Twists and turns of fate and fur -Part 2-

Story by Brodec on SoFurry

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-=Part Two=-

I was cuddled up to a wolf twice my size as he slept, I was badly hurt, or atleast I hit my head really hard and didn't seem able to think very straight. I had my paws wrapped around that sleeping wolf's massive sheath, pumping slowly.

I never felt so frisky in my life, I had never much cared for males, always having held deep, hidden fantasies about not my male class mates, but the male animals around the farm. I felt his breathing change, and saw his eyes open. I was afraid, almost certain he would rip my throat out at that very instant. Instead, he started panting, and licked at my muzzle. I felt him slide out of his sheath, slick and oily, the fresh musk of him making me shiver as it filled my nose, his tip sliding threw the fur of my tummy.

I couldn't beleave what I was doing, as I fondled and rubbed him, paws gliding over his twitching, swelling doghood. I could feel my blood rushing, my already wet lips growing plump and pink between my lets, the scent of my own lust filling the air and clearly driving him onward. He started licking at my face, at my breasts, wetting me with his saliva.

Finally, he pulled away, standing up and circling around me, nudging at me with his nose, his shaft throbbing and pulsing under him. I watched as a long rope of sticky pre squirted from his tip and splashed to the stone floor, he was panting and drooling. I knew what he wanted.

It hurt, just trying to move hurt, but somehow I managed to roll over and lift my backside. There was no way I could hold myself up properly, so I just bent my knees under myself and lay on my chest, hard nipple pressed to the cold stone floor. I felt his hot breath over my needy snatch, then groaned, his big, wet tongue sliding over my virgin cunt.

I was in tears, from pain and humiliation, but I still wiggled back against that tongue, panting lustfully between gentle whimpers. I could feel his breath over my wet flesh, making my hips twitch, my tail flag high. My paws reached under my collapsed body, fondling my breasts as I waited for the inevitable, for my virginity to be taken from me by this beast. He surprised me, not jumping on my back at once. He licked me slowly, over and over, drawing whimpering, whining sounds of want and lust from my muzzle, making me drip sweet juices down his muzzle and my thighs.

When that tongue finally stopped assaulting my trembling cunny, I looked back just in time to see him jumping onto my back. He thrust wildly, and I groaned in pain as he slammed himself against my ass, cock poking me roughly here and there, bruising my plump backside before finally sinking into me. My jaw went loose as I wailed, clawing at the stone, that four inch thick cock slamming into my virgin passage.

I was lost in pain for the moment, as I felt my tiny sex spread lewdly around that invading dog cock, my eyes were wide and my voice hoarse from the pain. I was twitching around him, bucking and shaking almost violently. Not that he minded, his hips were presses against mine, his balls nestled against my thighs and his sheath bunched up against my dripping, sore cunt. I tried to pull away, but it was hopeless.

His hips started moving then, fast and hard, slamming him in and out of me with all the speed and force he could muster. I was forced down against the stone, my breasts squished painfully under me, my toes curling and back arching, my body responding to the rough, painful breeding as it was designed to, it was clamping down and trying to make that huge, powerful male breed it. I was powerless, I was his.

Slap after slap, his balls swinging aginst my tummy and clit, send waves of humiliating pleasure up my spine, making me tremble and gasp, making my toes curl and my wet cunny drip and squeeze around him. I couldn't hold back my wanton moans any longer, the pain almost totally faded into pleasure by then, the feeling of that thick, pulsing cock spearing into me again and again, his knot rapidly growing, popping lewdly in and out with each thrust, grinding against my clit and making my eyes water with the intensity of the pleasure. I lost track of the little climaxes that racked my body, as I moaned and sobbed, the red proof of my maidenhood dripped down my white furred thighs, and I knew I would never leave that cave again.

Finally, after I was fucked almost beyond my limit, my head swimming and my wet puss sore and streched, I felt his knot finally stick, holding him tight against me, tugging wonderfully inside of me. I had never imagined such pleasure, even when I had pleasured myself, the tug of that knot made me howl, the feeling of him humping against me, short and fast, balls slapping my clit with every thrust drew out my orgasm for minutes, messy white wolfess cum dripping down my thighs and pouring from his balls to the stone under us.

Shortly after, I heard him howl above me, an my eyes went wide, then rolled up, my whole body going tense as I was bred! I felt his thick cum splashing over my cervix, flooding my womb, and realized at once that I would bear this animal's pups. He turned around, lifting my knees off the ground and suspending my entire lower body from that tie as he stood, up, I hung, arms and breasts on the floor, tummy, hips and thighs suspended by the knot pulsing in my cunt, my tummy swollen visibly by the mess of cum filling my womb.