Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch 8

Story by XenoElite on SoFurry

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#8 of Xenomorphs

Author(s) Notes: YES! I finally got this done! It took way longer than it should have and what I would have liked but it's done now and I'm happy about it. YOU SHOULD BE TOO! If you notice some patchy spots, those are the areas where I stopped working on the story for 3-4 days before starting again. I adopted a "Add 100 words or more to it" policy while working on this every few days. Not my best policy but it worked I guess, you can guys can be the judge of that.

Disclaimer: I do not own Alien(s) & Predator(s). I'm a simple guy writing a story for your pleasure and entertainment, don't like it? Don't read.

_Italic words; _will indicate thoughts/ideas/memories.

Story and Character are copyrighted by me.

Without further ado let's begin

Time: 12:30 p.m. Location: Outer perimeter of the Hive.

Team Storm

"This is suicide" grumbled a Marine, "what is the Commander thinking? There is no way we can all pull this off without something going wrong."

Flash Back: 3 hours ago

"Listen up! We've been sitting on our asses and we're not getting shit done. It's time we took the fight to those fuckers and show em who their dealing with!" shouted the Commander. "We WILL win this battle, and I be damned if we lose without a fight! All Teams are to move out and begin assault on various parts of the Hive. Each Team will be going in with a Tank packed with enough fire power to level 20 blocks in seconds. You are to reach your objectives and set the charges and high tail it out of there and we will blow the whole thing to hell! Is that UNDERSTOOD!?"

Various "Yes Sirs!" answered the Commander, and with that the Teams began to prepare for the upcoming assault before heading out within an hour. Most of the men were looking forward to the upcoming battle while others began to have doubts on the success rate of the mission. Regardless of how each of them felt, they still had a job to do and with 3 of the 10 Teams inactive it was up to the rest of them to pull it off.

End of Flash Back

Another soldier spoke up, "So tell me again, how far do we have to go into the Hive to plant the charge?"

The leader of the group answered, "We are only going into the outer layers of the Hive. From there we plant the charges and get out and wait for the signal to detonate."

"And we are expected to pull this off a total of 7 times in various areas with only like 75 people? Against who knows how many of them? Yeah, this'll be easy as pie." Replied a third Mairne.

"Not to mention they got the home field advantage here." Spoke another.

"No doubt they'll spot us before we even breech the damn place. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they already know we're coming." Respoke the first Mairne.

"It doesn't matter if they know, how many of them there are, or how many times we have to do it. We will persevere, and we will avenge our fallen brothers." Answered the leader.

"That or die trying" grumbled the first Marine.

"Ah shit. Is that entrance over there?" pointed the second Marine.

"Sure is, time to cut the chatter and stay frosty for the fun starts now." (The leader).

"Can I ride in the tank now?"

Time: 1:00 p.m. Location: About 1 mile from the Hive, Due East.

"There are the humans" said a voice, "Looks like they have begun their assault on the Hive, seems we arrived just in time."

"This is a disgrace. Not only are we not partaking in the fight but we are relying on these humans to provide a distraction for us!" growled another voice.

"Would you rather run head in against them all? As good as we may be we are no match against so many of them, Serpent or human." (The 1st Voice).

"It would be more honorable then this."

"Maybe, but we were selected to retrieve the egg. What greater honor than to present it back to the Elder?"

"Bringing back a few trophies to go with it of course."

"You can do that AFTER we secure the egg , now we must complete our first priority." Spoke the third and final voice of the group.

"By that time all the good ones will be taken."

"Or ruined" inputted the second voice.

"Fine. The two of you can go off and do what you want; I'll get the egg myself."

"Don't have to tell me twice. Soon as we get in I'm going hunting."

"Try to lure all the Serpents away from us while you're doing that. More glory for us and everyone gets their way."

"Ahuh, nothing like 20 Serpent heads to say 'Preda Magnet'."

"With what you're packing, which isn't much, you're going to need to bring back the Queens skull to even get noticed by Preda's. And if the two of you won't shut the hell up I will take both of 'your' skulls as trophies." (3rd Voice).

"Having issues with your family again? Still trying to get daddies approva-l" (1st Voice).

The third Predator turned around and brought its powerful leg up in-between the 1st Predators legs making him bend over in pain. The blow was followed by a swift hit to the back of the head sending the male predator on the ground. Slamming a foot on his back the 3rd spoke, "If you EVER bring up my family's history again, I WILL kill you. You are in no position to lecture me on such things with your ranking." With that statement she turned around left the two males to catch up with her as she headed for the Hive.

All three Predators arrived at the entrance; bodies of both species covered the floor followed with multiple blast marks everywhere. Good news was that the path was for the most part clear except for debris here and there from the fight.

"It would seem the humans made it in."

"You had doubts?"

"A few, they are after all an ignorant race when it comes to most things."


The further they went in the darker it got and the once spacious rooms became mazes of corridors. The group tried to stick near the path of devastation the humans made on their way in since most of the doors and terminals were opened thanks to them. That and the Serpents would be focusing on attacking the humans head on and from the sides to stop the assault. Of course there was still the possibility that a swarm of them would circle round to the back for a surprise attack of their own but the Predators were keeping their distance just in case something like that happened.

"You hear that?"

"Hard not to, sounds like the humans have their work cut out for them."

"And we're just going to keep heading in the direction of the conflict?"

"I'm no fucking coward; I'm not missing this opportunity for a battle."

"Yes but we are on a search and retrieve mission not an extermination one."

"As I said before, 'soon as we get in I'm going hunting' and now is the perfect time to do so."

"Then go on ahead."

Time: 1:30 p.m. Location: The Hive, Queens's chamber.

The Queen lay in her cot idly swishing her tail to and fro. About an hour ago her scouts sent word of a large group of humans heading in their direction packed with enough fire power to destroy who knows how much of the Hive. She knew, as did her scouts, that this was the plan the humans were going for but oblivious to the humans, there was now a third party of contenders to deal with now. One that posed a much greater threat than the humans, luckily the party consisted of only 2/3 of the total amount the humans currently had. So numbers were not an issue but the amount of fire power each individual held was. Her battle tactic was to let both opposing parties assume they were successfully pushing her children back until she gave the signal for a large force of their own to sneak around behind and basically fucking desecrate them all. A simple and affective plan that would work very well on the humans; however, for the Predators it would probably be less affective but they were slow in close combat. Successfully dodge and counter the first strike they threw and you could win, if done quickly enough.

Then again, that's true for almost any circumstance. Timing is everything and it's almost time to exploit it to our advantage. She turned her gaze from the ceiling of her chamber to look over at a now lone figure on the floor. If something were to fail in this endeavor we still have a wild card that can be set into motion at anytime need fit.

Before the Queen could proceed with her thoughts some more, a mental voice from one of her warriors entered her head.

"My Queen."


"The human's main force is starting to retreat away from the Hive; however there are still several groups of Predators lingering about now in the Hives outer layers. Do you wish for us to engage them as well?"

"No, full back to the Hive's 2nd layer. No doubt the humans left a few parting gifts with that assault of theirs intended for us to enjoy; however, we will let the Predators reek the rewards. 'Everyone, regroup along the Hives 2nd layer and prepare for the next assault', the Queen sent out mentally to her remaining warriors. With that issue taken care of she could now check the progress of another.


"Yes my Queen?"

"What is the status of your mission?"

"We have obtained all we could before the assault began. Sadly, a group of Predators interfered and we were not able to finish gathering supplies."

"When you say a group, I hope you mean an army because if I find out it was only a small group that stopped you and Venotrix I WILL personally deal with the two of you in my own special way."

".... A promotion?"

"Try something more beneficial for me and something painful for you."

"Ah, got it. It was oh...... about 9 I think."

"That's sitting really close to being just a group...."

"Yeah but they only travel in 3's so this IS an army of them."

"I'll be the judge of that, how far away are the two of you?"

"We are in the outer layer of the Hive right now, almost to the 2nd layer."

"Well speed it up, I have suspicions that the humans left some gifts for us all through out that area."

"How nice them, and how generous you are to let the Predators have them."

"If you get back here quick enough you can go back and pick one for yourself if want. Just don't bring back with you, or anywhere near the rest of us."

"But I want you to have one to my Queen. After all, isn't that what ladies like? Unexpected gifts and all?"

"Only when we don't KNOW what they are."

"I find the biggest one for you then."

"Take your time finding it, Venotrix."


"Feel free to leave Rocxis behind if you want. If he dies you can have his place."

"Can I possibly create an 'accident' for him?"

"Only if it's good one and you tell me about it later."



(Aarons Perspective)

......... Hmm. Wait, I can hear myself again....

Groaning, Aaron slowly opened his eyes in the somewhat lit room he was in. First thing he noticed was the ceiling which immediately struck him funny. Why? Last he remembered he was in a deep shaft of some sort where he couldn't see the ceiling. Next was the size of the room he was in, although he was still laying on his back he could tell that is was indeed bigger since he couldn't see the either side of it.

Great someone found me and thought it was necessary to move me. But if that's the case then why am I not pasted to a wall yet? Ugh, my neck hurts.

After spending some time on the floor, did Aaron finally make an attempt to move. But how he chose to do so was a bad idea. Leaning up some, he positioned his right arm underneath him only to be met with a server pain emitting from his shoulder.

"Gah!" Aaron yelled as he crashed back onto the floor. Fuck! My shoulders are still dislocated! Aaron withered on the ground for a few seconds before regaining his composure, preparing for a second attempt.

"I got this..." With a quick motion he rocked himself into a sitting position. "Now for the hard part, dammit all this is going to hurt." Now replacing one shoulder into place wasn't so hard when you still had one good arm to do it with, it still hurt but it was still simple. However trying to replace two shoulders on your own was NOT a simple task when done alone.

After a few attempts Aaron managed to get both his shoulders back into place but regardless of that the ligaments and tendons were still inflamed from such a long period of being stretched out of place. Aaron breathed a huge sigh of relief from feeling some of the pain melt away, but didn't press his luck to put any weight on either his arms at the moment. A hissing noise behind him got his attention and not wanting to be knocked out again Aaron jumped to his feet to face source of the noise. He immediately stopped when he saw the Queen lounging on her cot, both his confusion and heart beat increased at that.

Wonder if I can out run her, probably not since one step for her equal like 5+ of mine....

An eerie silence enveloped the room as the two gazed at one another. Only the 'swishing' noise of the Queens tail could be heard in the still air. After a time, he felt a pressure begin to form in his head, at first it was nothing but it increased to a point where it felt like he was going to blow a blood vessel in his head.

Bitch is trying to get in my head. She can go fuck herself because she isn't getting crap from me.

"Just as I thought you're able to block me out of head, most impressive."

"I see you have a problem with others privacy bitch."

"Oh I like you."

"Feeling is Mutual, you wanted something? Or I can I leave now?"

"No. I am afraid you can't leave, and it isn't so much as what 'I' want but what She wants. And what they desire, the rest of us desire to fulfill it no matter the cost."

"I'm touched, but I fail to see where I come into play on this soo...." Turning around he made his way towards the exit. Bad Idea. Something solid collided with his legs knocking him on his ass and just as quickly he found himself suspended in the air upside down looking at a pair of glistening white teeth.

"It's not polite to turn you back on a lady." The Queen scolded, "Nor is it polite to treat your host in such a rude manner."

"Seeing how I did not ask to be here, that rule doesn't apply. As for the second, I don't follow the old courting rules that only the royal and rich do. I'm a simple soldier, I'm paid to shoot, not think. Nor am I obligated to present myself in a high fashion to anyone else but my superiors, yet even then that's not much."

"If you are indeed obligated to respect your superiors then you should have no problem presenting yourself to me."

"I DO have a problem with it."

"Guess you and I will 'work' on it." Smiled the Queen.

"The way you said that with the creepy grin does little to reassure me."

"We will start your lessons soon." Chuckling, the Queen continued, "But for now you need to rest, those shoulders of yours will take a few days to fully recover from what I heard."

"How is it that I have time? I'm expecting my chest to explode outward at any moment!" Aaron angrily yelled.

"If it was a standard drone or warrior yes but that's not what was inside that egg."

"What 'was' inside that egg?"

"Our race's new future."

"That's it? You're not going to elaborate on that?"

"That's all you need to know." Replied the Queen.

I'm going to have a rage-quit moment if this keeps up, Aaron thought. "Seeing how that I am the one who is 'generously' raising your 'future' the very LEAST you can do is give me some damn answers."

"As I said before you do not NEED to know." Pausing she continued, "But I suppose I could tell you the very basics to ease your curiosity." A quick flick of the Queens tail sent Aarons world spinning but soon only the ground filled his vision and a dizzy feeling in his head arose. "You have at most 2 weeks until the embryo in your chest bursts out."

"That's nice." A blow to Aarons gut from the Queens tail shut him up.

"Don't interrupt. Second, you will be under 'constant' watch by at least one of us. This is for as much your safety as the embryo's... but mostly the embryos."

That will make escaping here harder.

Another blow to his gut.

_"_Ophh! *Cough Cough* the h-hell?"

"You were thinking of something witty to say."

"You don't know tha-"

Yet another blow to the gut.

"Maybe not definitely but I can still read your body language."

"You're a real-"

(*Sigh* Do I have to tell you again?)

"No name calling either. Third, it will be both your responsibility and a few other individuals to keep you in fit condition. This is so the embryo gets plenty of good nutrition and develops completely."

This sounds like an awful dieting program you would see on TV. "We will implant this parasite inside you so it steals most of your body's nutrition and make you sick while at the same work you to death so you lose as much wait as possible before you die." Yeah! Sign me up!.....

"What exercises would I be expected to perform if I were to agree to this?"

"Well first you're already participating, and the exercises you will be performing will be mostly stamina based." The Queens replied with a mischievous smile.

Again, the way she says that makes me think otherwise.

"Can I cancel my membership?"



"So now what? Do I start running? Do we fight? Maybe have a quick game of poker or something? Seriously, I'm not used to seeing 'friendly' Xeno's let alone have this long of a conversation with one."

"We could do 'OTHER' things...."

Was that.... Seduction in her voice? (#_#)

Before either of them could say another word 2 new voices broke the awkward silence, awkward for Aaron anyway.

"My Queen, we have successfully gathered all the supplies that you asked for." (Rocxis)

"You mean 'I' gathered all of it, while you just sat back and bitched about doing it to start with." (Venotrix)

"Huh? Does someone need to be reminded of their place?" answered Rocxis imitating a backhanding slap motion.

"Did someone forget what happened last time someone tried that?" countered Venotrix while producing a load whip cracking noise with her tail.

"Meet me in my quarters later and I while put the 'whipping' on you."

"Think you can handle this?" Venotrix emphasized her statement by swinging her hips and tail side to side with each step way more than necessary, "I doubt it."

"Wait a minute..." Aaron's confused stare turned into that of recognition, "I remember you."

Venotrix stopped her argument with Rocxis to stare at Aaron, only now noticing his presence.

"Yes. And I remember you." She growled, "You and I have some unfinished business to settle."

"If you're referring to our earlier brawl I thought it was obvious that I won."

"Obviously this needs to be corrected."

"I like the results."

"I don't."

"Get over it?"

"Oh I will after I'm done with you."

Aaron swore she was about to fucking mug him but as luck would have it someone else prevented the situation from occurring.

"Now Venotrix, you can't go beating up the person you are supposed to protect let alone the eggs host." (The Queen)

"I'll be gentle." Was Venotrixs only response.

"I won't." Inputted Rocxis, "I call first dibs on giving him any sort of punishment need fit." Rocxis emphasized that by cracking knuckles.

"As his personal guard that 'privilege' is automatically mine." Venotrix retorted while giving Aaron a death-stare.

"As head and enforcer of security it is my job to remove problems within the Hive." (Rocxis)

"As Queen of the Hive, any and ALL decisions and regulations must first be approved by me. So I will be the one in charge of all punishments here." Spoke the Queen, Giving a stare at Aaron who could only describe it as 'Creepy'.

"As the victim and intended target of this scenario, It is my given right to act accordingly to my own discretion."

"After I'm done with you." Said all three Xeno's simultaneously.

Somebody.... Please..... Help me.

Was all Aaron could think while staring at each 'smile' the three Xenomorphs gave him.

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