Becoming a True Stallion - Chapter 3: Becoming the New You

Story by DaBlackStallion on SoFurry

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#3 of Becoming a True Stallion

Becoming a True Stallion

Chapter Three: Becoming the New You

Author's Note: Hey everybody! I'm back and with another chapter of Becoming a True Stallion. I'm sorry it took so long to update, but life has been pretty hectic lately, so hopefully you guys understand :) I just want to thank you guys so much for making my stories a huge success in my eyes. You've helped reach a bunch of milestones since my last chapter (2500+ submission views and 50+ watchers). They might now be big milestones, but their milestones nonetheless, so thanks for everyone! Like usual, I'd ask that you guys please vote and comment on my chapter, after all, it's the only way I can improve. Also, as usual, feel free to PM or e-mail me with any ideas or criticism you have, it's much appreciated and if you want to draw me characters, just send me a message and you have my permission :) With that said, I hope you all enjoy this new chapter!


It hadn't really clicked with me yet. I had just jacked off with two of my best friends. They touched my cock! I touched theirs! Yet somehow it didn't seem so wrong. Maybe Will was right. Maybe that kind of stuff was normal teenage behaviour. It really made me think, what else was normal teenage behaviour? Part of me was terrified to find out, but a larger part of me was curious, excited even. What Alex, Will and I had just was exhilarating. The same part of me that was excited to discover more wanted to skip playing basketball and just go back to jacking off with them. Perhaps I could-

"Ow! What the--?" I pressed a hand against my face, rubbing my cheeks to relieve the pain as the basketball bounced back to Justin.

"Stop daydreaming Ty. You're team is waiting for you." The tiger yelled at me, a huge shit-eating grin on his face. He got way too much pleasure out of hitting me, that jerk. "It's you, Flare and Eli versus me, Alex and Will."

"That's no fair!" the bunny yelled in protest.

"Nice to know you have so much faith in us Eli." Flare responded, brushing off the rabbit's comment.

"Don't worry Eli, we'll still win. I'll take Alex, you take Will and Flare will take Justin." I walked over and patted Eli on the head, making the snow white bunny giggle.

"Okay Ty." Eli responded. He trudged across the makeshift court, flashing his smile that projected his trademark innocence. I looked over at Flare who gave me a nod, signalling he was ready to begin.

"Alright, let's do this. Same rules as always, first to 15 wins." Justin said as he checked the ball to us. I caught it and held it close, waiting for Eli and Flare to get in position. Seeing that both of the boys had their knees bent and back slightly tilted forward I checked the ball back to Alex, who bounced it back to me.

"Let's do this." I begin to dribble the ball as Alex quickly closes in on me. I keep the ball low, like any other good basketball player, and keep my eyes on Alex. It was something Gideon had taught Derek and I when we were learning how to play. He told us that people can easily deceive you by feinting their actions, but there was always a way to see their true intentions: their eyes. Gideon always told us that the key to anyone's movement was in their eyes. He was right, because I saw the brown wolf move his eyes towards the ball, he was going to try and steal it now. As his hand reached out to grab it, I spun around him, pivoting off of my left foot and drove the ball to the net, easily putting it in the basket. "See Eli. We got this."

Alex grabbed the ball from the ground and chucked it at Will. It was always loser's ball after a basket was scored. We used to do winner's, but whenever Justin scored, he would just keep scoring and scoring. It made the game kind of pointless. Now, at least there's some back and forth before Justin goes on his scoring streak. Will bounced it to Eli, who bounced it back to him, signifying that the game had resumed. I got close to Alex, making sure he never left my sight. I followed him like his own shadow, staying behind him until my chance to strike. I patiently waited as Will took his time with the ball. Will was about to make a move but Eli quickly swiped the ball out of his hands. "Ty!" he shouted as he threw the ball in my direction. I stepped in front of Alex and grabbed the ball, moving it a couple of steps forward before going up for a jump shot. Swish, another point for us.

"Nice steal." Flare told Eli. Most people wouldn't expect it, but Eli was really good at sports. No one ever gave him the time of day though. Every time we have to choose teams in P.E, if one of us aren't one of the captains, Eli is always chosen last. People think just because he's smart he can't be athletic, but Eli is very, very fast. I might even bet that he's faster than Justin. He might not be as strong as some of us, or as tough, but he was agile and flexible, which made him dangerous on defence.

"Thanks!" Eli said with his usual upbeat attitude. His ears wiggled in joy as they laid flat on the boy's head. "Maybe we can win." He said as he moved back in line, "Maybe today might actually be the day."

"You're funny." Justin said as he got into his position. "I'm sorry guys, but I can't lose. I don't even think I know how to. I'm a winner, it's as simple as that." Justin told us, smirking as he flexed his arms, as if to amplify his cockiness. "Just check it up." Eli bounced the ball to Justin, who bounced it back to me. I quickly threw the ball to Alex and ran to cover him, making sure to lock him in position. I kept my eyes on his eyes, making sure to keep Gideon's advice in my head as I contemplated my next move. He kept his eyes locked on mine as well. I had to admit, he had nice eyes. He had a pretty tough jawline too. And his fur seemed to be the perfect shade of brown, not too light and not to dark. For some reason, my eyes began to wander the wolf's body. Come on, focus Ty! I moved my eyes to the basketball, forgetting Gideon's advice as I tried to keep track of the movement of the ball.

The ball moved back and forth, travelling from Alex's left hand to his right as it bounced in between Alex's legs...but I wasn't looking at the ball anymore. I was looking past that, staring full on at the wolf's crotch. To think, just behind those shorts was that nice wolf cock. I wonder if it's peeking out of its sheath right now. I wonder if his balls are hanging low, slapping against his thigh as he moved up and down. Then, all of a sudden, he was gone, out of my sights. It took me a while to remember we were playing basketball, but it was too late. By the time I realized Alex had gotten past me, he had already scored.

"What happened there?" Flare asked me.

"I-I don't know. Guess I just read him wrong." I replied. I looked at Flare who stared at me. He knew I was lying. I hated how he could see through any lie I made.

"Don't let it happen again." Flare grabbed the ball. "Get your head in the game Ty. We might actually beat Justin today."

"Alright. Eli, switch with me. You take Alex and I'll take Will." I moved behind Eli who took my original position. Maybe if I played against Will, I won't lose focus like I did with Alex. Flare chucked the ball at Justin, who passed it to me. I bounced it slowly to Will as I rushed him, waiting for him to grab the ball as I took my defensive stance. I had it this time. Just keep my eyes on his eyes. That's all I had to do. Damn. He had nice eyes too. And his jaw was just as rugged as Alex's. And his fur was just a mesmerizing as Alex's. And his cock was just as nice Alex's. His cock did feel pretty good in my hands. I wouldn't mind feeling it again, actually I kind of want too. Shit! Now's not the time. We're playing basketball, I need to-

"It's all tied up." Will shouted as he grabbed the ball. He already scored?! I could see Flare shaking his head in disappointment and Eli looking at me with a questioning look on his face.

"Sorry guys. I won't let them get this one. Lemme get Justin." I tell them.

"You sure?" Flare asked.

"Yeah." I swapped positions with Flare, taking my post in front of Justin. We checked the ball up again and soon it was in Justin's possession. I ran to him, playing defence once again. There was no way I could mess this up. I hadn't seen his cock, and I hadn't felt it either...though I wonder how it would feel in my hands, and how big it is. I wonder if it's as big as his ego. It probably is. I wonder if it's bigger than mine--

"3-2" Justin said as he climbed down from the rim. Shit! They scored again. It's like I wasn't even trying anymore. My thoughts when straight to his dick! It was infuriating me. Not the fact that we were losing, or that I had lost focus. It was the fact that I wanted all of those thoughts to come true. I wanted to see Alex's cock again. I wanted to feel Will's dick in my hands once more. And now, I wanted to see Justin's own member. What was wrong with me?

"Come on Ty! We we're this close to winning. We can do this!" Eli shouted. He had that serious look on his face, where he frowned but he still seemed happy.

"Eli's right, we can win this. Focus." Flare told me. I could feel Flare's eyes on me. He knew something was bugging me. I could sense it.

"I-I will." I stuttered as I turned away from them, taking my position once more. It was a lie. For the rest of the game, I surrendered point after point, getting too caught up in thoughts about their cocks and jacking them off. I even came up with a couple of new fantasies, one of which that involved all six of us jacking off together. As enticing as these new fantasies were, none of them helped us win the game.

"15-2. Game, Justin." The tiger exclaimed as he made his way across the court.

"Hey!" Will shouted.

"We we're on the team too!" Alex added.

"Fine. Game, Team Justin. Happy now?" He smirked at the wolves, knowing it would provoke them. It wasn't long before both wolves were shouting curse words at the tiger as he just brushed it off, which only aggravated them further.

"Everything okay?" Flare asked. I was so lost in beating myself up for the loss that I didn't hear him approaching.

"Yeah, just have my head in the clouds, that's all." Flare looked at me. Damn those eyes of his. I could feel his gaze peering into my soul, searching it for every dirty secret I've withheld.

"What took you so long to get Alex and Will?" He asked. Shit! He knows, doesn't he! Crap! No, there it can't be. There's no way he knows what really happened, even if he had mystical psychic powers that made him read my mind. There's no way he could know for sure what Alex, Will and I did together.

"We had to wait for Alex to finish showering up. He wanted to play without bathing. You know how dirty he could be sometimes, but Will and I insisted that he clean up first. It's bad enough getting a whiff of us after we've finished a few games, but combining that with the filth from yesterday, who knows what kind of stink he could conjure up." I laughed nervously. I couldn't tell if he bought it or not, but the intensity in his eyes vanished.

"Okay." He gave me one last look. It was if is his eyes were saying to me, "I trust you. You wouldn't lie to me." It only made me feel guilty. I never did lie to Flare before, mostly because if I did, he would call me out on it. Now that I have, I felt like complete and utter crap.

"Don't worry Flare. We'll win this one." I told him. I lied again. We lost the next game, and the next game, and the next game because all I could think about was cock. We even tried mixing up the teams after my losing streak, but my thoughts only wandered to imagining a naked Flare or a naked Eli. I didn't even think I could think of Eli in that way, but apparently I could, and it cost me every game I played. Before I knew it, night had crept up and the street lights had lit up the neighbourhood.

"Oh, the street lights are on. I better go in before Mom gets mad." Will said.

"Same." The brown wolf replied.

"Me too." The bunny added.

"I got to go too." Flare said.

"I think I'm going to head in too." I told them.

"K'. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Justin said as he grabbed his basketball and walked up his driveway. Flare and I began to make our way back to our houses. I could feel his eyes on me again. It gave me chills through every fibre of my body.

"You sure everything is okay?" Flare asked once again.

"Yeah I'm sure. Guess today just wasn't my day." I couldn't bring myself to look at him when I responded. Lying to him over and over again was just filling me with guilt. I felt so dirty right now, even more than this morning when I woke up covered in my own cum.

"You know if anything is bothering you, you can talk to me, right?" I looked at him in the eyes.

"Of course I do! It's just that, there's nothing to talk about right now. I was just off today, that's all." My eyes found themselves back at the floor as I lied to him once more.

"Okay, I believe you. See you later Ty." Flare said as he walked up his driveway. I waved goodbye as I made the short walk to my house, opening up the front door. I closed it behind me as I entered my house, slipping off my shoes and locking the door. It didn't seem like anyone was home. Usually I'd be happy, I'd get some much needed peace and quiet, but right now I really needed someone to talk to. I made my way up the stairs and opened my door, only to see Derek on his knees, scrubbing away at the floors.

"Derek you're home!" I say, my voice filled with a surprising amount of relief.

"Yeah, I've been home all day cleaning up your fucking mess. What the fuck did you do? Jack off all fucking night?" I looked at him, blushing in embarrassment. Derek let out a sigh. "Well, I guess I can't blame you. I did the same when Gideon taught me. Guess you just got a couple more rounds out because of that gift of yours." Gift? Oh yeah. I forgot that it wasn't normal to get hard almost instantly after you've cum.

"It was a fun night." I told him, a cocky smirk on my face. I jumped on my bed, lying down. The walls had returned to their eggshell colour. I tried to relax as I shifted around in my bed, but the silence was frequently interrupted by grunts from Derek. Derek was still here, maybe he could help me out with the problem I had today. I sat up, looking down at the older horse on all fours with a nasty rag in his hand. "Hey Derek. After you're first experience with a guy..." I was afraid to continue, I was scared that Derek would make fun of me, but I needed help, "...was your head filled with thoughts of dick? Or like, did you just keep replaying the scene?"

Derek gasped as he looked at me with a shocked face. "First experience with a guy?" He looked at me, the shock and disbelief becoming more and more apparent on his face. "Ty, did you have sex with another guy?"

"Oh no! Oh god no!" I saw the look of relief wash over Derek's face. "I just, I just jacked off with some friends. I walked in on Alex and Will watching porn, and they were holding each other's cocks in their hands. They were helping each other masturbate, and I was intrigued so I stepped inside. They caught me and soon we were all jacking each other off. After that, we were playing basketball and all I could focus on was their cocks. Even when I was posting up on Justin, Eli and Flare, all I could think about was how big they are or if it'd feel good to have them in my hands." I blurted it all out, explaining my entire situation to him. He just looked back at me and laughed.

"You sound like a real slut right now little bro." I looked down in shame. "I never said that was a bad thing though." My head moved back up, looking at Derek, confusion written across my face. "Don't worry bro. I did the same thing, but I didn't go so far to imagine what my friends would look like naked. Gideon did though. The similarities between you to just keep continuing, don't they?" He said as he stood up, tossing the rag onto his bed. "It's just a matter of focus. You just have to learn how to keep those thoughts of your head." He looked at the clock on the wall. "Hmm...8 o'clock. If we leave now we could get there for 9..." Derek continued to mumble to himself before he came to a decision. "I know the perfect place that'll help you with this problem. Hurry up and get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs."

I only looked at him dumbfounded as he left the room. Get dressed? Get dressed how? Formal, casual, in a frigging costume?! I didn't know what to do, so I decided to just put on some jeans and a nice white t-shirt. I met Derek by the front door, only to see that he was dressed similarly as me, outfitted in a pair of baggy jeans and a hoodie. "Come on, let's go." He told me as we exited the house. He locked the door behind us and we headed for the bus stop. I followed him mindlessly, dropping my fare into the box as we hopped onto the bus. I looked at the window, trying to figure out where we were going by judging the streets we were travelling. "We have a long time, so don't try to figure out where we're going." I sighed and turned my head back to Derek. "You'll like it, I guarantee it." I was going to ask him a question, but he put his earbuds into his ears. Whenever Derek did that, it was as if he was closed off from the world.

Bus after bus, we took several transfers before arriving at a large complex. It was a large glass building, at least 12 stories tall. We walked up the pathway, stepping onto the black square mat that made the doors slide open for us. There was a huge sign hanging in the middle of the entrance. "Alpha's Gym Inc." I read out loud. I didn't have much time to process where I was because Derek was already at the receptionist, a short, blonde lioness who looked really fit. I saw them pointing at me, and instinctively I waved. Shit, I'm such a dork. I could see Derek leaning over the counter, whispering to the lioness. He pulled away and immediately the lioness blushed and batted her eyes at him. He walked away and motioned me to join him.

"W-What are we doing at a gym?" I asked him.

"We're here to help you get over that problem of yours. I just got you your own lifetime membership. For free." He smiled cockily. A lifetime membership? For free? That didn't make sense. I've heard countless stories about how gyms single-handedly drained people's bank accounts.

"How did you--?"

"Sex." Derek responded instantly.

"Huh? What do you--?" He cut me off again.

"Little bro, there's lots of things you'll learn through out your years of adolescence. Consider this one of them. Sex can get you almost anything you want in life. For some people, the benefits are limited because their sexual skill is a bit lacking. However, when you have big cocks like us, and you know how to use it, Ty, we can get almost anything we want." This sounded almost too good to be true. Just because I had a huge dick meant I could get free shit?

"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. Though you'll have to learn when something is worth exploiting your talents for. Don't just go fucking anyone just to get anything. That's just manwhorish." He laughed as we made our way through a long hallway. "It's like Uncle Ben said. With great power comes great responsibility." I couldn't help but laugh at that one. Leave it to Derek to relate Spiderman to sex. We continued to make our way through the hallway. After a while, the walls that were painted a creamy beige turned into tall panes of glass, allowing anyone who walked this path to catch a glimpse into the various workout spaces the gym offered. They were filled to the brim with testosterone ridden males and numerous pieces of equipment. The pathway ended at a single door. Derek swiped a card through the reader on the knob, unlocking the door. He opened it up and we walked inside. It was a locker room, one of the, if not the biggest locker room I have ever seen. It's almost as if we were at a library, but instead of stacks of books, it was rows of lockers.

"Your locker is right beside mine." Derek said as he guided me to my new locker. He opened his up and looked at me, waiting for me to do the same.

"What's my combo?" I ask.

"Oh shit. I forgot, here." He handed me a card. It looked like the one he used to open the door to the locker room. "It's your key card. It gives you access to most of the facilities in the gym. The equipment rooms, locker rooms, pool, courts, yoga rooms, the sauna." He accented the last room, the sauna with a naughty tone. "Yeah, basically that key card gives you access to anything on the first three floors of the building. The other floors are for...V.I.P members" Something was fishy. I had a feeling that there was more to this gym than it appeared. "Your combo is on the back of the card." I turned it around and sure enough it was there. 23 right, 12 left, 3. Click, I pulled on the door and it swung open. There were a few towels as well as a water bottle and a pamphlet describing in detail the services available at the gym.

"Hey Derek, what's the--" I tried to finish my sentence, but was hit in the face by some clothes. I pulled them away from my face, only to reveal a stark naked Derek. There he was, changing casually in the middle of the room, his dick just swinging as if it was our own house.

"Hurry up and change." Was all that he said to me before returning to his own business. I stood there frozen. It's not like I hadn't changed before in front of other people in public. We did it all the time in P.E. But now I wasn't changing in front of my friends or my peers. I was changing in front of full grown men.

"I-I--" I stuttered before Derek cut me off again.

"You know, you really have to work on your self-esteem, and that annoying stutter you have." He sighed as he slipped on a pair of black and white basketball shorts and a tight white Nike t-shirt. "You have nothing to worry about. You may not be as big as me or some of the other guys in this gym, but you're bigger than them where it counts, so don't sweat it bro." If that was true, then maybe I didn't have to be so shy. Who knew Derek could be so nice. I stripped down; giving my cock some much needed breathing time before slipping on some boxer briefs and some blue basketball shorts. I slipped on a black Adidas shirt and closed my locker.

We exited the locker room through another door that led into one of the exercise rooms. It reeked of musk and sweat. I looked around, seeing only muscular furries around me. They were all so built, so hot. That combined with the smell, it was turning me on. I looked at Derek in a panic. I was so pissed right now. He was supposed to help me with this problem, not make it worse. "Derek, why the fuck would you take me to a gym filled with studs? How the fuck was this supposed to help me?" I yelled at him, my voice almost being drowned out from the techno music blasting from the stereo system, and my dick growing even stiffer.

"Relax bro. I wouldn't bring you here without a legitimate reason. Lucky for you, I have quite a few." He walked over to the bench press, but I refused to move, not with my cock basically screaming for attention. "Ty, stop being a bitch and get over here." I didn't move. It was only until I scanned the room that I realized I was the only one not working out. Giving a sigh of defeat, I walked over to Derek. "Look Ty, coming to the gym was how I learned to get over that problem you have. Trust me when I tell you, the gym will be your best friend throughout your adolescent years." For some reason, I had an unnerving feeling that what Derek said was true.

"The first thing you need to do is get used to being around hot guys like these dudes. It might be hard at first, but you'll learn to after a while. Once you get used to it, you'll stop being turned on by every guy you see." Yeah, I found that hard to believe.

"Derek, these guys are drop dead gorgeous! You're telling me that not one of these dudes get you horny?" I asked him.

"Of course they do. A bunch of these guys make me want to rip of their clothes and make me fuck them right then and there, but being around them makes you learn how to control your urges. That's where my other reason for bringing you here comes up. You're going to have to buff up for high school. You're going to have to become a new you."

"What? Why?"

"Because if you're anything like Gideon or I, which you are, you're going to have to feed your sexual appetite. You're going to crave sex when you enter high school, and unfortunately, having a big dick won't get you the best play. You're going to have to look the part in order to get the people who will truly satisfy your sexual needs. You'll soon learn that normal sex won't satiate our needs." I was trying to take all of this in. It was surprising that as strange as these ideas were, they made sense. "By focusing on getting toned and bulking up, you won't have time to focus on the guys here, only the sets and reps you're doing. Working out can be very dangerous, and if you lose focus for just a second, you could be in terrible trouble." I could understand why. Just imagining dropping 200 pounds on my throat had me a bit terrified.

"Here, I set this up for you. It's a pretty light load, so you should be fine." Derek said as he got up from the bench. I laid down on it, stretching my body out as I gripped onto the bar. "It's only 40 pounds, so you should be able to do it."

"How many times?"

"15 reps. You're gonna be doing 3 sets, so pace yourself." I nodded as I lifted the bar up. It was kind of heavy, but lighter than I expected. I pushed up, breathing in as I pulled down and breathing out as I pushed up. I did my sets successfully, and got up, smiling. "There you go little bro. Not that hard, right?" I nodded yes, too proud to speak. "You know what else isn't hard?" He pointed downward, and my eyes followed to see that my dick had gone soft.

"Thank god." I said in relief.

"Alright, my turn." Derek piled on the weights for what seemed like an eternity. I counted the weights once he sat on the bench. 200 pounds. He began to pump up and down as I placed my hand above him like he had done to me. I think he called it spotting. He quickly burned through his sets and got up from the bench press, barely sweating, "Time to hit the other stations." I followed Derek around the gym as he introduced me to the different pieces of equipment around the room: the treadmills, the spin cycles, the rowing machines, the leg press, the racks, the dumbbells, the barbells, the lat pull and the pec deck, amongst other ones I couldn't remember. He made me take each one for a test run, but as the night went on, I found myself more willing to give each one a try.

By the time Derek said we were done I was sweating a storm. My clothes were drenched and so was Derek. It was kind of demoralizing watching Derek press more weight or run longer than me, but he told me that I was just beginning and that I would reach that stage soon if I keep at it. That's when I decided I wanted to become buff. I wanted to work out. Sure, I was tired as hell, but I felt proud that I was able to do all of this. "Good job bro, you did a lot better than I thought you would." Derek told me, placing a sweaty hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks. It was actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be. And not once did I think about the other guys." I was so into the workout that I didn't realize something glaringly obvious: there were no girls. We headed back into the locker room. "So Derek, how long have you been working out?" I asked as we opened our lockers.

"Well I've been here since I was 13, so about 2-3 years now." He began to strip naked and I followed suit. I was about to slip on my jeans when I noticed that Derek was still naked. "Don't get dressed yet, we still have to shower. We can't go home smelling like this or Mom and Dad would kill us." Before today, I probably would have had a problem with this, but after that workout session, I was feeling more confident, more proud, more manly.

"Sure. But even if we didn't, it's not like Mom and Dad would be home to notice." I tell him as I put my jeans back into my locker and grab one of the towels.

"That is true." Derek replies. He grabs some soap and shampoo from his locker and walks past a few rows of lockers, reaching the back of the room where the showers were. They were empty, and for some reason I felt kind of disappointed. I don't know why, but what Derek said resonated with me. I was bigger where it counted, and I kind of wanted to show it off to other people, hoping they would react like Alex and Will. It was an open area, no dividers what so ever, just rows of spouts. Derek and I both clicked one of the buttons next to each other and the water began to rain down on us. I let the water beat my skin as I grabbed the soap while Derek shampooed, switching once both of us were done using whatever we had. Even throughout the shower I hoped that someone would walk in, just so he could comment on how big I was, but alas, no one came.

We turned the showers off and headed back to our lockers, drying our manes and tails as we both bunched up our towels and shot them into the dirty towel hamper is if it were a basketball. I was shuffling through my locker, checking out the other free swag I got while Derek was getting dress. That's when I heard the door open.

"Look who it is. Bitch boy Derek." I turned around to see a tall, lean, muscular cheetah heading our way. He looked like he had just finished a workout, clad in his tight spandex Reebok shorts and a tight black tank top that revealed his biceps and pecs.

"Derek, who is he?" I whispered, trying to draw as little attention to me as possible.

"That's Jared. He's an asshole." Derek replied. He buttoned up his jeans before turning to face the cheetah that stood only a few meters from us. "Hey Jared, last time I remember, I wasn't the bitch on all fours." Derek smirked that cocky smirk of his.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Jared shouted, his teeth clenched tightly. "I'll kick your ass so badly you won't be able to sit for a month!"

"Oh, like that time I fucked you hard, right? How long was it before you could walk straight, 2-3 months?" All I heard was a large growl in response and before I knew it I heard someone gagging. Jared had Derek pinned up against the lockers, both hands wrapped around his neck.

"Get the fuck off my brother!" I yelled as I swung my right hand at his face. I heard two bodies drop to the ground as Jared released Derek. Derek laid there slumped against the floor and Jared was on one knee. It seemed the punch I delivered had connected a lot better than I thought, because he was wiping blood that was coming out of his nose.

"You son of a bitch!" Jared said as he got up as lunged at me. He kept swinging, but I kept blocking every shot. I didn't know how, but I was. That's when I realized, I was looking at his eyes. I could tell what he was going to do before he even did it. As Jared continued to try and strike me, Derek got up and was about to attack Jared from behind but was stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hold on Derek. Don't go yet. Let's see how this turns out." A deep, gruff voice told him. Derek looked back and nodded.

"What the hell is your deal?" I shouted before decking him in the face once more, knocking him to the floor. I shook my hand, feeling the pain surge through my arm. The cheetah got back up once again and went to lunge when a booming voice echoed through the room.

"Stop!" I looked to see where it had come from and then I saw the source. It came from a tall, muscular Rottweiler dressed in a black Puma track suit. The suit itself was tight, as the pants clung to the Rottweiler's amazingly buff legs as his jacket top was unzipped, revealing his washboard abs. He was so damned sexy. "Jared, stop picking on this boy before I kick your ass so hard the only way you'll be able to eat is through a straw." Jared scowled and looked at every one of us before walking away. As he passed by me, he muttered something loud enough so only I could hear it.

"You lucky bitch. You better watch your ass the next time we see each other. You won't have these two pricks to help you then." He laughed menacingly as he opened the exit and left.

"Ty, those were some nice blows you landed!" Derek said in amazement.

"They were pretty decent, Ty was it?" The Rottweiler asked. I merely nodded as I continued to gaze at this canine before me. "You must be Derek's brother. I'm Vince. I own this gym." He told me.

"N-Nice to meet you Vince." I stuck my hand out to shake his hand. His hands were nice and firm, very rugged yet soft and gentle. It was a soothing contrast. "H-How'd you know I was Derek's brother?" The canine laughed.

"It's not that hard to figure out. You two look like each other, but you look more like Gideon than Derek does." He knew about Gideon? Well, I wouldn't be surprised if Gideon was the one who showed Derek this place. "Plus, if it wasn't the looks that gave it away, it was definitely the cock. You boys are the only ones I know that are that hung." Vince added, laughing. I didn't even realize I was naked. I quickly grabbed my jeans from my locker and slipped them on, concealing my junk once again. "Sorry, I forget how shy some of the newcomers are, even if they are well-endowed like you. I'll wait until you finish up." I turned my attention back to my clothes as I continued to slip on my shirt and shoes. I walked up to Vince, feeling completely dwarfed by the man.

"You showed quite some vigour back there. I teach kickboxing and jiu-jitsu classes every Saturday and Sunday morning. I think you'd do pretty well if you enrolled. Judging from your performance just now, it seems like you have a natural affinity for fighting." It was odd, I never imagined myself a fighter, but I wasn't sure about this. I probably just got lucky this time and I probably sucked at it.

"I don't know." I muttered in response, a bit ashamed in my own response.

"How about I make them free of charge? It's the least I can do after all the business Derek and Gideon have brought me." Free? Well if it was free, I guess it couldn't hurt to try.

"Come on bro. It could help you with your new goal." Derek turned to face Vince. "He's trying to buff up before high school."

"Ah, so that's in 2 months right? Tell you what. I'll even help you achieve that goal. I'll be your own personal trainer." I couldn't be more excited. Vince seemed like such a nice guy! And he's offering to train me! Look at him! He's jacked! He has to know what he's doing.

"Sure!" I reply, the excitement obvious in my voice.

"Awesome! Classes start at 9, but swing by at 8 so I can get you measured for gear and equipment." Vince says. I simply nod, too ecstatic for words.

"Ty, I'll meet you outside after I finish getting dressed." Derek told me. I nodded again and collected my things before exiting the locker room. Derek waited for the door to close before slipping a white tank top. He turned to Vince, smiling. "Training him for free, huh? That's awfully nice of you." Derek said as he approached the Rottweiler. He leaned against him, resting his head against the canine's chest as he ran his hand up and down Vince's abs. He began to plant small kisses on the Rottweiler's chest as he continued to caress his smooth, toned stomach.

Vince wrapped one large hand around Derek and pulled him into his waist. He smiled as Derek began to touch him, feeling his maw against his chest once more. "I see lots of potential in him. I've never seen someone fight like that in their first fight. I think he'd be great at fighting, possibly better than me."

Derek felt the hand wrap around his waist and he surrendered to it, feeling his body cling against the Rottweiler's. He began to rub his ass up and down the canine's crotch slowly, feeling a large bulge begin to form in both his pants and Vince's. "You are a wise man, so I'll trust you with him." Derek turned his head back and took the dog's nipple into his maw, flicking it with his long tongue before sucking on it gently. He continued to press his ass against Vince, getting more and more aggressive as time passed by. "Just promise you'll be gentle with him like you were with me." Derek whispered before returning to the canine's nipple.

Vince began to grind his hardening cock into Derek as he felt the teen suck on his nipples. He buried his head in the horse's neck, licking at the crook before sucking on it gently. He'd always loved the taste of Derek. It was so musky, so masculine. He trailed his tongue up the stallion's neck, letting it linger inside of his ear. "But you never liked to be gentle." Vince whispered as he gripped onto Derek tighter, pulling him hard into his erect doghood.

"I know. That's exactly what I meant." Derek whispered back as he felt Vince's hold on him tighten. He pushed himself back hard onto the dog's big dick as his own monster began to leak pre-cum. He tried to close his mouth around Vince's nipple, but the pleasure was too much. "Fuck Vince. What I would do to have you inside of me right now." Derek shouted. He was about to say more before he was interrupted by Vince's mouth. They both parted their lips as their tongues danced swiftly in each other's mouths. The humping became reckless, each thrust pushing Derek's body far out, only to be brought back in by Vince's hand. They moaned into each other's mouths as the pleasure intensified. Soon, the humping slowed down, as the energy from the grinding moved to their mouths as they both began to massage and caress each other's tongues.

Derek pulled away, causing a small amount of saliva to drop to the ground. They stared at each other passionately before locking lips for one last short moment. "I have to go now. Can't keep Ty waiting." Derek whispered. Vince laughed.

"You're such a tease, you always leave me wanting more." Vince replied, smiling at the young horse.

"Then I'm doing my job right." Derek said. He walked away from the Rottweiler and closed his locker. "Don't worry, I'll make it up to you somehow." Derek said. He walked out the locker room and walked to the lobby where I was waiting. "Ready to go?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, I'm tired." I replied. I looked at Derek and the bulge in his pants definitely caught my eye. I mean, how could it not? A foot of horse meat, it'd be hard not to notice. "Derek, you're pretty hard." I told him, stating the obvious. I laughed, pointing at my own tenting pants. "Don't worry I am too. That Vince guy is pretty hot. It's a shame, the entire afternoon I had it under control until I saw him."

"You have no idea bro." Derek said, smiling deviously. It wasn't an evil smile per se, but it wasn't a heart warming one either. Whatever it meant, I shrugged it off as we exited the gym and headed for the bus. I looked back at the sign one last time. "Alpha's Gym Inc." I said out loud. I didn't know why, but this place was going to make me extremely happy, I just knew it.