
Story by fringerunner on SoFurry

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Merrick slowly walked along row after row of cages. Moon foxes, ice wolves, darklings,... This exhibition really had everything. He had started in pedigree hall, where all the exhibits were prim and proper, trained to perfection and totally relaxed. He assumed their breeders could afford the calmers. Well, he definitely couldn't afford any of their merchandize.

After crossing two more areas with animals that seemed to get more and more agitated, he had arrived at the very end. It was called the outlet, but in truth it was hardly more than a dirty pit full of runts and rejects that would probably be put down before the fair was over.

He felt sick not only at the smell, but the very idea of keeping creatures that were at least semi-sentient under such conditions. When he was about to turn and leave as quickly as possible, his gaze brushed over a cage that hung suspended from the ceiling, where it dangled slowly as the inhabitants obviously tried to get out of it in any way they could.

Yellow eyes seemed to bore into him and shiny white claws poked through the bars. There were three darklings inside, he noticed them by the reduced light around the cage, that left the inside almost black as night. For some strange reason, they were completely focused on him, sniffing the air and giving him hungry looks.

He wanted to tear his gaze away, but somehow he couldn't. It was the whimpering though, that finished him off. It seemed to tear at his heart, ripping away every last shred of reasoning. He just had to take these home with him, he knew it with absolute certainty. Just like he knew this as one of the darklings' many talents.

His breathing grew labored as three minds worked against one. Then a mouth opened to reveal sharp, white teeth and ran its long red tongue over the bars of the cage in a way that was suggestive in the extreme. His eyes bulged as all three of the females began to rub themselves to the walls of their prison, giving him a perfect view of... well... everything.

Darkling girls had basically the same anatomy as humans, but they were covered in thick, black fur and only grew to a height of roughly 4 feet. They also had long claws, sharp teeth, eyes that would make children scream for days and an aura of darkness around them, that would even give grown men a shiver. Still, they were obedient pets, if you knew how to deal with them. Generally it involved lots of sex.

The three females suddenly stopped their assault on his senses and just stared at him, still clinging to the bars and whimpering even more loudly. When he thought about it in earnest, he noticed that his mind was already made up. He wanted them. There was any number of reasons: His like for furry girls, especially darklings. They would die if he didn't take them.

Last but definitely not least, here was his chance to get three horny beauties for close to nothing and he could barely believe his luck. Oh, how he would look back to that thought and groan about his own naivete. Not that he ever regretted it for real, but this day definitely changed his life thoroughly and irrevocably.

The salesman had given him a look in which greed mixed with pity as he took his money and handed him the ownership certificate. When Merrick had wanted to take them out of the cage, he had protested though. In the end Merrick had agreed to have them shipped to his home before at 7pm on the same day and left contentedly. Strangely enough, his new pets did not protest him leaving. There was even a hint of satisfaction and anticipation in their gaze as they stared after him, licking their chops.

Merrick spent the afternoon shopping for pet supplies. Different brushes, fur shampoo and a large package of calmers. After all, while he relished the thought of spending much quality time with his new pets, he did not want to die from exhaustion before the week was out. Lastly, he bought three shining brass link collars. They actually cost him more than he had paid to get the girls out of that hole and looked more like necklaces than items for pets.

He arrived home just in time to see the large truck from Xeno Deliveries back into his driveway, then two men unloaded a crate with dozens of big airholes onto the lawn. He gazed into one of them and confirmed the contents. The delivery men hurried away, obviously all but eager to be present when he would open the container. By the time he had pressed his thumb to the Authentikey port, the truck had already vanished around a corner.

They did not pounce him as he had at first feared they might. Instead three pairs of drousy eyes stared into his as the half-sedated females staggered out. It did make sense though. Transporting living animals without drugs just made them restless and could lead to trauma, he knew.

He walked up to them and they each grabbed hold of an arm or a trouser leg. That way they all made it back to his house, where the girls could muster just enough strength to climb up and collapse on his sofa, with him underneath the lot of them. All of the exitement had left him exhausted as well and, seeing as nothing much would be happening for some time, he fell asleep together with them.

When he woke, it was already dark. He felt unpleasantly hot and sweaty with three furries on top of him. Sometimes one of the girls groaned and twitched in her sleep. Something rustled in his lap. He tried to move, but his hands seemed to be clamped somehow. The girls groaned again, this time more loudly and the pressure on his hands increased. There was also some kind of liquid running between his fingers.

Before he could fully comprehend the situation he gasped loudly. Three pairs of yellow eyes illuminated the darkness. Hungry and determined eyes, if not unkind in their own special way. Two of the girls were rubbing themselves using his hands, while the third had sneakily opened his pants and extracted his manhood to give it a quick lick. This was going to be a very long night.

to be continued...

Just a little quickie I wrote to pass the time. If you guys like it enough to vote/comment, I will continue from here to the more juicy details of their life together :-)