The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 3

Story by Draco179 on SoFurry

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#3 of BDSM Gift

_Took much time that I thought being that the story revolves on this piece as everyone's aware and'll read. _

_Nevertheless, being my favorite scene, hope am being descriptive enough so that it can be ejoyable. Mostly for those who can accept and enjoy the odd and never before mentioned toys being used. _

_So enjoy and as always thanks for voting and commeting on this story fragment as with the others last pieces. _

In any case, after crossing a couple of aisles, the group reaches their destination. It is evident for Raze as Gustaph and the others stop, but moreover when he notices the huge gorilla that lies sitting in their path.

If it wasn't for a variety of details, the plush gorilla could fool someone as to being real. Then again why wouldn't it as the werewolf compares it and determines that it looks as almost as a real one. Its fur, expression and appearance matches to that of an actual alive ape which odds Raze as he tries to figure out the deal behind the giant stuffed toy.

While Raze ponders this, Gustaph looks at the gorilla and then at his men.

"Alright, all of you know what to do"

By Gustaph's word the lions whom have the task of carrying a certain werewolf strangely begin to move. They approach and stand aside to a toy gorilla and on the moment the felines lower and place Raze on the floor where the werewolf rests sitting in front of the ape. For him the whole situation doesn't make any sense as for what the lycan can deduce. On the moment nonetheless he observes Gustaph approaching him.

"I'm certain that you must be confused; however, you'll see what this gorilla does as soon as I turn it on"

'Turn it on' the werewolf questions to what does the bossy lion refers all while observing him moving a paw behind the gorillas' head as if reaching out for something. Almost immediately Raze notices the stuffed toy in motion, a fact supported as its arms and body move. The gorilla itself astonishes the lupine, but furthermore the toys' unusual programming is what stupefies the beast.

A pair of thick and furry arms moves up front of Raze as they engulf him and at the same time press against his abdomen. The gorillas' own paws grip and lock against each other leaving the lupine to be held against the giant toy through what one can call some sort of bear hug.

Raze enrages over the stuffed ape's grip, and on top of all the grappling hold it maintains on him. The lupine unease's at this and so fights back at what can to get free. However, doing so only triggers something as a bound beast senses the grip over his body becoming tighter. Not enough to cause any pain or discomfort, but rather something else as the stuffed gorilla keeps Raze tugged down and in a sort of a way, captive.

Ongoing with the struggle against the stuffed toys' grasp, the lycan hears Gustaph chuckling at him.

"It's useless, even for an Alpha I might say when no matter how much you fight back, getting free from that plush bounding gorilla is an impossible task."

A 'plush bounding gorilla´ the werewolf reacts to as the mere reference odds him out.

"In case you´re curious, there's a robot inside. A mechanized alike ape, and a powerful one so to myself say as I've tried one of this on Artaxes himself and it is capable of keeping and holding the brute tiger restrained."

Such an example keeps astounding the lycan given the subject used to test one of these things. If the tiger himself couldn't break free from the robot's grip, then what little opportunity given his circumstances does Raze himself has. In the meanwhile that the lupine remains overpowered; he continues to hear Gustaph's description about the robot gorilla.

The lion talks about it being one of major top sale items given as it seems that the robot can also be programmed to capture a given subject. According to Gustaph once it is turned on, it can seek out its target and by all means completes its task. Doing so refers to the robot making sure of rendering the subject powerless and vulnerable.

Lastly, the mechanized ape can also carry out other orders after capturing its target depending on what purpose the robot's controller wants with the subject. An idea which revolves around the whole bdsm concept which is what Raze distinguishes from what the lion illustrates. A couple of situations in which the gorilla was ordered to strip the subject naked, to tease and molest it by any means, keep and hold the subject captive for a long time, etc.

For the lupine to hear all of that is more than what he bargains for, given that he isn't too fond of any of those examples. He prefers to get the gift scene over with which is why Raze feebly growls to Gustaph.

The lion notices this and observes the lycan whom looks annoyed and comprehends the reason behind he's call of attention.

"Heard you, strayed myself a bit and forgot you aren't into this. So I'll go ahead and proceed with what I have in mind."

A suited lion apologizes before he backs away and stands next to a box that's placed on an aisle. Raze observes Gustaph searching for something for a while until he finds whatever it is that he's looking for as the feline sticks a paw out which is in turn holds something.

The article looks like some sort of metal chain which oddly contains some sort of clamp that stand at each end of the chain itself. The clamp themselves at the same time are peculiar as they each both have a screw that passes through them. Unable to determine what exactly the toy is, the werewolf simply continues to observe at Gustaph whom at the moment approaches him. He kneels besides Raze as the feline intends to use the toy on the werewolf.

Raze observes the lion whom oddly places a paw over his chest and moves it around as if searching for something in there. Lost at what Gustaph wants, the lupine only watches the paw passing beneath the fur until it finds that something it seems to be looking for. Immediately the feline closes in one of the clamps upon unsheathing Raze's right nipple.

Gustaph uses another paw just to expose and keep the fur surrounding the gland away as he clamps it. The lycan literally ticks off watching the lion placing the clamp over his nipple, and not that it hurt, but feels and looks peculiar, at least for him. Then again it's the first time he has a nipple clamped and yet again something tells this activity is not new one.

Whatever the situation, Raze only watches Gustaph as he moves a paw over to the other side. As the werewolf suspects that the lion is in search for his left nipple, his guess is correct one as the paw brushes through the fur in there not taking too long to find the other gland. Repeating the process after that, the lion clamps it too leaving Raze with both nipples being squashed and a metal chain hanging along his chest.

For the lupine, the toy at the moment doesn't hassle him given that it doesn't seem to transmit any kind of pain. Unfortunately his tranquility is ruffled, particularly when Gustaph uses a couple of fingers to pull on the chain which consequently makes his nipples be tugged as well. Furthermore, the lions' increases the torment as he tugs the chain a bit harder which forces Raze to fight back against the felines' characteristic hassling nature. Gustaph's action has an expecting consequence which he look forwards to, particularly as he watches a certain stuffed gorilla moving.

On the other hand Raze only watches and experiences the robot gripping him tighter as it holds the lycan down. The lupine just struggles invariably as he knows is useless, but still. Eventually he stops upon hearing a chuckle coming from the lion kneeling next to him.

"I apologize for that, but I'd never missed the chance to taunt a helpless and superior beast like yourself"

Hearing that comment naturally makes the lupine murmur and snarl at the lion.

"You'd know I'm being frank here"

Raze grunts and gives one more grumble to the cocky lion before turning his sight away as simply ignoring Gustaph's comment. A masochist lion continues to chuckle all while lightly pulling the chain. His teasing is pure enjoyment which the werewolf knows and just chooses to overlook for his sake.

Having a passed a couple of minutes, the torment ends much to one lion's pleasing and to a lupine's lenience. Both beasts cool down after that, but as time naturally runs, so must everything else. As to, it isn't strange to see a certain tiger appearing as he walks to where the group of lions and a werewolf are.

The werewolf notices Claudius from far. Observing the modest and hardworking tiger, Raze acknowledges his apparent behavior and appearance that sticks true to Gustaph's brief comment about him. The tiger undeniably differentiates himself from the other felines working for the head lion, something supported by the variable details, or better say "scent" the male tiger holds.

Raze's nose tells him of the four varied and consistent scents the tiger carries with him. Undeniably as Gustaph spilled before, these belongs to his wife and cubs given the clear differences each scent carries. The differences mostly points out to gender and other details that could only be interpreted by an experienced tracker like the werewolf himself.

Nonetheless having already drawn the tiger's status as a family man, the lupine forms some respect towards Claudius. After this Raze attention focuses on something else upon staring at two items Claudius holds on his paws.

The two are odd for Raze as one of them is a spider, except that the arachnid is a mechanical made lookalike version of a real one. As for the other one, it's weirder than the arachnid machine given that it's a teddy bear, but to be clear, it's not any kind of stuffed toy given its unusual but somewhat familiar appearance.

The two toys, which Raze's deducts as to be given their natural origin, are strange and bizarre to him. But as unfamiliar to the lupine as the devices can be, he is certain of one thing, they are to be used on him, despite the how and what for. This is an undeniable truth given Gustaph's personal request for the two toys, which in other words means, more nuisances for the bounded werewolf.

Having deduced this, a helpless lupine frowns while Gustaph addressees to an employee of his having watching him from afar.

"Perfect timing with those toys."

"Like you asked, Mr. Gustaph. They are already set and functioning"

"That saves us time as am in the need to get him ready as soon as possible."

"In that case, here you have boss"

"Hand them to Arlen"

Claudius nods and as commanded hands the spider and bear to Arlen. After this, Gustaph issues to one more detail before focusing back on his assignment.

"One last detail, aside from Arlen, I want the rest of you to head back to work"

Gustaph's order seems to surprise everyone including Raze himself. It's weird to hear the lion commanding his men to leave the scene when he is about to set the lupine on whatever bugging situation he has planned. Certainly working for Gustaph, the rest of the lions there could be either just enjoy the little scene or treat it as something that common.

Especially common given that Raze had already being on show on the club so nothing would be new. However as soon as the odd command is heard so does a set of refusals and argument coming from a group of lions in there.


"Come on boss ............"


"But boss we...................."

"What, you all want to stay and see?"

At that moment the group of lions there stares nervous and unresponsive to Gustaph's question. It's apparent that his employees are dubious to answer for some reason. Probably they don't dare to challenge an order from him. Certainly a detail the lupine notices.

"Were curious to see the werewolf being molested by those two toys"

"Not this time boys. This is a private matter so you all will leave now. Unless you want me to use these toys on each and every one of you, and if that's the case, I'd had no problem to do so and be more than content"

Immediately and responsively to a very convincing warning and perturbing warning, the curious lions there nod with a no for an answer.

"Exactly my thoughts, very well everyone, head back to work then"

The lion doesn't need to say things twice again before the group there walks back from where they came from. Simultaneously Claudius there follows behind them or at least that's how it goes before something else gets his attention.

"Hold on Claudius. I need you to do me one last thing before you head back to work"

"Yes sir. Tell me what you'd need"

"Arrange for one of our trucks to be here ready to make a deliver."

"I'll talk to one the guys in charge. How soon do you need it?

"Soon as one of them can be here will do."

"Understood, I shall go and make the call then"

Gustaph nods as Claudius does as well. Naturally after that the tiger leaves leaving two lions alone with Raze.

The werewolf embraces himself now. After hearing the expectant comment of an awaiting torment by two odd toys, Raze knows for certain that his usual point of discomfort is coming. Not able to do much in his current situation, the lupine simple keeps observing at one dominating Gustaph given that the feline at that instant turns to face Raze.

"Now that our surrounding is private and quiet, let's get on to business shall we. Arlen hand me the Ball Gripper."

"Ball Gripper", that's odd name for a toy Raze is what thinks through as he only observes Gustaph's right handing him what is none other than a mechanical spider. The masochist lion next to the lycan takes the handmade arachnid and simply holds it in his hands while looking at the same. As for Raze himself, he also watches the odd toy puzzled at what its nickname stands for.

Mentioned before, they toy itself is mechanical spider, with a hint to looking like a real arachnid given all the details it has been given that makes looks like one. Black colored, the robotic insect possesses eight long legs and an abdomen as well. Needless to mention head and body matches to a real spider given the fangs the robot also has.

All those odd Raze out as the purpose for such toy to exist or worse have a resembling image to a spider. And while he tries to deduce the reason, something inside deep inside his mind tells one thing, his questions will be answered and sooner than he thinks. A fact given as the lycan notices a certain lion looking at him now.

"Name might confuse, but you´ll see why it's named on such an odd way. I'll explain what this ingenious toy will do so don't worry about that. In the meantime, I want request that you remain, may I suggest, relaxed and calm as right now"

A couple of words the lion says before he moves from his position, but just a bit for that matter. He shifts just to have a clear and accessible path to Raze's groin for that matter.

The lycan on his part notices this upon watching Gustaph, whom without any mystery or secrecy is simply staring at what appears to be his genitals. Not a wild idea to discard when the perverted male is clearly gazing to what stands at the lupines' thigh.

Annoyed at this it isn't unusual for the male to object at whatever the lion wants. An clear objection for Gustaph as he hears the feeble growl coming from his guest. On the moment he observes at a frowning and annoyed Alpha whom looks back at him. The lion already aware at to what the growl and angry face are for.

"Don't mean to offend you again, Alpha. To be clear, I moved next to your privates to begin working them as planned."

'Work his genitals', nothing new for Raze to hear coming from the large kinky lion. However what stands different is the lupine's situation this time as he isn't amused by those words. Much less tolerate Gustaph's queerly desires for that matter. Same reason is why the lycan noises at him which the feline hears very clearly.

Needless to say, Gustaph is already more than aware at what now does his guest is objecting about.

"My words bring some bad memories which are only my doing and fault. I apologize for that again; nevertheless what I want to do with your genitals in the end only helps in assisting you in making your mate content. I ask for that you trust me on this fact."

Difficult thing for the lycan to do, referring into letting the lion handling his genitals again. After all Gustaph is right that part annoys Raze most than anything given what the feline did in the past to these. Given that his reproductive organs were also the subject of multiple tortures and humiliation for the male, that bothers him. But as much as the werewolf is furious at that detail he opts into cooling down as his mind thinks things through because of right now.

Given tonight and how the brute lion has been acting with him, the werewolf reflexes into actually letting Gustaph carry on. Sounds odd but as Raze's mind pond about the matter, it comes with the fact that the lion has apologized somewhat for his mistakes. Importantly he has already seemed to demonstrate having respect towards Raze given previous words said by him and to remark this is Gustaph's behavior towards the lycan.

Lastly but not least is Raze believing in a fetishist lion that whatever torment all of his malehoodness go through will only add more mood to the sadomasochist scene. Dwelling around this detail the werewolf chooses to settle down again ceasing with the growls and just looking at Gustaph.

Certain mentioned feline notices and looks at a cooled Alpha. Wondering as if the lupine is at ease with his idea, Gustaph resolves his concern.

"So you will let me proceed then?"

A simple nod comes from Raze.

"Alright, like I'd said before be at ease as I use this Ball Gripper. "

The lupine nods again. As to this Gustaph moves the hand sustaining a certain mechanical spider until the same stands close to Razes' testicles. Noticing this, a bounded beast watches his captor while the feline himself observes the puzzled expression coming from his guest which he goes ahead and answers to.

"This part is where I explain you what this toy is about. A probably deduced by its name, this toy goes on those dangling pair of puppy makers you have. Right now all I have to do is put this spider above them and you'll see exactly what this toy does."

As to what Gustaph says, a bounded lycan remains down and just observes the lion with some alert as to what is about to happen to his testicles.

Meanwhile a playful lion acts goes on as he desires as to which he moves the spider toy until it stands right below the lupines' balls. Right next then Gustaph uses a finger to press a button that stands at the robotics' abdomen. Immediately and noticeable the arachnid moves as it has been turned on, a clearly noticeable detail because of its idled legs that begin moving.

Having it turned on, Gustaph puts the spider up against Raze's scrotum until the furry sack is lifted using the robot. At the moment what is seen after, is the spiders' legs clinging up as they grapple each one against a side of the pin-pong sized orbs.

The thin and long metal legs engulf the lupines' scrotum as they slowly curve themselves upward as they are instructively programmed to do so. Programmed to follow the pattern of roundness a males' testicles have just to be clearer. Following the same, the robots' legs end up at the base of the furry pouch where they rest. Lastly but not least, the spider presses its legs tight enough around Raze's scrotum with the intention of attaching itself against the whole organ.

A bounded lycan shudders at this as his testicles end up being pressed against one another by the spider. He can only uneasily observe each leg contracting against each side of the low hanging orbs as the crafty robot uses them to as a kind some kind of support to grab itself.

Gustaph realizing these moves his paw away as he confirmedly observes the spider toy which remains attached to Raze's testicles. However because the robot hangs from there, inevitably the lupine's scrotum is forced to hang more heavily than usual. Even if the male is sitting, the spider weights on his ballsack which annoys him.

Noticing his expression of discomfort, a certain lion addresses to.

"Now you know why we call it the Ball Gripper. However be at ease that it won't mess or hurt your testicles in anyway, given that it was built with another purpose in mind."

A fetishist lion goes on to describe the Ball Gripper used as a way to delay the process of ejaculation. Same due to the spider forcing the testicles to hang away, this in turn forces the process as it requires the male to exceed effortlessly in getting milked.

Frustrating, that's what the lycan thinks if he were to put it one word. Having to wait longer to ejaculate and work for would be an exasperating for him. Unfortunately being this a part of Kara's gift, if she decide to leave the spider pulling his testicles, then the lupine knows if in any chance she decides to do some milking, it would be hard for him.

"That settles your testicles being molested. Now what remains is that thick and proud wolfhood of yours. And what better to handle it than the Cock Hugger"

Another weird name for a toy Raze hears. And while that might be he can't stop but dread on what a toy with such name can do.

The name given to the spider reveals much to what its function is. Therefore if one is to put the name cock hugger to wonder it certainly refers to that. However putting this in order, it's ridiculous that a toy does that as the lupine is stupefied by that thought. Nonetheless while Raze continues to ponder on that he observes the toy Arlen holds.

Raze observes the stuffed bear and while at this he goes on to analyze the items' singularity.

Black colored fur, the bear stands being almost same as a normal teddy bear, and almost referring to the forehanded aspect it has that outstands, in a scary and odd way. To put words better, the toy is dressed in a so called sadomasochist way the way the lycan sees it.

The bear has a leather Brando cap sized and fitted for the toy. Looks genuine for an accessory but it was size made for the bear only and by all means. Same for a lookalike leather vest the toy is wearing that resembles those used by many humans and furs alike.

"Before I get to explain what the toy does, first matter on hand is your cock. It requires being out and at full steam for the bear to work properly, so if you don't mind, I'll handle it manually."

Gustaph's comment gets a lousy refusal as Raze snarls to him. Certainly the lycan isn't fond of this given a couple of flashbacks that picture the lion doing this sort of thing in the past.

"I'm guessing you're not fond of this. Although can't blame you for being defensive because of our history, I do want you to know this isn't for my satisfaction or kinks. Everything is just part of the gift which is only a way of repaying you. Not doing anything else rather than that to help you, you have my word, Alpha"

Another issue Raze needs to think of being not easy at all. However rather than over thinking the situation, the lycan chooses to trust Gustaph instead. His instinct is telling him to given what Raze senses from the feline being him speaking with honesty.

For that matter the werewolf settles down and only watches at Gustaph, as he looks at him as well knowing what his behavior already means.

"I have your permission then"

The lycan nods to this.

"I'm pleased that you trust me once again, Alpha. Now moving on with business lets get one certain organ of yours erect and ready"

Gustaph on the moment naturally moves his paws over a black furred sheath. A certain werewolf only observes whatsoever at a paw that sets at the base of the covering. Furthermore a couple of fingers gently press in there; the lion making sure of doing this adequately enough. Enough for blood to begin moving into Raze's penis for the moment as a manual erection for the organ is trying to be achieved. Same reason is why Gustaph continues to work the base with a bit of gentle pressure while awaiting for a good old swelling.

Fortunately doesn't take long for his goal to being accomplished, especially when he clearly senses a slow but effective thickness occurring inside the lupines' sheath.

Not hard to miss a furry sheath expanding by the minute as the organ its protecting continues to enlarge. Gustaph satisfied at this, continues to squash waiting for more blood to be sent to the organ while at the same time somewhat enjoying being able to work the lupines' penis again. Even if it isn't for his sake, which honestly isn't, the male can't help but feel happy to manhandle such a worthy reproductive tool.

Why wouldn't he, when his nature makes him and to repeat, although everything has another purpose, doesn't stop Gustaph from liking what he is doing. Conveniently he has an excuse to do this; nevertheless the feline only focuses on the task without showing any ulterior emotion that signals his desire or liking. A needing attitude he must take so that a certain lupine isn't aware of the endless and favored emotions and therefore no unnecessary trouble heeds on.

Trouble or misinterpretation that could be formed from say observing and loving how minute by minute a canid cock grows inside as it needs to. Nothing wrong with that, moreover able to witness an organ erect now that it has swollen enough. Enough in the sense of needing of its cover to be pulled down before it's too late.

As for the same reason is that Gustaph quickly moves a free paw to the tip of the sheath where it grabs from there. Pulling down the heavy cover, an apparent and pretending emotionless feline hides his astonishment looking at Raze's wolfhood. As his paw dexterously continues to manually retract the sheath which ultimately uncovers the shaft until a basal knot is reached.

Here the feline goes to quickly pull the furry cover over a huge bulge that is forming rapidly. Needless to identify such bulge constitutes what the lupine's knot is as the erectile tissue form into twin orbs which continue to swell along with the rest of Raze's penis as well.

Having passed the knot, Gustaph assumes the sheath is good where it is. The bossy male however is surprised to find out that uncovering the organ means for him to find out also about a little item that stands behind of at the base of Raze's penis. A detail that lookalikes to a cock ring at all which remains set safely in there.

Gustaph can't act but to be surprised about such finding but moreover what stands is his curiosity towards the weird device. Given its white plated design, the ring looks like nothing he has ever seen, and yet the male senses that the source for this item has something to with Raze's mate.

Why wouldn't, when the lycan wouldn't be wearing such ring if there were no other reason than that she asked him to or somehow convince Raze to keep it on his cock. Undoubtedly those are some reasons Gustaph can come up with which to him make sense. And while he continues to observe the ring, a certain werewolf becomes puzzled as he observes at the lion whom for some reason stands inactive.

Raze continues to watch the other male who for some reason seems to be looking at the base of his penis and nothing else. Wanting to know at whatever Gustaph is gazing at, the lupine himself stares at his own organ where upon tracing the base he deducts the reason behind he feline's behavior. Upon learning this, Raze goes on to clear any issue with the other male.

A couple of noises are made by him wanting to call out for Gustaph's attention which seem to work as an still intrigued lion catches on to this and stares at Raze. Noticing the lupine's behavior the other male acknowledges what the noises mean, to which is why he clears out.

"Pardon my behavior, but I must say am astounded to see a ring on your wolfhood. Particularly I haven't seen anything like it and for that matter I'm betting this belongs to your mate"

Raze nods as an answer.

"Curious as to how she convinced you to wear it, nonetheless must say it suits you. Nevertheless this caught me off guard and seeing as your penis continues to swell, I must ask if there is any sort of inconvenience for me. As I repeat, not familiar with whatever this odd ring can do, therefore asking beforehand"

Inconvenience, the werewolf thinks about it through. Surely he knows what the ring can do, but other than that and as long as Gustaph doesn't mess with Kara's toy, everything would be ok. For that matter Raze answers back with rebuttal nod.

"Very well then, I'll go on and finish getting your cock ready"

Stating that, Gustaph continues to lightly pull the sheath a little bit more past the cock ring until he stops at the very base. While holding the cover, the lion continues to exert pressure necessary to help the canine cock reach full erection.

An effective action when the organ continues to swell at what can eventually acquiring a purple coloring all while becoming longer and thicker. Along with this is the basal knot which enlarges as well. But what catches Gustaph's attention is observing a certain cock ring which expands almost seemingly and following the organ which wears the toy itself.

The strange ring is more mysterious now given that detail. A cat beast continues to observe how the toy becomes larger and larger as it expands in response to the manual erection occurring to Raze's cock. And speaking of the canine's member, doesn't take long for it to throb and be standing as should.

Noticeable Raze's wolfhood has managed tor each its full length. Gustaph is delighted to see the same as he observes with a hidden attention at the thick member as he continues to press and hold onto its base. Necessary thing to do with the manual override until the Cock Hugger can maintain the erection by its own means.

"At last your wolfhood is out and ready. This sets the time to use the bear, so Arlen if you may, turn the toy on and pass it to me."

Following orders Arlen is seen pressing some kind of button and immediately the so called Cock Hugger seems to be turned on. A detail easily to prove with the bear whom moves its arms and legs for that matter.

Once that, Arlen hands the toy to his boss whom in turn holds it all while looking at Raze.

"Now just be at ease again, Alpha. And don't worry about your wolfhood and any possible uneasiness due to its sensitivity. The Hugger was made to be careful in that sense; so that it can be used even in those males like us whose cock is unprotected."

Hearing such explanation Raze is somewhat rest assured that the toy seems safe to be used on his penis. Not that he wondered about that detail, but at least he doesn't need to worry about that. After thinking on that the werewolf keeps on watching at Gustaph whom at the moment moves on to put the Cock Hugger where it belongs.

While retaining the grip on the base of the werewolf, the large cat moves the toy till it stands sitting close and to the front of the pulsating organ. He then dexterously uses only the thumb and index finger to maintain pressure all while closing in the bear.

The toy stands sitting now close to the erect member. Its arms stand upfront to the back of the wolfhood, same for its legs which are positioned at the very base, away and behind the cock ring for that matter.

In the meanwhile Gustaph remain settled waiting for the toy to operate as should. Doesn't take long for that to happen as he observes the bear moving as expected. For that matter its arms and legs move themselves closing against the organ as they go on to exert a pressure of their own. A fact Raze experiences all by himself as now not only are the bears' plushy appendages just touching but now for some reason seem to be pressing themselves against his member.

The legs press against each other now, and when it one says pressing, it correctively means exerting a strange but sensible tight grip on the base. Gustaph clearly feels this and so let's go his own grip in there knowing how well the toy can handle the job all by itself. Raze only watches while clearly experiencing the oddly tight clasp on the base.

The clasp itself is done with carefulness but nevertheless in an effective way so that the swollen penis can't be relinquished of its erection. Something Raze and Gustaph know judging that the organ remains at full length and simply pointing in a vertical and erotic way to say the least. At least for the feline whom loves seeing such tool in a helpless and vulnerable state.

It's vulnerable in the sense of the Cock Hugger forcing the organ to remain erect and majorly unprotected against an upcoming groping.

A groping that's occurring as the teddy bears' arms oddly flex as they separately engulf themselves around Raze's penis. Once that the lupine can only feel a simulated embrace occurring to his member as the arms pull his cock against the bear itself. Once that they lock themselves in that position, thus maintaining and forcing Raze's wolfhood to remain trapped and held against the toy by all means.

By how astonishing the scene looks and sounds, it is plausible. Moreover the whole idea in the end does interpret into that the member is being hugged. An idea only reinforced to Raze as he learns that inescapable truth after doing some checking of his own.

The lycan flexes his member at what can trying to ease on the hug yet is unable to. Incapable of given that the moment his cock moves in a hasty way, a clear and subtle cuddle occurs forcing it to stay still and motionless. And no matter how much Raze flexes his wolfhood this one can't move much anymore as the Cock Hugger has a tight hold on it.

The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 4

_ Three more chapters to go before the conclusion._ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With that set, Raze's genitals are being handled by the two...

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The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 2

_A lot of detailing and planning took me to be able to write this next piece, especially on the brief dispute between my protagonist and Artaxes as I came stuck because of that part for a couple of days as didn't know how could it go._ _I'm satisifed...

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The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 1

_The story was supposed to be one page and short, but resulted to be longer than i expected because of many details. __So for now I'm posting the first part the rest will be posted later._ _Enjoy reading it as much as I spent writing and enjyoing...

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