VigoRx - Ch1p2 - Observation Period

Story by IJrge on SoFurry

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VigoRxChapter 1 - The Get TogetherPart 2 - Observation PeriodIn the LabBob flips on the recorder. "Subject 8 is now showing the full effect of the initial intent of the drug, even though at significantly lower dosage. The previously impotent animal is now fully erect. As with previous subjects, the arousal seems to consume the subject, causing a hyper-sexualized state. We just retrieved a pre-seminal fluid sample for testing. We anticipate the amount of hormone in the subject will be well above the initial dosage at this stage of the developing condition." Bob stands introspective, seeming a little silly stoic at his meager five feet of height. "It's a shame. My theory was correct. This is probably the best anti-impotence drug conceived by man, and also in theory perfectly harmless, being just a more primeval version adolescent hormone. To bad it gets rooted in the endocrine system and kicks it into overdrive in some way we don't understand."Flipping off the recorder, he turns to his assistant. "Get Brett on the phone yet, Jean?" A coffee straw strikes him on the chin, causing an instant laugh. Bob clutches a random test sheet, crumples and throws it at Jean playfully.

 Standing back up from dodging, he says, "Yeah. He was really resistant, but he's bringing over the transport van and chemicals.""Does he know what's going on?""Figured it'd be easier to show him." Jean blushes.Squeaks erupt from the cage, along with several ample white streams. Bob walks over and reads some sensors.Bob flips back on the recorder. "The subject has just finished its first ejaculation. His breathing and heart rate are slightly elevated, as it should be after physical activity, but otherwise his vitals are fairly normal still. This first experience seems to be a bit overwhelming, and I hypothesize the subject's system goes back to normal to rest, but if subject 8 holds true to the other observed specimens, he'll be aroused again soon and start escalating into the next stage, which without sexual stimulus seems to be usually within an hour. With stimulus its practically immediate."A couple sugar cubes hit Bob's gut, causing another bout of laughter between them. Taking a moment's pause, before tossing them back, Bob takes a moment to wonder why he's not more mortified at the moment. He feels almost giddy.

 In Brett's BathroomJohn feverishly strokes his heated eight inches, rocking on his toes and stifling a moan.A knock raps hard on bathroom door, causing John to yelp. "I have to run to the lab quick," Brett yells from the other side.John shudders and

struggles out a shaky, "Okay.""Everything fine in there," Brett asks quizzically. John resumes slow stroking, grabbing a wad of tissue to catch his imminent release, building to blow at any moment. "Yeah. Just.. taking care of some business.""Try not to have too much fun until I get back."John raises the toilet tissue cradle up over the head of his steaming red cock. The tissue wets and clings to the slit, dribbling with anticipation. John raises his rear off the seat and rocks his hips into his palms. He manages a, "I'll try," before strangling his triumphant cry into a struggled series of low grunts. Brett's shadow moves away from the crease of the door, as the tissue heavies in John's palm in energetic bursts. A pool of white surges repeatedly fuller in the tissue until it overflows the top, spills and dribbles down his shaft to his stroking grip. John's body spasms wholly to a last couple straining attempts to release more.

 John flops back against the toilet basin, huffing as he drops the soaked wad into the bowl beneath. Lethargically he attempts to clean the globs of overflow, curiously noticing how his clothes seem to hug him in a few unfamiliar snug ways.In the LabBob, leaning back and groaning, says, "Well, there's a few things I can say for certain."  Jean asks half-heartedly, "What?"Bob shifts in his seat. "You got a little too close to the cage with the coffee. That wasn't creamer. It was sample."  He looses his pants, letting his monster a bit more space to aim nearly all the way to his knee.  "I haven't gotten this hard in.." Bob muses, "I guess.. about a year for every inch."Jean curious, and drunkenly kneading at his own cock through his slacks, asks "How long is that?""Little over eleven years," Bob says proudly.Back From the BathroomJohn lumbers past his friends, who laugh away at the movie, and he stumbles to the kitchen. His gut is rumbling fiercely, he has a thirst and hunger he can scarcely compare to any before. Grabbing a banana, he starts to open it, but bites right through the skin, chewing and swallowing the whole, too hungry to care. The dense peel actually is appealing, as hungry as he is.

 "Aw! Dude. Yes!" Grant cheers, crawling over the back of the couch. "Throw me something. I'm starving." Michael's eyes follow him in disbelief, as the short Irish beast that just polished off a two litter of pop, a good full pizza, along with a bag of chips only to cap it off with drinking the salsa, starts into his own banana, skin and all.Out come cereals, shakes, protein powders. Michael forgets about the movie monsters, now in

their final battle, and just marvels at his two friends eating everything they can grab, even nuts with their shells included, and wash it all down with full jugs of milk and whatever other liquids they could find.In the LabWorriedly, Bob ate through his third colleague's forgotten sandwich from the community fridge, pausing to note into his recorder between bites. "The two new subjects are showing signs of first stage development." A click off, a few bites, then back on. "We have one control," he looks at Jean, leaning over a counter moaning in the distance as he strokes his five and a half inches furiously behind his lab coat. "And one who we're preventing from sexual stimulus, hopefully to stave off the final effects." Chewing off two more great mouthfuls, he continues, his words muffled through some lingering chews, "Unfortunately, it seems the experimental subject may be going directly into the next phase. His consumption has gone up precipitously, just like the post-ejaculated animals." Machine off, he chokes down a requisitioned forty-eight ounce Mammoth Thirst cup that he refilled with coffee, hardly pausing for a breath. Gasping, he adds, "I'm beginning to fear that perhaps its the intervals between sexual stimuli that allow the hormones to build up. Sexual release vents the hormones through copious fluids, perhaps some consequence of over-saturation.. an irritation that makes the body vent excess chemicals from the various reproductive ducts. Anyways, while the subjects are sexually relieved, it prevents release of those hormones, penting them up, and that may be what ultimately triggers growth, consequently hunger." He pauses, reveling in the thought that perhaps he no longer would be the shortest man in the lab. He finishes off the sandwich, unwittingly wrapper and all. Swallowing the oddly fulfilling bite, he ends,"We'll stay the course to see."

 Jean whimpers. His cock meagerly drops several dollops of his genes into three small gooey lines on the floor. Spinning about pants-less, he wanders towards Bob, asking disoriented, "Any more of those Mammoths in the fridge?" In Brett's Living RoomMichael picks to the chapter menu, and selects halfway back to the start of the film. The dubbed Asian voices are drowned out by the roars, though not of the movie monsters. Michael, annoyed, turns up the volume to drown out the snores of the two men, in their food comas, passed out against each other in the love seat.

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