
Story by Nightshade on SoFurry

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By nightshade

edited by chris castillo

(it is recommended that you read furry inc 4 and jon before reading this one)

Jenice moved silently along the corridor, the light of the lamps glistening on her shoulder armor and the protective metal collar round her neck. She placed her left paw on the jeweled hilt of the dagger in its sheath and took a deep breath, her large firm breasts heaving a bit as her heart thumped at a quickened pace. Save for her shoulders and the dagger with her, she was naked, her lithe sensual body open to the cool dungeon air. Her eyes glinted with determination as she paused by the corner. A lightning fast peek around the corner and her instincts were confirmed. Two guards; they were probably more interested in the sounds coming from inside the room they were guarding than their jobs. Had they paid attention they would have seen a naked intruder coming towards them. Jenice strode towards them and smiled. "Hey boys." she called out. For a vital split second, they were distracted, staring at her nakedness. That was all she needed. She drove a fist into the gut of the first guard and he keeled over to the floor. The second started to draw he weapon but barely got a paw on it before he gargled on the daggers jeweled hilt jabbed into his throat. She tied and gagged them with shreds of their own clothes and dragged them off to a dark corner. She kneeled before the door and quickly picked the lock. As she slowly opened the door the sounds within became even louder.

"OH GOD OHH YESS FUCK FUCK FUUHHCKKK!!!" the panthress was wailing as she rode the hard cock of the horse tied to the bed. Jenice's blood boiled as she saw that he was bound and gagged, his eyes covered by a silk blindfold. His captor was covered in sweat, tossing her hair wildly as she wailed in an intense orgasm. "NNNARRGGGUUAHHHHIIIAEEEEE!!!" she shuddered and bucked on the huge shaft of the horse, her eyes tightly closed. She gasped and collapsed over him, sobbing loudly. "Oh god oh god oh godssss." the black feline groaned loudly as she continued to quiver and shake with aftershocks. After a long while she recovered a bit and slid off his shaft with a deep moan. She leaned over him and licked his nose. "Be right back stud slave." she purred evilly and walked a bit awkwardly to the door leading to the next room. As soon as she was gone, Jenice hurried to the bed and quickly slipped off the blindfold and gag. The horse blinked and looked to his rescuer. "Jenice!" the horse gasped, his eyes delighted. Jenice smiled and brushed his cheek with a paw. "I can't take you anywhere." she smiled, her own eyes happy to see him again. "Let's hurry before she..."

"Comes back?" a voice sounded behind them. Jenice turned and saw the panthress, still nude and smirking evilly. "So the vixen returns for her mate, how touching." Jenice snarled and raised a middle finger. "Fuck you Alanna!"

The panthress giggled and crossed her arms across her chest. "Too late, your mate already has." The feral grin across the panthers muzzle quickly disappeared and her gaze turned ice cold. "Guards!" she called. No guards came. "Guards?" she called again as she slowly inched towards a nearby dresser. "I've taken care of them" the vixen snarled and barring her fangs. "And now it's your turn!"

Alanna snarled and snatched up a dagger off the dresser. She growled and crouched low to the floor "You'll never get him back bitch, my line shall live on!" The pair circled each other, their eyes aflame with hate for one another. One fighting for herself and the other fighting for love.

Alanna roared and lashed out with her blade, striking a shoulder guard. Jenice wasn't quick enough to avoid the graze and rolled to the side. She struck back and narrowly missed the felines stomach. Jenice's knee struck the others thigh and Alanna grunted, slashing out with her blade. A thin line of red appeared on the vixen's cheek but in the same instant, Jenice's dagger struck. Alanna froze, her eyes grew wide and she gasped. Her eyes looked down and she choked as she saw the dagger buried to the hilt between her breasts. "Your line ends here. " Jenice snarled and pulled the blade free. With a jerk and slight gasp, the panthress toppled backwards to the floor, drops of crimson leaking from her mouth. Jenice sheathed her blade and turned to her mate, still tied to the bed.

She climbed onto the bed and smiled. "Honestly Jon, why do I always have to get you out of these situations?" She kissed him deeply and moved to undo his restraints. She paused with her paw on one restraint. A thought came to her and she grinned. "On the other paw, it seems a shame to waste an opportunity like this." She ran her paw over his body and grasped his half hard shaft. Jon looked up at her. "What do you... Ohh OHHH!" he whinnied and she grinned.

"Ohh you're so biiiig." the vixen panted as she stroked his huge shaft between her breasts. She whimpered as she rubbed her dripping cunny lips to the base of his cock, shivering at the feeling of his pulse against her clit. "Oh oh unh huhh NUHHH!" She gasped then groaned loudly as she came, her juices soaking his balls. "NUHGHH!" she closed her eyes tightly and growled as she came a second time. His shaft throbbed and precum dribbled down it. She leant forward and lapped at the sweet fluid, then threw her head back with a shriek as she ground her clit into his cock and came. "OOH FUCKK!!" she howled and he neighed and shuddered, his shaft exploding into a fountain of cum. She groaned as his cum sprayed her sensitive nipples then moved her head down and sucked hard. Jon tossed his head and whinnied as she was rewarded by several hot gushes of cream, gurgling a little as she swallowed it hungrily.

"CUT!" The call came over the speakers and the lights came up. Jenice murred as she nuzzled Jon. "Good work stallion." Jon chuckled and whickered. "You too my foxy." They kissed one last time and she reluctantly slid back and off of him. "Ohhh I always miss that." Alanna said as she sat up. Jenice smiled and helped her up. "Yeah I know, he's very good." "Good fight." The panthress hugged her. "You too, i'm glad we're friends." The vixen giggled. "And that I was using a hologram blade?" The panthress nodded and laughed. "Yes that too."

They untied Jon and helped him off the bed. All three headed for the cool down room. As they showered, Alanna soaping up their backs for them, Jon nuzzled against the vixen. "Will you join me for dinner tonight Jenice? I have something important to ask you." She nodded and enjoyed the back scrubbing. "Mmmm 'kay sweetie, see you at 8." As Jon finished showering he gave Jenice a deep kiss, grabbed his clothes and left. The panthress and vixen looked at each other. "Do you think, maybe...?" Alanna giggled. "Maybe." the vixen grinned.

The calendar on the wall said july 2035 as he walked past the main office. Sabrina stuck her head out of the door. "Jon may I see you a moment?" He stopped and smiled. "Sure." he entered her office and sat down. The years had certainly been good to her. Her hair had a bit of gray in it, but she kept in shape and still appeared in the occasional shoot herself. Sabrina gave a slight smile. "I wanted to thank you for doing this film with us." Jon smiled. "Ah heck, its my pleasure. Besides, I love the ladies I get to work with." she raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Anyone in particular?" He blushed slightly. "Uhh yeah about that." The vixen leant forward. "Yes?"

Jenice hummed to herself as she combed out her hair in her bedroom, clad in a light flowing dress, showing off her sexy body without being blatant about it. A knock came on the door. "Jen, its mom, can I come in?" She smiled into the mirror. "Okay mom." Sabrina entered and watched a moment from the doorway. "So grownup." Sabrina sighed sadly as she entered and Jenice smiled up at her. "Look twins." She pointed in the mirror and Sabrina giggled. "Not quite, you have your fathers eyes." She put her paws on her daughter's shoulders. "I'm so very proud of you Jen, you've become a fine young lady." Jenice swished her tail and looked over her shoulder. "And porn actress?" The older vixen laughed. "That too." She hugged her from behind. "Ohhh, it seems just yesterday you and your brother were little babies in my arms." Jenice smiled. "That 'yesterday' was 20 years ago mom." Sabrina giggled as her daughter stroked her arm. "Is this about Jon? I know he's a bit older than me..." Sabrina shook her head. "Only 8 years, your father was that much younger than me when we got married." Jen giggled. "I guess we have a thing for an age gap huh?" Her mother laughed. "He's a good man, and I've been very happy with him, I want you to be happy too dear." Jen smiled softly for a moment into the mirror. "I am happy mom, very happy." Sabrina stroked her daughter's long hair. "I know you are darling, that's all a mother can ask." She kissed the top of her head. "Have fun tonight okay?" She started for the door. "Oh and don't worry, I won't wait up." Jen blushed deeply. "MOM!" Sabrina giggled impishly as she closed the door behind her.

Jon smiled a bit nervously as he lit the candles. The doorbell chimed and he hurried to answer it. Jen smiled up a little at him and he froze for an instant. She was gorgeous. Her hair was done into a cascade over her shoulders and the dress she wore showed off her every curve. "Umm, can I come in?" she asked. Jon blinked then blushed. "Oh oh sorry yeah, come in please." She entered and he took her purse and wrap. "Have a seat, dinner is almost ready." Jenice looked around at the setting. "Wow, you've gone all out." We whickered. "Took me a little while to find enough candles," She giggled and his heart leapt at the sweet sound.

As he watched her scoop up the last bite of ice cream from her bowl, he whinnied. "Jen?" She looked up, her tongue in the process of licking her spoon. "Hmm?" He chuckled deeply. "Put your spoon down hun." She did so. He took a deep breath. "Jen, you know how much I love you." She smiled murred happily. "I know darling and I love you too." He flicked his tail nervously. "Today, when we were doing that scene in the bedroom, all I could think about was one thing." Jenice grinned impishly. "How tight Alanna's cunt is?" He nodded. "Yes, I mean NO!" She giggled. "Just kidding." Jon blushed almost as crimson as his mane. "This is serious." he took her paw in his hoof hand. "Jenice we were playing mates in that scene and all I could think of was how much I wanted it to be for real." She blinked. "Jon, what are you saying?" He whickered. "Jenice Foxtail Bruin, will you marry me?" There was an explosion of movement as the vixen threw herself across the table, scattering dishes everywhere. She cannoned into his arms, kissing him furiously. "YESSS!!" He oofed as he toppled backwards and held her close as she sobbed with joy. "I've waited for you to ask me that for 2 years!" He chuckled as he tried to hold the wildly energetic vixen steady. "Well you were only 18 when we met." She batted his chest. "You silly wonderful stallion, I will marry you gladly and we'll be happy and have lots of kids and... and..." He covered her mouth with his paw and the rest of her words were muffled. She eventually stopped chattering and glared at him. "Don't you think we'd best actually get married first?" he asked. She nodded and he took his paw off her muzzle. "That was mean." She pouted then kissed him with savage passion.

Jenice lay back on the bed looking up at Jon. "I love you so much." he whickered and she murred as she stroked along his shaft with both paws. "Mmmm and I love you my stallion." He moaned softly as she rubbed the head of his shaft gently along her cunt slit. He slowly started to press forward and she gasped then groaned. She spread her legs wider and looked down at their hips as she slowly pressed into her, her cunny widening around him. "Huh huhh ngggg." she grunted and he slowed down a bit. When he was almost halfway in she gasped and shuddered in a small climax. "Ohhhhh!!" He paused and let her settle down before pressing in deeper. After a few minutes he was actually pressed into her all the way and she stroked his chest and panted deeply. "sso, mnnh b, big." she whined and he leant down to kiss her deeply. Her talents always impressed Jon. His dad had told him that even his mom hadn't been able to take all of his cock into her when they were first dating and he was almost as long as his dad. He held still, letting her adjust as she breathed deeply. "Now," she moaned, her eyes twinkling lustfully. "Mate me good my wild stud."

"OH FUCK SHIT YEAH FUCK MEEE!! Jenice wailed and screamed as she gripped Jon's hot cock with her tight cunt. "AHIHHHH HARRDDDERR MOREE COCK!!" she shrieked and banged her paws on his back, her legs spread wide. "RHHAUGHH!!" he groaned as he rammed into her deeply, her cunny stretched round his shaft. She arched her back and screamed as she came, her juices soaking his shaft. "AAIIIEIEIHHAGGAIIEIIEEE!!!!!" She dug her paws into the sheets and howled, tossing her head wildly. Jon whinnied and rammed into her faster. Sweat poured off both of them, the bed shaking and banging the wall as they rutted wildly. "LOVE YOU AND YOUR FUCKING COCK!!!" she howled and ground her hips up into him hungrily. He looked down at her. The sweet girl he loved was gone and a wild mating beast remained. The sight spurred him on to go for even greater efforts. "AIIIIIAGGGGHHARRHHHH!! FUCK FUCK FUCKKK!!" she shrieked and her eyes widened as she felt his pistoning cock swell. "YSSS FUCK ME, FILL ME WITH YOUR CUUUMMMMM!!!" He shuddered and neighed, his shaft pulsing hard as he fired a massive salvo of horse cum into his shrieking fiancé. She arched almost off the bed, her eyes wide, gasping. "UH! UH!! UHH!!!" Then she exploded. "AUUGGAHHAHHAIAIIAIAIEEEAAEE!!!!!" he thrashed and bucked, her feet beating a tattoo on his back and her paws clawing at the sheets as she came like never before. He roared as he kept firing and she loved every hot drop. "OH GODDD SO MUCHHH!! MORRREEE!!" she yowled and thrashed wildly beneath him, her tummy actually started to bulge a bit as he filled her womb full of his horse seed. They shuddered for a long hot moment then collapsed onto the bed, both gasping harshly, their linked bodies jerking and shivering. "Ohhh FUCK!" she gasped and giggled and moaned all at once and he licked her face softly as he moaned.

Jenice idly traced her fingers through Jon's mane as they cuddled. "Mmmm my stud." He whickered. "My mare." Jenice giggled. "I love you." She smiled and kissed his nose. "I love you too Jon." she murred softly as she cuddled closer. "Who would've thought a dance would lead to this?" she giggled. "It was my first time there, part of my 18th birthday present. When I saw you there at the bar I just knew I had to dance with you." Jon whinnied. "That dance lasted all night, I never wanted to let you go." She nuzzled into his chest. "I went back as much as I could after that and when we eventually made love that night, mmmm." He smiled. "You dragged me to the back room and practically raped me," he said. She grinned impishly. "Hey we'd been seeing each other for 6 months and you hadn't made a move yet." He stroked her auburn hair. "That's because I had fallen in love with you." she giggled and yawned. "mmhmm, and I was so proud of you when you met my folks. You didn't even blink when I told you I was doing scenes part-time." He chuckled. "I still can't believe you talked me into joining in that first time." She grinned cheekily. "Ohh I could hardly walk the next morning." He held her closer. "I love you so much and I promise to be the best husband I can be." She wagged her bushy tail. "And a father?" He blinked and looked down at her tummy. "Ohh not yet." She giggled. "But someday." He relaxed a bit. "Yes darling Jenice, and a good father." She closed her eyes. "That's my man." she murred as she drifted off to sleep, Jon following soon after.

The end, for now

Authors note- Okay who didn't see this one coming? hehehe. Jenice certainly takes after her mother and when I was writing this I was almost afraid that Jon wouldn't be able to keep up with her.