The Unknown Ally

Story by Wyatt on SoFurry

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#3 of Master of Puppets

"Wake up kitten!" Tyler nudged him. Wyatt opened his eyes. It was morning, judging by the stream of light flooding through the barred up window in the wall. From what he could tell, he had slept soundly. It all been... like a dream to him.

Even in his delusional state, Wyatt noticed something very odd about the other prisoners. They were almost completely identical. Each one was a white wolf, of the same muscular build, wearing exactly the same clothes as Tyler. The difference between them was their faces and, perhaps, their names.

But then Tyler disappeared from sight, and everything changed.

But, instead of making a heroic escape, he ran headlong into somebody and knocked himself over. The figure collapsed on the ground with him.

"So you think something's not right about this place too?"

"So what is this place?"

Jay suddenly pointed to a wolf sitting a few tables a way from them, "See that guy there?"

"Yeah! It rhymes with one of the lines written in my room!" Wyatt had voiced his voice by accident, and several of the wolves nearby were staring at him. He avoided eye contact with them.

"Fine, you might be on to something there," Wyatt admitted, "but how do you plan to get hold of the drug?"

"You haven't quite figured that one out yet have you?"

The chance to have some time to himself was incredible. The showers, like most the other rooms in this prison, were sparkling white and fairly large. But, to Wyatt total and utter relief, they were empty.

And who was this guy, Jay? He wasn't like any of the others here... the others were all identical, but Jay seemed to have a very fiery personality. From what he had gathered so far, anyway, that was his opinion.

'End of passion play; crumbling away; I'm your source of self-destruction'

'Needlework the way; never you betray; life of death becoming clearer'

What did they mean? Yes, it was poetry... no question there, but why had these versus been written all over the walls here? Jay had said something about magic... a spell...

"Stop right there... and turn around..." Even though he hadn't heard this voice before, it caused his insides to freeze. It was the kind of voice that could quite easily sour milk. Even worse, as he quickly realized, it was another voice that controlled him.

"Don't hide yourself either..." The wolf in front of him grinned. It wasn't Tyler. Another wolf was standing behind him, his arms folded across his chest. Both were, like Wyatt, nude.

are, tiger! Now stop moaning, get over here and suck my cock already!"

And, even worse, the wolf meat in front of him had to be at least eight and a half inches long. Its tip was already dribbling pre, which wouldn't budge even in the flow of the showers. So Wyatt pressed his muzzle forwards and licked it. It tasted awesome. He wanted to bite the wolf's cock off in anger, but instead settled for gently licking its head, lips occasionally sliding around the skin.

"Slightly improvement noted." Slight improvement! Let's see him open his mouth to make way for something this size and do it with passion! It wasn't fair.

"He's got a nice ass... this one..." The wolf bent down and ran one paw over his behind, causing Wyatt to shiver with both disgust and pleasure.

The wolf behind him had now knelt down; with his left paw still massaging Wyatt's behind in an odd fashion, softly pressed one finger against Wyatt's tailhole and pushed, very slowly. It was a very strange sensation. He squirmed as the wolf curled his single finger around inside him, unable to stop himself growling with frustration, anger and pleasure.

Both wolves snickered at the same time. He was giving head and getting fucked at the same time... why wouldn't they laugh? He was a slave to them... They could make him commit suicide, or kill somebody else... he'd do whatever they wanted. And right now, they wanted something to fuck.

It was very confusing, having two things happen to him at the same time. All he knew was that he was now getting fucked so fast and hard that it was getting slightly painful. The wolf was gripping his sides hard, thrusting his entire length inside him with passion that would suggest he was very close to finishing up. The thought of that sent waves of nausea pulsing through Wyatt. He wasn't sure if he wanted it or not.

Wyatt yelped as both of them pulled away at exactly the same time. He collapsed onto the ground, wet, sore and naked, where he lay panting.

It was a matter of minutes before his vision faded.

A familiar sickness. He hated it now... it was so horribly close to him that, were it any worse, he could have torn his hair out whilst screaming for it to go away. But it wouldn't.

As he rolled onto his back, he felt something hard against his waist. Something in his pocket. It hadn't been there before... He groaned again, using one paw to rub his eyes and the other to grab whatever was in his pocket and held it up, in front of his head.

And gasped...

He instantly sat bolt upright. How the fuck had he got this?! He wasn't supposed to have it! If they caught him holding this then he'd be killed for sure!

Someone must have helped him... Someone must have slipped it into his pocket while he was unconscious.

One of the wolves? It couldn't have been... they were the bad guys!

Somewhere, in this crazy place, he had an ally...

Wyatt moved the bed sheets a little more; making sure the drug was covered up.

Hope you enjoyed... I did writing it ^_^ things are hotting up now, and I promise its gonna' be good!

Toodle-pip xxx