
Story by Nightshade on SoFurry

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By Nightshade

edited by chris castillo

(it is recommended that you read furry inc 4 first)

2034- Bernice rested her chin in her paw and sighed. Enough was enough. Another late night at the bank and that chauvinist boss of hers had turned her down for yet another raise. The lioness snorted, her tail lashing the air in annoyance of the whole situation. Well not unless she did him a... 'favor'. She was desperate for advancement, but not that desperate. She would hand in her two-weeks notice tomorrow and find another job, one where her accounting skills were appreciated and she wasn't ogled by males all day. Well, almost all the males. She blushed a little to herself as she thought of the one male who never ogled her but she wouldn't have mind at all if he did. Her expression softened a little as that male entered. Allen Foxtail Bruin, the new bear security guard. She felt a tingle in her tummy as she admired his strong body and handsome face. Only 19, he had been there a year having come right out of high school. She had heard this rumor that his mother was the famous porn film studio owner Sabrina Foxtail, but he hadn't used that connection at all to get this job. The two had become good friends quickly. Lately, she had become more and more attracted to him. He was so handsome and rugged yet sweet and tender inside. She felt the tingle in her gut grow as her gaze was dragged downwards to the rather large bulge of his sheath in his uniform pants. She purred to herself as she twitched her tail. A thought ran through her head and she smiled. 'Mmm and why not?' she thought to herself and stood up.


The bear turned towards the voice and smiled. He placed his large paws on his hips. "Oh hey Benny, what can I do for you?" 'Free if you want,' she giggled. Allen was the only one she allowed to call her Benny. "Can you give me a paw for a second? The valve in the bathroom is stuck again." It was a ruse but it was also technically true. Allen blinked. "But I thought maintenance had fixed that already." Benny nodded and shrugged. "They said they did, but it's jammed again. Can you help?" Allen smiled and nodded. "Well okay, but just for a sec. I can't leave the lobby alone for too long."

They walked to the woman's washroom, Benny followed closely by Allen. The bear hesitated slightly outside the door and looked back down the hall in case someone was looking. Benny giggled and shook her head. "Don't worry Allen, you've got a good reason for coming in here." He chuckled, smiled and walked in after her. "Yes ma'am." His deep voice made Benny's knees weak. She felt her body temperature rise as he got closer to him. She showed him the loose valve and let him get into the stall to look at it. He grunted slightly as his strong hands worked it just a little tighter onto the pipe. "There, try it now." He moved out and let her into the stall. She pressed the lever and the water flowed smoothly. "It's perfect now," she stood up and turned to the male with her who was washing his hands. Allen felt a paw on his shoulder and turned towards her, then stopped in his tracks. Benny had her blouse open and her skirt high up on her hips. He blinked and swallowed. "Umm, Benny?"

She murred softly as she ran her paws up and down his chest. "Oh Allen!" She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, having to stand on her toes to do it. He stumbled back into the wall in wide-eyed surprise and she purred lustily as she kissed him hard. She pulled away and the pair gasped for air. "I can't stand it anymore!" she snarled lustily and reached down to his crotch. Allen felt his growing cock pulse hard in her grasp and murred. Her paws worked on the button on his pants and opened them eagerly. She gave a deep groan as his hard cock slapped against her thighs. "I need you Allen, I've needed you for months." She mewled and ran her paws over his throbbing hardness. "Take me now!"

Benny moaned and whined, her body shivering as her claws gripped the edge of the sink. "Uhh nnn oh yes right there, yes that's the spot, UHGHHH!" She wriggled her hips and keened softly as Allen's long tongue slurped deeply into her hot cunny. Benny was bent forward over the sink and he was lapping at her with amazing skill. "Oh yes ohh ohh OHH OHH FUCK!!!" She bucked her hips and came, her cunt juices squirting over his face. Her claws scratched deep gouges in the enamel as he kept on licking her, bringing her to another peak in moments. "AGHH UNHHH GAHH!!" She heaved her rump and wailed. "FUCK MEEEE!" Allen stood and his hard cock nuzzled against her thighs. "Are you sure Benny?"

She nodded panting and mewling. "Oh yes I'm very sure. Please, please Allen, give it to me." He smiled and slowly pressed his hardness into her hot cunny depths. She gasped and shivered as long and thick shaft slid into her. She could have sworn she could actually feel every bump and vein of him as he ever so slowly pressed into her. "Ohh unhh oh y, yeah." she grunted. When Allen was halfway in, she couldn't take it anymore. She turned her head over her shoulder and looked to Allen. "Give it all to meeee!"

With her pleas, he thrust into her fully and she shrieked. "AGHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK!!" Benny came right then and there, her cunny rippling along his cock as he held himself buried to his hilt in her cunny. He licked along her neck and she whimpered. "Oh Allen, ohh yes my love, do it." Allen paused and looked down at her curiously. "Your love?" She felt a shiver run through her and nodded. "Yes Allen, I love you, I have for months." She felt a thrill of joy wash through her as she finally told him what she wanted to for months. She then yowled loudly as he began to fuck her with long deep strokes. He steadily sped his thrusts up and before long her face was pressed into the mirror as she clawed at the enamel counter top. The sensations were incredible for both of them. With every thrust and push she seemed to cum harder and harder. She was dripping sweat and her voice was one long wailing yowl as her orgasms washed over her like waves again and again. She heard him grunt deeply and his cock begin to swell within her. He started to pull out but she shoved her hips back at him. "IN, M, MEEE!" she managed to gasp between her wails. He grasped her waist tightly and shoved in his deepest as she bucked like a wild beast. She felt a huge load of bear cum flood her depths and Allen's hips jerk into her a few final times. "RRAGHHH!!!" he roared as he came and she answered him with a wild scream as she milked at his cock hungrily. "EEIIAEAEEEAAIIAEEEAAGGHHH!!!"

She was sobbing like a child as he gently pulled out of her and helped her to sit on one of the toilets. He nuzzled her lovingly and gently cleaned her off, murring deeply. "I love you too Benny," he rumbled and she held him as tightly as she could, her body shivering and trembling with aftershocks.

Bernice fiddled with her purse nervously. It had been three months and she had finally decided to take up the offer Allen had made. She suppressed a happy shiver as she thought of him. Three months of the most incredible sex of her life. She had handed in her notice and so had he. He told her he had seen how the boss treated her and the other women and he wasn't going to be a party to it. To help her conserve her savings, he had offered to let her move in with him until she found a new job. 'Such a sweetheart he was,' she thought to herself. The first night he had actually slept on his couch. She had put a stop to that when she climbed in with him and they filled his apartment with her happy roars of pleasure. She smiled softly as she remembered that night. It was so much more than lovemaking with him though. He was so attentive to her needs and she truly loved him.

The secretary, a very well endowed squirrel, smiled and ushered her into the fairly large office. A lovely vixen stood from behind the desk and offered her paw with a gentle smile. "Hello, I'm Sabrina."

Bernice took off her glasses and took a sip of water. This was a thorny problem and she felt the thrill she always did when she solved them. It had been a very happy time for her these last few weeks. She had been hired as an accountant at the studio with no mention at all of her relationship with Allen. She was surprised but pleased that she at last had a job where she was regarded for her skills with numbers and not her body. A knock sounded on the door and she looked up. "Come in," she called out. Allen poked his head in and gave her a warm smile. "Hey bear," she purred. Allen smiled as he entered. "Hey Benny, how's it coming?" he asked. She flicked her tail and purred as she raised her arms over her head and stretched. "Almost done hon."

He kissed her softly and she murred, a smile creeping onto her muzzle. "Ohhh you're the best kisser." Allen smiled and rumbled in response. "Why thank you ma'am." She giggled and stood up to stretch a little more. "Just give me a few and I'll be right out, Kay?" He smiled and nodded. "Sure thing." He stepped out as she bent back over her work, new energy filling her.

"Hey big bro!"

Allen smiled as his twin sister, Jenice, bounced up to him. "Hey there squirt." They hugged and she giggled. "I told you to stop calling me 'squirt'." Allen rumbled a laugh. "Well I am the elder." She huffed. "Oh yeah, by a whole minute." He laughed and released her from his bear hug (no pun intended). "So how's Jon?" Allen asked. The very mention of his name and she murred softly, her vixen body full and ripe. "Very, very good." He rolled his eyes and ruffled her hair making his sister squeal. "I meant how are you two doing?" She grinned and idly fixed her hair. "I knew what you were talking about. And we're just great bro, I think he's on the verge of proposing." She practically squealed the last part. He smiled widely. "He'd be a fool not to." She nodded and clasped her paws in front of her. "So, when are you going to pop the question to Bernice?" He winked then smiled. "Soon enough." She wagged her fox tail slightly. "You'd better, she's a real catch." He rumbled happily. "Don't I know it."

Bernice moaned softly as she cuddled up to Allen, her breathing slowing to normal. "Ohhh the things you do to me." She purred happily as he rumbled deeply. "Anything to make my love happy." He smiled and stroked her sweaty hair. "Mmm, how's business?" she purred, running a paw over his chest. "Booming." Allen had started a private security firm after leaving the bank and his clientele was growing quickly. The pair lies entwined in each other's arms when Allen thought of something that he had been wondering. "Benny? What first attracted you to me?" She looked up at him and giggled softly. "You didn't make a pass at me." He chuckled. "Oh?"

She nodded and snuggled against his chest. "Every guy I've ever knew before I met you just saw my body. Even my first boyfriend was only interested in me for sex." She held onto him tighter. "But you, you were nice to me as a person and not as a piece of meat. Heck, I've never even seen you sneak a look at my butt."

Allen chuckled. "That part wasn't easy, believe me."

She giggled and stroked his chest. "I guess I fell in love with you because of that."

He smiled and kissed her tenderly. "I have to say, I was attracted to you the first day I saw you. Your intelligence, charm and beauty, its such a rare combination."

She scritched his thick chest fur. "Anything else?"

He smiled and ran his paw down her back. "Well yes, your butt isn't bad either." She giggled and purred. "Another great thing about you, you don't try to lie."

He brushed a palm over her nipples and made Benny moan softly. "Ohhh Allen, marry me."

Allen froze and looked down at her. "What?" She looked up at him with a mixture of lust and love. "Marry me Allen, be my husband." He stared at her for a moment and then laughed loudly. "That's no fair, I was going to ask you!" She smiled widely and they both cuddled close, laughing loudly together.

She composed herself and kissed him gently. "So it that yes?"

He murred and kissed her back deeply. "Yes my dear Benny. Yes, yes, yes."

She flicked her tail and nuzzled his cheek. "Mmm good man."

Benny rubbed her nipples into his chest fur and moaned. "Ohh more."

He licked her lips and moaned along with her. "Yes my darling."

She straddled him and bit her lip as she felt his hard cock settle into her cunny. "Ohhhh such a perfect fit." She closed her eyes and panted softly as she felt his shaft stiffen fully inside her. "Guh, good," she panted and stifled a squeal as he lapped at her nipples. "Nnghhh." she opened her eyes, her gaze slightly glazed as she panted softly. "Ohhh I feel it, I'm gonna cum already." Allen reached up and stroked her nipples as he watched her. "Ohh you're a goddess of beauty."

She gasped and her tummy rippled with a massive orgasm. "Oh, ohh yes, ugh UGH AHHH OHHH SHITTTT!!!" she bucked on him as his words and his thickness set her off. "UUAGHHHH!" she wailed and dug her paws into his thick chest fur as she shivered. "OH GOD! FUCK ME!!" Allen thrust up into her and she yowled. She rode him hard, her breasts bouncing, tossing her head as she yowled and writhed. "SO HARD UGHHH FEELS SO FUCKING GOOOD!!" she threw back her head and screamed as she erupted again. Benny's juices made both of their thighs grew wet and sticky as she bounced on her love. He rolled her underneath him and she wailed and locked her legs round his back as he rammed her deeply face to face. She bit into his shoulder and shuddered as his roughness made her explode again. He grunted at the minor pain of her fangs but thrust deeper still. She was set ablaze with lust, as he always did to her, and the bed creaked and banged the wall as they made furious love. She felt his member throb and held him tighter. "Fill me!" she sobbed into his shoulder. "Fuck me full of cum, yes, yes YYYESSSSS!!!" Her pleas and warmth set Allen off as he grunted then roared as he gifted her with a massive flood and she thrashed beneath him, her tummy swelling with his seed. "OHH FUUCKKK AGAGIIIAAGHH EEIEIIEEIEI YESSSSS AAAALLLEEENNNN LLLOOOOVVVEEE YOUUUUU!!" She dug her claws into his back and they heaved and bucked together.

She lay with him, still entangled, snoring softy as Allen tenderly stroked her cheek and rumbled happily, so very much in love.

The End

Authors note-I wanted to show here that even with Allen's family money and his famous mother he didn't need it to make it on his own. and of course i am still such a sucker for romance.