A Troubled Couple

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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It's been like this for a month, John thought bitterly as he stirred.

For the past month John had been up cooking for his mate at 10:30, sometimes even later. According, to Henry, John's mate, he had been working extra hours every night to try and get them some more spending money. John would have believed him, but he never saw this added money at all.

The two lived in a small house, one bed one bath, with a kitchen and living room. When they moved in together, the two barely squeezed enough together to make a good-sized down payment on the house. Unfortunately, the loan the pair took out required a high monthly payment, meaning the two could barely make ends meet.

John was a German shepherd, about 5'8" with a stocky build. He was colored normally, and had an ear that folded over cutely. As of late, the canine had started to droop, his posture sagging with fatigue due to staying up to cook for his mate.

Henry was a 6'4" jackal who was built like a brick shit house. He was well muscled, his black fur rippling with it. The jackal worked in a steel mill, a job that could barely support the two lovers.

John sighed and turned the heat off on the soup he was cooking. He gave it a final stir and sat down at the kitchen table. He glanced up at the clock, its hands showing it was close to 11. He sighed again, and reached for the cheap bottle of whiskey at the other end of the table.

"Oh Henry," John began, "Hurry home."

The German shepherd twisted off the cap to the bottle and took a swig, the cheap liquor burning all the way down. John couldn't help but sniffle, ever since Henry had started working late, the two's only interactions were dinner and sleeping. They hadn't had sex for weeks.

Now John was always paranoid about Henry sleeping around. He had done it before, when the two had first started going out. Of course John had forgiven him, but he never trusted Henry as fully as two furs in love should. Even though the German shepherd was starting to doubt how much love there was in the relationship.

John got up angrily, thinking of some troubling clues that had come up lately as to his mate's late nights. The past week and a half, Henry had been coming home, smelling of other male's musk. Henry also hadn't kissed him since then, probably because, at least as John thought, he was feeling guilty.

The German shepherd grabbed a kitchen knife, just like he always did since he found it out, and span it on the table idly. There were some scores in the cheap wood table, from this habit. He moved a paw down to scratch his boxers, the only thing he was wearing. "This time," John said bitterly to himself, "This time."

John was angry, neglected, confused, and sad, of the treatment that his mate had been giving him. He was sick of it, in his mind; the jackal had to die for atonement. The past nights, he had gotten cold feet, stopping before he could pull through. The German shepherd took another swig of whiskey, and the door creaked open.

"Hey hon," Henry began "Is dinner done? I'm starving."

John swallowed the bitterness in his voice, and hid the knife under the table.

"Yeah hon," John replied, "It's on the stove like usual."

Henry got up and grabbed the bowl of soup from the burner. He grabbed a hot pad and sat down at the table. The jackal raised a spoonful up to his mouth, and opened his maw. He stopped, and looked at his mate, concern in his eyes.

"Have you eaten?" Henry asked.

"No," John replied, "But I'm fine."

"Babe," Henry insisted.

John fought to hold back a snarl. Ever since all this had happened, he hated the word. It was vestigial; a remnant of a happier time that only existed in his memories now to torment him. Henry looked at the smaller canine and continued.

"You have to eat."

"I'm a waiter babe," John replied, "I do get fed at my job."

"I know but that was five hours ago," Henry said, "Come on, I'm worried about you, you haven't been yourself lately."

"Well that's a welcome change," John scoffed.

"What?" Henry replied quizzically.

"Nothing," John said.

"No babe, let's talk it through," Henry began, reaching a paw out to the German shepherd, "I want to know what's happening with you."

John snarled and moved his paw back out of the jackal's reach. There was that word again, making John start to tap the floor with a foot paw angrily. Henry's ears shrunk back, showing how taken aback he was by the German shepherd's reaction. He got up from the table wordlessly.

"I need to use the bathroom," Henry began, leaving the other canine alone at the table.

John waited for the bigger canine to leave the room before slamming a fist down on the table angrily. The knife came out from its hiding place, resting under the German shepherd's paw. The canine began to shake with anger, nearly cutting himself on the blade under paw.

He grabbed the bottle of whiskey and finished it off with three needy gulps. John gasped as the liquor burnt his throat, the burning adding to the fire already inside. The German shepherd glared at the wall and hurled the glass bottle against it. The bottle shattered with a satisfying sound, making the canine grin.

John resumed spinning the knife around on the table, staring at it intently. Inside he was steeling himself for what he was about to do. He'd been getting closer and closer with completion with each night, but tonight, he was going to finish it. He got up, staggering a little bit from the alcohol, and clutched the knife.

He walked shakily down the hall, a sneer plastered on his face. John could hear the sound of the sink running, the same as every night. The German shepherd stopped at the outside of the door, slowly peering around. Henry was too tired to expect any foul play, which John was going to exploit fully.

John walked into the bathroom, slowly creeping up behind the washing jackal. He rose up the knife, hissing audibly. Henry stopped his washing, turning around curiously. His face drew up with shock at the sight of the shorter canine, holding a knife outstretched over his head.

"John?" Henry asked, "What's going on?"

The German shepherd was breathing heavily, the knife shaking in his grip. Henry stepped backwards gently, trying not to set the other canine off.

"Babe," Henry began, stopping at John's angry snarl.

"I want to know why?" John asked.

"What?" Henry asked.

"You know what?" John spat, "Let me start out. Why are you cheating on me?"

Henry stood, taken aback, his paws outstretched. John took a step forward, getting back to their original distance. "Answer the damn question," John spat.

"John," Henry began, "I'm not cheating on you, that's my new cologne."

John took a step back, his knife paw faltering and lowering. His ears plastered to his head in embarrassment. This gesture did not last long though, and the German shepherd was back to being angry.

"Bullshit," John snarled, "They don't make cologne like that."

"Yeah John," Henry replied, pulling out the bottle of his drawer, "They do."

The German shepherd blanched again, lowering the knife.

"But then," He began, his eyes watering, "Why have you stopped, you know, showing affection."

"Because I've been tired," Henry sighed, "That and you snap every time I try."

"You won't even try," John snapped, "You come home, and just hide in your little corner of the bed. You hardly even look at me anymore."

"And you wonder why," Henry replied, "With the way you've been acting."

John felt tears well up in his eyes. The German shepherd sniffed once, then wiping the tears away and replacing them with anger. Henry saw this and stepped forward, making the other canine step back uncertainly. The two continued this until John's back was against the hallway wall.

"I don't know why you're so mad," Henry began, still out of striking distance of the knife, "I haven't been cheating."

John began to cry, the jackal not daring to go up to comfort him. Henry just stood a pitiful look in his eye. John managed to regain his composure, the knife now held steady.

"What else was I supposed to think?" John asked, "You're out late all night, working for money that I never see, you come home, smelling like another male. I mean, I thought you weren't talking or being with me because you felt guilty."

"Babe, the money's going into something that you will love," Henry replied.

John's knife hand tensed at the word, but then relaxed. His booze-addled mind was still furious. Although, the few parts of his brain that were rational wanted to forgive him. These conflicting emotions manifested themselves as loud racking sobs, the German shepherd barely able to see. Henry looked ready to go hug his mate, and tell him that everything would be ok. The jackal saw something furious in the other canine's posture though and kept his distance. John was huffing along with his cries, his reddened eyes piercing into Henry's eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" John sobbed.

"Because I didn't think it would be a big deal," Henry replied, "I didn't think you'd react like this."

"How else would I react?" John asked, "I thought you were out with another man, and that you didn't want to be with me anymore."

"No, babe never," Henry began, "I never had and I never will."

"Bullshit," John spat, "What about when we first started going out?"

"We moved past that," Henry replied.

"No, I didn't," John snarled, "Of all of the furs you could have fucked, it would be one that I have to see every time I go to your family gatherings."

"John," Henry began feebly.

"I mean your sister's boyfriend," John sighed, "I should have told her, and then I wouldn't have to look at him every time I go there."

"Hon I apologized," Henry replied, "I was drunk."

John started laughing, smacking the wall with his mirth.

"You were drunk,' John scoffed, "I'm fucking drunk, and I want you dead. You know something? If I was sober, I'd still want you dead. Drinking has nothing to fucking do with it."

"Babe, don't be like that," Henry began.

"You're in no position to tell me how to be," John replied.

"I love you," Henry said.

"NO!" John yelled, punching a hole in the hallway wall, "If you loved me, things wouldn't have come to this."

"But I love you," Henry repeated.

John began to pant, his anger overwhelming his mind. His paw tensed on the knife, holding it in a death grip. He looked up at the jackal and sniffled.

John lunged, knife point first. Henry took the shepherd's knife paw and forced it down, pulling his mate in close. Their eyes met, the rage finally leaving John's eyes. He started to sob desperately.

"I love you," He began amidst his sobs, "I always have."

Henry lifted up the smaller male in his arms, rocking him and holding him close. John looked up at his caring mate's face, and cried harder. The jackal sniffled too and kissed the German shepherd's forehead. John got up sniffling and stripped off his boxers. Henry watched, looking confused.

John's sheath and balls were modestly sized. Each ball was covered in cream fur, with his sheath being a coffee bean brown. Henry's eyes widened and John sat back beside him sniffling. The jackal rubbed his mate's shoulders and kissed them.

"Do you hate me?" John asked, eyes watering.

Henry took his paw and kissed it.

"No darling," Henry replied, "I just want to help you."

John took his mate's paw and rested it against his own cheek. Henry started to rub it and gently push his lover down onto the bed. Paws began to slide over bodies; John's taking off the jackal's grimy work clothes. Henry rolled over once his shirt was off and pinned the German shepherd to the bed.

"Do you want this?" Henry asked, kissing down on his mate.

John nodded and leaned up so their lips met. Jaws parted to allow tongues easy access into the other's maw. Henry's eyes closed in bliss and he slowly started to rub his lover's sheath. The pair moaned and whined in unison, their bodies making their twin passions and lusts fully known.

Henry sat up, unzipping his pants and revealing a set of tented pink briefs. John licked his lips and slid the pink underpants down, rubbing over the 11 inches of exposed jackal member. The jackal reciprocated and rubbed over his mate's now erect and drooling cock. The shepherd turned over, his tight taint accented with a cream fur exterior.

Henry murred and jammed his muzzle against the tight pucker, his tongue lathing over and around it. John moaned, pressing back as best he could, grinding against that hot pink appendage. The jackal thrusted it into John, making the other canid yip and moan. He pulled away, the shepherd's orifice dripping and shining with slobber. "Henry," John began pleading, "Make me yours, I don't want to be able to walk tomorrow."

Henry chuckled and mounted his lover. He pressed forward, his pre-covered member parting his mate's hole easily. The jackal got the first inch in, and slammed forward, hilting the male under him in one swift motion. John screamed and moaned in pleasure, his cock shooting a spurt of canid seed.

They started to fuck; Henry pulling all the way out and slamming back in and John pressing back to meet each thrust. The German shepherd felt all his anger and hurt melt away, replaced by pleasure and love. Their small bedroom became filled with choruses of moans and yips.

John howled as Henry sped up his already frantic pace, his prostate being slammed on exit and entry. The German shepherd came again, drenching the sheets with his long pent up seed. The jackal growled and started to go as hard as he could, growling and moaning like a feral in heat.

Henry bent over his mate to get as deep as he could, his balls slapping against his lover's. The jackal started to lick and suck over the other male's neck, his paws rubbing the shoulders and chest under him. Henry moaned and cried out.

"I'm gonna cum babe."

John whined and pressed back.

"Keep going," He began, "Flood me with your seed."

Henry howled as he came, humping in his seed in time with each spurt. His knot was fully inflated and he growled, lifting his mate up onto his knees with his strong arms. John moaned and whined as Henry changed his pace. The jackal was driving into him just as hard, but at a slower more passionate pace.

John's tongue lolled out of his muzzle, Henry quickly sucking it into his own maw. They both moaned and groaned, Henry's knot slowly growing and making its presence known on his shepherds tail hole. John yipped and whined as Henry started to jackhammer his knot against his entrance.

"Get ready love," Henry began, slamming his hips against his lover's with reckless abandon.

John whined and threw his head back in a moan. Henry growled and bit down on the German shepherd's shoulder, as he slammed his knot in. The two lovers both howled and came. They then slumped back on the bed, John on Henry's chest.

"Oh my god Henry," John began, still panting, "That was amazing."

Henry nodded and held his mate, rubbing over his body. Tears grew in the jackal's eyes, and he began to sob earnestly into John's shoulder. The German shepherd began to cry to, stroking the jackal's cheek.

"I've missed this so much," Henry sobbed, holding John closer, "Look I got a promotion and I work nine to five with weekends off, I'll be home a lot more now."

John squealed with happiness and turned on his mate's knot so that the two were face to face. They kissed, slowly and tenderly, arms and paws rubbing over every inch of the other's body that they could reach. They broke away both smiling happily.

"So what were you working all that time for?" John asked, nuzzling his mate's neck.

"Well," Henry began, pulling out a small box from under his pillow.

John sat up in surprise on Henry's knot. He gasped and hid his head with his paws.

"Hon, oh my god," John squealed.

Henry chuckled and opened the box. Inside was a humongous diamond ring, with a silver band and three diamonds. There were two small diamonds on opposite sides of a larger one, with Henry and John Forever, in the center.

"John," Henry began, "Will you marry me?"

John squealed and embraced Henry tight. They stayed like that, smiling in happiness and glad for the others company. Finally, after many hours had passed, John replied.

"I will Henry."

Henry smiled, his eyes closing in preparation for sleep.

"I love you," he said.

John smiled and curled up on his chest, closing his eyes as well.

"I love you too."

The Doctor's Daughter Chapter 4

"So Haley's still not up?" Nathan asked. The surgeon had woken up early and took a shower to try to get an early start to the day. Brian, though, woke up earlier, and was now preparing breakfast for the two of them. "Well it is 9:30," Brian...

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The Doctors Daughter Chapter 3

Nathan burst through the swinging double doors into the bathroom and threw off his bloodstained surgical gloves. This last surgery was very complicated, and the patient nearly died. The coyote washed his paws, and then put his head into them. Somebody...

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The Doctor's Daughter Chapter 2

Brian woke up before Nathan. He sat up, looking over their bedroom. The vodka and Oreos were on the floor along with the pair's clothes. Brian looked over at the clock, and procured that it was 9:30 in the morning. Time to get up. "Good morning...

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