VigoRx - Ch0p0 - Hormone Study
VigoRx The Drug:
VigoRx was a drug developed to treat erectile dysfunction. By modifying and stripping existing hormones to a primal form, Dr. Steven-Schletzer-Schmidt somehow unlocked a primordial capability within the cells to reproduce. The intent was to stimulate numerous systems involved in arousal to overcome a more broad spectrum of impotency issues, which it did wonderfully, but, due to a peculiarity in the hormone's shape, it can becomes embedded in glands and tricks them to reproduce more of the hormone. More hormone tricks more more cells to produce the hormone, and soon it snowballs into the body producing a crazed amount of the hormone. The body flooded with this primal hormone undergoes a series of incremental changes caused a cycling hormonal loop.
The hormonal loop:
The hormone reaches a saturation point
The hormone saturation causes uncontrollable amorous behavior
A flood of adrenal hormones kicks physiological changes
Secondary sexual characteristics sometimes manifest, hair growth, strengthening features
If foreign hormones were introduced in previous cycles, it may cause a mutation in the hormone and manifest in divergent traits during this stage due likely to the body's rapid changes
For example
Gain or loss of hair or fur
Eye color, hair color shifts
Shifting musculature or skeletal structure
Ejection of the saturated hormone in copious fluid releases
Saturated ducts overproduce to purge hormone
Body relaxes to an un-engorged state and goes into a post sexual state.
Post sexual state
Hormone levels are lower from release, and over stimulated receptors shutdown to rest, and the subject is blissful and content from copious endorphins
Subject becomes hungry to sate the nutrient requirements of the previous heightened hormone state
Hormone and nutrient rich body rapidly repairs stresses on bones, muscle and ligaments caused by previous hyperactive states.
Maximum Gains:With repeated exposure to hormone, whether produced internally or ingested from an external source, individuals will go through patterns of growth. The mechanism that causes the rapid growth isn't quite understood, but the hormone seems to cause multiple stresses across muscle, bone and ligament and when coupled with a rich hormone and nutrient environment, the body triggers rapid repair and growth. Eventually the body either adapts to these stresses or the amount of hormone produced becomes proportional to their size. Whichever way this occurs, the individual no longer grows any more permanent gains, though may still fluctuate greatly between their sexualized engorged and more normal state. Engorged State:Infected individuals often fluctuate through two states, a non-sexualized state and a sexualized engorged state. In a non-sexualized state, the individual can appear relatively normal, though often showing symptoms of their infection by having varying degrees of exceptional musculature, dense weight and unusual height. Once their hormones reach a over-saturated state, a not quite understood combination of factors cause their dense tissues to engorge, causing seeming rapid gains of size. The size may manifest in many ways, such as height, width, depth, virility or whatever other predisposed traits the individual selects for.
Transmission:Infection can occur with exposure to infected individuals. The chance of infection relates to the amount of unstable hormone in the individual's body. Newly infected people are therefore the most infectious. Their bodies haven't fully assimilated the chemical and often produce many variable forms of the chemical until it finds a form that best suits their environment. With each hormonal release, the individual will purge the less stable forms of hormone, so over time chances of catching infection from an individual declines to nearly zero and would take repeated attempts to eventually overcome that improbability.Potential Dietary Interaction:The hormone, once normalized within an individual's body, remains relatively inert and non-infectious, but when hormone boosting substances interacts with the subjects system, like various steroidal substances, it could become unstable. Depending on the variances caused and the oddities of the source, it could manifest in heightened infectious properties, further physiological changes or perhaps even a fundamental change in the hormone's behavior. Infected individuals are therefore recommended to avoid hormone boosting foods and supplements, especially those extracted from animal sources.
Stevens-Schletzer-Schmidt found that using a combination of hormone stopping drugs, lots of fluid intake and diuretics could halt the production of the hormone and flush it from the system. The process is not instantaneous, though. It requires diligent effort on the part of the infected over the course of a week to a month to systematically cleanse the hormone from their system. Any lapse in treatment can reinfect the cleansed glands and force the progress to start all over again, also causing a new round of infectious hormone in the lapse. Because of this intensive process, it proves quite difficult to implement upon all but the most willing of patients. Even after being treated, it takes months for the growth caused by the repeated changes to settle to a dense inactive form, and even then it never really goes away. It is unknown if any other substances or circumstance might trigger this latent growth, and if it did, what its consequences upon the subject would be.Treatment is not perfect. Relapse has been observed among the treated. It is believed that the hormone can become trapped within the dense inactive tissues of the body, effectively hiding until some event causes a molecule to become dislodged to circulate through the system and start the cycle again. It is believed that vigorous activity, like heavy lifting or endurance exercises, or some forms of trauma might be the catalyst for a relapse.
Afflicted Examples:
Grant McKenzie
Desc: 32yo Russet Blond hair, Green eyes, Irish Descent
Growth Charts: A = Aroused State, U = Unaroused State
0: (Pre-Infection) Weight - 170 lbs, Muscle - 48%, Fat - 18%
0U: 5ft 7in height, 1.2in flaccid, 0.7in diameter at base and tip
0A: 4ft 7in height, 6in erect, 1.2in diameter at base and tip
1: Weight - 219lbs, Muscle 50%, fat 17%
1U: 6ft height, 3in flaccid, 1in diameter at base and tip
1A: 7ft height, 1ft erect, 4in diameter at base and tip
2: Weight - 348lbs, Muscle 55%, fat 15%
2U: 6ft 10in height, 4.7in flaccid, 2in diameter at base and tip
2A: 8ft 2in height, 1ft 7in erect, 5in diameter at base and tip
3: Weight - 520lbs, Muscle 60%, Fat 12%
3U: 7ft 9in height, 7.2in flaccid, 3.8in diameter at base and tip
3A: 10ft 3in height, 2ft 1in erect, 6.5in diameter at base and tip
4: Weight - 735lbs, Muscle 65%, fat 9%
4U: 8ft 8in height, 9.3in flaccid, 5.6in diameter at base and tip
4A: 12ft 2in height, 2ft 6in erect, 8.7in diameter at base and tip
5: Weight - 1,025lbs, Muscle 75%, fat 6%
5U: 9ft 7in height, 11.1in flaccid, 6in diameter at base and tip
5A: 14ft 1in height, 3ft 2in erect, 10.9in diameter at base and tip
6: Weight - 1,452lbs, Muscle 80%, fat 4%
6U: 10ft 4in height, 1ft flaccid, 6in diameter at base and tip
6A: 14ft 1in height, 4ft erect, 1ft diameter at base and tip