The Pact: Chapter 3

Story by Trappedashuman on SoFurry

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#3 of The Pact

This story contains material not appropriate for people under the age of 18. Leave if otherwise.

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Ivan stirred in his sleep. Feeling a warm fuzz next to him, he pressed further against it and heard a sleepy purr. His eyes snapped open and he leapt back onto his feet, back against the ice wall, fists up, ready to defend himself, but he didn't see the werewolf from last night, he saw...the most beautiful khajiit he'd ever seen. Her fur was a light tan, almost golden, turning to a peach color on her hands, paws, and the tips of her ears and tail. Her figure was just right, cute and sensual but not overly so. Her breasts were perfectly in proportion and had a natural perkiness and support that he could see even without her moving, and, though Ivan didn't notice this at the time, her pussy lips were perfectly shaven, and would remain so naturally. Ivan slowly crept back towards her reaching out and running his hand over her short headfur, just to make sure she was real. It was like someone had taken everything he'd ever dreamed of in a lover's body and made it real...which is probably exactly what Nocturnal had done.

"Nocturnal..." he whispered, and suddenly the fog of waking up vanished and he remembered what had happened last night: the quest, the glacier, the werewolf, the deal, and the mating. Her eyes fluttered open, and she slowly looked over her shoulder at Ivan, before copying him and flying back to the opposite side of the cave.

"Who are you?!" she shouted, baring her fangs and unsheathing her claws, "Where am...oh...right." She relaxed a bit, "You're Nocturnal's pet."

"Excuse me?"

"Your mistress commanded you to be my mate for her and my Master's pact, did she not? That seems to imply a bit of ownership."

"Okay, you've got a few things turned around. First off, I'm not anyone's pet! Second, Nocturnal doesn't 'command' me to do anything. And third, before you even ask, I wasn't told that some werewolf bitch would be all that was waiting for me here!" he shouted, before sitting down on a rock and sighing, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't take it out on you."

"Take what out on me?" she asked.

"The fact that I've journeyed thousands of miles, expecting some great treasure or artifact, and instead I find..."


"Yeah, nothing personal just...*sigh*"

"Well, if it makes you feel any better," she said, sitting down next to him, "I was tricked into this to."

"How so?"

"Well, my Master told me that a great hunter awaited me to be my mate, instead I got some blasted freelance offence."

"I'm not an adventurer," Ivan said, "I'm a thief."

"Ah, I heard some members of the pack talk about thieves."


"They said you were cowards who stole from innocent people for no reason."

"Oh...well." Ivan was silent for a moment, "I'm not that kind of thief."

"And what kind are you then?"

"I only steal from nobles."

"Nobles? What are they?" Ivan's first judgment was that she was kidding, and then he saw that she was really oblivious to what a noble was.

"You've never been to a city, have you?" she shook her head, he'd have to explain in terms that she could understand, "Nobles are people that rule over large groups of other people."

"They're like Alphas then?"

Ivan pondered a moment, "What do Alphas do?"

"They care for the pack, make sure that everyone's happy."

"Then no, nobles control people for their own benefit, not for the benefit of those that they rule. They use the people as tools to gain more for themselves. And the people, who do all the work, get little to nothing." Ivan said, "What I do is, I take things that nobles have and take them to the thieves' 'pack'...and then we sell them and, while we do take some to support ourselves, the Grey Fox gives a lot of the profits to the beggars...people who need it most."

"A fox does this?"

Ivan chuckled, "No, the man is called 'the Grey Fox.' It's his a name."

"Oh, I see. So you are a hunter then?"


"You take what you need from others to help both yourself and those in need. You're a hunter, like my master said. It's just that you stalk a different kind of prey."

Ivan thought about it for a moment and decided that it wasn't too big of a stretch. "Funny," he thought, "I was expecting a wild bimbo and here I get a philosopher." He wasn't complaining, but pleasantly surprised. He hadn't met many people in the guild with thoughts on anything but loot, let alone an attractive Khajiit.

"So," she said, "What are you called anyway?"

Ivan turned his thoughts back to the conversation, "My name's Ivan, Ivan Lightfoot. What's yours?"

"I..." she paused, "...I had a name, but I can't remember it...but my pack calls me Dayhunter."

Ivan was puzzled by her answer, "What do you mean you don't remember?"

"When I was very small I lived somewhere else with my family. Then, some men came in big boats. They set fire to our home and took me and several others away. For many moons we sailed and it got colder and colder. Then a storm hit and the ship capsized and sank, I clung to a piece of wood and drifted to shore. The storm was still raging and after wandering a bit I collapsed. When I woke up, my Master was crouched over me. He'd been out hunting when he found me lying in the snow. He gave me the gift of lycanthropy and let me live with the developing pack. The other werewolves called me Dayhunter because I stayed half beast even after sunrise. So, I just never used my old name, I hadn't even thought about it till you asked."

Ivan nodded, "That's interesting. Do all werewolves get new names?"

She shook her head, "They aren't new names; they're just what we call them by. One member of our pack is named Byork, but we call him Rockhide for his endurance in a fight."

"Yeah, I don't suppose anyone would run in terror from the fearsome 'Byork.'"

She laughed, and for some reason that made him smile. He liked seeing her happy. "So," she asked, "How'd you come to know your mistress?" Ivan stiffened; it wasn't something that he'd ever told anyone about, almost no one ever asked and those that did quickly became aware that he wasn't talking. He was about to be evasive about it when he was suddenly overcome with the urge to tell her everything. It wasn't like he was being forced against his will, he just wanted to tell her, wanted to trust in her, as she had trusted in him about her past... "Oh well, can't hurt to tell you I suppose, but you'll need to know a bit more about me..."

-eighteen years ago-

The seven year old Ivonius Lex sat at the long table, a wide grin on his face, a glace of punch raised with the rest of his family as his father Lord Octavios Lex proclaimed a toast, "To new beginnings!" he shouted, the rest of the family cheered, "Once this shipment comes in, our troubles will be over for good!"

"HERE! HERE!" they all shouted, the adults downing they're wine, the children their punch, Ivonius glancing around at the gathered people. Lord Lex sat at the head of the table, a kind man who, unlike most nobles, treated commoners as equals, some of them even sat at the table right now. Needless to say, this didn't sit too well with other nobles, who refused to trade with the Lexs' small holdings, thus dragging the family into deeper and deeper debt, until Lex managed to set up a trade deal with a Dark Elf noble in Vvardenfell, hence the celebration. Ivonius, however, wouldn't understand the point until years later.

To his father's left was his older brother Hieronymos, years later he would be the head of the Imperial Watch, mortal enemy of the Thieves Guild and the Grey Fox. For now, however, his dreams lay in following in his father's footsteps to empower and inspire the people.

Finally, on his father's right, was his loving mother, Lady Herana Lex. While plain in looks, she had a fire in her heart that served as a beacon of hope to all around her, though that would fade soon enough. Others gathered around the table were of all kinds: Cousins, Uncles, Aunts, Commoners, Dark Elf Emissaries, and many more celebrated alongside each other.

At that moment, however, there came a hard knock at the door, "Come in!" the guests all shouted cheerily, but all gasped and then fell silent as the door slammed open and Count Umbranox, flanked by two local nobles and several Legion soldiers, stormed into the room, "OCTAVIOS LEX!" he shouted.

Ivonius's father stood up, "Yes?"

"You and your family, along with everyone else present, is hereby under arrest!" Everyone started shouting, some in anger, some in fear.

"On what grounds?!" Lord Lex demanded.

"That information is privileged. Also, any possessions are to be impounded until further notice."

"But we've got a ship coming in filled with cargo! If we don't get it sold we'll be forced into poverty!"

The count looked at Ivonius's father with pity in his eyes, "I'm sorry Octavios, but I have no choice." He said, making a motion to the troops behind him, the two other nobles grinning at each other as the soldiers started grabbing the guests. Ivonius ducked and wove to avoid the grasps of the men, running out of the manor and into the streets, a few guards running after him. He dove into an alley, pressing himself against a crate, chest heaving, tears running down his cheeks.

"Help," the child cried, "Somebody help!" a breeze fluttered through the alley, feeling like the calming touch of his mother.

"Relax child," his breath slowed, "Make the shadows around you your sanctuary," his tears stopped, "Let them cover you, envelope you, become you, and be safe." Ivonius felt calm, at peace, at home, he slowly shifted deeper into the darkness, his movements somehow innate, instinctive. The guards flew down the alley, right by him without noticing anything.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"I'll always be there for you Ivan," the name wasn't his; his name was Ivonius, but this name felt somehow...right, "Get some rest child, you've got busy times ahead of you." Ivan followed the suggestion, curling up in the arms of the shadow, watched over by Nocturnal...


Dayhunter had listened intently as Ivan told her his story, asking a question when she didn't understand something, "So what happened next?"

"Well, I spent several years on the streets of the Imperial City; I stole to survive and eventually joined the Thieves Guild. The cargo spoiled in port so to cover the debt, the local nobles split my father's land into pieces and Hieronymos joined the legion for money. As for my father, his spirit was broken in prison and when I found him and my mother he'd become a drunk, violent man. In a drunken fury he beat my mother to death and his own son, Hieronymos, had to execute him for it. None of them even knew that I was still alive, I'd taken on the name Nocturnal had given me, Ivan Lightfoot, so as far as anyone knows, Ivonius Lex died on the streets that night. That is, everyone except you now." He looked into her eyes, they were green and shone brightly, even in the dim light of the ice cave.

Something passed between them, not a message but a feeling, and then their lips were together, their hands grouping each others' naked bodies. Ivan knew that somehow this was different from the playful sex he'd had with Nocturnal, and definitely different from the forced, pitiful coupling he'd had with Dayhunter last night. This was true lovemaking, when the drive is not lust but affection, when the only concern was not one's own pleasure, but that of one's partner.

She pulled away slightly, holding him by the shoulders for a moment, "Wait, over here." She said, pulling him deeper into the cave, around the corner that he'd been about to duck behind as she caught him last night. There awaited them a large bed with silk sheets and covers, candles that never seemed to get shorter, and a polished ice ceiling that reflected whatever happened on the bed. Ivan didn't bother asking why she hadn't shown him this yesterday; neither of them had been in the mood for romance.

Of course that had changed as they manuveded onto the bed, laying on their sides as they resumed kissing, and Ivan's nine-inch cock met her pussy lips...wait. Despite being distracted by the activities, Ivan dimly realized that he'd never been that big. As he squeezed her breasts and slowly began to ease out of her and thrust back in, he glanced up at the mirrored ceiling and saw that Dayhunter had not been the only thing changed. Aside from his enlarged manhood, his muscles had grown taught and strong, leaving him lithe as apposed to thin, and his hair had gained a grey cowlick within his bangs, matching the color of his fur in werewolf form.

He remembered that he could change whenever he wanted and instantly knew what Dayhunter would prefer. "If only I knew hoooooowl!" his whispered question was ended as he felt change sweep over his body at the thought of wanting to change. The fur growing all over him, the changes is his limbs and face, the sprouting of his tail, all seemed to drive the mating faster and faster...or it could be that his cock had grown another three inches, leaving Dayhunter with a foot of phallus in her vagina.

Eventually Ivan rose up, trusting even harder as he moved Dayhunter onto her back, fucking her missionary style until, with a howl, he knotted inside her, giving a final thrust as he filled her with seed, causing her to orgasm and scream in ecstasy. He then lay back down on top of her, eye to eye, "I love you" he whispered, pleasantly surprised that he could speak in this form.

"So do I," she responded, kissing him again, lightly. As his knot deflated he shifted back into his human shape, but they still remained together, as nothing more than lovers, wrapped in each others' arms.