Introduction Part 2

Story by Bartaugh on SoFurry

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#2 of Introduction

Introductions by Bartaugh

Part 2: Dinner and Entertainment

Dh'rath had a cruel expression on his face, crueler than Freynis had ever seen. It was the kind that went beyond domineering; the drow boy was showing true malice now, a willful desire to see harm occur.

Maybe, Freynis considered briefly, he had just never seen the boy smiling so cruelly up close. Or, perhaps, the effect was substantially enhanced by the drow's next taunt.

"I don't know why, but I get off so hard when this creature sinks his teeth into tender, young elf flesh..."

The words were a whisper that seemed to crawl from the drow's lips and into Freynis's ear, wriggling around there so forcefully that the boy thought that Dh'rath's tongue had snaked in there. The elf adolescent felt his shoulders gripped by strong, ebon-skinned hands and he felt his balls prodded by the warmth of Dh'rath's erection, which felt achingly rigid. Desperate, he attempted to avert his gaze from the drow boy's cold, sinister gaze; he looked up to the minotaur for some reassurance, yet glimpsed only the disheartening sight of the creature licking his lips hungrily.

"The dark elf speaks the truth...", the creature intoned, allowing a moment for Freynis's heart to sink before continuing, "... I do have a taste for elven flesh."

The words were spoken in a calm tone. It didn't seem to carry any intent to reassure, but it was also not spoken with the malice that Freynis would have expected such a statement to bear. Still, the gentleness of the statement did not make the prospect of being eaten seem any less dreadful, and when the minotaur punctuated his statement with a long, slow licking of his lips Freynis somehow felt the strength sapped from his knees. After a moment, he became vaguely aware of Dh'rath keeping him standing.

Then, suddenly, he was wobbling and struggling to remain upright. What had occurred had done so with such swiftness that Freynis could never quite recall exactly how it had played out.

He looked back to Dh'rath, who was still breathing hotly upon him, but by the time his eyes had shifted back downward the the young drow was nowhere near him; instead, the dark elf was several feet back, yanked -- apparently -- by the strong minotaur hand that had been resting upon the complacent dark elf's shoulder. Within another two seconds the drow boy was upon his knees, and his hands were behind his back. They seemed to be bound there, though whether the binding had occurred before or after the fall to the kneeling position Freynis could not know. The change seemed so sudden, yet the elf could not fathom how the minotaur had pulled the Drow back, tied his arms, and pushed him to his knees in that span of time.

Nonetheless, Dh'rath was there, seated on his knees and with his wrists bound behind his back. And looking just as surprised as Freynis, judging from his expression. His mouth opened to protest. Freynis blinked, and somehow missed the move that resulted in the drow's mouth being gagged with a thick rag that cut off any words of protest before they were uttered, though the drow did offer a few muffled grunts regardless. The elf noticed also that the drow was seated in what looked to be a sizable roasting pan that he did not recall seeing earlier and that he suspected had not been upon the floor until recently though he was not really in a state of mind to be certain.

Bartaugh was kneeling. He may have just knelt, or he may have been kneeling for quite awhile; Freynis could not recall in his addled and frightened state. He was lifting the roasting pan, and Dh'rath with it, which Freynis realised he should have expected even though he had not. As he stood, the creature intoned one word, a command that the young elf felt compelled to obey.


The home was an open cavern room, yet Freynis felt dizzyingly disoriented as if being led through a maze as he followed the creature across it, from the crude bedding to that kitchen area with the large oven that he suddenly remembered seeing when he had first arrived, and he felt so fearful of being lost that his steps were unnecessarily slow and cautious, necessitating the occasional quick forward stagger to keep up as he was led on the very short journey. He then had to stop himself from running into the minotaur when he failed to realise right away that the creature had stopped; fortunately, the loud thud of an occupied roasting pan being dropped onto a preparation table, while not alerting Freynis of the end of his journey, did startle the boy sufficiently to stop him in his tracks..

Bartaugh stood, back still to Freynis, blocking any view that the elf could have of Dh'rath and of what was being done to the drow, and the elf did not think to move to one side until nearly a minute of watching the creature's arms working, clearly doing something, and of hearing Dh'rath's continued muffled grunts. When Freynis finally did -- with greater than necessary care -- take a few gradual steps to the left he witnessed the minotaur's left hand carefully, slowly and methodically emptying the slightly thick and vaguely fragrant contents of a large bottle onto the angry-looking dark elf's ebon skin while the creature's right hand alternated between smearing that semi-viscous liquid into a mostly even coating -- which now was making the drow youth's legs and balls glisten -- and reaching between Dh'rath's thighs to fondle and tease that still erect drow penis. Aroused as he may have been, Dh'rath was evidently unhappy with his current situation but in spite of his squirming and struggling the drow boy barely able to bounce his bare rump upon his ankles, and breaking from his restraint seemed an unlikely outcome of his efforts.

Freynis's heart was pounding, but the boy wasn't sure if it had just started or if he had just noticed. He slowly looked up at the minotaur who, as if aware of the alteration of the surface elf's attention despite not looking away from the Drow, took a break from the glaze-smearing and cock-fondling to push a large, black sock that lay upon the table toward his lighter-skinned guest. Before the elf could even think to ask -- not that he actually would have spoken up -- the creature instructed, "Put that on his cock."

The elf boy took up the sock -- he hadn't quite realised what it was until the order was given, though he knew after looking that he would have guessed easily enough -- and opened it up at the base. It was large enough to fit, Freynis could see that much just from looking, though the boy had no idea of the purpose. He gave an upward glance toward the minotaur, who seemed entirely focused now upon smearing that glistening substance onto the wriggling drow's chest and backside, then realised that questioning the instruction may not be the wisest course of action and prepared to comply by lifting the sock toward the drow boy and opening up the base to properly attach it to the tip of the penis, as directed.

It was wobbling, twitching and jerking. Part of the movement was from the boy's squirming, and part of it must also have been from the slight shaking around that the minotaur's hand was causing as it worked to rub more of that shiny liquid over the boy's shoulders -- which Freynis now could hear was making soft, squelching sounds that were just barely audible amidst the dark elf's muffled attempts at protest. The motion made Freynis's assigned task difficult not because of the mobile nature of his target but because the motion, slight as it was and as much as it could not possibly hinder an attempt at a swift grab, nearly mesmerized the boy. That twitching, throbbing erection filled the surface elf boy's vision and Freynis suddenly realised that he had leaned in far closer than was necessary. His heart again pounded quickly as he felt a sudden fear of making his host impatient and his hands moved in swiftly to rather easily wrap the opening of the sock upon the drow's cocktip and then to slide the fabric down all the way to the base, covering the dark elf penis in a soft black sheath. The surface elf detected a light herbal aroma, which mingled pleasantly with the faint fragrance of honey and that the boy just now realised was the glistening substance that nearly covered the dark elf.

Dh'rath's grunting changed, suddenly and without warning in a manner so stark and surprising that Freynis nearly jumped backward from the shock, and the light-skinned elf was quickly to look up to see a similarly stark difference in the drow boy's face, though Dh'rath's expression of anger and frustration had not so much changed as it had been augmented with a sudden sign of strain and, after processing this new feature of the dark elf's disposition, Freynis realised that the new sounds coming from the gagged boy were muffled groans and whines. The elf boy nearly came to the conclusion that the sock produced intense and sudden stimulation but the self-realization was preempted by the minotaur more crudely stating essentially the same thought.

"The sock itches rather strongly."

Freynis looked up. Dh'rath's cheeks were glistening now; the drow was covered from head to toe in the honey-derived substance and Bartaugh's right hand, also rather covered in the sticky stuff, was gesturing down to the bound boy's thighs to offer further instruction.

"Tie it down at the base."

Freynis's gaze had followed the minotaur's right hand and, at the order, it slid further down toward that fabric-clad shaft which seemed to twitch and jerk even more strongly than it had when Bartaugh's efforts had been jostling the dark elf. The sock featured a drawstring at the base, a feature that Freynis had overlooked previously, but the surface elf did not hesitate to take hold of the ends and give a light tug before attempting to wrap the ends together. He stopped when Bartaugh spoke again.


The elf tugged the string ends, creating a slight but visible squeeze upon Dh'rath's cockbase, but before he even started to tie off he heard his host's voice repeat.


Freynis heard a sound, a loud one of metal creaking a against metal, but he dismissed it a second later; his task proved too engrossing to allow for distractions. The boy tugged again, squeezing the base of the shaft more firmly. The owner of that bound penis have a shudder and that cock gave an angry-looking throb within its fabric sheath and Freynis froze, afraid to go further but afraid also to finish the job without approval. He received it, in a voice that resonated with odd satisfaction.

"Good, now tie it off."

Maintaining that tight wrapping while tying the string into place proved more challenging than Freynis had expected, because he hadn't realised just how heavily his fingers were trembling. The shaking subsided immensely when they boy felt a heavy, warm hand rest upon his shoulder -- Freynis assumed it to be Bartaugh's left, from the absence of stickiness -- and though the surface boy did not know why he found the sensation calming he was able to complete his task of securing the drawstring in a tight knot. A shiver of anticipation was building in his chest, and the boy wanted to spend time to look upon his -- and Bartaugh's -- handiwork. He was forced to set that desire aside, though, as the comforting hand upon his shoulder gently nudged him a step backward and the minotaur stepped in to again lift up the pan holding the squirming drow boy. Freynis took another step back from where he had been eased to allow Bartaugh room to walk and as he turned to follow the creature's steps to his new destination the elf noticed that the door of that large oven had been opened, swung downward and exactly parallel to the floor, though the youth only barely recalled having heard the noise from earlier.

Bartaugh set the pan down, with the drow facing outward, upon the down-swung door to the oven whose immense size was only now apparent to Freynis: the opening was clearly larger by several inches than the drow's seated form, the door was wider than the pan and while the pan did hang off from the door's edge it did so only by a few inches. In its downturned state, where the door ended began a crude-looking rack that obviously ran much deeper; Freynis correctly surmised it to be large enough to hold the pan and then some.

The blazing, bright fire of the oven flared momentarily, giving Freynis another start until he realised that the minotaur had just thrown Dh'rath's clothing into it. The young elf blinked once and looked up to the minotaur again; apprehension filled up his chest and began filling out to the rest of his body as a surreal cloud slowly dissipated from his mind and the understanding of what was happening -- and of what was about to happen -- felt less like some play or other work of fiction that he was merely witnessing as a spectator. The minotaur's smile was disarming, hardly the feral snarl of a hungry carnivore nor the sadistic grin of one who relished cruelty. It was friendly, even generous and giving and for that reason Freynis found the minotaur's expression that much more fear-inspiring.

Freynis was expecting the minotaur to say something, the creature's expression indicated as much, yet the young elf was strangely startled when Bartaugh did speak right away, as though he had instead expected his anticipation of the minotaur's next words to last an eternity.

"I leave his fate to your hands..."

Freynis felt something being pushed into his left hand by Bartaugh's right (which now seemed clean of that sticky substance from before) and he knew, even before looking to confirm, the object to be a knife. It was a simple one, but clean and sharp-looking nonetheless.

"This boy intended to see you tied here, so that he could give you a push into the fire now behind him," the minotaur explained, "but I offer you the opportunity to bring upon him what he had intended for you."

The minotaur paused. Freynis expected it; its occurrence seemed almost disappointingly predicted, and it even lasted just as long as the elf had expected.

"If you prefer to show mercy, however, you may instead cut the boy's bindings, and I will allow him to leave my home. Albeit without his clothing... but I am certain that he would prefer having to return home naked to the alternative."

Dh'rath reacted to the minotaur's words, so suddenly that the surface elf instantly noticed the change despite his previous complete lack of attention to the drow. The dark elf's face seemed awash with a sense of relief so palpable that even Freynis could feel an abatement of tension in his own chest. He took a moment to consider his own apprehension toward subjecting even this cruel boy to such an unpleasant fate, though his deliberation was momentarily interrupted by a large but gentle hand upon his shoulder and a calm, deep voice from behind him.

"Do not fear being made to take his place should you choose to release him. Regardless of your choice, I will ask only that you join me in my bed this evening. You will not be asked to occupy the vacancy in the pan, should you create one."

Freynis's shoulder was squeezed, and the minotaur added, "I just wish you to make your choice without fear for your own life."

Truthfully, the surface boy had not considered such a consequence, though he now realised it a reasonable worry for him to have entertained. He then looked back up to Dh'rath, whose expression of relief had quickly overtaken his previous emotions of fear and impotent rage; his arms flexed and shifted; he was obviously making some effort to move the ropes that bound them that much closer to the knife that the drow obviously expected Freynis to use, though his bindings were too secure for his wriggling to work to that effect. Those arms, Freynis noticed, were glistening, as was the rest of the drow boy's ebon skin. In fact, "glistening" didn't seem an appropriate enough observation; the dark elf was practically glowing from the dancing of the light from the oven's fire upon his honey-coated skin. The bound boy inadvertently tensed his thighs further apart through his feeble struggles and the shift drew Freynis's attention to the dark elf's pleasantly plump and almost hypnotically bouncing testicles. Above those swinging orbs, the drow's cock twitched and jerked with an almost impatient urgency; the black sock obscured all but the vaguest shape of the shaft, but it could not hide the obvious intense rigidity, and the surface elf detected subtle shifts in the fabric that almost certainly indicated a heavy throbbing. Bartaugh's left index finger unexpectedly reached forth and grazed the underside of theshaft from base to tip; every motion of the drow's cock seemed amplified now, even after the contact was broken; the touch had evidently intensified the omnipresent tingle of the sock.

A sudden cracking of wood announced a brighter flash of flame within the oven. Bartaugh had added fuel to the oven, and the strengthened fire crackled and leapt up behind Dh'rath; the effect seemed to Freynis like bright yellow-orange tendrils lashing out, seeking some hapless prey to grasp and caress in a deadly embrace. Dh'rath evidently felt the increased temperature upon his backside, as he intensified the effort -- though not the success -- of his struggles. After a moment, Freynis felt the increased heat washing over himself and he realised that he could not imagine how one within the blaze of the oven would feel.

The knife felt heavier in Freynis's hand, and as the boy remembered its presence and its purpose he gripped it with renewed resolve: as cruelly and as mercilessly he had been treated, he would prove himself the better by showing mercy and not subjecting Dh'rath to such a terrible fate. He looked down at the blade, then up, intending to move his gaze to the struggling drow's bindings. Instead, he was again distracted by the twitching, pulsating sock that, Freynis knew, covered an achingly hard erection; it moved in erratic, random jerks that seemed to just draw his gaze in. Beneath it, the dark elf's ebon testicles swayed and lightly bounced in a way that inspired a feeling of playfulness in the surface boy.

Freynis should have been considering how that dark elf cock had been, many times, shoved into his mouth and throat. He should have been remembering the feel of nearly choking as those heavy dark elf testicles drained themselves out with surprising intensity down his gullet. He should have been assessing all of the humiliation and degradation that he had suffered at the hands of this now captive youth. Instead, Freynis could only think of how handsome Dh'rath appeared seated before him, nude and so fully exposed and seeming almost a three-dimensional silhouette in contrast to the orange flames illuminating the way behind him. Now he was curious: curious as to how Dh'rath would squirm and how his genitals would bounce were he subjected to even more heat; curious as to how the dark elf boy would look bathed in flame, rather than merely framed by a fire behind him.

Much as he would never admit it, even to himself, Freynis was also just slightly curious at the minotaur's appetite for the dark elf's flesh.

The knife was more loosely gripped now, but it remained in Freynis's hand as it rose. The surface elf boy did not, however, reach for Dh'rath's bindings. Instead, both of his pale-skinned hands took a firm hold of the edge of the pan and gave a forceful shove. The noise that followed, of metal moving against metal in a fashion that was not quite a glide but was also not quite a grind, gave Freynis a start in part because the boy had not realised just how easily the pan would move backward once pushed. Dh'rath was given more than just a start: his eyes opened wide in shock at the sudden sensation of backward movement, then shut tightly at the loud slamming of the pan against the back of the oven's interior as he felt the unbearable heat upon him. The sight of whatever subsequent movements the drow attempted were blocked as Bartaugh stepped in and swung the oven door upward, closing it and sealing the hapless dark elf youth inside.

"The choice is made, then...", he offered.

The creature's words were offered in a tone that was reassuring and kind. It did not give away the hint of surprise that Freynis would have seen upon the minotaur's face had he looked up to it. For the moment, though, he was somewhat distracted at trying to look around Bartaugh and to the oven door, a task which became easier when the minotaur stepped aside and then behind him. He felt a large hand rest upon his left shoulder, but he paid it no mind for the moment, and instead he gazed upon a small window set in the oven door, and through it to the occupant who languished inside.

The flames beneath the pan that held Dh'rath seemed even brighter than before, as though the dark elf boy's presence had given them renewed purpose, and several times Freynis watched as licks of fire seemed to reach up and curl around the edges of the pan, as though wanting to caress the tender youth that sat within it. Dh'rath was writhing, but -- in a testament to Bartaugh's skill at binding -- he could do little more than flex and shift his muscles as his body remained motionless within the pan. The coating honey sauce on his skin glistened, and the faint shifting of the drow boy's body made the light seem to dance upon him. Freynis noticed, only just now, that the pan in which the youth sat featured a small hole, deliberately fashioned, just below the crotch area; now the surface elf could see flames leaping up and crackling just beneath the struggling drow's subtly jiggling testicles and his twitching, sock-sheathed erection.

The hand upon Freynis's shoulder squeezed just enough for the boy to take notice and to redirect his attention upward and back, to the minotaur who stood with him and, now, who spoke again, saying, "A wise decision, in my estimation. Useful as he was, Dh'rath was always such an arrogant and cruel boy..."

The minotaur had also been looking into the oven, but his head tilted downward to properly address Freynis as he continued, "...I suspect that having him sit inside of my oven for a while will make his company far more pleasant, and he will remain useful to me even after his time in there."

As if to provide an entirely unnecessary hint of the "use" that Dh'rath would serve in the coming hours, the minotaur's tongue snaked out from one corner of his muzzle and ran a slow glide over his upper lip before wetly and noisily withdrawing whence it came. Simultaneously, the large hand that rested upon Freynis loosened and gently fell backward from the boy's shoulder and then splayed out upon the elf's back. The creature gave a gentle, nudging push and said, "Come. Our friend will be spending the next few hours in there. Let us enjoy one another's company while he..."

Bartaugh looked back up to the oven, briefly, and gave a dark smirk as he finished, "...tends to my dinner."

Following the brief walk to Bartaugh's bed, Freynis felt his chest gently pushed -- a wordless indication that he should wait as the creature lowered himself and then reclined properly upon the bed. Once seated comfortably, the beast raised his arms, and Freynis allowed his hips to be taken by the creature's large hands and then he allowed himself to be guided, gently, downward until he rested upon the beast's body. Eyes closed, Freynis turned his head and rested his cheek upon the firm, muscled frame of Bartaugh's chest where he felt the short fur continually brushing against his cheek. The boy took in a breath, and he felt his chest press out against the minotaur's strong upper abdomen. The elf's hips shifted, and he could feel Bartaugh's penis -- still mostly flaccid but subtly shifting from a newly dawning arousal -- pressed to his own rigid maleness, and he knew with some certainty that the intimate contact had been fully intended, which gave him an odd thrill.

Warm hands grasped Freynis's rump, and hot breath blew down upon his head. No words were spoken, no instruction given and Freynis felt a liberating urge to explore his sexuality with a partner who issued no demands. His hips pressed downward to grind his cock against Bartaugh's own stirring member. His efforts seemed rewarded by a subtle increase in the rigid flesh beneath him and a more obvious squeeze upon his rear end by the large fingers that gripped him. The boy tilted his head forward and saw the minotaur's face smiling warmly down at him, the creature's bright yellow eyes faintly lidded and the creature's breathing remained slow but deep and heavy, and then Freynis became aware of the creature's large hands rising and rubbing his lower back now. Before it happened, the elf knew that the creature was about to speak.

"Kiss my cock..."

It should have been stark and shocking to hear, but the quiet and casual tone or the minotaur's gentle administrations or perhaps a combination of the two comforted the boy instead. It was a gentle suggestion, a request accompanied by the guidance of the creature's arms rather than an order hissed out while irresistible force prevented noncompliance. He slid his body downward, allowing his cheek to rub the contours of Bartaugh's muscled abdomen and turning his head down to push his nose in also, and then he slipped lower. First his chin, and then his lips brushed the tip of the minotaur's erection and then the boy pressed in without hesitation. The bulbous flesh was pulsing against his mouth, a hint of softness at the glans but rigid thickness just beneath the surface, just as he had felt before, but with him working on his own the touch felt more intimate and arousing. After the brief, but firm, kiss, the boy drew his head back just an inch so that he could see the object of his affection. He could taste the salt of the minotaur's pre upon his lips, and he felt himself drawn back in. His lips pressed, but then parted and his tongue dragged along from the base of the glans up to the tip, and then the boy wrapped his lips upon the minotaur's cockslit and lapped at the preseminal fluid that flowed in gentle pulses. The elf's soft hands moved, of their own accord, to the cockshaft and gripped upon the pulsating flesh and then began a gradual stroking motion, down to the base and then up toward the tip, in a successful effort to coax out more of that liquid.

Large hands grasped the boy's shoulders. Perhaps they had been there all along, but Freynis only just noticed them; they squeezed in a light grip and seemed to guide the boy without urgency or insistence but Freynis allowed himself to move in accordance to the minotaur's evident desire. The elf's head slipped off of the creature's cocktip, but he kept his lips pressed in firmly to the rigid flesh as he slid downward and his tongue pressed firmly against the underside of the minotaur's throbbing cock as he followed the light pressure upon him. It guided him downward until his nose was rubbing the beast's scrotum and the boy took the simple hint and began kissing and mouthing at the two heavy orbs before his face as he felt the creature's thick shaft twitching and throbbing against his head.

The boy took in a deep breath. The creature's scent at his crotch was pleasant, strong and even slightly overpowering; Freynis found himself slightly addicted to it, though he failed to notice just how firmly his own cock reacted to the stimulation. A groan from above made its way into his pointed ears -- perhaps it was the first, perhaps he had simply failed to notice such earlier moans -- and he knew that the creature's cock required further attention. His nimble hands gently moved down to caress and cradle Bartaugh's balls, which he found pleasantly heavy and warm. That touch elicited a sudden pulsing of the thick flesh against his face and a heavy gush of moisture greeted his lips as he brushed the tip.

The minotaur's precum was strong in taste, but not directly satisfying: it hinted at something more, something worth seeking out and Freynis felt driven to draw it out. His hands gently slipped from the huge sac and up to the base of the cock where he gingerly squeezed as he began an upward rub; simultaneously, his head lowered and he kissed down from the glans and his tongue pressed firmly to the flesh, feeling against his lips the faint softness just at the surface before the solid rigidity beneath. He felt hands upon his shoulders, gripping firmly with a hint of kneading in the large fingers, and he felt the hips beneath his head pushing upward, grinding to his face. He kneaded and massaged, kissed and suckled, and his hot breath tickled as it spilled from his bout each time he prepared to take in the minotaur's arousing scent again.

Several minutes of the intense, intimate and erotic play continued as Freynis made love to Bartaugh's cock and, all the while, he remained oblivious to the gentle grinding of the creature's thigh between his own legs to stimulate his erection and to suggest pleasure as a result of his administrations. The minotaur's cockflesh gave a more forceful pulsing, and Freynis somehow knew what was to come; he barely had the opportunity to pull his head upward and over the glans, peering down at the leaking slit with less than a second to spare before he witnessed, in the split-second before his vision was wholly obscured -- a gush of thick, white liquid flying directly at his face. It hit, splashing with impressive force and with intense heat, and then Freynis's mouth fell upon the gushing glans as several more spurts entered his mouth, filling him quickly. The elf boy could not hope to swallow them all at the rate that they flowed, and so his lips fell to the side, allowing subsequent bursts to streak sidelong on his head, lining his cheek and mussing his hair as he swallowed that mouthful, and then he went in for another, and then another, drinking what he could of the minotaur's essence while bathing in the rest of it.

Bartaugh's orgasm did eventually fade, tapering off after several seconds of drenching the enthralled fey youth, and only as the massive cock at his face was dripping rather than spurting did Freynis realise the uncontrolled, almost burning need for release in his own loins. His hips thrust forward of their own accord, into the minotaur's thick thigh, but then the boy drew himself upward, enough to push his cock against the creature's heavy balls with his glans rubbing the base of the huge shaft, and he pushed his head down and nestled it to Bartaugh's chest, lapping at the errant streaks of cum that had landed there as his own orgasm overtook him and his own semen streaked forth and mixed with Bartaugh's in a thick, sticky sheen across the creature's muscled abdomen.

Then it was over. Freynis was barely aware of more than Bartaugh's heavy breaths and his own, and of the hot, sticky liquid that seemed to cover him. He tried to move, but could not, nor could he find the breath for speech. His hands slipped out and gently cradled the minotaur's spent but semi-firm shaft, taking comfort in that contact, as he slowly drifted out of consciousness.

For a moment, Freynis felt a strong sense of disorientation from awakening in a place other than his own bed. The moment passed, and the elf remembered where he was and why he was there and, after another moment, he realised that some amount of time must have passed, but he had no recollection of its passage.

The semen -- his and Bartaugh's -- had dried, though he felt its remnants lingering in his skin, creating tight spots when he shifted as the solid, dry splotches of cum cracked and broke apart. It was on Bartaugh, also, matting the short fur into coarser and faintly spiky patches that the elf felt against his cheek.

"Did you sleep well?"

Bartaugh had evidently noticed Freynis's stirring, though the voice came only after a subtle shift of muscle, as if to give the elf warning to avoid startling.

After a few faintly bleary blinks to restore his sight, Freynis slowly lifted his head upward to view the minotaur's gently smiling visage. He attempted an answer, but found his grogginess still just slightly too strong to allow for speech.

Sensing the boy's inability, the minotaur replied preemptively, "Your release was quite intense. I have never beheld such passion in a boy before."

Freynis felt as though his face were burning at that compliment. Bartaugh gave an amused smile at the blush before he spoke again.

"Dh'rath certainly pleasured me as well as you. He was concerned only for his own release; his efforts upon me were merely a means to that end. I suspect that he made any effort at all only because he could not force himself upon me."

Freynis gave a knowing nod, but tried not to dwell upon the thought.

"Undoubtedly," the minotaur continued, "he will make a far better roast than he ever did a lover."

The statement seemed to elven ears rather blunt, and quite casually spoken. What had seemed almost a whimsical, fantastical setting was slowly settling down to reality and Freynis looked up to his minotaur host and stated, rather flatly and more for himself than for anyone else, "You're going to eat him..."

Bartaugh's amusement became less subtle as his smile widened into a faintly toothy grin, and then he accented that expression with a slight nod of his head, "Indeed I am. I had considered it for some time now, and I even told him so."

The minotaur punctuated his statement with a chuckle before adding, "He never actually believed that I would do it. He thought himself too valuable for all of the boys that he brought to me."

Freynis's shoulder was gently stroked by a gentle, huge hand and Bartaugh continued, "...he never considered that I am quite capable of acquiring fresh meat on my own."

The young surface elf realised only after the fact that he was, if slightly, shaking. His wide-open eyes looked into the minotaur's own and he asked in a voice that he almost feared may have been inaudible, "You... hunt?"

The hand on the boy's shoulder moved, sliding upward and just a bit to one side so that it could caress the soft-skinned cheek before the minotaur answered, "I rarely need to, actually. Interlopers frequently find their way here on their own. Just last week a pair of halfing boys became lost in the labyrinth above until, by chance, they came upon my home."

"Haflings?" Freynis found himself asking out loud.

Bartaugh nodded, "Not related, I don't think, just friends. They had only recently reached an age where they could fully appreciate the pleasures of the flesh. Pleasures to which I was happy to introduce them."

His eyes closed as he recalled, evidently fondly, the encounter, "They were reluctant at first -- confused by the new sensations. Once they began to appreciate what I was giving, they became quite eager both with each other and with me."

Freynis thought that he sensed a subtle stirring of Bartaugh's cock, though he could not be certain. Regardless, he slipped his left hand and gently rubbed his fingers over the handsome length.

Bartaugh seemed almost lost in the memory, speaking more of it, "After their lesson in pleasure, I roasted them over my fire."

Bartaugh paused to lick his lips slowly, while Freynis considered that the halfing pair likely did not so eagerly take to that treatment. He did not have time to ask, though, for the minotaur concluded the tale with, "A lone halfing, of course, is not the most filling meal, but a pair of them together is quite satisfying. I am especially fond of their legs."

Freynis wanted to feel something other than further curiosity at that, but somehow -- even knowing that Bartaugh's tale of devouring two halfing boys was almost certainly true -- he could not muster any negative response or emotion. He was almost surprised at how blank his next words were.

"So... So you eat halfings as well as elves?"

The elf felt slight movement beneath him as the creature shrugged and said, "Humans, too. Many a human boy has stumbled into my home, often seeking out some 'dangerous' creature to fight as a means of proving that they have successfully come of age..."

The creature lightly patted his abdomen with the large hand that was not currently rubbing Freynis's shoulder.

"...sadly for them, not a one of those boys will ever be a man."

The minotaur's cock twitched again, slightly more forcefully, within Freynis's increasingly firmly grasping hand and the young elf thought that he felt the faintest of stirrings in his own loins. He almost thought more on that sensation but for the gentle nudge that he felt upon his shoulder, urging him to move off and to rise.

"I am rambling. I apologize, I so rarely have company with whom I speak so freely."

Bartaugh's smile had the faintest implications of apology, though Freynis needed none from the creature. As directed, he rose to his feet and the minotaur rose up to tower beside him, and then his back was brushed by the creature's large left hand. That hand gave the faintest indication of a nudge, more of a premonition of such without yet carrying the specifics of an intended direction or destination.

"Come," the creature intoned as he gently turned the elf boy to a desired heading, "... we should check up on your friend."

Guidance turned the boy toward that large oven, though from where Freynis stood initially the window was viewed at an angle that made it appear to be barely a glowing orange sliver. A step closer, and the boy could see that orange light flicker continually, to remind of the fire that still burned within. While he had been sleeping, Freynis realised, Dh'rath had remained trapped, tightly bound, within that blazing hot interior.

Obviously, the dark elf could not have survived for long but, for some reason, Freynis found himself struggling to convince himself that he would not be facing cruel wrath once that oven door opened. As if sensing his apprehension, Bartaugh's fingers gave a faintly comforting curl upon his backside and the minotaur explained, "I checked up on him a few times while you were asleep..."

Freynis's head turned, briefly, with an intent to look back to the bed. Either his slumber had been deep indeed, or the minotaur had taken great care when leaving and returning to his bedding. Realising that looking to the bed would not tell him which was the case, and realising further that whichever was the case hardly mattered now, the boy's head stopped midway through the move and he looked forward again, now finding himself facing the oven directly and not quite realising that he had walked so far so quickly. He attempted to look to the oven window, but Bartaugh stood in his way, peeking in as he spoke, "...he was still squirming the second time I looked in on him. Surprising; I had never seen a boy linger so long. He was quite still on the third inspection, though."

Freynis took a step back to give room when the large iron door was grasped and swung downward, releasing a wave of heat that caused him to recoil while Bartaugh remained apparently unaffected. Upon opening his eyes again, Freynis's jaw dropped at the sight revealed to him.

Dh'rath was sitting inside, as expected. Actually, Freynis was still somehow surprised to see the dark elf youth within the oven, as if the very idea of putting another boy -- even a drow -- into such a place hadn't quite settled with him. That novelty expired soon enough, but the surface elf still felt a sense of awe at the particulars of the drow's appearance within.

He was still covered in a sheen, as he had been from the sauce that had covered his body when he went in, but this sheen seemed different. Dh'rath's previous glow was from honey upon smooth skin but now the glisten betrayed an altered texture of the skin, a rougher surface following its transformation in the heat, and of a less thick and slightly more fluid moisture covering his body. The alteration was of course made clear by the light dancing over his body but the light came from flames that seemed, to Freynis, less intense than he had remembered them from hours earlier. They may have simply died down over time (despite the minotaur's administrations to them), but the elf recalled how he had earlier thought the blaze to be embracing the drow and he considered that now, their work upon Dh'rath evidently complete, they had retracted and relinquished their hold.

The trance broke when Bartaugh stepped between Freynis and the entrance to the oven, blocking the view of the dark elf inside. The minotaur reached in with bare hands and, seemingly unfazed by the heat, simply stepped back and drew the pan and the boy upon it out of the oven.

"He is ready," the creature stated simply.

Dh'rath's pan, and Dh'rath, were momentarily set upon the preparation table once again, and the minotaur used the knife offered to Freynis earlier to slice apart and remove the bindings upon the drow's wrists and ankles. Remembering the intensity of the boy's earlier struggles, Freynis almost expected Dh'rath to take advantage of newfound freedom and attempt an escape, but the drow youth remained motionless. Evidently the drow had changed his mind whilst sitting in the minotaur's oven and was now content to allow himself to be eaten.

Well, perhaps not, but Freynis found the thought amusing.

The pan rose from the table, only after which did the surface elf realise that Bartaugh had taken hold of it. The creature intoned, "Let us take him to the bed."

Freynis wanted to linger and to study Dh'rath further, but the minotaur's tone, while not stern, felt commanding. He turned back to the bed, but became aware of a suddenly overpowering aroma as he walked. It seemed to follow him, neither becoming stronger nor weaker as he traveled, and not until he turned to see Bartaugh gently lowering the roasting pan, with the dark elf in it, onto a large, flat rock directly beside the bed did the elf realise that he was inhaling the mouthwatering scent of Dh'rath's flesh.

His eyes were closed still, though the drow's expression showed less intensity and less pain; he may well have looked to be asleep except for the faintest hint of stubborn defiance that remained frozen there. If that appearance of defiance was a reflection of reality, however, it had proved a futile effort: despite Dh'rath's obvious stubbornness, the oven's heat had won the battle to claim and cook his flesh and any doubt of that victory was set aside at the sight of steam wafting up from the dark elf's head and shoulders, gently rising and streaming into a single, thin wisp that ascended just slightly higher before fading to invisibility.

He was naked. He had been naked the whole while, but Freynis only now actually considered the fact of Dh'rath's nudity. Droplets of moisture seemed to form and fall from the bumps of the drow's nipples. More moisture had welled up within the navel, and flowed out in a visible line down the lower abdomen and below the waist. The boy's bare, handsome legs remained spread, showing off the fullness and the thickness of the thighs and inviting a clear view to the crotch.

His balls were still. That seemed the oddest sight to Freynis, who had recalled those heavy orbs to be jiggling, shaking, swaying or otherwise moving every time he had previously seen them. Now, they hung motionless, and the scrotum was visibly changed, looking almost solid rather than soft; Freynis recalled momentarily the sight of bare flames crackling up through the hole in the pan just beneath them. Above that seemingly sizzling pair, a black sock jutted forth, obviously containing the dark elf's cock but hiding it from view in a way that Freynis found almost tantalizing; he wanted to see how the oven's heat had changed the shaft within, but the obscuring fabric offered a denying tease.

Bartaugh suddenly moved in to change matters, and Freynis never expected such large fingers upon such large hands to work so delicately, as when the minotaur unfastened the knot of the drawstring and loosened the sock at the base. A waft of steam gushed forth where the herbal-smelling garment was lifted, and then the minotaur very slowly slid the sock from Dh'rath's penis.

Giddy, dizzying anticipation overtook Freynis. He consciously knew what he was about to observe, yet his mind regarded the slow reveal of the dark elf's cock as though it were the unearthing of a great, long-forgotten treasure. A light tug brought the base of the shaft into view and Freynis noticed instantly the thick coating of moisture upon the flesh. The sock opening gradually slid back further, revealing inch after inch of Dh'rath's ebon pole and letting loose more steam that wafted upward in a quickly dispersing but initially thick cloud. Almost impatiently, Freynis looked ahead, to where he saw the sock transition from being bulged around flesh that filled it to suddenly tapering and collapsing as it moved past the end of the flesh, and he could make out through the moving fabric the shape of Dh'rath's glans, both where it ended and, after a slightly closer inspection, where it began.

The sock slid off fully, moving the sight of the cocktip from Freynis's imagination to reality, though the surface elf had not expected to see a thick stream of juice slowly flowing from the tip like a continuous drooling of precum. More juices dripped down from the underside of the slightly upward-pointed shaft, with a few thinner streams simply trickling sideways down along the cock itself toward the base where, when enough of those streams pooled, they flowed down over and off of the scrotum.

"I've been looking forward to this for some time..."

Bartaugh's words snapped Freynis out of his semi-trance, though the elf had to blink a few times before he was fully conscious and aware again.

"...but, as my guest, I must offer you the first cut."

Several seconds elapsed before Freynis understood his host's words. Several more passed before he noticed that the knife handed to him hours earlier had somehow been placed back into his hand and he looked to it only to notice just how much he was shaking.

"You... "

Even speaking proved difficult for the elf, but he continued the attempt as Bartaugh moved to recline upon his bed,

"... you want me to ... eat..."

Freynis looked back to Dh'rath again, remembering that he was speaking about a fully sentient being (or, at least, one who had been when alive).

"... him?"

Bartaugh's hands were clasped as Freynis looked back to his host, and the minotaur answered, "It is an offer, nothing more."

A very quite rustling of clothing ensued as the creature sat more upright upon his bed, "I understand your reluctance to engage in cannibalism. You are certainly not obligated, and I will suffer no offense if you decline. However, if you do wish to partake..."

A heavy thumping made its presence known in Freynis's chest, though the boy wasn't certain if it had been there all along and he had just noticed it or if it had begun as soon as he heard the word "cannibalism". He hadn't even considered that accepting Bartaugh's dinner offer would constitute such until it was stated so bluntly.

The minotaur interrupted his speech to give a broader smile as if he somehow sensed the elf's wordless reaction. He let his pause linger, as if realising that a moment of recovery would aid the boy's mind. A faint sound off to one side preceded the conclusion of Bartaugh's statement and Freynis turned his head to see the minotaur's large hand gently setting a simple but clean plate upon the pan, right between the drow youth's legs. A liquid splatter hit it a second later, and Freynis followed the trickle upward, already knowing before looking that the source was the steaming tip of Dh'rath's cooked penis.

Bartaugh finished, " I was saying, if you do wish to partake, you may select any portion you wish."

Freynis, almost hypnotized but still hearing and comprehending, didn't even think to consider whether the minotaur's final words were intentionally timed.

The omnipresent aroma of the dark elf's roasted flesh had been controlling and manipulating Freynis's senses, but the boy only now, as he stared intently at the source of it and considered the creature's offer, realised that it seemed to tease and to taunt him, tickling his nostrils and his lungs as if inviting him to come closer and to take in a more lingering breath of and perhaps even to experience sensations beyond smell. Unthinkingly, Freynis clutched the knife more tightly in his slender fingers as he stepped out of his inhibitions and closer to the evening meal, his gaze running along the drow's form, moving from the tantalizing sight of the dark elf's genitals downward, studying the legs and even tilting his head slightly to take in a glimpse of the roasted boy's feet tucked gently beneath the sizzling rump.

He looked back upward and studied the chest, watching it glisten as light from the nearby fire struck the juice-slickened and fire-roughened skin that covered a still handsome-looking build. Then -- and only now noticing from the feel of heat against him that he had walked until he was only inches from his former tormentor -- Freynis smiled serenely as he looked to the dark elf's face, serving as the ultimate reminder that this roasted presentation, served to be eaten, had once been a sentient boy like himself.

Freynis deserved to feel hatred while looking upon Dh'rath, or perhaps he deserved a sense of satisfaction or even elation at the cruel boy's demise. He felt none of it, no smug sense of victory nor even a mild sense of relief at the decisive end to his pain at the hands of this youth. He felt, instead, a curiosity, a hunger nagging to be sated and fueled by the now overwhelming aroma, the warmth radiated by the roast, the transformation of the dark elf's body.

His hand extended, willfully and with intent. It stopped in front of Dh'rath's crotch; the flat of the blade in his hand rested just in front of the base of the dark elf's scrotum, the edge turned upward. An urge to simply flick his wrist took him, but the elf resisted so that he could study that beautiful shaft one more time, watching as another thick trickle of fluid drooled forth from the tip.

And then, unable to hold himself back further, he allowed his hand to rise upward. Sharp steel effortlessly conquered roasted flesh and Freynis's pulse doubled, then tripled as he watched himself move the knife blade through the dark elf's easily yielding cockflesh. The work was deliberately slow, to let the thrill that it brought to Freynis linger for as long as possible. It was not an excitement borne of malice, not the satisfaction a sadist experiences when inflicting harm, and Freynis could not quite understand why he felt such emotion at watching his own work but neither could he deny its presence and he let himself feel it uninhibited, basking in the joy of it.

And then it was done. In the instant that the blade finished slicing through the flesh, Freynis reminded himself of what he had done. He had cut Dh'rath's penis off. Just above the testicles.

And then it fell and landed upon the plate below. A chaotic splash of juices framed the fallen flesh, Freynis, face flushed, felt fairly more focused upon the food.

He took up the plate in his hands and he brought it nearer to his face, attempting to draw in the aroma of the meat upon it, to identify its uniqueness separate from the remainder of Dh'rath's body.

"How surprising!"

Freynis's pulse quickened momentarily as he remembered that he was not alone. His head turned to see Bartaugh, who was smiling though not actually appearing very surprised at the young elf's selection and who held in his left hand one of Dh'rath's arms. The elf glanced back to Dh'rath and saw that the drow's right arm was indeed no longer there, evidently pulled off at the socket, exposing the meat beneath and letting flow a few more of the boy's juices.

He looked back to Bartaugh, who held the arm in both hands now -- right hand gripping Dh'rath's wrist with the dark elf boy's fingers stretched off to the side, left holding what had been just at the shoulder -- and whose mouth was open and lips raised, exposing teeth -- Freynis noticed that the minotaur seemed to have incisors at front that transitioned directly to molars, without canines in between -- that then closed up and buried themselves into the flesh of Dh'rath's upper arm. With unhidden fascination, Freynis watched the minotaur's teeth rip apart the crisped skin and then easily tear into the hot, juicy flesh beneath, pulling away a sizable mouthful of Dh'rath which the creature visibly and noisily chewed. A hint of bone might have been visible, exposed from where flesh had been eaten, but Freynis did not think to ask for a closer look.

Bartaugh audibly swallowed Dh'rath's flesh after several seconds of mastication. A faint rumble followed, then a quick tongue-smacking of lips and the pleased, deeply-spoken pronouncement of "Delicious".

The creature gave Freynis an amused smile and added, "I was correct. Dh'rath is a far better meal than he ever was a companion."

The minotaur's head shifted and he added, whilst giving a glance to the as-yet untasted portion upon Freynis's plate, "You should try him. He has an excellent flavor."

That excited giddiness, which had subsided with Bartaugh's interruption, returned with full force when Freynis looked back to his plate and the elf took up Dh'rath's severed cock in his right hand, raising it up, staring at the tip and finding himself fascinated as juices slowly trickled and smeared down his fingertips. His nostrils flickered as he once more took in the scent of the roasted flesh mixed with a light herbal mix. His tongue extended and nearly made contact with the slit, but he hesitated as he felt the warmth upon him, wanting for some reason to let the anticipation linger for just a little longer.

Then, feeling his curiosity nagging too strongly to be ignored, Freynis turned the shaft around, opened up his mouth, moved his head forward and bit off a section from the base, where he had cut. Dh'rath's cock shrank by an inch and Freynis was gifted with an indescribably delicious morsel in his mouth. Juices splashed his tongue and tickled his throat as he bounced the cylinder of cooked flesh within his mouth for a few seconds, and then he pushed the meat to his molars, which wasted no time in chomping down and crushing the bite of cockmeat, truly releasing its taste. He chewed, slowly, gradually pulverizing what had been a part of Dh'rath's penis until he had extracted every bit of flavor from it, and then he swallowed it down.

A soft gasp escaped his lips, the young elf almost overwhelmed just from the first bite but unwilling and unable to stop. He looked back to the remainder of his meal and saw that Dh'rath's member was visibly shortened. The sight and the thought of it thrilled him and compelled him to shorten it further; he went in for another bite, chewing it just as he had the first, swallowing and then going in again, eagerly gobbling up the boyflesh, reducing it in length an inch at a time.

Freynis didn't know how much time had elapsed since he had begun his meal once he held only Dh'rath's glans in his now juice-slickened fingers, nor did he care. The inexplicable thrill of eating such a taboo meal mixed with the fantastic flavor upon his tongue dominated his mind. After swallowing the last bit of meat in his mouth, the elf took Dh'rath's cocktip to his mouth and lightly wrapped his lips over the tip, as if suckling upon the incomplete member. His tongue flicked once, licking over the slit and tasting some of the fluid that had leaked from there, and then he gave a light push to the morsel, his mouth relaxing enough to allow the glans to fall in. His tongue pressed the meat up firmly against the roof of his mouth and he suckled whilst squeezing without biting, coaxing out a few more spurts of juice from the slit, and then, unable to resist, his tongue flicked the meat into his teeth and he began the arousing work of chomping and chewing up this final segment of Dh'rath's manhood, taking far longer than necessary to do so.

Freynis swallowed. And that was it, nothing was left to eat, save for a few juices that he hastily and eagerly licked from his fingers as he reflected upon what he had done. He had eaten Dh'rath's penis. And it was delicious. And it was exciting, unimaginably so. Not because it was Dh'rath -- in fact, Freynis only now and only fleetingly realised that his feelings toward the dark elf hadn't at all been a consideration when enjoying his meal: the mere act of consuming another boy's cock, chomping it from base to tip, without any regard to its owner, was the source of that stirring glow that he felt within him even still.

Something brushed Freynis's left hand. Bartaugh, who was again reclining upon his bed, had reached forth and was now enticing the surface elf boy to join him; the minotaur's other hand held the ankle of Dh'rath's lower left leg, pulled away from the knee but otherwise undamaged thus far. Freynis accepted the invitation and lay against his minotaur host, shifting and settling in as the creature granted room for his guest. The pair settled down with the elf resting with his waist against Bartaugh's, his backside against the minotaur's abdomen and his legs sort of straddling the creature's left leg. The minotaur's cock lay just beneath Freynis's right arm and the flesh was stirring somewhat, rising to approximately half-hardness as contrasted to the surface elf's uncontrolled raging erection. The elf's arm curled around and lightly hugged the shaft, his nimble hand gently petting upon the throbbing and subtly growing flesh, lightly encouraging and pleasuring his host as his pointed ears caught the strangely enticing noises of minotaur teeth tearing into roasted drow flesh. Warm splatters hit Freynis's shoulders, juices from Dh'rath's meat, and the feel of their impact prompted the boy to give the cock within his arm a slightly firmer squeeze as he turned to look to the roast.

Dh'rath had been moved onto his backside, necessary now that he lacked his lower left leg. What remained -- his right leg and his left thigh -- were more splayed out but still upturned enough to give a view of the dark elf's roast rump. Freynis could see the drow's pleasantly-sized balls, though they seemed oddly out of place with the penis missing, a telltale hole visible at the crotch where it had been sliced off. Beside the drow's partially eaten body, Bartaugh had placed the stripped remains of Dh'rath's right arm, the weakly connected hand bones still identifiable even in their slightly disorganized state.

Another splatter of fluid hit Freynis, this time on his forehead, and the young elf lifted his head upward to watch the minotaur's meal. Bartaugh was at the thigh, making good progress though with still quite a bit left to eat. The creature held the leg at a slightly downward angle, positioned so that Freynis could see that those droplets had fallen from Dh'rath's toes as they dark elf's foot had been shaken around. Another quick drop hit the elf's cheek, and he slowly shifted and turned himself around as he rose upward for a closer look.

Bartaugh paused his meal, holding Dh'rath's leg still but still chewing what he had last taken in, as he allowed Freynis time to reposition himself. Evidently noticing the mess that he had allowed to fall upon the elf, he offered, "Ah, I apologize."

Freynis smiled simply in the way that one does when an apology is unnecessary, and Bartaugh answered with a wordless nod and smile of his own. Then, aware of the boy's fascination, he gently tilted the limb that he held so that the foot moved downward as Freynis's face moved upward and the elf's face brightened, eyes seeming to sparkle at the sight of those five glistening digits and the soft flesh of the dark elf's sole.

The foot seemed to move before Freynis's face as Bartaugh moved his head down for another bite. It was devoured seconds later, and the elf heard the creature offer, "If you still hunger, do not hesitate to indulge.'

Instantly accepting the invitation, Freynis opened his mouth and shifted his body upward in a swift and graceful motion, catching a mouthful of Dh'rath's underfoot in his teeth and quickly closing in and tearing away the flesh. The dark elf's sole proved remarkably tender; the texture and the taste were both noticeably different than the drow's cockflesh, but only in that the meat proved a satisfying meal in its own, unique fashion. After swallowing, he went in for another bite, deeper into the footflesh. His teeth faintly grazed bone and his tongue slipped forth, both to assist in pulling the meat away from it and also to feel it, to get a more tactile feel of the boy whom he was devouring.

He shifted his body further upward, and he felt his cock brush and grind against the minotaur's now far stiffer member; his hips pressed in unconsciously as he went for Dh'rath's largest toe, teeth biting in around the edge and lips pulling the flesh off of the bone. It proved a dainty morsel and so, whilst grinding his hips to Bartaugh's, Freynis took each digit in turn, reducing them to bone one at a time until all five were gone. Then he sank down again, but not far; the ball of Dh'rath's foot was his next target, which he eagerly chewed into while feeling the tickle of now exposed toe bones upon his nose. He lost himself in his meal, aware only of the juicy, delicious meat that filled his mouth, aware of chewing into each bite to extract all of the flavor possible before swallowing down, feeling it pass into his throat to become a part of him before he sank his teeth into another mouthful. He became dimly aware of chewing into the side of the footflesh, and then into the heel. At some point he knew that he was scraping meat off of the top of the foot, pulling the thin layer of flesh off of the bones that it covered, though he could not quite recall how he had gotten there. The shape of what he ate was unmistakable, reminding him constantly that he was eating another boy, a youth his own age, which excited and aroused him intensely. Eventually, not entirely remembering the specifics of the process but knowing it all to have been one of the most pleasurable experiences of his life, Freynis stared down at a loose collection of foot bones, barely held together by the weakened ligaments.

"Are you quite finished?"

Freynis looked up, though the tone had sounded amused rather than annoyed. Bartaugh was smiling and, in the time that Freynis had taken to eat Dh'rath's foot, had devoured the entirety of the dark elf's thigh.

"I'd like to eat the rest of his leg now."

Bartaugh gave a light tug upon the stripped bone that he held, and Freynis willingly let up. The creature calmly pulled the stripped remnants of Dh'rath's foot from the ankle joint and casually tossed them upon the roasting pan; Freynis watched the remains clatter, several of the weakened connections broke entirely and a few loose bones scattered.

Giving a happy sigh, Freynis turned his head and lightly nuzzled Bartaugh's abdomen. Then he heard the minotaur speak again, in between mouthfuls of calf meat.

"You should try his balls."

The elf's head turned back upward. Bartaugh was taking another bite, but he chewed and swallowed it quickly so that he could add, "I usually eat it with the penis, though I suppose that would have been a bit much for a single mouthful for you."

Freynis turned his head toward Dh'rath's remains again. The plate lay next to the pan, though the elf didn't quite remember putting it there -- not that he remembered much at all following his first course. The knife lay upon it, and Freynis took it up as he leaned toward the roast. He teased the flat of the blade against the scrotum which, along with the orbs within, shifted unnaturally. The skin of the sac had tightened a bit, and had crisped, reducing much of its normal flexibility, but not so much that the drow's testicles were not recognizable, even without a penis above to accompany them. Freynis reached with his other hand and cupped the plump sac, feeling the cooked texture of the skin as he raised the blade and easily sliced the roasted boy's balls from between those still steaming, ebon thighs.

Tilting himself back to his minotaur lover, Freynis studied his latest treasure, but only for a second. Each testicle was itself nearly a full mouthful, and so Freynis opened up and stuffed only the left nut into his mouth before biting in, ripping apart the scrotum and pulling the juicy orb within into his jaws. Wasting no time, his tongue pulled the morsel to his teeth and he closed his teeth down. There was a crunch as he broke through the pleasantly crisped scrotum then his teeth sank into the meat beneath, releasing a gush torrent -- nay, a deluge -- of flavor and fluid into his mouth. An overpowering rush of unspent semen, boiled within their confines and mixed with the drow's natural cooked juices, burst out with seemingly impossible volume, enough that some trickled from Freynis's lips before he could fully handle it all. He swallowed only some of the huge mess, far more than had ever been shot into his mouth at once from Dh'rath's cock, before he was able to properly chew up and swallow the morsel.

Simmered semen oozed out of the torn scrotum from the remaining roasted testicle and trickled along Freynis's fingers as his hand -- trembling from that continuing lightheaded, quick-pulsed sensation that his meal had caused -- raised up to offer it back to his generous minotaur host. The elf boy looked upward a moment later to see Bartaugh's open mouth descending upon his arm, and he let out a faint gasp of surprise as he was engulfed, down to the wrist, by minotaur maw. Warm lips tightly sealed on his skin, and he felt a heavy but soft and very wet tongue sliding through his fingers. Then, making a quiet but noticeable slurping sound, the creature's head lifted and released his arm, absent the previously held meat.

Bartaugh made no secret of his bouncing Dh'rath's ball in his mouth a few times before he pushed it to his teeth and bit down. His chewing was slow, almost methodical, as he took time to enjoy the drow's intimate flavor, though his effort was less prolonged -- and less messy -- than Freynis's had been. He swallowed, then gave an amused and grateful smile to the sheepishly grinning and hotly blushing boy below him.

After licking his lips appreciatively, the creature intoned, "Feel free to indulge your arousal..."

Freynis looked down between his legs as if not expecting to see his erection throbbing, and once made aware of his excitement he instantly felt the previously ignored aching need in his cock as Bartaugh added, "...I did not expect you to be so affected by the act of eating another boy."

Bartaugh's words should have been an embarrassment to the young elf, but Freynis just didn't care. The taste of Dh'rath's flesh was still upon his lips, the scent of roast dark elf still filled his nostrils, and now Bartaugh's erection was rubbing and his own. Flexible fey body shifted and curled down, soft boy lips met throbbing minotaur cocktip and dexterous fingers rubbed and massaged flesh against flesh as he aired his passions, aware of little else around him for several minutes, until more hot, thick fluid gushed upon his face to give him the perfect dessert to wash down dinner. His own elfcock shamelessly spurted forth onto Bartaugh's scrotum and cockbase as he hugged to his newfound lover.

And then, exhausted once more, the boy closed his eyes and surrendered to a rapidly settling fatigue.