Taste of Fire: Calm

Story by Iconoclast the Errant on SoFurry

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#19 of Taste of Fire

When Moss returned to the room all of the Pokemon were sitting and talking quietly with each other. Isis was not sitting at the head of the table.

"Anyone know where Isis is?" He asked.

"No." Leera replied while he took his seat. "She went back home before we reconvened. Said she had to clean up."

Moss frowned, he was hoping to see her again. "Alright." He mumbled. "Have you all made your decisions?"

Most all of them looked to Leera, as if waiting for her say. "I am behind this. I will stay and work with you." Every one of the others nodded in agreement.

"Good news at last." Moss sighed. "Very well, I will do my best for you all. I'm going to go for now and start tomorrow. As for you all, consider the rest of the day yours to spend freely. We all need some time to think."

They all dispersed with the exception of Leera. She waited until the rest left.

"I feel like we should talk." She stated simply.

"What about?" He said, eager to leave.

"You and Isis." She said, flushing and nearly whispering the last syllable.

Moss froze dead in his tracks. "Oh... You know?" Fear gripped his heart.

"Well, I knew that she felt that way about you. But I never suspected you would return it. You two made quite the racket."

He appeared to be having trouble breathing and sweat was dotting his brow. He was panicking as he took his seat once more.

"You realize that kind of interaction is illegal, right?" She asked.

He could only manage to nod and mumble something unintelligible. He felt like he was going to be sick.

"It's alright, I won't tell anyone." She smiled.

He looked to her with shock in his eyes. "Really?"

"Of course. Why would I?"

He was so happy he could have hugged her. "I just... Thank you!"

"I think it's romantic." She admired. "It's like an old story. Two lovers going against all odds to express their infatuation with the other. Although you two should be more careful, it could have been bad had anyone else caught you."

"Uh, will do." He laughed nervously. "But I thought you always worked by the books. Why aren't you reporting me?"

"I'm honest, not heartless." She sneered. "I would never do something so cruel."

"Sorry." He apologized. He stood up and embraced her serpent-like body. "I can never thank you enough."

"Just promise me you won't break her heart. She'd be a wreck without you. I know it may not seem like it sometimes, but she is one of my dearest friends."

"I would never do anything to hurt Isis. I have always loved her, it's just that I never thought of her that way until she confronted me. She thought that me and you... did it."

Leera shook her head. "I would never do anything like that. I knew she wanted you. She may think I would do that, but it pains me to think she could accuse me of such debauchery, no offense."

"None taken. I know you have to keep up appearances and everything, but it wouldn't kill you to show your friendlier side every now and then." He said as he released her.

"I know." She sighed. "Did you want to go do something?"

"Oh, yes. I wanted to take her out to dinner tonight. Hopefully we won't draw any undue attention."

"Ooo, she'll love that." Leera cooed.

"Well, I certainly hope so. She needs to relax a little anyway. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask."

"That won't be a problem. I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she made her way out the door.

Moss was thankful that she was so understanding. This whole ordeal was draining him already. He was putting a lot on the line to have a relationship with Isis, he would definitely have to be more careful from now on. He walked from the room and down the hallway. Eager to see Isis and treat her to a fancy dinner.

A knock sounded on her door as she was drying herself off. She walked to it with her towel in paw. She opened it and peered out, Moss was standing with a shy grin spread on his face.

"Nice of you to show back up, Isis." He said sarcastically.

She opened the door fully and continued to dry herself off. "Oh, I knew you could handle it. Besides, I wanted to take a bath before returning to work." She walked back into her room. "You can come in if you like."

He made his way into her rather cozy home. There was a lot of Human appliances and furniture around. He sat on the couch and waited for her to finish her grooming.

"So what's up?" She asked as she sat next to him.

"I gave everyone the day off. They all deserve it." He replied. "So I figured I'd take you out to dinner."

She smiled sweetly and scooted closer to him. "I swear we'll never get any work done with you leading us. What did you have in mind?"

"I dunno. What do you want?"

"I'm feeling like some Western food. Maybe with some fine wine?"

"Whatever you like!" He said with a bright smile. "However, we should get going or we're not going to get a seat." He stood up and offered his hand to her. She accepted it happily and he pulled her to her feet. They made their way out the door and to the restaurant. Isis had never felt so cared for as he smiled at her. There was a gleam in his eyes she had never noticed.

The restaurant was relatively quiet when they got there. Working hours weren't quite done with yet and only very few people were chatting throughout the dining room. There were even some Pokemon dining with the Human crowd, which wasn't that rare. Moss and Isis were led to a clean table for two. He pulled out the chair for her and let her sit before pushing it back in. He took his seat and looked into her lavender eyes. The waiter took their orders and retreated to the kitchen.

"So, how's the family?" He said, trying to start some small talk.

She gave him a curious look. "They're fine. Seems a bit odd to start with an icebreaker at this point, don't you think?"

"Sorry. It's just that a relationship like ours is unacceptable. I don't want an investigation thrown on me."

"Why do you care about being caught? Lot's of people have conversations of intimate nature with Pokemon here."

He wasn't sure he should tell her, but he saw no reason not to. "Leera heard our lovemaking." He said quietly. "She said she wasn't going to report it, but suggests we keep from drawing attention."

He could tell she was flushing with embarrassment. "Oh." Was all she managed. "That was nice of her."

"Yes it was. She is taking a great risk to withhold such information. It could be worse for her if we get caught now.

She let out a contemplative sigh. "Are you regretting it?"

He fought back the urge to scoff at such a suggestion. He never felt the slightest bit of regret, just fear. "Absolutely not." Moss assured.

Isis fiddled with her fork for a moment. "Well, I could see why you would. This could ruin your job and relationships with others if they found out. The same can be said for me." She explained. "Perhaps it was a mistake. Some feelings we shouldn't have pursued."

His eyes went wide with surprise. "Isis. If I wanted to stop I had plenty of opportunities to. Our relationship is, different, but I think there may be something between us. If it comes right down to it, I will drop whatever or whoever I need to, to be your mate. Until then however I do not intend to abandon the people who need me, or you for that matter." He grabbed her paw delicately between his hands and caressed them lovingly. "Please do not doubt or accuse me. You're better than that. I want to express my love for you to my friends and family. But I cannot trust them in this matter. If you have someone you can tell, please tell me."

She looked into his sincere eyes and shook her head. "I don't know anyone that I can share it with. I only have you."

"And I only have you. But it's all we need." He smiled sweetly.

She didn't look convinced, but she nodded slowly.

The rest of the dinner was mostly eaten in silence with a few random topics popping up. Moss offered to walk her home after he paid the bill. She accepted his offer as the two walked from the restaurant.

"You never did tell me what Qagan is doing here. How's he been?"

He smiled at the thought of his adopted brother. "Oh you know, always looking for trouble. He didn't intend making a stop here I would suppose. Was the report sent to you?"

She nodded. "Most of it anyway. Some parts were clearly taken out."

"Yeah, well. Don't dwell on that to much." He sighed. "He's been doing well. Hunting poachers as usual, like he's got something to prove. Shokan sounds like he's doing good too."

A cold wind blew through the streets. Isis shivered, he pulled her closer and wrapped an arm around her. She smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"So not much change, huh?"

"Not even a little, must have rubbed off on him." Moss joked. "However, he is taking a keen interest in Teya."

"I gathered." Isis replied. "Never heard of him acting like that before."

"They're mates now. Pretty sure he took her last night actually. Never seen him so happy 'til today."

She gave him a curious look. "Really? He doesn't seem the type."

"Believe me I know." He agreed. "But the poor bastard deserves it. He takes everything too seriously."

"Which is a quality you lack." She prodded him with a sweet smile on her muzzle.

"He's got enough serious for the both of us." He laughed, playing along. "I would be no fun if I suddenly took everything seriously."

They walked in silence for several minutes peering into the sky. The moon was in it's final phase and promised a new one tomorrow. The stars were simply dazzling, not a cloud in the sky to cover their beauty. Moss looked over to Isis and watched her eyes scan the sky. They were breathtaking in the failing light. Her eyes appeared to be a deeper purple with lighter outlines. She didn't seem to notice his observation, but she did feel him hold onto her a bit tighter.

He couldn't help but notice that she was being rather quiet, and not the good kind of quiet. It was more like something was bothering her. They approached the door to her quarters and looked to each other. She still looked conflicted.

"Look." She stated. "I don't want you to feel like I rushed you into this relationship earlier today. If you want... it doesn't have to be like this. I think it may be too risky for us to..."

She was silenced as he locked his lips to hers. He embraced her tightly and gripped her fur in his fingers. She was surprised but submitted rather quickly and returned his loving embrace. Once he pulled away he gave her a look of lust.

"I want you. I will not turn my back on you now that I have you."

He kissed her more forcefully this time. She felt her body reacting to his advances, he truly wanted her and to hell with the risks. He was kissing a Pokemon in the hallway. The possibility of getting caught didn't deter him one bit.

They struggled to get the door open as they remained in their heated embrace. Eventually they stumbled in and the door closed behind them. They managed to make their way to her bed and lay into it, never breaking the kiss. He stood up and worked frantically with his clothing to get them off. This would be the first time she sees him fully nude. She waited patiently for him to finish. Once he fully disrobed he lay back over her and kissed her more. Her fur was soft against his abdomen. Their bodies were fully contacting each other, neither of them could get enough of this new sensation.

She writhed under him as his hands worked through her fur delicately.

"Let me start this time." She said breathlessly.

She rolled over with him and worked her way down his body. His penis was fully erect and begging for stimulation. She teased him with a couple kisses and quick licks. He looked to her eagerly waiting for her to reach her mark. She licked his member softly and let the very tip enter her muzzle. Her eyes looked to his as she slowly worked her way down his shaft. A moan escaped from his lips as she fully engulfed his throbbing cock, her tongue massaged him the whole way. The sensation was intense as she began to bob her head up and down. His hips began to thrust into her muzzle. Watching her do this was a major turn on for him, and feeling it was all the more pleasurable. Her tongue worked over his shaft furiously as he grabbed her head humped wildly into her mouth. His hand held her head steady as he felt his dick ready to spew it's seed. She had no intention of stopping and eagerly awaited the first jets of his cum. He moaned loudly as the salty liquid poured from him. She drank it excitedly and sucked on his convulsing manhood, milking every last drop from him.

He lay back and attempted to catch his breath. He had never had his cock worked so thoroughly. She moved back up his body slowly and locked her lips to his. He could taste himself in her a bit, and for some reason it turned him on. His penis was gradually returning to it's former girth. They rolled over once more and he moved his hand to her moist opening. She moaned deeply as he rubbed her clit and inserted one of his fingers into her depths. The room was filled with noises of unbridled lust. They needn't worry that they could be heard. The walls were specifically designed for ultimate privacy.

It was time for him to repay his favor. His mouth made its way to her dripping pussy. He licked his lips, eager to please this young lady. She convulsed as his breath blew over her vulva. He smiled as her eyes pleaded him to stimulate her, make her cum. A wish he was ready to grant as his tongue plunged into her womanhood. She gasped as he swirled his tongue inside of her. He spared no pleasure with her and tried to make her cum as quickly as possible. Just to tease him she stifled her urge with her own willpower, to make him eat her as long as possible, but he didn't care. He drank her juices with little hesitation. It wasn't much longer until she couldn't hold out. Her orgasm literally rocked through her body. Her cum poured out so fast that he couldn't drink it all. Her sheets were becoming soaked in her orgasmic fluids. It took several seconds for her to calm down and stop convulsing.

"That... was intense." She managed to say as he moved back to her lips.

His cock teased the entrance of her pussy as they made out even more heatedly. His hands exploring her furry figure and her paws digging into his hairless skin, causing red marks to appear. This was much more intimate then their time in her office. He didn't rush and cherished every moment of foreplay with her. Their moans were not hindered by worries of prying ears. They were free to express their love in private, public displays be damned. They didn't owe anyone anything.

His penis moved into her folds slowly. He was treasuring every moment, every sensation, every sound that they shared. He began to thrust hurriedly into her. Her muscles worked him as he did so, their lips parted only to catch their breaths. The fire in their eyes was unmistakeable, the need for each other. The love they still shared. The pleasure of the others company. His movements were frantic now. Eager to cum inside of his lover. her pussy milking his cock, begging for his seed. Something he would not deny her. He hilted himself inside of her and let loose. His cum poured into her womb, it was enough to push her over the edge as his warmth filled her. She convulsed wildly under him and her juices poured around his penis. He smiled at the fact that he could please her so much.

After they both caught their breath, his dick was getting flaccid as he lay next to her. Their kissing still resumed in their post-orgasmic bliss. She pulled away and looked to him lustfully.

"We're not done yet." As she moved back down to his spent cock.

"I don't think I got anymoHOore!"

She began to suckle on his penis and almost instantly it began to engorge itself. She stopped for a moment.

"We haven't done my favorite position yet." She continued to suck his growing manhood.

She was insatiable. He reached his hand in between her legs and toyed with her dripping cunt. She moaned as she licked his now fully erect member.

"Think you got one more in you?" She asked with an innocent smile.

"Gods, I hope so." He replied.

She turned around and bent over, waving her rump in the air and her tail waved expectantly. He got up and leaned over her, putting his arms around her. His penis was waiting to plunge into her. If she wanted to be fucked like an animal, then he would fuck her like an animal. He didn't hold anything back as he began to plow into her. She nearly screamed with pleasure at his relentless thrusts. Her womanhood was massaging his cock ferociously. The sound of him slamming into her sex was drowning out the moaning at this point. Sweat dotted the entirety of his body and Isis was panting like a horny bitch. It was to much for him, he could feel his balls tighten and his cock twitch. She was cumming as well, her whole body was shivering and her juices were running around his pulsing cock, running down her thighs. His seed poured into her already stuffed womb and seeped from her stuffed pussy. His vision blurred as he came down from his orgasmic high. He fell off her and kept her in an embrace, keeping his penis buried within her. Not wanting to pull out.

It was a long while before they finally calmed down enough to talk.

"That was much better than last time." She said as she snuggled up to him.

"I agree... I nearly passed out this time." He said with a chuckle. "Thank you for loving me, Isis. No one else has." He paused. "I love you."

She smiled sweetly and kissed him. "I've never wanted anyone else the way I want you." She whispered. "I love you too."

After a couple minutes of relaxing, her fatigue got to her and her eyes closed lightly. He smiled at her cuteness and ran his hand through her soft fur. She was truly a sight to behold, her figure was desirable if nothing else. He wondered what his family would say if he told them of her and their relationship. Even if they demanded him to stop, he would ignore them. This is something he would have, no matter what they said. Losing a family was as easy as getting one.

Suddenly Moss felt a pain in his lungs. Like metal shards were in them. He got up as quietly as he could and made a dash to the bathroom. Stifling his urge to cough until he got to the sink. His breath exploded from his mouth as he tried to cover his mouth. This had been occurring regularly for a couple weeks, but this one hurt like hell. He couldn't control this one. It felt as if it was tearing through his throat. It took several seconds for it to finally cease. He struggled for breath as he looked into the palm of his hand. There were specks of red along it. His eyes widened in horror.

"Gods, no..." He stammered as he washed his hands hurriedly. His mind panicked and a single tear came from his eye. This was a death sentence... for his latest sin no doubt.

A voice popped into his head, it was quiet and calming, feminine even. Do not worry my child, this will not be what takes you.

He looked around himself, trying to see a sign of any eaves droppers. He heard that psychic Pokemon could talk into the minds of people. He had it done to him once before, it was similar. Whose there? How dare you enter my mind without permission! He thought back.

Nothing came to show itself, but the voice entered once again. I am no Pokemon. She insisted. You are important in the things to come. You need to be ready for it.

He was becoming angry and impatient. Look you! I don't know who you are but I do not want to play your mind games.

The voice maintained silence for several seconds. I want to help you, child. Keep this incident to yourself if you want your loved one to sleep well. He is coming, your friend must leave soon if he hopes to save us. You however have something you must do afterward. I am in the hallway, come and speak with me.

He was eager to oblige, he wished to see the face of the one who invaded his mind. With a scowl he made his way quietly back into Isis' room and dress himself. Just pants and a shirt would do for now. He tiptoed to the front door and made his way out, shutting it behind him. A Human woman covered in some sort of armor stood but five feet away from him. The only skin he could see was the lower half of her face and long blond hair coming from the back of her helmet. She stood one inch taller than him. Her presence was calming.

"Who are you?" He demanded.

Her lips smiled. "I am a sister, a daughter, and a mother." Her voice was almost musical. "I have come to give you all a fighting chance."

He gave her a curious look. "What?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"A war is very near. I am going to ask you to do something for me during that time. It is vital that you protect Teya at all costs."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Whoa, just hold your horses there lady. You can't just come in here and start talking nonsense, expecting me to know what you're saying."

"Once the Assembly launches their attack in the morning, you will know I speak the truth. Qagan will leave, and Teya will be left with you, it is important that she survives. The Char from the crater is a threat to you all."

He was speechless. This woman was absolutely insane.

"What do I have to do to convince you that this is the truth?" She asked.

He thought about it for a second. "Uhm... Not sure that you can. How do you know of the Char?" He asked.

"He is a creation of my brothers. I know what he is capable of. It bodes ill for you all if this doesn't work."

He remained silent, this women knew something that she wasn't telling. "Who are your brothers?What are you hiding from me?" His glare was relentless, demanding more answers.

Her friendly smile turned into an angry frown. "Do not trouble your mind with these things! I am asking you to protect Teya. Can you not do this?" She said angrily.

Suddenly a chill flowed through him. He felt fear surge through his mind. "I most certainly can, Mother!" His mouth blurted. He covered his mouth and took steps back. He did not intend to say those words. So why did he?

"Stay out of my head you bitch!" He accused. "I am no puppet!"

She gasped in surprise. "I... I'm sorry." She said weakly. "I will not do it again."

He stared at her in anger and in wonder. "What are you? No human has mastered the psychic abilities like that."

"Look," She said, ignoring his question. "I'm asking you as a total stranger to watch over someone you care for. Will you do it?" Her voice was soft and pleading with these words.

He didn't understand why she cared, but his mind told him to come up with an answer. "I will." He said simply. "If for some reason Qagan were to leave her, I would offer my home to her."

The women smiled once more. "Your heart is kind, Ryan."

He looked surprised. He knew it was her mind reading again, but it was still unsettling. "Please stop that."

She giggled and simply vanished from the hallway. Moss knew he should have been surprised, but he figured that the whole ordeal was just a hallucination. His heart was beating fiercely and his lungs still ached. He walked back into Isis' room and shuffled to the bed. He lay down next to Isis and wrapped his arms around her. He closed his eyes lightly and the shadow of death hung heavy in his mind. Her fur calmed him a great deal. A familiar voice entered his mind once again.

Good luck.