A Vulpix's Desires 4

Story by 2vdog on SoFurry

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#4 of A Vulpix's Desires

hello once again... I've been having some serious writer's block lately, so I hope this story is sill decent quality. If it's not, I'll try to step it up for the next story! Also, this story is extra long, with the Adult content in the middle because I didn't want to split it into one adult story and one important clean story that everybody may not read. As usual, this story has adult content, so don't read this if your under the legal age, and please enjoy!

Plusle and Minun usually told each other everything, but neither of them was willing to admit they liked what they saw Poochyena do. They were however, willing to constantly relieve themselves to thoughts of Poochena's relatively large shaft, thoughts of stroking it, lovingly kissing it's sensitive tip, having it inside them, loving every moment of it. One particular day while Minun was relieving herself earlier than usual. Mew was in Brandon's room, trying to ignore the sounds of Minun's moaning as she pleasured herself in every way she knew.

Mew sighed. Minun was too caught up in her own business to know it, but the sun had just began to rise. Casting a beautiful orange and yellow glow over everything it could reach, and sending a beam of light through the window of Brandon's room. Of which Mew sat daintily in front of, sighing as she watched the human she adored stir slightly. She knew it would be at least a hour before he finally woke, but Mew always used this time as an opportunity to admire every detail of his body, or at least that which was not hidden by his thick comforter. The peaceful look on his face, some of his decently toned upper body. he let out a prolonged groan as he sat upright, causing Mew to hold her breath hoping she wouldn't be seen. Then after he looked at his bedside clock, he laid back down, resulting in a sigh of relief from Mew.

It's not like Brandon had forbode her from being in his room, but Vulpix made it clear that she would not be sharing the room with any more Pokemon as soon as Mew arrived. Mew knew that if it came down to it she could easily beat Vulpix in a fight, but violence wasn't in her nature, and she was pretty sure Brandon wouldn't be happy to see her pinning Vulpix against the floor. (Even if she did deserve it.) So she continued to watch in hiding, knowing that as soon as Brandon left his room he was fair game.

As much as Mew adored Brandon, her impatience got the better of her. After hearing Minun's increasingly loud moans for another half an hour, Mew's resolve broke, and she flew off to watch the free show. But she ended up disappointed as she arrived just in time to watch Minun clean herself up and go back to sleep. Slightly heavy hearted, Mew plopped herself down on her favorite chair. Sinking into whatever the marvelous cushion was stuffed with and pulling the television remote from the coffee table a few feet away and to her side with a simple nod of her head. Mew sighed, followed by a content smile, she had just learned of her psychic powers a mere week ago and was loving the new options it gave her.

Mew mindlessly flicked through channels for a few minuets before she finally reached the one she was looking for. Brandon had subscribed himself to several "Adult" channels after he got his own house. Just like her powers, Mew only discovered these amazing channels a while back, and was loving them, but for much different reasons. Mew leaned back on her chair, levering her cute bottom up and exposing her already excited sex to the open air. Mew usually watched these shows much earlier, but hearing Minun had made her extremely aroused and her mind was too clouded by this arousal to care if anyone caught her. In fact, Mew kind of hoped Brandon would catch her, maybe then he'd catch on to what she wanted from him.

Back to the movie... Because Mew usually watched these channels much earlier, she typically only caught the first few minuets of some movie before she reached climax and turned the television of for fear of someone catching her. Since she started late though, she was pulled right into the action as an Absol rammed his maleness into the young and beautiful Vaporeon beneath him. Mew jumped a little, not expecting to see that so soon. Mew did however, find herself worlds above as aroused as she got during the fore play that she usually couldn't get past, and Mew quickly ended up teasing her entrance with her tail. Mew was rubbing herself furiously as she watched the Absol's growing knot push in and out of the Vaporeon's needy sex, until finally it was too large to fit inside.

Mew had finished rubbing herself at this point, and had moved on to shoving the bulb of her tail in and out of her nether regions, moaning and pretending it was the long, thick shaft of the Absol she saw on screen. Mew finally lost it when the Absol shoved his entire member knot and all, deep inside the Vaporeon. Both Mew and Vaporeon cried out in pure bliss as they were filled entirely with there respective object. Mew watched the Absol's seed spurting out of the Vaporeon's sex, obviously being far too much for the Vaporeon to handle. Mew finally came down from her orgasm after ten minuets, just in time to watch the Absol's member finally become small enough to be pulled out, and the two pokemon's mixed seed spilled all over the floor. Mew found herself becoming aroused all over again as the Absol now moved behind the Vaporeon, lapping up the liquid off the floor and then moving on to cleaning out inside the Vaporeon's sex. Mew watched, slowly rubbing herself was the Absol licked every bit of there mixed juices from Vaporeon, before moving back to the front and kissing her passionately.

"Isn't it a little too close to morning for you to be doing that?" Mew jumped in surprise at the sound of someone else's voice. To her relief it was just Poochyena. "you damn near gave me a heart attack!" Mew shouted, furious at him for ruining her moment. Poochyena chuckled "just doing my job" he said in a joking tone "anyway, I just thought I'd warn you that Brandon's in the bathroom. So you might want to turn that off." Poochyena gestured at the television. Mew swiftly changed the channel, realising what Poochyena had seen. "I have no idea what your talking about!" Mew said with a mixture of stubbornness and defensiveness. Poochyena chuckled again before heading upstairs "Whatever get's you through the day darling. By the way," he continued "apparently were going to the beach today." Poochyena finished before returning to his room. Leaving mew flustered and angry.

... Brandon gathered everyone into the living room. Mew blushed as she realised Brandon was sitting in the same place she had pleasured herself no less than five minuets ago. "Alright guys, you've all been acting different lately." Everyone gulped, hoping their trainer didn't know the true reason why. "So I'm going to take you all top the beach to get some fresh air and meet some other Pokemon!" All the Pokemon sighed in relief before cheering in an attempt to make him think he got it right. Brandon smiled to himself, before setting of with his Pokemon in tow for the beach.

It took a good hour to reach the beach, but it was definitely worth it! Unlike most days the beach was empty, which was especially surprising because it couldn't be more beautiful. This of course made it all the better for Brandon and his Pokemon to enjoy themselves. Plusle and Minun made a mad dash for the water, competing to see who'd get there first. Plusle managed to make it to the water not a second before Minun did, and promptly preceded to splash her sister in the face to prove she won. This quickly broke into a full scale splash fight with the twin sisters giggling the whole time. Vulpix watched them before sighing. She had no idea how they could be so content out of there element. Vulpix herself, was absolutely terrified of the water and refused to set foot in it.

Vulpix instead set her gaze to Brandon, who was preoccupied playing with Mew so there was little chance of her getting caught if her eyes wandered. Vulpix quickly decided they needed to go to the beach more often as soon as she saw Brandon in his swimsuit, his whole upper body uncovered and nothing but a pair of thin swim shorts hiding his privates, which to Vulpix's joy did quite a poor job of. She continued to focus on only one part of Brandon as he stoked Mew's back, Mew clearly focused on the same thing Vulpix was.

Poochyena and Eevee were off by a small cliff, preparing a competition on who can make the biggest splash. Eevee backed up, right before he was about to leap off the cliff into the water, Poochyena casually brought up what he caught mew doing this morning. This received a startled "What?!?!" from Eevee before he lost his footing and did a belly flop into the water. Poochyena laughed before running down to check if his friend was alright. Luckily nothing of Eevee's was damaged except his pride as they postponed there diving contest to gossip about this new subject.

Meanwhile, Mew's advances towards Brandon were quickly becoming more and more sexual. Mew would brush her tail up against his crotch, sit on his lap and rub herself against him, and it was driving Vulpix crazy with jealousy. Once mew started playing with the elastic for Brandon's swim shorts that was the last straw. Vulpix marched over, grabbed Mew by the scruff of the neck, and pulled her out of Brandon's view. Brandon was confused but decided it best not to interfere.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Vulpix demanded in a hushed yet angry tone, "What ever do you mean Vulpix?" Mew asked coyly, smiling innocently. "Don't you give me any of that!" Vulpix snapped "and on a god damn beach of all places." "It's not like there's anyone here." Mew said, before realising she had ruined her innocent routine. "Ah-ha!" Vulpix shouted "You do know what your doing!" Mew sighed before retaliating "So what, I know what I'm doing, that's not going to stop me from continuing to do it." "no," Vulpix said with more venom in her voice than she thought possible. "but I will." Mew giggled, causing Vulpix to blush in embarrassment. "Now that, I'd like to see. Just face it, Brandon and I were meant to be together, you cant stop true love." Mew said mockingly before turning and floating away.

Vulpix was furious! With more energy than she knew she had, she shot a massive pillar of fire at mew, sending her crashing to the ground and winning the attention of Brandon and all his Pokemon. "You bitch!" Mew screamed, her eyes glowing neon pink and a massive storm arriving from no where, pelting everything with heavy rain. Vulpix gulped, instantly regretting what she did. Mew pushed her small hands forward, sending a powerful ripple of kinetic energy at the offending Vulpix. Vulpix jumped to the side, the wave missing her and blasting a huge amount of sand into the air. Vulpix got an idea from this, and charged mew, then at the last moment Vulpix ducked underneath her hovering figure, skidding and sending sand straight up, temporarily blinding the small psychic Pokemon.

By the time Mew regained her sight, Vulpix was nowhere to be found, she scanned the surrounding area before hearing a muffled sneeze, and sending another kinetic blast it the general direction. To her pleasure, this attack was a direct hit, sending Vulpix flying up into the air before mew caught her from several yards away and with a flick of her wrist, sent Vulpix flying into the storm ravaged sea, only realising what she had done once it was too late. The last thing Mew saw was Vulpix being completely submerged by the water before she passed out from overusing her powers. Vulpix didn't get the luxury of seeing one last memorable thing, all she could see were rough waves before her lungs filled with water. Brandon however, saw everything, he would be lucky if he ever stopped seeing it. His first Pokemon stolen from him by harsh seas, he didn't know what to do. For now, he didn't speak. He simple picked up mew, and walked home in silence.

Well there it is! I hope you liked the story and the little cliffhanger at the end. I didn't really want to do a Pokemon battle for fear of leaving out those who aren't fully up to date on Pokemon, so I just described the attacks and let those of you who love Pokemon to figure out what the were. Please feel free to comment, rate and like if you enjoyed and I hope you have a wonderful day!

A Vulpix's Desires 5

Hello once again everyone! I'd like to start off by thanking all of you for the 1000+ submission views. It really means a lot to know people are seeing my work! Remember, this episode has adult content, so if your underage I can not be held responsible...

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Twin's Desires

Hello again. Instead of the usual stories I do , I've decided to do a bit of an "origins" story. It's still based on "A Vulpix's desires ([http://www.sofurry.com/page/310675/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/310675/user))" but it's about how Brandon...

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A Vulpix's Desires 3

Hello once again! Let me start by saying thank you to every one who offered support, it really means a lot! Second of all, this story is really adult, with more sex scenes and a bit of suggestive behavior from Vulpix. So if your underage you really...

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