The Highlands: Stable Encounter

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#9 of Old Stories


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The stable was quiet and save for the one light it was nearly black. The sound of the horses as they settled for bed tickled the young wolfhound's ears as she ghosted along the hall and started towards the stalls that lined either side of the building. Normally Flinne would have been excited to be in the stables after dark. She would have found her own mount and saddled her up to take a moonlight gallop that would send her racing across the country side at full speed. Tonight she passed by the stall without even calling a greeting. In all her life she had never experienced the intense desires that had been woken inside of her. Her heart pounded against her chest as she came ever closer to the light in the empty stall at the back of the barn. Would they be there? Would William again be claiming Mera? Would they be entwined together in a lewd embrace that she would enjoy by proxy?

The pup was on the very cusp of womanhood and in all her days she hadn't ever believed that she would be caught up in an adventure such as this. The willful hound's day dreams had been of being the knight rather than the damsel. The tales of princes and bold warriors had held no interest for her save for the action. She had often dreamt of casting aside her father's oppressive hold on her and leaving the Keep to roam the Highlands. The tales of the wolves that had roamed them had always made her heart pound faster. What would it be to be wild and ride a pounding horse into battle? To have no one tell you what should and should not be done? Oh how she would have clutched to that dream! She would have savored it and given into it! Why should she be a dressed and coiffed lady when all she desired was the opposite?

Tonight her dreams had a different tone. Lean and limber the wolf hound came to the edge of the stable and drew in a breath that was more than a shiver. She had never believed that she would find herself so drawn to the promises of the flesh. The carnal act that soldiers had sneered at with knowing grins and the nobles had smirked over when one woman or man had been captured in another's bed. Now she felt that part of her roused into a bonfire. Her heart pounded as she stepped into the yellow glow of the light and squinted. Flinne didn't tolerate any faintness of heart from herself. She had grown up in far too rough a country to be anything less than the hard willed creature her father had created. The moment she looked around she found herself in quite a different place then the stall she had glimpsed.

"My Lady!" The voice came to her left and William stepped out with a bow that swept his ears forward until they nearly brushed against her. "My sweet and fair Lady! My heart rejoices that you've come to join us! Ahh how I dreamed that you would dare this and risk your father's wrath."

"Me Pater won't be controolin' me, y'ken?" Flinne felt a smile pull at her lips as the hare gave his head a nod in approval and gestured towards the stall.

"In the hopes that you would join me, I have ensured that your first lesson into these fine adult arts will not be without some beauty." The hare gave a lopsided smile. "For this is the poetry of the heart, though I must confess, with me it can often be dirty limericks."

The hound pup laughed at that even as it held a nervous edge and her gaze swept over the stall. Thick soft blankets had covered the clean straw so that it gave the immediate look of being some strange foreign harem. The rich red and purple colors caught her eyes along with the small tray of crystal bottles that held various hues and colors. The light was harsh to her only because of the darkness of the rest of the stable; once she grew accustomed to it she found it soft and inviting. The place had been transformed into a virtual paradise that hinted at hedonistic pleasures in the very warm scent of incense upon the air. The incense was sparked along with the warmer scent of musk that was unique to the hare alone and something else. Her sharp nose found the second person before her eyes did and when she met the amber gaze she froze.

Nina would have been rare in any place in the highlands, but within her father's lands. The great lords of the highlands rarely tolerated their wilder kin from living here, but her father viewed things a bit differently. He had offered land and shelter for some of the smaller groups from the north to settle there. He often spent time in his cups waxing poetically about the slyness of their breed and how they were prime hunters. A few todds even served as huntsmen and worked with the falcons. Most of them though lived in a small village several miles away. They provided most of the meat that graced her father's table. Most of them felt happy to have a place they could settle unmolested and Flinne had learned several years before how wise her Father had been. They were loyal to him. They were absolutely loyal to him in a way that went beyond servant and master. They would defend him to the death, for defending him meant they would keep their way of life.

They favored him enough that the vixens who were unwed often spent time working in the keep. Sometimes they found mates, sometimes they simply worked for coin, but Nina was one of a handful that had taken up residence. The white vixen was as pale as the rest of her kind, save for the very tips of her ears which were lined with black. She knew the vulpine somewhat in passing in the keep. Though she had to admit she had trouble identifying them given their uniform fur colors. She worked as a cleaning maid, but despite that title she rarely seemed to work, instead she had always hovered around noble circles. As Flinne grew older she began to notice that she was more of a hand maiden to the nobles than anything else. Her cousin's spoke of her fondly for her knowledge of clothing and the way she could make fur shine.

With the keen nose of any curious youngster she had scented a secret. She soon found out that Nina enjoyed time with many of the noble ladies' rooms. She even was known to slip into her Father's room after a long party to tend to cleaning. She'd been following the secret for ages, but tonight she found herself confronted with the answer perhaps. She had always assumed the vixen was either a spy that sold information or perhaps kept an eye on things for her father. She had dozens of possibilities in her mind, but not one of them matched the reality. The pup's sparse knowledge of the fox didn't prepare her for the fact that she was reclining nude among the softness of some pillows. Her rich white fur glowing under the light and her breasts were bared entirely to her view. Her smile was curled and welcoming as her tail was lying right next to her legs.

"Ah didnae mean tae interrupt." Flinne twitched one of her ears and then gave a quizzical glance towards William. "Though Ah'd assume ye'd be nude tae enjoy her."

"Vell, she is very young still." The rich tones came from Nina. So warm and deep that Flinne nearly shivered like someone had brushed fur down her spine. "I vas not here for Villiam, I vas invited for you."

"She's old enough." The bard moved a hand to rest lightly on her back. That touch alone sent a tremor down her body as her breath caught in her throat. "Nina has a particular fondness for girls, Lady Flinne. I was shocked when I arrived to find out that she didn't simply keep to them, but if she had we wouldn't be nearly so great a friends."

"Ah dunnae understand. Aye, my cousin's enjoy her company, but why are ye hear for me?" She turned her gaze back to the fox to find the white muzzle had parted in a smile. A long red tongue spilled out to run over the lips after a few moments.

"I vill induct you into my arts, child. Dis is my pleasure." The fox flicked her tapered ears to both sides and her head tilted. "Villiam vill vait for you if dat is vhat you are worried about. You cannot taste a man vithout tasting first a woman's touch. It is the law of my country and I vill promise, once I have taught you to take pleasure vith me, you vhile find your first man far more worthy."

"Ye wan' me tae sleep with her?" Flinne felt some foundation shiver at that knowledge. Oh she knew several of her cousins had 'special friends', but she had assumed she was invited here for William. Oddly she didn't feel repulsed, only slightly confused.

"Ahh I promise, my sweet lady, after she had reduced you to quivering sensations and breathless pleasure I will introduce you into my poor skills. I fear she is far more adept at teaching you more then what your fingers know instinctively." The hare's smile parted wider and he winked one eye to see her ears darken around the edges.

"Aye, Ah suppose Ah cannae argue with that." Flinne spoke the words softly almost as if wondering if she should argue with it.

Nina took any chance of her arguments from her as her hands engulfed the hounds and pulled her forward to where she lay. For the first time in her life she was close enough that she got a flood of the vulpine's scent. It was sharp and almost acrid as it rolled over her tongue and she wrinkled her lips slightly. Her scent was earthy and rich, this was something wild and forbidden. The brilliant amber eyes stared into her own as the fox's fingers slid from her arms to travel upwards. The gentle touch of the finger pads grazed over her clothing so the first tremor that rocked through her seemed to reignite the flames that had been banked. She opened her mouth to ask a question. She had no idea how to proceed. Even a male was beyond her experience, how was she to know what to do with a female? Her question was drowned out by a slender muzzle pressing against hers.

Flinne tensed and then let out a muffled cry as a slender soft tongue plunged into her muzzle. It danced upon her tongue as the hands moved to her shirt and pulled it slowly upwards. The lips were indescribably soft and supple, spiced by the unique scent that made her body tremble in place. She found herself trying to kiss back as she moved her tongue out and gently stroked against the soft lips. Her fingers dropped down and cupped either side of the soft white hips and she felt the soft fur spreading along her fingers. She squeezed and gently kneaded against them as she kept herself pressed in close. Nina's hands gently guided her shirt up until she felt the bare fingers stroke through her stomach fur so she tensed and pulled her lips backwards as the grazed higher. Her eyes were wide when she first felt the gentle finger brushing beneath the rise of her breast.

"I vill not bite, Flinne. Let me love you." The words were throaty and sounded almost like a purr. How could the pup refuse? Her mind was awash with strange new sensations.

The fingers slid up beneath her shirt until she raised her arms upwards so that it could be pulled off entirely baring her upper chest to the fox. The other female made a low approving sound that was echoed in William's swift intake of breath. She had nearly forgotten the hare in the spell of desire and need that was being woven by the vixen. She closed her eyes for a moment to center herself and was guided backwards into the plush blankets that covered the straw. She moved a paw up and brushed against the edge of one of the woman's soft breasts and was rewarded with a slight shiver that made the thick fur puff out along her neck. She opened her eyes to find the fox watching her intently before the slender muzzle lowered down to gently kiss against her breast.

She'd never experienced a touch so erotic. Flinne was unprepared for the heat of breath that spilled over the fur and then onto the bare nipple. Her world nearly crumbled the moment the lips parted and kissed over the flesh. Her entire back arched up as she let out a call that reached a higher peak a moment later. The lips closed down while a hot silken tongue brushed over her nipple and swirled against it. The teeth grazed and gave a gentle tug that made her press back into the straw as her hands reached out to hold the vixen close. Her fingers moved up and she tried to mimic her teacher, yet her body was pounding with a rush of blood that made her ears ring. It was so hard to concentrate, yet somehow she found her way to cup the full heavy breasts in the palm of her hands. The nipples were far thicker than own and the flesh more giving.

"Good, that is right. Feel me and let me feel you, sweet girl." The throaty voice murmured in her ears as Nina pressed her breasts into her seeking paws.

She let her fingers trace over the nipples first and felt how they stiffened readily under her unsure touch. She spread her fingers wider to encompass more of the heavy flesh so that when she squeezed down she could feel the way the fox tensed up in approval. The lips went back to her breast only this time the tongue moved across it in a firm wet line that sent a spasm running down her spine. The fox's hands traveled down her body and traced along the curve of her stomach. One finger dipped in just pressing against the belly button so that her entire body went tense and then relaxed again. That nameless desire that had started in the hayloft flared to life again as the fingers dipped down under the edge of her pants. She moved her head down almost blindly to rub her muzzle in the welcoming breasts as she tried to stop her whimper.

The fingers travelled still lower. They trailed down and moved her pants with them so she was arching her hips up into the air as they were wiggled down past her thighs. Her tail spilled free and she had a moment of doubt when the slender digits traced up her inner thighs. She almost pulled away then, but pride and desire kept her still. They drifted up and traced over her folds so that she let out a wordless cry at softest touch. It was barely the brush of skin on skin but her nerves were alive with the sensation and she wanted more! She wanted to experience it all! She arched upwards and then dropped back as the thumb traced the pursed folds and coaxed her legs to spread open a bit wider. What she had felt touching herself had been intense, but when it was coupled with this there was no comparison.

She trembled and found the fox's other hand capturing her wrist lightly and guiding it down. At first she believed that she was going to be coaxed into touching herself, but Nina had other things in mind. Her fingers were pressed up into the richly fur along the fox's lower stomach and drawn lower. To her amazement she felt the naked folds against her finger tips and the wetness that clung to them. She froze caught in a wave of indecision. She barely knew how to pleasure herself, how could this fox trust her to pleasure her in turn. She hesitated and then simply let her fingers feel the softness of the outer folds and the opening. The fingers left her wrist and she heard a soft sigh of pleasure when she gave a hesitant stroke. The paw upon her own loins worked with far more surety. The fingers spread her folds open so that one traced up along her inner lips. She let out a shocked cry and bucked as the fingers trailed up to circle around her clit.

"Ahh so eager.." The voice breathed in her ear before the lips kissed down against the edge of her neck. "Alvays so eager vhen they are young."

"Ah dunnae know how tae make ye feel pleasure." She admitted after a moment. "Show me."

"Here, you vill touch here." The finger between her folds fluttered up to rapidly flicker over her clit. The moment it tickled over her she let out a sudden cry of shock. Her entire body tensed up under the sudden spill of sensation that assaulted her mind and body. "Try."

The finger stopped its movements and she was left feeling too hot for comfort and her mind fogged. She forgot the hare might even be watching, she forgot her father and his rules, she even forgot that she was higher up then the maid. She obeyed as her finger tried to part the folds and fumbled in an attempt to find the same spot. She traced up higher until she felt something like a bud and swollen under her finger. She rubbed back and forth slowly and heard Nina let out a shivering cry as the hips rocked down against her touch. She opened her eyes to see the white fox with her head cast back and her eyes closed. Bolstered by the success she circled around the spot and mimicked her teacher by using her free fingers to hold the lips open.

"Ahh you are very quick..." The fox panted and drew her body a bit higher in the air. "You have felt, but now you vill see. I vish you to understand all of vhat I can teach you. The next lesson you will learn of taste and scent."

Flinne might have questioned her, but as she spoke Nina moved above her. The motion was fluid and graceful as the thick brush of her tail tickled the pup's nose. Her cheeks reddened as she saw plainly the soft mound hidden between the thighs, the fur that thinned down and disappeared completely to let the lips gleam between them. The soft supple lips were parted slightly to show the dark pink lining and the bud of the clit that she had been attempting to tease. For a moment she just let her paws slide up and massage against the pale white furred cheeks. Her fingers squeezed and dimpled the flesh inwards before she was interrupted. A hot slick tongue traced its way over her folds and her entire back arched up in her own intense reaction to such a simple touch. Her mouth spread wide as she let out a yelp.

Nina's hips dipped down lower until the young hound took a breath that seemed spice with something sweet and enticing. It made her nose flare wider to draw in another heady rush of the scent and then sighed it back out again. Her muzzle lifted just as the vulpine tongue made another pass over her folds and then started to slip between them. She stifled the urge to moan as she allowed her soft tongue to trace the outer lips. The slickness rolled over her tongue and she gave a tremble at the rich taste. After a moment she let her tongue slip out further and drag along the inner folds. She coiled it right against the nub of the clit as fingers moved to slide along her outer thighs. The grip spread her legs slightly as a hot wash of breath spilled out along her mons. The soft vulpine tongue swirled in slow circles that ran right along her opening.

Some small noise drew her eyes away from the voluptuous white loins and she found herself staring straight at William. The normally laid back hare was watching her with bright eyes and his lips slightly parted. His back was pressed against the hard edge of the stall door in a pose that would have looked relaxed if she hadn't been able to see the tensed muscles. His ears were tucked back against his head and his chin rested almost on his chest. It was nearly indolent save for the brightness of his eyes. His eyes seemed locked on them and his hands rested lightly along his inner thighs. Every muscle seemed to be devoted to devouring the sight in front of him. And although she could see easily that he was pressed hard against his pants he made no move to touch himself. When he noticed her looking at them, he dropped one eye lid in a subtle wink before licking his tongue up and over his short muzzle a bit suggestively.

She pulled her gaze away from him as she felt herself starting to tense up. Her stomach hardened and she moved her hands up to cling against the soft thick furred hips that were pressing demandingly back against her muzzle. Her body arched up and she found her lips pushed more firmly against Nina's plush folds. Her tongue flickered out and then plunged inwards until she felt the passage wrapping around it securely. Her fingers moved and clutched at the hips clutching against her as her entire body experienced an electric shock. Nina's clever tongue danced its way inwards before settling on teasing the swollen nub of her clit. The fox made a series of noises deep in her throat that sent vibrations running through her body. Each noise vibrated the sensitive nub until she was arching and pushing upwards. The only thing that kept her from letting out the cries that welled up in her throat free was the soft folds rubbing against her lips.

Flinne drew in a breath that was filled with the perfume of the vulpine body above her. It flooded her muzzle and drove her on as she plunged her tongue inwards. The thick appendage spread Nina's passage open wise as she sent it forward to drag through the lush gripping muscles. She tasted the sweetness of her on her tongue and swirled it ever deeper. She avidly chased after the next drop as she squeezed her eyes shut and the first tremor rolled through her. She muffled her cry against the vixen's loins as she arched her back upwards. Her walls contracted just as the soft pink tongue pushed inwards. It wriggled and twisted as it navigated its way up along her passage. Each stroke seemed to fill her veins with fire that made her vision darken at the edges. She chased after the sensation with as much passion as she would take to a hunt. She lusted after every tremor and muscle spasm.

The heat of the vixen's passage grew as the walls suddenly contracted down against her seeking tongue. She pushed it in deeper and burrowed her muzzle against the outer folds until they were forced inwards. Her lips were spread in an intimate kiss that explored and probed before she felt the first slick rush being caught on her tongue tip. The rivulets of feminine arousal spilled along her lips as she drew them into her muzzle. They were sweet and musky as they slid over her taste buds before she swallowed them down. The first taste seemed to fever her for more as she began to twist and writhe her tongue back and forth. The movements lapped and flickered upwards to pull along the spasming muscles. Curling her tongue tip enough to draw in that erotic flavor as her body trembled and started to slowly relax. The pup didn't even realize how greedily she was attacking the quivering mound until the hips tried to pull up.

"Mmm a healthy appetite." William's voice came to her ears a bit distantly and she blinked her eyes to feel Nina pull away from her.

"Not a bad thing in a girl." The woman gave her an approving look before her long red tongue flicked over her slender muzzle gathering the wetness there. "Vhat she lacks in style, she makes up for in enthusiasm."

"Ye dunnae have tae talk about me like Ah'm not here." Flinne pushed herself up slowly and felt her eyes heavily lidded with the after effects of her orgasm.

"I'm truly sorry, sweet lady of the keep." William turned his bright eyes to her and his smile grew. "You were magnificent as a student and I am sure that soon enough you will be a master at this art. That is, if you practice dutifully. For now, the night is closing swiftly and if you're to be able to slip out again I recommend you return to your room."

"But... Ah thought.." She trailed off as she shifted against the thick golden straw. Her brows drew together as she wordlessly gestured at him. The hare's ears flicked up high on his head as he leaned in close enough to brush his paw against her cheek. She leaned in close and nuzzled against the palm of his hand.

"There are other nights, My Lady, and I refuse to hurry the process." He leaned closer until his lips brushed the edge of her ear. The scent of him was masculine and faintly musky. "When I come for you, My Lady, I shall teach you the ways of men until sweet Nina's touch is just a drop in the ocean of your desire." Flinne felt her body tense and shiver at the promise. She would return when he called.

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