Prime Bearing - Chapter 3

Story by TehJackal on SoFurry

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#2 of Prime Bearing

Alexander shifts his weight, had he fallen asleep? He opens his eyes, and at once comes to his senses, his body pressed firmly to his Sisters clothed body, his crotch pressed to her butt, he was spooning her, his arms around her waist, one arm, the one trapped under his Sisters side was falling asleep. The light was even still on; he leans up a little and notices his Sister is also fast asleep. The stress of the break up too much for her, and the fact he was so comfy and warm, he passed out. He sort of remembers what they were talking about, something about school. She stirs and mutters something then lifts up her head.

"Alex what time is it?"

He looks to the clock sitting on top of his computer desk.

"One in the morning Sis."

She sits up rapidly; at once his arm wakes up, sending pins and needles. He winces and flexes his hand.

"Oh no, I hope Mom didn't notice us sleeping together. We were not supposed to fall asleep."

Alexander looks to his Sister again; he was starting to feel warm when he does. Was he supposed to feel this way about his Sister?

"I don't think they saw us or we would be dealing with them right now."

"Yeah but what if they decided to talk to us about it at breakfast or something? "

"It's best not to worry about it Sis."

She nods her head, the worry however still in her eyes. She pushes herself to the edge of the bed.

"Alex, I'm going to go to my bedroom now."

He leans over and gives her a quick hug.

"Alright Sis."

She returns the hug and slowly pulls away and stands up. She shuts of Alexander's light and quietly opens the door and slips out into the hallway.

Alexander shifts his weight and lies back down directly on his back, huffing a little. He could feel his thick cock unsheathing and tenting his pants. Wait, why was he getting aroused by his Sister? This was not good, and as much as he hated talking about things of this nature, he'd need to talk with his Mom about this. He pushes his pants down to his ankles and begins to pinch the tip of his cock head, feeling a little pre cum smear on his finger tips. He begins to stroke slowly up and down giving his cock little squeezes here and there. He grunts and picks up the pace rapidly, his hips arching up into the air as the pleasure became too much. His knot forms and he cums, it sprays up in the air a little and down onto his wrist, some of it pools between where the side of his hand presses to his cock, some of it drips down to his finger tips which drips onto his sheath. He pants out, his heart pounding in his chest from the pleasure. He reaches over for a sock and cleans up the mess before tossing the sock into the open hamper near the door. He then les back and falls asleep rather quickly after pulling his pants up, not bothering to slip under the sheets.

The next morning came rather quickly, being awoken by a push on his chest. He cracks open one eye and sees his Sisters face. He blinks and opens his other eye; her face is directly in his. He cocks his head; she also sees the questioning look in his eyes.

"I just wanted to wake you up for breakfast once as you always seem to miss it, besides I want you there if Mom and Dad decide to discuss last night with us."

Alexander nods his head and sits up, then glances down once his Sister steps back from him, he could see his Morning Woody and snatches a pillow and covers it up quickly. She giggles and pokes his nose.

"I saw that already, besides Brother it is no big deal."

She snatches the pillow and tosses it back with the other two pillows on his bed. Alexander sheepishly grins then stands up and with his Sister, makes his way downstairs to the scent of pancakes. Dad was not there, having already gone to work, unfortunately he gets no breaks. Mom sets plates for the three of them, gets the butter and syrup and sets it in the middle of the table. Alexander and Amy sit down as Mom puts two pancakes on each plate. She gets them a fork and a knife, and a set for herself before finally sitting down with them. They all prepare their meals to their tastes, halfway through the meal Mom finally speaks up.

"Kids, your Father and I are having a real rough time, and we are going to take a little break from the relationship for awhile. It is tough, and I am sorry but I think some space will even things out for a bit. He is going to rent an apartment nearby incase he is needed by us, but other than that we won't be seeing much of him. We got into a real big argument, no we are not getting a divorce, and we are in this for good just as we took our vows, however this argument is not something I desire to discuss right now, maybe later."

They both look at her stunned.

"So Dad is already moved out?"

Alexander could not hold that question in. Mom nods her head.

"Did that last night, while you two were dealing with your own stuff. Also I just want to bring something up on that matter."

Alexander and Amy both feel their stomachs full of butterflies.

"Whatever you two do is between you two. I won't ask, but the only thing I want to make clear is, Son, use a condom or Amy, get birth control, if it does not work out I won't complain but I'd rather avoid that right now."

They both blush profusely.

"Our family is close, close enough to where it's okay to help each other out in that fashion if you have no one to do it. Your cousins do it all the time; I caught them once on the couch when I was delivering some cookies this Christmas. So it is okay."

Both Amy and Alexander are shocked, they thought love between a Brother and Sister was immoral. Or so their teachers taught them in sexual education. But they were not going to do that anyways, or so they thought. Alexander nods his head and finishes his pancakes, stuffing the rest of them in his mouth. He swallows them and heads upstairs to take a shower, and try to work out his confusion. This was a different situation, his emotions stirred, he still was not sure if he should feel like this about his Sister, but she made him feel comfy for once. He also remembers needing to call Kiita as well today; he did not want her to think that he forgot about her. So once he takes care of his shower, heads to his room to dress in black cargo shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt he finds his phone, which is next to his keyboard. Sitting in his computer chair, he dials up Kiita; it kept ringing until he got her voice mail. He leaves her a voice mail asking her to call him back whenever it is convenient. He sets his phone down, perhaps he should have had called her yesterday. He turns his chair a little so he could rest his right leg on his bed and leans back in thought. So much to think about, it made his brain hurt, however his thoughts were cut into when he hears a knock at the door. He didn't feel like getting up, so he just calls out.

"Come on in."

The door slowly creaks open and Amy sticks her head through the gap. She looks to him sitting on the chair then comes the rest of the way through. Once inside she shuts the door behind her and then leans on the door.

"Alex, I need to talk to Derrick personally, he refuse to believe we are broken up, says Paw Book break ups are fake."

Alexander watches her for a moment.

"I don't think it is wise Amy. He has known to beat up women before."

Amy sighs then nods her head.

"I've been hearing that from others too Bro. However I just need this to be done and over with, and I would like you to help me with this."

Alexander stares at her incredulously.

"Sis he will kick my ass. I am weak as hell."

Amy sighs then nods her head, she begins to move to open the door but Alexander gets up from the chair and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll go anyways, because you are my Sister. And I will do what I can."

She smiles then hugs him tightly. He returns the hug and she opens the door and slips out into the hallway, he follows her down to the garage. Her car was parked in Dads spot for now. The car is a nice little two door car with plenty of zip, sleek styled body, and black. They both get into the car, Amy starts it up and she backs out, once on the road hangs a right down a side street then heads to Derrick's house. Amy pulls to the side of the road in front of Derrick's house and Amy and Alexander get out of the car and make their way to the front door. Amy knocks and while waiting gives Alexander a nervous side glance to make sure he was close by, once finding that he is she resolves herself and waits. It took a few moments but Derrick finally opens the door.

"Aaah Amy please come in."

"No Derrick, we can discuss this outside your house."

Derrick scowls then looks to Alexander.

"Why the fuck is your little Bro here?"

"Her is here to be here for me, don't like it, tough."

Derrick balls his left fist at his side and Alexander steps close. Sure he could get his ass kicked but he would do his best to do some damage before he went down. Derrick notices Alexander then unclenches his fist.

"Alright, Amy, so why do you want to break up with me? I've done nothing wrong."

She glares at Derrick for a moment.

"You cheated on me, or don't you remember?"

Derrick stares at her wide eyed.

"Oh, well you did catch me, but it wasn't real, it was a blow up doll, one of them Real Furs. Since you didn't put out ever."

Amy looks at Derrick confused.

"But I saw her she was panting with her legs spread wide on your couch Derrick, she was dragging her claws up and down your back, she was a Sergal."

Alexander cocks his head at the mention of the species. Could it be Kiita? Amy takes a deep breath steadying herself. Derrick narrows his eyes, balling up his fist again.

"I promise you Amy, it was not real. I mean I can't really prove it to you right now, she is in for cleaning."

"Convenient Derrick, I don't care if she was real or not, we are through. I am not going to put up with lies, or with odd technology. I had told you to wait, and trust me in my decision, since that is what this is about. I am through with you, since it seems to be just about sex."

Derrick responds with his fist. He punches her in the stomach hard and knocks her off the porch. Alexander catches her before she hits the cement and carefully lays her down. She curls into a ball on the cement sidewalk.

"Bitch, when you are feeling better I expect you to be back here ready to suck my cock, stupid cunt."

Alexander stands up from his Sister and then gives Derrick one of the meanest stares he could come up with. He steps up onto the cement porch and squares off with Derrick.

"Who the hell do you think you are, hitting Women?"

Derrick laughs and without saying anything throws a wide telegraphed punch that was aimed to dust the side of Alexander's head. But even a moron could understand what was going on. He ducks his head down a little and steps into the range of Derricks arm, right up against him and uses the forward momentum to push Derrick back into his house. Derrick stumbles back and trips on the rug and falls flat on his back. Alexander follows him inside; Derrick quickly gets to his feet and swings a few more times. One of the punches connects to Alexander's right side, his ribs which cause him to wince and stumble back. The rest of the punches are pushed away, as if he was moving too slowly for Alexander and he could keep up with the movements. However this was rare and only happened twice. Alexander takes a punch to the stomach, chest then side of the head and is still standing, wobbly even. Derrick had never faced someone that could take a beating like this and goes into a blind rage, swinging wildly. Punch to the stomach, both sides of the ribs, head, stomach again and forehead which stuns him and sends him back out the open door, crashing hard to the cement porch. He manages to keep his head tucked down to prevent the back of his head from smashing against concrete. Alexander moans and rolls onto his hands and knees coughing. Derrick didn't want Alexander to get back up and charges at Alexander. Alexander looks to the curled up form of his Sister, his blood boils and he could feel something in the back of his mind. He could not focus on it for very long, but when he did it felt as if he could control something. Alexander scrambles to his feet before Derrick gets to him and tries to connect with this odd sensation again, something shimmers in front of him for a moment, and it was so faint only he could see it. Alexander backs off the porch, limping as he moves; it felt like his ribs are bruised. Derrick stops in front of Alexander and pulls a gun from his belt that was tucked next to his tail. He points the gun between Alexander's eyes. Was this really it? He tries to focus again, to block out the fear, the panic.

"Whatever you are, I need you now."

Alexander holds up his hand as he feels his emotions turn to a seething, boiling rage, he felt that connection in the back of his mind expand, widen for only a moment so he could grip onto it, and when Derrick fires the gun, the bullet, when it exits veers off course away from his Sister and him into the grass. Derrick blinks, and at this time a crowd was growing outside of his house.

"Fuck this."

Derrick quickly backs off and slams his door shut. It wasn't long until the police arrive on the scene. Two black and white huskies in a police uniform along with a brown stallion in the same suit they hold the position until an armored unit can arrive. And when they do, they blow down Derrick's door and rush in. After a few moments of complete silence, except for the announcement of them being the police and to drop his weapon, they come out with him, his hands cuffed behind his back. They stuff him into a patrol car, and are off with him. The first arriving officers question Alexander and Amy. They both describe their stories on the whole situation. Alexander had to get help from Amy to the car, It took them a bit, but Amy finally felt good enough to drive them home. Once home she helps him out of the car and takes him to his room. She finds an ice pack and pulls off his shirt, she begins wipe away the blood oozing from his muzzle, nose and a cut on his forehead. She ices his ribs gently, making sure none of them were broken. In the past she used to work as a nurse's assistant so she had some very basic medical training, at least enough to determine if there are any broken bones.

For a few days it went on like this, Mom helped him out on occasion, making sure he got rest, brought him meals when he was hungry. Amy never left his side; she slept on the floor most nights, or in his computer chair. By Friday he began to feel better, and he and his Sister became very close, talking with each other as much as they could. One night she decides to try something, sort of as a gift for sticking up for her, even if it almost got him killed. She grabs Alex by his hands and pulls him to push him into his computer chair. She then turns around, blushing a little, her latest job when not on vacation is a stripper at the local club down the street, she never told anyone about it as she would feel a bit too embarrassed about it. She remembers having nightmares about her Brother showing up there and spotting her. But now she would not care if he did. She grins naughtily back at him, he watches her intently, wondering just what she is up to, as he had never seen his sister like this before.

"S-sis what are you doing?"

"Giving you a lap dance."

She looks back at him again and winks, trying to decide what kind of dance to do for him. She bends over in front of him and begins to move her ass side to side, letting him get a nice view of whatever the clothing she wore today would allow. This admittedly wasn't very much since she was wearing baggy jeans and a pink tube top today. For a moment he would not look at her ass, refused to allow things to carry on this far, but then he could not help it. Even though he really could not see all that much because of her stupid baggy pants, however he was not going to be an asshole and insist she takes them off. She looks forward again and gives her ass a nice hard smack. She moans at this to try and incite her Brother into touching, but she had a feeling he would do nothing of the sort. She reaches back with both hands and gives her ass a nice firm squeeze. He continues to watch, his eyes wide when she looks to him. Was he a virgin? She giggles to herself at the thought, because what she had in mind sort of had her taking it away. She would be doing her Brother a favor, both in taking away his virginity. And giving him the desire that he so aches for. She rolls her hips and hooks her thumbs into her pants and slowly pushes her pants down, she had her pants halfway, her thong slightly visible under her tail then her cell phone rings. She curses under her breath and pulls her pants back up and digs through her left pocket to find the phone. She looks down at the screen and notices it is one of her friends that had not called in ages.

"Meh, sorry Alex but I need to take this."

He sighs and nods his head, his cock slipped of its sheath, tenting his pants. He wanted relief, all that teasing driving him nuts. The look she gives him tells him she is sorry. She then moves out of the room to take the call. Not because she wanted privacy, but because she knew Alexander had to take care of something, and take care of it he did. After the phone call Amy had to go to work, as vacation for her ended Wednesday. They didn't open until eight but her Boss wanted to talk to her and show her a few new moves. Her boss is a very famous stripper named Caramel, which is her real name; many just call her Cara or Ara. Alexander didn't want her to go but he knew she had to. He decided to try something; he wanted to go see his Sister dance that evening. She eventually did get around to telling Alexander to come down and see her once she got off the phone before she left. He would need money if he were to do that. His uncle needed help with his computer, Alexander originally didn't want to help, but his uncle is promising one hundred and fifty dollars plus three grams of some white widow. He could not say no to that once he had talked to him through texts.


Amy was done finally learning the new stage moves and was ready to try them on stage. This was a black elongated line with a rounded tip with a pole in the center of it all with strobe lights all around, colored lights and seats. Amy's stage name was Winter Moon. She finally comes up on stage to a smooth techno beat, the strobes going and colors changing between green pink and violet. She struts sexily out to the pole dressed in a black loin cloth which exposed her ass, and a see through silk mesh top. She uses a bleach wipe and wipes the poles down before dancing on it, she bends over sticking her ass up into the air when she cleans down all the way to the bottom, then goes up again. She tosses the wipe back stage. She starts off by grabbing the pole and writhes against it, moving her form in a scintillating grinding rolling motion. She then pulls herself up and climbs the pull, she spreads her legs as she slides back down the pole, then shifts her body so she has her legs locked around the pole and arches her body back exposing every single little curve of her body. She grabs and squeezes her breasts then stretches her arms out landing on her palms. She kicks her legs back and smoothly lands on her feet and spins around and at the same time and skillfully remove her top and toss it to the stage floor. Her perky breasts are now free, her nipples perking at having all those eyes on her. She begins to dance around the stage, crawling sexily on the floor. No one in the room could take their eyes off her every move. She rolls on over her back and spreads her legs wide then groans and arches her hips up then sits up with her legs tucked under her body. She then slowly unwraps her bottom and tosses that aside as well. Now the dollar bills were starting to rest on the edge of the stage in front of each patron. It was at this moment Alexander slowly made his way down the hallway. He shows his id, he does not have a driver's license just yet. The elderly Husky at the cash register lets him in. Alexander glances around; this is the first time he has ever been here. The main entrance has a small hallway with a door to the right upon entering. The walls are using a very dark wood paneling; the walls are the same throughout the entire club. To the left of where Alex is standing the entrance to the single stage sits where he could see his Sister dancing on stage, fully nude. For the first time ever he actually took notice of her body and swallows deeply as he tries to control the sudden arousal. The Elderly Husky clears his throat and Alexander looks back to the man and sees the man pointing to a sign, ten dollar entry fee. He pays the fee and is now allowed to enter after he exchanges another ten dollars for ten in ones. He then makes his way into the nearly dark room with the techno lights blinking all around the stage. His Sisters catchy hard driving techno beat is playing over the speakers around the stage. He watches her move and dance in sinuous scintillating ways that made his arousal even worse. He grits his teeth and shifts his weight, draping his shirt over his pants so no one would see it. It wasn't long until her set was over and she picks up all the dollar bills thrown on the stage and makes her way to the back area off stage. Then a ladies voice booms over the speakers.

"Again that was Winter Moon, if anyone wants to catch a lap dance with her please go to the front and ask for her now."

A few men were starting to get up, but halfway through the announcement Alexander was waiting at the front near where he paid for her; one of the Men notices this and gives him a rather dirty look. Alexander didn't care. She comes out to see who bought a fifty dollar lap dance with her and notices it is Alex, she giggles as he hands her the ticket and she leads him to the back rooms, to one of the lounges where he could sit and relax on a couch. She pushes him down on the black couch and he looks around for a moment to catch what the place looked like. Simple carpeted floor, a night stand with a fan on it and chair across from them with painted black walls, for all its use, it looks classy. Amy slips out of her clothing right away and then begins to do what she did before hand, but this time Alex had the perfect view of that ass of hers. She waves it in front of his face and then shifts to sit down in his lap. She begins to grind back and forth on his already hard cock, pressing it against his pelvis a little. And he wasn't wearing any boxers underneath the solid mesh. So that firm ass presses up against his fat cock. His eyes go wide. Amy takes his hands and places them on her hips as she keeps the back and forth and side to side grinding on his cock. Eventually she was sort of able to get it slotted between her butt cheeks a little and grinds up and down. His maw falls open a little bit, as this was the first time for this. She looks back at him with a saucy gaze. She then begins to bounce on him causing the couch to creek a little. She glances up at the camera's, knowing they are making sure she does not actually fuck anyone. She was sure tempted to. But she didn't because this is actually a fun job when you didn't get the all too pervy client. It seemed like it just started but then the bouncer moves over to the door.

"Winter Moon your times up, and your shift is over for tonight, boss wanted me to tell you."

Deep voiced horse boomed out from the door. Amy giggles and calls out.

"Alright, thanks Dedro."


She got up off Alex and helps him up, she glances down to his tented shorts and giggles again.

"Did you walk?"

She asks him, he nods his head.

"Alright, walk down the sidewalk a little and I'll pick you up there."

Alex smiles and then nods. He makes his way out the door and starts down the sidewalk. It wasn't too much longer and he sees his Sister pull up to the side of the road and he hops in the other side.

"Thanks Sis, appreciate the lift."

She reaches over and ruffles up his hair and then smoothly pulls away from the curb to home.