Wakeing Up

Story by Rain Shigu on SoFurry

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Alright. Before we begin I need to say a bunch of legal junk. First off. I do not own pokemon or anything related to it. You must be at least 18 years of age or older to read this story... I think. If you are not of legal age (depending where you live) click the back arrow and leave my story. Better yet, close this page via the close button (located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen), or by clicking the "Escape" button (located on your keyboard). All characters are Copywrite© to me Tomes Felinus I (the first).


Please tell me where you think I need to improve, and what you think I should change in order to make this better. I might make a second story depending on what people think of this.


I woke suddenly, snapping my eyes open, while trying to get up. Nothing happened. My entire body felt heavy and I hurt all over. I started to panic. 'Where am I, how did I get here, what's going on, what's going to happen to me,' I quickly thought. 'Get a hold of yourself,' I mentally slapped myself, 'now see if you can't figure out what's going on.' I calmed down and tried to remember what happened.

I had gotten out of bed around noon, I had walked around the valley, talked to some friends, and went back home. Then I ate a snack and went on a walk. There had been a bright flash of light and then I woke up here. 'Ok, good,' I praised myself, 'Now I just need to find out where here is?' I looked around as best I could, seeing as how I couldn't move.

I could feel cold metal underneath me, and in front of me was a row of bars. I was apparently lying on my stomach, and I could feel something around my neck. I could hear a steady beeping noise coming from behind me. I could hear voices coming from both sides of me, and probably from behind. I could see a man in a white coat out of the corner of my eye to the left of me. There were machines lined up against the walls, some showed pictures, some had words scrolling down them, and one had a picture of what I could only assume was me. There was a big set of doors in front of me, and there were tables with strange equipment on them scattered throughout the room.

Just then the doors in front of me slid open, and a woman walked in. She had long brown hair, and deep green eyes. She wasn't extremely tall, maybe 5'3" - 5'4". "All right, you guys all go get some rest. I'll monitor the subject for now," the woman said as she walked over to the cage I was in (at least, that's what I had to assume it was). I shut my eyes so she wouldn't notice I was awake. I heard the doors slide shut, and I slightly opened my eyes. Then she bent down so she was closer to me and said, "My, aren't you a cute little thing," in an overly cheery voice, like a person would use when they were talking to a child.

Cute? Ok, so maybe most of the people that I know called me that (mainly the girls), but still... Although it doesn't help that I'm 16, and still look like a seven year old. While standing at a measly 3'8", I was the smallest Riachu in the village. Even my 10 year old sister was bigger than me. And females are normally smaller than males! Although I do like the fact that my tail is a good two feet long. Even though I was small, I was still one of the strongest in the village (not counting the adults that have gone on journeys).

I opened my eyes the whole way and saw the woman sitting on a chair in front of me, holding a clipboard and writing stuff down. "So you're awake after all," she stated in a way that said she already knew that. "Can you talk?" I couldn't move my mouth, and even if I could, I'm not sure if I should, so I just rolled my eyes. "Oh my," she exclaimed, "I forgot about the sedatives." She quickly stood up and walked around the cage, and out of my line of sight. I heard a faint hiss, followed by a pain in my arm that felt like I had been poked by something sharp. Then the woman walked back to her seat and sat down. "I'm so sorry about that," she apologized, "you should be able to move soon." Just to see if she was telling the truth I flicked my tail a few times. Seeing as how it hit me, I sat up and stretched a little, making sure that everything was still attached.

"So I know that you can understand me by the way you reacted, but can you talk," she asked eagerly? In response I merely nodded. "Hmmmm," she thought for a moment, "Ok, how about this. Will you talk?" 'She's pretty smart to know the difference between 'can' and 'will',' I thought to myself.

"Depends," I say to her.

I watch as she reacts with a look of shock and amazement (and perhaps wonder). Trying to keep the excitement out of her voice, she asks, "On what?"

"On the subject," I reply, while flicking my tail back and forth.

"Ok. How about you telling me your name," she asks me. Although it sounded more like a command to me.

"Only if you tell me your name first," I reply. Watching as she thinks it over.

"Well I guess it couldn't hurt," she says with a hint of nervousness in her voice. "My name is Tessa," she (now known as Tessa) continued. "Now how about you, what's your name?"

"Well Tessa, my name is Zek," I respond.

"Well Zek," she says cheerfully while extending her hand to shake, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

I look at it hesitantly before reaching through the bars and grasping the outstretched hand. "Same here," I reply.

She lets go of my hand and stands back up. Then she taps on her clipboard and a screen pops out of it with words and a few pictures on it. "If I let you out of there can you promise me you won't try anything," Tessa says to me, while poking one of the pictures, causing the screen to change. I agreed, after all, where would I go? I don't even know where I am. She pokes what looks like a word, causing the screen to change yet again. The bars in front of me slide up and out of the way. As I go to stand up I get yanked back down by something holding me by the throat. "Oops, sorry about that," she apologized, rushing over and pressing something against my neck.

I hear a 'snick' and reach a hand up to my neck, "What in the," I exclaim as I touch something wrapped around my neck. "WHAT IS THIS," I demand, griping the thing and trying to pull it off of me.

"Zek, please calm down," Tessa urges. "You're going to hurt yourself," she warns, "That collar is going to electrocute you if you keep messing with it."

"... Really," I ask, looking at her, without letting go of the collar.

"Yes, really," she answers, and I reach up with my other hand to grab the collar. I lift up a leg and manage to get my foot (my toes and a little bit more) under the edge of the collar, and try to get it off even harder. After a few seconds of struggling her clipboard beeps and a screen pops up. On the screen a little bar is filling up, shifting colors from yellow to red. Just before it fills up I remove my foot from the collar, but keep pulling on it. "I'm sorry," she says solemnly, as the bar fills up, a picture lights up, and she pokes it.

I heard a buzz from the collar and then I feel a jolt of electricity surge through me and I fall backward in surprise. 'That was stronger than I had expected, but still not all that strong' I thought to myself. 'After all,' I thought, 'my brother woke me up every morning with a more powerful shock than that.' "Are you ok," Tessa asks me as she kneels down closer.

"I'm fine," I assured her, sitting up with a big grin on my face. As the tingle from the shock finally fades away, I stand up and step out of the cage.

"If you say so," Tessa says, still not quite sure. "I need to run some tests on you, before you can go outside. Is that ok," she asks trying to make it seem nicer than it was.

I think it over for a second before answering, "Do I have a choice?" I stop and wait for her to do something. She walks out of the cage and over to me.

She sighs and replies, "Well, you can either come with me and do it the easy way, or you can wait for the scientist to come back and let them do it."

"When you put it that way...."

"Good. Well then, just follow me," she says to me starting towards the door. I followed closely behind as she walks up to the door. As the doors slid open I see two men in matching uniforms, one standing on each side of the door. As they hear the door open they turned to look at who it was, and as soon as they see me they pointed something black and shiny at me (a P-90 as I later learn). "Lower your weapons," Tessa says without stopping. I glance at them nervously as I hurry to catch up with her.

"But ma'am," one of them starts.

Tessa stops and turns around, looking at the man that spoke. "I am in charge of this facility, therefore you will do as I tell you! Now lower your weapons," she commands them.

They both lower their weapons and stand straight, shouting, "YES MA'AM!"

"That's better," she says, turning around and continuing down the corridor. I hurry to catch up again (she seems to like to leave me behind), not saying a word. Suddenly she turns into a room to the left and I walk in right behind. "Please sit there," she points to a large metal table, which I go over to and hop up on. My fur stands up as my rear end comes into contact with the cold metal. "Sorry about it being so cold," she apologizes (another thing she seems to do a lot), while wheeling over a cart with some sort of machine on it, and wires hanging from it.

"It's no problem," I reply, smoothing out my fur.

Tessa picks some suction cups (attached to the machine by wires) off the cart, and starts to place them on me. She put one on each cheek (over the round spots of red fur), one on each temple, another on each nipple, and one on my belly button. "These will help me to learn a little more about you," she said when she saw me giving them a questioning glance. I could feel them emitting an electrical charge (unfortunately, it was taking more than it gave), so I started to absorb it. "Huh. That's strange," she says, pressing buttons on the machine.

"What's wrong," I ask, looking up from the thing stuck to my belly button.

"I'm not sure... Maybe it's the battery," she replies, as she pulls a cord out of the back of the thing and inserts it into a thing on the wall. She presses another button on the machine and it dimly lights up. "It's like it's not getting enough power," she continues, scratching her head.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know that the power had a purpose," I quickly apologized, stopping myself from absorbing the electricity. As soon as I stopped the screen brightened and a bunch of lines and bars started to rise and fall on it's screens.

"What the-," Tessa exclaimed, "-there's no way a creature could absorb electricity, let alone contain it. It's nervous system would fry, and I don't even want to know what would happen to its other organs."

"If it's too much I can stop," I say (worried I did something wrong), while stopping myself from emitting an electrical charge.

"That's amazing," Tessa says, "I've never seen anything that can control the bioelectricity of its body like that. Can you do it again?" She looks at me like a child that's just found a new toy.

"I... I guess I could," I stammer, wondering why she wanted me to do it. I didn't bother to ask why, and I let the power flow.

"Absolutely astounding," she said as she watched the screen on the machine change. "So, can you control it, or direct it, or something," she asked me. She looked at me intently and waited.

I lift up my right hand, palm up, fingers slightly curled, and watched as electricity flowed over my arm. "Yeah, I guess you could say that," I said with a chuckle, as I started to absorb all the electricity I could from the little machine (and the building, seeing as it was plugged into the wall), and formed it into a ball in my hand.

She watched the electricity zipping up and down my arm. Then she noticed the lights were dimming.

She looked from the dimming lights to me and asked, "Are you doing that?"

"Yeah sorry," I answered as the electricity faded from my arm. After a few minutes the lights returned to normal.

"Wow. That was strange," Tessa said to me.

"Yeah," I reply looking up at the lights. 'I wonder how much power I can get from them,' I ask myself. So I start to take in power as fast as possible. The lights get dim (almost as if they were off), and after a few minutes we hear a small explosion from the little machine and it stops emitting power. After a few more minutes the lights return to normal.

"I take it you did that," Tessa said, looking at me like someone would look at a child that just got caught doing something wrong.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that," I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Well as long as noth-," she started before she was interrupted by the two guards from down the hall bursting into the room and pointed those strange metal things at me again.

"Ma'am are you ok," one of the guards asks Tessa without taking his eyes off of me.

"Yes I'm fine, now get back to your posts," she says in a voice that makes you realize that she's said a thousand times before.

"But ma'am," the guard starts to say.

"No 'buts', now get back to your posts," she yells pointing her finger at the door.

"YES MA'AM," they both yell in unison as they head back out the door.

As soon as their gone she turns to me and says, "I think that we should keep the fact that you can talk between us."

"Maybe we should," I agree. Then I turn to look at the door and ask, "So are we almost done here?"

"Almost," she answers, "There are just a few more tests I have to do."

"What other tests are left," I ask, not too sure that I really wanted to know what they were.

"I just need to know a few things about you. I'm going to ask you some questions and I would like you to answer it. Is that ok with you," she asks while doing something with her clipboard.

"I guess that's ok. So what's the first question," I ask in reply.

"How old are you," she asks, looking up from her clipboard.

"16... roughly... depending if you're time and my time are similar," I say to her.

"Ok. Next question," she says, "Are you male or female?"

"Male. Last time I checked I was," I say jokingly. So maybe it wasn't the complete truth, but she didn't need to know that.

"Alright," she answers, looking up and smiling. "Just one last thing to do then we're done."

"Good," I say in response to what she said. "What is it?"

"I need to see your reproductive organs," Tessa says, looking up from her clipboard with a slight blush.

"Re.. pro.. duc.. tive..," I say slowly.

Tessa hears me and says, "I take it you don't know what it means." I shake my head. "I need to see the parts of your body used for mating," she explains to me.

"Umm.." I just stare at her.

"Just lay back and relax," she coos, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"If I must," I sigh, and lay back on the cold metal table. Did I mention it was COLD?

"Alright, now just relax," she says again, as she pulls on a pair of rubber gloves, and steps up to the table. "This will be over before you know it."

'Only if you don't see what's down there,' I think to myself, as she reaches down and spreads my legs. Tessa then uses both her gloved hands to look through the patch of brown fur between my legs. She stops when she finds the slit (If you know what it's called let me know) that hides and protects my dick.

She uses two fingers to spread open the slit, and takes her other hand and shoves a finger inside, causing me to let out a squeak. "Almost done," Tessa chuckles, moving her finger around.

'Damn it,' I curse to myself, 'If this doesn't end soon she's gonna find out my secret.' She continues to feel around my slit, until something catches her eye.

"What is this," she mutters, catching sight of a patch of slightly damp hair between my legs. She pulls her finger out of my slit, and uses her hands to once again look through my fur. "Oh my," She exclaims as she see's my cunt lips.

'FUCK!! So much for it being a secret,' I fume.

"I thought you said you were male," Tessa says to me.

"I am... I'm just not 100% male," I sigh.

"Well I can understand why you didn't tell me-," she sighs as well, "-but now I have a few more test I have to do." She sees me lift my head up to look at her. "Don't worry," she chuckles, "It will only take a minute."

'Why don't I believe that...' I ask myself, letting my head fall back and rolling my eyes. I hold back a moan as Tessa pushes two fingers into my cunt.

"You don't feel like a virgin," she says questioningly. When she doesn't get a reply she explains, "A virgin is a person who has never mated."

"Well then I guess I'm not one," I reply, as she pulls her fingers out.

"Let me know if it starts to hurt," she tells me. I give her a nod and she slowly presses her entire hand into me. I let out a moan as she slips her hand in to just past her wrist. "Wow," she exclaims, "You're pretty stretchy. Note to self test elsticity." Tessa pulls her hand out and takes off the gloves, dropping them into a can on the floor. "Alright, we're done. Let's go outside."

I get up off the table and walk over to the door. Tessa walks over to me and out the door, beckoning me to follow. We walk down the hallway for a few minutes before stepping into a little room. She presses a number on the wall, and a door slides shut in front of us. I can feel as we start to rise and Tessa says to me, "Next stop, the surface, and the outdoors."