A Wolf in the Hand...

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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A Wolf in the Hand...

By Apollo Wolf

[email protected]

The following story is a work of complete and utter fiction. It's not real, it's not even possible (sorry to burst your bubble). It contains intimate acts that are homosexual in nature, If you object to this (why are you here) or are not of legal age to view such filth you are commanded to stop now and go scrub your eyes with a wire brush to remove all after images of the word homosexual.

Andy and I have always enjoyed camping out together. Ever since we were little kids right out in the backyard. Now that we are in high school and recently got our driver's licenses we've increased our ability to get away from the city. So when he asked me if I wanted to go camping one weekend last fall, I jumped at the chance, little did I know how much one little camping trip could change my life.

"Hey Jason!" I turn towards the shout coming across the locker room. It was early in the week after football practice and I was in the process of striping of my uniform and pads, halfway done I stood there in my jersey and jockstrap as Andy walked up. "Jase, guess what. I got my dad's truck this weekend... you wanna go camping?" "Sure I'll go, " I answer almost immediately. As Andy started going over some of the details, I couldn't help admiring his strong and smooth body, seeing as how he was only adorned with a damp towel hanging loosely around his hips.

Andy was only 16 as was I but he stood a full six inches taller than my 5'9'' frame. He was 178 pounds of solid muscle and it showed, from his well-defined six-pack abs to his broad shoulder and muscular neck. His thick bond hair was wet and tousled from just getting out of the showers and kept falling into his amazingly deep blue eyes.

I wasn't in to bad a shape myself, but I had to work out like a madman to maintain a state he seemed to reach effortlessly. He hardly ever worked out and ate mountains of junkfood. Now I had always had an attraction for Andy but since we were best friends I never pursued it for fear of loosing a great buddy. Oh sure as young adolescents we wrestled around or compared the size of our cocks and stuff like that but nothing ever came of it. Never the less I had to turn toward my locker as I felt my dick begin to harden under my jock as I stared at Andy.

"We can leave right after the game on Friday," I could hear him say. "That sounds good, so where are we going?" I glanced over my shoulder just as he adjusted his towel and caught a glimpse of his beautiful meat and smiled inwardly. "Oh I thought we'd head out to Bear Creek State Park to... shit hey I'm gonna be late for work, I'll call you later about it." He gave me a quick slap on the ass as he turned to leave. I continued to hide my erection as I watched him walk away.

The rest of the week passed by fairly quickly. Andy and I would discuss the details for the upcoming trip every chance we got. Come Friday afternoon we had his dad's truck all packed up and ready to go. After our football game (we lost in overtime), Andy and I skipped the showers, quickly changed clothes, and took off for the State Park.

Once there we got a good size fire going and each set up our own small one-man tents. Andy pulled the cooler out of the truck and tossed me a beer from the stash we obtained using my fake ID. And was wearing a pair of sweats and still only wore his jockstrap underneath which only made his already impressive bulge more obvious. I kept trying not to stair be he looked so damn hot.

We spent the evening around the fire getting more than a little drunk, telling jokes, and bullshitting over just about everything under the sun. At some late hour we both agreed to call it a night. I staggered off to me tent and once inside, I fell more than laid down and was quickly out like a light.

About halfway through the night I awoke to some noises out in the campground. Thinking it was Andy up poking around I got up and peered out of the tent. Outside it was dark as pitch but I could still make out a figure much to large to be Andy moving off through the bushes on the far side of our campsite. I stepped out of my tent into the crisp night air, belatedly becoming aware of the fact that in addition to being shirtless; I had no shoes on, as my feet became moist with the heavy dew coating the grass. I padded over to Andy's tent and slapped the side whispering, "Hey Andy, get up. There's someone out here."

Not wanting to loose whomever it was moving off through the bushes, I didn't wait for a reply and made off for the tree line. As I made my way into the woods I realized, out here at night I could easily get lost and wished I had thought to bring my flashlight. Almost in answer to my unspoken request the moon emerged from the cloud cover and when my eyes had adjusted to the dim light I was able to see fairly well. I still heard the intruder moving through the brush but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. Deciding I was getting to far away from camp I gave up and turned around to head back.

Suddenly there before me blocking my path, was a monster. I stumbled backwards in shock and fright. I couldn't believe what I saw, right in front of me stood what I could only describe as a werewolf. An actual living breathing werewolf! It had the head of a wolf with its long muzzle, pointed ears, and piercing golden yellow eyes. The rest of the body was roughly human only larger and it was covered hear to toe in thick gray fur. It had sharply clawed hands and stood up on its canine feet, its tail flicking back and forth behind it.

It just stood there, staring at me unblinking almost looking right through me. Some part of me recalled the werewolf movies I had seen and wondered why it wasn't snarling and slavering, ready to slash at me. Just then it gave out a low growl. I turned to run but didn't get far. It sprang and tackled me, knocking me to the ground. It lay sprawled on top of me its weight preventing me from moving. I could feel its fur covered chest pressed into my back. I was still waiting for it to attack when I felt its cold nose sniffing at my hair. It then started to lick at my ears and neck.

Still puzzled I belatedly came to the conclusion that it was a male as I felt a large bulge pressed against the side of my ass. It sat up on my legs and I turned to look over my shoulder. It had a clawed hand raised high into the air and ready to strike, I quickly buried my head in my arms and leaves beneath me and waited for the killing blow. It never came. I heard the monster growl then it swiped at my waist and ripped my sweatpants to shreds without touching my skin. My confusion as to what was going on quickly disappeared when I felt his plump furry sheath press against my butt.

He moved back slightly and through my shock and amazement I felt him licking at my anus. I started to struggle under its weight, but it growled ferociously and I lost my nerve and stopped moving. It continued growling as I felt it place the warm moist tip of its erect cock against my hole. He kept a constant pressure on my anus and I whimpered slightly as he forcible slid his maleness into me.

Once again he lay down on top of me and began to lick at my neck. I could feel its fur against my skin and winced as I felt his cock pulsing in my ass. He began to thrust in and out with slow short strokes after every inward push it felt as if his cock was getting bigger and he was pushing deeper into my guts. With one last thrust he something large seemed to slip into my but along with his dick, I screamed in pain and the great beast with its cock firmly planted in my ass, howled. It quickly started humping me very fast, each time ramming me with more force, driving me into the leaves beneath us.

I grunted in pain and could swear my rectum was going numb. Then he rammed into me with incredible force and howled his prick spasmed inside of me as wave after wave of his hot cum filled my innards. After its monstrous orgasm had finished it virtually collapsed onto my back. The creatures penis was still rock hard and throbbing in my ass. I lay there motionless as it panted heavily in my ear.

Why wasn't it pulling out, when's this going to end I asked myself. After a few minutes it tried to pull out but I screamed out in pain as it felt like he was pulling me inside out with his dick. It only growled at me but stopped pulling and lay back down on my back again. I was almost grateful for the for the warm fur coat as the night air was feeling quite cool against my bare skin. A few more minutes passed and it tried to pull free again. This time there was virtually no pain as his cock came out of my ass with a small slurping pop. I sighed in relief but clamed up as the creature grabbed one of my shoulders and rolled me over onto my back. It sat back down on my stomach straddling my torso.

Not wanting to stare into its wolfish face, I looked down and found myself gazing at its hugely endowed tool which I could see bobbing above my chest in the dim moonlight. It was an impressively thick, pink and moist piece of meat. The tip seemed to be slightly pointed with no head and was still dribbling it's cum. As I looked down its length I could make out a large bulge almost the size of my fist where its cock disappeared into its furry sheath. All together it looked to be about 12 inches long from tip to sheath.

Without knowing why and seemingly unable to control myself I reached up and grasped its cock with my right hand. The werewolf stopped panting and groaned with pleasure, it started to wag its tail, which in turn tickled my own cock and thighs. I slid my hand down along its entire length and caressed its throbbing bulge before touching the amazingly soft fur that cover the sheath and balls.

I started to knead the ball sac with one hand then grasped the bulge with the other and slowly milked the massive prick back up to the tip. I continued to jerk it the wolf off until it tensed up and growled. I let go and its cock became iron hard as it orgasmed again, its seed spurting forth and covering my face and chest. I inadvertently licked at my lips and tasted some of its spunk. It licked the rest of its cum off my face then suddenly leapt up and ran off into the woods.

I lay motionless on the ground for a time still trying to come to grips with what had just occurred. I heard the great beast howl off in the distance and decided to get back to camp...fast. I picked up the scraps of my sweats and ran back quickly through the dark woods. Andy's tent was still undisturbed so I just went into my own tent and flopped down on my sleeping bag. My ass was burning and throbbing from the rough fuck it had received.

As I lay there thinking about what had happened I found myself growing hard. Once again I seemed to loose control of my senses and just started to beat off my straining member. In no time at all I started to cum. It had to be the largest load of my life; it shot in the air nearly hitting the roof of the tent then landed with a splat on my chest. I rubbed my cum into my chest along with the drying wolf seed and continued to pull on my cum slicked cock. I orgasmed once more than fell into a deep sleep filled with may erotic dreams.

" Hey Jason, get your lazy ass out of bed. You've been asleep all morning!" I awoke with a start at the sound of Andy's voice. At first I thought the events of the previous night where all a beer induced dream but as my head cleared the soreness in my ass and my cum covered body told me otherwise.

I slipped out of my tent and avoided Andy as I went to the bathhouse for a quick shower. When I got back to the campsite I asked Andy if he had herd anything strange last night and he told me no. He kept prodding me along, as he wanted to get out hiking, I protested slightly but he won out and we were quickly out exploring the park's trails.

By midday it was getting unusually warm for that time of year and both Andy and I were now hiking shirtless. After a quick packed lunch we came across one of the parks more secluded lakes and before long had striped down to our briefs and plunged in for a swim.

As I floated along on my back Andy swam up and dunked me. We roughhoused for quite a while, I started to become aware of the hardon I was growing in my jockeys and kept down in the deeper water.

Andy just took this opportunity to jump up on my shoulders. I could feel the bulge of his own cock pressed against the back of my neck, I tossed him off and we wrestled around some more. Then Andy's arm brushed against my raging hard on and he stooped dead still. He looked at me with a strange confused expression on his face.

" Are you getting that because of me?" he asked.

Thinking I was going to loose my best friend I didn't want to look at him and stared down into the water and started to apologize,

"I'm so sorry Andy, I didn't..."

"Hey Jase, don't worry about it its cool."

I could scarcely believe what I was hearing. I could see him smiling in his reflection on the water. He reached over and took my hand then placed it on his crotch. I was surprised and elated to fell his own dick was quite rigid as well. I stood there staring at him and holding his dick through his underwear.

He pulled me close to him and we embraced standing in the waist-deep water chest to chest. I pressed my lips to his and time seemed to stand still. We kissed passionately as only long time friends and newfound lovers could. I felt his tongue against the roof of my mouth and enjoyed tasting him for the first time.

We parted and stood there staring into each other's eyes searching through our mutual arousal and intense emotions looking for what to say. Our arousal won out and we didn't say a word as we made our way to the shore and lay down on our earlier discarded clothes.

Andy lay on his back and wanting him like never before I peeled off his wet CK briefs and released his beautifully long cock. I stroked him a few times and could see Andy smile in approval. After licking some of the oozing pre-cum of his head I plunged my mouth down around manhood. I went down on him until my nose brushed against the nest of short curly hairs at the base of his prick.

Massaging his shaft with my tongue I bobbed in and out on Andy's dick as his hips started thrusting into my face. Before long Andy Shuddered and moaned as his meat jumped, pumping his sweet juice into my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could but some still leaked out the side of my mouth. I pulled back off his stiff rod and lay down next to him. We kissed again and he licked the remaining cum off my lips.

"My turn," he said smiling.

I kicked off my own underwear as Andy moved down to my crotch. He kissed my engorged head and swirled his tongue around my glans, making me moan as waves of pleasure hit me. I ran my hands through his thick wet hair as Andy worked my pulsing cock. Before long I orgasmed and Andy swallowed my gift to him. We just lay there holding each other for quite some time.

"I've wanted you like that for so long Andy," I confessed.

"Me too Jase. I wish we would have done this a long time ago."

He gave my cock and affectionate squeeze. We got dressed and made our way back to camp. We spent the evening talking about all the times we could have been together and that night we slept in the same tent.

The next day I woke up feeling incredibly ill, probably from the swim in the cold water the day before, I figured. Andy didn't really want to go but he was real understanding so we packed up and headed home. He dropped me off at home and helped me unload my things.

"This was a great weekend Jase," Andy smiled at me as we stood at the back door.

"I had a great time too."

He kissed my cheek then turned and walked down the driveway. I felt warm all over but I wasn't sure if it was a fever or Andy's kiss. I went up to my room, stripped down, and got into bed. I spent the rest of the day in an uneasy sleep broken up by strange dreams, fever, and chills.

I still felt like shit the next day so fortunately my mom let me stay home from school. Andy stopped by after football practice but, much to my mom's disappointment, did not bring me any of my homework. He looked so hot just standing there talking about practice I suddenly found myself becoming hard.

Andy seemed to notice the rise in my sheets and just smiled, " hey man how 'bout we wait until you're feeling better."

"I guess I better go, see you later," He gently patted my expanding crotch then walked out shutting the door. I tried to go back to sleep but my piece was still rock hard. I felt a tremendous need to cum and reached under the sheets to jerk off, however, I quickly pulled my hand away in shock for instead of the bristly pubic hairs my hand brushed against soft fur.

I sat up and threw off the sheets and gasped. My cock had completely changed. My scrotum was covered in soft light gray fur that extended up onto a thick furry sheath. I actually had a sheath! It extended up my groin and attached almost up to my navel. And jutting proudly from this was my dick. It was dark pink and moist and had a pointed tip that was dripping with pre-cum. A bulge was forming at the base then slowly slid out of the sheath, in all my cock looked to be about 10 inches long.

My mind flashed back to the werewolf that raped me over the weekend and realized my dick looked almost exactly like it's did. I tried to tell my self that this wasn't real and this wasn't really happening but I couldn't deny the intense erotic urges radiation from my groin. I found myself becoming very turned on by the sheer size of my new equipment, I grasped it in my hand and shuddered at the intensity of the feeling. My hand slid easily over the slick smooth skin and before long the bulge swelled and I moaned with the intensity of the orgasm. Copious amounts of semen exploded out of my cock and quickly coated my chest.

I lay there breathing heavily for a while but then got up and made my way to the shower. Washing the sheath was difficult with out becoming aroused but I managed to control my self. I got out and dried off and went back to bed. As I drifted off to sleep I realized I felt much better.

I awoke with a start the next morning. I could here my mom calling to me asking how I felt.

"I feel great, mom," I shouted back truthfully.

I got up and groggily went down the hall to the bathroom. I vaguely remembered some of the strange dreams of the previous night. I dropped my shorts to use the toilet and nearly fell over in shock. Shit! That wasn't a dream! I still had the fur covered sheath and balls. I splashed my face with water from the sink to clear my vision but the plump sheath remained. I heard my mom call up the stairs to see if I was OK.

"Uh... yea... I'm fine, " I stammered.

This was definitely a problem you don't tell your parents about. I remembered I still had to piss and as I thought about it the pointed tip of my cock started to slide out of its home. It was a little awkward trying to aim but not too difficult. I stood in front of the full-length mirror on the door and studied my naked body for any sign of additional changes. Fortunately there weren't any, but my dick had started to become erect as I looked myself over.

As I turned my mind to how to deal with other problems such as going to school, my woody retreated into the sheath. I heard my mom shouting at me to get a move on because there was no way I was missing school again today. I went to get dressed and discovered that I couldn't were most of my jockey shorts because my new sheath poked uncomfortably above the waistband. I settled on a pair of lycra compression shorts I usually only were under my football uniform, but it was the only thing that I could wear comfortably and it helped keep my bulge under control. I managed to make it out of my house without engaging in too much conversation with my mother about my health.

School was no breeze though; I found myself constantly dwelling on my transformed genitals and was getting spontaneous erections all day. Andy wasn't helping things either. He looked just as hot as ever and every time I'd see him in the halls my cock would spring to life. Fortunately the day passed quickly and before I knew it, it was time for football practice. Somehow I got into the locker room and into uniform ahead of everyone else. I also made up an excuse for the coach so he would let me leave a little early.

Andy seemed to go out of his way to tackle me during practice and the constant contact of him landing on top of me was starting to grow unbearable. Near the end of practice Andy came after me again and knocked me flat on my back, he lay on top of me pressing his crotch into mine.

"So what are you doing tonight?" he whispered.

I thought I was going to pass out I was feeling so horny. Fortunately I was saved by the whistle as coach signaled me that I could go. Not wanting Andy to know about the strange new appearance of my dick I just shoved him off and didn't look at him as I jogged into the locker room. Once inside I sighed with relief. I took off my jersey and shoulder pads and was about to drop my game pants when I heard the door open. I looked up to see Andy walk in, his cleats clicking on the concrete floor.

"Jase, what's going on. I something wrong?" he asked as he pulled off his jersey and pads.

"No, man. I'm fine," I stuttered and turned to face my locker.

He walked up behind me and held his groin against my butt. I could feel his warm bare chest against my skin. He reached around my torso to caress my pecs. I shuddered with arousal, I was so turned on and wanted him so badly, but as he slid his hand down to touch my bulging crotch I quickly pushed him away.

"Andy I... I can't do this right now OK." I leaned against my locker and almost felt like crying.

Andy just smiled. " Jase, here, I got to show you something."

He unlaced the lycra pants he was wearing and pulled them down.

"Let me guess, you've got one of these."

He pulled down the bike shorts he had on and I could hardly believe my eyes. He had a wolf cock, too! I stood there slack jawed just staring at his fur covered sheathe and balls. I could feel my own tool spring to full hardon. He walked over to me and again took my hand and placed it on his dick.

"Is this what's been bothering you?" he asked smiling.

I held his plump furry sheath in my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze and his cock responded by emerging from its hiding place.

He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Come over to my place later tonight I have more to tell you."

He kissed me briefly on the lips, his cock had returned to his sheath and he laced up his pants, threw his pads back on and ran back out to practice. I stood there dumbfounded for a moment then removed my own pants to reveal my own raging wolf cock. I continued to change clothes as my mind raced. I could hardly wait for night to fall.

That evening I rushed through my dinner and the homework my mom insisted I do. Then I changed to go over to Andy's house. I skipped the underwear and threw on a pair of nylon warm-ups. The walk to his house seemed to take forever as my excitement and anticipation grew. As I walked up the drive I noticed that both his parents cars were gone, leaving the place just to the two of us. Since it was like a second home to me I just walked in the unlocked back door.

"Hey Andy, I'm here," I called out.

"I'm in my room, come on up," his voice drifted back.

I went up stairs to his room; I walked in and heard him in his attached bathroom. I looked around at the clothes lying on the bed and posters on the wall. Suddenly, many of those posters with there pictures of football players in tight pants took on new meaning now that I knew Andy had the same thoughts about them that I did.

"Hey Jase, why don't you make yourself comfortable and I'll be right out."

I noticed his voice seemed to be deeper and raspier but it could have just been that he was talking through the door. I sat down on the bed and tossed a pair of his underwear to the side.

"OK Jase, you ready?" His voice was definitely deeper this time.

My excitement and arousal was nearly bubbling over and I could feel my cock begin to creep out of its sheath. I heard the bathroom door open and looked up. My eyes went wide with shock and I fell off the bed. There, looming large in the bedroom stood the very same werewolf that had attacked me the previous weekend. I jumped back along the floor as it spoke.

"Surprise." It sounded like Andy! "Jason, its me."

I stood up against the wall as I felt like my senses were failing me. My mind raced as it tried to process what my eyes and ears were telling me. The wolf-man padded over to the bed and sat down.

"Jase, listen to me, it's OK, I won't hurt you."

I stepped a little closer to him.

"How...how... what...what are you." I stammered.

The wolf gave me a look I had seen many times on Andy.

"Well duh, I'm a werewolf stupid."

I was starting to feel a little more at ease so I sat down next to him.

"So that was you... last weekend?"

Andy put a giant paw on my shoulder and I winced, so he backed off a little.

"Yea, uh... that was me, but let me explain. Werewolves aren't like they make us out to be in the movies, we don't kill and eat people and stuff. We're just a higher evolved species, some say we're mutants."

I was in shock; my best friend was a mutant. And he raped me!

"So why did you attack me Andy."

"Well, the thing is the mutation isn't spread by a bite like on TV, but is..a.. transferred... sexually. That's why your cock changed. The mutation has started but isn't complete yet. The transformation seems to have emotional bonds too. That's why I took you the way I did. I love you and if the feelings turn out to be mutual you can change."

I couldn't help but feel a little aroused as Andy laid things out for me and my eyes kept wandering down to his massive sheath.

"Are you saying that I'm stuck with my dick looking like this if I don't agree to become a werewolf?"

"No if you don't want to continue it will change back in another couple of days, but Jas. I wanted to share this with you."

He sounded disappointed and almost whimpered as if I had rejected him already. I smiled and placed my hand against his soft furry chest.

"Andy, I think its cool, I wanna do it!"

He seemed to smile at me through his wolfish muzzle then gave me a big lick across the face.

"So how does it work?"

He stood up then pulled me up as well.

"Like I said, its done sexually, First the cum starts the transformation but you didn't get enough the first time."

I could tell he was getting excited too as his penis started to extend further from his sheath.

"Well," he continued, "you need to ingest some more and then you need to ....to tie with me to complete it."

I kicked off my shoes and unzipped my jacket.

"What do you mean, tie?"

"You know that bulge your new dick makes? It's called a knot and when you fuck it gets kinda stuck for a while. That's tying."

"Oh. Is that why you stayed in for so long that night?"


I dropped my pants and stood there naked, my cock standing at attention. I was rather nervous, as part of me couldn't believe what was happening. But mostly I was in awe of Andy's incredible wolf physique and I tingled at the thought of being like him. I heard Andy speaking again,

"Jase, you're gonna love this... the transformation feels great itself. Also, as a werewolf your metabolism increases so you can eat what ever you want and all you gain is muscle."

His tail was wagging back and forth excitedly as he lay down on the bed.

"So now what?' I asked nervously.

He let out a short barking laugh then said, "Well I did most of the work the first night, now its your turn," nodding to his still expanding member.

I crawled up on the bed between hi out stretched legs and reached down to stroke the incredibly soft fur on his thighs. As my hands steadily moved up to his groin Andy began to pant heavily as his long tongue jutted out the side of his canine muzzle. I placed my hand around his sheath and felt the knot forming at the case of his massive pink moist cock. I stroked down gently and even as the bulb popped out, clear pre-cum began to seep forth in a steady stream. I easily slid my hand up and down the smooth flesh, then leaned in close and licked at the tip. I was a little surprised at how good the salt tanged fluid tasted to me.

Andy began to whimper and could barely contain his arousal, my own was becoming evident as I felt my cock creep fully out of its own furry sheath. I liked my lips and hungrily dove down on him, gently massaging his knot with one hand and reaching the other up to rub his fur covered chest. As I bobbed in and out Andy began to thrust his hips up grunting and growling. I could feel his cum filling his expanding knot while I worked him over with my hands and mouth.

Before long Andy howled as his cock exploded with cum. My mouth filled with his seed as I swallowed and still it kept coming. I had to swallow three more times before his orgasm quit. Andy lay there panting as I climbed off the bed, my head was spinning and I felt weak in the knees and yet my cock was hard as a rock and glistening with pre-cum.

Andy yipped at me while he rolled over on the bed and got up on his front paws and knees. New instincts took over and I jumped up onto the bed behind him. I stroked the base of his tail then moved it aside and place the tip of my boner at his asshole. I took a deep breath then slowly pushed my way in, mounting him. I nearly blacked out as intense pleasure swept through my body. The sensation of my hard dick sliding in and out of his tunnel was like nothing I ever felt before.

I started to thrust harder and harder until I felt my bulbous knot slide in and I could swear I felt my cock grow bigger and harder. Out of curiosity I pulled back slightly but sure enough I was firmly stuck inside Andy. I grabbed a hold of his furry hips and stated humping furiously.

After a few minutes of this I started top notice a strange sensation on my backside. Each time I slammed into Andy I felt a slight jabbing sensation at the base of my spine. I looked over to my right at the mirror on the wall. As I stared at the reflection of myself riding Andy, a long furry tail started to emerge from my skin right above my ass.

After a moment my new tail was fully-grown and wagging frantically as I turned my attention back to Andy. I pushed into him one last time as my cock tensed up and shot its load. I could feel the orgasm ripple through my whole body as I came again and again. I felt every muscle flex and stretch as I looked back over at the mirror to see fur sprouting from my arms and legs.

Unbelievably I was still cumming as the fur spread across my torso, my muscles enlarging as my form continued to change. My hands cramped up as they grew claws and became wolf-like paws. Likewise my feet where lengthening and changing shape. I could feel my face tighten as my nose turned black and began to push away from my face as a muzzle formed. My ears grew larger and pointed. I came in one last giant load and howled, as my senses seemed to explode.

I could smell the male musk rising off Andy and I, as well as a hundred other smells in his room. I could hear the traffic passing by out side and Andy's exhausted panting which I soon realized I was likewise doing. I looked back over at the mirror and saw an image of one giant wolf mounted atop another. It happened, I was a werewolf. I felt incredible but tired as I rested on Andy's back.

"That was great Jase. I didn't realize how awesome that would fell. " Andy grunted.

"Yea that was the greatest thing I ever experienced," I panted my voice deep and raspy.

After about fifteen minutes I was able to pull my knot out of his butt. Unbelievably I was still hard as I padded over to the mirror to examine my new body. My fur was extremely thick and soft, a slightly darker gray that Andy's. All my muscles seemed to have grown larger as well and overall I just felt powerful.

"I think I'm gonna like this Andy."

I looked over and he was standing by the bed still quite hard himself. He motioned me over and I walked up to him and planted a kiss on his muzzle. Andy then shoved me over onto the bed, landing on my back I yelped in surprise but before I could move Andy was on top of me shoving his dick into my ass up to the knot. He pushed in put I didn't notice any pain as the fur on his abs was stimulating my own still aroused rod. He pumped away for a few minutes and came at almost the same time as I did. He lay atop me and we licked at each other's muzzle, my cum working its way into our fur.

"I love you Jase." Andy whispered as we lay together.

"I love you too, and this body. So now what"

"Well... you want to go camping this weekend," he smiled.

We spent the rest of the night fooling around with each other before Andy showed me how to change back to human form. We both still go camping together, but we take muck less gear, we share a tent and use much less clothing. That and we now share the prize for best costume two years running at the high school Halloween party.

Comments and suggestions are truly appreciated!