didn't know,how long he had slept,but when he turned his head,he saw that Alan was still asleep.He smiled at his sleeping mate and went to check the navcomputer,to make sure that they were still on course for the planet he had chosen. After that Zack layed back against Alan's big strong chest dreaming of the future and how he was going to ask Alan to be his mate. * * *
This is my first story and would love to get any tips and adivce on how to make my writing better. Thank you and i hoped you enjoyed reading it.