fucking in the forest part one

Story by searinoxx on SoFurry

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it was a dark night, the forest trees stained black with the dark of the night, the trees rustling with the slight breeze that was blowing about. a young looking male was walking through the forest, his eyes gleaming red and his fur a pure black so he was partially blended into the dark of the night, he was out looking for his next conquest, his tongue licking his lips as a familiar scent appeared in the air, he knew the scent very well and wanted to get to the cause of the scent rapidly.

the wolf leaped through the fallen trees and branches, his paws pounding against the floor as he ran, the cause of the enticing scent was a old mate of his that he still had feelings for, before long he arrived there and saw infront of him his mate jess who was a pure black wolfess mating with another male, vlad the wolf just stood there, his heart breaking as he saw his mate who was in heat be breeded by another male, before long he snarled and attacked the other male tearing at his throat and the back of the other males neck trying to get him off his mate.

Jess just looked back at her mate and whimpered "i-i didnt mean too, h-he just mounted me please beileve me vlad i would never cheat on you" but vlad didnt want too hear it he just turned and ran off, jess called out "vlad please come back here" she started to chase vlad to try stop him doing something stupid. vlad dived into a nearby cave and smiled as jess ran past him, he curled up and fell asleep. the next morning vlad walked out looking around fora new mate, as he was walking around jess pounced him from behind and pinned vlad too the floor, she could smell vlad was gettign aroused and it just turned her on more.

vlad tried to push her off "we cant mate anymore jess your now mated too that male you let fuck you" jess just whimpered again and looked into vlads eyes "but i want to be your mate i want to have your pups" vlad kissed her hard, he rubbed his sheath against her as he smiled at her and nuzzled her neck, jess let out a soft moan feeling the tip of vlads wolfhood coming out of its sheath, she grinded against it as he grinded against her too, he couldnt wait to reclaim her and for her to bare his pups, he eventually was fully out and he rubbed hard against her, his wolfhood slipping inside her tight cunny.

vlad let out a soft moan as he started to thrust gently inside his mate, he kissed her the whole way through, his lust burning in his crimson eyes, he eventually rolled her over and started to pound her with all his wolf strength, the slapping of his balls against her awss was audible for quite a distance.

they went at it for atleast 15 minutes before vlads knot swollen to the extent he was knot fucking her, causing jess to yelp in both pain and pleasure as each thrust the sound of his knot popping in and out of her was very audible before long he properly tied with her and came hard, coating her insides with string after string of his warm wolf seed.

he panted and looked at his mate he kissed her hard as he rubbed her belly with a paw, he could only say 5 words "i hope we have pups" then he collapsed and fell asleep on her, in hte middle of the forest in broad daylight 2 knotted wolfs now laid

fucking in the forest part two

the next day after Jess and Vlad had woke up they looked into each others with pure lust and love, Vlad wasnt sure if he was able to trust her yet so he needed to test her in any way, he quickly got up and went to leave the cave. Jess called out after...

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Nightly Prowl: Part.1, Finding a Prey

(Disclaimer: this story contains sexual content and should not be veiwed by people under 18 years of age, noone will listen tho so meh :P, all characters belong to me and are copyrighted) In the forest of a local town, some of the townspeople...

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VLad and Ehasaru part 1 first draft

(Disclaimer: this story contains sexual content and should not be veiwed by people under 18 years of age, noone will listen tho so meh :P, all characters belong to me and are copyrighted) Vlad Daichi was a grey and white werewolf, he lived in a...

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