Traxus: Tales of Phoenix

Story by Vaster Sorasan on SoFurry

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Traxus: Tales of Phoenix

Hey, you know all that shit I said back their- bullshit. Yep, every word... Na not at all. If I wanted to piss of some people. I'll just walk outside but naked. Make all the guys jealous. So there I was on the tele, explaining the debacle at our graduation, to my lieutenant general.

Remember that guy with the shit in his hair, yea that one. Well I needed help on my new book, Tales of Phoenix, and he happened to be in the creative writing club. So I'm thinking, "Shit yes, this will be a walk in the park." A walk in the park it was not my brothers.  You see, their all a load of lonely, faggity group of pups and dolphins, crying through their stories about how hard it is. First off, most of these degenerates express their selves through poetry. Which didn't help me any; the ones that at least Wrote stories wanted something in return. Judging from the look in their eyes, they wanted some of the old "in-out."

"You raggedy piece of shit you- thinking I'm that desperate. Richard, are they all your friends?" I laughed.

"Yes, they are- but come on man, there offerin you a good time!" Richard said. Face palm.

"Do you see rainbows shooting out of my ass- look all I'm asking for is help with a book, a book for the lieutenant general."

For some odd reason they all thought that funny.

"Yes, we all heard of Janet, your human."

" She- Is-Real! And unlike all of you, she is very important!"

Those sharp words hit their consciousness too hard and they began the attack.

"You think you're better than us, you really do. May I bring up your roommate or mate for short. Stop with the bull, you constantly attack us when you're a faggot yourself."

Oh did that start a riot in my head. People have been going on about this for a while now, of course with no real evidence or witness. But it's what my friend rich said that caused chaos.

"Yea, you're lucky to such beautiful colors."

 Ant that is when I retaliated with a flip and a kick of the coffee table. Books, pages, and brown all went flying towards the three flames. Hot call burning the poor water mammal. All I could do was smile at his pain. The other two puppies were too afraid, knowing damn well that fucking with a dragon will get you killed. And that was that, I had suspicions about poor Richie. Hate being right.  So I went to the last place I needed to be, Davis'. I'll admit, I was a bit teared up when I got there. Wouldn't you, lost your best friend to a pet peeve. Oh Davis, when he saw me tearing up, he took no time asked me questions and set me up in his comfy home. Oh my brothers, a true darling he is,  tellin his em to give him a min or two. So when sister leaves the flatblock he just sits there next to me and says any time. I was afraid to tell him, fearing he might take offence to my recent actions. Still remember the laundry incident like it was yesterday. It was sophomore year, now its Veteran year, or year six for you poor earthdivers. Well might as well find out now, instead of the hard way.

So I poured it on him, and not once did he flinch. Either he was perfect, or he was hiding it really well. So I forced the question on to him. Expression changed then...

"No... it's an awful thing to say but, I'm glad I'm not. God knows what you'd have done to me."

"No, no, no, no. I would have still stayed with you. You wouldn't try to drag me in to it if you were brother!"

Hope to god not. Spent the night at his house played some games talked a bit...

Sophomore year, naïve, scared, still had that hint of desperation, and somehow enlightened. Weeks pass and I grew fond of my roommate. Not too fond though. Elaine showed up again, asking me, no more like begging me.

"Please, I find someone for you I promise!"

Yes, I was jealous- incase the context clues aren't there soon.

"Well you see, this oddball friend of mine, don't know him too well."

"Uggh, you don't need to know someone well, to get a hookup goin on. Has anyone hooked you up before?"

"Were going through the same shit again- you knowing what's best, and me telling you to fuck off."

"Well Marcel, I'm not going to fuck off, until you give me a proper introduction." Ending her statement with a smile.

Stupid bitch.

"Fine I'll do your job for you... How should we do this then."

"Ahh-new it. Never got hooked up!"

"Maybe because I diditonmylonesome. Ahh you probably can't charm a fucking man on your own."

I'm surprised she's not crying by now.

"I'll do it then,"-idea-"Davis, come her a min, comer, mer."


"Davis I want you to meet this nice pretty girl here."

"We've met, come on angel lets go around the city for a while!"

Oh how her face was glowing. Davis chivalry saved me sometime, had to thank him later. Black and green, blue and orange, gray and purple. We have the wonderful thing called choice, dragons look appropriate no matter what the combination. One combo will never leave my mind. Colors cost money. More than two means you came from a high wealth. One very large veck had white, gold and red. The red was his beautifully formed pony tail. Even though it was hair, its color still counted. However, he was large. You see Archangel still follows the rules of the conservation of mass rule. If you go in you may be a bit bigger or taller. But he blew out the norm. Whatever went in either wasn't human or was created my out favorite military. Sixty thousand people plus I seen him during our local Olympics. What a beautiful creature he was, I'm just sayin. When he took off his jacket, the crowd went wild. He did tricks with his weapons, fighting and stuff like that. I was amazed, I wondered what it would be like watching someone his own size fights him. He fired a few rounds at some preset targets and we went wild. Later on, he took off all of his gear. The crowd, mostly estrogen, went crazy. Loud as hell. I took a long look at him, too long of a look. Felt the shorts getting tighter and had to turn away from the greatest man in the world.

Chandra effect, what is it you say? It goes a lot deeper than looking at some one. There is a special connection between us. Us as in the dragons, or the dogs, or the other species. The connection is kinda like an old animal instinct most ignore. It's like a human seeing a hot girl. Except you see more than their outside figure. If one enters the effect, they see everything in the person from which the response is coming from. Everything. Muscle, bone, nerve, part; let it continue then you take a thirty sometimes two minute journey through them. Through everything, that makes them. The effect is rare, those that have it often, are usually...

Instead of fearing the effect(it has other side effects I rather not go into yet), I took it on. If I could connect with my hero, all dreams will come true. And so I stared into the open field toward my white read haired friend. And I saw more than everything. I saw hundreds of thousands of people's lifetimes. It was beautiful, creation, achievement, fall, death, resurrection, fission, fusion, calibration. I saw all of history, human and non-human. As you can imagine it took longer than two minutes to go through my acid trip, I was comatose for days. Not like real comatose but close.  It was like I was in the minds of other people, seeing there worth. When I finally go to my hero, things went a bit slower. I saw his creation, and he was totally different whenever all this mystical shit happened. After a while, I saw, heard and felt him being ripped apart. Not like the ripping of someone tied to four (five if your male) different slow moving cargo ships. But like the fabric of his soul, still felt physical pain though, as if I was in the center of a singularity and instead of being crushed on all points, I am being pulled on all points. Twas horrible, but worth it.

So, there I was, in the hospital with Nurse Janet by my side.

"Oh my god! Doctor he's waking up! Hello? Marcel?"

I make some grunts and moans towards her response. Then the dock rushes in and throws questions at me to see if there was any drain bammage. Luckily, there was none. After telling me, I've been unresponsive for some time, doc runs off to phone my pee and em, and then lovely Janet shows her true side.

"Marcel? Sweetie is it alright if I could ask you some questions."

"Of what kind miss?"

"Well, first off can you tell us how you may have fallen into your coma."

"Coma? thought it was acoma. Well I felt very ill at first, kind of like the Chandra effect."

"Are you sure, it was?"

"Well when I looked away from Vaster, it was going away."

"Why did you look back?" (Shit!)

"Wait, is he ok?"

"Well we guess so; he sort of flew off randomly. I'm guessing you caused that."

"I knew what the effect could do so I looked at him. He is my hero I would do almost anything to be closer with him."

"Hmm, I see."

"Footsteps were coming down from the hall real skorry."

"Ok marcel, listen closely. I will be in the public library on clockwork and latchkey..."

I shit you not; I thought she made that shit up to.

"... I just need your help with something, ok?"

"All right."


And after the T, she went. Doc came in told me that my folks will be coming in shortly. Oh, god the crying of joy and cheering that will soon come into this room of mine. While I laid there in my comfy hospital bed, I pondered if I should actually visit this human named Janet. Hmm forgot to mention that part. Well she seemed worth talking to. Lots better than Elaine.

"Man, you hooked me up with an angel. Davis said."

"Glad you enjoy it. I responded."

"Her, you have to say her. People get... irritated at that."

"Yea, yea, being instinctive to the babies out there I know."

"Marcel, you're more depressing than usual. Is-"

"I'm not depressing! It's just a monotone voice."

"Well...ok. Is everything ok though?"

"No. I think I may have put Vaster in acoma, damn that fucking effect. And I was always afraid of letting it take over and now I killed our only protector."

"Heh, well thank god your fast and to the point. That saves me an hour, but I'm confused about two things. What 'effect' did you kill this Vaster with. And do I know this guy?"

"Oh my God, ore you fucking serious you don't know who Vaster is. Gezzsus, this is worse than Dr. Patton."

"Hmm, guessing this person means a lot to you."

"YEA, our survival may even be ion his hands soon."

Well, that was an amazing week! History time Class. Why did the majority of people on Traxus decide to become animals? Well, it was about twenty years ago, and mostly everyone here was human. You heard me right Johnny mi boy human! Then everyone there heard of the covenant sweeping through killing billions in their genocidal campaign. JSO- our wonderful government, said every permanent resident must go to Archangel and change species no human, no covies. Well his address was a lot more fancy like with Fitzgerald like vocabulary, but that's the bulk. The plan was if they did find the planet our race can't even find, they wouldn't have a reason to kill us were not human. But, if for some reason we were forced to join them... well... that would be very... odd.

First, we would have to erase all connections with earth, even English. Erasing English, pissshaw, we learned Japanese just in case(Don't ask me to speak it). If for some reason they hear English slip out, well just say we found the language in old artifacts. The artifacts will all of course be manmade.

After riding all ties, we would then be classified under insurgents or rebels. Ain't gota be Shaw to figure out why. However one problem remains, Archangel. If we keep it, they may figure it out then question the planet's inhabitants. If we destroy it,  we may all die or brought back down to human except for the pure.

So the main goal would be to inhabit Traxus with pure animals, Destroy archangel and live with the covenant. But Thirty years later and like four planets are left. Doesn't look good.

"What do you mean by that?" Davis asked.

I wish he could read my book now!

"Look it up for fucks sake."

"Ok, ok, I will. You wana take a walk down to the mall?"


"Come on, I know you wana." He said scratching my ear gently.

And of course, my reaction was a giggling schoolgirl. From that, point on he kept doing it, not like every damn time we met but enough. Marcel doesn't care what you say he loves it!

"Ok, heh, ok I'll go." Marcel said.

He was very fond of going to the mall especially with Davis. He sees him like a younger brother, even though there the same age. As they walked, Marcel kept thinking of Janet, mostly about the fact she gave him no real time.

 "Would she be there every day, he thought.

Little did Marcel know, soon as he left the hospital that day she kept a close eye on him.

Hours later, Marcel finds the library. I find the fucking library. Your Humble Narrator stumbled upon the biblo. And there she was, in all her glossy makeup, sitting on her lonesome on the corner asleep. I walk over all quiet like and sit right across from her, fixing my wings over the awkward chair. She must have been here a while, or so I thought.

          Suddenly she burst awake-

"So I see you and Davis are close friends, wana piece of advice?" she said.

"Oh-. Well hi. Umm yes, we are friends. I guess." I said.

"You guess...well whatever you do, don't jump. Ok, so Marcel, explain what happened again."

I did.

"Well, Vaster isn't dead, ok. Umm, what I need from you is to try and tell me everything, this Chandra effect, has given to you about Vaster."

"Well how am I to be sure you won't use this against me or him eh?"

Sigh "Son, I'm a journalist, ok. And I know there is a lot of shit happening at once, but no one is keeping record of any thing. The world needs to know about everything that has gone on in the past thirty years."

"Oh, so you want to find everything before all the governments wipe it out? Well, hope you don't get caught."

"Yea, so you have a gift, record everything you can before it goes away-"

"It never goes."

"Good, now I know this is hard but I need everything you got. Can you do this, for me." She said covering her heart with her hands."

"A-Alright then, it's going to be a while. I may finish on or before my release from by second stage."

"How long is that?"

"Few years. How will I like-contact you?"

She then hands me a bracelet with one button, gives me a kiss on the forehead and leaves. That is all the motivation I need.

Well from this point on to grad everything goes like this...