Pet Sketch

Story by Andlat on SoFurry

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"Scarlett!" Andlat snapped awake as he heard the lion's voice. He remained on the lacy purple dog bed as he knew there was no way to escape. He was naked except for the pink collar around his neck, but he knew also that that would soon change.

The door opened and Hunter came waddling in. He was dressed in only a t-shirt and diaper, a pacifier hanging around his neck. He held the paw of Vitani, his girlfriend and "momma". They both smiled at the naked fox lying on the girly dog bed.

"C'mon, girl! Time to get ready for the day!" Hunter urged. Andlat sighed and got up, walking over on all fours. "That's a good vixen!" Hunter praised, petting him. "Go sit in your pretty place!" Andlat sighed again and walked over to the large, heart-shaped mirror, sitting down in front of it.

"Sweetie. You go play while I get Scarlett ready for the day, okay?" Hunter nodded and kissed Vitani's cheek before leaving the room. Andlat watched the lioness's approach in the mirror. She grabbed a brush and set to work brushing his fur. "Who's a pretty girl?" She crooned as she brushed his fluffy fur. He took monthly trips to the groomers' to keep his fur extra fluffy.

"Me." He intoned. Vitani nodded.

"Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" She smiled and set the brush aside. "I think yellow would be a good color for today." From the nearby dresser, she grabbed a pair of yellow panties with white lace around the waist and legs. On the rump was four or five rows of ruffles and a lace heart was on the crotch. Due to the size difference, Vitani found no trouble in picking the fox's hindquarters up and slipping the panties on, even with him squirming. Andlat hated the panties that Vitani always made him wear. They were specially designed to somehow conceal his bulge, making him look even more feminine. "Pretty vixen girly." Vitani said, hugging the fox and rubbing his rump.

"Are we done now?" Even as the fox asked it, he could see Vitani gathering up ribbons. He sighed, knowing full well what was coming. She tied a big yellow bow onto the end of his bushy tail, adding a couple more along the length. She added a big yellow bow to the top of his head, making sure that the curls above it fell majestically down.

"Who's that pretty girl in the mirror, Scarlett?" Vitani asked, pointing to the fox's reflection. "Who's that? Who's that?" Andlat blushed and looked down, only to see his painted nails. "How about we go see Hunter, hmm?" He felt her paw slip into his collar and gently tug him along. "Walk like a pretty vixen, Scarlett." Andlat sighed and adjusted his motions to make his pantied rump sway back and forth femininely. It was like that that the fox entered the living room, where Hunter sat, playing with his Lion King and panda plushies. He giggled as he saw Andlat enter.

"Scarlett girl!" He squealed playfully. Andlat whimpered, embarrassed. The lion dropped his plushies and crawled over to the fox, his thick Huggies crinkling with every motion. Andlat tried to hide behind Vitani, but the lioness stepped aside and let the big cub tackle him. Andlat struggled, but the lion used his superior strength to move the fox around until his butt was right in the lion's face. Hunter stuck his snout between the frills and inhaled deeply. "Scarlett is a girl, momma!" He exclaimed. "Her butt smells like a vixen's!" He giggled. "And like strawberries." He added, taking another deep whiff. Vitani chuckled.

"Now, now, huggy bear. Let's let Scarlett sniff your rump in return." Hunter giggled and let the fox go for a brief moment before grabbing him by the collar and forcing him up against the lion's thickly padded rump.

"Sniff, Scarlett." He ordered. His voice was not overly forceful, but it reminded the fox who was in charge, despite his infantile garments. Andlat took a quick whiff¸ his snout filling with the scents of baby powder, diaper plastic, and, deep under those two scents, the pheromones of a mature male lion. Having sniffed, he tried to back away, but the lion held him there by his rump. "Good girl!" Hunter praised. "Smell your master?"

"Yes." Andlat said softly.

"What was that?"

"Yes, master." Andlat said. Hunter smiled and sat down on his rump, holding the fox close and nuzzling his fluffy fur. Slowly the lion's tail flagged and he filled the seat of his diaper. Vitani ohed and sniffed the air.

"What's that smell, angel?" Vitani asked. Hunter looked up at her and shrugged.

"I dunno, momma." He said, truly baffled by her question. She smiled and picked Andlat up out of the big cub's lap.

"How about Scarlett uses her nose to sniff out the smell?" She kissed the fox before plopping him down right behind Hunter and forcing his nose up against the lion's sagging bottom. Andlat squirmed desperately as Vitani held him there.

"What smells, Scarlett?" She asked, trying her hardest not to inhale herself. Andlat's desperation only made him breathe harder, his snout soon filling with the stench of Hunter's mess.

"Hunter's messy." He said, trying to hold his breath. Vitani nodded, rubbing the sissy fox's butt.

"That's right, girly. Scarlett's a smart girl." She let him get away. Andlat whimpered, the lesson fully learned. Vitani and Hunter could do anything they wanted with him. He was their pet.

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