My Human Kuni - Chapter 5

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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#4 of My Human Kuni


This is a piece of original furry fiction by me David Bennett. All characters in this story are my creation and are subject to my copyright. If you wish to use one of the characters from my novel, then please notify me before hand.

This story, and not necessarily this chapter, contains some sexual content of an extreme and unusual nature; I.E. watersports, inter-species sex as in human to furry sex, incest, and rape. If any of these topics offend you, then please look away. If you are offended by gay relationships or gay sex, then please turn away. If some bisexual content or heterosexual content offends you, then these stories aren't for you. Otherwise if none of the above bothers you, then by all means continue reading this book.

If you are under the age of 18 or 21 in your given area, please cease reading these chapters. They are for people over the age of 18 and 21. If you are of age, then you may continue.

If you like what you read, then email me at [email protected] .


Chapter 5:


Malamute High School, my academy and place of education. After the events of yesterday perhaps some school would do me well. I had spent all for years of my education in this hetero-district school. I had planned to switch schools two years ago when I registered as a citizen. I just didn't want to leave, I loved this school. Oddly, the hetero district school had a 75% gay student body...go figure. All around we were accepted there, no one gave us trouble. The school was a safe place, and a refuge for troubled souls.

The school was old, about 600 years old. Most buildings and streets in our highly advanced society were no more than 50 years old. Homes and business buildings were easy to fix and bring up to code as well as mass produce, hence why buildings were so young on our planet. Malamute High however was a fixture in my district, practically a landmark. Students have been going there for the entire 600 years of it's life, and I was in the 600th class.

From the outside, the school looks almost like an old warehouse; however this multi-windowed, four floored, brick sided building held nothing but students.

Being a senior, there were certain benefits to the rank. First we only had four classes a day, we were able to eat free in the cafeteria, we had the choice of late arrival or early dismissal, and best of all we had our own parking lot. The other students had to use a parking garage three blocks away or park elsewhere. We seniors aren't arrogant, we know our places. We know that we are superior level students and we had a certain amount of honor to maintain in order not to compromise our position. We respected the freshmen and the underclassmen and treated them well. Malamute High School was the place to learn according to me.

I walked into the sacred halls of my high school the same way that I had done for four years: through the front door of course! The student body of the school had packed the hallways and were walking about preparing for the day. I smiled to the males I walked by, earning an occasional head nod or finger twiddle in response. I looked to my new watch I had received the day before that was sitting upon my left wrist and checked out the time. 10:30, I had to get to study hall.

My study hall was on the third floor, next to the ancient language department. I ascended the stairs, tossing my ponytail back and taking the steps two at a time. Upon reaching my floor, I walked down the halls to room 323. The room was average sized for a classroom, about 30 by 15 feet. The classroom could fit 30 of us comfortably. I opened up the door and stood in the frame a moment to observe my classmates that were there already. A few of them turned from their books and eachother to look at me as I entered. I was dressed casually today, I was wearing Columbia blue vinyl pants, matching Nylon sports bra,, and a navy blue button up shirt of silk opened in the front to show off my torso. My gold navel ring was the only piercing on my body that could be seen, and was the only thing on me besides my earrings in my right ear and my wristwatch that wasn't blue. I walked to my seat in the back, swishing my tail and twiddiling my toes in my open toed sandals.

The bell rang and class was due to begin. I reached into my pocket and pulled out Alex's Badge of Fenris and his dog tags and slipped them around my neck. I set my old ARMY duffel bag against the legs of my desk/chair, inside was my school materials. I reached into the bag and pulled out my pencils and sketchpad and started to work on some of my art, After finding them next to my human-canine dictionary, I opened my pad to the page I had left off on, my masterpiece.

On the paper and shaded in perfect amounts of pencil was my masterpiece. Looking into your eyes, standing if front of an almost drowning amount of light was a near nude lupine. He wore tattered rags around his waist that did more to reveal him than it did to clothe. They were all that he wore. His right shoulder was forward, making him stand off to the side. His right fist was clenched and his left arm behind him hung at his side. His muscles were all toned and well pronounced, barely hidden behind his black fur. His tail hung limp behind him, as if it were merely sewn onto him rather than being a part of his body. His handsome face had a look of sorrow upon it; a kind of pleading, lonely anguish that was highlighted by his lonely eyes. This was my masterpiece. Today I would be drawing the forest background for this male.

My hand set into work on making this piece of art complete. Other students sat and studied math or history some listened to personal radios ("Fear Me" by I. Ron Fist I think was the most common song I heard), while the rest decided to take part in the class's pastime of sleeping. The teacher, more like a supervisor, sat down at her desk and began to keep an eye on us. Her name was Mrs. Day. Mrs. Day was a kind and elderly teacher, nearing 215 years old. Her brown fur had streaks of gray and white in it, and her body seemed to be growing more and more frail with each passing day. Thankfully no one dared cause any trouble in her classes. She was the kindest soul and everybody respected her. On her desk were pictures, pictures of over five generations of family: Her children, grandchildren, great-grand children, and great-great grandson. She had a picture taken of herself with all of them at once which stands out in the middle of them all. Mrs. Day loved her kids and loved to talk about them with us. I winked at her to let her know that she was being observed, and she smiled back. After the brief break in drawing I went back to work.

My art was nearing completion when I felt a tapping on my right shoulder. I set my pencil down to stop working on the tree that I was drawing and turned to face the person that had taped me. I looked upon a male, a Husky. The Canine had a bright smile across his maw and a twinkle in his eye. He was wearing one of our school's letterman's jackets with his rather nice and furred chest bared underneath. His waist-length long hair fell free about his shoulders, adding some brown and white to the pink and black of the jacket. Below his waist he donned a pair of simple black denim shorts that were neither dreadfully long nor painfully short. Upon his dainty feet were a pair of sandals that were a different style than mine, his had straps and mine didn't. I nodded to him and turned to go back to work on my art, only to hear him scoot his desk/chair closer to me. Quietly he whispered in my ear.

"Psst...Ade! Ade!" He whispered over my shoulder softly in his fluid accented voice (almost like the accent of "French" in the human dialect).

"Yes Shane?" I asked casually. I knew this male, he was more than a decent friend of mine.

"How are you doing today?"

"Fine I suppose. What can I do for you?"

"I wanted to thank you for your birthday party, I had a great time." He smiled at me, moving his chin to rest upon my shoulder. I suddenly felt sick and a bit miffed, not at Shane directly but at what he had mentioned. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath so that I could collect myself.

"I'm sure that you had a blast Shane, but don't mention it. That was a one time thing and it won't happen again." I responded with a little bit of pain.

"Sure, but I mean, we can keep it just to the three of us from now on right?" He asked as he began to lick the back and side of my neck slowly and expertly, hitting my sensitive spots like a marksman hits targets.

"I d-don't know...I really h-haven't talked to Shawn yet. I am s-still kind of p-pissed at him. I forgave him but he has yet to p-prove he's s-sorry to me." I said, slowly shuddering from the licking at my neck. I calmly turned into the licking and allowed him to lick me across my lips as I opened my mouth and gave him a brief kiss. I timed it to about seven seconds, and pulled back. I wasn't in a kissing mood really, but I felt it was prudent to kiss Shane. I suppose that my depression was causing me to think not as clearly as I normally do.

"You will be ok, I love you anyway even if he doesn't."Shane sighed happily.

"I don't doubt it. I love you too Shane." I sighed in return. "If you see Shawn before I do today tell him that I want to talk to him at lunch." My stomach turned at the mention of food, both in hunger and disgust. Talking with Shane was bringing me down and I was really getting tired of depression. As I had said before, Shawn has hurt me twice before and Shane was there to witness and partake in one of those times.

It was two weeks prior, my birthday. My mother had given Shawn permission to throw me a surprise party without her supervision or my little sister's presence, so we would have privacy. I already was aware of the fact that Shane would be coming over to my house to celebrate my birthday that day, and I was really thrilled he was going to be there too. Shane was my threesome buddy. Shane had originally been just another one of my good gay friends, until he asked to join Shawn and I once during the throes of passion. He confided in us that he was a virgin then and that he needed to have it taken from him, So Shawn and I did and made him our three-way partner. He would join us for sex all the time, or spend time with us individually. I loved Shane yes, but I really loved Shawn. Ultimately I didn't mind having Shane there on my birthday, so he was cool. The sad thing was that the party wasn't going to be just the three of us, there were much more coming. My boyfriend had made a secret plan to surprise me by finding some of the sexiest gay guys from his job, our school, and around the neighborhood; inviting them all to come to the party to have sex with (as he called it) "the hottest piece of ass on the continent".

I had walked up to the house that night after being dropped off by my father. Dad had taken me out for one birthday beer at his favorite bar, The Ulfric's Demands, and then took me home. I had opened the door and heard a group of men all shout "Surprise!" as they all jumped out at me. They were all naked, and the living room was covered with lit candles and smelled of incense and pheromones. There were eight of them besides Shane and Shawn, 10 males in all. Slowly they approached me and began to communally caress my body. Next they slipped off my clothes and laid me down upon the floor on a fine circular rug. Then one by one they positioned themselves between my legs, penetrated me, and fucked me. All the while they did this the males took special care that if they touched my body that they didn't touch my cock, to make sure I didn't cum; they wanted to save that for my boyfriend who would go last.

For hours it happened, nonstop sex. I lay there on my back having strange shaped cocks in my ass and my mouth, humping and exploring me. Over and over they inseminated in me, at least twice from each male, causing mouth and ass to be throughly filled. I didn't want this at all, I wanted to get away but I couldn't. I spent an additional two more hours in the missionary position getting fucked in the ass by one male and deepthroating another, all the while having their man juice deposited inside of me. I was only enduring this treatment to make Shawn happy, and because I really couldn't have got away.

After Shane had filled my love canal with his fluids, it was Shawn's turn. My ass was so full of cum that he was able to spear himself into me without any resistance. The other males moved around me all at once, all ten of them, and all of them licked around my cock at the same time. This was so intense that I ejaculated and coated my boyfriend and the nine other males in a torrent of my own cum. This was the only orgasm in my life that I didn't enjoy. Without warning my boyfriend tied me with his knot and added even more jiz to my already buttermilk ass. Once we were tied, the others went into an orgy around us. Everybody was fucking everybody; Shane and Pekin were together, the twin brothers Soujk and Julik had sex with each other, Marty and Tontino - I couldn't see the rest but I could definitely hear them. I closed my eyes and cried softly and without sobs as my boyfriend laid himself on top of me, unaware of the dreadful pain that he had just caused me. I had forgiven him, but really I don't think I trusted him at that point and he needed to prove his worth to me once again.

"Hey Ade, what are you drawing?" Shane asked, bringing me back to the there and then.

"It's a drawing of my brother." I whispered back soberly.

"Alex right?"


"It's a great drawing Ade, he's really cute." He said with a light chuckle.

"Yes - he was." I groaned.

"Hey is it true that you two were lovers?" He asked in a voice that was a little too loud for my taste. I snapped to face him again and shushed him. I gave him a stern look of disapproval, causing him to shy back slightly.

"Yes but be careful! I don't want everybody knowing!" I whispered to him commandingly.

"Oh - sorry. It's a good drawing though, you are a great artist. You must have loved him a lot to draw him this way." He whispered again.

"Yes I did, and thanks I suppose." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek (have I fulfilled my quota of crying for my life yet?). Shane picked up on my sudden drop in mood and put an arm around me and held me. I sat there in his warm embrace, my whole peace that I had worked so hard to achieve for the day had been shattered. The more I thought about the events of my 18th birthday. The more the word rape came into my mind. That's what it was, gang rape. I was raped - I was raped. Sure it was an unintended rape, as in the participants had no clue that I was unwilling, but I didn't want it just the same. So yes I was raped, and it made me sick to think about it. What was worse was that I had to think of Alex again. Working on the piece of art, I didn't so much have to think about him, even though the picture I drew was of him. Seeing him the evening before was not enough for me, and I wasn't sure how to summon him with his badge. Plus I didn't want him back for just an evening or for however long the summons would last, I wanted him back for all times. I wanted to be his mate...and I wanted to have his children (through the science of our world, a male can become impregnated by another male by generating a temporary womb in the host male and using artificial insemination.) and I wanted to grow old with him. I wanted to feel safe again, free from worry as I was when I was with Alex last. Sadly that could never come to be, and so I wallowed in self pity because I didn't know how to deal with the pain of this gut wrenching realization.

"Shh...calm down my sweet one..." Sane tried to sooth. I just cried silently, and laid my face in his furry chest. I sighed and held myself there, letting my pencil drop to the floor with a light clatter. Mrs. Day whom was busy grading papers for another teacher looked over at me being held by Shane and made a face of concern. She stood and walked over slowly with a slight limp over to us and looked down at me. With her kind old voice she spoke to me.

"Is something wrong Mr. De Fenos?" She asked softly. I didn't answer, I didn't feel like it.

"He isn't feeling well, he has been feeling a bit depressed lately." Shane answered for me. Mrs. Day looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Mr. Ryu, I understand your relationship and make no judgements, but Adrian needs to answer for himself." She said with a slightly warning tone. I held y face in Shane's chest and sighed, my tears still streaming down my face. Shane's chest was so warm and fluffy; I imagined that Coby's chest felt roughly the same. I closed my eyes and held him tight.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Day, I've had a rough 24 hours." I said with my voice muffled by the fur and skin of Shane. Mrs. Day was such a kind soul, she was always asking us if we needed anyone to talk to. I think it is because of all her kids that she takes such good care of us students. In addition, graduation was only a month and a half away; I am sure that Mrs. Day wanted us to be in the strongest mental conditions that we could for when we were let out on our own.

Mrs. Day looked on me and sighed. She reached over and grabbed an empty desk and pulled it over to us. She sat down and folded her arms on the table.

"It must have been a rough 24 hours Mr. De Fenos. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked in a way so that she couldn't offend me. I kept my face buried in Shane's chest and sighed myself.

"Yes it was. I had to visit my homophobic and abusive father, I was forced to visit my brother's grave, was forced to go to the deathmatch pay-per-view, I found out that one of the fighters has an incurable disease, I met the grand champion, I held a gun to my father's head and then went home." I said quietly. Mrs. Day raised an eyebrow and smiled a little.

"Well that is certainly a hard day. Is there anything I can do for you?" She asked politely, patting my hand. Some of the other, more "tougher" students scoffed at my sensitive display of emotion and my acceptance of Mrs. Day's generosity.

"Will you just let me cuddle with Shane until lunch?" I asked.

"Sure. I trust you Adrian." She said in a kind whisper as she stood up and limped back to her desk.

So there I sat being cuddled by Shane. He would occasionally kiss my lips and whisper loving and nurturing statements to me while I tried to regain my composure, Time flew by quickly, and the lunch bell rang. I groaned and stood up as teacher and students filed out, leaving Shane and me alone. Shane stood up and caressed my face ever so softly while his eyes looked lovingly into mine.

"Oh my sweet one, you are so beautiful. If things don't work out in-between you and Shawn you can always have me. " He sighed with a lovelorn sigh. I nodded and leaned forward and pressed our bodies together in a full body hug and kissed at his neck. Shane moaned and nuzzled my muzzle upward, bringing me to glance at him for a moment, until I closed my eyes and brought my lips to his. He opened his mouth to me as I took the aggression and used my powerful tongue to explore his mouth, I felt the inner-lining of his cheeks, the roof of his mouth, and his tongue itself. I was enjoying Shane's flavor very much, and his tongue licking around my cheeks was an appreciated feeling as well. I felt his hand slip onto my groin and fondle me while we kissed, bringing me to flashbacks of the night before. I smiled inside at the idea of kissing Kuni again as I continued to work my delicate tongue. My cock began to swell and leak a little pre inside the blue silk panties I was wearing, for this was sweet sexual bliss. It was too bad I had to talk to Shawn soon or I might have allowed Shane a quickie in the classroom right there. All I would have had to do is close and lock the door, and then have Shane drop his pants and fuck his brains out until lunch ended. It was murder of thinking of how wonderful it would have been to have my cock in Shane's wonderfully tight ass. As much as I was enjoying teasing his tongue by fluttering my tongue inside his mouth, time was waisting. I groaned and finally pulled off the kiss as Shane pulled away with a large grin upon his face.

"Thank you Adrian." He said in his sexy accent.

"You're welcome Shane. I'll tell you what; I'll come over to your house on Wednesday and then we can have a sweet, hot, fuck - ok?" I said as I wrapped my tail around his. He simply nodded and then looked over his shoulder for a moment. He seemed to be checking out the scene. "What?" I asked, curious as to what he was doing. He then winked at me as the front of my pants and panties were pulled down just enough to reveal my doghood. My black sheath was hard and out of the hilt, a tiny drop of precum leaking out of the tip. Shane winked at me again as he went down on one knee and out his tongue against my cock, sending a tingle of pleasure through me. I groaned happily as he began to bring his tongue slowly, ever so slowly up the shaft to the head where he wrapped his lips around and gave it one powerful suck. I quaked in ecstasy at this sweet treatment my penis was getting. Shane then smiled and stood back up as he gave me one last kiss and slowly left the room, tracing his tail across my naked cock as he walked out the door, shutting it behind. I stood there momentarily dumbfounded but in a pleasant mood, my cock still hanging out of my pants and panties. I looked down at my black meat and took note of how the light glistened off it's moistness. I was so horny, how would I ever make it to lunch? I decided to pull my clothes up and throw everything into my backpack and make a stop in the bathroom first.

* * *

It felt good to cum in that bathroom, because lunch would have been difficult to get through. It was just what I needed. Luckily I had an empty squirt bottle in my backpack, I had decided to save my cum in it to drink at lunch. Luckily for me I ejaculate in high volumes. Call me perverted, but I have done kinkier; I am a watersports fan (watersports being the consumption of and sexual bathing in urine), and have been known to carry water bottles of my or my boyfriend's own "watersport" to lunch to drink, let alone the rest of the day. All secret of course.

I sat at my favorite table in the right hand corner of the cafeteria. I sat with my tray of food, and my squirt bottle, ready to talk to Shawn if he ever came down. The lunch that day was pizza with BBQ sauce mixed in with the tomato sauce. The toppings on my slices of pizza were pepperoni, ham, and sausage. I liked it, but I suppose that it was an acquired taste, as in most of the students were not eating it and were opting for sack lunches that the school also provided at a slightly lower fee. I put my silk shirt over the back of my metal folding chair and sat with my back to the wall. I had about four pizza slices ready to eat when I opened my milk carton and took a swig. The milk went down smooth and hit the spot, much like my cum later would. It would have been more romantic if it was my boyfriend's cum and not my cum, but hells I had to do what I had to do. I had needs that needed to be fulfilled.

I watched the other students eat. They were all coming and going at different speeds, and each one different from the others. I groaned and brought my water bottle to my lips and gave it a squeeze, some of my still warm spunk hitting the back of my throat. I smiled and traced my tongue across my lips, savoring the flavor or my own semen. It was at that time I saw him come down the stairs to the upper level and stand there in the door. He was a vision of all that I thought was loveliness.

He stood a proud 6'-4", his fur was incredibly light and soft, the shade of pale gray. His hair was just as short as his fur, and his eyes were a gorgeous shade of green. His body was so delicious, he was large chested and narrow waisted, with very well pronounced muscles. He was a greyhound canine, and very athletic. He wore one of our school's black and pink letterman's jackets, a black tank top, and some black tear away pants. His skinny tail wagged as he searched for me. It was Shawn, my boyfriend. One of my classmates pointed me out to him as Shawn gracefully strode across the tile floor of the basement cafeteria towards me. I sighed and slid my squirt bottle of cum aside and grabbed a slice of my pizza, sinking my maw into it and savoring the taste. I closed my eyes as Shawn was sitting down at the table. I could hear him sigh and feel him put his arms on our table. He obviously had something on his mind. I hoped that he was ready to talk about my birthday, it had been far too long for me to go without talking to him."

"Ade?" He pried, speaking in his very feminine voice. He had the sweetest and softest sounding voice of any man I had ever heard, even lighter and more feminine than my own. It was probably that voice that allowed me to fall in love with him two years ago when I met him, but that was then and this was not. I loved him to death, but I was still angry with him. Nobody rapes me or lets someone rape me.

"Yes Shawn?" I answered curtly, keeping my eyes closed and taking another bite out of my pizza slice. He groaned and ran a hand across his head and ears as he tried to think of what to say.

"Ade, I understand that you are still pissed at me. I fucked up and I'm sorry. Could you at least look at me though?" He pleaded. I sighed a little lower and opened my eyes and looked at the man that I loved. He had a genuine look of sorrow on his face. I didn't know what kind of sorrow it was: sorrow for what he had done, or sorrow for himself. On the left breast of his jacket was the pink rune for the letter M of our school. On his letter were a couple of gold pins that represented the sports that he had lettered int. One was a pair of gold running shoes for track team, another were a pair of runes for "CC" for cross country, and the last was a rugby ball for rugby of course. If I had been wearing my own jacket, mine would have a gold pin of a male canine swimming to represent the men's swim team. The fact that our pins were gold represented the fact that the two of us had lettered at the varsity level for all four years. Platinum pins were for three years, bronze for two, and copper for one. I sighed and looked into Shawn's eyes and addressed him.

"Yes I am still pissed at you Shawn. I didn't want something like that to happen to me. I may enjoy sleeping with other men, but not like that...not at all like that." I told him in a low and pained tone. Shawn nodded and flicked his ears.

"Look Ade, when I invited the guys over to your place, I wanted you to have the chance to be thrilled by people I felt were worthy to have you. Not everybody is worthy of that in my opinion." He said as he scooted closer and looked at him.

"So I am curious what makes someone 'worthy' to have sex with me. Was there some kind of test - multiple choice I imagine..." I said sardonically. I wanted to believe him.

"Ade I wanted to to give you a good present." He said pleadingly.

"A new swimsuit would have been a good present. Perhaps a dildo or something if you wanted to get sexual, I mean really."

"I just wanted to thrill you with the chance to have some people that I hand picked for you. If you didn't like what was going on you should have said something while-"

"You should have asked me first!" I scolded, interrupting him. I took my final bite of that pizza slice and grabbed onto another. Shawn sighed once more and looked down at the table, trying to gather his thoughts. I didn't stop for a moment, I kept talking. "You should have asked me first. I didn't like the idea of being treated like a sex toy. I want to be the person that instigates the sex, not someone else. Oh and another thing, just because you are my boyfriend, that doesn't automatically give you the right to pimp my ass out! Do you know I had cum dripping out my ass for hours? I practically lived on that toilet seat for eternity after you left. Then there was all that wad I swallowed - I won't even get into that." I said while Shawn was squirming in his chair. Perhaps I was arousing him without realizing it, and in doing so I had missed my whole point.

"Look Ade, again I'm sorry, I know your ass is your ass and your cock is your cock. I shouldn't have made that decision just because you are my boyfriend and I wanted to try that kind of thing. I mean we've experimented on all kinds of things with each other. Hells," He began to whisper. "Hells, we drink each other's piss and cum all the time, bathe in it too."

"I know that." I whispered back.

"And you were reluctant to try that with me right?"


"Yes but?" He pried. I let out a soft whine and answered.

"But that is something I enjoyed and do enjoy."

"See? Now lets just think of your birthday as a failed experiment. I am sorry I didn't ask first like I did with that watersport thing. Ade listen to me, I am 100% sorry and I swear to you I will never do anything like that again without asking you first."

"Swear to me," I said in my normal voice tone. "Swear to me by your blood that you wont." I said. I grabbed my fork and handed it to him, his eyes widening a bit. He knew I was serious. He gazed at the fork of tin and then back at me. He nodded and held his hand out, palm up. He looked over his shoulders to make sure that no one was looking. The "Blood Oath" was sacred in our culture and religion, but forbidden during school hours, hence his hesitation.

Shawn raised the fork and plunged it into his palm in a quick stabbing motion, as he let out a yelp of pain. I looked around to see if anyone noticed, but no one was looking our way, so we were in the clear. I could see four drops of blood well up in his hand, kind of a purplish red. Shawn then looked at me and clenched a fist.

"I swear by my blood, to not do anything like that without asking you first." He said as proud as he could in his feminine voice. I nodded and handed him a few napkins out of the dispenser to clean himself off with.

"Um - that looked like it hurt." I said as I started to dab the blood off his hands, staining the white napkins purple and red.

"Fuck yeah it hurt. I hope this means something to you sweetie because I aint doing it again." He said with a light chuckle. I smiled along things were going to be ok with us after all.

"Oh believe me, if you meant what you said, then you'll be doing 'it' with me again very soon, but if you mean taking the blood oath again then no you don't have to do that again." I giggled. I remembered that I had a first aid kit in my duffel bag and I decided to scrounge around for it. I grabbed hold of my bag and moved my things around. I saw my books, my drawing pad, my personal radio, my spare clothes, my swim team speedo, my Human-Canine dictionary, and finally found my first aid kit. The bright orange metal tin stood out on the bottom of my bag next to my blue jeans and white panties. I reached down and pulled it out, setting it on the table. I looked at Shawn and had to laugh, he was acting just like a feral by licking his wound. While mid lick, he gained eye contact with me and chuckled nervously.

"Wuut?" He asked in a funny voice that comes from having your tongue depressed.

"Nothing. Here let me dress that wound." I said as I took his right hand from him. The wound was still bleeding a bit, and needed to be covered so his regenerative powers could take over. I opened the package and grabbed some gauze an dpit it on the wound, Shawn watching in wonder. Next after applying some pressure, I found some tape and taped him up in a job that was worthy of any field medic. His hand kind of reminded me of Coby's hands when they were taped up, only Shawn's had a gauze pad on the palm. Shawn then pulled his hand back and admired my work, rewarding me with an impressed whistle.

"Wow Ade, nice job. This from your ARMY training?" He asked. I nodded, returning the orange first aid kit to my bag.

"Yeah, remember in those two years I served I was a field medic?"

"Uh huh. You must have learned a lot in those two years."

"I suppose I did. I was two busy thinking about you though."

"So I suppose that means we're back where we were before this all happened?" He asked.

"So long as you don't throw any more orgies on my behalf, then yes we are back to where we were." I said with a smile. He smiled back and pulled me closer to him. I forgot all about everything else and seated myself in his lap, which was my rightful place. I pressed my lips to his and forced his lips open in a kiss which he returned with a ravishing passion. I moaned into the kiss, and gripped the sides of his face as I plunged further into his maw. A few people nearby who knew us applauded, saying "Hey they're back together!". I ground my ass against his crotch, feeling his cock swelling inside those tear-away pants he he had on. Gods how I wanted to tear them away...

More and more I let him kiss me as I sat on his lap, like a woman to her man. Countless minutes went by as we cuddled, and continued to grind as we got rather horny. He then pulled off the kiss and was panting. He let out a groan as I felt his throbbing groin become a little moist. He looked up at me and smiled in a goofy grin, he had ejaculated in his pants against me. I smiled and looked around at the people in the cafeteria. No one was really watching our display anymore. I then greedily moved my hand from his crotch and reached down the front of his pants and felt some silk, probably a pair of panties that I had given him. When I found my prize I collected some of his warm and sticky spunk on my fingers and brought them out to lick clean.

I brought my tongue across my fingers and tasted his bittersweet essence. IT was heaven to have his flavor once more. Behind me I could feel Shawn entwine his tail around mine, he was making me his. I looked down at him and said "Thirsty?"

"Yeah, you worked me over for now. Got something to drink?" He asked in the most feminine way he could. I smiled and grinned evilly. Without warning I grabbed onto my squirt bottle containing some of my own cum and held it over his mouth.

"Open wide!" I cooed. He nodded and opened his mouth wide for me. I grinned and gave the bottle a few squeezes as I saw my whitish semen jet it's way into the back of his throat as if it had just come out of a cock. I could feel my own groin throbbing in pleasure at the vision of my spunk jetting it's way down his gullet. When I had squeezed out every drop, and told him it was ok to swallow, he nodded and closed his eyes and swallowed my precious load. It was gratifying to know that he got to drink it after all. Shawn then locked his maw and looked at me in a look of calm pleasure.

"Was that what I thought it was?" He pondered. I grinned wider and bit my upper lip and nodded.

"Yeah that was my wad alright." I answered. He smiled and shook his head in disbelief.

"How did you - this tasted fresh and warm - how did you get it?" He asked. I laughed at his question and grabbed a slice of my pizza and took a rather large bite. After chewing and swallowing the barbecue sauce latent pizza slice I answered him.

"How else did I get it honey? I fucking jacked off in the bathroom like 5 minutes before you got here. Shane got me all horny and I needed to cum so I jacked off into the bottle and saved it to drink later. I supposed that you deserved a drink." I said with a wink. He nodded and kissed at my sports bra and kissed at my nipple rings that rested underneath ever so softly.

"Hey you got swim practice after school, and lunch is going to end soon. At least let me refill your bottle so you have something to drink after you swim." He said with a coo. I raised an eyebrow, what did he have in mind?

"What are you up to?" I asked. He just pressed a finger to my lips and kissed me once.

"Let me up and you'll find out." He offered. I shrugged and climbed out of his lap and back into my chair to eat. I grabbed another slice of pizza while Shawn grabbed my black and pink swim team bottle and walked out of the cafeteria with it. I sighed and went back to eating, finishing up my meal in almost no time. I was curious what my boyfriend had in mind. I grabbed my silk shirt and put it back on as I saw my boyfriend coming back down the stairs with my bottle in hand. He had a large grin upon his face. I walked to the garbage and dumped my tray as he finally reached me. With backpack in hand I gave him a curious look as he held out the squirt bottle.

"Here you go, I hope you like it." He said with a cheerful smile. I raised an eyebrow once more and took the squirt bottle into my hand. The black bottle that bared the pink logo of my school felt oddly warm to the touch, yet a familiar temprature. I looked at my boyfriend and whispered.

"Is this what I think it is?" I whispered into his ear. I pulled back as his lips curled into an evil grin.

"Well you are swimming after school. I thought that you should have a proper 'sports' drink." He said with a light chuckle. I gasped and popped the nozzle on the squirt bottle and took a whiff. A rather strong and very familiar aroma filled my sinuses as my love had filled my water bottle with his watersport after all.

"You naughty..." I play scolded. Shawn then wrapped his arms around my neck in a hug. Gods I was so in love with him again.

"Naughty nothing. I am not going to be naughty unless you tell me to. If my piss will make you happy then I am glad I could do that for you. I know how it quenches your thirst." He whispered into my ear. I nodded softly, hoping that no one could overhear. As I said before, I am a very kinky guy, I consider consuming my lover's juice to be a fun practice, forgive me if I offended you.

"I can't carry this around with me all day, I still have classes." I informed him.

"Don't worry, I'll keep it fresh in the refrigerator in the locker room. Just grab it when you take your shower after practice ok?"

"Ok hun."

"Oh hey, are you going to come by the club tonight?"

"Maybe." I said teasingly.

"Well please do, I have special performance all set up for you."

"Hmm, with an offer like that it seems too good to refuse." I sighed. I hugged myself closer against him, pressing my groin to his as I gave him one final hug. Class was going to start again soon and I had to get to my next class or I'd be late. After the hug I gave him a quick tongue kiss and ran off to my next class, that way I'd be ready for the rest of the day.

* * *

Splash! I hit the water of the swimming pool with all the grace I could, landing skill that my mother had tought me. I opened my eyes and through my goggles I was able to get a rather fine view if the diving pool that I had just dove into. The tiles on the floor were pink and black, just like everything in our school. I looked for a brief moment to make sure I didn't loose my speedo during the dive. I looked upon my pink "home" speedos that were still on my body. They were hot electric pink with a thick black diagonal stripe on the right hip with two thinner stripes on the left of the thick stripe. Inside the stripe was our school;s logo and the runes for Malamute High School Swim Team.

I smiled under the water; I admired the sight of my own groin. I didn't what to take too long however so I kicked my legs and broke the surface, spitting out the water I had in my mouth. I was met with mild applause as my teammates stood around the edge of the pool. I looked at all the scantily clad males and smiled. It was nice having a 100% gay swim team, especially one where every member was attracted to me. Judging by the shapes of their suits, I doubt that there was a limp cock amongst them.

"Bravo Adrian! I haven't seen a dive that nice since your mother last dove in active competition." Came a rather husky voice behind me. I turned in the water as I tread to see my swim coach leaning against the diving platform supports with a wide grin upon his face. I nodded to him and treaded my way over to his side of the pool. I pushed myself out of the water with my forearms and adjusted my swim cap, sitting on the edge of the pool, my speedos clinging nicely to my doghood. I looked up at my swim coach and thanked him.

"Thank you Coach Simms." I said in my soft voice. I took a moment to adjust my nipple and navel rings and stood in front of him. Coach Simms, aside from Angus the day before, was the largest male I had ever met. He stood at 7'-1" and weighed over 375 pounds. He was all muscle, and had earned the physique of the gods. This Great Dane canine was the secret fantasy of the entire swim team, and rumor had it he had been with all of us at least once. He hadn't been with me yet... yet. I looked up a couple of inches and winked at him in almost a lusty way, to see what he'd make if it. He returned it. I looked him over. He was wearing a black sleeveless sweatshirt with a hood, and a very revealing pair of short shorts of pink nylon. He was very pleasant being to look at.

"I hope you dive like that at the meet coming up, you could take home a gold medal and qualify for the High Games, just like your mother did." He said with a grin. I grinned back. The idea of going to the high ga,es was a dream. My Mother and Grandmother had both been High Games gold medalists, and Coach Simms was on the women's team the year my mother went. 50 years ago when my mother competed, the rules of the games were different. The officials deiced years ago that homosexuals would compete on the same level as women. The funny thing was that Coach Simms almost ended up as my father at that point. Before my mother met a younger, kinder Andrew De Fenos, Coach Simms made a failed attempt to turn straight while he dated my mother, so he could also compete on the normal docket. He loved her, but he could never truly be in love with her. He stayed active in our lives by teaching my siblings and me how to swim as kids. I was glad to have him as my coach.

"Yeah I hope so too. I am a little nervous though about using the family trademark though, I just doesn't feel right to me." I informed. Coach Simms simply smiled and gave me a slap on my soaking wet ass.

"Come on, we have to see the 'Shooting Star'. I haven't seen it used in competition in 50 years, and you do it so splendidly. Use it, and you're a shoe-in to win the gold in the diving competition." He said in his hoarse voice. Coach Simms had a hoarse voice due to an accident he had a few years back where he was cooking some hot chocolate in his coffee cup. He had left the hot liquid sitting to cool, and a student he was coaching came along and thought that perhaps his drink had gone cold due to the lack of steam coming from the liquid. The student then out of the kindness of his heart warmed it up even more and left it in the same place, but failed to tell Coach Simms that he had microwaved his drink. Coach Simms the let the scalding hot drink go down his gullet, searing his throat and vocal cords. His voice was never the same. His voice was once a neer-deep manly kind of voice, a real fatherly type of voice if you understand what I mean. Now all it is is a raspy shell of what it once was.

"I suppose I will use it then maybe, You did request it." I said as I shivered a little bit in my dampness. Coach Simms grinned wider and wrapped an arm around me, giving my ass a brief fondle. If it was anyone else, they would have been tossed to the floor.

"Atta boy! That's the 'ol family spirit!" He said as ecstatically as he could with his horase voice. He then looked at the watch on his left arm and slapped his forehead. He kept his right arm around my waist and blew his whistle to get the attention of the other swim team members. They all stopped what they were doing, some were in the pool swimming while others were still standing at poolside, awaiting instructions.

"Ok guys, it's time to wrap it up here. We're actually overtime, so everybody out of the pool, out of your trunks and into the showers!" He ordered, gesturing to the male shower/locker room. There came some excited and dejected reactions from the swimmers, but they all ran their way into the locker rooms, all eager to shower off. Coach Simms on the other hand led me towards his office rather than to the locker room. I wondered what he had on his mind.

I lifted my goggles off as we entered his office. His office was just off to the side of the locker rooms and had a full window view of the showers (gee I wonder why?). Inside the office were posters of famous male swimmers and divers, some file cabinets, some boxes of sports equipment, and his desk with a couple of cheap plastic chairs in front of it. He told me to stand by the door while he went to get something. I hoped that whatever he was going to do that it wouldn't take too long; I was still soaking wet and my suit was still clinging to me. He dug behind his desk and produced two pieces of cloth that were folded up. I wasn't sure what they were but I assumed from the material that they were made from that they had to be swim suits, but they were larger then men's suits.

"Adrian, I have a surprise for you." Coach Simms said in a sly tone.

"What is it sir?" I asked as my eyes slowly traced to the shower window and the nude males behind the glass that were bathing, and then quickly back to him.

"Your request finally went through. It looks like they will let you wear the suits you wanted after all - because you registered as a homosexual and all." He said as he tossed me the two suits. When I caught them, one pink and one black, I opened the black one all the way to discover that it was a women's once piece suit. It was just the kind I wanted to wear! The suit was like a sleeveless turtle neck shirt with a modest back and revealing front. I smiled wide and gushed a bit.

"Thank you sir! I've wanted to wear one of these in competition for two years now! Thanks a lot!" I said as I folded the suit back up and tucked them under my arms.

"Don't mention it. Just have fun wearing it, and have a nice shower." He said with a wink. I gave him a wink back and hurried off to the locker room.

I passed by the rows of lockers and went straight to the refrigerator, going to find my squirt bottle. I opened it up and pushed some of my teammates bottles aside to grab mine. I found and grinned at the knowledge of what I had to drink. I closed the fridge back up again and slowly walked back to my locker, number 203. I grabbed my lock and pressed my thumb to the special thumb print security pad as the lock snapped open. I opened up my 7 foot by 2 foot by one foot locker and grabbed my duffel bag and tossed my new suits into it. Next I found a towel and shut my locker as I ran to the shower stalls. Our locker rooms had three sets of showers: one large communal shower, four stalls, and two private rooms. A lot of the others would probably be having sex in the private rooms; they didn't know how to be open about their sex. Coach Simms encouraged us that if we were going to have sex to at least do so in the community area so he could keep an eye on us (again I wonder why...). Most of my swim team was young at 14 and 15. I was the only 18 year old on the team, so I knew all the (forgive the pun) ins and outs of the locker rooms and their rules.

I grabbed the stall on the end and let the hot water hit my naked body with relative enjoyment. I smiled and turned around to see if anyone else had come doen the hall to use the other stalls, but no one was in the waiting area or in the stalls next to me, so I assumed I was alone. I grinned and rubbed at myself as I grabbed onto my water bottle and took a step out of the shower for a moment. I closed my eyes and held the nozzle over my head as I let the cool liquid drip onto my head and down my face. The aroma was still as strong as it was the last tine I had sniffed it. I was marking myself with Shawn's scent. I grinned and let the liquid drip onto my chest and groin, my sheath starting to emerge from my hilt. Next I let the rest drip down my back and onto my tail, my whole body was being soaked in his juice. I groaned, having only used half the bottle I knew where the rest would go. I lifted one of my legs high and poured a little bit onto myself rubbing it into my fur, and then did the same to my other leg. Last I concentrated on my sheath itself, pouring some of the heavenly liquid over it so my meat would truly be his. I groaned, I smelled and felt terrific. I pondered the idea of washing it off; I did have my boyfriend's urine on me and it might have been bad to have it on for too long, but I decided that I would keep it on. I walked back to the shower, having only really rinsed myself before the urine bath, and shut off the shower, holding my still quarter-full squirt bottle in hand and sat down on the bench of the shower stall. The aroma of the "sport" was getting to me, it was so arousing. I then brought the bottle to my lips and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and gave it a few squirts, draining the last of the strong and rather tart liquid into my gullet. I smiled when I had fully expended the supply; I had been throughly bathed. I sat there for a few moments and panted, licking the spare drops of "sport" off my face and leaving the rest to dry. I didn't know how long I was in the shower, sitting there, but it must have been a while, because the strength of my boyfriend's scent had faded to half strength. I groaned and grabbed my towel, bottle and suit and began to walk towards the communal shower area to get back to my locker. As I neared it, I heard something off. It was a hoarse voice saying something in a deep and guttural tone over and over again, In addition, I could have sworn I heard a light moaning coming in that direction as I walked over that way.

"Yeah...yeah...yeah..." Came the voice as I neared the turn to go around the corner. I paused and identified the voice of the person to be Coach Simms; I supposed that he was fucking someone. I couldn't identify the voice of the male he was with, but his voice was too high and too feminine for me to tell. Coach Simms must have been working whomever it was pretty good. I looked down at the floor and took a deep breath and then stepped around the corner.

What I saw was a rather interesting sight, I was right, it was Coach Simms. Coach Simms had one of my teammates wit his back to the wall and his legs wrapped around his waist while he thrust into him in a rather aggressive manner, The pit bull type male he was with upon closer inspection was Dennis. Dennis was almost like a rag doll in the way that he was getting fucked; his back bowed backwards against the wall, his head also back and his arms hanging limp at his side. The only things that were holding Dennis up were Coach Simms' cock, Dennis' powerful swimming legs, and Simms' hands on his hips. I stood there in awe and watched them. They were both naked of course and under the jets of the shower, As I said, coach Simms is - huge. He had the largest cock I had ever seen to date. Dennis had the chance to ride it at that point. I looked at Dennis and my face fell. I had seen Dennis naked hundreds of times, but I didn't know that his cock too had been affected. His cock, which was laying against Coach Simms' stomach was scarred heavily with burn scars, along with the rest of his skin.

Dennis Avy - quite possibly one of the saddest stories I had ever heard, Dennis used to live down the street from me in an apartment complex with his father. His father was a paradox in his attitude; he was an abusive prick a lot of the time, but then a loving father the rest of the time (hmm this sounds somewhat familiar...). It was common knowledge that their relationship was slightly turbulent, but they did love each other and were in love with each other.

About three years ago, when Dennis was 12, fire broke out in his apartment complex. His apartment was on one of the upper levels, and the fire spread so quickly that he and his father were trapped in their burning home. As the flames engulfed the room that they occupied, the father threw dennis to the floor and lay on top of him, using his body as a shield from the flames. Dennis had to watch as his father burned to death on top of him. Dennis survived with second and third degree burns on his body. His tail was so badly burned that it had to be cropped.

The nation decided that because Dennis had no family, and he was too young to be released on his own, that someone needed to take him in as a faster father. Enter Coach Simms. Coach Simms took him in and I suppose carried the ball Dennis' father had dropped, becoming his father and lover.

I blinked a few times and watched them, trying to sneak by. Coach Simms' nose turned up for a moment while he sniffed the air. I still smelled like Shawn, and perhaps that's who he thought I was.

" that De Pierce?" He groaned in between thrusts. I sighed and decided to play along, rather than be caught gawking. I started to stroke my sheath a little as I walked by and walked into my coach's field of vision.

"No, it's just me. I was enjoying your display. It got me so hard, I was going to ask if I could join, but you two look so good together I didn't want to intrude. If you don't mind I am just going to scoot by and find some hot ass now and teach it a lesson." I said in the sluttiest way possible. The coach smiled at me with a wide grin as he looked me over. I was giving him a show of something he wanted, and I could tell he enjoyed it with the way that he increased the power of his thrusts into Dennis. Dennis was mumbling something so softly that sounded like "Yes daddy" over and over again. Inside I felt sorry for Dennis, outwardly I would rather it had been me fucking him rather than Coach Simms, something just didn't feel right about this scene.

"Uggnnn Ade. Why don't you join us anyway? Join me and my boy here? And I notice that you smell like Shawn De Pierce...mmm...he must have marked ya hun." He groaned. I nodded and backed away a step.

"Yeah he marked me alright. I am into that kind of thing, but not all the time. Anyway I have to go, but you have fun with Dennis." I said as I slipped around the corner to head to my locker. Behind me I heard a simultaneous scream of passion. I assumed that Coach Simms had tied Dennis. I shook my head and walked to my locker to dress. I still smelled like my boyfriend's scent, and I liked that. I wondered what it would be like walking around with his scent on me.

I grabbed my pink silk G-string panties and threw them on, then a pair of my blue jeans, Next I grabbed a pink tube-tank like the one I wore the day before and threw that on. So far I liked my look. I wagged my tail out of the special hole in the back of my crotch hugging jeans with relish. I then grabbed my letterman's jacket out of my locker and threw that on, leaving the front open. Last to go on were Alex's dog tags and Badge of Fenris. I grabbed my duffel bag, made sure my new swimsuits were still there, and then slammed my locker shut as I ran up the stairs out towards the parking garage.

* * *

I gripped the handlebars of my Zodiac speeder a little tighter as I sped towards my boyfriend's place of employment. My hair flailed and whipped wildly out the back of my helmet with the wind that blew at my body. I wove in and out of traffic on my motorcycle like speeder, trying to get to my destination as quickly as possible. I was going to meet Shawn after he danced for my own private performance.

As I reached speeds of 175 kilometers an hour, things seemed to go by in blurs: a building was a flash of blackish gray, neon lights were one continuous rainbow on either side of you. The only buildings that were clear to me were the ones that were far out in front of me. I was getting anxious and a bit too horny to drive. If I wasn't careful I might have been pulled over.

"Tonight is going to be one hell of a night!" I yelled to myself under my helmet. I looked at my reflection for a second in one of my side mirrors on my handlebars. I looked pretty cool barreling down the streets in my black helmet with the reflective visor.

As I neared the pink light district (red light is for straights, gays get pink light." I came across some of the seedy people and places of the district. Traffic was slowing down, so I was forced to slow down to a crawl. I looked about and saw some gay prostitutes standing on a corner. There were in danger of being caught by Enforcers if they weren't more careful than they were being. I looked about at all the pimps and drug dealers that were walking the streets; this place was a nightmare to me. Everywhere there was something to complain about, it was horrible.

After turning a couple of corners, I came across Shawn's strip club. I parked my Zodiac under a large neon sign that read "Different Strokes". I sighed and removed my helmet and locked it with my Zodiac. I threw my duffel bag over my shoulder and walked over to the door where I was met by the club's two bouncers. Now I am a Black Labrador canine, but these two were real labs; they were both the size of two of me put together, but not quite as big as Angus or Coach Simms, but no less intimidating. They were clad in all black leather and were wearing sunglasses over their eyes. I walked up to them smiling.

"Evening Al, evening Mike." I said to them with a smile. The two bouncers extended their hands, which I shook firmly. The bouncers then looked at each other for a moment after shaking my hands and made a rather odd/impressed look on their faces.

"Whew Ade, you become Shawn's bitch or something?" Al asked jokingly with his deep manly voice. I smiled and laughed.

"Yeah Ade," Mike chimed in. "Looks like he made you his woman, or man in this case." Mike said as he held his nose and made a pretend face of disgust. Once more I laughed. I liked these guys so I put up with their lewd jokes.

"Well I consider it romantic to wear his musk guys, and I am here to see him as usual. Are you two going to let me in now?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. The two bouncers then mimicked the same gesture in another joke and made pouty faces.

"Where's our kisses Ade? You know the fee to get in." Mike said in a whining tone. The two both folded their arms and looked at me with what can only be described as "the sad puppy dog face". I gave in and gave Al and Mike kisses on their cheek

"Mm now that's more like it, go on in Ade." Al said with a grin as he gave me a firm slap on my ass and lead me through the door. When I entered I was confronted by the loud music of the club, and the closeness of about 200 individually dressed bodies packed together in a confined space. There was a stage of course, where a Doberman was stripping to some techno music. I looked at my watch, I was late. Shawn must have finished his performance before this stripper started his. I shrugged and pushed my way towards the back of the club, getting groped and fondled along the way. These were gropes and fondles I didn't like, and I had to resist the urge to punch the next person who tried. Fortunately for me, I made it to the dressing rooms hallway before anything like that had to happen.

I opened the door and saw a long hallway of about 6 rooms, the owner's room at the end of the hallway. Shawn's was the second door to my right. I shut the door behind me, muting the music behind me, just as one of the strippers came out of his room. It was Soujk, one of the males from my birthday. He looked over at me and frowned, probably still feeing guilty about that day.

"Summer Jade, how are you?" I asked, using his stage name. Soujk was a terrier type of canine and was from the mountains. He was very into his spiritual side, along with his twin brother. He looked down with his handsome Jade green eyes and exhaled. He was wearing his green kimono and his g-string underneath. The kimono had a lot of artwork sewn into it, and bore the image of a large lotus blossom on the back.

"Ade - I - forgive me please - I have dishonored thee." He said in his soft spoken tone. I took a few steps forward, sensing his unease and I placed my right hand on his shoulder, which he shrugged off.

"Summer, don't worry. I have forgiven Shawn for that night and I didn't even blame you or your brother. In fact if it wasn't for me you two wouldn't have gotten mated last week, remember?" I asked as I gestured to the black leather collar around his neck. He sighed and gave me a nod.

"But the way I did it it was - not honorable. I came in your ass and mouth without permission, and in my culture that is a bad deed, and I could be punished for that - my brother too." He sighed as he leaned against the wall, his kimono falling open revealing most of himself. As attractive as Soujk was, I had seen him naked so many times and not had sex with him I just really wasn't that moved when his kimono opened; I kept my cool.

"Now Summer, you and Winter are going to be ok. You two are forgiven. If I had to choose who I had sex with that night, I would have actually chosen you two as the only other ones I really trusted besides Shane and Shawn. So stop feeling sorry for yourself, and go out there and take your godsdamned clothes off!" I said in a motivating way. Soujk nodded his head a couple of times and gave me a bow. I returned the bow as he walked towards the door to the stage. I smiled at my work and walked to Shawn's black door. In the door was a star that read "Sexy Boy" Shawn's stage name. I snickered and gave the door a knock.

"Come in!" Came Shawn's feminine voice from the inside. I slowly pushed the door open and saw Shawn standing in front of a mirror. He was wearing a silk coat that flowed to the floor in the pattern of a white tiger. On his waist he wore a matching colored t-backed thong. He wagged his tail which had a white ribbon tied around it and smiled into the mirror.

"Well if it isn't my favorite customer, come in!" He said with a fat grin. I shut and locked the door behind me and set my bag in a chair positioned by the door. Shawn turned around and skipped over to me, and wrapped his arms around me in a big hug. He sniffed at me for a moment and then his grin grew wider.

"You went around wearing my scent all day?" He asked in wonder.

"No, just after swim practice. I thought it would be great thinking of myself as your property." I gushed. Shawn smiled and brought his lips to mine in a kiss. My lips parted as tongue began to mix with tongue. His arms slowly helped me out of my letterman's jacket at the same time Shawn was licking the inside of my cheeks. I groaned and let my hands explore my handsome love partner. My hands ran over his soft and toned chest like a stream over polished stones; caressing and getting into every crevice. Shawn then put a hand at the small of my back and then began to dip me, craning my neck back and my back into a bow as he leaned into it, getting his tongue deep into my mouth and throat. I closed my eyes and moaned, my pants were getting too tight for me and would need to come off soon. Slowly he pulled me back to a standing, keeping out muzzles locked in that kiss.

Shawn brought his fingers up my back and then wrapped them around the straps to my toob-tank. He parted them, so my garment slid down to my feet. I was half naked, my nipples hardening in the slightly cool dressing room air. My boyfriend then slowly brought his hands from my back and onto my chest, running his thumbs in a circular motion across my hard nipples and my rings. His tongue was still penetrating deep into me. I moaned, this was the best pleasure I had received in a while.

Shawn's hands then traced their way slowly and tenderly by the fingertips down my abs and onto my waistband. Shawn closed his eyes and continued to swirl his tongue inside of me as he opened my pants and helped them fall to the floor. I stepped out of them, remaining clad in my panties. I felt Shawn press his groin to mine, it felt wet. I opened my eyes to see why, and saw that my boyfriend had leaked so much precim that his thong was soaked with it.

With one final lick of my tongue Shawn pulled off the kiss and shrugged his coat of silk to the floor. Shawn smiled and pulled me gingerly over the clothes towards a bed he had in the room just for us. I still had my boots on, but I didn't mind.

Shawn tossed me onto the bed onto my back, and then slipped off his thong as he climbed onto me and lay his naked groin on top of my panties. His long pink sheath was crying out to me, begging to be sucked.

"I love you Ade..." He cooed.

"I love you too Shawn - now make love to me!" I commanded. Without hesitation he began to kiss me ever so softly at my lips, tracing down the left side of my face into the nape of my neck and shoulder, licking me there tenderly and passionately. I groaned and spread my legs and began to grind my groin against his, trying to further out pleasure. My hands traced around to his tight ass and groped each cheek in ginger squeezes. Shawn meanwhile gave a groan of delight as he traced his way up to my throat and began to kiss his way down my chest. When he reached my pectorals, he leaned over and began to suckle on my right nipple, sending waves of pleasure through me. I moved my hands back up his back and wrapped my legs around him, holding my love to me. He gave me a grin and continued to travel his way further south. Once he reached my navel, he licked it clean; licking at it like a straight man would eat out pussy. I groaned and arched my back; my cock was getting so hard. I took a moment to take my medals off and set them aside so they wouldn't get in the way. In almost no time Shawn had reached the promised lands as he began to kiss and lick at my cock bulge. I writhed in pleasure at his kissing. Shawn then gently spread my legs and took a bite of my g-string, and slowly pulled them down with his teeth. My black sheath was out and glistening in its moistness from his licking and my pre. I smiled and put my boots on Shawn's shoulders as he began to lick slowly up my right thigh and close into my crotch. His tongue was like sweet velvet upon my legs, it was such bliss.

"Mm are you liking this baby?" Shawn took a moment to ask.

"Oh Gods yes, it's been too long." I groaned, sounding like a female in heat. He then nodded and buried his face in between my legs. I felt his steamy breath down there, adding more pleasure to my heat. His tongue crept out of his mouth and began to circle its way around, licking between my legs. I groaned as he went down and began to lick at my tailhole. I bit my lip and let out a happy noise after folding my legs on his back. Deeper and deeper his tongue penetrated me, bringing my heat even further out. I was in so much pleasure. He thrust his tongue inside me as far as it could go, and began to move it in and out slowly and sweetly. His teeth would occasionally bite down on me a little, so he could almost say he was "eating me out". His hands ran across my stomach and finally onto my hard rod as he took grip and began stroking. I giggled and moaned, I was getting tongue fucked and loved it. His tongue felt like a wet cock sliding in and out of me, he was so good at doing what he was doing. His hand was slow in the way that it stroked me; it was almost as if he were only using me for leverage so he could get his tongue deeper inside of me. His tongue began to work at my prostate, hitting my g-spot and sending wave after wave of pleasure through me. I recall thinking that if his tongue was going to do this to me, then his cock was going to be heaven.

After several more agonizingly wonderful moments of being eaten out, he then lapped his tongue in-between my legs and across my testicles, my balls quivering at the sensation of his tongue moving across them. Further and further north his tongue traveled, up my hard black cock. Once his tongue reached my head, he began to lap his wonderful love tool at my head, sending me into pleasure overdrive.

Shawn teased my cock for only a few moments that way before wrapping his lips around me and sinking onto my hot beef. While Shawn was no Kuni at giving blowjobs, he was still second to none. Shawn began to move as slowly as he could, using his cheek muscles to stimulate me. My knot began to swell, growing larger by the moment. I was ready to blow my first load, for tonight I was going to cum twice.

"Mmmm Shawn I love you!" I groaned. I then looked back at my boyfriend as he worked sucking my cock and smiled. I then manipulated my breathing and my throat and began to purr, just like a cat. Shawn looked at me with his lips wrapped around my member, smiled, and gave me an extra suckle as my reward. As I had said, my mother's friend had showed me how to purr for just an occasion like this, and I supposed that it was working. Shawn then moved down, wrapped his lips around my knot, and began to suck as hard as he could. I suppose I had tied myself to his mouth. I could feel the immanent orgasm as I let out one final scream of pleasure and shot my first true load in all this time into the back of his throat. Shawn swallowed every drop, and let out a happy moan and pulled off my cock with a cum latent smile.

"How you feeling Ade?" He cooed.

"Fucking spectacular!" I purred. He smiled and gestured towards his cock.

"Then lube me up real quick? I am going to fuck you here baby." He smiled. I reached around and found a bottle of his lube that he had for just such an occasion. I gave the bottle a squeeze as the bluish liquid squirted into my paw. The liquid was cool and very wet; I imagined his cock would slide in and out like a cock in a real pussy. I leaned forward as another little drop of my cum leaked out of me and began to lube up my boyfriend. He groaned as his cock was covered in the nice gooey substance. Normally we never used lube, however I had fallen out of practice lately and would have to teach my ass a lesson as I say

When he was properly lubed, I laid back down and opened my legs for him, keeping my feet crossed on his back.

"I'm ready hun." I groaned.

"Alright this is going to be great." Shawn growled as he pressed his cock head against my tailhole. Thanks to his tongue, I was loosened up a bit and would be ready for his sweet love maker. In almost no time I felt him thrust his cock into me, his cock's lube working efficiently in aiding his plunge into my man-pussy. I purred a bit louder and closed my eyes once more, gripping tight onto the mattress upon which I laid. Once Shawn had reached his peak, he began to hump into me as if he never has before, throwing caution to the wind and fucking me wild. I couldn't take it anymore; I had been waiting for this kind of pleasure for the longest time and decided to scream in pleasure loud enough to be heard. I didn't care if anyone knew I was having hot sex with my boyfriend in his dressing room.

I could feel him so deep inside of me, thrusting himself at an angle so that he would hit my tender g-spot with each thrust. Using my legs, I pulled him so that his torso laid against mine; I wanted to wrap my arms around him as well while he drilled my ass. I leaned in and thrust my tongue into his mouth, and gave him a lusty kiss while he continued to fill my love hole with his delicious member. Deeper and deeper his six inch cock plummeted into my depths; I was truly in nirvana.

"Oh Ade!" He yelled as I could feel his knot beginning to bang and grind itself against my tailhole. I wondered if he planned to tie me at that point. With my boyfriend's thrusting however it seemed as he planned to cum inside of me without tying me.

"Shawn, I want you to cum on my cock, I want to use your cum as lube." I ordered. He nodded and slowly slid his cock out of me; he must have been close. He then wrapped his right hand around his cock and pointed it at mine and began to stroke his lubed member at a tremendous speed, a gooey squishing sound pulsating with each stroke.

"Yes, I'm going to cum!" He screamed as I saw his cock twitch for a moment, and then it happened. A powerful jet of Shawn's cum squirted onto my rod, sending yet another ping of ecstasy through me. More and more of his life seeds were deposited onto my dick as he slowed his stroking to a stop. He smiled and crawled onto the bed next to me as he laid himself in the same position that I had, flat on his back. I smiled and turned over, lubing my cock with his cum as I approached my man.

"Be nice to me Ade." He pleaded in a playful way. I giggled and took my hair down from my ponytail, letting it fall about me.

"I'll be nice and fuck you now...if that's what you mean." I cooed as I positioned myself at his door. He then spread his legs wide and open, much like a woman would as I readied myself. I placed my hands on his hips and began to thrust my way in, his hot ass closing around me. I groaned at the sensation, never again would I go this long without some ass. Shawn shuddered in pleasure, sending a few tremors through his delicate passage that was encircled around me. With lustrous delight I began to hump him, my precious meat being pleased by his inner membranes.

Shawn began to moan and scream much like I had earlier, just like a female. His screaming was such a tease and a thrill at the same time; it made every moment I was fucking him all the more enjoyable. Shawn then reached up using his tail and began to tease my ass with it while I humped him; it was a surprise but a welcome one. I decided to surprise him back by lifting my tail in invitation while I continued to rock his world. His tail slid it's way into me and began to twist and writhe inside of me as I began to aim my cock at his own G-spot to increase his pleasure. My knot was getting harder than steel, and was begging for some action. I let Shawn know how much fun I was having by grinding my knot against his asshole every so often during thrusts.

For a wondrous eternity, I humped my lover, driving my wedge into his crevice. Shawn had closed his eyes and let his tongue flop out, kind of like when I had let Kuni give me a blowjob the night before. I leaned forward, and took hos tongue into my mouth and began to suck on it as if it were his cock. Shawn tittered in response, and then pulled it back for a moment to speak.

"Tie me Ade..." He commanded.

"Tie you? You've never let me before..." I asked in between thrusts

"Yes please do tie me, there is a reason I want you to." He begged. I shrugged and humped a little harder, I couldn't resist.

"Alright then, get ready." I moaned as I readied myself as well. With one hard thrust I locked my knot inside of him, his ass lips closing around the base of my knot. I smiled and humped as much as his body would allow, I was about to cum.

In a powerful torrent of pent up cum me second wad tore into my boyfriend as we screamed in tandem. I panted and sighed as my cock expended it's ammunition into my love. My boyfriend then pulled me close and hugged me tight as my cock throbbed in decreasing throbs inside Shawn's love hole.

"Ade did you enjoy yourself?" He asked softly.

"Fuck yeah I did, I never knew it felt so good! Now why did you want me to tie you?" I panted in response.

"Well I wanted to ask you something. As we are now tied in body, will you be tied to me in spirit?" He asked as I felt something slip around my neck. When I looked down I was shocked to see a black leather collard of engagement was being put around me. It was such a shock, my mouth dropped open. I tried to find the words. When they came to me, I answered,

"Yes! Yes I will be your mate. Marry me Shawn!" I cried as I let him pull the collar tight around my neck. With that I pressed my lips to his and kissed him in a way that I never had before. No longer was Shawn just my boyfriend or just my lover, now Shawn was my fiance. That night in Shawn's dressing room was the last time we made love as boyfriends, because from that day on we were going to be engaged.