True Feelings

Story by Negativewolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Feelings and sorrows

Well this is my first story so keep that in mind. I would like to hear your comments so leave some. Besides that hope you enjoy!


Chris was watching T.V. when he heard the telephone ring. Chris rose up from the couch and walked over to the phone that was in the kitchen. Chris was a 14 year old wolf. He was slightly tall for his age and had snow white fur covering his entire body. He had gray paw pads and sapphire blue eyes which most people adored him for. He was an excellent student surpassing all his classes with ease. However he was the bashful and felt nervous and out of place when he was around people. He grabed the phone and answered.

"Hello?" Chris wondering who would call him on a Friday.

"Hey Chris it's me Rolan!" A familar voice said. Rolan was Chris's only and best friend.

"Hey why are you calling. Did you forget the homework for math again?" Chris said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"Not this time. Anyway I heard that your mom was at your aunt's for the weekend. So I was wondering if I can stay over until Sunday. We could play games and watch some movies. So how about it?" Rolan asked.

"Sure why not. So when are you coming over?" Chris asked.

"Well I'll ask my mom and be over in a few."

"Okay see you soon." Chris hanged up the phone and went to his room.

"Knock!Knock!" Chris jumped up from the couch and walked towards the door. He opened the door to see Rolan standing in front of him. Rolan was a fox with red-orange fur with black tipped ears, a white furred chest and black paws. He had emerald green eyes and was the "class clown" at school. Rolan looked at Chris and saw he was holding a book in his right paw.

"You now the weekend is for getting away from school." He giggled.

"Well it's not my fault your grades are just above passing." Chris replied back.

"So can I come in or are we going to talk in your doorway the whole time I'm here." Rolan said.

"Sorry." Chris moved into his living room with Rolan trailing behind. Both sat on the couch sitting apart from each other.

"So your brother isn't here?" Rolan faced Chris,

"He went with my mom. She didn't want to bring me because I get bored really fast so instead she left me her." Chris turned to Rolan.

"So are you up for a challenge?"

"A challenge?" Rolan was puzzled.

"Because the last time you came over I owned you in most of the games remember?" Chris smiled.

"Well that was a while ago. This time I'll be owning you." Rolan smiled in response.

"See I told you! You haven't improved at all!" Chris laughed a bit after at least a dozen games in a row.

"Well you just got lucky!" Rolan responsed.

"It's already 11:23pm. Time sure flies by when your having fun!" Chris grinned at Rolan. "Well I'm tired are you?" Chris asked.

"Y-yeah." Rolan said. He wasn't really paying attention. His mind was elsewhere. Everysince they became friends 10 years ago Rolan had a feeling for Chris. It was like he wanted to be more then friends with him. More than best friends. The reason for coming over was to try to express his feelings for Chris and hope in return Chris would do the same. Rolan knew that he was gay but he wasn't sure about Chris. If he wasn't then their friendship will crumble apart but if he was they would live happily. He could never tell what Chris was thinking as he always kept his thoughts and emotions to himself. So he was going to have to risk it as he couldn't bear to have his heart throb whenever he was near Chris.

"Ummm...Chris can I...can I tell you something?" Rolan felt his heart beat faster and faster.

"Sure what is it?" Chris was a bit confused.

"Well I....ummm....I just wanted to tell you that...." Rolan paused trying to gather the courage to say the next three words. Chris was very puzzled at the fact he was pausing between most words. Almost as if he was nervous.

"I....I....lo-love you." Rolan's heart was beating even faster.

Upon hearing those words Chris's mind went blank. He couldn't believe what he just heard. His best friend telling him that he loves him. He didn't know what to think or to say. Rolan looked at Chris's blank expression.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know what I was thinking!" Tears began to form in Rolan's eyes.

"What is there to be sorry about? If that's how you feel about me then you shouldn't hide it." Chris smiled. Rolan began to smile as well.

"Then does that mean you love me too?" Rolan asked hoping it was yes. But Chris couldn't say anything. He didn't know how to respond to that question. Rolan saw that Chris didn't know want to saw so he begen to edge in closer to his friend. Chris looked at Rolan who's muzzle was now touching his as they were locked in a kiss. Rolan invaded Chris's mouth inspecting his mouth throughly and sucking gently on his tonge. All Chris could do was sucumb to the invader and shut his eyes. After a minute of passionate kissing from Rolan he broke the kiss.

"Does that help you in choosing your answer?" Rolan smiled. But all Chris could do was blush which showed against his white fur. Chris's shyness was getting to him. Rolan could see this so he grabbed Chris's paw and took him to Chris's room. Chris just went with Rolan. As they reached the room Rolan began to undress Chris and Chris just stood there allowing his best friend to strip him. As soon as Rolan removed Chris's pants and underwear he saw Chris's fully erect 8 inch cock sticking out of it's sheath. It was a bit longer and thicker then his own being7 inches. He striped as well sitting Chris on the bed who was blushing immesly and couldn't do anything to stop Rolan. Rolan laid Chris on the bed faced up and climbed ontop. He closed his paw around Chris's shaft and squeezed gently causing Chris to moan slightly.

"So you want to do this?" Rolan asked. Chris nodded knowing it was to late to turn back now. Rolan reached down and began to lick the head of Chris's shatf. As Rolan licked the head over pre started to leak out and Rolan quickly lapped it up as he heard more cute moans coming from Chris. He then reached out and slowly began to gently sqeeze Chris's orbs as he began to engulf Chris's member into his muzzle. Chris could feel a moist and warm enviroment surround his cock. Rolan began to suck on the throbbing cock gulping down the pre that form at the piss slit. Chris began to moan louder and grip the bed covers with his paws. Chris started to pant and groan at the pleasure that he was reciving. With his free paw, Rolan began to stroke his own member as he sucked harder on the cock.

Chris's moans became more frequent and his grip on the bed tighten. Seeing this Rolan knew Chris was close to his climax and he started to stroke himself vigorously to be in sync with Chris. Chris couldn't contain the pleasure that eroused him and arched his back while letting out a howl as hje pumped massive amounts of his seed into Rolan's muzzle. He tried his best to swallow as much as he could but he was being hit with to much as he broke away from the cock. Cum spurted out one last time to hit Rolan on the muzzle before the cock began it's retreat into it's sheath. He licked his lips of the sweet jucies that Chris gave him and stroked himself even faster. Then with a howl he pumped one last time as his load creamed the bed, part of Chris's tailhole and most of his paw. Panting heavyily he climbed up onto Chris's chest and gave his panting wolf a kiss. Chris tasted his own cum as he broke from the kiss. Exhausted Rolan whispered

"I love you Chris." before falling asleep ontop of Chris.

Chris just stared at the ceiling pondering what had happened. He never felt anything like that before. The sheer pleasure from it was wonderful to Chris but a question popped up in Chris's head. His mom always wanted him to marry a women and have kids but if he was with Rolan he would disappoint his mom. And on the other hand he would break Rolan's heart as he knew how much he loved him. He didn't know what to do. What would happen if his mom were to find out what had just happened? What about school? He didn't know how to cope with this and hated to keep stuff from his mom.

"What do I do know?" Chris said to himself as he drifted into a deep slumber.


As the morning light beamed against Rolan's eyes he opened them slowly. Upon waking up he noticed the Chris wasn't with him. He was alone on the cum stained bed. He got up and sniffed the air. He smelled the cooking of food and followed it downstairs. In the kitchen he could see Chris cooking up some pancakes.

"You can cook Chris? That smells goods." Rolan startled Chris.

"Your awake....and still in the nude." Chris grinned. Rolan looked at himself and smiled back.

"Wash up and put some clothes on and by then I'll breakfast ready okay." Chris grinned.

"Okay." Rolan turned back and headed upstairs and entered the bathroom. Turning on the water he didn't bother to close the door and entered the shower. He let the warm water run through his fur for a bit before grabing the shampoo and lathering his fur with it. Washing his body throughly he turned off the water and grabbed the towel and dried himself off. He walked back to the room and lucky for him his clothes wear still wearable. He quickly got dressed and headed downstairs.

Sitting at the table was Chris and two plates of pancakes covered in syrup.

"I already put syrup on it. Is that okay." Chris asked.

"Sure it is!" Rolan sat down and began to wolf it down. And in a matter of minutes he was finished and lot out a burp.

"Excuse me. That was really good. When did you learn to cook?" Rolan asked picking at his teeth.

"Well..." Chris swallowed his food. "I was self-taught." Chris put another piece of food into his mouth.

"Really. There is a lot I don't know about you Chris." He grinned.

"So what's on todays agenda?" He asked. Chris finished his food and put down the fork.

"I'm not really sure. And about last night....." Chris paused.

"Wasn't it great!? My bro taught me how to do that. He showed it to me before he left for college."

"(I can't tell him that last night was a mistake. He'll be depressed.)" Chris sighed.

"Well I'm going to go watch some T.V." Rolan got up from the table and put his plate in the sink.

"Why couldn't I do anything last night? I can't have feelings for him can I? It isn't right for two males to be with each other like that. What am I going to tell him?" Chris whispered to himself as he began to wash the plates.