Another Fairy Tale

Story by Sharpfang on SoFurry

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Another Fairy Tale

a fantasy story.

By Sharpfang'99

This story i dedicate to Hyper,

who really wanted to have one for himself :)

Another Fairy Tale


My story began a thousand years ago, or maybe longer. I was a young and happy girl, daughter of a king. I had no worries, I could have everything I wished, everyone obeyed my commands, and I was usually terribly bored.

Then the war came. The enemy tortured and murdered my father and i was caught and led to the evil queen who conquered my kingdom. She didn't kill me as I expected. Instead she handed me a small black rock and told me that I will die if I drop it. Then her guards led me to a forest and left me there.

When the night came, the howls of wolves sounded around. The guards were far away already and I was unconsciously holding the rock in my hand looking around in terror. Then i saw the first pair of the shining eyes. First I wanted to scream, but then I realised there's no need - they were friendly... they were like mine! I felt my face stretches into a furry muzzle, the rock slips down from my paw and the long, hairy tail grows from my back.

The wolves accepted me in their pack. First I was very confused, but soon I learned how to hunt, fight, howl and soon I was better than all the rest and together with the strongest male of the pack we became the leaders.

The summer and autumn were a really happy time. but then the winter brought hunger. It was terrible. Many days of hunting, often the prey wasn't enough for all of us, or even nothing at all.

When the early spring came, it got better. And I began feeling a need for something I haven't felt ever before. I wanted the male and he wanted me. It was great: painful, but gave me so much pleasure and the feeling that I'm finally adult. Then the winter passed. soon the summer came and I realised I will have children. That was even more painful experience but it gave me so much pride and joy that I didn't regret anything. My sons and daughters were growing, learning how to hunt, how to live in the forest... I began feeling grateful to the evil queen - I was happier than ever before.

The winter came again. It was very sad when two of my sons didn't survive it. Then the spring brought the known feeling. I was just begging my mate to do this to me - to let me give birth to more wonderful puppies.

Years were passing and I learned everything about the forest. I noticed that unlike the other wolves I'm not getting old and I was really happy - It was going to last forever and I wanted it to last forever. The pack was growing, some of my sons left to start a new one. These were the best years of my life.

Then it began changing. First slowly - humans were appearing in the woods, sometimes killing one of us, then it got worse: They were cutting down the trees, making traps, hunting and killing many of us. The forest shrunk and there was fewer animals for us in the winter. One winter was harder than usually. We came to the humans' village and stole some of their stock. Then the war between us and them began seriously.

The forest wasn't a happy place anymore. I couldn't sleep safely as I knew any moment a human can find and kill me. Their methods were improving - first simple traps, then better hidden ones, poisons, bows and arrows, and later the times of the thunder stick came... and we were helpless.

Nowadays I was one of the last wolves in the forest. My mate couldn't give birth to new generations and I was thinking what would I do when I'm left alone. I understood the curse: I was given so much only to to lose this all - to get something I will really regret losing. The forest is now just poor remains of what it used to be, the people are everywhere and it's hard to find any prey. At least they don't shot to us as often as they used to.

Last winter I was extremely hungry, when I scented fresh meat. I found the piece left alone. It was smelling with human a bit but I was so hungry that I ignored even the risk of the poison. When I ate it i noticed a human in the nearby bushes, watching me. I ran as quickly as i could. A few days later I was in the same place and i found another piece there. The man was there too. I was very scared but I picked the loaf again. The situation repeated several times and I noticed that you waited closer to me every time. But you didn't even move when I was taking it and didn't behave aggressively.

One day you were holding the meat in your hand. I was fighting with myself for a very long time before i decided to take it. Next days it repeated and i even let you touch me a few times. When the spring came, I felt the heat, but to my surprise I wasn't attracted to my old mate anymore. I came to you...

I was understanding you're not a wolf and i was very sorry about it. I dreamed about us howling to the moon together, hunting together... as two wolves.

You hugged me, we were embracing for a long time... and then... *sob* Damn you! Why did you do it!!! I could be happy for a long time yet... And you...

When I felt my paws turning into hands i realised what happened... I hate you! I hate you! You bastard, did you have to kiss me?!!

The naked girl began crying. The man hugged her, stopping her cry.

  • Don't cry, please... Do you remember the place, where you dropped that black rock? I know it was a thousand years ago, but it must be still near from there, only under a thick layer of soil... Even if I had to spend the rest of my life on it, I'll find it for you... And I hope you don't mind me using it on me too?





by Sharpfang

Wed Feb 17 20:13:04 CET 1999

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