Chapter 4: Too Human - The Great Dragon Escape

Story by DarknessWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Too Human Pal

"Come on Frank, I'm telling you the truth really please we need to borrow you're car," I pleaded desperately to a rather annoyed and stern looking Frank.

"No you're no borrowing my car to go and rescue some stupid dragons from the stupid Bristol stupid Zoo, not after what happened last time!" he shouted back at me looking even more angry.

"Oh come on it was only the once and you've got to admit the fire was pretty cool!" Well it was you should have been there it was like a bonfire.

"You didn't have to push it into that ravine!" He yelled right in my face.

"It put out the fire didn't it!" I had him now because that was true and he knew it.

"There is no way on this earth that you are going to borrow my car and that's final!" He was the very opposite of calm and I could tell that it would be difficult to persuade him otherwise since his mind was already made up.

"I'll buy you a beer," Victory is mine!

"Yeah all right, but only on one condition," he subdued to my mighty persuasion techniques.

"What's that then,?" I asked with a somewhat concerned look on my face.

"I get to come with you," he demanded. It was worse than I could ever possibly imagine, him and Jenny in a small confined space for hours was an omen in itself.

"Okay... sure we would... ummm love you to come," I stammered reluctantly. Everything in my body said NO but I knew I had to do it. I left Frank to watch the end of Scrubs, which I had interrupted to talk to him. I found Jenny waiting in my bedroom led comfortably on my bed. Okay that was the easy part, now for the hard part.

"Good news Jenny," I put on a wobbly smile, I wasn't making the illusion that this was going to be easy.

"What your asshole of a friend finally let us use his car," she said in a bit of a huff.

"Yeah, but there's also some bad news," I tried my best to break it to her gently.

"That prick is not coming with us!" she bellowed in a baritone most commonly suited to those with a hangover. How do they do it? Women say they can't read minds but I'm sure they can.

"Come on Jen, if he doesn't come with us then we don't get to use his car," I begged quite pathetically at her on my knees with my hands together.

"Then we find some other way of getting to Bristol," she was not budging. I'm a genius I know exactly how to get my way around this one.

"I'll make it worth your while," I whispered into her ear with a cheeky smile. Her angry expression stayed the same. I bit lightly at her ear tickling up her arm affectionately and nuzzling her slightly with my nose. Her upside down smile became more of a neutral look as I began to bite over her neck.

"Okay he can come," she gave in changing her expression to a seductive smirk. Sometimes it can be just to easy, it's nice to think that one of us blokes can finally use sex as a bargaining chip against woman and not the other way around. Frank would be so intently wrapped up in Scrubs for at least 20 more minutes so there was time for a quickie.

I already knew I wouldn't be getting any but that didn't bother me, not much anyway... man I am a bad liar. She led down face first on to the bed and undid her trousers allowing me to strip them down to her ankles. Her panties were soon to follow the furry decent to the bottom of her slender legs. She lifted her tail up high then pressed against her back. I knew what she wanted and was only too happy to oblige to her wishes. She spread her legs apart allowing me full view of both holes of which I knew she wanted some attention for both. Leaning over her with a hand placed between her soft legs I found her fleshy parting already moist with anticipation. I immediately went for her clit making small circles with my middle finger. She purred lightly obviously enjoying the stimulation to her most sensitive area. Utilising my thumb, which was perfectly positioned with her tail hole, I pressed on to the puckered hole. This got even more of a good response as both holes were being played with. It would have been awkward for all concerned if I went in further with my thumb so I just stayed to rubbing the outside, which still gave her pleasure anyway. I could see and hear she was relaxed and at the same time loving it.

Now that the external four play was over with I could go a little deeper. I momentarily took my hand off her crotch allowing me to reposition. I was now able to sink two fingers into her pussy and use my other hand to play with her bum again. She moaned audibly in pleasure gripping onto my pillow and hugging it like she would me. I said I'd make it worth her while and I was about to keep my word. Removing the two fingers I had securely in her cunt I replaced them with twice that amount burring them as deep as my thumb. That wasn't all, I used my free hand to penetrate her tail hole with only two fingers which was enough for such a tight orifice. She cried out at the feeling of having both her pleasure zones being fully filled and clawing at the pillow once more. My hands were like two pistons working one after the other, as one set of fingers exited the others would enter. I wanted so much to take her now, otherwise I might just shoot in my pants.

"I want you Pal, I want to feel you inside me," she talked through moans looking back at me with an expression of pure lust. Not one to say no in such a situation I quickly withdrew my over worked pussy fingers so I could simply remove my trousers. Jenny looked back once more and let out a pleasured whimper when she saw my approaching cock. The fingers were readily replaced with my already stimulated shaft. It was a wonderful feeling being able to slip in so easily and still get a response from Jenny. Continuing to penetrate her tail hole I rammed into her with a lot of force. Letting out a light groan of my own I could feel everything tighten. Her butt and cunt seemed to suck me inwards drawing me further down her tingling holes. She climaxed spectacularly ripping several holes in my pillow and screaming so loud I was sure Frank would have heard it. I was not yet ready and only fucked her harder and faster increasing my own pleasure and also her orgasm. We breathed heavily together as if the air had been completely removed from our lungs. That familiar feeling rose up in my cock vibrating it and making me finally unload my seed. Taking a moment to come down from my orgasm all of my tensed muscles relaxed. Pulling out I fell at her side and looked with one eye at her who had a huge smile.

"We're going to have to think of away to blend me into the crowd," she commented knowing full well that she would stand out a mile.

"No worries, all you need to do is cover up any furry bits, wear a hat and pretend you're wearing a mask, trust me there will be other people wearing masks at the zoo so you won't look conspicuous," it was as simple as that. It took some considerable time to clean up and clothe but it didn't really matter.

If there's something Frank loves, other than sex, it's a road trip. He's like a puppy before his walk bouncing up and down like a loon. For me this trip is going to seen like a few hours of hell but for you the time will just fly by.

We arrived at the main gates of Bristol Zoo, which had hundreds of posters of the two dragons we are here to rescue. Frank was driving so he parked up a few blocks away. The queue was enormous, even though the two dragons were only visible in a small temporary cage people were still queuing for miles just to get a look. Jenny had done what I suggested and dressed up in a massive thick raincoat, a sun hat and a pair of blackened glasses. I must say if you didn't know it under that lot you wouldn't know it. It's just a shame that it's the hottest day of the year, she may not look conspicuous but she sure does look crazy.

"You look like a detective," Frank giggled making another humorous observation of her clothes.

"Button it asshole or I'll do it for you," Jenny snapped back at him harshly. We all disembarked the car and headed for the at least 2 hour long queue.

"Well what do we do now?" Jenny asked looking at the long line.

"Don't worry Jenny, I'm British, I know how to queue," I said holding my head up high being proud of my British origins that enabled me to be good in a queue.

"Come on hurry up don't want to be here all day, look there's a window not open why don't you do what you're paid to do and open it up... for shits sake hurry up!" I shouted along with the noisy crowd waving my arms around violently.

"Pal quick look that windows opening up, lets go!" Frank shouted panicking and pulling at my arm. We legged it over to the newly opened window with no line. Hell yes that's what I'm talking about first in line screw you lot we're going in. We paid at the booth and entered through the gift shop none the less. Mostly the entire zoo was deserted and numerous signposts pointed us in the direction of our lost comrades. We finally came across the huge crowd of people surrounding the large cage.

"How do we get through that lot and look, they've got security guards posted all around the cage," Jenny whined in a defeated tone.

"There are some advantages in being a police officer," I smirked holding up my police badge. True I had no authority over these security guards, but they don't know that. We waded through the zombie like crowd pushing and shoving our way until we reached the centre.

"Okay just play it cool and follow my lead," I spoke to them quietly but clearly. I walked with confidence to the first barrier and stepped over it holding my badge up into the air. One of the security personnel walked towards me and I flashed him my badge making sure he did not have time to read it.

"I am detective Barn and this is detective Door," I pointed to Jenny who tried to keep her head down to hide her face. The guard looked at me a little dubiously but didn't suspect anything as his attention was turned to Frank who was standing to my right. I noticed this and thought I better say something.

"Oh him, don't worry about him that's just Frank," I said quite dismissively.

"I'm sorry but know member of the public is allowed past that barrier, " he said firmly pointing to the metal barrier we had to step over to get this far.

"Hey whoa that's not a good idea you do not under any circumstances disallow Frank into a restricted area, ask the other guy who said no to him," I intentionally sounded a little bit frightened of him myself.

"What other guy?" the guard asked squinting at Frank who stood there with an inept look on his face.

"Exactly," I answered him holding out my arms from my sides.

"Okay I'm going to let you in," he cowardly opened up the velvet rope line and allowed us access to the cage. Me and Jenny entered first with Frank closely behind, I think I freaked the guard out a little as he sort of stepped back when Frank crossed his path with a mean look on his face. All three of us stepped up to the metal bars of the prison and the guard stood just behind us.

"Could you please allow us 5 minutes alone with the specimens," I asked politely in an authoritative tone. The guard gave us one last look and turned around walking away to presume his post. The two dragons were indeed heavily sedated and I wasn't sure if I could wake them without arousing suspicion.

"Pssst... Hey you two its us Pal and Jenny, you remember right?" I whispered into the cage. The larger one stirred and moved his large head in my direction. He must have had quite blurred vision as it took him several moments to realise just who we were.

"Pal... Jenny... wow you don't know how good it is to see you guys, look what they've done to us! We're in chains god damn it and they're talking about clipping our wings!" he sounded really agitated and I don't blame him.

"Look shut up will you, we've come to break you out of here," I was a little annoyed myself but I kept my voice to a dull unnoticeable whisper.

"Oh geez it's about bloody time quickly undo the lock," he said frantically trying to lift himself off the ground but couldn't because of the tranquillisers.

"Not now you dumb ass, later tonight," I called back into the cage with rolling eyes.

"Okay you better or otherwise I'm going to eat someone if they come near me with that damned cattle prod again!" he hissed keeping it to the bare minimum in noise level.

"Look just act like you're asleep and they won't sedate you again," I told him or it would be somewhat of a difficult task to shift a tone of dragon.

"So what are your names or otherwise the writer is going to have to keep calling you 'the two dragons' for the rest of the story," I asked questioningly as none of us new their names.

"I'm Marv and that lump over there is Harv," he pointed to his soundly snoring friend.

"We'll see you later tonight Marv," I said reassuring him that he wouldn't be spending the rest of his natural born life in a metal box. We stepped back from the cage and passed by the guard who gave us a casual nod, which we returned, except Frank who snapped his teeth at him making the guard jump backwards.

Later that night, we had waited patiently in the car all day waiting until the Zoo closed and it got dark. Six hours I had to listen to them two like squabbling children, six whole hours of bickering. If I wasn't already a little bit nuts I think this would have turned me crazy. However, the inevitable did happen and it did finally get dark leaving only a few night watchmen and us.

"Okay here is what we're going to do, I've got the wire cutters so I can cut through the outer fence, Jenny you're on look out and Frank you're on look out as well," I thought it would be simply enough.

"Oh hell no am I sitting in the dark with this fuzz ball!" He protested crossing his arms and looking away.

"Oh dear what's the matter baby, afraid of the dark?" Jenny taunted him in a mock whinging tone.

"Alright that's enough both of you! You'll each be given separate jobs after I've cut through the fence, happy," I shouted in a whisper gleaming my authority over them. Without any further protest we left the car wearing balaclavas, well stockings. There was nobody looking as we approached the main fence sneakily making as little noise as possible. I began to cut the fence with a loud twang at each metal strip. That wasn't the only problem; Jenny and Frank were not doing their jobs.

"So what if I'm afraid of the dark, you probably would be to if you couldn't see in the dark hairball!" he rasped quietly to her with an angry look.

"Stop your crying mommas boy!" She did not appreciate his description of her.

"Shut up you two and keep a look out for fuck sake or I swear I'm turning these wire cutters around!" I had to keep my voice down; never the less it was still pretty loud up against theirs. It did the trick nicely as both of them shut up and looked at their appointed end of the fence. I finally managed to cut my way through the fence and crawl between the incision. Frank followed me with little difficulty with his slender physique. Jenny on the other hand had a little bit of a problem.

"I'm stuck Pal my fur is caught!" she panicked trying desperately to tug and pull herself away from the sharpened fence.

"HAHAHA! That's a classic, oh man I wish I had a video camera this is priceless!" Frank cried out nearly in tears of laughter, he totally forgot were he was for a minute and laughed uncontrollably.

"Fucking shut up dick face it's not funny!" she shouted back at the hysterical Frank rolling around in the grass. I tried my best to unlatch her fur from its tangled position but it was not giving up without a fight.

"I could have sent it into the world funniest animals HAHAHA!" He laughed again cupping both hands over his mouth to try and contain it. Jenny was not making this any easier on herself as she tried to pull herself free so she could tear Frank apart, which in turn just tangled her fur more.

"Who's that over there!" a voice shouted from a fair distance away. It was obviously a watchman who had over heard Frank laughing his ass off like a prick.

"Quick! Get me untangled!" she hurried me, which really didn't help.

"Stop pulling then!" I barked back at her trying desperately to free the knotted fur from the fence. The last few clumps were undone and we rushed towards the nearest cover, which just happened to be some bushes. The watchman arrived just to late to see us floundering about under a fence. He shined his torch on the spot where we had just been and didn't notice anything unusual so he went back to his post. We were all breathing heavily but I must say that was quite a rush and a bit of a turn on I must admit. We crept around the Zoo silent as ghosts, well I was silent but those two were a different story.

"How can you get stuck under a fence," Frank still wasn't letting it go and was continuously taunting poor Jenny.

"How can you get that ugly and not have a bag over your head," she snapped back at him.

"You can talk! I mean how are you going to fit into our world? You look like a bloody fox for crying out loud!" He was getting really personal now and that was not something you say to Jenny.

"Well I'll do it a damn sight better than you have!" she shouted back at him losing control of her voice.

"Actually, not to side with anyone here but she has got a point Frank," I butted in hoping to put him in his place and maybe get some peace at last. Finally he shut up now maybe this stealth operation could be a little stealthier. Being pitch black it was difficult to see which did present a bit of a problem if you want to know where you're going. Fortunately, we have Jenny on our side and after her little tiff with Frank she was able to guide us in the right direction. We easily found our way to the cage, which contained the two dragons.

"Hey Marv, Harv wake up it's Pal," I whispered looking left to right to make sure nobody had heard. Marv, the larger green scaled one, rolled over with sleepy eyes blinking slightly as he came round.

"Pal you're a diamond mate have you got the keys?" he asked a little wearily wobbling a bit as he stood up. Marv kicked at his napping friend who stirred with a loud yawn.

"No need for keys when you've got a set of these," I've been waiting years to use that one. Anyway, I pulled out of my pocket a large set of skeleton keys.

"Where did you get a set of skeleton keys," Jenny asked inquisitively obviously intrigued to why I would have them.

"Another advantage of being a police officer," I smiled trying the first key.

"I didn't think the police service issued skeleton keys," she said a little confused.

"They don't but I didn't say I was a good police officer now did I," I smirked trying another key. Jenny just shrugged her shoulders completely agreeing with me, I'm not sure if I like that response. This was taking longer than I expected and the silence was actually boring me, yeah I know I'm a hypocrite so don't even bother pointing that out.

"So what have you been up to lately?" I asked Marv trying to start a little conversation.

"Oh you know eating sheep, being captured, locked up in a cage and being shipped around this bloody country for about a month, what about you?" He sounded quite sarcastic even though that is actually what happened to him. I was just glad to have a normal conversation for once, well as normal as it gets for me.

"Living in solitude, eating copious amounts of pizza and finally meeting up with Jenny," I explained retuning the sarcasm, even though that is actually what I had done for the past three months. The large metal lock finally gave in and clacked loudly releasing its hold on the bars.

"Okay right you're free now lets get the hell out of here!" I was talking a little bit louder to suit my state of mind which was, 'oh god oh god what do we do now?' It was not going to be easy to sneak two 9 foot tall green dragons out of a Zoo and we couldn't just dress them up in a large raincoat either and call it a disguise.

"So what do we do now we're bound to be seen," Frank said panicky fidgeting a lot and looking around.

"Well we could always... no we don't have any of those... hmmm... or those... or that... okay is there anything we do have?" I was seriously stuck for answers and eventually somebody is going to notice us so time was not on our side.

"I've got it! What we need to do is get someone to create a distraction drawing the guards to them the rest of us can simply walk out the door, the only problem is who's going to create the distraction?" Jenny certainly took charge of the situation and I was proud of her. Her ability to be able to think on her feet is something I have always admired about her and the way she... wait, why are they all looking at me?

"No chance no way I'm not going to be the distraction, who would believe me! I don't even believe me!" I pleaded desperately trying to state my case but my plea fell on selectively death ears.

"Oh you are so going to live to regret this!" I bellowed lowly grumbling incomprehensibly as I walked away in the opposite direction. I sulked off thinking so deeply how I was going to get my revenge I didn't actually realise where I was going. I came across a door that had 'staff only' written on it. How often is it that you get to take a peak into restricted areas? I couldn't resist taking my skeleton keys and unlocking the well-bolted door. I stepped through it closing it behind me, it didn't strike me as odd how much it looked like one of the Lion enclosures. I honestly don't know how I did it but this is me remember. I only realised where exactly I was when I saw the inhabitants of this odd looking enclosure. It's really funny how much the large brown rocks looked like lions, isn't that just the strangest thing.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed (a manly scream mind you) at the heart-pounding site. For some reason they woke up and for some even weirder reason they looked pretty angry. Screaming didn't seem to be helping the situation so I tried running, problem was I didn't know where the door was.

"NOT LIKE THIS! OH GOD NOT LIKE THIS!" I must have looked a lot like prey as I fled from them nearly in tears of terror, hey you would be to if you were stupid enough to stumble across a bunch of angry and probably hungry lions. I wasn't at all sure if they were chasing me but I really didn't care at this particular moment in time. The door yes quick, open damn you open for the love of god open! The door finally gave way and allowed me to fall out of it get to my feet close the door and bolt it. I think I created a good enough of a distraction as I only just managed to evade two of the guards. I met up with the others just out side the main gates around the corner

"Wow you can sure create a good distraction!" Marv complemented me taking note of how easy it was for them to escape.

"What happened to you Pal you're as white as a ghost," Jenny asked with an obvious amount of concern in her voice.

"Don't ask please just... don't ask," I managed to stammer through heavy panting breaths.

"Well what now Marv and Harv won't fit in the car?" Frank asked.

"Can you still fly guys?" I questioned both of them panting slightly and holding onto my knees.

"Ready and able," Marv replied chirpily as this was the first time in a month that he would have been able to stretch his wings.

"Right well it's simple, Marv and Harv will follow behind our car back to my apartment and we can sort out a more permanent plan from there," I explained calmly trying to put my experience behind me.

A long drive later, we arrived at my flat just after 4 am. There was no way the dragons would fit inside my apartment so they had to stay outside. Me on the other hand was down the local 24-hour garage picking up some beers. After the day I've just had I really need a pint so don't go judging me. Well isn't this a familiar scene, me with a bottle of Carlsberg getting pissed out of my head with a bunch of my mates. Any other person would consider drinking with a talking fox, two dragons and a complete idiot, that's Frank if you're wondering, a tad unusual but not me.

"How long does it take b-before... you become used to drinking..." Jenny slurred slumping over my shoulder. I thought for a while, which would be difficult for me even if I wasn't drunk, and counted on my fingers.

"Jenny... Jenny Jen-jenny... there is much you need to know about... ummm," the right words escaped me and I had to use all my brainpower to think of it.

"Alcohol!" Marv shouted out lifting his scaly arm holding up his bottle.

"Yes that's him... thank you Harv," at least we have somebody who does actually know what's going on, for once.

"I'm Marv," he replied lying back down on the ground. Frank had passed out a long time ago, I told him not to drink both bottles of whisky but he took it as a challenge.

"And you're a wonderful person," you see what I did there I called him a wonderful 'person' isn't that brilliant. Even when I'm drunker than a very drunk person I can still be clever.

"What were we talking about?" I slurred with a look of confusion. Harv, the smaller brown green dragon, joined his other dragon friend by falling to the ground with a crash.

"Hehehe light weights," I laughed pointing at them spilling my beer slightly.

"Yeah yeah yeah!" Jenny perked up lifting her self off my shoulder blinking one eyelid at a time.

"We need to find them a permanent home," she flopped back over me burbling lightly. I've got it! For once in my life I actually have a good idea, it's a shame we're all so pissed nobody will remember. Never the less, I am determined to sober up long enough to make my point.

"What you need to do is fly over to Australia, one new deadly creature wouldn't bother them and they are friendly people, stay low and you'll be fine. Just steer clear of Paul Hogan or you'll end up skinned on one of his walls," I felt so proud of myself. Unfortunately, everyone else had fallen to sleep so they didn't hear me, but oh well.

"I'll tell you in the morning," I rested my head against Jenny's closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep like the rest of them.

Pal will return so expect the unexpected and more in later chapters.