Then darkling dog starts to rip out the tentacles which throw hanger into a panic. hanger sets his mecha on self destruct before attempting to grapple with darkling dog.
Timothy in the dark - Episode 02: Der Darkling
Tim senkte verlegen den blick und der darkling kicherte leise. „na schön. unterschreib' das!" wie aus dem nichts hielt ihm der darkling ein zusammengerolltes stück papier vors gesicht.
Wolfriders - I. Chosen
He had been hunted by darklings and wolves outside and now he was in another darkling's cave and pretty close to mating her. was it this darklings would hunt men for? had he gone into a well-prepared trap?
Moondust Madness
The remaining three bikes and darkling dog race up the sides, the trio veering left while darkling dog goes right. whirling a bola over his head darkling dog takes careful aim before throwing it at the three.
Timothy in the dark - Episode 06: Ein neues Leben
„verzeihung, darkling.", erwiderte der riese und bewegte sich zur seite. die beschaffenheit der halle unterschied sich von den tunneln.
Timothy in the dark - Episode 09: Der Tod eines Dämons
Der vernarbte darkling drehte seinen kopf langsam wieder zurück und starrte unbeirrt an die decke.
Timothy in the dark - Episode 08: Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
Gleich darauf begann diese wieder zu verblühen und der darkling führte sie schnell zu seiner nase, schloss die augen und sog den sich ständig ändernden geruch ein.
There was any number of reasons: his like for furry girls, especially darklings. they would die if he didn't take them.
Stones in the Pond - Chapter Two
Psylash and darkling lay together at the other end of the couch. i paid little attention to what was going on. i was too busy mulling over darkling and psylash's strange behavior.
Stones in the Pond - Chapter Three
And psylash were ecstatic, nuzzling and grooming the kit so much i was worried they would hurt it.â when at last their greetings were done, darkling lay content as it suckled at her tummy, feeding for the first time on its mother's milk.
Timothy in the dark - Episode 07: Eine traumhafte Zukunft
, rief der darkling und grinste tim an. „das wirkt schon ein wenig verzweifelt, findest du nicht?", lachte tim. „leck mich!", erwiderte der darkling und rannte weiter. „später vielleicht."
Darkling Caught
darklings weren't meant for love, her mother had taught her.