The Chronicles of Rogue: Chapter Eight

Story by Axio on SoFurry

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#8 of The Chronicles of Rogue

Roguefever Productions

Proudly presents

The Chronicles of Rogue

Chapter Eight

Disclaimer: I own the character Rogue and the plot to this story. Both are copyright to me.

First, before anyone did anything about the date, I needed a place to actually call "home" to get ready. Fortunately, the compound that we were in also served as living quarters for everyone who worked there, which surprisingly only consisted of five other people when excluding myself.

The cheetah - who now I knew as Simi - led me through some corridors to a hallway full of doors that she told me were living quarters. I entered the one we stopped in front of, and it was empty except for a small desk in the far right-hand corner of the room, with a black swivel chair parked right beside it, a bed on the opposite side of that, and a large window in between, complete with blinds that were carefully drawn. The carpet was black, and the walls were a slate gray, while the bed's comforter was a black that matched the carpet nicely, and on the desk there was a small lamp. There was another door to the immediate left once you entered the room - which might I add, was around ten by ten feet, or around three meters square - and this was a large closet that went along the entire length of the room behind the wall that the bed was against, and was around two feet wide, with a rack on the left side to hang up clothes.

"Well?" Simi prompted me.

I turned back to face her, smiling. "I love it. But why such a large closet?"

"The architect was female," She replied.

I smiled again, "That explains it."

"But do you really like the room?"

"It's the first place that I've ever been to where I know I'll always be welcome and always have a roof to sleep under. I love it more than you can imagine."

"I'm happy to hear that." She then turned in the hallway, apparently someone else was walking down it towards Simi. "Hi, hun~."

A human walked into my field of view, and I automatically bristled. It was confusing enough that it smelled like both a male and a female, but why was it, a human, in a relationship with Simi, a cat? It hugged her and she giggled a little before turning back to me.

"Rogue, this is Demi. He's my lover."

"He smells odd." I said bluntly.

She smiled a little once again. I made a resolve to try and not encounter Demi again. He extended a hand to me, a seemingly friendly gesture in which I was meant to shake it with my own, but I politely declined.

He spoke, in that too-loud human voice. I flinched back involuntarily at the volume, and even Simi winced slightly. "So what's your name?" He took his hand back, unshaken.

"My true name or the name that was given to me at the time of my birth?" I asked. Simi raised her eyebrow, nearly imperceptibly, as if she'd heard that before somewhere.

"I don't care. Just what's your name?"

I was really starting to dislike this person. "Upon the renouncing of myself by my parents, I adopted the name 'Rogue'."

He smiled, showing me his uncharacteristically straight teeth and when he spoke this time, I caught a sniff of his breath. 'Rancid' was too delicate a word. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah. 'Nice'." I assumed sarcasm went over his head, and indeed it did, with flying colors.

"Well, we live across the hall from you, so if you ever need anything just holler, wait actually no, the rooms and doors are all soundproof in this place, so just knock."

"Right, then. See you later, then." I dismissed him. They were soundproof to him, maybe, but to the sensitive ears of a cat they were probably paper.

He disappeared into the room across from the hall, but not before giving Simi a brief kiss.

"He was. . . Different." I told Simi.

"Well I love him and he loves me, and as long as the both of us are happy, that's how it will stay." She smiled, a sincere smile that people use when they believe something with all their heart.

"How old are you?" I asked her.

"I'm fifteen."

Immediately I was floored by the idea of a fifteen year old sleeping with someone, however my face maintained its expression from years of practicing the art of betraying emotion. I then mentally shook my head and told myself I'd seen worse things.

"Cool, I'm sixteen, so I guess we're sort of the same age. How old is Wulf?" I had a mild speculation that he wasn't a teenager, but I had to be sure.

"Wulf? Oh, he's twenty. His birthday is on April twenty-first, so he just turned twenty only four months ago."

"Really? My birthday's on the eighteenth of that very same month!" I was pleasantly surprised.

"Awesome! And you know what that means... Twice the birthday sex!" She winked at me and I felt my face flush a little.

She giggled again, a soft airy laugh that would have been contagious in a classroom full of peers.

"Also, speaking of Wulf, his room is to the immediate right of your room, if you were in the hallways and facing your own door, and if you poke around your room enough, you might find a nice surprise." She winked at me again, and I was left wondering just what she meant when she turned on her paw pads and skipped away, tail bouncing softly in her wake.

I closed the door, a confused smile on my lips. I then remembered my backpacks in what I would call the laboratory, and so I went to go get them. When I returned, I again closed the door, and sat on the bed, unzipping the first backpack - the one with my personal items and tech - and let everything spill out onto the bed. Almost as soon as I had done that, I heard a knock on my door, and told whoever was out there to come in. The door swung open slowly, and a gray, canine head ducked down into the door frame to see what was up in my room. I then noticed that the ceilings were unusually high all throughout the compound, at least nine feet tall, higher in some places. It was as if the architect had purposely designed the building for furries who might be taller than your average man. The door frames, however, were the same at six and a half feet that normally presides in most households, meaning Wulf had to duck down considerably just to get in.

"May I come in?" He asked me, with still only his head peeking into my room.

"Sure, it's not like I'm naked or something, and even then I wouldn't mind." I truly wouldn't, just for the record.

He flushed slightly and came in, and that's when I realized that it was him who was naked. I immediately felt a stirring in my sheath, my eyes involuntarily sliding over every inch, every curve of muscle on that body of his.

"Oh, and I see that you have no problem getting walked in on - or walking in on someone - naked either." I shifted uncomfortably. My pants were tighter than I remembered them being last time I had a boner, but then again, my jewels were half the size they were now last time I had a boner, cock included.

"I can go change if you want." He offered.

"No, that's okay." I said it almost a little too quickly. "I mean, if all goes well on that date you asked me out to, I'll have to get used to it sometime, and trust me, I can tell right now that I'd love to get used to what I'm seeing now." My eyes glanced down from his face and onto his glorious pecs, then a little lower, gazing along the mountain ranges that were his abs, and then just a teenie bit lower to where his large, fuzzy sheath rested, its contents just a little too large for their container and poking out the top slightly, then lower still to where his grapefruit-sized balls were nestled snugly in between his legs. My eyes snapped back up to his face as he started talking again, and I noticed he was blushing fiercely, then I noticed that I was blushing as well.

"About that date... I was thinking more or less we just stay here to eat, since most restaurants have a 'no dogs allowed' policy."

I thought about this for a moment. To be honest, I didn't mind where we went, as long as I got some food. I had skipped breakfast and lunch, and it was getting pretty late in the day. The sunlight slanted through my blinds and cast itself in little lines on the floor very close to the opposite side of the room, slowly creeping towards their transition from floor to wall.

"I don't mind," I said, returning from my brief thinking process.

He smiled without teeth, making me flush a little more. Why must this wolf look so darned adorable whenever he smiles?

"Great," he said, still smiling, "what would you like to have?"

"Oh, um... I honestly don't know. Just have whatever you want to eat, chances are I'll like it, and if it's something I've never had before, I'll definitely try it." I smiled back finally, a shy little thing that made me blush a little bit more as I felt myself doing it.

His smile vanished, followed by a small frown and the look someone gets when they go deep into thought. "But I asked you out on a date, so I want to treat you to something you want..."

I hadn't thought about that, but then again, I'd never been on a date before, so I didn't know I was supposed to think about that. What he said, though, did make perfect sense. On the other paw, it embarrassed me, as if the transition between having no one ever care about me to having someone who had the potential to care about me a lot happened too quickly for myself to adjust. Was this what it was like; having a boyfriend? But he's not even my boyfriend yet!

I quickly realized that I had said 'yet' in my thoughts, and immediately blushed even more, though my dark red fur did wonders to cover most of it up.

"I, um. I don't know... I've never really had to choose what I wanted to eat... I normally just had to choose if I wanted to eat whatever was available, which was anything I could really get my paws on for the first three years after my parents had, erm... kicked me out. Trust me, if you had the choice between eating something and going hungry, you'd become much more agreeable with whatever came your way..." This felt weird. Was it normal to just open yourself up someone so... so... liberally? To me, a cat who loathed anyone knowing anything about him oh so recently, opening myself up like this was like killing off who I used to be, and replacing the now-empty space with alien traits. My survival instincts told me information was dangerous when it was about you, yet sought after with unparalleled vigor when it was about anyone else.

"Well, what do you enjoy eating?" He asked, my seemingly large lapse in thought taking place in less than a second.

"I do have a soft spot for fish, as well as apples, I guess. In most regard I'm a typical cat, because when given the choice between soda and milk, I'll choose the milk." I nodded to myself, as if finally finding something that fit the cat that was me, something I could be sure of.

The species that people turned into when they transformed due to the illness seven years ago did not affect who they were as a person, such as food preferentials. I've seen cats that absolutely loathed fish and milk, as well as a vegetarian canine, so for me to fit the bill as a cat is somewhat uncommon.

Wulf chuckled, and stepped across the room comfortably in three strides. He sat down on the bed across from me, comfortably cross-legged to show off what was between his legs, and I noticed enviously that even when sitting down he towered over me, at least a foot taller, possibly more. I found myself sitting up straighter, extremely self-conscious and desperately trying to maintain eye contact with him. I didn't want to keep staring at his crotch, slack-jawed as if it was the only thing I could think about.

He scooted a little closer, his tail wagging a little bit. Whether he knew the discomfort he was causing me or not, he was definitely enjoying the situation.

"So do you want fish and apples for dinner?" He asked me this with one of his eyebrows raised.

I imagined tasting both fish and apples simultaneously. Alone they would both be rare and almost unobtainable by normal means, but in my imagination I was flabbergasted at how mind-blowingly delicious it might be. Fish and_apples?_ My mouth watered so much it was like my salivary glands orgasmed or something.

I guessed my eyes had that glassy look that people get when they're in a trance, staring off into space, mouth slightly agape, looking like they're scarcely breathing, because Wulf looked at me with concern and started waving his paw in front of my face after a few moments.

My ears pricked a little as if I had just heard an interesting sound as I snapped back to reality from my small fantasy, where in my head I was a chibi form of me, floating among cartoon drawings of cooked fish and roasted apples that were nearly as big as I was.

He laughed loudly, "I'll take that as a yes," he smiled once more, his eyes sparkling with catchlights from some invisible light source behind me.

My mind was still recovering a little from the awe-inspiring, mind-numbing, imaginary mix of the flavors known by me as fish and apples that I had managed to conjure up in my imagination. I think I managed to blurt out something perverted in response. I can't be sure. My mind was a tiny haze of the following thought:What would one call a mix of apples and fish? Appishes? Fapples? HAH fapples has the word 'fap' in it!

I managed to recover after a minute or two, and finally responded appropriately.

"Yeah I think I'd like that... But I don't want to have us eat something you might not like." I managed to speak a sentence that gave the impression I was literate.

"Don't worry about me, I'll have some meat lovers' pizza." He voiced a small murr after he said it, as if thinking of how tasty it would be.

"I worry about everything." It was true. I did in fact worry about everything, it was in my nature.

"Well we'll just have to fix that with a lot of relaxation, and trust me, after dinner you'll need to do a lot of relaxing, because tomorrow we're going to be training your Influence." He smiled with a playful evilness, "And maybe you'll need to relax for some other things too..." His smile broadened.

I yawned, being your average sleepy cat, and Wulf told me it was almost time for dinner. He exited my room and left me with my thoughts for around a half an hour, and only after he left did it dawn on me what an idiot I was being. Franticly, I laid back on my bed - it was my bed now, I liked the sound of that - and tried to deter myself from this whole thing. It couldn't happen, he wasn't for me.

Why am I letting myself harbor these... these emotions. Wulf can't be for me. I'm not good enough for him. My thoughts sounded primarily of this, and the mantra 'He's not for me' was adopted by my subconscious, and I was repeating it over and over in the background of my thoughts.

He's handsome and he's intelligible...

_ 'He's not for me.'_

_ He seems to really care though! But wait, I don't want to get hurt if he decides to leave me..._

_ 'He's not for me.'_

_ I want him... I really do._

_ 'He's not for me.'_

_ But what if he -_

_ 'He's. Not. For. Me.'_

I knew my mantra was right, though... as much as I despised admitting it, Wulf could not have been for me. He was tall, absolutely gorgeous; he had the attitude of a man who could overcome anything, and he even had the right facial features - even though canine - that made him seem like he would be a conversationalist. Anywhere he went, women probably catered to his every whim based just off how he looked.

And then there was me. I was short compared to him, and there was something to be desired about my looks from the perspective of someone like him. He was strong-willed where I was meek. He had a tool enviable by any man, where before I found my Influence, mine was simply average. He was beautiful, and I... I was not. I had the wrong color fur of a cat, and somehow he finds the audacity to think of me as one he could possibly date...? He deserved better than I.

I couldn't sit and possibly let him waste his efforts on me. And... I know I liked him... but what if it hurt me...? I would never, ever, be the same cat again if we were together and he left me. I knew it with all my heart, as much as it sang a small song with the frenetic tune of one who was in love, that I couldn't let that happen to myself.

_ What am I going to do...? I have a date with him in half an hour, and he seduced me with a simple platter of fish and apples. How simple can you get! All you have to do is wave a dish with_ fapples_on it and I'll follow you around like an obedient kitten until I'm left alone! Ugh!_

I spent much time hating myself for what had just happened, in fact, I was tempted to just run away and leave all of this behind. Nothing good comes from interaction with another of your kind. I learned this in grade school, and though there was a small gap between the time I started masquerading as a human and the time I was kicked out of my house by my parents, it didn't stop the kids who I had been in the class with from continuing their everlasting hate crime against me for being who I was, even before I changed. That taught me that the only way to truly be happy is to be in the company of none other than yourself, for interaction with others is swiftly punished by those you wish to interact with...

I grimaced as I remembered something that had happened shortly after I changed, in the classroom the day I returned donned all in black with a scarf and gloves:

It was fifth grade, and it was time for Art. The Art teacher had passed out paintbrushes and watercolors to all of the students, and told them to paint a picture for their moms for Mothers' Day. In the middle of my grief over what to do, because my mother would surely not accept whatever I painted for her - having thrown me out and all - , I noticed one of the students next to me plucking out some of the fibers in his paintbrush. He was marveling at how many hairs there were, and he kept plucking them out, one by one, until it was time to paint.

_ He dipped his paintbrush in the water and cried out in horror as all the hairs that were left in his paintbrush fell out of their little chrome casing. He was acting delusional, denying all logic presented to him by his classmates, and I got the terrible idea to try and help sway him. I tapped him on the shoulder._

_ "It happened because you plucked out hairs to the point where there weren't enough hairs in there putting pressure on the chrome piece, so they all got loose and came out." I told him_

_ "Shut up, I pulled some hairs out before that, and nothing happened. You don't know what you're talking about!" He cried indignantly. He turned back towards the other people who were trying to consolidate him. I did not give up._

_ "That's because the water loosened-" I began._

_ "I said shut up!" He turned around and glared at me before turning around again._

_ "But the water loosened the hairs and they-" I started again. He whirled around, fuming._

_ "Are you_ still_talking!?" He looked really mad... "I don't care what you have to say, so shut up already!"_

_ I slumped in my seat, and if my ears weren't covered by my hood, they would have been drooping. "I was only trying to he-"_

_ I was instantly drenched in dirty paint water. The child sitting next to me apparently had suffered through my good-naturedness and helpful disposition long enough. He had flung his paint water at me, and it soaked me through and through. Small, multicolored drips cascaded down my sweatshirt and onto the floor while I was stuck in midsentence, stunned. The normal teacher, not the Art one, came over to see what was wrong._

_ "What happened here?" She asked. She was looking at me expectantly, as if she knew I'd make trouble._

_ "This whining loser spilled his paint all over himself!" The child called, and he was backed up by some of his friends. The teacher turned on me, and asked my story._

_ "I was trying to help him because he broke his paintbrush, and he flung his water on me..." I told her._

_ "Liar!" The child accused._

_ "If I'm lying, why is my water glass still full when yours is empty and in your hands...? Better yet, why is mine clear and full while the water left over in yours is the same color that's on me, and nearly empty...?"_

_ "Well you obviously switched them." He said shakily. This child, I knew, was not used to having his theories or logic challenged by others. I could win if he kept talking._

_ "But I haven't even started painting yet, and you have, so if I did it to myself, the water would be clear, but it's not. It's the same color as the paints you were using. Also, how could I have when you were watching me this whole ti-"_

_ "Silence!!" The teacher shouted. She took me by my shoulder and roughly pulled me up out of my seat so I was standing. "I'll be taking_ you_to see the school principle, also to have the attendance office call home to your parents and ask them to have a little chat with you about something called honesty!"_

_ "But I-" I started._

_ "Quiet!" She shouted again. "I don't know how your parents put up with you."_

_ I remained silent, save for a small whisper that escaped from my muzzle, unaccounted for and impossible for me to have held back._

_ "They don't."_

_ And with that the tears started flowing again, my outlook on life stained the same color as the water that drenched me. Gray, bleak, and formless._

I snapped out of my flashback with a sigh. I was wrong, I should give him a chance. The world won't change for you if you stay away from it, it will only be colder once you come back.

I got out of bed, springing upright with a little "hup" sound. If I didn't give him a chance, I'd be no better than that child in my memories, or my teacher, for that matter. I would be judging Wulf without precedence, and, to be honest, being judged like that doesn't feel too good.

I walked out of my room and tracked Simi down by scent, I'd need her help, definitely. I went down through a few corridors that I'd never be able to navigate without my nose, and through a few rooms. It was odd, there was a beach inside of the compound, with sand, and a pool that I guess would be sort of like an ocean, all under an amazingly high roof that was exactly the same color of the sky.. It seemed like it was high noon in there, judging by the lights, which I noticed was just one light, seemingly globe-shaped and hanging from the ceiling by indiscernible means. It was even a warm, beach-like temperature in the room, and I could only wonder what the entire compound's energy bill was as I padded along the sand.

The sand was squeaky, for some reason, and it made me uncomfortable, my every pawstep being announced by a telltale squeak. All stealth was null. Why did I even need stealth anyways? I'm not a spy or anything, I'm in an apparently massive building with friends and hopefully one boyfriend. Silly habits.

I padded up to an umbrella sticking out of the sand, smelling that Simi was under it before I saw her. She was reading quietly.

"Hey, Simi?" I asked her tentatively.

"Hm?" She looked up from her book. "Oh, hi hon. What do you need?" She smiled.

"I have a problem." I admitted to her, quietly, acting.

"Oh? What is it? Is it about Wulf?" She looked concerned.

"Sorta. You see, I have this date with him in twenty minutes..." I looked up and met my eyes with her, smiling, "... and I have nothing to wear."

She laughed and fixed me in a confident gaze. "Well you've come to the right cat."

The next twenty minutes went by in a blur, first, we went back to her room, and opened up her closet.

"Demi's things might be a little tight ya know. You're a bit taller than him, and you've got this-" She grabbed my handful of ass, squeezing it a little. I meeped and blushed a little, not because I was aroused by a female doing it, but because I've never had it done before.

"These-" She gripped my biceps and squeezed softly again, the prominent muscles in my arms bunching up a little reflexively.

"This," She stuck her hand down the front of my pants and gripped my sheath roughly with one hand, and I cried out softly, caught off-guard by her forwardness and odd disposition to grab genitals without warning.

"And these." She slipped her hand lower and took one of my kiwi-sized balls, squeezing it gently before moving on to the other one, doing the same to it. I was a little shaken, to be honest. It was the first time I had ever been groped before.

She took her hand out of my pants, leaving my junk feeling slightly tingly from the sudden handling.

"But we can manage. All you'll need is a little..." She bent over and rifled through some things. "Sex appeal." She came back up with a thong. A male-thong.

"I'm not wearing that. Especially not if Demi's worn it."

"Aw, you're no fun..."

"I guess not, but then again, if you were a guy-cheetah, I'd be very inclined to steal you from Demi. That, and if I didn't have a date. Then you'd probably think of me as very fun." I told her with a wink.

"Oh, I see." She said, somewhat sarcastically. Her ears perked up as if she just remembered something. "Before I forget, I need to tell you to not use any of your Influence until further notice."

I paused, confused. "Why not?"

She sighed and looked me in the eyes. "The only reason Shadists are so rare now-a-days, is because their powers killed them. They used to be the most common type of Influence-users, but the same day they changed, they started dropping like flies. We're not sure how, but apparently, when Shadists use their Influence, they shorten their lives. When they run out of Influence, they die. It's like using life energy to run some cataclysmic engine of destruction."

I nodded, wondering how much longer I had left, then wondering why I felt the supply of Influence growing each day if I was a Shadist. I kept these details to myself, they could be discussed at a later date. My date, however, was in a small ten minutes, and I still had nothing to wear. I suddenly had a dirty idea.

"Mk, I promise not to use my Influence, but I just got a kinky idea..."

She straightened up again, smiling. "I'm listening."

"What if I just went to the date in my tight black boxer briefs?"

Her eyes widened and she looked me up and down, and she might have even licked her lips, I couldn't tell. I was too busy being thrown out of her room with her telling me it was the best idea in the world, and that she'd tell Wulf to go to the date naked as well. Just before her door shut, I told her that no, she shouldn't, and that I wanted it to be a surprise.

I walked across the hall and into my room, sliding the door shut behind me. I then looked at myself in a full-body mirror that magically just appeared. It was leaning against the wall at the foot of my bed, and was easily two and a half meters tall, as well as a meter wide, at least.

I gazed at myself for a while in that mirror, and then I got busy.

First, off came the scarf. Next, the sweatshirt. I looked at the dark red fur of my face in the mirror, my lower jaw highlighted by bright yellow fur instead of red, continuing down my body underneath the rest of my clothing. I twitched my ears, laughing to myself a little at the way they bobbed. I had never noticed it before.

I took another breath and took off my T-shirt. I looked at myself for what seemed like a long time, the shadows of the blinds having crept up the wall and now bathing the right half of my body in golden sunlight. The yellow fur on my chest and stomach seemed to be shining, the dark red now a glossy burgundy that had narrow bands of white wherever the curvature of my muscles reflected the light off my fur, into the mirror, and into my eyes. There were a lot of them. I mean, seriously. I turned to the right a little and watched shadows that defined my abs and pectoral muscles slide over from the left side of my body to the right. It was so sexy looking, I had to admit...

Next came the pants, and I enjoyed that part a little, my tail flicking from side to side and curling in the air every so often. I took them off excruciatingly slowly, watching myself in the mirror. I had a little difficulty getting them over my crotch, which was bulging quite noticeably. Then I noticed I wasn't too aroused and deemed it to be normal. I could get used to a body like this.

I kicked off my pants and gazed at myself again, my defined chest and stomach areas, paired with my well-built arms and broad shoulders, gave me a nice silhouette, which slimmed down a little as it got to my waist before expanding out a little more to encompass my butt and thighs, where it slimmed down once more as it went down my muscular legs. They were slim yet defined, lithe yet strong, their three joints seeming to be perfect proportions. I licked my lips, growling a little to myself. If I saw me on the streets... murr... let's just say kitty would pounce.

I fixed my eyes on my tight, black boxer briefs. My crotch was not just one indiscernible lump, it was clearly three lumps in a triangle shape, a large lump at the top of the triangle, with two smaller but identical to each other lumps that could only be my family jewels. I bit my lower lip, my paws being drawn to the waistband. It looked so tight, I just wanted to take it off and-

"Now, now, don't you think we should save that for after dinner?"

I yelped loudly and whirled around. Never has anyone ever snuck up on me, who could it have been? My thoughts were a whirlwind as it seemed I was turning, but turning much too slowly.

Then they stopped as I saw Wulf there, naked, in the doorway, his thick, canine cock poking halfway out of his sheath, and halfway was eight inches, at least. He was panting a little, his tongue hanging out the right side of his mouth just a bit as he leaned against the doorframe, his eyes scanning every single inch of me as I stood there, exposed almost completely. He was gorgeous; his musculature would make anyone jealous. He was just there, leaning against my doorframe, and yet he was everywhere. In my mind, in my eyes, his musky scent was in my nose, and I found myself breathing deeply just to imprint his manly scent into my brain. It was strong, it was powerful, it smelled of sex, sweat, and man.

We stood there for a moment, eyeing each other. Well, to be honest, I was just thinking about how hung he was. He'd have to buy another plane ticket for his cock if he ever wanted to fly anywhere; it seemed to be that big. I wondered what exactly I had gotten myself into, and then I immediately thought: 'Paradise'.

"I see you like the mirror." He said, chuckling softly. He stood up straight and walked over to me, his erection bobbing up and down with every step he took, his large balls swaying with his momentum. They were like a hypnotist's watch, I could not stop staring. I finally tore my gaze away when he was standing right in front of me, intimately close. He was almost two heads taller than me, his erection going from my bellybutton to my shoulder, and pressing against me softly. I was just standing there with my mouth slightly agape like an idiot. Again.

He chuckled and bent down, brushing my light brown hair out of my eyes before kissing my forehead gently. It was like snapping out of a spell. I gathered my wits and spoke softly.

"I like what you're wearing." I whispered to him.

"Glad you like it." He growled back almost lustfully into my ear. "Are you ready for dinner?"

I gulped and glanced to the side quickly, just to see the tip of his thick, semi-erect shaft resting on my shoulder. I quickly looked back and into his eyes, all confidence that was gained by looking at myself in the mirror lost in the presence of this sex symbol.

"I sure hope I am." I said shakily.

He smiled. "You can think about how sure on our way to eat."

I was about to ask him what he meant when he scooped me into his arms, and I was suddenly surrounded by a vast cage of Wulf arms and chest. He held me close to him, like you would a prized possession. Tightly, as if you were afraid you might drop it, yet gently, to avoid damaging it. He was holding me with one arm around my back, and another behind my knees, and I was reminded of this pose from books I would read when I was smaller; the handsome male character swooping in and delicately picking up the female character of the story in his strong, capable arms. It was just another one of those things that woos me.

I was bedazzled by him. His fur was so soft; his hold on me so firm, as if not even the earth itself was ever going to be able to pry me away from him so long as he lived. His smell was overpowering, and it made me dizzy being so close to the source of it.

We started walking, well, he started walking, carrying me. With each step his semi-erection bobbed against my back, and I got an evil idea that cats get sometimes, and I curled my soft and fluffy tail around his erection, grinning evilly.

He murred to himself, pulling me up tighter so he could look into my eyes as he walked with me.

"You are one evil kitty... How am I supposed to walk with this soft thing down there?" he pouted a little, not breaking his stride.

"With enjoyment at the pleasure it gives?" I snickered a little, obviously a bit more playful now, possibly more confident.

He bent his head down a little and whispered in my ear. "It makes me wanna stop right here and fuck you right in this hallway..."

I became bold, blushing as I said this next sentence, whispering back. "When we're done eating, we'll go around and have sex in half the rooms in this compound."

His eyes widened and his erection was now pressing against my back instead of bobbing against it, proof that it was escaping its master's sheath. I tightened my tail around it a little and elicited a low moan from my date. I felt a large drop of his musky precum smear on my tail, and it was then I noticed my boxer briefs were tenting dangerously, my cock snaking around my thigh as it failed to escape its smothering black prison.

Wulf groaned, not from exertion, but from temptation. "How about we just skip dinner...?" He looked at me pleadingly. We were about halfway there.

"Only if we go back for a midnight snack, once we repaint my bedroom." I promised him.

He stopped walking. "Deal." He then turned around and took me right back to my bedroom, laying me on the bed and then getting on it on top of me.

He was above me, looking down at my smaller body. He had his paws on my wrists, which were up near my head, and I felt so exposed to him, but so safe from everything else as he looked at me. His eyes were flickering, but not from happiness. These eyes were not smiling from happiness, no, they were flickering with the deep-set emotion of lust. I was almost certain my eyes mirrored his.

He bent down and kissed me almost without warning, it was a hard kiss, a passionate kiss, one that demanded I open my mouth and wrap my tongue with his, and I did so gladly, exploring his entire mouth. He tasted familiar, almost sweet, and I almost forgot to breathe as he cocked his head to the side so our jaws could fit together, letting our kiss be all the more intimate and close. I was aware that I was moaning softly, and I was desperately trying to kick off my boxer briefs, they were just too constricting to my ten by two inch barbed cock. I finally succeeded, and, being free of its prison, my cock pressed against Wulf's cock so hard as he was almost laying on top of me. I then noticed that his massive shaft was nearly twice the thickness of mine, and nearly twice as long.

His tongue was in my mouth, twisting with mine in a lover's waltz. We stayed like that, kissing and moaning softly for each other for a few minutes before he finally broke the kiss. I was immediately filled with a sense of longing unlike anything I've ever felt before. This wasn't a want. This was a need, a burning desire without which I would be nothing. I wanted him inside me, and thinking about his massive size only made my heart beat faster and my cock throb harder.

I was panting, I realized, as I spoke to him. "How... how big... are you?" I moaned softly as he started kissing my shoulder, trailing the kisses up my neck.

He spoke softly, in between kisses. "I think... I'm around... eighteen... inches long, and four thick."

My next sentence was more of a moan that a statement, my tail was curling wildly as my body was wracked with these new sensations of being touched, of the desire to be joined with Wulf.

"I want it... I want you. All of you. Inside me." I spoke between pants as I hiked my legs up around his waist and spread my legs for him. I felt a large drop of precum where the tip of his cock was, on my chest, and then felt another, and another, until it seemed as if I had said the magic words to unlock the floodgate of Wulf Reservoir, the biggest and fullest reservoir in the country. He was literally dripping with precum, and it soaked the bright yellow fur on my chest within seconds.

"Please..." I almost begged him. I wanted him so badly. He was everything in my world.

I didn't need to ask him again. He pulled back so far, far enough so he could position his massive length with my entrance, his leaky tip instantly providing ample lubricant for his mighty shaft. I felt it press against me, and felt just the very tip of his cock press into me and immediately felt the slight trickle of precum into my insides that would help him get the rest of himself inside me. He stopped for a moment, letting his precum spill into my innards, and then he started to push forwards, ever so slightly. It hurt, as soon as it started, but it hurt in a good way, a way that only made me want more.

"If this starts to hurt... tell me, and I'll stop..."


Heeheehee... I really am evil... I don't know of another person who puts a cliffhanger RIGHT at the beginning of sex like that... But yeah... Murr, hot stuff up there, or at least I think so. So, stay tuned for the next installment, which hopefully will be very soon! Also, my hands hurt! I've never typed 7,100 words in one sitting before! D:< You all better be grateful... ~angry fist shake~

And by the way, comment... please. I like comments. Comments make me a happy cat, because I can change things for the better. Tell me if my style is irksome, or if I'm doin' it wrong. Please :3. I <3 feedback ((and lots of views)).